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anh 9 unit 9 (2 cot)

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Period 54 Unit 9: Natural disasters GETTING STARTED – LISTEN AND READ I. Objectives Students listen and read a dialogue for detail information about a weather forecast and will be able to - Get to know and use new words about weather - Understand the information in a weather forecast 1. Language focus: Vocabulary: snowstorm, earthquake, volcano, typhoon 2. Language skills: Practice listening and reading skill II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: textbook, teaching plant, cassette, picture, posters 2. Students’: Textbook, workbook. III. Procedure 1. Organization Class Total Out 9A …… …… 9B …… …… 9C …… …… 2. Checking up: No 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up Guessing game Provide three clues about the word weather forecast. Ss have to guess the word. If Ss can guess the word in the first clue they get 30 points, 20 in the second clue and 19 in the third clue 1. We know whether it is going to rain or to be sunny if we watch this program 2. It is usually broadcasted on TV after the news 3. It starts with letter W Asks Ss some questions about the topic: - Do you usually watch the weather forecast? - Do you think weather forecasts are truthful? 2. Presentation T: Explain the words in the book. - Work in groups to guess * Answers Weather forecast 1. Getting started * New words T: Ask Ss to match the picture to the correct words and then compare their answer with a partner's - Give correct answers T: Tell Ss to look at the pictures on page 75 and answer, in which program do we see in these pictures? (in weather forecast) T: Set the scene "Thuy is talking to her grandmother while they are watching a weather forecast on TV. Now you look at the book and listen to the tape? 3. Practice T: Play the tape more than one if necessary T: Make any pronunciation corrections if necessary T: Have Ss worked independently and fill in each blank one word and phrase from the dialogue T: Call on some Ss to read aloud their completed sentences in front of class Snowstorm (n): b·o tuyÕt Earthquake (n): ®éng ®Êt Volcano (n): Nói löa Typhoon (n): b·o nhiÖt ®íi • Answers: 1. snowstorm 2. earthquake 3. volcano 2. Listen and read a. Practice Ss: Practice the dialogue in a group of 3 b. answers 1. turn up; weather forecast 2. raining 3. central highlands 4. have temperature 5. weather forecasts 4. Drill T: Ask Ss to work in group of 3 to 4 and discuss to make a weather forecast for the following day in Vietnam T: Call on some representatives from groups to read their forecast aloud in front of class - Comment and make necessary corrections 5. Homework - Summarize the main points - Prepare "speak" Period 55 Unit 9: Natural disasters Speak + Listen I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Know what should be prepared for a typhoon - Improve the discussion skills: agreeing and disagreeing - Get to know some ideas on how to live with earthquakes through sentence completion exercise - Listen to the talk better, identify and catch key words for the answers 1. Language focus: Vocabulary: Canned food, bucket, fix the leak, roof, peg, door latch, power cat, Fixture, block, zone, roller, hang potted plant, doorway 2. Language skills: Practice speaking and listening II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: textbook, teaching plant, sub-board cassette, tape and pictures about earthquakes 2. Students’: Textbook, workbook. III. Procedure 1. Organization Class Total Out 9A …… …… 9B …… …… 9C …… …… 2. Checking up: - Write new words - Answer the questions: + What is the weather like today? 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up - Have there been any typhoons in our hometown? + What should we do when there is a typhoon? + Do you know anything about earthquakes? + Are there any earthquakes in Vietnam? + in which countries do earthquakes usually occur? - Can use Vietnamese to express their ideas if there are any difficulties - Work in groups and give answers - May provide help later on 2. Pre speaking T: Introduce the new words 3. While - speaking T: Ask Ss to work in pairs, study the list and check what preparations should be made for a typhoon T: Call on some pairs to explain their answers - Correct and gives suggested choice T: Have Ss continue working in pairs but with another partner - Ask them to talk about what they think they want to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon, explain why. The ideas in the box and the samples on page 77 maybe helpful T: Call on some pairs to practice in front of class. - Comment and give suggested answers 4. Post - speaking T: Say seven to ten statements about what we should do to prepare for a typhoon, if the statements are true (should do) Ss will repeat the statements. If the statements are false (should do), Ss will stay silent T: Give suggested statements: 1. We should buy some candles 2. We should invited some friends to dinner 3. we should buy a dog 4. we should buy a ladder 5. We should go to the movies 6. we should paint the house 7. we should buy matches 8. We should fill all buckets with water 9. We should check all the windows and door latches 10. We should wash your blankets 3. Speak New words Canned food (n): đồ ăn đóng hộp Backet (n): cái xô Fix the leak: sửa chữa lỗ thủng Roof (n): mái nhà Peg (n): móc treo Door latch (n): khoá bên ngoài (cửa) Power cut (v): cắt điện Available (a): có sẵn Damage (v) = destroy a. Students' answers b. Suggested answers Ss: Compare their answers with another pair A: I think we should buy some candles and matches before a typhoon. B: Yes, I agree with you. Because there maybe a power cut when the wind is strong. Ss: May use agreeing and disagreeing structures that they have learned 5. Pre listening T: Ask Ss some questions: + Do you know anything about earthquakes? + Are they dangerous? + Are there any earthquakes usually occur? + What would you do if an earthquake occurred? (before, while and after the earthquake) T: Introduce the new words: T: Asks Ss to read new words 6. While - listening T: Set the scene "An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes, Actually he will give us advice on what should we do before and during an earthquake. Listen to the talk and complete the table" T: Play the tape several times if necessary T: Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud - Feedback and give correct answers, Play the tape again and stop at each answer 7. Post Listening T: Have Ss work in group and make a short presentation on how to live with earthquakes based on the information in the table. - Call on some Ss to deliver the presentation in front of class. - Comment and make correction if necessary 4. Listen Ss: Discuss and can answer in Vietnamese New words: Fixture (n): cố định vật ở một chỗ Block (v): ngăn cản, cản trở Zone (n) khoanh vùng, phân vùng Roller (n): con quay Hanging potted plant (n): chậu treo hoa Container (n) đồ đựng hàng hoá Doorway (n): lối cửa ra vào Ss: Read the table carefully and make some useful guesses for the missing words in the blank Ss: Compare their answers with a friend Answers 1. bottom shelf of the bookshelf 2. fridge 3. washing machine 4. mirrors 5. window 6. inside 7. under a strong table 8. door way 9. Conner of the room. 8. Drill - Summarize the main points 8. Homework - Summarize the main points - Do exercise Exercise: Match the word in A to the one in B to make complete words A B 1. Canned a. movies 2. Power b. latch 3. Door c. cut 4. Video d. food - Prepare " READ" Period 56 Unit 9: Natural disasters READ I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to - Get general background information on some common natural disasters such as earthquakes, tidal waves, typhoon, volcanoes and tornadoes through 2 comprehension exercise: "true/ false and" " sentence completion" 1. Language focus: Vocabulary: Pacific Rim, collapse, majority, abrupt, shift, hurricane, erupt, funnel, baby carriage. 2. Language skills: Practice reading skill II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: textbook, teaching plant, sub-board cassette, tape and the picture of natural disasters 2. Students’: Textbook, workbook. III. Procedure 1. Organization Class Total Out 9A …… …… 9B …… …… 9C …… …… 2. Checking up: T: Call on some Ss to talk about what to do before/ while/after an earthquake - Write news words 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up T: Give definition of 4 natural disasters that Ss will learn in the lesson - Ask Ss to match the names of the disasters to its correct definition - Work in groups 1. Earthquake a. mountain or hill with openings through which ashes and gases ejected 2. tidal wave b. violent storm especially in east Asian seas 3. typhoon c. violent storm over small area 4. volcano d. another word for tsunami, waves caused by tides 5. Tornado e. sudden and violent movements of T: gives correct answers T: Asks Ss to look at the passages and pictures then introduce the new words 2. Pre reading - Read the text and introduces new words 3. While - reading T: Set the scene "you are going to read a passage about 5 disasters that we have mentioned earlier. Read and do the comprehension tasks assigned. T: Ask Ss to highlight or underline the information in the passage for their answers. T: Helps Ss to compete T: Calls some pair of students t T: Corrects and gives answers the earth surface Answers: 1. e 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 5. Read * New words Pacifc rim: các quốc gia ở thái bình dơng Collapse (v): sụp đổ Majority (n) nhiều, rất nhiều Abrupt (v): đột ngột xẩy ra Shift (n) sự dịch chuyển, thay đổi Hurricane (n) = cyclone = typhoon Erupt (v): Eruption (n): Phun trào Funnel (n): CáI phễu Baby cariage (n) xe nôi Ss: work independently, read the passages and decide whether the statement are true or false correct the false ones - Compare the answers with a friend a. true or false * answers: 1. true 2. true 3. false: the tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California 4. true 5. false: the eruption of mount Pinatubo is the world's largest volcanic eruption in more than 50 years 6. true b. complete the sentences 1. ___ occur around the pacific Rim 2. ___ homes, office blocks and highways collapsed 3. ___ there is a abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth 4. _____ a cyclone 5. _____ the word "typhoon" 6. _____ passes overland below a thunderstorm and sucks up anything that is in its path. 4. Drill T: call on some Ss to read the passage aloud in front of class. Then translate the passage - Check mistakes if any 5. Homework - Summarize the main point points - do exercise at workbook - prepare "WRITE Period 57 Unit 9: Natural disasters WRITE I. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a short story by using guided information and pictures 1. Language focus: Vocabulary: circle, shelter, scared, behave 2. Language skills: Practice writing skill II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s: textbook, teaching plant, sub-board 2. Students’: Textbook, workbook. III. Procedure 1. Organization Class Total Out 9A …… …… 9B …… …… 9C …… …… 2. Checking up: T: Call on some Ss to answer the questions - What country has the most volcanoes? - What is the definition of an earthquake? 3. New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm up Q&A - Ask Ss some questions to lead in the lesson. + Have you ever written a story? What is it about? + How long did it take to you write it? + Did you write it in Vietnamese or in English? + Do you think it is a successful one? 2. Pre – writing T: Ask Ss some questions to lead in the lesson. - Have you ever written a story? What is it about? - How long did it take to you write it? - Did you write it in Vietnamese or in English? T: Introduce the new words - Whole class. 6. Write Ss: Answer * New words Circle (n): vßng trßn Shelter (n): chç Èn nÊp Scare (a): sî T: Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures 1 to 6. Example • Picture 1: - What do you see in the first picture? - Who is she? What's she doing? - What's the weather like? • Picture 2: - what's wrong with the dog? - Is he behave strangely - What do you think is going to happen? • Picture 3: - who is in the picture with Lan? - What does she say? • Picture 4: - what is happening? - Where are Lan's family members? • Picture 5: - is the wind strong? - What is the weather like? • Picture 6: - what do you see in the picture? - What are Lan and her parents doing now? - Does the weather become good again? T: Ask Ss to turn back on page 79 and study the outline of the story with the guided words 3. While - writing T: Have Ss write the story individually. Note that Ss can make changes and add more details to the story to make it more interesting. - Ask Ss to compare their story with a friend - Give suggested writing Behave (v): cã c sö, hµnh ®éng c sö It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the weather was perfect. Lan was outside playing with her dog, Skippy. All of a sudden, the dog began behaving strangely. She kept running around in circle. Lan ran home with her dog to tell her mother what Skippy was doing. Lan's mother, Mrs. Quyen told Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming. Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find shelter in the house. Suddenly, the sky because very dark. The storm came with strong winds and heavy rain. Mrs. Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad. What a clever dog skippy is. She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon. 4. Drill T: Call on some Ss to read their own story T: Correct the mistakes 5. Homework - Review the lesson - Write your own story - Prepare "Language focus" [...]... 79 by an eruption of mount Vesuvius 4.a: people and made more than 200.000 homeless 5.c: the cyclone of November 197 0 in Bangladesh, which is bordered by the Bay of Bengal on the south, was one of the worst natural disasters of 20th century 6.d: The most disasters earthquake in Japanese history, which occurred in 192 3, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about 150 000 people 7.b: The October 198 9... tîng Swallow (v): nuèt chew (v): nhai Extensive (a): nhiÒu, ®a d¹ng Tail (n): ®u«i Example The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 199 5 in Japan is Kobe Ss: Do exercise, then compare the answers with a partner • Answers: b The country which won the 199 5 tiger cup is Singapore T: Call on some Ss to read their whole c The animal which has one or two horns on its snout sentences - Feedback and... Practice writing skill II Teaching aids 1 Teacher’s: textbook, teaching plant, sub-board pictures, textbook, sub- board 2 Students’: Textbook, workbook III Procedure 1 Organization Class Total Out 9A …… …… 9B …… …… 9C …… …… 2 Checking up: T: Call on 2 Ss to combine the 2 sentences by using relative clause S1: I bought a new type writer It cost me a lot of money -> …… S2: Tom is one of my closest friends... each underlined clause with a clause you have written You may use fact or your imagination" T: Call on some Ss to check the answers T: Correct the mistakes 7 Homework - Review all the lesson (unit 8 and unit 9) - prepare "Test" in the next period ... Tell Ss to work with another partner to winner answer the following questions about general Questions Answers understanding 1 Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake? 2 Which country won the 199 8 Tiger Cup? 3 Which animal has one or two horns 2 Presentation T: Introduce some new words T: Help Ss to review relative clauses and pronouns definition of relative pronouns and asks them to give some...Period 58 Unit 9: Natural disasters LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to further practice with pronouns "who, that, which" and clearly "defining" and "non – defining clauses" 1... tails c Ba, who lives in Trang Tien street, likes - Corrects the mistakes and give the true answers 5 Practice 3: T: Help Ss to identify "defining" and "non defining clause" (see period 6 – language focus Unit 8) T: Instruct Ss to do exercise 3 Underline the relative clause in the sentence, and then add commas to separate the non- defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence T: Writes all the . was struck by a huge earthquake in 199 5 in Japan is Kobe. Ss: Do exercise, then compare the answers with a partner • Answers: b. The country which won the 199 5 tiger cup is Singapore. c. The animal. earthquakes 2. Students’: Textbook, workbook. III. Procedure 1. Organization Class Total Out 9A …… …… 9B …… …… 9C …… …… 2. Checking up: - Write new words - Answer the questions: + What is the weather. disasters 2. Students’: Textbook, workbook. III. Procedure 1. Organization Class Total Out 9A …… …… 9B …… …… 9C …… …… 2. Checking up: T: Call on some Ss to talk about what to do before/ while/after

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2014, 21:00

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