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Bùi Thị Thùy Lesson Plan 2: Unit 13: Hobbies Period 77: Reading Class: 11Lý Room: 23 Thursday, March 18, 10 I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic - Know the some vocabulary about the hobbies - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context II. Materials: Textbook, poster, pictures III. Procedure: 1. Warm up: (5’) Guessing game Group work - T: Give instructions: I have the different names of activities. One member of your group will stand in front of class, receive the list of 8 names and use the body language to describe the sports without saying them out. The others in the group have to guess the names of these activities. Each group has 30 seconds to finish. The group having more correct answers will be winner. Check instructions Ss: play the game T: declare the winner *Lists of the names: 1. Reading book, chatting, listening music, swimming, fishing, walking 2. Playing football, cooking, walking, singing, dancing, playing guitar Lead in: Ask Ss some the questions 1. Which these activities do you like to do in your free time? Why? 2. What do you call things you do in your free time? - T: Introduce the topic of the lesson: Hobbies 2. Vocabulary: (10’) Picture 1 New words Evidence Technique Accomplished(a) It is synonymous with well- trained or talented Synonym Accompany (v) Picture 1- to play music for a singer or another instrument Using picture & Explanation Avid (a) The word has the same meaning with “eager”? Synonym Discarded (a) How do you say “loại bỏ” in English? Translation Keep me occupied Picture 2- “how does she look like?” Using picture 1 Bùi Thị Thùy - T: Model 3 times; Ask Ss to repeat in chorally and individually Picture 2 Ask Ss to copy on their notebook - Ss: Repeat and copy the new words Checking vocabulary: (Handout1 at appendix) Fill in the blank with the suitable words we have learned. Key: 1. Accomplished 2. Avid 3. keep me occupied 4. discarded 5. accompanying 3. While – reading: (20’) Activity 1: T/F (Individual work) (7’) - T: Give instructions: I will deliver you handout, which has five statements. I would like you read the passage on p. 147 and decide whether these statements are true or false. After 7’, I will call on 4 people write down the answers, who have more right answers will have a gift. Check instructions: - T: Deliver the handout (handout 2 at Appendix) - Ss: Read individually and decide whether these statements are T or F - T: Go around and give help. - Ss: Go to b/b & write down the answers Key: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F Activity 2: (13’) - T: Give instruction: I will deliver you a handout with 9 sentences about the writer. However, there are some mistakes in these sentences, so you have to read the passage again to find out the mistakes & correct them in 5’ Check instruction - T: Deliver handout (Handout 3 at Appendix) - Ss: Read the passage & find out mistakes - T: Check with the whole class - T: Ask Ss to match 9 sentences with 9 questions on p.148 in 2’ - Ss: Matching - T: Check in 1’ Keys : See Appendix 4. Post – reading: (7’) Role play Pair work - T: Give instructions: You will work in pair. One person will be the writer to ask & answer using the questions on p.148 & the information in the handout. Check instructions - T: Model with a S - Ss: Work in pairs to make an interview - T: Call on some pairs to present in front of class - Ss: Some pairs go to b/b to & present - T: Listen and check mistakes with the whole class. 5. Home work: (1’) - Learn by heart all new words and give examples - Summarize the passage on p.147 & Prepare for the next lesson. Student’s signature Supervisor’s signature 2 Bùi Thị Thùy Bùi Thị Thùy Nguyễn Kiên Tường Appendix Handout 1 1. He is an ………… musician. All his songs are very famous. 2. I love all fictions by Sydney Sheldon. I am an …………collector of his words. 3. I spend most of my free time looking after these pets. They really………… 4. She just collect the stamps from envelopes. 5. They do not need the old radio any more. It can be…………… Handout 2 1. The writer is not an accomplished guitarist 2. The writer learns play the guitar from his father. 3. The writer collected fish from the shop only 4. The writer is not an avid stamp collector. 5. The writer has more foreign stamps than local ones. Handout 3 a. He often collects the foreign stamps. b. He always buys his fish in a shop. c. He gets more foreign stamps than local stamps. d. He does not collect stamps from discarded envelopes but only buys from post office. e. He is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing. f. He learnt playing guitar from his uncle and now he play it very well. g. He keeps the common stamps inside a big album and never gives to others people. h. His first hobby is keeping fish. i. His second hobby is collect stamps and he is an avid stamps collector. Keys a. He often collects the foreign stamps. (local stamps) b. He always buys his fish in a shop. (buys some in shop) c. He gets more foreign stamps than local stamps. (more local stamps) d. He does not collect stamps from discarded envelopes but only buys from post office. (He collects stamps from discarded envelopes that his relative & friends give him.) e. He is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at accompanying people singing by his guitar (his uncle) f. He learnt play guitar from his uncle and now he play it very well. (He can play few simple tunes) g. He keeps the common stamps inside a big album and never gives them to others people. (He keeps the less common stamps inside a big album and gives away to others) h. His first hobby is keeping fish. (playing guitar) i. His second hobby is collect stamps and he is an avid stamps collector. (keeping fish, is not) Matching: 1- h, 2- e, 3- b, 4- d, 5- f, 6- c, 7- I, 8- a, 9- g 3 . seconds to finish. The group having more correct answers will be winner. Check instructions Ss: play the game T: declare the winner *Lists of the names: 1. Reading book, chatting, listening. topic of the lesson: Hobbies 2. Vocabulary: (10’) Picture 1 New words Evidence Technique Accomplished(a) It is synonymous with well- trained or talented Synonym Accompany (v) Picture 1- to play. their notebook - Ss: Repeat and copy the new words Checking vocabulary: (Handout1 at appendix) Fill in the blank with the suitable words we have learned. Key: 1. Accomplished 2. Avid 3. keep

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 20:00


