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Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P41 potx

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Example 10.7 Balancing Power Delivered with Power Absorbed in an ac Circuit a Calculate the total average and reactive power delivered to each impedance in the circuit shown in Fig.. Ma

Trang 1

376 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations

The average power lost in the line results from

the current flowing through the line resistance:

* U = | I J2* = (89.44)2(0.05) = 400 W

Note that the power supplied totals 20,000 + 400

= 20,400 W, even though the loads require a

total of only 20,000 W

c) As we can see from the power triangle in

Fig 10.15(c), we can correct the power factor to 1

if we place a capacitor in parallel with the existing

loads such that the capacitor supplies 10 kVAR

of magnetizing reactive power The value of the

capacitor is calculated as follows First, find the

capacitive reactance from Eq 10.37:

X = ivy2


(250)2 -10,000

the power factor is 1, the apparent power and the average power are the same, as seen from the power triangle in Fig 10.16(c) Therefore, the apparent power once the power factor has been corrected is

\S\ = P = 20 kVA

The magnitude of the current that supplies this apparent power is


250 = 80 A

The average power lost in the line is thus reduced to

Pimc = \h\ 2 R = (80)2(0.05) = 320 W

Now, the power supplied totals 20,000 + 320

= 20,320 W Note that the addition of the capaci-tor has reduced the line loss from 400 W to 320 W

= -6.25 a

Recall that the reactive impedance of a capacitor

is -l/o)C, and w = 2TT(60) = 376.99 rad/s, if

the source frequency is 60 Hz Thus,

o)X (376.99)(-6.25) 424.4 ^ F

The addition of the capacitor as the third load is

represented in geometric form as the sum of the

two power triangles shown in Fig 10.16 When

22.36 k V A ^ ~

-^ -^ t

20 kW (a)

lOkVAR +

20 kW (c)

- l O k V A R


Figure 10.16 A (a) The sum of the power triangles for loads 1 and 2 (b) The power triangle for a 424.4 ^tF capacitor at 60 Hz (c) The sum of the power triangles in (a) and (b)

Example 10.7 Balancing Power Delivered with Power Absorbed in an ac Circuit

a) Calculate the total average and reactive power

delivered to each impedance in the circuit shown

in Fig 10.17

b) Calculate the average and reactive powers

asso-ciated with each source in the circuit

c) Verify that the average power delivered equals

the average power absorbed, and that the

izing reactive power delivered equals the

magnet-izing reactive power absorbed

'VW orv-v->

i a / 2 0 +

-/16 n ;

+ v



| ,

/3 0

39 I t

V s = 150/0°V

V, = (78 - /104) V Ij = ( - 2 6 - /52) A

V 2 = (72 + /104) V l v = ( - 2 + /6) A

V 3 = (150 - /130) V I 2 = ( - 2 4 - /58) A Figure 10.17 A The circuit, with solution, for Example 10.7

Trang 2


a) The complex power delivered to the (1 + /2) ft

impedance is

Si = | v , I I = /», + /Qi

= ^(78 - /104)(-26 + /52)

= -(3380 + /6760)

= 1690 +/3380 V A

Thus this impedance is absorbing an average

power of 1690 W and a reactive power of

3380 VAR The complex power delivered to the

(12 - /16) ft impedance is

S 2 = 2V2^ = Pi + jQi

= -(72 + /104)(-2 - /6)

= 240 - /320 VA

Therefore the impedance in the vertical branch

is absorbing 240 W and delivering 320 VAR The

complex power delivered to the (I + /3) ft

impedance is

S 3 = ~V3IS = P 3 + jQ 3

= -(150 - /130)(-24 + /58)

= 1970 + /5910 V A

This impedance is absorbing 1970 W and

5910 VAR

b) The complex power associated with the inde-pendent voltage source is

ss = -|v,ii = ps + / a

= -^(150)(-26 + /52)

= 1950 - /3900 VA

Note that the independent voltage source is absorbing an average power of 1950 W and delivering 3900 VAR The complex power asso-ciated with the current-controlled voltage source is

S x = |(39Ir)(I|) = P x + jQ x

= | ( - 7 8 + /234)(-24 + /58)

= -5850 - /5070 VA

Both average power and magnetizing reactive power are being delivered by the dependent source

c) The total power absorbed by the passive imped-ances and the independent voltage source is

Absorbed = P\ + Pi + i>3 + A = 5 8 5 0 W

The dependent voltage source is the only circuit element delivering average power Thus

delivered = 5 8 5 0 W

Magnetizing reactive power is being absorbed

by the two horizontal branches Thus

^absorbed = Q\ + Qi = 9 2 9 0 V A R

Magnetizing reactive power is being delivered

by the independent voltage source, the capacitor

in the vertical impedance branch, and the dependent voltage source Therefore

Qdelivered = 9 2 9 0 V A R

Trang 3

378 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations


Objective 1—Understand ac power concepts, their relationships to one another, and how to calculate them in a circuit

10.4 The load impedance in the circuit shown is

shunted by a capacitor having a capacitive

reac-tance of - 5 2 0, Calculate:

a) the rms phasors VL and IL,

b) the average power and magnetizing reactive

power absorbed by the (39 + /26) £1 load


c) the average power and magnetizing reactive

power absorbed by the (1 + /4) O line


d) the average power and magnetizing reactive

power delivered by the source, and

e) the magnetizing reactive power delivered by

the shunting capacitor

l a

• A W

-/4 0

- T T T A





39 n

./26 a

(c) 23.52 W, 94.09 VAR;

(d) 1152.62 W, -376.36 VAR;

(e) 1223.18 VAR

10.5 The rms voltage at the terminals of a load is

250 V The load is absorbing an average power

of 40 kW and delivering a magnetizing reactive power of 30 kVAR Derive two equivalent impedance models of the load

Answer: 1 H in series with 0.75 Q, of capacitive

reactance; 1.5625 H in parallel with 2.083 H

of capacitive reactance

10.6 Find the phasor voltage Y s (rms) in the circuit

shown if loads L x and L 2 are absorbing 15 kVA

at 0.6 pf lagging and 6 kVA at 0.8 pf leading, respectively Express Vv in polar form

Answer: (a) 252.20 / - 4 5 4 ° V (rms),

5.38 / - 3 8 2 3 ° A (rms);

(b) 1129.09 W, 752.73 VAR;

NOTE: Also try Chapter Problems 10.18,10.26, and 10.27

/ 1 0 + ( _ " ) 20070° V (rms)


I <2


Answer: 251.64 /15.91° V

10.6 Maximum Power Transfer

a»-Generalized linear

network operating

in the sinusoidal

steady state

Figure 10.18 • A circuit describing maximum power


Recall from Chapter 4 that certain systems—for example, those that trans-mit information via electric signals—depend on being able to transfer a maximum amount of power from the source to the load We now reexam-ine maximum power transfer in the context of a sinusoidal steady-state network, beginning with Fig 10.18 We must determine the load imped-ance ZL that results in the delivery of maximum average power to termi-nals a and b Any linear network may be viewed from the termitermi-nals of the load in terms of a Thevenin equivalent circuit Thus the task reduces to finding the value of ZL that results in maximum average power delivered

to ZL in the circuit shown in Fig 10.19

For maximum average power transfer, ZL must equal the conjugate of the Thevenin impedance; that is,

Condition for maximum average power

Trang 4

We derive Eq 10.38 by a straightforward application of elementary

calcu-lus We begin by expressing Z Th and ZL in rectangular form:

ZT h - i?Th + jX Th , (10.39)

In both Eqs 10.39 and 10.40, the reactance term carries its own algebraic

sign—positive for inductance and negative for capacitance Because we

are making an average-power calculation, we assume that the amplitude

of the Thevenin voltage is expressed in terms of its rms value We also use

the Thevenin voltage as the reference phasor Then, from Fig 10.19, the

rms value of the load current I is

I = *"rh

(R-i- h + R L ) + j(x Th + x L y (10.41)

Figure 10.19 • The circuit shown in Fig 10.18, with

the network replaced by its Thevenin equivalent

The average power delivered to the load is

Substituting Eq 10.41 into Eq 10.42 yields

(R Th + R L ) 2 + (X Th + X L ) 2


When working with Eq 10.43, always remember that Vrh, i?Th, and X Th

are fixed quantities, whereas R L and X L are independent variables

Therefore, to maximize P, we must find the values of /?L and X L where

dP/3R L and dP/BX h are both zero From Eq 10.43,

dP -\\ Th \ 2 2R L (X L + X Th )

dX L [(R L + R Th ) 2 + (X L + X Th ) 2 } 2 ' (10.44)

*P_ = IVlhPK^L + ^Th)2 + (XL + *Th)2 - 2R L (RL + *Th)]

dR L [(R L + R Th ) 2 + (X L + X Th ) 2 ] 2

From Eq 10.44, dP/dX L is zero when


From Eq 10.45,3P/dR L is zero when

R L = VWh + (*L + x Th y (10.47) Note that when we combine Eq 10.46 with Eq 10.47, both derivatives are

zero when Z = Z j

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380 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations

The Maximum Average Power Absorbed

The maximum average power that can be delivered to ZL when it is set equal to the conjugate of ZTh is calculated directly from the circuit in Fig 10.19 When ZL = Zjh, the rms load current is VTh/2JRL, and the max-imum average power delivered to the load is

P =

1 ghj

If the Thevenin voltage is expressed in terms of its maximum amplitude rather than its rms amplitude, Eq 10.48 becomes


8 R L


Maximum Power Transfer When Z is Restricted

Maximum average power can be delivered to ZL only if ZL can be set equal to the conjugate of ZTh There are situations in which this is not

pos-sible First, R L and X L may be restricted to a limited range of values In

this situation, the optimum condition for R L and X L is to adjust X L as

near to -X Th as possible and then adjust R L as close to

VRjh + (X L + X Th ) 2 as possible (see Example 10.9)

A second type of restriction occurs when the magnitude of ZL can be varied but its phase angle cannot Under this restriction, the greatest amount of power is transferred to the load when the magnitude of ZL is set equal to the magnitude of ZTh; that is, when

\Z L \ = |ZnJ (10.50)

The proof of Eq 10.50 is left to you as Problem 10.40

For purely resistive networks, maximum power transfer occurs when the load resistance equals the Thevenin resistance Note that we first derived this result in the introduction to maximum power transfer in Chapter 4

Examples 10.8-10.11 illustrate the problem of obtaining maximum power transfer in the situations just discussed

a) For the circuit shown in Fig 10.20, determine the

impedance ZL that results in maximum average

power transferred to ZL

b) What is the maximum average power transferred

to the load impedance determined in (a)?


a) We begin by determining the Thevenin

equiva-lent with respect to the load terminals a, b After

two source transformations involving the 20 V

source, the 5 fl resistor, and the 20 il resistor, we

simplify the circuit shown in Fig 10.20 to the one shown in Fig 10.21 Then,

V"Th Th = 16 / 0 ° (-/6)

4 + /3 - /6

= 19.2 /-53.13° = 11.52 - /15.36 V

Figure 10.20 • The circuit for Example 10.8

Trang 6

Figure 10.21 • A simplification of Fig 10.20 by source


which we replaced the original network with its Tlievenin equivalent From Fig 10.22, the rms magni-tude of the load current I is


'•« = im = U785 A '

The average power delivered to the load is

We find the Thevenin impedance by

deactivat-ing the independent source and calculatdeactivat-ing the

impedance seen looking into the terminals a

and b Thus,

zTh = (7y 6 ) (!+ J? =5-7 6 - /i-68 a

m ~ n -/1.6811 5.76 ft , / a

19.2/-53.13Y +



5.76 0 4/1.68 0

-For maximum average power transfer, the load

impedance must be the conjugate of ZTh, so

ZL = 5.76 + /1.68 ft

b) We calculate the maximum average power

deliv-ered to ZL from the circuit shown in Fig 10.22, in

Figure 10.22 A The circuit shown in Fig 10.20, with the

original network replaced by its Thevenin equivalent

P = I 2cU (5.76) = 8 W

Example 10.9 Determining Maximum Power Transfer with Load Impedance Restriction

a) For the circuit shown in Fig 10.23, what value of

ZL results in maximum average power transfer to

ZL? What is the maximum power in milliwatts?

b) Assume that the load resistance can be varied

between 0 and 4000 ft and that the capacitive

reactance of the load can be varied between

0 and -2000 ft What settings of R L and X L

transfer the most average power to the load?

What is the maximum average power that can be

transferred under these restrictions?


a) If there are no restrictions on R L and X L , the

load impedance is set equal to the conjugate of

the output or the Thevenin impedance Therefore

we set

R L = 3000 ft and X L = -4000 ft,


3000 a /4000 a



V (rms

Figure 10.23 • The circuit for Examples 10.9 and 10.10

Because the source voltage is given in terms of its rms value, the average power delivered to ZL is

1 102 25

P = 4 3000 = Tm W = 8 3 3 m W

-b) Because R L and X L are restricted, we first set X L

as close to -4000 ft as possible; thus

Xj = -2000 ft Next, we set R L as close to

vRjh + (X L + X Th ) 2 as possible.Thus

ZL = 3000 - /4000 ft R = V3000 + (-2000 + 4000) = 3605.55 ft

Trang 7

382 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations

Now, because R L can be varied from 0 to 4000 ft,

we can set R L to 3605.55 ft Therefore, the load

impedance is adjusted to a value of

ZL = 3605.55 - /2000 ft

With ZL set at this value, the value of the load

current is

10 / 0 °


6605.55 + /2000 1.4489 / - 1 6 8 5 ° mA

The average power delivered to the load is

P = (1.4489 X Kr3)2(3605.55) = 7.57 mW

This quantity is the maximum power that we can

deliver to a load, given the restrictions on R L

and X L Note that this is less than the power that

can be delivered if there are no restrictions; in (a) we found that we can deliver 8.33 mW

Example 10.10 Finding Maximum Power Transfer with Impedance Angle Restrictions

A load impedance having a constant phase angle of

-36.87° is connected across the load terminals a and

b in the circuit shown in Fig 10.23 The magnitude of

ZL is varied until the average power delivered is the

most possible under the given restriction

a) Specify ZL in rectangular form

b) Calculate the average power delivered to ZL


a) From Eq 10.50, we know that the magnitude of

ZL must equal the magnitude of ZT h Therefore

\ZL\ = |ZThl = 13000 + /4000| = 5000 ft

Now, as we know that the phase angle of ZL is -36.87°, we have

ZL = 5000 / - 3 6 8 7 ° = 4000 - /3000 ft b) With ZL set equal to 4000 - /3000 ft, the load current is


!eff = ^ ^ ^7^ = 1-4142 / - 8 1 3 ° mA,

and the average power delivered to the load is

P = (1.4142 X 10"3)2(4000) = 8mW This quantity is the maximum power that can be delivered by this circuit to a load impedance whose angle is constant at —36.87° Again, this quantity is less than the maximum power that can

be delivered if there are no restrictions on ZL

^ A S S E S S M E N T P R O B L E M

Objective 2—Understand the condition for maximum real power delivered to a load in an ac circuit

10.7 The source current in the circuit shown is 3.6 mH

3cos5000r A

a) What impedance should be connected

across terminals a,b for maximum average

power transfer?

b) What is the average power transferred to

the impedance in (a)?

c) Assume that the load is restricted to pure

resistance What size resistor connected

across a,b will result in the maximum

aver-age power transferred?

d) What is the average power transferred to

the resistor in (c)?

Answer: (a) 20 - /10 ft;


(c) 22.36 ft;

(d) 17.00 W


NOTE: Also try Chapter Problems 10.44,10.47, and 10.48

Trang 8

Example 10.11 Finding Maximum Power Transfer in a Circuit with an Ideal Transformer

The variable resistor in the circuit in Fig 10.24 is

adjusted until maximum average power is delivered

to R L

a) What is the value of R L in ohms?

b) What is the maximum average power (in watts)

delivered to R { 1

60O ideal a

^ ^ T l 4:1


20 n

Figure 10.24 • The circuit for Example 10.11


a) We first find the Thevenin equivalent with

respect to the terminals of R L The circuit for

determining the open circuit voltage in shown in

Fig 10.25 The variables V], V2, l\, and I2 have

been added to expedite the discussion

60 n

- V A —

< • a

I, +



V (rms)



- • a

V 2


20 n


Figure 10.25 A The circuit used to find the Thevenin voltage

First we note the ideal transformer imposes the

following constraints on the variables Vj, V2, Ii, and I2:

The open circuit value of I? is zero, hence I] is zero It follows that

Vi = 840 /QP_ v , V2 = 210 / 0 ° V

From Fig 10.25 we note that \ r h is the negative

of V2, hence

VTh = - 2 1 0 / 0 ° V

The circuit shown in Fig 10.26 is used to

deter-mine the short circuit current Viewing l { and I2

as mesh currents, the two mesh equations are

840 / 0 ° = goij - 20I2 + \ h

0 = 20I2 - 201! + V2


I, + k

V ' I

840Z0°/ + \



- I '


c v2

Ideal ] • +



i II

Figure 10.26 • The circuit used to calculate the short circuit


When these two mesh current equations are com-bined with the constraint equations we get

840 / ( F = - 4 0 I2 + Vj,


0 = 25I2 + - i

4 Solving for the short circuit value of I2 yields

I2 = - 6 A

Therefore the Thevenin resistance is


R Th

6 = 35 n

Trang 9

384 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations

Maximum power will be delivered to R L when

R L equals 35 ft

b) The maximum power delivered to R L is most

easily determined using theThevenin equivalent

From the circuit shown in Fig 10.27 we have

P =

1 max

- 2 1 0

70 (35) = 315 W Figure 10.27 • The Thevenin equivalent loaded for maximum

power transfer

^ A S S E S S M E N T P R O B L E M S

Objective 3—Be able to calculate all forms of ac power in ac circuits with linear transformers and ideal


10.8 Find the average power delivered to the

100 Q resistor in the circuit shown if

v g = 660 cos 5000r V

10 mH

100 ft

Answer: 612.5 W

10.9 a) Find the average power delivered to the

400 fl resistor in the circuit shown if

v t = 248 cos 10,000f V

b) Find the average power delivered to the

375 H resistor

c) Find the power developed by the ideal

volt-age source Check your result by showing the

power absorbed equals the power developed

NOTE: Also try Chapter Problems 10.64 and 10.65

40 mH 50 mH lOOmH

— l ' Y W ^ —

Answer: (a) 50 W;


(c) 99.2 W, 50 + 49.2 = 99.2 W

10.10 Solve Example 10.11 if the polarity dot on the

coil connected to terminal a is at the top

Answer: (a) 15 Q,;

(b) 735 W

10.11 Solve Example 10.11 if the voltage source is

reduced to 146 / 0 ° V rms and the turns ratio is reversed to 1:4

Answer: (a) 1460 H;


Practical Perspective

Heating Appliances

A handheld hair dryer contains a heating element, which is just a resistor

heated by the sinusoidal current passing through it, and a fan that blows

the warm air surrounding the resistor out the front of the unit This is

shown schematically in Fig 10.28 The heater tube in this figure is a

resis-tor made of coiled nichrome wire Nichrome is an alloy of iron, chromium,

and nickel Two properties make i t ideal for use in heaters First, it is more

resistive than most other metals, so less material is required to achieve the

needed resistance This allows the heater to be very compact Second,

unlike many other metals, nichrome does not oxidize when heated red hot in

air Thus the heater element lasts a long time

A circuit diagram for the hair dryer controls is shown in Fig 10.29 This

is the only part of the hair dryer circuit that gives you control over the heat

Heater tube


Fan and motor

Power cord

Figure 10.28 • Schematic representation of a

handheld hair dryer

Trang 10

• 1 Thermal fuse

f t T t


Figure 10.29 A A circuit diagram for the hair dryer


\ Thermal fuse

" * is? " 1 5 ft 2

t t t t



R\ > R 2

Figure 10.30 • (a) The circuit in Fig 10.29 redrawn

for the LOW switch setting, (b) A simplified

equiva-lent circuit for (a)

setting The rest of the circuit provides power to the fan motor and is not of interest here The coiled wire that comprises the heater tube has a connec-tion partway along the coil, dividing the coil into two pieces We model this

in Fig 10.29 with two series resistors, R^ and R 2 The controls to turn the

dryer on and select the heat setting use a four-position switch in which two pairs of terminals in the circuit will be shorted together by a pair of sliding metal bars The position of the switch determines which pairs of terminals are shorted together The metal bars are connected by an insulator, so there

is no conduction path between the pairs of shorted terminals

The circuit in Fig 10.29 contains a thermal fuse This is a protective device that normally acts like a short circuit But if the temperature near the heater becomes dangerously high, the thermal fuse becomes an open circuit, discontinuing the flow of current and reducing the risk of fire or injury The thermal fuse provides protection in case the motor fails or the airflow becomes blocked While the design of the protection system is not part of this example, i t is important to point out that safety analysis is an essential part of an electrical engineer's work

Now that we have modeled the controls for the hair dryer, let's deter-mine the circuit components that are present for the three switch settings

To begin, the circuit in Fig 10.29 is redrawn in Fig 10.30(a) for the LOW switch setting The open-circuited wires have been removed for clarity A simplified equivalent circuit is shown in Fig 10.30(b) A similar pair of fig-ures is shown for the MEDIUM setting (Fig 10.31) and the HIGH setting (Fig 10.32) Note from these figures that at the LOW setting, the voltage

source sees the resistors R± and R 2 in series; at the MEDIUM setting, the

volt-age source sees only the R 2 resistor; and at the HIGH setting, the voltage source sees the resistors in parallel

Thermal fuse

• • • • •

t t t t




(b) Figure 10.31 • (a) The circuit in Fig 10.29 redrawn

for the MEDIUM switch setting, (b) A simplified

equiv-alent circuit for (a)

Thermal fuse

v • • • 11

t t t t



ft, ft?


Figure 10.32 A (a) The circuit in Fig 10.29 redrawn

for the HIGH switch setting, (b) A simplified equiva-lent circuit for (a)

NOTE: Assess your understanding of this Practical Perspective by trying Chapter Problems 10.66-10.68

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 16:20

