Focus on the issue of development planning for new centers of polycentric cities, choosing locations and connections with core urban centers, creating development poles and creating attr
Major: Regional and Urban Planning
Item No.: 9580105
Hanoi - 2024
Trang 2The dissertation is completed at Hanoi University of Civil Engineering
Scientific Supervisor: Associate Professor Dr Pham Hung Cuong
Academic Reviewer 1: Professor Dr.Arch Nguyen Quoc Thong
Academic Reviewer 2: Professor Dr.Arch Do Hau
Academic Reviewer 3: Dr.Arch Le Thi Bich Thuan
The dissertation will be defended in front of the Doctoral Dissertation Evaluation Council at the University level held at Hanoi University of Civil Engineering
At … /… /2025
The thesis can be found at the National Library of Vietnam and the Library of Hanoi University of Civil Engineering
Trang 31 Pham Hung Cuong, Tran Quy Duong, (2021) “City within
the city - Theories and practice", Architecture Magazine, Vietnam Association of Architects, No 10.2021, 6, pp 48 -
53, 0866 - 8617
2 Tran Quy Duong, (2023) “Travel behaviors, traffic
congestion and economic efficiency of the polycentric urban
structure models”, Conference proceedings, Hanoi University
of Civil Engineering Association, No 04.2023, 10, pp 166 -
175, 978 - 604 - 472 - 150 - 7
3 Tran Quy Duong, (2023) “Bases for establishment of
polycentric structures of grade I cities in the Red river Delta
region”, Construction Magazine, Ministry of Construction,
No 09.2023, 8, pp 58 - 65, 2734 - 9888
Trang 4Introduction
1 The necessity of the topic
Urban expansion and upgrading have become a common tendency The change in both population size, area and inevitably the change in urban structures In the process of urban expansion and upgrading planning in the recent period, many cities have been formed a polycentric urban structure or have a tendency to develop polycentricism Based on historical factors and current status, the development of a "compact city" form renovation on the bases of an existing center is difficult to be feasible, so new centers have been established These new centers are also development poles and new developing drivers of the city
Due to the current incomplete theoretical bases, the process of forming and developing new centers is still slow and weak, not in line with the orientations of the general urban planning projects Planning solutions have not learned from the world's experience, the context of Vietnam's socio-economic development, the characteristics of urbanization in the Red River Delta, current policies and institutions are also specific issues that have not been thoroughly handled in the planning and development management process From here, many issues also have been raised in development planning for new centers such as the factors of connecting traffic with the core urban areas, establishing spatial structures, the abilities to create attractiveness, and development management policies that have not been thoroughly resolved Therefore, it is necessary to study the development planning for new centers of polycentric cities with the aim of ensuring that planning orientations are effectively implemented, so that the new centers have attractiveness, becoming the development poles of the
city towards a sustainable development
(4) Proposing policies to manage, promote and ensure the development
of new centers in polycentric cities
3 Objects and scopes of research
- Research object: Development planning for new centers of
Trang 5polycentric cities
- Scope of research:
+ Regarding physical scopes: The dissertation limits the scope of research to grade I cities in the Red River Delta and the research is applied to Hai Phong city
+ Scope of time: By 2040, vision to 2050
+ Scopes of the research issues: Limited to the contents of urban planning and development, aspects of urban structure planning Focus
on the issue of development planning for new centers of polycentric cities, choosing locations and connections with core urban centers, creating development poles and creating attractiveness for new centers
4 Research methods
The dissertation applies the following research methods: Methods
of collecting information and data; methods of investigation, survey and assessment of the current situation; method of inheritance; methods of analysis and synchronisation; methods of SWOT matrix analysis, diagramming; forecasting methods; sociological investigation methods; modeling methods, expert methods
5 Novelty of the dissertation
(1) Propose principles and solutions to establish connections between the new center and the core urban centers in a polycentric city structure
(2) Propose principles and solutions for planning the development of the new center,s focusing on the elements that create development poles, which are related to the general structure of urban areas (3) Propose a set of criteria to assess the attractiveness of the new centers in a polycentric city, ensuring effectiveness and feasibility
of the planning solution
(4) Propose policies to manage the development of the new center as the development pole of the urban area
6 Scientific and practical significance of the dissertation
Scientific significance of the dissertation: Identifying shortcomings
and disadvantages to supplement the theoretical system of polycentric cities development in the context of Vietnam, as a basis for selecting and applying the polycentric cities model in planning work; researching and supplementing theoretical bases for planning the development of new centers in polycentric cities of grade I cities in the Red River Delta, thereby serving as a basis for application to grade I cities in Vietnam
Practical significance of the dissertation: Identify and point out the
Trang 6advantages and limitations, successes and difficulties of development planning for new centers of polycentric cities of grade I cities in the Red River Delta; propose models and solutions for development planning for new centers of polycentric cities for some specific new centers; conduct research and apply principles to propose amendment
to the polycentric city structure for Hai Phong City and solutions for planning the development of typical center in An Duong
7 Terms and definitions
The dissertation has synthesized the concepts of "urban center" and
"pole" from international and domestic documents, thereby proposing
the applicable concept of the dissertation
Polycentric city: A city with multiple centers, each of which acts as
a pole of city development The diagram below shows the differences between monocentric city, multi-center city, and polycentric city
New center: Is a new development area, concentrating a variety of
urban public works such as administrative, commercial, services, cultural works which may include specialized center works, housing and service works at the urban unit level This new center plays the role
of a development pole of the urban area
A: Monocentric city B: Multi-center
city C: Polycentric city
Figure 1.1 Comparison diagram of
monocentric city, multi-center city, and
polycentric city structure
Figure 1.2 New center functional component
The new center can be completely newly formed according to the general urban planning or from the city, town, or township after being merged into the administrative boundaries during the process of urban expansion and upgrading
Trang 7Figure 1.3 New center in grade I cities
8 Dissertation structure
The dissertation consists of 3 main parts: Introduction, contents, conclusions - recommendations In which, the main research content includes 3 chapters and is structured as follows:
- Chapter 1: Overview of the research situation on development planning for new centers of polycentric cities in the world and in Vietnam
- Chapter 2: Scientific bases for establishing new centers in polycentric cities in the Red River Delta
- Chapter 3: Proposed development planning for new centers of polycentric cities in the Red River Delta
1.1.2 Overview of development planning for new centers of polycentric cities around the world
The new centers are mostly located on the peripheral roads around the core urban area, on the main traffic axes or economic corridors of the urban area
The new center is well-planned and developed, especially the employment balance policy at each center has greatly contributed to reducing daily commuting time of workers
Trang 8housing-1.1.3 Theoretical studies on development planning for new centers of polycentric cities around the world
Research documents on development planning in polycentric cities around the world, including America, Europe, and Asia, cover many different fields and topics There are the following groups of content: (1) The bases for the formation of a polycentric city structure
(2) Distance, connections, congestion, and travel behavior in a polycentric city
(3) Socio-economic factors of the polycentric city model
(4) Attractiveness of the new center
(5) Policies for managing and developing a polycentric city model
1.1.4 General summary of research on development planning for new centers of polycentric cities in the world
Research documents show that the polycentric city model is studied at many different levels.:
a Megacities and other regional or international cities;
b Megacities and satellite cities, neighboring cities;
c City and other city centers Figure 1.24 Diagram of polycentric forms
of polycentric city structures
- There has been no research on the organization and management of connecting spaces between centers, nor in-depth research to development planning principles for new centers as a development pole in a polycentric city
1.2 Overview of development planning for new centers of
Trang 9polycentric cities in Vietnam
1.2.1 Context of formation and development of polycentric cities in Vietnam
a The context of urbanization and urban development in Vietnam:
The urbanization process leads to many urban areas being renovated, expanded in terms of land size, population, construction investment, upgrading of technical and social infrastructure, affecting changes in urban structure, creating new development poles or centers
b Socio-economic context and multi-center planning development
in type I cities in the Red River Delta: Grade I cities in the Red River
Delta all have economic growth rates higher than the national average The existing inhabitants are devided in two groups (1) the group formed from industrial and tourist cities, (2) the group developing in areas with surrounding agricultural populations It is necessary to fully assess heritage factors and historical and cultural relics to avoid losing
identity during the development process
c Factors affecting the process of urban formation and development: Including urbanization tendencies, the 4.0 technology revolution and smart urban development
1.2.2 Overview of polycentric city planning of cities in the Red River Delta region
a Urban planning practices in the Red River Delta: Urban areas
in the Red River Delta all have development orientations according to the urban structure, multipolar, multidirectional or multi-regional
b Hanoi City (special city): Urban structure changes from
"unipolar" to "multipolar"
c Grade I cities in the Red River Delta region
- Hai Phong City: Develop according to the polycentric city model (central city area and satellite city area)
- Bac Ninh City: Orientation according to the polycentric city model
- Ha Long City: Develop a multi-polar/ polycentric city model
- Nam Dinh City: Develop according to the multi-polar model
- Hai Duong City: Divided into for development zones
d Characteristics of the polycentric city structures of type I cities
in the Red River Delta region
- By function: In addition to the core city center, there are four types
of new centers: mixed (comprehensive) centers; tourist and cultural centers; centers based on economic development factors;
administrative, educational and training centers, and medical centers
Trang 10- By old and new characteristics, there are centers: Towns and
townships (merged into city areas); existing central areas; completely
development of new centers
1.2.4 General summary of research on development planning for new centers of polycentric cities in the Red River Delta region
There have currently no summary or evaluation of studies on polycentric cities in general and solutions for planning and developing new centers in the polycentric city structures in particular Therefore, a decent theoretical system for urban planning and development has not been launched
1.3 Issues to be researched
The research on polycentric city structure has broad connotations and can have two scopes:
a Study of the entire city area with polycentric structure;
b Research on new centers in polycentric cities
Figure 1.36 Scope of the polycentric city structure
The focus is on four issues to be addressed.:
(1) Advantages and disadvantages of the polycentric city models in the socio-economic conditions of Vietnam Lessons learned from international and domestic experiences
(2) What are the basic principles of spatial structure planning to promote the advantages and limit the disadvantages of the polycentric city models? From there, the dissertation proposes the arrangement of locations, distances, connections, population sizes, and arrangement of functions for the new center
(3) Factors that create attractiveness for the new center, promote the
Trang 11advantages of the polycentric city model From there, propose the principles of creating economic, social, spatial, and other attractiveness and a set of criteria to evaluate the attractiveness of the new center
(4) Management policies to promote the effective formation of new centers Including overall management policies for polycentric cities and policies and management requirements to ensure the development of new centers
Figure 1.37 Dissertation issues to be solved
2.1 Theoretical bases for development planning for new centers of polycentric cities
2.1.1 Theory on polycentric city development planning
General theories of urban structure establishment; bases of urban structure establishment; bases of urban structure formation; distance, connection, traffic congestion and travel behavior
2.1.2 Theories on development planning for new center of polycentric cities
a Basis for selecting new central location: Based on city base theory, city central location theory
b Connecting the new center with the core city center:
- Within a 25 km radius around the core city centers is the best belt
to choose for developing new centers
- New centers should be within a travel time of no more than 30 minutes
c Sizes of the new center:
- Forecast bases: Need to clarify the factors of population growth and population characteristics
- Bases for determining population sizes: Minimum should be from
Trang 1225.000 – 90.000 inhabitants to be able to arrange level 2 service facilities; population size in the core city center can be considered as a threshold for maximum population size of new centers
- Land scale and city components: Including main functional
components: (1) Service public service land (both specialized centers and residential service centers); (2) residential land; (3) greenery land, water surface; (4) production land; (5) traffic land, technical
d Driving forces for the formation and development of new centers:
The formation of new centers is the result of the interactions between real estate developers and urban planners
e Social bases: The sociological consequences of the tendency of
moving to the peripheries or city border areas, the demands for housing and services of immigrant workers will contribute to changing the city spatial structure, forming a polycentric city structure
f Attractiveness of the new center: Demonstrated through
employment factors; housing quality, social infrastructure - services and environment
g Policies for managing and developing polycentric city structures:
Master planning solutions, policies for managing, restructuring, and governing multi-center city areas, developing public transport networks, and balancing jobs and housing in new centers in multi-center city structures play an important role in successfully guiding the development
towards a polycentric city structure
2.1.3 Factors affecting polycentric city development planning
a Impact of terrain, land area, GDP per capita: Developed city
areas and city areas in mountainous areas tend to follow the polycentric city model City areas with more diverse landscapes, large land areas, and high GDP per capita tend to form more centers
b Development models: It is necessary to consider the
perspectives and criteria of ecological urban models, smart cities, compact cities or urban development theories based on public transport transit points
2.1.4 Factors affecting new centers development planning in the polycentric city
a Economic factors: Economic factors or in other words, market
rules (production, transportation and housing) are an important factor promoting the formation and development of new centers
b Development of the public transport system: Travel distance will
Trang 13be increased within the same time period This is an important basis affecting the selection and organization of new centers in polycentric cities
2.2 Practical bases for development planning for new center of polycentric cities
2.2.1 Practice of development planning for new center of polycentric cities
a The bases for the formation of the polycentric city structures of grade I cities in the Red River Delta: Natural conditions and terrain factors
such as mountains, rivers, lakes, bays, seas, etc play an important role in the formation of new centers The polycentric city structure is only formed clearly for grade I cities - cities with large population and area as well as high economic development levels
b Connections between centers: The distances between the new
centers and the core urban center of the grade I cities in the Red River Delta is on average 5 - 20 km It is necessary to exploit the natural features well to preserve and restore ecosystems The pendulum traffic between the new center and the core urban center is quite stable; mainly motorbikes and cars while public transport is very little; travel time is guaranteed to be
no more than 30 minutes
2.2.2 Practices in planning new development centers in polycentric cities
a Sizes and levels of the new center: The population forecast of the
new centers according to the new master plan only reflects the contents including the existing population, natural population growth and mechanical population The population factor converted from economic activities is only mentioned in general on the scales of the entire urban area, so the population forecast in the new centers is not suitable The new centers are all oriented to develop into level II service centers or higher, some centers tend to form the city level in the city
b Characteristics of the new centers: The new center includes the
center of the old town, the center of a completely new formation, the center
of education and training, the center of healthcare, the center based on economic development factors, the center of tourism The change in the urban nature during the formation of the new center can be divided into groups: Urban development, adjusting the structure along with adjusting the urban nature; urban development adjusting the structure but not changing the nature; urban development adjusting the nature but not changing much in structure
Trang 14c New types of centers: Including centralized administrative centers;
resort tourism centers; spiritual tourism and cultural tourism centers; comprehensive centers; educational, medical, and sports centers
d Attractiveness of the new centers: The dissertation conducts a
sociological investigation of clearly formed new centers to evaluate the attractiveness of the center on the following contents: Reasons for liking the new centers, attractive factors of the new centers, factors to ensure
livability of the new centers
2.3 Legal bases
2.3.1 Decision to approve the master plan (adjust the master plan)
of grade I cities in the Red River Delta region
Decision approving the latest master plan of 5 urban areas: Hai Phong, Ha Long, Bac Ninh, Hai Duong, Nam Dinh
2.3.2 Legal bases related to the establishment and formation of new centers
Including: Criteria system for establishing type I urban areas, steps
to form new centers, planning time, planning amendment
2.3.3 Legal bases for urban development management
Policies to support the development of new centers and legal documents related to improving urban quality
2.3.4 Legal bases for administrative unit organization
- For centrally-governed type I urban areas: The new center is
equivalent to the district level (for districts upgraded to districts according to the general planning), towns, and township (for cases of merging into the city according to the general planning) The "Cities within the city" are essentially also considered a new type of center
- For grade I urban areas under the province: The new center is
equivalent to ward level (for communes upgraded to wards according
to the general planning)
a Centrally-governed grade I
b Grade I urban area under
province Figure 2.35 Central structure of current grade I cities in Vietnam
2.4 Lessons learned from development planning new centers in