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Bài thực hành 2 môn học hệ Điều hành windows và lixnux:unix

24 0 0
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Thông tin cơ bản

Tiêu đề Bài Thực Hành 2 Môn Học: Hệ Điều Hành Windows Và Linux/Unix
Tác giả Dang Thi Hong Van
Người hướng dẫn Giang Viễn Quan Trong Thọ
Trường học Học Viện Công Nghệ Bưu Chính Viễn Thông
Chuyên ngành Quản Trị Mạng
Thể loại Bài thực hành
Định dạng
Số trang 24
Dung lượng 7,17 MB

Nội dung

To rect input to this virtual machine, press Ctri+G Server Manager » Dashboard Active Directory Administrative Center Active Directory Domains and Trusts WELCOME TO SERVER MANAGER Act

Trang 1



Lop D22CQAT03-B

Nhém 03

Mã sinh viên B22DCAT311

Trang 2

Mục lục

Bai 2: Quan tri Active Directory trong Windows S€FVe€F 4

2 Tạo các user thuộc ÚU Là HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH ó

3 Thiết lập chính sách user và password cv t2 1021121111111 xeree ọ

4 Phân quyền người dùng 2:2 22 E1 23112211102112211111112 1 111.1 ngrdee 12

5 Kiểm tra: Đăng nhập máy windows 10 bằng user stul Truy nhập vào máy Windows

Trang 3

To rect input to this virtual machine, press Ctri+G

Server Manager » Dashboard

Active Directory Administrative Center

Active Directory Domains and Trusts WELCOME TO SERVER MANAGER Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell

Local Server oo Active Directory Sites and Services

All Servers R Active Directory Users and Computers

AD Ds Ss Try managing servers with Windows Admin Center = ADSI Edit

a Component Services

ONS Windows Admin Center brings together new and familiar features in one browser-based Computer Management

File and Storage Se 20 Itruns on a server or & PC, and there's no additional cost beyond your Windows Defragment and Optimize Drives

Disk Cleanup Get more info at aka ms/Windows AdminCenter ae Event Viewer

1 Dont show this message again Group Policy Management

\ iSCSI Initiator

Local Security Policy

Microsoft Azure Services ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) ODBC Data Sources (64-bit


a ties a Performance Monitor

System Configuration Services Services System Information Performance Performance Task Scheduler

Windows Memory Diagnostic

2 chon Active Directory Users and Computers


@e\imi at! Bm| $3 ?%s ?xi Ÿ E1 3

GƠI Saved Queries h [Œ Saved Queries Folder to store your favo

Ga dangthihongvan311.it 2a dangthihon Domain


Trang 4

3 Tạo OU: Active Direstory Users and Cơmputers => qtm.it, sau đó ấn chuột phải chọn New => Organizational Unit

DD Active Directory Users and Computers

> Ga Saved —_ 153 Saved Queries Folder to store your favo

- Delegate Control


Change Domain

Change Domain Controlier

Raise domain functional level

Trang 5

5 Tada thay OU mdi co tén la ptit

Gd Active Directory Users

Bước 2: Tạo các user thuộc OU

1 Tai OU ptit => chuột phải chọn New => User

DD Active Directory Users and Computers

Trang 6

New Object - User

2 Create in: dangthihongvan311 it/ptit

© User must change password at next logon

(DC) User cannct change password

(J Pessword never expires

Trang 7

3 Không đặt được password do yêu cầu pass phải có ít nhất 7 ký tự gồm số, chữ, ký tự đặt biệt, pass phức tạp và phải khỏe

Active Directory Domain Services

Windows cannot set the password for DTHV1 because:

The password does not meet the password policy

requirements Check the minimum password length,

password complexity and password history requirements


4 Ta dat lại mật khẩu: qtm123!

z Create in: dangthihongvan311 it/ptit

[/] User must change password at next logon

[_] User cannot change password

[_] Password never expires

Trang 8

© Active Directory Users and Com|| Name Type Description

(9 Saved Queries @ ori ar

Bước 3: Thiết lập chính sách user va password

1 Trong Server Manager vao Tools chon Group Policy Management

Fis Server Manager = ø

Server Manager * Dashboard

All Servers Fe,


Try managing servers with Windows Admin Center

Windows Admin Center brings together new and farsliar features in one browser-based

app It runs on a server or a PC, and there's no additional cost beyond your Windows


S sn ms Avi àdmxp‹

1 Dont show this message again



Active Directory Administrative Center

Active Directory Domains and Trusts Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell Active Directory Sites and Services Active Directory Users and Computers ADSI Edit

Component Services Computer Management

Defragment and Optimize Drives Disk Cleanup ONS

Group Poli iSCSI InitiatoFY

Local Security Policy

Microsoft Azure Services ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) Performance Monitor

Print Management Recovery Drive

Resource Monitor Services

System Configuration

System Information Task Scheduler

Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security Windows Memory Diagnostic

Trang 9

Chỉnh chính sách password: Group Policy Management => Forest => Domains => cdit.com.vn

=> Group Policy Objects => Default Domain Policy => chudt phai chon edit

si, Group Policy Management = m x

‘KK File Action View Window Help _-

« =œ | 4 m1 la | on

=i Group Policy Management Group Policy Objects in dangthihongvan311.it

~ & Forest: dangthihongvan31 Contents Delegation

~ iG Domains 7

* đl3 dangthihongvan31 Name GPO Status WM I Fitter Modified Owner

«jf Default Domain sf Default Domain Controller Enabled None 10/11/2024 9:3 Domair

(im Sites Import Settings

@® Group Policy Modeling Save Report

(2) Group Policy Results

Copy Delete Rename Refresh

2 Group Policy Object(s)

Tai Group Policy Management Editor: Computer Configuration => Polices => Windows Settings

=> Security Settings => Account Polices => Password Policy

J Group Policy Management Editor — =1 > File Action View Help

eee | 2m! & tr

~ Mã Potcies Enforce password history 24 passwords remembered

= m.—.— - Name Resolut xã Minimum password age ere me = & 1 days = rice

Scsasis Starts — passwor — os < =

cnet Guplowed Gia inimum password length audit Not Defined

~ ib Security Settir Password must meet complexity requirements Enabled

~ Jd Account P Store passwords using reversible encryption Disabled

J4 Passw‹

CB Softwere Fv

Trong đó:

® Enforce password history: số password hệ thống lưu trữ

® Maximum password age: thời gian có hiệu lực tối đa của một password

® Minimum password age: thoi gian có hiệu lực tối thiêu của một password

¢ Minimum password leghth: độ dài tối thiếu của một password

® Password must meet complexity requirements: yêu cầu password phức tạp

® Store passwords using reversible encryption: độ mạnh cua password.

Trang 10

Chỉnh password về dạng không phức tạp, giảm số lượng ký tự và giảm độ mạnh của password

gf Wired Network (IEEE 802

(9) Windows Defender Firev

afi Wireless Network (IEEE &

1 Public Key Policies

(4) Software Restriction Poli

Policy Enforce password history Maximum password age

Minimum password age

Minimum password length Minimum password length audit

Password must meet complexity requirements

Store passwords using reversible encryption


Trang 11

6 Két qua: tao user trong OU ptit

User: DTHV2; password: 1 => OK


New Object - User

| 2, Create in: danathihongvan3 11 it /ptit

First name- [DTHV2_ Initials - |

DD Active Directory Users and Computers —

File Action View Help

@eeo| aml ¢ oO|/ xO Sslbm| tBtQannearabe

DD Active Directory Users and Com|| Name

CƠ Saved Queries

& vtHv2 User

Bước 4: Phân quyền người dùng

1 Dung I máy Windows 10 lam may client

Cau hinh join domain dé may Windows 10 tré thanh client

Open Network and Sharinng Center (Chuột phải) => Change Adapter Settings => Ethernet0 (Chudt phai) => Properties => Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) => Properties => Use the following IP address

Trang 12


You can get IP settings assigned automatically if your network supports

this capability Otherwise, you need to ask your network administrator

for the appropriate IP settings

© Obtain an IP address automatically

@ Use the following IP address:

Trang 13

System Properties x Computer Name Hardware Advanced System Protection Remote

You must be logged on as an Administrator to make most of these changes


User Profiles

Desktop settings related to your sign-in

Startup and Recovery

System startup, system failure, and debugging information

4 Tai tab Computer Name => change

System Properties x Computer Name Hardware Advanced System Protection Remote

Windows uses the following information to identify your computer

To use a wizard ID to join a domain or workgroup, click Network ID

To rename this computer or change its domain or

Trang 14

Computer Name/Domain Changes x

You can change the name and the membership of this

computer Changes might affect access to network resources

Computer Name/Domain Changes

Enter the name and password of an account with permission to join the domain

Trang 15

Computer Name/Domain Changes x

@ Welcome to the dangthihongvan311.it domain

8 Restart now dé may khoi déng lai => quá trình join domain hoan tat

You must restart your computer to apply these


Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs

Restart Now Restart Later

9 Dang nhap may Client bang user DTHV2

Other user

10 Tai may Windows server tao 3 folder stul1, stu2, all

Trang 16

- Foder stu2 chi cho user DTHV2 truy cap

- Foder all cho ca 2 users DTHV1 va DTHV2 truy cap

ta | (2) Bì = Manage Local Disk (C:)

¬ ~ 4® Se > ThisPC > Local Disk (C:) > ~ & | Search Local Disk (C:) 2ò

Name Ầ Date modified Type Size

xế Quick access

C¡ PerLogs File folder

Đesktoi +

m ; | Program Files File folder

-# Download ` [| Program File (x86) File folder

[Ši Documents + E1 Users File folder

=) Pictures + — Windows File folder

stul File folder

General Sharnng Security Previous Versions Customize

Network File and Folder Sharing

stul Not Shared Network Path:

Not Shared

Advanced Sharing

Set custom pernissions create multiple shares and set other

advanced sharing options

Trang 17

< * + Sm > ThisPC > } A ise ke £265 ^ Search Local Disk (C:) PP

| & stul Proverties x<

8 items 1 item selected Rey =

12 Nhap 6 check names: DTHV1

Select this object type:

From this location:

|dangthihongvan311 it | _ kecatons Enter the object names to select (examples):

Trang 18

13 Sau khi tìm ra tài khoản DTHVI => ấn share => ấn done

Sitems 1 item selected [E3

14 Chia sẻ folder stu2, và phân quyên chí cho user DTHV2 được truy cập: ấn chuột phải vào foder stu2 chọn properties => sharing => share

cà stu2 Propertie:

General Sharing Security Previous Versions Customize

Network File and Folder Sharing

Set custom permissions create multiple shares and set other

advanced sharing options

Trang 19

Select this object type:

|Users, Groups, or Built4in security principals | | Object Types | From this location:

Name ~ Date modified Type Size

Gl This Pc Choose people on your network to share with

o@® Netwo

2 DTHv2 | Read/Write ~

Trang 20

properties => sharing => share

General Sharing Securty Previous Versions Customize

Network File and Folder Sharing

Set custom pennissions create multiple shares and set other

advanced sharing options

19 Sau khi tìm ra tai knoan DTHV1 và DTHV2 => 4n share => an done

< ~ TT Se > ThisPC > = uibonein Search Local Disk (C:) P

& Administrator Read/Write ~

Trang 21

Bước 5: Kiểm tra: Đăng nhập máy windows 10 bằng user stul Truy nhập vào máy Windows Server

1 Thấy ca 3 floder được chia sẻ là stul, stu2, all

Ss Type the name of a program, folder, document, or Internet

resource, and Windows will open it for you

4 GH» Network > x & Search

Trang 22

BIQGe-im - n x

Lm | Home Snare View e

“ * 4 UB > Network » 192168601 › stul - & Search stu

Name Date modified Type Size

Windows cannot access \\\stu2

You do not have permission to access \\\stu2 Contact your network administrator

Trang 23

This folder is empty

Trang 24

Windows cannot access \\\stu1

You do not have permission to access \\\stu1 Contact your network administrator

$b Downloads + [2] Documents #

Ngày đăng: 15/02/2025, 22:09