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ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Chủ đề: Môi trường và bảo vệ môi trường. Ngữ pháp và cấu trúc: Mệnh đề phụ trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân : as, because, since (bởi vì): dùng để chỉ lí do Ex: Ba is tired because he stayed up late watching TV. Note: because of (bởi vì) + N/V-ing (không có chủ ngữ) Ex: Ba is tired because of staying up late watching TV. Adj + that + mệnh đề Ex: I am pleased that you are working hard Câu điều kiện loại 1: Ex: If we go on littering, the environment will become seriously polluted Note: Unless = If not (don’t/doesn’t) e.g: If I don’t go to school, I will go out. Unless I go to school, I will go out. Cách dùng cấu trúc : to keep + N + adj Từ vựng: Từ vựng về môi trường và bảo vệ môi trường Tính từ và trạng từ cùng gốc với hậu tố “-ly” Ex: careful  carefully Chú ý: good-well fast-fast hard-hard harly-early Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY Chủ đề: Năng lượng và tiết kiệm năng lượng. Ngữ pháp và cấu trúc: Liên từ và trạng từ nối : And: (và): dùng để nối hai từ hoặc hai mệnh đề có cùng giá trị. Ex: Lan likes cats and dogs. But: (nhưng) : dùng để nối hai câu có nghĩa trái ngược nhau. Ex: They have a lot of money, but they’re not very happy. Or: (hay là, hoặc là) Ex: Is your girl tall or short ?(thường được dùng trong câu hỏi) So: (vì thế, vì vậy):dùng trong mệnh đề chỉ kết quả. Nó đứng trước mệnh đề mà nó giới thiệu (so thường đứng sau dấu phẩy (,so) Ex: He’s ill, so he stays at home. Therefore: (vì thế): dùng thay cho SO trong tiếng Anh trang trọng. Ex: The weather was too bad. Therefore, our plan had been changed. However: ( tuy nhiên:) đứng trước hoặc theo sau mệnh đề mà nó giới thiệu hoặc nó đi sau từ hoặc cụm từ đầu tiên. Ex: Nam is tired. However, he has to finish his homework before he goes to bed Cách dùng một số cụm động từ (phrasal verbs): turn on/off, look for/after, go on, … Ex: Hanh will have to look after her little sister. - Cấu trúc : + to suggest + V-ing + to suggest + that + clause Từ vựng: Từ vựng về năng lượng và môi trường ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ Unit 8: CELEBRATION Chủ đề: Ngày lễ, ngày kỉ niệm truyền thống trong nước và ở một số nước trên thế giới. Ngữ pháp và cấu trúc: Đại từ quan hệ và mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (defining) Chủ ngữ he/she/theyChỉ ngườiwho/thatit/theyChỉ vậtwhich/thatTân ngữ him/her/themChỉ ngườiwhom/thatBắt buộc dùng That :khi có a few, a little, only, all, so sánh nhất (est,most), số thứ tự (first,second…)EX: Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early Ferbruary. What is the name of the girl who is singing on the stage? She is the girl whom I bought these roses for. He is the only man that helps me Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ (adverb clauses of concession): although,though,even though: (dù,mặc dù): chỉ sự nhượng bộ In spite of + N/ Ving(không có chủ ngữ) : dù,mặc dù Despite Ex: Many tourists enjoy most of the festivals in Viet Nam although they don’t understand Vietnamese culture very much. Despite not understanding Vietnamese culture very much, many tourists enjoy most of the festivals in Viet Nam. Cấu trúc: It’s + adj. + of Sb + to V Ex: It’s very kind of you to help me with my homework Từ vựng: Từ vựng về lễ hội, truyền thống, văn hoá. Unit 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Chủ đề: Thời tiết, dự báo thời tiết và các thảm hoạ thiên nhiên: động đất, núi lửa, sóng thần, vòi rồng, bão, Ngữ pháp và cấu trúc: Đại từ quan hệ và mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non-defining) Chủ ngữ he/she/theyChỉ ngườiwhotit/theyChỉ vậtwhichTân ngữ him/her/themChỉ ngườiwhomKhông dùng That trong mệnh đề này.EX: Last week we went to Hue, which is the ancient capital of Viet Nam. Ha Long Bay, which consists of hundreds of beautiful islands, is the world’s heritage Từ vựng: Từ vựng về thời tiết, khí hậu và thảm hoạ thiên nhiên. ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) Cách đọc “ED”: Âm cuối t, d p, k, f, s, sh, ch, gh b ,g ,n ,l z, v ,m, r, y, u, e, o, a, I, w Đọc -id- -t- -d- Ví dụ Wanted, fitted, needed Stopped, talked, washed, laughed Enjoyed, loved, played, tried, arrived Cách đọc “ES”: Âm cuối p, k, f, t x, s, sh, ch, ce, ge b ,g ,n ,l z, v ,m, r, y, u, e, o, a, I, w Đọc /s/ /iz/ /z/ Ví dụ Wants, fits, needs Washes, watches, misses Enjoys, loves, plays, tries, arrives BẢNG ĐỘNG TỪ BẤT QUY TẮC TIẾNG ANH Infinitive Past Past participle Nghĩa abide abode abode Trú ngụ,chịu đựng arise arose arisen Nổi dậy, nổi lên awake awoke awoke, awaked Tỉnh dậy ,đánh thức be was, were been Thì, là, ở, bị được bear bore borne, born Mang, chịu đựng, sinh đẻ beat beat beaten Đánh become became become Thành,trở nên befall befell befallen Xảy tới begin began begun Bắt đầu behold beheld beheld Ngắm , nhìn bend bent bent Uốn cong bereave bereft bereft Lấy đi, tước đoạt bespeak bespoke bespoken Đặt trước, giữ trước beseech besought besought Van xin bet bet bet Đánh cuộc, cá bid bade bid, bidden Ra lênh bind bound bound Buộc, là dính vào bite bit bit, bitten Cắn bleed bled bled Chảy máu blow blew blown Thổi break broke broken Làm vỡ, bẻ gãy TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ Unit 10: LIFE ON THE OTHER PLANETS Chủ đề: Vũ trụ và sự sống ngoài trái đất. Ngữ pháp và cấu trúc: Động từ khuyết thiếu: may (chắc chắn) / might ( không chắc chắn) (có thể) EX: Flying saucer ! it might be their imagination. Câu điều kiện loại 2: If + S + Ved/V2 + O, S + would/ could/might/should + V + O Be were Ex: He would pass his exam, if he studied hard. If I were you, I would learn harder Cấu trúc: make sb / sth + V EX: He made me cry Từ vựng: Từ vựng về vũ trụ và du hành vũ trụ. ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) breed bred bred Nuôi nấng bring brought brought Mang lại, đem lại build built built Xây dựng burn burnt burnt Đốt cháy burst burst burst Nổ buy bought bought Mua cast cast cast Liệng, ném, quăng catch caught caught Bắt, chụp được chide chid chidden Quở mắng choose chose chosen Lựa chọn cleave clove, cleft cloven, chleft Chẻ ra, tách ra cling clung clung Bám, quyến luyến clothe clad clad Mặc, bận quần áo come came come Đến cost cost cost Trị giá creep crept crept Bò crow crew, crowwed crowed Gáy, gà gáy cut cut cut Cắt deal dealt dealt Giao thiệp, chia bài dig dug dug Đào do did done Làm draw drew drawn Kéo, vẽ dream dreamt dreamt Mơ, mộng drink drank drunk Uống drive drove driven Đưa, lái xe dwell dwelt dwelt Ở, trú ngụ eat ate eaten Ăn fall fell fallen Ngã, rơi feed fed fed Nuôi cho ăn feel felt felt Cảm thấy fight fought fought Đánh , chiến đấu find found found Tìm thấy, được flee fled fled Chạy trốn fling flung flung Ném fly flew flown Bay forbear forbore forbone Kiêng cử forbid forbade forbidden Cấm foresee foresaw foreseen Tiên tri foretell foretold foretold Tiên đoán forget forget forgetten Quên forgive forgave forgiven Tha thứ forsake forsook forsaken Bỏ rơi, từ bỏ forswear forswore forsworn Thề bỏ freeze froze frozen Đông lại , đóng băng get got got, gotten Được, trở nên gild gilt gilt Mạ vàng gard gart gart Cuốn xung quanh give gave given Cho go went gone Đi grind ground ground Xay, nghiền nhỏ grow grew grown Lớn lên, mọc hang hung hung Treo TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) have had had Có hear heard heard Nghe heave hove hove Nhấc lên, nâng lên hew hewed hewn Gọt đẽo hide hid hid, hidden Ẩn, trốn hit hit hit Đụng chạm hold held hold Cầm giữ hurt hurt hurt Làm đau, làm hại inlay inlaid inlaid Khảm, cẩn keep kept kept Giữ kneel knelt knelt Quì gối knit knit knit Đan know knew known Biết lade laded laden Chất, chở, gánh lead led led Dẫn dắt, lãnh đạo lay laid laid Để, đặt, để trứng lean leant leant Dựa vào leap leapt leapt Nhảy learn learnt learnt Học, được tin leave left left Bỏ lại, rời khỏi lend lent lent Cho vay let let let Hãy để, cho phép lie lay lain Nằm dài ra light lit lit Đốt, thắp (đèn) lose lost lost Mất, đánh mất make made made Làm, chế tạo mean meant meant Có nghĩ, muốn nói meet met met Gặp mistake mistook mistaken Lầm lẫn mislead misled misled Dẫn lạc đường mow mowed mown Cắt (cỏ) outdo outdid outdone Vượt lên, làm hơn outgo outwent outgone Vượt quá, lấn overcast overcast overcast Làm mờ, làm khuất overcome overcame overcome Vượt lên, trấn áp overdo overdid overdone Làm thái quá overdrive overdrove overdriven Bắt làm quá overhear overheard overheard Nghe lỏm, chợt nghe overspread overspread overspread Lan ra, phủ khắp overhang overhung overhung Dựng xiên overrun overran overrun Tràn ngập overtake overtook overtaken Bắt kịp overthrow overthrew overthrown Lật đổ pay paid paid Trả tiền put put put Đặt, để eread read read Đọc rend rent rent Xé, làm rách rid rid rid Vứt bỏ ride rode roden Cỡi (ngụa, xe),đi xe ring rang rung Rung chuông rise rose risen Mọc lên rive rived riven Chẻ, tách TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) rot rotted rotten Thối, mục nát run ran run Chạy saw sawed sawn Cưa say said said Nói see saw seen Thấy seek sought sought Tìm kiếm sell sold sold Bán send sent sent Gửi, phải đi set set set Để, đặt, lập nên shake shook shaken Lắc, lay, rũ shear shere, sheared shorn Gọt, cắt (lông cừu) shed shed shed Đổ, tràn ra shine shone shone Chiếu sáng shoe shod shod Đóng móng ngựa shoot shot shot Bắn, phóng mạnh show showed shown Chỉ, trỏ shred shred shred Băm, chặt nhỏ shrink shrank shrunk Rút lại, co shrive shrove shriven Xưng tội shut shut shut Đóng lại sing sang sung Hát sink sank sunk Đắm, chìm, nhận, chìm sit sat sat Ngồi slay slew slain Giết sleep slept slept Ngủ slide slid slid Lướt, trượt, trơn slink slink slink Chuồn đi sling slung slung Ném, liệng, bắn ná slit slit slit Bổ đôi, chẻ ra smell smelt smelt Ngửi thấy smite smote, smit smitten Đánh, đâm đá sow sowed sown Gieo hạt speak spoke spoken Nói, xướng ngôn speed sped sped Làm nhanh spell spelt spelt Đánh vần spend spent spent Tiêu xài spill spilt spilt Đổ vãi spin spun spun Kéo sợi spit spat spat Nhổ, khạc split split split Bổ, xẻ, chẻ, tách spread spread spread Trải ra, làm tràn spring sprang sprung Nhảy, nẩng lên stand stood stood Đứng steal stole stolen Ăn trộm, cắp stick stuck stuck Dán, dính sting stung stung Châm, đốt stink stank stank Hôi, có mùi hôi stride strode stridden Đi bước dài strike struck struck Đánh, co vào string strung strung Xỏ dây strive strove striven Cố gắng, nổ lực swear swore sworn Thề TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) sweat sweat sweat Ra mồi hôi sweep swept swept Quét swell swelled swellen Phồng lên, sưng swim swam swum Bơi lội swing swung swung Đánh đu take took taken Lấy teach taught taught Dạy tear tore torn Làm rách, xé tell told told Nói, kể lại, bảo think thought thought Nghĩ, tưởng thrive throve thriven Thịnh vượng throw threw thrown Ném. liệng, quăng thrust thrust thrust Đẩy, nhét vào tread trod trodden Dẫm đạp, giày xéo unbend unbent unent Dàn ra undergo underwent undergone Chịu đựng understand understood understood Hiểu indo indid inodne Thỏa, cởi, phá bỏ upset upset upset Lật đổ, lộn ngược, buồn phiền wake woke woken Thức tỉnh wear wore worn Mang, mặc, đeo … EXERCISES UNIT 6. THE ENVIRONMENT Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 1. This newspaper is …………………. every day. It’s a daily newspaper. A. publishing B. published C. to publish D. publish 2. He shouted and looked ………………… at me when I broke the vase. A. angry B. angrier C. angrily D. angrily 3. He is tired ……………… he stayed up late watching TV. A. so B. because C. but D. and 4. We are talking about the preservation of ………………… resources. A. natural B. naturally C. nature D. naturalize 5. Is he really ……………………… that you can’t come there? A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. to disappoint 6. I think most children are creative enough to write ………………… poems. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify 7. It is our policy to ……………… forests and increase forestation. A. protect B. protecting C. to protect D. protected 8. Everyone must take part in ……………… deforestation. A. prevent B. preventing C. to prevent D. prevented 9. I suggest ……………………………… to the movies. A. go B. to go C. going D. went 10. The made their living by …………………… fish in the ocean everyday. A. catch B. catching C. to catch D. caught 11. I will be …………… if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. to surprise 12. Unless you understand, I ………………… explain it again to you. A. am B. was C. will D. would TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) 13. If you know where she lives, please let me……………………… A. know B. knew C. known D. to know 14. If he ………………… a student, he will get a discount. A. is B. was C. were D. will be 15. …………………. you are interested in this film, don’t go to see it at any cost. A. If B. Unless C. Because D. So 16. If you like that book, I will give it ………………… you as my present. A. for B. from C. at D. to 17. If you live in this small town, you ………………… earn much money. A. aren’t B. couldn’t C. can’t D. didn’t 18. If you have ……………………… money, you can travel abroad this summer. A. a lot of B. many C. lot of D. a lots 19. If you are a student, you can get a discount…………………… books. A. on B. in C. at D. for 20. I won’t go unless you…………………. me the money back. A. to pay B. paid C. paying D. pay UNIT 7 : SAVING ENERGY 1. They get a plumber ________________ sure there are no cracks in the pipes. A. make B. makes C. made D. to make 2. Lighting accounts _________________ 10 percent to 15 percent of the electric bill. A. of B. for C. from D. with 3. She’s working late next Friday _________________ she can’t come to the party. A. because B. but C. so D. or 4. Don’t ________________ that box. We can use it again. A. turn on B. turn off C. throw away D. go on 5. Many people still believe that _________________ resources will never be used up. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. unnaturally 6. This shirt can’t _________________ in the washing machine. A. wash B. washes C. washed D. be washed 7 “ Would you mind lending me your bike?” –“__________________.” A. Yes. Here it is B. Not at all C. Great D. Yes, let’s. 8. –“Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris?” –“______________.” A. Not yet B. Yes, it was C. I don’t think that D. Sorry, I don’t 9. She stays at home because she has to look _________________ her baby. A. at B. after C. for D. up 10. I want to see the __________________ of environment from the local authority. A. protect B. protected C. protecting D. protection 11. Scientists are looking for an ________________ way to reduce energy consumption. A. effect B. effected C. effective D. effectively 12. You should take __________________ your shoes when you go into the temple. A. in B. on C. off D. of 13. I suggest _________________ money for the poor people in our neighborhood. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 14. The chickens have died ________________ the intense heat. A. because B. because of C. as D. since 15. If you want to save money, you should ________________ the amount of water your family uses. A. increase B. reduce C. repair D. cause 16. My shoes are dirty. I’d better take them ________ before I come in. A. away B. up C. on D. off 17.I can’t hear the radio. Could you turn it ________ a little? A. up B. down C. on D. off TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) 18. Never put ________ till tomorrow what you can do today. A. off B. over C. back D. away 19. If you want to save money, you should ________ the amount of water your family uses. A. increase B. reduce C. adapt D. repair 20. In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100-watt light bulb can be replaced by ________ . A. an energy-saving bulb B. an energy-save bulb C. a saving-energy bulb D. a save-energy bulb 21. Who is going to look after your children when you’re at work? A. search B. regard C. take care of D. help 22. Mary’s eyes are weak, ________ , she has to wear glasses. A. but B. however C. and D. therefore 23. An enormous amount of money has been wasted on this project. A. very important B. very large C. very small D. very limited 24. We’d better get ________ to check the wiring before we start decorating. A. a plumber B. a mechanic C. an electrician D. a consumer 25. ________ take the train instead of the bus? It’s faster. A. Why not B. Why don’t C. How about D. Let’s 26. If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest ________ the manufacturer directly. A. contact B. to contact C. contacting D. be contacted 27. No battery could store ________ to turn over a car’s engine. A. much energy B. energy enough C. enough energy D. more energy 28. The cost of solar power needs ________ before it makes an impact on the energy market. A. fall B. to fall C. falling D. to be fallen 29. My car isn’t very reliable. It keeps ________ . A. break down B. on break down C. on breaking down D. to break down 30. “Should I begin typing these letters?” “I suggest ________ the bookkeeping first”. A. you finished B. you to finish C. you finish D. you will finish UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS 1. Last night we came to the show late __________ the traffic was terrible. A. although B. despite C. and D. because 2. We think that Mother’s Day should be celebrated _____________. A. nation B. nationwide C. nationality D. nationhood 3. You gave me a ____________, and the feeling that you never wanted to let me go. A. gifts B. sense C. hug D. necessity 4. He often takes part _____________ many different charity activities. A. on B. of C. to D. in 5. _________ Easter, many children and adults enjoy painting eggs. A. On B. At C. During D. In 6. It was hard to distinguish her ____________ her classmates. A. for B. from C. to D. with 7. Margarita never got married. She spent most of her life ____________ her invalid mother. A. looking forward B. looking after C. looking at D. looking for 8. Could you ____________ your radio, please? It’s dark far too loud. A. turn down B. turn on C. go on D. turn it off 9. Study harder or you will fail the exam. That means: A. If you did not study harder, you will fail the exam. B. If you study harder, you would not fail the exam. C. If you do not study harder, you will fail the exam. D. If you studied harder, you will pass the exam. 10. The picture ___________ I bought was very valuable. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who 11. The people _____________ live next door keep having all night parties. TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) A. whose B. whom C. which D. who 12. ___________ your homework finished last night? A. Was B. Did C. Are D. Do 13. _ “You are a great dancer, Jack!” _ Jack: “_______________________ .” A. That’s very kind of you to say so. B. I’m an awful dancer. C. Let’s have a celebration. D. Well done 14. - A: “Happy Birthday! This is for you.” - B: “ ___________________” A. Oh, thank so much B. Oh, thank you so much C. That’s kind to me D. I am glad you like it. 15. -A: I think we should collect plastic bags to reduce garbage. -B: “_________________” A: I’m sorry. B. I’d prefer you didn’t. C. That’s a good idea. D. Thanks a lot. 16- We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived _________ 5 o’clock _________ the morning. A. on ; in B. at ; in C. at ; on D. in ; on 17- Thanks _________ our English teacher, we have learned many English songs. A. to B. for C. by D. with 18- Waste paper and bottles are collected _________ recycling. A. by B. as C. for D. from 19- We are now short _____ fresh water. Something must be done to stop people ___ polluting it. A. for ; to B. for ; from C. of ; to D. of ; from 20- He has taken part _________ different charity activities in his town. A. with B. at C. for D. in 21- Would you please _________ the radio a little bit? I’m concentrating on my work. A. turn down B. turn up C. turn into D. turn to 22- A _________ of players took place before the football match. A. festival B. parade C. contest D. program 23- His sense of humor _________ him from the other students. A. describe B. describes C. distinguish D. distinguishes 24- Mid – Fall Festival is a _________ festival for children. A. joy B. joyful C. joyless D. joyfully 25- We think Mother’s Day should be celebrated _________ . A. nation B. national C. nationality D. nationwide 26- Shall we go on working ? Yes, _________ I prefer to have a rest. A. if B. due to C. though D. as long as 27- Whales and dolphins both make sounds _______in some ways are similar to a language. A. which B. by which C. who D. whom 28- My grandmother, _________ an intelligent woman, has greatly influenced my life. A. who B. that C. who is D. that is 29- + It’s kind of you to give me a ride to school. + __________________________________ . A. No, thanks B. Well done C. Of course D. Not at all 30- + Many thanks to you, Kate. + __________________________________ . A. I think so B. It’s a pleasure C. Don’t say so D. All right UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS 1. If you are outdoors during a thunderstorm, the …………………… place to be is inside a car . A- safety B- safest C- safer D- safe 2. Areas around Hanoi can ……………………. clouds during the day . A-hope B-expect C-wish D- consider 3. Miss Phuong Anh, …………………. is a weather forecaster in VTV, lives next door. A. who B. whom C. that D. which 4. Mary tried to avoid ……………………. him . A- meeting B- met C- meet D- to meet 5. The earthquake caused …………………… damage to the old city . A- extend B- extended C- extensive D- extension TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ [...]... you go if you a car? A have B has C had 18 Where would you go if you a car? A have B has C had TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ D around D having D having D having ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ... saucers, there traces of their landing A would be B will be C are D is 12 Do you think you will be able a space trip? A take B to take C taking D taken 13 He won’t be happy if you come! A didn’t B haven’t C don’t D won’t 14 If I a bird, I would be a dove A am B is C are D were TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) 15 If we became rich, we would travel _ the world A on B in.. .ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) 6 It’s going to be quite cold ………………… temperatures as low as 100C A- at B- with C- in D- about 7 A tornado looks like a big , dark ……………… coming from the bottom of a storm cloud... ………………………… of natural resources A- preserving B- preserve C- preservation D- preserver 12 It’s also going to rain ………………… there in the evening A- thickly B- strongly C- heavily D- thinly 13 A flood happens when a river overflows ………………… banks A- its B- this C- their D- these 14 There are ………………… tornadoes in spring than in any other season A- more B- many C- much D- less 15 Why did you buy so much . A. have B. has C. had D. having TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ . roden Cỡi (ngụa, xe),đi xe ring rang rung Rung chuông rise rose risen Mọc lên rive rived riven Chẻ, tách TEACHER: TRẦN THỊ HỒNG THUÝ ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) rot rotted rotten Thối, mục nát run. islands, is the world’s heritage Từ vựng: Từ vựng về thời tiết, khí hậu và thảm hoạ thi n nhiên. ÔN THI HỌC KÌ II ( 2009-2010) Cách đọc “ED”: Âm cuối t, d p, k, f, s, sh, ch, gh b ,g ,n ,l z,

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 22:00

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