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Week 1. Date of teaching :August 19th, 2009 ENGLISH GRADE 9 Unit one: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL. Period 1 : (Lesson1)- Getting Started + Lisen and repeat A/ Aim: Reading the text for details. B/ Objective: By the end of the lessons, Ss will be able to know about some places Lan went with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together. C/ Teaching aids: Text book, pictures, posters. D/ Procedures: I/ Warm up: * Chatting: - T gives some questions. + Do you have any pen pal ? + Where does she/ he live ? + Has she/ he visited your city ? + What activities would you do during the visit? - Ss answer. II. New lesson: 1. Pre-reading: a/ Pre-teach vocabulary: - (to) correspond (v) (explaination) : trao đổi thư từ - a mosque(n) : nhà thờ hồi giáo - (to) be impressed by : có ấn tượng - (to) pray(v) (mime ): cầu nguyện, cầu khẩn * Checking vocab : R.O.R b/ Open prediction: - Set the scene : Lan’s Malaisian pen pal came to visit her in Ha noi.Can you guess where she went and what she did during her stay? - Ask Ss guess (pairwork) - Give feedback . - Ask Ss to read the text to check their prediction and add some more information 2. While-reading: a/ Comprehen questions -Ask Ss to read the text again to answer the following questions. a) What’s the name of Lan’s pen pal? b) Where is she from ? c) When did she come to visit Lan? d) How long have they been pen pals? e) How often do they correspond ? f) Was this their first meeting? g) Where did Lan take Maryam to? - Ss ask and answer (pair work ) ( a -> g) b/ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences /page 7 - Ask Ss to read the text again to choose the correct option to complete the sentences / p7(pair work) 1-C 3-D 2-B 4-B 3. Post-reading: - Ask Ss to recommend places of interest in their city. - Ask them to discuss where they should take their friends to and what activities they should do. * Cues: 1. Lang Co Beach => swimming / beach in Hue. 2. Bach Ma National park -> moutain climbing / econogical tour. 3. Linh Mu Pagoda , Tuduc Tomb ->Sightseeing - Using the patterns : S1:I think we should take our friends to Dong Ba market . We can do shopping or I’ll just introduce them a Vietnamese market . S2: Good idea! I beleive they will be interesed in it . - Ss practice speaking ( pair work ) S1: S2: *Homework: - Learn newwords by heart. - Ask ss to write a short paragraph what they’ve just talked( discussed ) with their partner - Prepare U1 : Speak . ************************************* Date of teaching: August 19 th, 2009 Period 2: Unit one (cont): (lesson 2): SPEAK + L.F 1 A/ Arm: Make and resspond to introductions B/ Ojective: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to make and respond to introductions C/ Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures. D/ Procedures: I. Warm up: Pelmanism Tokyo Perth Livepool Bombay Hanoi Vietnam India English Autralia Japan Ex: Tokyo - Japan II . New lesson: Activity 1: - T introduces the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school. - Ask Ss to do exercise a / page 8 (pairwork) * Answer: 1. Hello. You must be Maryam. c. That’s right, I am. 5. Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I’m Nga. b. Pleased to meet you, Nga are you one of Lan’s classmates ? 4. Yes, I am. Are you enjoying your stay in VN? d. Oh yes,very much. VNese people are very friendly and Hanoi is a very interesting city. 2. Do you live in a city, too? e. Yes, I live in Kuala Lumpur. Have you been there? 3. No,is it very different from Hanoi? a. The two cities are the same in some ways. * Ask some questions to check Ss’ understanding. + Have Nga and Maryam met each other before? (No) + Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Hanoi? (Yes) + What does she like in VietNam? ( VNese people are very freindly and Hanoi is a very interesting city) - Ask Ss to practice speaking the dialogue. (pair work) + T(A) - Ss(B) + S1(A) - S2(B) + S3(A) - S4(B) Activity 2: - Set the scene “You are talking to Maryam’s friends. Introduce yourself” - Ask Ss to talk turn to be one of Maryam’s friends and practice. 1/ A: Hello.You must be Yoko B: That’s right.I am A: Pleased to meet you.Let me introduce myself. I am Thuy B: Pleased to meet you Thuy A: Are you enjoying your stay in (Vietnam)? B: Oh yes,very much. I live VNese people and I love old cities in VN? A: Do you live in the city, too? B: Yes,I live in Tokyo. Have you been there? A: No, what’s it like? B: It’s a busy big capital city. It’s very different from Hue A: I see - Ss work in pairs to practice the dialogue. (1,2,3/p 8) - T does the delayed correction. Language focus 1: The simple past: * Set the scene: This is a conversation between Tan and Phong. They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend. T: What did Ba do on the wekend ? Ss: He went to see a movie called “Ghosts and Monters”. T: When did he see it ? Ss: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. @ Form: (+) S + V-ed / V2 . (-) S + didn’t + V(inf) . (?) Did + S + V(inf) ? @ Meaning : đã - Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about Ba, Nga , Lan, Nam , and Hoa did on the Weekend (Exercise 1/ page 11) * Homework : - Practice speaking the dialogue they have just finished with their partners. - Do the exercise 1 /p11 in their notebook. - Prepare: U1: section “Listen + Language focus 3.” Week 2. Date of teaching: August 25th ,2009 Period 3: Unit1(cont) (lesson 3): READ + L F 2 A/ Arm: Reading the text for details . B/ Objective: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to have some knowledges about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASIAN C/Teaching aids: D/ Procedures I. Warm up: Chatting. S1: I wish I were rich. S2: I wish I weren’t poor. S3: I wish I had a computer. S4: I wish . II. New lesson: 1/ Pre reading: - Ask ss what they know about Malaysia. - Ask them to make questions for what they want to know . Expected questions : . Where is it ? . What is the capital of Malaysia ? . What is its population ? . How big is Malaysia ? . What language is spoken in Malaysia ? - Ask ss to read the text to find out the answers. - Give feedback to the class. 2/ While reading : - Ask ss to read the text the second time to fill in the chart in exercise a / p 10. * Answers: 1. 329,728 6. Islam 2. Over 22 million 7. Bahasa Malaysia 3. tropical climate 8. English 4. the ringgit ( consisting of 100 cent). 5. Kula Lumpur. - Ask ss to correct the false statements in from of the class. - Give feedback to the whole class. 3. Post reading : * Interview: - Ask ss to work in pair . - Give ss their task: ( A: You are going to visit Malaysia .Prepare some questions to ask Maryam about her country. Refer to the chart / p10) (B:You are Maryam, from Malaysia. You have to answer A’s questions about your country.) * The interview may start like this. A: Hi, Maryam. I’m going to visit Malaysia .I’d like to know s.th about your country. Can you help me ? B: Yes certainly. A: What language is spoken in your country ? B: A: Do children have to study any foreign language in school? B: Yes, English is a compulsory second language in school? A: What about the people ? B: * Homework: - Learn some new words by heart. -Be ready for “ Write” Date of teaching: September 1 st , 2009 Period4:Unit1(cont):(Lesson4): WRITE A/ Arm: Write a personal letter. B/ Objective: By the end of the, lesson ss will be able to write a personal letter . C/ Teaching aid: Text book, posters. D/ Procedures: I. Warm up: Chatting . + Have you visited any places in VN? + Where did you visit? + When did you visit? + How did you go there? + Did you visit any places of interest? + Did you buy any things? + When you are from home, do you keep in touch ? How ? II. Pre- Writing: - Set the scene: “ Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another parts of VN or different country” - Ask ss on their own answer the following questions :(on poster) 1.Where are you now ? /( Which places have you visited?) How did you get there? 2. Who did you meet ? / (Who have you met ?) 3. What have you done? 4. How do you feel now ? 5. What do you think interest you most? 6. When will you return home? - Ask two /three ss to tell the class about there visit. - Remind ss about the format of a personal letter. * Answer: A: Heading : -Writer’s address and the date B. Open: - Dear , C: Body of the letter : D: Closing : Your friend / Regard / Love. III. While –writing : - Ask ss to write a letter to their family, telling them about their visit. - Ask ss to look at the out line / p11 to write their own letter. - Suggested ideas. * First paragraph: I arrived at Danang airport / train station / bus station at 2 p.m ( at ) on Tuesday / / Hoa / Nam / Uncle met me at the airport / ( ) then she / he /took me home by the * Second paragraph: I have visited / been to many places like the beaches, the Cham Museum, Marble Mountains, Supermarkets, the water park ,etc I have tried different foods : seafood , I will visit Hoi An and My Son tomorrow / on Sunday / * Third paragraph: I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much. The people here are so nice and friendly, the food are so delicous, and the sights are so beautiful. I will leave DN at next Sunday / and I will arrive home at (at p.m) / . Please pick me up at the / . IV. Post -writing: * correction: - T chooses some letters to correct in from of the class. V. Homework: - Ask ss to write their letters (after correcting) on their notebooks. - Prepare: Language focus. ******************* Date of teaching: August 25th.2009 Period 5 :Unit1(con’t): (Lesson 5): LISTEN + L. F 3 A/ Aim: Listen for specific information and for their practice in past simple and past simple with “wish” B/ Objective: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen to specific information to select the correct pictures and to use past simple, and past simple with “wish” C/ Teaching : Text book, pictures D/ Procedures: I. Warm up: * Jumbled words: - tccah = catch - rkap = park - ondp = pond - rssag = grass - rrubhamge = hamburger II. New lesson 1. Listen: a) Pre- listening: - Set the scene: “Tim Jone’s Mexican pen pal, Carol is visiting the USA” - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in each one ,where the place is, what the people are doing. Possible answers: + They are going to the park / the restaurant / . + They are taking a taxi / a bus / . + They are going to the market / restaurant / foodstore / + They go through the yard / the park / b) While- listening : - Ask ss to listen to the tape to check their guess (once /twice ) . They are going to the restaurant / . They are taking a bus / . They are going through the park / - Ask ss to listen to the tape the third time to choose the correct picture Picture a picture 1 b 2 c 3 - Give feedback. c) Post-listening: - Ask ss to look at the picture a.1 , b.2 and c 2 /page 9 again to talk what Tim and Carol are going to do. They are going to . 2. Language forcus 3 /Page 12. The simple past with wish. Form: S + wish(es ) +clause ( s + Simple past. . . ( V-ed/ V2 / were) Use : Ex: a. I am not rich . => I wish I were rich . b. Lan doesn’t have a sister . => She wishes she had a sister. Exercise 3/ p 12 : - Ask ss to do the exsercise 3/p12 ( Speak ,then write down on the board ) - T corrects. b. I wish I were in the swimming-pool now. c. I wish I had a computer. d. I wish I lived close to school. f. > i. - Ask ss to give three wishes of their own . @ Homework : - Do the exercise 7/ p 10 - Prepare Unit 1 : Read . vocabulary: - (to) correspond (v) (explaination) : trao đổi thư từ - a mosque(n) : nhà thờ hồi giáo - (to) be impressed by : có ấn tượng - (to) pray(v) (mime ): cầu nguyện, cầu khẩn * Checking

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 11:00

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