TASK 2 Different investor and developer According to clause 13 Article 3 Law on investment 2020 “ Investor means an organization or individual carrying ous it business investment activit
NGUYEN THI MAI LINH - 2054062101
NGUYEN GIA YEN NHI - 2054062153
Thành phố Hồ Chi Minh — Nam 2022
Trang 2Regulations: Falling into extreme hardship
Case 1: The baby sister earns money to live, while serving on the jury has no income during the time of service Causing undue hardship
-> exempted from serving on a jury
Case 2: The accountant has bought a non-refundable air ticket, so the ticket cannot be
refunded Causing undue hardship
-> exempted from serving on a jury
Case 3: The investment banker is only afraid of losing a client by not attending the meeting This is not an unduly difficult situation as it is unlikely that the owner will lose a client by not attending the meeting
-> not exempt from serving on a jury
In short, Falling into a difficult situation is a loss for now, not in the future
The student is not exempt from jury duty because in this case it is not too difficult because it is unlikely that the student will be accepted for an interview
Task 2
Regulations: Individuals who intend to hide and do not intend to pay
Case 1: The man just wants to determine if the item will fit his car or not to buy -> No intention to hide and do not pay
=> It's not shoplifting
Case 2: The woman intends to hide 6 bottles of nail polish, does not intend to pay -> Intent to hide things and not pay
=> It’s shoplifting
Case 3: Woman wearing 4 shirts with attached racks, stopped by security
-> Intent to hide things and not pay
=> It’s shoplifting
In short, Individuals who intend to hide things and do not intend to pay are the acts ofstealthily hiding items for their own gain and do not want others to find out
So that
Jack put 2 CDs in his pocket and went to the door and was caught
-> Intent to hide things and not pay So Jack is expected to be found guilty of theft
by the court
Buổi I
Exercise 2:
Trang 31 The definition of undue hardship: when a person have been called for jury duty, while the time the jury duty happening, if it immediately effect on their income or their assets She can’t be excuse from the jury duty because her interview not immediately effect on her income or her assets
Base on the 1&2 case when they do the jury duty it’s will mainly harm on their income, assets Her interview have a risk and it’s not her income or her assets
Exercise 3:
Rule: intentionally taking or hiding goods without intending to pay
The court will rule him guilty of shoplifting because base on the 2 last cases He have the intention to hide goods with an unwarranted reason not the same with case one
Buổi 2
1 Your roommate is working on a lab report His hypothesis was found to be incorrect, but he wanted to prove otherwise He felt that since it was his own experience and, no one could possibly know the true results without conducting the test themselves, he decided to write the report as if his hypothesis was proven The lab report was submitted to the instructor However, this student was guilty of which of the following?
O Yes
O No
Trang 44 Kaley looked at the calendar on her iPhone and realized that she has an assignment due tomorrow for her sociology class Her topic is on obesity among low-income, urban populations She quickly sat down at her computer and gathered some information from various internet sources to include message board posts, newspaper articles, web sites, and one academic journal She took paragraphs from each source and tweaked the sentence structure This is an example of what form of plagiarism?
In my opinion, M&A investment is more effective than Greenfield investment
M&A have following advantages
@ Opportunities
- Quick market entry: reducing initial infrastructure build-up time, while reducing risk
- Eliminate domestic competitors in the field of investment
- Increased monopolistic competition
@ Greenfield’s risk versus M&A
- Long construction time, long profit time, higher risk of failure
- Differences in business culture in the host country
- Promote competition
Therefore, When you want to enter the market where there is a business that is doing well, and other competitors are also trying to enter, the business should carry out M&A investment Because Greenfield investment will take longer to set up a large enough production base Businesses can use the M&A form to quickly access modern management skills, quickly penetrate difficult but potential markets The financial environment is liberalized, it is convenient in accessing and using capital, legal system and transparent policies Transparency should bear less business risk The form of M&A will be suitable for creative businesses or businesses operating in the technology field Vietnamese entrepreneurs belonging to the young generation of entrepreneurs are very dominant
Trang 5TASK 2
Different investor and developer
According to clause 13 Article 3 Law on investment 2020 “ Investor means an organization
or individual carrying ous it business investment activities Investor include domestic investors, foreign investors and foreign — invested economic organizations
At the same time, Clause 4, Article 4 of the Law on Bidding 2013 stipulates that the investor
is a capital-owning organization or an organization assigned to act on behalf of the capital owner or a borrowing organization to directly manage the project implementation process Thus, investor is an organization or individual that invests capital to carry out business activities The investor is the organization that owns the capital or is assigned on behalf of the capital owner or the borrowing organization to directly manage the project implementation process
Thus, it can be seen that an investor is an organization or individual that invests capital to carry out business activities The investor is the organization that owns the capital/assigned
on behalf of the capital owner, the borrowing organization directly manages the project implementation process
- Domestic investors are individuals with Vietnamese nationality, economic organizations
that do not have foreign investors as members or shareholders
- Foreign-invested economic organization means an economic organization whose foreign
investors are members or shareholders Foreign investor means an individual with foreign
nationality or an organization established under foreign laws that conducts business
investment activities in Vietnam
-> The classification of domestic investors with foreign-invested economic organizations also helps in the more effective management of investment activities in Vietnam, in addition to the management tools on industries and fields investment sector In Vietnam, the legal status between domestic investors and foreign-invested economic organizations always has certain differences In the face of the strong development along with the experience of business investment, financial capacity, technology, of foreign investors compared to domestic investors, it is important to protect or give incentives to domestic enterprises to Having the necessary conditions for development, avoiding the acquisition and competition of foreign investors is also something that must be maintained
Trang 6delay, and at the market
rate of exchange applicable
on the date of transfer
Such transfers include:
(a) contributions to capital,
such as principal and
additional funds to maintain,
develop or increase the
(b) profits, dividends, capital
gains and other returns,
proceeds from the sale of all
or any part of the investment
or from the partial or
complete liquidation of the
(c) payments of interest,
royalties, management fees,
and technical assistance and
other fees;
(d) payments made under a
contract entered into by the
investor, or the covered
engaged from abroad and
working in connection with
(b) profits, dividends, interest, capital gains, royalty payments, management fees, technical assistance fees, and other fees
(c) proceeds from the sale
of all or any part of the covered investment or from the partial or complete liquidation of the covered
No similar regulations
Both the EVFTA and CPTPP have provisions that each party will allow all amounts related to guaranteed investment accounts to be made freely and without delay However, this is not provided for
in the Investment
Trang 7
(Expropriation); and
(g) payments of damages
pursuant to an award issued
under Section B (Resolution
1 Each Party shall accord to | 1 Each Party shall accord to
investors of the other Party _| investors of another Party 5 The State shall treatment/agreem
and to covered investments, | treatment no less favourable treat vestors ent
with respect to the operation | than that it accords, in like equally; adopt
of the covered investments, | circumstances, to its own policies to that Vietnam is a
treatment no less favourable | investors with respect to the encourage and
than that it accords, in like establishment, acquisition, create favorable contractin:
situations, to its own expansion, management, conditions for member 8
investors and to their conduct, operation, and sale or | IIV€SfOrS fO carry ;
investments other disposition of out business forei
investments in its territory investment to orergn
2 Each Party shall accord to who are the
covered investments treatment citizens
no less favourable than that it accords, in like circumstances, of any member
to investments 1n its territory
of its own investors with respect to the establishment, states
the other Party and to investors of another Party 5 The State shall treatment/agreem
covered investments, with treatment no less favourable _| "eat investors ent
respect to the operation of
the covered investments,
treatment no less favourable
than the treatment it accords, than that it accords, in like
circumstances, to investors of any other Party or of any non- Party with respect to the equally; adopt
policies to encourage and create favorable that Vietnam is a
Trang 8and their investments conduct, operation, and sale or out business to foreign
other disposition of mvestment investors
investments in its territory
who are the
2 Each Party shall accord to citizens covered investments treatment
no less favourable than that it of any member accords, in like circumstances,
to investments in its territory states
of investors of any other Party
or of any non-Party with respect to the establishment, acquisition, expansion,
ARTICLE 2.7 Article 10, stipulate not to
Ex ‘ati Guarantee of allow
propriation -
Article 9.8; Expropriation property nationalization of
ownership investor's
1 A Party shall not
nationalise or expropriate the
covered investments of
investors of the other Party
either directly, or indirectly
through measures having an
effect equivalent to
nationalisation or
expropriation (hereinafter
referred to as
"expropriation"), except: (a)
for a public purpose; (b)
under due process of law;
Limited 14 Limited (c) on a
non-discriminatory basis;
and (d) against payment of
prompt, adequate and
effective compensation and Compensation
1 No Party shall expropriate
or nationalise a covered investment either directly or indirectly through measures equivalent to expropriation or nationalisation (expropriation),
(a) for a public purpose; 17,
18 (b) in a non-discriminatory manner;
(c) on payment of prompt, adequate and effective compensation in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4;
and (d) mn accordance with due process of law 2 1 Lawful assets of
investors shall be neither nationalized nor confiscated by administrative measures
2 In case the State compulsorily purchases or requisitions assets
of investors for national defense or security reasons or
in the national interest, in a state of emergency or in
response to a
national disaster, investors are entitled to payment
or compensation in accordance with the investment assets
or measures equivalent to
nationalization or
However, some
exceptions still have the right to expropriate or nationalize an insured investment if these investor assets are illegal
Trang 9
Compensation shall:
(a) be paid without delay;
(b) be equivalent to the fair market value of the expropriated investment mnmediately before the expropriation took place (the date of expropriation);
(c) not reflect any change in value occurring because the intended expropriation had become known earlier; and (d) be fully realisable and freely transferable
law on compulsory purchase and requisition of property and other relevant laws
whose covered investments
suffer losses owing to war or
other armed conflict, a
revolution, a state of national
emergency, a revolt, an
insurrection or a riot in the
territory of the other Party
shall be accorded by that
other Party, with respect to
restitution, indemnification,
compensation or other form
of settlement, treatment no
less favourable than that
accorded by that other Party
to its own investors or to the
investors of any third No similar regulations
No similar
In case there is no
regulations to apply Vietnam shall applies treatment/agreem ent regulations that Vietnam is a contracting member
Trang 10
SECTION C : DISPUTE third party In case the draw, then SETTLEMENT consultation is not L.Disputes among arbitration PROCEDURES ( BY successful, the investor can investors of whom
AGREEMENT ) unilaterally submit a at least one party is
request to arbitration The | , foreign investor or foreign investor, as the an economic complaining party, can organization choose the Court to resolve specified at Point a, the dispute When b or c, Clause 1, establishing a panel, the Article 23 of this investor may also choose Law may be settled one of three panelists by one of the
Furthermore, they can following agencies
negotiate the application of | ang organizations:
relevant rules, and provide guidance to ensure a/ Vietnamese arbitrators are independent court:
and impartial in their cases
The CPTPP thus gives b/ Vietnamese
foreign investors more time arbitration: c/
and channels to protect Fe their investment in the host Foreign arbitration;
Subrogation ARTICLE 2.9 Subrogation | Article 9.13: Subrogation No similar Subrogation is
regulations regulated both in
the EVFTA and
Trang 11made by one of its investors
in the territory of the other
Party, the other Party shall
recognise the subrogation or
transfer of any right or title
or the assignment of any
claim in respect of such
investment The Party or the
agency shall have the right to
exercise the subrogated or
assigned right or claim to the
same extent as the original
right or claim of the investor
Such rights may be exercised
by the Party or an agency
thereof, or by the investor
only if the Party or an
agency thereof so authorises
If a Party, or any agency, institution, statutory body or corporation designated by the Party, makes a payment to an investor of the Party under a guarantee, a contract of insurance or other form of indemnity that it has entered into with respect to a covered investment, the other Party in whose territory the covered investment was made shall recognise the subrogation or transfer of any rights the investor would have possessed under this Chapter with respect to the covered investment but for the subrogation, and the investor shall be precluded from pursuing these rights to the extent of the subrogation
organization or
unit under the provisions of law, law, or a company designated by that Party to pay its investors under security, imsurance contract, or other form of indemnity that That Party has signed in relation to investment under the Agreement, the other Party in its territory which the investment under this Agreement is made, shall grant subrogation or transfer of any right acquired by the investor However, this provision is not specified in the Investment Law
Buổi 5
Task 1: Compare BCC contract and Joint Venture Contract
A The same point
¢ Both are forms of direct investment;
¢ The legal basis for forming an investment relationship is a contract;