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  • Stages & Contents

  • Period: 89 & 90 Section: Reading

  • Period: 91 Section: Listening

  • Period: 92 Section: Speaking

  • Period: 110 Section: Speaking

  • III. While writing

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English 10 (Intensive) Lê Ngọc Thạch Date: Unit 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD Period: 73 Section: Reading . I. Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to get information about dolphins II. Lexical items: words related to the reading. III. Grammar/ Struc: present tenses. IV. Teaching aids: posters, pictures V. Procedure: Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 3’ 1. Warm up: -Look at the pictures and tell what they are about introduce observe - Lead in the title “UNDERSEA WORLD“ Lead in 8’ 2. Pre- reading: -Match the pictures with their names elicit match * Key: 1g 2f 3c 4e 5h 6a 7d 8b give answers check -Pre-teach vocabulary elicit Pay attention * mammal : động vật có vú * warm-blooded :(có) máu nóng * contact : tiếp xúc * disturb : quấy rầy * caution : (n) thận trọng check Pay attention 20’ 3. While-reading: - Task 1: True/False statements and correct the false ones run through guess * Key: 1T 2F (Dolphins are fascinating animals because they help people in difficulties ) 3T 4F (Besides using medicine, patients playing with dolphins may get better ) 5F (Frequent contact with people is not good for dolphins because they may loose their natural habits of protecting themselves from danger so as to survive the wild) Read & check 114 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 6F (Dolphins are friendly, but they may bite people when they are disturbed) check Correct themselves - Task 2: Find the words and expressions in the text show Find the answers * Key: 1. mammals 4. contact (n) 2. take the easy way out 5. bite the hand that feed 3. disturb 6. caution check Correct themselves 12’ 4. Post-reading: - Task 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct words guide complete Dolphins are warm-blooded mammals. They are fascinating to many people because they can help people in fishing and reducing stress. Although dolphins are helpful, specialists advise us not to use them for entertainment, medical treatment, or any other purposes and to let them live in their natural habitat. 2’ 5. Homework: assign Take notes - Rewrite the exercises - Read the text again 115 English 10 (Intensive) Lê Ngọc Thạch Date: Unit 9 : UNDERSEA WORLD Period: 74 Section: Reading I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to answer the questions about dolphins II. Lexical items: words related to the reading. III. Grammar/ Struc: present tenses. IV. Teaching aids: posters, pictures V. Procedure: Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 5’ 1. Warmer & Review: -Tell the title of the lesson ask respond - Retell the vocabulary about dolphins elicit & write retell 6’ 2. Pre-reading: - Pre-teach vocabulary elicit Pay attention *treat (v)  treatment (n) *rescue : (v) cứu *improve : cải thiện *positive : tích cực, lạc quan *syndrome : triệu chứng 22’ 3. While-reading: - Answer the questions (page 115) ask answer Key: 1. They help fishermen in fishing or rescued shipwreck victims. 2. Its purpose is to help people with health problems improve their life quality & strengthen their spirit. 3. After the program, patients with Down’s syndrome feel more positive, learn new behaviors, & communicate better with other people. 4. Dolphin can get angry & become dangerous when they are disturbed. Because if taken out of their natural habitat, dolphins may lose the habits of protecting themselves and may lose their fear of humans. help Work in groups with ”lucky number” 116 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 10’ 4. Post-reading: - Let the students look at the pictures of circus of dolphins & discuss about them Set a scene Discuss in table groups -Do you agree or disagree? Why? evaluate present 2’ 5. Homework: assign Take notes - Complete the exercise at home - Prepare the next (listening) 117 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch Date: UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD Period: 75 Section: Listening Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students can listen to the song and fill in the blanks Lexical items: words related to the song. Grammar: past simple tense. Teaching aids: Pictures, students’ books, tape recorder, tape Procedure: Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 3’ 10’ 17’ I. Warm up: Game: Slap the board A shark a humpback whale A crab a whale a dolphin A sea horse a lobster ● Introduce new lesson II. Pre – listening 1. Pre- teach vocab -harpoon (n) -harpoon gun (n) -grunt (v,n) -squeak (v,n) -shriek (v,n) -reef (v) ●check vocb 2. These are pictures of harpoons and a harpoon gun. What do fishermen use them for? ●Suggested answer: They use it to kill whale and other big fish. 3. Discussion questions: a. Can a humpback whale sing? b. What does the phrase “the world’s last whale” imply? c. What can be the song about? III. While – listening 1) Listen to the song about whale 2) Listen to the song and complete the blanks. -ask sts play game -raises the winner -pictures -pictures -explanations -explanations -explanations -explanations -rub out and remember -asks sts about harpoon and harpoon gun - asks sts to close books and discuss 3 questions in groups of 6 -asks sts to talk to class their ideas -play game in 2 teams -slap hands -listen and repeat -play game -answer teacher’s question -close books and discuss in groups -talk their ideas to class 118 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 10’ 2’ 3) Listen and correct IV. Post – listening Discussion question: 1. Which sections of the song are assumed to be spoken by the songwriter and which by the humpback whale? 2. Does this song have a happy or sad tune? Why do you think so? V. Homework - practice listening - prepare next lesson: speaking -asks sts listen to the song -asks sts to listen and complete the blanks -asks sts to listen and correct -asks sts to work in groups -asks sts to talk to class -asks sts to do their homework -listen one time -listen two times. -listen again and correct -work in groups -talk their ideas to class -do their homework 119 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch Date: UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD Period: 76 Section: Speaking Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students can ask for and give reasons or explanations Lexical items: word related to the Undersea World. Grammar: Why – Because. Teaching aids: Pictures, students’ books Procedure: Time Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 3’ 10’ 20’ I. Warm up: Questions: - Do you like eating seafood? Why? Why not? - Do you think that we should protect sea creatures? Why? Why not? ● Introduce new lesson II. Pre – speaking 1. Read the sentences on page 117 with your partner. ●To ask for reasons or explanation: Why……? How come… ? …….Why? ….How come? ●To give reasons or explanation: Because………… (‘cos/’cause) Because of………. ●Form: Why + inversion of S _ V How come + no inversion Because + clause Because of + N_ phrase 2. Look at some suggested activities below and decide if you want to do them or not. You can add to the list our own reasons/ explanation for doing or not doing them. III. While – speaking 1. Work with a partner and talk about these activities. -ask sts these questions -asks Ss to work in pair -ask Ss the meaning and the uses of why, how come, because of - asks Ss about the form of why, how come, because, because of -asks Ss to do individually -asks Ss to talk about these activities in pair -asks Ss to talk to class -listen and answer teacher’s questions -play game -work with partner -tell teacher the meaning and the uses -tell teacher the form -copy down -do individually -talk with a partner -talk their ideas to class 120 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 10’ 2’ 2. Work with a partner and describe what is happening in each picture. You can you the prompts to talk about these pictures. (page 119-120) IV. Post – speaking Work in pairs. Take turns to ask for and give reasons for the given situations 1. You were late for class today 2. Your neighbor broke his leg 3. Some your classmates failed the English test. 4. You fell asleep in class yesterday 5. You look rather unhappy today V. Homework - practice speaking - prepare next lesson: writing -asks sts to talk about these activities in pair -asks sts to talk to class -asks sts to work in pairs -asks sts to talk to class -asks sts to do their homework talk with a partner -talk their ideas to class -work in pairs -talk their ideas to class -do their homework 121 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch Date: UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD Period: 77 & 78 Section: Writing Aim: Students can write a letter of invitation. Lexical items: Invitations + Suggestions. Grammar: Format of the letter. Teaching aids: poster, textbook Procedure: Time Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3’ 17’ I. Warm-up: -Make meaningful sentence using the cues below: come/ you/ dinner/ to / Sunday/ on/ can? Key: Can you come to dinner on Sunday? -Questions: 1. Have you written a letter of invitation? On which occasion? 2. What do you often write in a letter of invitation? II. Pre-writing: * Vocabulary: -to confirm=to support: thừa nhận -get together (n): sự hợp mặt -an advisor (n): người cố vấn * Checking vocabulary * Task 1: Read the following four invitations and complete the table with words and phrases from them: Key: (page 135, teacher’s book) * Task 2: Combine the fragments below to form two letters of invitation. Which one is informal? Which one is formal? * Note: -Informal: short, incomplete sentences, informal expression (you’ll ) -More formal: complete sentence, modal auxiliaries to show politeness (can, could), formal expression (could you please ) Key: (page 136, teacher’s book) -Asks ss to make a meaningful sentence -Asks ss to answer the questions -Introduces the lesson: A letter of invitation -Synonym -Explanation -Explanation *Rub out and remember -Calls ss to read and complete the table -Corrects -Calls ss to combine to form two letters -Make a meaningful sentence -Answer -Listen -Listen and repeat -Read and complete -Copy down - Combine -Copy down 122 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 12’ 10’ 2’ * Outline: -Reason for invitation: Ex:+ Where are you going? + What are you doing? - Statement of invitation + suggestion (time, date, place ): Ex: Do you like joining with us? - Request for reply: Ex: Give me a call * Note: - Can you + bare infinitive - How about + Ving - Do you feel like + Ving - Would you like + to infinitive III. While-writing: * Choose one topic and write a letter of invitation: (page 123, student’s book) IV. Post-writing: Key: (page 137, teacher’s book) V. Homework: - Rewrite your writing at home. - Prepare language focus -Corrects -Teaches - Calls ss to choose and write a letter - Goes around and helps ss with vocabulary - Collects and calls one more ss to write their writing on the board. - Corrects -Copy down -Choose and write - Write -listen and copy 123 [...]... report III Homework: ⇒Give the task _ Exercises b & c in the Workbook p .102 126 ⇒Take notes English 10 (Intensive) Date: Period: 80 & 81 Lê Ngọc Thạch Unit 10: CONSERVATION Section: Reading *Aim: Students know some national parks in Vietnam and how to conserve natural resources * Lexical items: words in the Pre-teach * Grammar: If sentences, present tenses *Teaching Aids: Textbook, pictures *Procedures:... eggs have been found and buried today 125 and you restate it, tempered man using C A T: “He has a bad temper” ⇒Restate the sentence ⇒Read the sentence T: What are dolphins considered? Ss: They are considered people’s friends ⇒Say the forms ⇒Work in pairs ⇒ One says English 10 (Intensive) Lê Ngọc Thạch 3 Why are dolphins classified as fish? 4 Tons of shellfish were exported to Japan last year 5 Lots... bad_tempered is never invited to parties is good_natured has been to Hue is often given 10 marks in English ⇒Elicit the forms T: Please work in pairs, one says the active sentence, the other says the passive ⇒Correction ⇒Explain the task Model: T: You can ask question like:” Are you a long_haired girl?” the active sentence, the other says the passive ⇒Attention Ss: Yes ⇒Ss’ report T: Try to find as many... mammals T:Can you read the sentence with it? Compound adjective ⇒Elicit the form • Form: Adjective_Noun_Ed • Use: as an Adjective and the use of the • Run through the meaning of the Compound 124 ⇒Scan the words on the poster ⇒Listen to T’s explanation ⇒Do the task ⇒Write the answer SS: máu nóng ⇒Read the sentence in the reading text ⇒Draw out the form, use of CA English 10 (Intensive) 6’ Lê Ngọc Thạch... trường TN - Fauna and flora = hệ động và thực vật 129 English 10 (Intensive) 15’ 10 2’ Lê Ngọc Thạch III- While-listening You are going to b) Listen to a class discussion about listen to a class discussion about ecotourism held by Miss Linh ecotourism held 1 national park by Miss Linh and 2 wildlife fill in the blanks 3 feed ; tease in the sentences 4 lifestyles Introduce some 5 fauna and flora difficult... animals will become help Get their - Writing on extinct the board Don’t feed animals in conversation answers areas / nature reserves because this will - Give comments - Listen do harm to these animals V- Homework * Write a list of what you shouldn’t do when you visit Xeo Quit or Gao Giong ecotourism site 130 English 10 (Intensive) Lê Ngọc Thạch Unit 10: CONSERVATION Section: Speaking Date: Period: 83... contribute their parts to the protection of the natural environment 2 Knowledge + General knowledge: Sts learn about the functions of ecotourism & about how to protect & save the natural environment + Language: Sentences & expressions for making Suggestions about nature conservation 3 Skills: Fluency in expressing opinions & making suggestions about nature conservation Lexical items: words about conservation... expressions of suggestions -Stick the poster on the board • Pre-speaking 1 Vocabulary recycle(v) energy(n) extinction(n) (extinct(a)_ extinguish(v)) deforestation (n) (deforest(v)) vocabulary check 2 Structure: Expressions of suggestions 131 -Respond -Respond -Respond -Look at the board -Respond English 10 (Intensive) Lê Ngọc Thạch It might be a good idea to… I think you/we/they should… It would be better... -ask sts to present their lists -give comment -give sts homework 132 -respond -take notes English 10 (Intensive) Date: Period: 84 & 85 Lê Ngọc Thạch Unit 10: CONSERVATION Section: Writing *Educational aim: Students should know how to write a letter of invitation or refusal *Language: + Used to express acceptance: _Thank you very much for your invitation _I’d be very happy to come + Used to express refusal... pairs English 10 (Intensive) Lê Ngọc Thạch 40’ III While- writing: Write a letter of acceptance or refusal 15’ IV Post- writing: Correcting 1’ Ask them practise Work in writing in pairs by groups using the structures provided Correct V Homework: Ask students to study how to write this kind of letter carefully 134 Give assignment Taking notes after writing two letters on the board English 10 (Intensive) . informal? Which one is formal? * Note: -Informal: short, incomplete sentences, informal expression (you’ll ) -More formal: complete sentence, modal auxiliaries to show politeness (can, could),. letters -Make a meaningful sentence -Answer -Listen -Listen and repeat -Read and complete -Copy down - Combine -Copy down 122 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 12’ 10 2’ * Outline: -Reason. the answer. SS: maựu noựng Read the sentence in the reading text. Draw out the form, use of CA. 124 English 10 (Intensive) Leâ Ngoïc Thaïch 6’ 6’ 10 words in the Warm_up stage. * Task 1:

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 01:00



