907 'popT^ord oq lsnur flddns eldru€ u€ 'spJlq dae4 pue lc€r$€ oJ .Jol€rta Jo secJnos q8noue lou er€ a.req+ lol u€qJnqns Jo z(11c e8e.reae ortr+ uT +ng 'rol€rla Jo secJnos q8noua u€ql ororu ezreq z(eq1 snql '.{raous pu€ 'lnop 'sdru€/ras 'solppnd u1e.r 'spuod's4oorq Äq perlddns sI rol€1r{ 'spJTq ;o s8urpunorJns ltsJnl€u eql uI '.l(resseceu lou oJts sJoul€luoc ele.redes 'sesod.rnd qloq JoJ re+€^ eur€s eql esn .feql ecurg 'Eurqleq pue Surqur.rp roJ ral€.rta peeu sprTg 'rol€ lr. qsorJ yo flddns luepunqe J ue l(q pelueruelduroc eq lsnur sprTq yo flddns pooJ eq\IJ luoutoJlnboJ puocOs Oql :J0lPlrr q F pools If you live in the country and have enough room for a bird sanctuary, a watering place for birds can be very easily provided by simply hollowing out a small dish-shaped area in the ground and fllling it with water. This unit can be- come a part of the landscaping by lining the depression with cement and making a small ornamental pool. Do not make the pool too deep. Birds rarely wiil use a pool or a birdbath that is more than 2 or 3 inches deep. Have the sides at a very flat slope so that entry is easy. The birds will approach the pool more freely if there are no nearby bushes that could hide enemies. Have at least 3 to 4 feet of open space around the pool. Use grass in this area or, better, fi.ne sand and drrst for a natural dust bath. These pools can vary in size from 3 to 10 feet across, depending upon the space you can devote to them. The chief objections to this kind of pool are that it occupies too much space in the average yard and is very difficult to clean. If you are fortunate enough to have a small stream or a running spring on your land, the pool described above can be made a part of it. Widen a section of the stream, give the sides a very gradual slope, provide the grass or dust area, remove close bushes and shrubs, and you will have an ex- cellent, natural bird-watering place. While bushes should be removed from the area immediately surrounding the pool, have a fence, open bush, dead tree, or overhanging branches about 10 feet away to serve as a place for the birds to rest and preen themselves. Locate the pool and preening perch where they will get both sunshine and shade and the birds will use them constantly. -,"- - "":, i;r A shallow pool with sloping sides and lined with concrete is wel- comed by the birds. ' ,li€ :äl ,l €- !. i; Leafie Watt-From the National Audubon Society 106 il LOT '.(e.rne +ooJ gtr lnoq€ sor{cu€rq ro acuoJ € r{lylr eceds uodo ue uI pat€col z{1n;e.rec eq pFoqs sqttsqprlq 's1ood e411 'lunoru olq€llns .Äue .ro lelsaped >IcIJq € uo +T eceld osl€ u€c noÄ 'uol+€co1 pooF € uI auo aq ol sueddeq eroq+ y1 drunls € uo los oq u"c +I Jo I€lseped ele.rcuoc aql uo peceld eq utsc l1lroq oq; 'sql€qpJrq l€uolllpp€ a{€ru ol Je+l€ru eldurrs € sI lI 'ep€ur ueeq e^€q sruJoJ ar{l ocuo 'eJoJeq eleJcuoc qlr/ta po>IJor!5. lou ezreq no.r{ y1 ecuer.redxe Surlse.regur .rt.re.rr € aq [r^r, pue eldturs sI uoTlcnJlsuoc aqJ 'eloJcuoc pelnod Jo sr ltslsoped eq; 'poq?eru deem.s eql ztq qt€qprrq olarc -uoc € 3u11sec JoJ suollcnJlsul oJ€ sa8ed 8ur.vro11oy orll uO '3u11ooy poo8 e eprno;d o1 q8no.r oq ppoqs e5pe pue I^toq eqt Jo ac"Jrns eq6 'rtnenpe.r8 umop edols plnoqs sapls aql pu€ deep saqcur g u€rp erour aq lou pporls sq?€q oq; 'dee1s ool ar€ soprs oq+ pu€ deep oo1 eJ€ eIq€F€^€ sq+€qpfiq aqt Jo Äuetr41 'z(11ce.r.roc peu8lsep sT +T ?€q+ erns oq 'op€ru sI ql€qprlq aql qcrq/rl. Jo l€Iral€w er{l Jo ssa1p.re8e11 'elq€rnp oJorrr oJE pu€ ;e8uol ls€I lnq enrsuedxe oJorrr eJ€ oleJcuoc Jo apeTu osor{J 'sac1.rd elq€üos€e.r zt.ren l€ pos€qc.rnd eq u"c €+loc €rJel Jo ep€ru sq+€51 'spJlq JoJ Jol€1!r. Surprno.rd ;o su€eru lecrlce;d lsoru oql sI ql€qpJTq uoruuroc eq1 sdeq.reg qlBqp4q Oql I{ 'sp.tlq to,L aceld Eutuaerd luallacxe ue sepr^oJd qleq p.rlq e .reeu eerl peop v :rtrri.:ti.r:i:l :t.l't. utll l;: ,ir, ii$'l:,* r:la,i ;l:,]:i itt w l' $'x 1* t" iit ]t: ,U:1: & :l:1"' t] { i:i:3 .ii':lti .::'t.t: how to make a concrete birdbath A simple and inexpensive way to make a concrete birdbath is shown here. The bowl is formed with sweeps that mold the core and the concrete to shape. Select a level, flat sur- face on which to mount a piece of taned buitdi.ng paper about 36 inches square. Tack it in place at the edges. Drill a hole at the exact center for the r/+-incJn pivot, which may be a wood dowel or iron rod and insert the pivot. Cut the sweep for the core out of. tla-incln stock as shown. The bowl is cast or swept upside down. The core is made of clay. To use less clay, you can build up the core out of waste lumber as illustrated. Over this core spread the clay, which should be soft enough to shape easily. place the sweep on the pivot and work it back and forth until the core is shaped. Allow the core to dry partially and coat it with grease or oil. When the clay has set, mix the concrete, one part cement to three parts sand and gravel. Keep it rather thick so that it can be formed. Add the second spacer block, put the concrete over the clay mold, and sweep it into shape. Small pieces of chicken wire can be added as reinforcement. When shaped, trowel the concrete smooth and allow it to harden. After the concrete has set, remove it from the board, and take out the clay core. Round the edges with a brick; then take out the wood spacer block in the center and plug the hole with cement. ff. Maintenance of the birdbath is an interesting home chore for the youngsters. 108 il; S3UVflOS aZ c']ol/\l ^v'rc uoj d33Ms JO t/luol 60r vf,o']€t u3f,vds ti!Bol H9NOH u3dvd 8VI I l/\lUOJtV'td ONVS SIHVd E 1N3n33 tUVd I sd]:MS HIIM 30Vl ,l H IV€ CE I8 x30rs nd/l I 3 I:UfNO3 il 2" SQUARES CLAY MOLD I r/8" sTocK SPACER/ PIVOT FORM OF SWEEP FOR CONCRETE OF EACH i I scnew IToGETHER GREA.E rNsrDE oF F.RM sc BEFORE POURING CONCRETE NTERING \aloo< rtt roeuz/ 3/4 CONCRETE PEDESTAL upsrDE DowN 3" DlA. STOVE PIPE 110 ITI 'op liT/ra elctsldacor ro qslp /lroll€qs ltuy 'asod.rnd eq1 olres [I/!r 1I 1nq deals llq ts aJ€ Jell€I er{l Jo sapls eqJ 'Je11os lod.rervrog ,{reurpro rr€ Jo se1e1d erd arernueqp€a e3.re1 esn uec nor( 'aldurexa rod 'poqlJcsap 1sn[ asoql s€ e]€Joq€Io s€ II€ lou oJ€ ^(eq; 'qleqprlq € Fulprrro.rd ;o sitelt. reqlo -{ueru aJ€ eJaqJ Mrr: rolPil FutpnoJd lo sf,um roqlo '1e1seped eql Jo do1 aq1 o1 l/lroq oql plor{ IIUIL lrv\oq aq} Jo ruo}1oq eq? uo 3n1 eq; 'e4q noÄ roloc oql ul€lqo o1 pe.rrnbeJ sI r{cnur rto.oq noz( IIel ilI/t Jol€ep I€coI JnoÄ 'paJlsep Jr eloJcuoc oql of popp€ oq u€c Joloc 'solqqnq JT€ ol€urrrrTle o+ poJ e Sursn eleJcuoc eq1 .rnod ueqJ 'ece1d ur 1r ploq ol ruJoJ er{l punoJ€ sl€elc ^tolcs 'ed1d pue plour oql Jo oprsul eq1 aseet8 Jo ITO '1e1seped poqsrug: ot{1 Jo oaoc reuJoc er{1 ruJoJ 01 xoq eqt eprsur peF€u aJ€ spuo popunoJ q?r-{!l' spunoJ .re1.renb qcur-ouo 'rtlquesse s1tl+ punoJ€ ruJoJ xoq aql e1€col uaql pu€ 'lr Jeao edrd eq1 1nd '4co1q Surreluec punoJ qcul-g oq+ lunotr tr 'eJoc € s€ pasn s1 edrdanols releru€Tp r{cur-g € 'JOlueC /\Aolloq eql rrrJoJ O;, 'FuureJp aql uo uraoqs s€ tuJoJ xoq oql e>I€tr [ '+s€c sT pu€ ur\ op eprsdn op€ru s1 lelsapad eql .Euno^ pue plo sprq s]3er] Älddns ralenn ]uaruaAuoo V oloqd urnasnL/! J!lqnd aalneMlrn '.;:r: ,i:lläilr:'"l il The trickle and splash of falling water is an attraction for birds. LL2 Gene Heil-from the National Audubon Society Birdbaths can be very elaborate, approximating the formal jet fountains in public parks. Many of these are more deco- rative than practical. However, a fountain with a jet of water has an attraction for birds. They are fascinated by the trickle and splash of water as you will discover if you provide a fountain in your birdbath, pool, or fountain. Most of the formal birdbaths have permanent water connections and the water must be turned off during freezing weather. The drains, too, must be looked after. Gare of birdbaths Whether a birdbath is simple or elaborate, it must be kept clean. Flush it out every other day and flll it with clean water. You will thus prevent the formation of algae, which not only makes the water unflt for use but also causes an odor. The formation of algae in larger pools and baths can also be prevented by adding one ounce of copper sulfate to every 50 gallons of water. No harmful effects to birds from this solution have ever been noted. Scrub the bowl with a wire brush or with sand and a piece of burlap at least once a week. winter Gare Unless there has been a very dry spell and there is no snow or ice on the ground, it is not necessary to provide water for the birds during the winter. Since birds do not bathe in 8TI 'lsnp Jo slrsd ua+ 01 rnqdFs +r€d euo ppv'oplcl+Is€r€d € s€ pasn eq u€c Jnqdlns ^rollezt poJep^4,od r(.reurp.r6 '1T Jo osn a>I€ur IIT/r^ rar{+ou€ relJ€ prlq euo pu€ uns oq+ q ql€qprlq ar{l Jtsau ql€q lsnp eql ec€Id 'zt.rp lsnp eq1 dee{ pu€-lseq sI lsnp p€or-lsnp Ä.rp Ä.reurpro tllT/ra lT IIT,TI 'esod.rnd sftI+ roJ lecrlce.rd Ä.rarr sr deap seqcur Z pu€ '3uo1 leeg I 'epTÄtr leoJ Z xoq V 'ql"q lsnp € JoJ posn eq u€c xoq Jo zte.r1 molleqs .,tu17 'sJoq+€al rTeql uoilTpuoc o1 .repurrod runcl€1 orITI osl€ slc€ lsnp ourd'pe^e1eq ;fluourruoc sT s€ 'acTI lou 'seys€.red u14s Jo spJlq pTr sq+€q +snc 'sql€q lsnp paeu osl€ sprTq 'sq+€q ro+€1ra o+ uol+Ippts uI qluq Fnp prlq Oql 'nolf o1 3u11sele1u1 eno.rd r(eur sq1eqp.4q 5u11eoq Jo sr(em qlrm 5u11ueu4.redxg '8u1zee.r; ruoJJ ro+€rr aq1 dee4 o+ +€eq q8noue lsnf go s/taoJql 'lH uoqrra 'qclq^{ os€q l€lsoped eq1 q q1nq 1q8q-cr.rlcolo u€ eceld sJaTcu€J pJrq roqlo 'Jols€ol pepJ€csrp € ruorJ lueurele aq1 3u1sn sq+€qprrq pol€eq ullao Jrer{l osT^op uoruslJ€rc InJ -ecJnosoJ eruos 'Surzee.ry ruoJJ Jol€ !a eq1 deeq osl€ IITI!!. lI uI +uerrrole Jel€oq clJlcale u€ qlylr t{l€qpJlq v 'pllos ezosJJ 01 acu€qc € s€q lr eJoJoq Äep qcee Jo+€l\a er{l z$drue ol sI s1rIl lueae.rd o1 rfem 1se1dru1s oq; '>Ic€Jc IIr/!t' I/rroq er{+ Jo 8u1zee.ry uo.rl 1de4 eq lsnw Jol€1ta sql 'sqluoru ra+uylr aq1 Sur.rnp peul€+uT€ru sI ql€qpJrq € JI 'lunourts II€Ius .rt.rerr e fluo pue Fur4ur.rp .roy ltpo Jel€ra a.rrnbe.r .rteq1 'se.rnleredruel 3u1zear3 . the birds to rest and preen themselves. Locate the pool and preening perch where they will get both sunshine and shade and the birds will use them constantly. -, " ;- - "":, i;r A. birds. LL2 Gene Heil-from the National Audubon Society Birdbaths can be very elaborate, approximating the formal jet fountains in public parks. Many of these are more deco- rative. a bird sanctuary, a watering place for birds can be very easily provided by simply hollowing out a small dish-shaped area in the ground and fllling it with water. This unit can be- come