PART 1: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSIONSECTION 1: VOCABULARY 15 marks Choose the best word/phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow.. Practice test 1SECTION 2:
- -
Trang 3
sinh dl,l' thi tuyen sinh sau d9i hoc t9i trU'ang Dai hoc Kinh h~ TP.HCM Noi dung va
bien s09n nh;ijm:
1 Giai thi$u ve ci!tu truc va d9ng thlfC bai thi mon tieng Anh cho cac thi sinh dl,l'tuyen ky thi tuyen sinh sau d9i hoc t9i D9i hoc Kinh te TPHCM
2 Cung dp bai thi milu giup thi sinh cM di)ng va dinh hu'ang cho vi$c on t$p
Tai li$u gom 2 phan chinh: (1) Mo ta bili thi va (2) Cae bili thi m~u (Practice tests)
Chung toi hy vang TAl LieU ON THI MON TII~NG ANH se cung dp du thong tin CO'
ban giup thi sinh chu~n bi t6t cha ky thi.
Bi) mon tieng Anh
Ban Ngo9i ngiJ'
- - - - ~
Trang 5MUC LUC 1: M6 ta bai thi 2: Practice t£>5ts
Practice test 1
. 01
Practice test 2 .
07 Practice test 3
Practice test 4 . 20
Practice test 5 27 Practice test 6 34
Practice test 7
40 Practice test 8
. 46
Practice test 9
Practice test 10
Practice test 11
64 Practice test 12
Practice test 13
u.79 Practice test 14 .
Practice test 15
95 - -
DuO'I day la phiin giO'Ithi$u tom tM du truc bai thi tleng Anh cho cac thi sinh dV thi
ky thl tuyen sinh sau dai hQc Phiin mo ta baa gem
(i) Nol dung bili thl
(ii) Lo~i hinh bili taP va muc dlch danh gia
(Iii) So cau, so muc trong tLrng bai tap, va
(iv) Thang diem toi da cho tLrng loai bai taP
Thai gian lam bai la 120 pM! Bai thi gem 2 phiin chinh PART 1 va PART 2
I-~ -N(>idung
-Lo{!i hinh bai taP va ml,lc dich danh gia
, PART 1 nham danh gia kM nang SLI' dung
: tieng Anh cua thi sinh trang doc h,eu Tong
' 15
· nhom tLr cho san va 15 cau doc lap Mci
i cau chLra mot khoan trong - la tll' hay cum
SECTION 1 nham danh gia kha nang hleu
va sir dung du'O'c tll' vu'ng thich hop thong
, qua ngLr canh cho san
Trang 8SECTION 2 bao g6m cac bai oQc (2 hoac 4
m6'/oong Chu o€! van ban co lien quanoen
hQc, giao dl,Jc v.v NhCl'ngcau h6i oat ra
chinh neu trong van ban, (ii) nam oU'Q'c
(iii) hieu oU'Q'cthai 00 ml,JCoich cua tac gia / van ban
- _U
-. " SECTION 3 la mot OO<;Jn van ban bao gom
I lien quan ThI sinh can vl,in dl,Jng kien thlic
nhCl' phap, cau truc, tli vl,mg oe tim ra tli
PART 2 bao gom 3 loai hinh bai thi oU'ac
PART 2 nham oanh gia kha nang Slf dung
du'o-i dang viet Day Ii'!bai tap kho, dbi h6i thi sinh phai nam vCl'ng kien thlic v€! ngCl' phap, cau truc va tLmg vl,fng trang tieng
Anh Tong s6 diem cua PART 2 Ii'!45
Trang 9SECTION 1: ~TSE~TION 1.~6~~O nh6m cac tu rc'Yi,chlfa
! lien ket vai nhau Trong moi nh6 tu dlfQ'c
I s~p xep theo thLi tl,!' nhat djnh Thi sinh c~n
haan thanh cau mai ma van giCY nguyendlfQ'C y
dl,mg tieng Anh cua thi sinh qua chuyen
;dich YtLi tieng Anh ra tieng Vi$t va nglfO'C
: l<;Ii Chu, de cua nhCYng cau chuyen dich
Tcing diem bili thi
Choose the best word/phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow Each word/phrase can be used ONCE ONLY.
1 You missed the beginning of the film
you were latc.
2 She needed to relax
she went on holiday
3 Excuse me Can you tcll me
to get to the Art Gallery please?
waste which goes into the air and rivers.
5 When I saw a thief in the living room I was really
6 we finish eating she takes the plates and glasses to wash them up
7 We don't understand this word! Let's the word in the dictionary
8. arc emergency calls? Call us free on ISO
9 I can't find him
in many fields arc studying ways to increase: food production.
- Milan, Paris or
13 Fashion has become a big business and the top
Trang 12Practice test 1
Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
Passage 1
The ancient Greeks were lucky, it seems 'Their diet of olive oil, garlic, fish, vegetables, and
bread was very healthy They ate very little meat, fat, or sugar The experts today tell us to cat
less meat and morc vegetables, fruit, fish, pasta, brcad, and potatoes Chicken is hcalthier
than beef because it has less fat Garlic, the basis of French aioli, Spanish gambas al ajillo,
Italian bruehetta and Greek tzatziki, also has a good effect on the heart, as well as otherbenefits, which is perhaps why the ancient Greeks ate so much of it So, if you love your heart.add a little more garlic to your diet!
1 What did the diet of the ancient Greeks mainly include?
2 Does beef have more fat than chicken?
today' that many people are turning to one of its most common cures: physical exercise People
of all ages and t)'pes arc exercising: jogging, weight lifting, swimming, and evcn just plain
walking! Is this just a fad, or will it last?
6 !low do people feci when they arc stressed?
A fashion that is not likely to last
Trang 13Tili LiBu on thi tiing Anh
Passage 3
As in other countries, there are a number of different regional accents in the United KingdomApart from Scottish, Welsh and Irish accents, the north, cast, west and southwest of England,
as welI as the Midlands and London, a11 have their distinctive accents 1\t the same time there
is an accent which belongs to no particular region This accent is GlUed the Standj}rd Englishaccent, and is the accent usually taught to foreigners Northerners ca1I it the "southern accent"
- with some Scorn
1 I According to the passage, what do other countries and the United Kingdom have incommon?
on events of international, political or economic interest; The SjJeclator, a journal \vithconservative views, which publishes articles 6n many different subjects, including politics; New
- established humorous
magazine which also has serious articles.
16 What are Woman and Woman's Own?
20 Fill in the !§Iank with one suitable word from the passage
Trang 14Practice test 1
Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words Fill in each blankwith ONE suitable word only
ManuRll~odrigucs, 24, a ste\\',Hd on the new l<:urostar trains, one (])
the first
Paris is a1l a d,1Y'S work for him lie says," I have to know both cities rcally well I ha\'(' found some IC)\Tl)" restaurants!"
., bu t t he.\' have to have (5)
10 have an\' quahfic(l1ions, but YOLl have (6)
lovely personality You don't have
"We (8)
next train, (9)
he sta.\'s abroad, so he doesn't have to worry about restaurant bills.
meals (7!
when we don't have to return until the next day, (101
From the following suggested words and phrases in the given sequences, make all thechanges and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a completeparagraph Follow the example
my aunt; born; England; now; she; live; Perth; I\ustralia ;
1 this; lovel\ eo1 tage ; be ; 500 years; old;
Trang 15Tai LifU ()n thi tiitnK Anh
6 there / be / two / double bed room / bathroom
/ want / rent / collage /
Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence.
1.She wanted to know if I had studied English for a long time
She asked me"
Trang 16Practice teJt }
Translate the following sentences into English,
1 Co Hoa co nhieu kinh nghiem trong cong viec nay
2 Co Hoa lam viec aday dUQCbao nhieu lau roi? Co ay lam cho cong ty chung toi tU 1991 3 Co Hoa I(\i rat chiu kho Co ay khong ngai lam vi$c ngoai gio, ke c8 ngay Chu nhat
4 Co Hoa co biet ngo(\i ngCi nao khong? Co ay su dung dUQc ca tieng Anh va tieng Phap 5 NhUng co ay thanh thao tieng Anh hem tieng Phap Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 6 13ritaiTl is too small and crowded to produce all the food its people need In fact, more than half of Uritain's foodstuffs arc bought abroad .
7 -8 Every British citizen who is cIT1ployed has to pay a weekly' contribution to the national insurance and health schemes An employer also makes a contribution for each of his cmployees
9-10 Today more of Britain's workers belong to a trade union than in any other major Western country, but this may not be true for much longer because during 1980s the unions lost much of their strength and popularity .
This is the end of Practice test 1.
Trang 17what satisfyingwould competition
Choose the best word/phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow Each word/phrase can be used ONCE ONLY.
-I Can I get information
train times at any station?
6 So where were you yesterday? Well, I
bank I was shopping
7 The meat was
rotten that it had to be thrown away
10 To spend time with my ehi]dren is the most
, job I'vc ('vcr done.
11 I worked full time for twenty years,
after the children were born I didn't
]4 is the most popular country in the world for tourists?
]3 Do you think of yourself
, and other people second?
]5 We must have a computer system that works well,
of the cost
Trang 18Tdi Lieu on thi tie'ng Anh
Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow
Passage 1
Why are the French so lucky? That was the question medical researchers wanted to answer.The French eat much more cheese than other Europeans but they have the lowest rate of heartdisease Cheese is bad for'the heart because, like butter and cream, it has a lot of fat Theresults of research are surprising, and good news for wine lovers everywhere The French arealso the biggest wine drinkers in Europe and drinking wine with food reduces the risk of heartattack And if you're not a wine lover? No problem, a daily aspirin has the same result
I Which country in Europe has the fewest people with heart disease?
6 Do all employees in the same company take paid vacation of the same length?
q, Use the information in the passage to complete the sentence bc1ow.
10 What docs the underlined part in " to coincide with those of one's spouse" rcfer to'?
Trang 19Practice test 2
How important is image? Obviously film stars have to look right for the part, but what aboutother people in the public eye? For example, do politicians have to think about theirappearance, too? Albert Mehrabian studied the effect that speakers have on their audience Hisresearch showed that only 7% of the effect depends on what you say; 38% of the effect comesfrom your voice; but a huge 55% of the effect comes from your appearance So you don't have
to worry much about contcnt! Your voice and your appearance are much more important.
11 What is the passage about?
14 What does the figure '55%" refer to?
15 What is the conclusion of the study?
London, particularly "Docklands", once part of the port of London. The national papers can bedivided into two main groups: quality papers and popular papers Quality papers like 711e
international news very thoroughly The popular papers tend to makc news sensational, and to
publish "personal" articles which shock and excite
16 What do you know about Fleet Street from the passage?
17 What did Docklands use to be? .
19 If you read The Times, what would you expect to learn from the paper?
20 Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the passage.
Trang 20Tili LifU on thi tie'nMAnh
Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word only.
When Andrew (1)
(2) anyone therc to meet him 1\ lot of people in uniforms were holding cards
with names (3) them, but they were not waiting for him. It was(4) beautiful Sunday morning and he decided to go to the hotel on his own.Ill' \\cnt out of the airport (5) looked for a taxi A lot ofpeoplc were waiting,
(6) he decided to get the airport bus into Paris The bus stopped in
the city centre quite near his hotel and (7)
(8) \valking towards his hotel with his case a car suddenl:"stopped next to him A woman got out She was (9)
a uniform and was
carrying a card (10) said "Mr Andrew Jones". "Mr Jones", I was waiting
From the following suggested words and phrases in the given sequences, make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a complete paragraph Follow the example.
my aunt / born / England / now/ she/live / Perth /Australia /
1 Susan / be / nervous / when / come back / home /
Trang 21Practice test ::
7 suddenly / phone / ring /
1 This is the first time he has been to Vietnam
4 Although the weather was very bad, we went out
In spite of
5 I arrived late so I didn't meet her.
1 didn't meet her
.. .
6 "Where have you been?" she asked me
She wanted to know
7 She did not work hard, so she failed the final exam.
If she had worked hard
The f100d prevented
9 The test was less difficult than I thought.
10 The student started writing the essay at 2p.m and finished an hOLir later.
Trang 22
Tili LifU on thi tie'ng Anh
Translate the following sentences into English.
1 Vi$t nan co dan so hem 80 tri$u nguai
d " ~
2 Hem 70% dan so song nha nghe n6ng
3 Gao la n6ng sim ehinh va la m9t trong nhung mij.t hang xuat khau quan trong eua Viet nam
4 Vi$,t ~am la nuae xuat khau gao dung hanh thu nhi sau Thai Lan
5 Nam 1998, Vi$t nam xuat khau 3,8 tri$u tan gao
Translate the following 'lentences into Vietnamese. 6-7 By the year 2007, 98% of the jobs will be in service industries and wi11 require workers who can use computers and other information processing technologies.
8 Japan leads the world in the development of robots They have 12,000 robots working and produce 30,000 per year, most of them, for export
9-10 In the decade of the 1970s, the United Nations organised several meetings on the human environment to study a serious problem We humans are destroying the \vorld around lIS_ We are using up all our natural resources We must learn to conserve them, or life will be very hard for our children
This is the end of Practice Test 2