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  • A. PHRASAL VERBS (12th Grade)

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Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term Lesson plan English 12 in advanced 2 nd term WEEK: 1-2 Period 1-2: modal verbs. I.Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to understand the form and use of modal verbs and do some exercises about the related topic. II.Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, paper, blackboard. III.Procedure: Time T’s activities Ss’ activities 45’ WEEK: 1-2 PERIOD: 1-2 A. MODAL VERBS –: Động từ khiếm khuyết Modal Verbs: (Động từ khiếm khuyết) là các động từ mà sau chúng ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu không TO: 1. Can (có thể chỉ một khả năng): Chỉ có 2 hình thức hiện tại đơn (CAN) và quá khứ đơn (COULD). Do đó muốn sử dụng nghóa có thể ở các thì khác ta phải dùng BE ABLE TO để thay thế nhưng CAN lại diễn tả một khả năng chắc chắn hơn BE ABLE TO Eg. Can you speak any foreign languages? Are you able to speak any foreign languages? 2. Could and was/were able to: Thỉnh thoảng COULD là quá khứ của CAN, nhưng chúng ta dùng COULD đặc biệt với các động từ: see, hear, smell, taste, feel, remember, understand. Eg. When we went into the house, we could smell burning. * Ngoài ra chúng ta còn sử dụng COULD để nói ai đó có một khả năng đặc biệt: Eg. My grandfather could speak five languages. * WAS / WERE ABLE TO: dùng để diễn đạt một tình huống đặc biệt đạt được (manage) Eg. They didn’t want to go with us at first but in the end we were able to persuade them. * COULDN’T: được dùng trong bất kỳ tình huống nào. Eg. My grandfather couldn’t swim. We tried hard but we couldn’t persuade them to come with us 3. Must – Inf. (ắt hẳn): tiên đoán một sự việc xảy ra ở hiện tại và thể phủ đònh của nó là Can’t Inf. Eg. He must be tired. → He can’t be tired (not “Mustn’t”) * Must – Inf. (phải) = have to nhưng have to Inf. Có nghóa bắt buột hơn. Và thể phủ đònh của Must là không cần SS do ex. Individually Then share with their partner. Give answer to the teacher 1 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term (needn’t) 4. May / might – Inf. (Có lẽ, có thểõ) dùng để diễn ta một sự suy đoán gần đúng. Eg. He may be in his office (= Perhaps he is in his office) He might be having lunch. (Perhaps he is having lunch.) * May – Inf. Còn diễn tả một sự xin phép. Nhưng might có thể được dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 1. Eg. May I go out? If the weather is fine, we might go for a picnic. * May / might: được dùng để nói về một sự việc hoặc hành động có thể xảy ra trong tương lai: Eg. I’m not sure where to go for my holidays but I may go to Italy. (= Perhaps I’ll go) The weather forecast is not very good. It might rain this afternoon. (Perhaps it’ll rain) * Thể phủ đònh là May not hoặc might not (mightn’t) 5. Must. Mustn’t, Needn’t: a. Must: cần thiết phải làm You haven’t got much time. You must hurry. b. Mustn’t: cần thiết do đó không được làm You can tell Tom what I said but he mustn’t tell anybody else. (= It is necessary that he doesn’t tell anybody else) c. Needn’t – Inf .: = don’t / doesn’t need to: Không cần You have got plenty of time. You don’t need to hurry (You needn’t hurry) 1. Can’t have + P.P: Có lẽ đã không (diễn tả 1 sự suy đoán không chắc chắn về 1 sự kiện ở quá khứ) 2. May/ might (not) have P.P: Có thể, có lẽ (diễn tả những gì có thể (hoặc không) xảy ra ở quá khứ) 3. Needn’t have P.P: Không cần biết( Diễn tả một sự việc không cần thiết phải biết rõ sự việc hoặc thời gian) 4. Would have + P.P: Có lẽ đã (dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 3) B . Practice : I. Choose the best option for each sentence: 1) Young people ______ obey their parents. a. must c. will 2 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term 45’ b. may d. ought to 2) Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I ______ work very hard today. a. can c. should b. may d. would 3) I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory. a. ought to c. might b. would d. can 4) Leave early so that you ______ miss the bus. a. didn’t c. shouldn’t b. won’t d. mustn’t 5) Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ______ have cost a fortune a. must c. will b. might d. should 6) You ______ to write them today. a. should c. had b. must d.ought 7) I hope I ______ find it. a. will c. could b.shall d. must 8) Unless he runs he______ catch the train. a.will c.wouldn’t b. mustn’t d.won’t 9) ______ you be in Rome tonight. a.will c.might b.may d.maybe 10)We ______ have time to help you tomorrow. a.may c.will b.must d.could. 11)“______ you hand me that pair of scissors, please?” a. May c. Shall b. Will d. Should 12)Jeanette did very badly on the exam. She _____ harder. a.must have studied c. could have studied b. should have studied d. must studied 13) He was very lucky when he fell off the ladder. He _____ himself. a. could have hurt c. must have hurt b. should have hurt d. will have hurt 14) Marcela didn’t come to class yesterday. She _____ an accident. a. should have had c. must have b. might have d. may have had 15) John still hasn’t come out. He ______ everything for the trip now. a. must have been preparing c. must be preparing b. will be preparing d. will have prepared 3 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term 16) Thomas received a warning for speeding. He _____ so fast. a. shouldn’t have driven c. should have b. would have driven d. might have driven 17) The photos are black. The X-ray at the airport _____ them. a. should have damaged c. would have damaged c. would damage d. must have damaged 18) Tom didn’t do his homework, so the teacher became very angry. He _____ his homework. a. must have done b. should have done c. might have d. will have done 19) My car stopped on the high way. It _____ out of gas a. may run c. must be b. may have run d. should have run 20)Robert arrived without his book. He _____ it. a. could have lost c. would have lost b. should have lost d. will have lost 21)“Where do you think Rooney is today?”. “I have no idea. He _____ late.” a. should have left c. would sleep b. would have sleep d. may have sleep 22)Berbatov painted his bedroomblack. It looks dark and dreary. He _____ a different color. a. had to choose c. must have chosen b. should have chosen d. could have been choosing 23)The children _____ “thank you” to you when you gave them their gifts. a. will have said c. should have said b. must say d. should say 24)If we had known your new address, we _____ to see you. a. came c. will come b. would have come d. would come 25)These two boys look identical. They _____ twins. a.must have been c. should be b.must be d. should have been II. Rewrite the sentence in the same meaning: 26)Perhaps Susan know the address. (may) Susan ………………………… 27)It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message. (might) Joanna…………………………………………… 28)The report must be on my desk tomorrow. (has) The report………………………………………… 29)I managed to finish all my work. (able) I……………………………… 4 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term 30)It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat. (didn’t) Nancy 31)The best thing for you to do is to sit down sit down. (better) You………………………………………………. III. Complete the sentences with must (not), (do not) have to, must (not), need (not), can (not), could (not), might (not), be (not) able to, had better or should. 32) I _____ go to the airport. I’m meeting someone. 33) It’s too late. I _____ go now. 34) You _____ lock the door when you go out. These have been a lot of break-in recently. 35) A person _____ to become rich and famous in order to live a successful life. 36) I don’t want to know anyone. You _____ tell anyone. 37) Tom: What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big? Susan: Well, it _____ big. That’s not important. But it _____ have a nice garden – that’s essential. 38) Ann: I think I _____ go shopping. We’re run out of food. Susan: We have enough food for dinner, so I _____go shopping today. 39) We _____ repair the car ourselves. We _____ take it to garage. 40) George has traveled a lot. He_____to speak for language. II. Answer key : 27. Susan may know the address. 28. Joanna mightn’t have received my message. 29. The report has to be on my desk tomorrow. 30. I was able to finish all my work 31. Nancy didn’t need to clean the flat. You had better sit down III. Answer key : 32. have to 33. must 34. must 35. doesn’t have to 36. mustn’t 37. needn’t be 38. must, needn’t 39. couldn’t 40. can/is able to Smoking is not allowed in the museum. > You mustn’t smoke in the museum. 2. It isn’t necessary to bring an umbrella. The weather is beautiful. > We needn’t bring an umbrella. 3. May be you will need to buy a ticket for your child. > You may need to buy a ticket for your child 4. It is essential that all new soldiers have a medical examination. > All new soldiers must have a medical examination 5. Foreigners don’t have to register for military service. > Foreigners needn’t register for military service 1. Choose the correct options. 1. Twenty years ago, David _________ speak Arabic fluently. Now he’s forgotten a lot. A. could B. might C. needed D. must 5 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term 2. Jessica hasn’t made up her mind about where to go to school. She __________ attend Duke University. She just doesn’t know yet. A. mustn’t B. may not C. needn’t D. can’t 3. This box isn’t as heavy as it looks. You ________ help me with it. Thanks anyway for offering to help. A. must B. mustn’t C. might D. needn’t 4. Yesterday everyone in the office _________ leave the building for a fire drill. I am glad it wasn’t a real fire. A. may B. might C. must D. mustn’t 5. You ________ play loud music at night. The neighbours will call the police. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. might not D. couldn’t 6. You __________ stand up. There are a lot of seats available on the bus. A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. might not 7. People who use public parks __________ clean up after themselves. A. must B. may C. ought D. might 8. This library book is overdue. I _________ better return it today. A. need B. must C. might D. had 9. Our company provides free advice on the use of our products. You _________ pay us. A. must B. have to C. needn’t D. mustn’t 10. Whatever ___________ come, I will always be by your side. A. must B. may C. could D. need 11. We open the lion`s cage. It is contrary to Zoo regulations. A. must B. mustn`t C. needn`t D. should 12. I arrive on time, so please start dinner without me. A. could B. may C. may not D. should 13. " you hand that book, please?" "Sure. Here it is." A. Could B. Should C. Must D. May 14. "Are these gloves necessary?" "Yes. You use this chemical without gloves. It will burn your skin." A. must not B. don`t have to C. could not D. need not 15. You clean the windows. The window-cleaner is coming tomorrow. A. don`t have B. must C. mustn`t D. needn`t 16. Carl studied harder; he failed the test again. A. must have B. should have C. could have D. needn`t have 17. "Would you like to go with me to the Williams` wedding next month?" "I`m not sure. I be too busy with school work." A. will B. might C. maybe D. should 18. We to take a taxi. Otherwise we`ll be late. A. would rather B. had better C. must have D. will have KEYS:1A2B3D4C5A6C7A8B9C10C11B12C13A14A15D16B17B18D Week: 3-4 6 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term Period 3-4: CONNECTORS AND SOME USEFUL STRUCTURE I.Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to understand the use of all connectors and do some exercises about the related topic. II.Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, paper, blackboard. III.Procedure: T i m e T’s activities Ss’ activit ies 4 5’ A. CONNECTORS: SO, BUT, HOWEVER I- PURPOSE 1- With so that/ in order that so that/ in order that  E.g. I locked the door so that/in order that no one could get in. 2- With in order to/so as to + V: in order to ( not to )/ so as to ( not to order to borrow so as not to meet 3- With to + V:  to borrownot to meet 4- With for: ! starting ! to start   ! sharpening "! to sharpen " II- CAUSE: 1- With because/since/as/now that Because/ Since/As/Now that/Inasmuch asmain clause  Because she needed some money to buy a book#  Needing some money to buy a book# Because she lacked the necessary qualication# $ Lacking the necessary qualication# $ • %&ing phrase" because. E.g. Having seen"#' Being unable(# Unable(# 2- With because of/due to Because of heavy rain#')) Because it rained heavily#')) *')) due to heavyrain +, III- RESULT 1- With so…………that…. -sointelligentthat. sofast/quicklythat' !so many carsthat'" 7 to V/not to V Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term !'solittle timethat'/). adjective/adverb Much/many/few/little + N 2- With such…….that……. -such an intelligent studentthat) such an interesting lmthat'" !)suchbeautiful picturesthat) $0 3- With too…to…. !tooheavy (for me)to lift 12toodi"cult (for usto answer -toobadlytoget" !adj/adv + (for Somebody)  4- With not… enough …….to V: -notoldenoughtoget" !)nottallenoughto play") -doesn’t)wellenoughto take. didn’tearlyenoughto catch/3 04444adj/adv  56* so/therefore/as a result/consequently -so 0so -7therefore#.) -7as a result#.) -7consequently,.) 8*)as a result of something#4444444 in consequence of something#444444 -As a result of this#. ) IV- CONTRAST 96* although/even though/while/whereas/though 7 Although#'#'# though Eventhough#': While02)#") 02)whereas") ;6* however/nevertheless 'However7' '#however#' ,)Nevertheless# 3- * despite/in spite of In spite ofthe rain#)) Althoughit rained#)) Despitethe rain#)) • 0, Despite losing#/<# / B. Practice: Exercise1: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence by circling A,B,C, or D . 1.I wanted to go ______ he wanted to stay. A. and B. but C. or D. so 2.She’s not only beautiful _____ intelligent. 8 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term 4 5’ A. but also B. but C. however D. yet 3.I was very tired; ______, I determined to walk on to the next village. A. therefore B. however C. and D. for 4.You can come either on Monday ______ on Friday. A. or B. nor C. both D. and 5.He had to act immediately; _____ he would have been too late. A. consequently B. nevertheless C.still D. otherwise 6.Jane is beautiful but intelligent ______. A. too B. so C. both D. moreover 7.They said both he _____ I were to come. A. but B. or C. so D. and 8.The weather in Dalat is neither too hot in summer ______ too cold in winter. A. or B. nor C. or else D. otherwise 9.Jane is beautiful but intelligent; ______ she’s very kind. A. however B. for all that C. moreover D. on the other hand 10. He never works______ he gains all the prizes. A. furthermore B. whereas C. but D. accordingly 11. The sun is shining and there are very few clouds; ______ I am sure it is going to rain. A. what’s more B. hence C. thus D. nevertheless 12. Bill is in class 12, ______ John, who is a year older, in only in class 4. A. and B. whereas C. either D. also 13. You must leave at once, you ______ miss the train. A. however B. yet C. still D. otherwise 14. You had better come yourself ______ send a friend. A. either B. neither C. or else D. while 15. He felt ill _____ he went to bed early. A. and B. but C. or D. so 16. The examination was very difficult,______ very few were able to pass. A. consequently B. as well as C. on the other hand D. whereas 17. We know ______ him and his wife. A. either B. neither C. both D. and 18. You can send letter from Hong Kong _____ by Suez or by Canada. A. either B. neither C. both D. and 19. There was no one there; ______I went away. A. and B. but C. or D. so 20. He was very young and had no experience of that type of work _____ he was not given the post. A. and B. but C. or D. Therefore He had to pay a fine of $ 10, _____ he had to spend 10 days in prison. A. or else B. while C. whereas D. however 21.He is clever and wins all the prizes _______ his brother never seems to know a thing. A. and B. while C. therefore D. or 22.You must tell him where you are going ______ when you will be back. A. and both B. as well as C. and also D. and too 23.Geography is a very interesting subject; ______ very few people study it thoroughly. A. and B. however C. moreover D. so 24.________ Nancy is an honest person, I still wonder whether she’s telling the truth about the incident. A. In spite of B. Since C. Although D. In the even that 25.The professor told me that I was doing well, _________ my final grade was awful A. so B. therefore C. in spite of D. yet 26._________ Daisy has a new car, she no longer takes the commuter train to work. A. Now that B. While C. Although D. In case 27.You’d better give me your answer quickly, __________ I’ll withdraw the invitation. A. although B. nevertheless C. even though D. or else 28.I have to go to the meeting _________ I want to or not A. provided that B. whether C. even if D. only if 29.What time do you expect Tom to be home ? I must talk to him, I usually go to bed around ten, but tell him to call me tonight ______ it’s past midnight. 9 Cau Giay High School Elective lesson plan E. 12 in advanced-2 nd term A. however B. in case C. even if D. as long as 30.__________ you’re going to the fruit market, would you please pick up a few apples for me ? A. Even if B. Although C. So D. As long as 31.I guess I’m a soft touch. I just lend Jane some money for lunch _______ she never paid me back my last loan. A. even though B. unless C. or else D. only if 32.I think I did OK in my speech last night _____ I’d had almost no sleep for 24 hours. A. even B. in spite of C. unless D. despite the fact that 33.I ask Mary to run the office while I’m away _____ I know I can depend on her. A. unless B. since C. although D. therefore 34.The sky was grey and cloudy. ________, we went to the beach. A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Even though D. In spite of 35.I turned on the fan _____ the room was hot. A. due to B. despite C. even though D. because 36.Sam and I will meet you at the restaurant tonight _____ we can find a babysitter. A. although B. unless C. otherwise D. only if 37. Carol showed up for the meeting _____ I asked her not to be there. A. even though B. despite C. provided that D. because 38. You must lend me the money for the trip. _______, I won’t be able to go. A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Otherwise D. Although 39. He told me not to do it; _____________ I did it. A. Therefore B. So C. But D. however 40. We have not yet won; ______________, we will keep trying. A. moreover B. however C. therefore D. so as 41. Everyone thought Emma should accept the offer. ____________, she turned it down. A. Moreover B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. But 42. The building has a smoke detector _________ any fires can be detected immediately. A. so that B. if C. as if D. in case 43. I like to keep the windows open at night no matter how cold it gets. My wife , _________, prefers a warm bedroom with all windows tightly shut. A. nevertheless B. on the other hand C. consequently D. whereas 44. I wanted to give him some money after he helped me with the car ________ he absolutely refused to accept it. A. so B. but C. therefore D. and so 45. _____________, I can not keep pace with Johnny. A. So I have tried hard B. I have tried hard so C. However hard have I tried D. However hard I have tried 46. He has done nothing to prepare for the final examination, __________ played. A. but B. so C. therefore D. and 47. He is only sixteen, and _____________ he is not eligible to drive a car. A. nevertheless B. but C. therefore D. however 48. Maria tried to read a novel in French ___________ the book was too difficult for her to understand. A. so that B. therefore C. but D. and 49. The man had a motive for the murder. ____________, he was seen in the area at the time. A. Moreover B. Consequently C. However D. Nevertheless Week 5-7 PERIOD 5-7 READING 10 [...]... Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer The Sonoran Desert is a North American desert which expands part of the United States - Mexico border and covers large parts of Arizona and California and the Mexican states It is one of the largest and hottest deserts in North America, with an area of 311,000 km 2 The Sonoran Desert contains a variety of unique plants and animals The desert includes... an c the d Ø 27 When they are at work, employed men work about an hour more than employed women a a b an c the d Ø 28 The women's movement has brought light to areas in which women do not have equality with men a a b an c the d Ø 29 My husband spends far more time helping our three kids homework and studying for tests than I do a on b to c with d in 30 My husband and I take turns cleaning... resources of our planet Each time a species is lost, the complexity, natural balance, and beauty of our world is diminished And what threatens plants and animals ultimately threatens people as well 1 According to the first paragraph _ a species extinction is only caused by hunting b human beings protect wife life much more than they do harm to them c the main cause of species extinction is human activities... storms and desert inhabitants c hot deserts and cold deserts in the United States d desert hospitality and environment 2 Which is not a problem for an unprepared man in a hot desert? a sandstorm b loss of water c irrigation d heatstroke 3 Sandstorms a do no harm to machinery b have effects only on the eyes c never lasts more than one hour d have bad effects on both human beings and machinery 4 Which... paragraph, _ a species extinction has no relationship to human beings b what threaten plants and animals can do nothing to human beings c human beings depend on natural resources to survive d not every, species has a role in the circle of life Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near... individuals and businesses The group says its mission is "to halt and reverse the (48) _ of our environment" Currently, much of its work focuses on the conservation of three biomes that contain most of the world's biodiversity: forests, freshwater ecosystems, and oceans and coasts Among other issues, it is also concerned (49) _ endangered species, pollution, and climate change The organization (50)... logging and ever-encroaching human settlement; pollution of water, soil, and air by toxic chemicals; unnatural climate changes due to fossil fuel use; unmanaged fishing that exhausts fish stocks; and illegal hunting to supply the demand for skins, hides, traditional medicines, food, and tourist souvenirs The list which conservationists presents only a fraction of the species at risk of extinction today and... species, 20 amphibian species, more than 100 reptile species, 30 native fish species, and more than 2000 native plant species Despite the common stereotype that it does not rain in deserts, the Sonoran Desert is considered the wettest desert in the world, receiving 3 to 15 inches per year (depending on location in the desert) Many plants not only survive the harsh conditions of the Sonoran Desert, but... Sonoran Desert than any others a True b False c No information 2 Fish cannot survive in the Sonoran Desert a True b False c No information 3 No place else in the world has famous saguaro cactus growing in the wild, but the Sonoran Desert a True b False c No information 4 There are a lot of American citizens in the Sonoran Desert a True b False c No information 5 The second largest city in the Sonoran... desert plants have taproots Taproots grow very 18 deep (47) they can tap sources of underground water Plant life in the desert is usually spread out over great distances This is (48) deserts are often described as barren, or lifeless When many people think of a desert they often think of endless miles of hot sand, but a desert does not have to be hot or sandy Most of the land of the Middle East and . California and the Mexican states. It is one of the largest and hottest deserts in North America, with an area of 311,000 km 2 . The Sonoran Desert contains a variety of unique plants and animals passage carefully and choose the correct answer. The Sonoran Desert is a North American desert which expands part of the United States - Mexico border and covers large parts of Arizona and California. life. All of us depend on the natural resources of our planet. Each time a species is lost, the complexity, natural balance, and beauty of our world is diminished. And what threatens plants and animals

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 09:00
