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Unit 13-Language Focus

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Unit 13. FILMS AND CINEMA Fill in the blanks with -ed or -ing form of the adjectives 1. The coach isn’t _____________ (please) with the results of his team. 2. Although everybody says the film is ___________(bore), I want to see it. 3. They were ___________(amaze) to see so many black clouds in the sky. 4. My father found Prague ___________(fascinate) 5. Roberto Carlos is ___________(concern) about his injury. 6. I have a profitable job but is ____________(exhaust). 7. Fairy tales are __________(enchante). Do you agree? 8. All the fans were __________(surprise) by the success of their team. 9. Getting up early at the weekends is ____________: (annoy ). 10. Robin is ___________(interest) in politics. According to her politics is really __________. (interest) II. Comeplete the sentences with the suitable “-ed”, “-ing” form of the words in brackets. 1. The book I’m reading is really _______. (Interest) 2. I’m really ______ in reading this book. (Interest) 3. The girl was ______ about her coming birthday party. (Excite) 4. The match we saw on TV last night was very ______. (Excite) 5. The story I just finished had a very ______ ending. (Surprise) 6. I was really ______ by the ending of the story. (Surprise) 7. The characters in the story are _______ . (Fascinate) 8. The child is really ______ by the characters in the story. (Facsinate) 9. I’m _______ . I can’t understand the instructions on this box. (Confuse) 10. The instructions on the box are _____ . (Confuse) III. Rewrite the following sentences, using “It was not untill … that…” 1. I didn’t finish the report until midnight. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 2. The manager didn’t return from his holiday untill Monday. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 3. She didn’t answer his phone call until he had phoned her the third time. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 4. They didn’t buy the house until the bank had lent them the money. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 5. Denise didn’t know the truth until we had told her. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 6. The work on the new bridge wasn’t completed until the end of 2004. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 7. Julia didn’t notice me untill I had shouted to her. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 8. Olivia didn’t leave the office until everybody had gone home. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 9. No one could leave the stadium until 2.30. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 10.She wasn't allowed to open her presents until her birthday. → It was not untill…………………………………………………………………… 11.We didn't have any holiday until last summer. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 12. She didn't stop learning German until the age of 24. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 13. I couldn't finish my project until Mark helped me. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 14. I didn't sleep until midnight. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 15. They didn't pay the bill until the electricity was cut off. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… 16. I couldn't comment further until I had all the information. → It was not until…………………………………………………………………… III. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. It was not until she was twenty – nine that Paula decided to get married. → Paula ………………………………………………………………… 2. It was not until the sun had risen that I woke up. → I ………………………………………………………………… 3. It was not until I had showed it to him that Simon realized his mistake. → Simon ………………………………………………………………… 4. It was not until the spring came that the ice on the lake thawed. → The ice ………………………………………………………………… 5. It was not until the building was almost burned down that the firemen arrived. → The firemen ………………………………………………………………… 6. It was not until it had stopped raining that we left the party. → We ………………………………………………………………… 7. It was not until all the shops had closed that Isabel decided to go shopping. → Isabel ………………………………………………………………… 8. It was not until the robbers had gone that the police came to the scene. → The police ………………………………………………………………… 9. I didn’t finished the report untill midnight. → It was ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. The manager didn’t return from his holiday untill Monday. → It was ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. She didn’t answer his phone call untill he had phoned her the third time. → It was ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. They didn’t buy the house untill the bank had lent them the money. → It was ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV. Put in “a”, “an” or “the” in each blank. 1. How far is it from here to ____ airport? 2. “What’s _____ capital of Spain?” – “It’s Madrid”. 3. My father works in ______ office _______ city center. 4. _______ earth is _______ planet of _______ solar system. 5. She was born in _____ village in _____ north of England. 6. _____ village where she was born has ______ beautiful river. 7. Who is _____ best singer in ______ United Kingdom? 8. Can you switch off _____ television? Nobody’s watching it. 9. He felt bored with ______ woman who sat beside him at the party. 10. The ship was crossing ______ Atlantic Ocean when it hit _____ huge iceberg. 11. Mount Everest is ______ hightest mountain in _____ world. 12. _____ Mississppi River flows through several states of ______ United States. 13. My grandparents live in _____ old house in _____ south of Dong Nai provice. There is ______ large garden behind _____ house. They grow some fruit trees and vegetables in _____ garden. 14. There was _____ accident near my house this morning. _____ taxi crashed into ____ lamp post. _____ taxi was damaged, but ____ driver of ____ taxi was not hurt. 15. This morning I had _____ sandwich and _____ cup of coffee for breakfast. ____ sandwich was OK, but _____ coffee was terrible. V. Choose the suitable option in the blanks to complete sentences. 1. The characters in the story are (festinated/ fasinating) . 2. The story I just finished had a very (surprised/ surprising) ending. 3. The child is really (festinated/ fasinating) by the characters in the story. 4. I’m (confused/ confusing). I can’t understand the instructions on this box. 5. I was really (surprised/ surprising) by the ending of the story. 6. The instructions on the box are (confused/ confusing). 7. My grandparents live in (a/an/ the) old house in (a/ an/ the) south of Dong Nai provice. There is (a/an/ the) large garden behind (a/an/ the) house. They grow some fruit trees and vegetables in (a/an/ the) garden. 8. The book I’m reading is really ( interested/ interesting). 9. I’m really ( interested/ interesting).in reading this book. 10. The girl was (excited/ exciting) about her coming birthday party. 11. The match we saw on TV last night was very (excited/ exciting) 12. The story I just finished had a very (surprised/ surprising) ending. 13 I was really (surprised/ surprising) by the ending of the story. 14. There was (a/an/ the) accident near my house this morning. (a/an/ the) taxi crashed into (a/an/ the) lamp post. (a/an/ the) taxi was damaged, but (a/an/ the) driver of (a/an/ the) taxi was not hurt. I do the same thing every day. My job is very ______ . I have nothing to do. I'm ______ . My job is very varied. I find it ______ . I'm ______ in applying for the job. I heard some very ______ news. I'm going to lose my job. I feel terrible Cheer up . Don't feel so ______ . There are plenty of other jobs. I heard a very ______ story. It will make you laugh. It's not ______ that you failed the exam. You never did any work. I don't understand this exercise. I'm very ______ . I thought your behaviour at the party was ______ . You were sick in the middle of the room. My trip to Paris has been cancelled. I'm really ______ . I really wanted to go. The performance of the English team was very ______ . They played much worse than expected. There are a lot of road signs. It's all very ______ . I am very ______ in this subject. I find it fascinating. The lesson was really ______ . I almost fell asleep. I was ______ by her behaviour. It was very funny. I was ______ by the news. I didn't expect it. I was ______ by his behaviour. It was outrageous. I'm ______ in finding out more about this. Where can I look? When the students did badly, the teacher became really ______ and didn't smile for weeks. Sue: Hi, Jane. Have you had an (interest) day? Jane: I've had a very (excite) day. It's my birthday today. Sue: I'm a little (confuse). I thought your birthday was next month. Jane No, that's my brother's birthday. Mine is today. Sue: Oh! Now I'm (embarrass). I didn't get you a present. Jane: That's (disappoint). But it's OK. Sue: Now I'm (depress), too. Hey, I've just had a (fascinate) idea. Why don't we go shopping and get you a present right now? That way we can get you something really (please). Jane: What an (enchant) idea. Where shall we start? Sue: What about right here? Bill: Hi, Mark. You look (tire). . Mark: I am. I'm totally (exhaust) . Bill: Why? What have you been doing? Mark: I've been getting my house ready for the painters to come tomorrow. Now they ring me to tell me, yet again, that they can't come till next week. I'm getting very (annoy) with them Bill: That's (disappoint). I'll bet that you'll be (please) when it's finished. Mark: You're not wrong! I'm starting to get very (bore) with all the delays. It's (distress). . Bill: You must be so (frustrate). When do they think they will finish painting you house. Mark: They say that it will take about two weeks to finish. But when they will start I don't know. Bill: Don't be too (depress). Just think of how (relieve) you'll be when it's finished. Mark: That's the (frighten) thing. I'm starting to believe that it will never be finished. Bill: What a (shock) thought. Never mind. One day soon you'll wake up with the (relax) thought that it's finished and you don't have to worry about it anymore. Mark: I hope you're right. Amy: Have you heard the (suprise) news about Alice and Ted? Cathy: You mean about their getting married. Yes, I have. I was absolutely (astonish) when I heard about it. I thought it was the most (astound) thing I'd heard in a long time. They're always fighting like cats and dogs. Amy: I agree with you. I was pretty (shock) when I heard about it myself. Cathy: Actually, I'm (relieve). I was always (worry) that they would break up. Now I can relax. Amy: What a (depress) idea. But you're right. That would be an (upset) thing to happen. Cathy: Now we can all relax knowing that they will live a life of (content), (wed) bliss. Amy: You're so right. I just love weddings. They're so (fascinate). Example: The goalie’s injury disappointed his many fans. His injury was disappointing. His fans were disappointed. 1. The apple satisfied my hunger. The apple was . 2. Bob’s decision to quit his job shocked everyone. I was when I heard. 3. A thunderstorm threatened to ruin our picnic. The storm was . 4. The view from the top of the mountain inspired him to write a song. It was an view. 5. Mom comforted me with a cup of hot chocolate. The hot chocolate was . 6.The new movie bored everyone in the audience. The audience was . 7. The latest loss devastated the basketball players. It was a loss. 8. Her lecture interested me. I was so that I later began to read more about it. 9. The low score on her test depressed her. The score was . 10. His offer of a higher salary tempted me to accept the job. I felt . . Unit 13. FILMS AND CINEMA Fill in the blanks with -ed or -ing form of the adjectives 1. The coach. _____ village where she was born has ______ beautiful river. 7. Who is _____ best singer in ______ United Kingdom? 8. Can you switch off _____ television? Nobody’s watching it. 9. He felt bored with. hightest mountain in _____ world. 12. _____ Mississppi River flows through several states of ______ United States. 13. My grandparents live in _____ old house in _____ south of Dong Nai provice. There

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 09:00

