LIST OE PICTURESPicture 1: Hoa Binh 1 Hotel and RestaurantPicture 2: Hoa Binh Suite Room Picture 3: Hoa Binh Deluxe Room Picture 4: Hoa Binh Superior Room Twin Bed Picture 5: Hoa Binh Su
ACADEMIC YEAR 2020 - 2021
Trang 2x LO ceInternship is the most memorable time for me because it has recorded many memoriesand help from my teachers, family and friends I am extremely grateful for the support from
my university, the instructors as well as all staffs of Hoa Binh 1 hotel and restaurant so that Ican complete the internship and report graduation
First and foremost, I would like to convey my deep gratitude to my honorable lecturer
Ms Do Thi Ngoc Nhi as my instructor for instructing me to do the internship Words cannotexpress how grateful I am for her help because.Without her guidance and support this reportwould not have accomplished on time
Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Faculty of Foreign Languages at
An Giang University for giving me the opportunity to experience the practical knowledgerelated to my major It gave me not only opportunities to apply my specialist knowledge intoreal life but also more work experiences as well as to have a good preparation for my future
Especially, I would like to send my deep thanks to Mr Nguyen Chi Con, who hasguided me to become familiar with the professional fields and has supported me during thepractice period.He has been willing to contribute to help me improve my skills and myself Iwas also thankful to all other staff of Hoa Binh 1 Hotel and Restaurant who extended theirenthusiasm to help me so that I could practice in the best way
I also would like to thank my parents to sympathize and take care of me during thepracticing time
Finally, I am also thankful to my friends from DHISTA They gave me a lot ofpractice course information that help me to complete my practice course
1.3 Food and Beverage: 13
1.4 Service: 141.5 Staff structure: 14
2 Describe the jobs that I have done during
Restaurant: 16
racticing time at Hoa Binh 1|
Hotel-2.1 Internship regulations at Hoa Binh 1 Hotel 162.2.1 Uniforms for trainees 16
2.2.3 Attitude and working style: 16
5 The reason of disadvantages and solution 19
6 The things I have learned in the practicing time 19
Trang 4IIL Conclusion:
1 Some suggestions for Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant:
2 Some suggestions for Faculty of Foreign Languages:
Trang 5AGU: An Giang University
FO: Front Office
ID Card: Identify Card
VND: Vietnam dong
VAT: Value Added Tax
Trang 6LIST OE PICTURESPicture 1: Hoa Binh 1 Hotel and Restaurant
Picture 2: Hoa Binh Suite Room
Picture 3: Hoa Binh Deluxe Room
Picture 4: Hoa Binh Superior Room (Twin Bed)
Picture 5: Hoa Binh Superior Room (Double Bed)
Picture 6: Hoa Binh Standard Room (Double Bed)
Picture 7: Hoa Binh Standard Room (Twin Bed)
Picture 8: Lobby A of Hoa Binh 1 Restaurant
Picture 9: Lobby B of Hoa Binh | Restaurant
Picture 10: First floor of Hoa Binh 1 Restaurant
Picture 11: 8th floor of Hoa Binh 1 Restaurant
Picture 12: Reception
Trang 7I The main content:
1 Purposes of report:
In most universities, after students finished all of fundamental subject as well asspecialized modules, they will have 2 months to practice This activity is considered as acompulsory subject for all students, which helps each student initially get familiar with thespecific works and learn experiences before graduation Through this internship course,students would have the opportunity to penetrate the reality, find out more clearly and morespecifically the work they will do in the future Graduation Internship plays an important role
as it helps students reinforce the knowledge theoretically; which at the same time combineswith realistic activities to enhance the professional knowledge However, if there is noenvironment to practice and apply the knowledge learned, they will not achieve good results.Because of that reason, I decided to choose Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant for internship period
to have more complete and profound view of work in the reality
During two months of internship, I had an opportunity to contact with professionalworking environment as well as enthusiasm staffs I learned a lot of valuable experiences andincreased more soft skills, which helped me perfect myself Although two months ofinternship is not a long time, I have enhanced more new knowledge along with the knowledge
I gained at university , which is enough to help me get a good job after graduation Besidesthat, I hope following courses students could learn from my experiences
2 Content of report:
My contents have six parts:
- General information about Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant
- Describe the jobs that I have done during practicing time
- Internship Activities at Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant
- Advantages and Disadvantages in the practicing time at Hoa Binh 1
- The reason of disadvantages and solution
- The things I have learned in the practicing time
II Content:
1 General information about Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant:
Address: No.130, Tran Hung Dao Street, My Binh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An GiangProvince
Trang 8There is a wide range of services in the hotels, some of which can be mentioned such
as restaurant , rooms, convention centers, weddings, travel tours, passenger transportation.Besides, it is close to the shopping mall, night market, walking street which is veryconvenient for the customer in case they need something
With the motto of always improving service quality “ Those who come are happy,Those who leave are happier” we would like to ensure that customers experience luxuriousservices with enthusiasm, thoughtfulness and dedication
Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant is one of the tourism activity systems of Hoa Binh club
It belongs to the military command of An Giang province
Hotel general scale and facilities:
Hoa Binh 1 has modern facilities providing good services with the huge invested capitalfrom ninth military zone With luxurious design, Hoa Binh | includes a large restaurant with
Trang 9the capacity of five hundred and fifty guests and eight floor building The hotel is arranged tolink each area:
Ground floor: Reception hall for 100 guests, conference restaurant - wedding party of
1000 guests
lst: Conference restaurant - wedding party with 300 guests
2nd floor Private dining rooms from 10 to 100 guests, health care area: Massage,steam bath
3rd to 7th floor: 60 rooms with 3 star standard (accommodating 120 guests)
Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant has 60 rooms to rent from the third floor to seventhfloor Sixty rooms includes 5 suite rooms, 5 deluxe room, 10 superior rooms and 39 standardrooms and | room for housekeeper It has twelve rooms each floor Each floor only has 1 suiteroom and 1 deluxe room
8th floor: Breakfast, Bar coffee Support services: Travel services, car rental, souvenirsales, featured products, airline tickets, ships, cars
1.2 Accommodation:
Here are the kinds of room and room rate at the hotel:
The suite room with price 1.999.000VND and includes 5 rooms in Hoa Binh Hotel(301,401,501,601,701) Suite room with an area of 28 square meters includes 01 double bed,
Trang 10standing bath, bath tub, water heater, minibar, 32 inch TV, 02 air conditioners, salon, 02phones, bookshelf, safe, luxury wooden interior decoration, healthy balance, fruit, mineralwater, fresh flowers, hairdryer, hotel front location (city view).
The deluxe room in Hoa Binh hotel with price 1.580.000VND and includes 5 rooms in
Hoa Binh Hotel (305, 405, 505, 605, 705) Deluxe room with an area of 26 square meters
includes 01 double bed, bath tub, water heater, minibar, 32 inch TV, air conditioning, a teatable, 02 phones, safe, luxury wooden interior decoration, healthy balance, fruit, Mineralwater, fresh flowers, hairdryer, hotel front location (city view)
Hoa Binh Superior room (Twin Bed)
Trang 11The most common room in Hoa Binh hotel with price 1.060.000VND and includes 15rooms (Twin Bed) (304, 404, 504, 604, 704, 307, 308, 407, 408, 507, 508, 607, 608, 707,708) Superior room has an area of square meters includes 02 single beds, bath tub, waterheater, minibar, 32 inch TV, air conditioning, 02 phones, safe, wooden interior decoration,fruit, mineral water, fresh flowers, hairdryer.
Trang 12Superior Room ( Double Bed) with price 1.060.000VND includes 15 rooms (302, 303,
306, 402, 403, 406, 502, 503, 506, 602, 603, 606, 702, 703, 706) in which 01 room has anarea 24 square meters includes 01 double bed, bath tub, water heater, minibar, 32 inch TV, airconditioning, 02 phones, safe, wooden interior decoration, fruit, mineral water, fresh flowers,hairdryer
Standard room (Double Bed) with price 790.000VND includes 5 rooms (309, 409,
509, 609, 709) It has an area of 24 square meters with 01 double bed, bath tub, water heater,
32 inch TV, air conditioning, 02 phones, safe, hairdryer, wooden interior decoration, mineralwater, location behind the Hotel
Hoa Binh Standard Room (Twin Bed)
Trang 13Standard Room (Twin Bed) with price 790.000VND includes 14 rooms (310, 311,
410, 411, 412, 510, 511, 512, 610, 611, 612, 710, 711, 712) It has an area of 24 square metersincludes 02 single beds, bath tub, water heater, 32 inch TV, air conditioning, 02 phones, safe,hairdryer, wooden interior decoration, mineral water, location behind the Hotel
All rates are quoted for one room for one night, VAT and breakfast
Check-in time 2:00 PM Check-out time: 12: noon
Last check-out to 5:00 PM charge 50%, after 5:00 PM full charge
Eight floor: Bar coffee serving breakfast (capacity: one hundred guests)
Behind the ground floor hotel is a swimming pool Customer could swim every-time.All rooms at Hoa Binh I Hotel-Restaurant are used with the magnetic key cardsoftware and are available with such services as: free parking, catering service to the room,fast laundry during the day, support for booking the sightseeing tour in the province andexchanging air tickets, and car rental service Besides those services, Hoa Binh 1 Hotel -Restaurant also has coffee shops on the hotel premises and accept payment method by creditcard In addition, the room rate here is also relatively moderate and suitable for all people.Especially, the room rate includes VAT and free breakfast buffet for each guest That's thereason why Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant is considered an ideal hotel for visitors
1.3 Food and Beverage:
Trang 14* Lobby A of Hoa Binh | restaurant:Located on the ground floor of the hotel, it
is a suitable place to hold weddings,festivals, and conferences on a large scale
* Lobby B of Hoa Binh 1 restaurant:
Located on the ground floor of the hotel, it
is a suitable place to organize weddings,
LH, buthdays, conferences 1n smallnumbers
¢ First floor of Hoa Binh 1 restaurant:Located at the Ist floor of the hotel, it can |hold conferences, festivals, weddings withmedium scale
¢ Restaurant on the 8th floor Area servesbreakfast, coffee, buffet and organizesweddings and birthdays from 50 to 100
1.4 Service:
Trang 15Apart from providing the accommodation and food services, Hoa Binh 1 Restaurant also offers some other amenities that meet guests' satisfaction, such as gardencoffee, corner coffee & bar organizing attractive tours for domestic and abroad, massage room(body & foot), car rental, free parking, breakfast in room, laundry in day Therefore, guestsfeel comfortable when they stay in Hoa Binh 1 Hotel-Restaurant without any complains.Guests will be served free buffet breakfast on the eight floor of the hotel, (depend on quantity
Hotel-of guest stay in Hotel) where guests can enjoy panoramic views Hotel-of LX city with the fresh air
of the morning
Hoa Binh I Hotel-Restaurant has a lot of services and also linking services Guestsrent rooms able to use other services of hotel Besides main service as hotel, restaurant,conference, they have support service such as: massage, counselor tourism, southern amateurmusic, souvenir, plane ticket, train and car ticket, exchange foreign currency, linking withorganization inbound travel
The hotel is well-designed, convenient for tourists to come and visit as well as businesspeople Customer could make a reservation on the internet at Hoa Binh website or Agodawebsite Customer is also makes a phone for reservation
The hotel and restaurant serve 24/24, every time the customer needs
In addition, hotel has not only good services but also modern facilities:
- Restaurant, conference banquet
- Retail sale of business products and services
- Restaurants and mobile catering services
- Sale of sightseeing tours
- Business Support Services
- Entertainment activities
- Transport of passengers by road and waterway
1.5 Staff structure:
The staffs work in shift Each shift lasts from 2 PM to 2 PM
Here is the board of directors:
Trang 16Shift leader Store keeper Receptionist |Chambermaid
Cashier Chef Bellman Laundry Staff
Bartender accountant Attendant
Cleaner Food runner
Organization Accounting Technical Securityand Department 1 Department 1 DepartmentAdministration Accounting Leader 1 Leader
1 Leader Manager 1 Support 1 Support
1 Sunnort leader 1 Support Leader Leader
Staff Staff Staff Staff
- Office of administrative organization: 4 people (2 officers, 2 staff)
- Sales department: 6 people (1 officer, 5 employees)
- Accounting department: 9 people (2 officers, 7 employees)
Trang 17- Technical department: 3 people (1 officer, 2 employees)
Security: 6 people (2 officers, 4 employees)
- Hotel department: 19 people (4 officers, 15 employees)
- Deputy Director: 1 person
- Restaurant department: 23 people (7 officers, 16 employees)
- Kitchen department: 14 people (1 officer, 13 employees)
2 Describe the jobs that I have done during practicing time at Hoa Binh 1 Restaurant:
Hotel-2.1 Internship regulations at Hoa Binh 1 Hotel
2.2.1 Uniforms for trainees
“* Clothes
The trainee has to wear white shirt
The trainee has to wear button collar and long sleeved-shirt, black trousers or dark
Clothes must be straight, clean and tumble dry
Py» = Hair:
Women: the hair must be tied up neatly or put into mesh of hairpin
Men: the hair needs to be tidy
s* Shoes:
Women: wearing black shoes (sealed nose) with no more than three centimeters forheels
Men: wearing black shoes
The trainee has to wear students’ card when working
2.2.2 Working time:
We would have total eight weeks of internship course in Hoa Binh 1 Hotel Restaurant, we focus on the receptionist department during the internship Sometime, wesupport many activities at the housekeeping department We needed to work on time andcomplied well with hotel regulations If we want to be absent in other days, we must askpermission of department manager and present reasons clearly
-2.2.3 Attitude and working style:
* Greeting guests
* Smiling and expressing friendly attitude when communicating with guests
Trang 18* Going and speaking softly.
* Showing the respect for staffs in the hotel
* Having high learning spirit and always observing the instructor to complete workwell
* Restricting the use
reception department not only represents the face of the hotel but also plays an importantposition in business process of the hotel It is related to guests' personal inormation, bookingservices, checking in and out, telephone responding, money, documents Therefore, receptiondepartment plays a decisive role in introducing hotel, promoting, attracting and retainingguests When I worked as a trainee at reception department, I did some things as follows:
- Greeting and serving tea and mineral water for guests
- Introducing room price and any others service for guests
- Collecting customer’s ID card or Passport and making photocopy of guest’ ID card
or Passport when they check in
- Giving and taking room key when guests required
- Giving tickets of buffet breakfast
- Guiding foreign guests to the elevator and to their rooms
- Declaring the information of sojourners to police by the internet
- Giving the ID Cards or Passport back to customer when they check out
- Receiving reservations by telephone