Part 2Kĩ thuật rút gọn thông tin các đáp án của dạng câu hỏi Multiple Choice Trong 90% các đáp án dài khoảng 3-4 từ trở lên thì từ quan trọng nhất sẽ thường là DANH TỪ, để tìm ra các da
Trang 1Part 2
Kĩ thuật rút gọn thông tin các đáp án của dạng câu hỏi Multiple Choice
Trong 90% các đáp án dài (khoảng 3-4 từ trở lên) thì từ quan trọng nhất sẽ
thường là DANH TỪ, để tìm ra các danh từ quan trọng này, ta thực hiện song song các bước sau:
1 Đọc qua để hiểu các đáp án + loại bỏ tất cả các từ/ cụm từ giống nhau giữa các đáp án.
2 Bỏ giới từ/ động từ/ hoặc các từ nối nối giữa các danh từ trong câu lại với nhau.
3 Bỏ các pronoun (he, she, they, it)
4 Bỏ chủ ngữ giả (it is, there is/are)
*Đáp án ngắn (khoảng 3-4 từ trở xuống thì sẽ tuỳ câu mà ứng dụng các bước trên)
- Không chọn đáp án mà từ quan trọng bị nhắc giống y hệt.
- Không chọn đáp án có chứa từ ‘council’ (95% là sai).
- Đáp án đúng thường chứa từ ‘local’ (từ này dễ bị paraphrase)
- Không chọn đáp án có chứa các từ so sánh nhất, so sánh hơn, so sánh bằng (phải học thuộc bảng so sánh).
*Lưu ý: nếu cả 3 đáp án đều có so sánh thì không áp dụng được cách này.
- Chú ý các câu hỏi có từ most, main …vì đáp án có chứa từ paraphrase của most, main … (làm hết các bài part 2 của 2 cuốn 15 16 – đọc file của thầy
và ghi ra hết các từ đồng nghĩa của most, main…)
- Chú ý câu hỏi có từ ‘surprised’, vì đáp án đúng có các từ paraphrase của nó – ví dụ: ‘amazed’, ‘hadn’t expected’, ‘hadn’t predicted’ …
- Chú ý các câu hỏi có từ ‘now’ vì đáp án đúng có các từ paraphrase của nó –
ví dụ: at the moment, at present, currently
- Đáp án đúng là đáp án thường có từ ‘thay đổi – change’ hoặc các từ
paraphrase của nó như gốc ‘trans’ trong từ ‘transfer’, hoặc ‘transform’, hoặc thậm chí ‘flexible’ cũng là thay đổi
Trang 2Rút gọn các câu sau
Cam 15 Test 1
Cam 15 Test 2
Trang 3Cam 15 Test 3
Trang 5Cẩn thận
V5T7P2 – SS
11 What reason does the manager give for moving to a new office building?
A to have more space
B to pay less rent
C be in a central location
V1T3P2 – SS
17 Local employers visit the university
A only in the first term
B twice a term
C throughout the year
V1T7P2 – SS
14 what is special about the roller coaster bike?
A it uses special materials
B it is the most exciting activity
C It is designed for families
V3T4P2 – local
11 The Heritage Clothes exhibition was put together by
A museum staff
B local residents
C clothing manufacturers
Trang 6Mô tả Map
Các loại đường/ khu vực:
Các đặc điểm thường thấy của map rộng:
Đường chính: Path/ (Main) Road/ Street Đường phụ: side road, little path/ the road that branches off/leads off from the main road Đường cụt: dead-end
Đường ngoằn ngoèo: winding road Đường đi bộ: footpath
Chỗ bằng qua đường: pedestrian crossing Vỉa hè: pavement, sidewalk
Khu hình tròn: circular area Khu hình chữ nhật: rectangular area Khu giải trí: recreational area (cụ thể hơn trong bài thường là adventure playground – sân chơi giải trí)
Bờ sông: river bank Ranh giới/ biên giới: boundaries Khúc cua: bend -> cua gắt: sharp bend -> cua 90 đô: right-angled bend
Chỗ đỗ xe: parking lot/ car park Vòng xoay: roundabout
Ngã tư: intersection/ junction Cửa vào/ lối vào: entrance Góc: corner
Ngôn ngữ phương hướng:
Nếu như bài cho map rộng:
Học thuộc: North – East – South – West (NESW) Các hướng nằm giữa: North East – South East, North West – South West
Học thuộc công thức phương hướng tương đối:
… is to the … of …
B is to the East of A Nếu không có phương hướng thì nói là:
B is to the right of A
Đi về hướng ….: go …
đi về hướng Bắc: go North
Các đặc điểm thường thấy của map nhỏ hơn:
Hành lang: corridor Tầng trệt: the ground floor
Trang 7Tiền sảnh: foyer
Khán phòng/ hội trường: auditorium
Sân vườn mở: open courtyard
In the front of: ở phía trước của …
At the back of: ở phía sau của
On your right/ left: ở phía bên phải/ bên trái của bạn
Đi thẳng: go straight ahead
Đi về hướng: go towards …
Quẹo phải/ quẹo trái: turn right/ turn left
Hướng về: head to …
Đi dọc theo: walk/ go along…/ walk down …
Cách nói A kế bên/ nhìn ra B:
A is next to/adjacent to B
A is by B
A looks out at/ over/ into/ has view of B
Trang 8V5T10P2 – 4:10’
Trang 9Now let's take a look at other interesting places this site has to offer.
Away from the backyard, there is a gallery just at the right side of the road, a few feet from the entrance, and there is usually a history exhibition every week
Halfway down the path to the east of the toilet, we have the woodland and the area is just beautiful Martin decided to have it just because he loved the view
If you keep walking down the path in front of you to the West of the site, you will see a large gift shop beside the toilet It has a large collection of handicrafts These handicrafts are not actually made by Barton himself, but are imitations of his artistic works As you have heard enough about this man, we would now proceed to see these things for ourselves, and I'm very sure that you
That is the end of today's practice
Trang 1011 Student Centre ………
12 Health Centre ………
13 Internet Unit ………
14 Complaint Office ………
15 Café ………
Trang 11Hello everyone and welcome to the University of NSW The first thing I'd like to do at today's orientation session is get you all oriented That means tell you the location of some useful facilities and services So first
of all take out the maps we gave you all as you came in the door The map is the big yellow sheet of paper
As you can see on the map, N is at the top, S at the bottom, etc Which way is north? Well, look through that window On my left, you're right See the rising sun That would have to be east, so north must be directly behind me
Now we are at the campus main gate The recreational facilities are on my right hand and it's opposite is the student center No questions good Pretty easy, right?
OK Did everyone eat breakfast at the Student Food service this morning? Was the food good? Yes Yes, I
am joking I've eaten there too So after a meal like that, you must be eager to go to a doctor, right? Well, I have good news for you The Student Health Centre is located about half a kilometre straight north of here Look on your maps You see the street on the east side of this building Ned Kelly Ave Just follow that about 500 metres, and the health centre will be on your left at the Third Cross Street
Now I know you all just got here, so you must be wondering how to tell your folks you've arrived safely How much you miss the dog and how you already need more money If you don't have an iPhone, you probably are wondering where to find a computer Well I have good news If you go straight out of its door and walk down the garden St, you'll see the Internet unit on your left side just next to the gym The hours are posted on the door and the computers are free, but you must bring your student ID card with you Like I tell everyone If you need help with anything, you can probably find right here in the student center
Do you see the four buildings there, between the student center and the library Those are the dormitory The main storms are the two on the South, the women's, the two on the north
OK I'm sorry to have to tell you, but the university has been doing a lot of repairs and remodeling and it's not all done yet, so there may be some small problems with your dorm rooms Maybe the window doesn't open Maybe an air conditioner missing or does not work if there are any problems, you can go to the complaint office which is right beside the teaching building between the Parker Street and the Cramer St Just tell them your problem and they should have it fixed by the time you graduate in four years I'm joking, but Please be patient There are a lot of little things they need to take care of
Tired of the school food? No Give it a week Or maybe you just need a place to get coffee in the wee hours
of the night, during one of those marathon study sessions Either way, you definitely have to check out the little cafe just past the women's dormitories They've got free Wi-Fi, so a lot of students saddle up with coffee and a bagel for hours on end to get work done
Trang 12V3T7 – 4:47’
Trang 13Okay Then, this afternoon we'll have the workshops They'll be held in various classrooms around the college.
So, if you have a look at your college plan, I'll tell you where they're going to be.
Now, at the moment, we're in the hall You'll see it at the bottom of your plan So, if you want to go to the workshop on restaurant service, go out of the hall and turn right Walk along to the office, and it's the classroom immediately next door to that.
For kitchen hands, when you come out of the hall, you'll see the square in front of you Cross to the other side
of the square, and you'll see a block of two classrooms You want the one on the left.
Now, porters, cleaners, and dishwashers.
You want to find a block of classes on the northern side of the college There's a long block of classrooms, and you want the one at the eastern end.
For the receptionist workshop, turn right out of the hall and go past the office Then head up north between the two sets of classrooms You'll come to the first in room on your left, and it's the classroom directly opposite that.
For those of you who are wanting to brush up on your interview skills, there's an interview skills workshop You see that on the western side of the square, there's a single large classroom That's in there.
Okay, now let's move on to look at…
Trang 14V5T6P2 – 3:40’
15 Staff room ………
16 Administration ………
17 Packing shed ………
18 Staff car park ………
12 Ripe strawberries ………
20 Unripe strawberries ………
Trang 15Alright, let's look at the map You all have to give you an idea of the farms layout We'll start with the staff room See the main building The entrance is at the bottom of your map well above the main building on the map is a row of three smaller buildings The staff room is the middle one
If you need to go to administration, that's easy to find in the main building You've got the three checkout desks in the bottom right hand corner and the cafe in the top corner And the other large inside area is the shop, so administration is the other room there It's in the top left hand corner
Some of you are working in the packing shed You see where the main building is, and then at the top of the map There are the round water tanks, four of them The packing shed is the bigger of the two buildings directly below the tanks on your map Not easy work, but at least you'll be in the shade
If you're driving to work You'll need to know where the staff car park is So that's to the left of the main building, the area nearest the bottom of the map Park there and then either use the front entrance or that little door on the left of the main building
Right Let's talk about where the customers can and can't pick their own strawberries The not allowed to enter the commercial growing areas And you can see Area 1 already marked on your map That means there are two sections where customers are allowed to pick their own fruit The section with strawberries that are ready to pick now the ripe strawberries That's the l-shaped section right at the top of the map on the left The unripe strawberries will be ready in about 3 weeks, so that section that's above commercial growing area one, and you can see it from the cafe
OK, so does anyone have any questions about?
Trang 16Listening 15
Test 1 - Part 2
Include = cover
Pay extra = for a small administrative fee
Short notice = last minute
Transfer = change <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này
Another date = alternative date
Has view of = look out at/ look out into/ look out over/ overlook <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này Provide = offer, give <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này
Former (cựu, xưa, cũ…) = which used to be
Old = medieval
Test 2 - Part 2
First = begin, start, original, initial, used to be <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này
Local community = local people, locals, residents, people living nearby, people in the neighbourhood
<<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này
Grow = plant
Học thuộc các mô tả bài map
bờ sông = river bank
phía … của … = to the … of … (ví dụ phía bắc của HCMC = to the north of HCMC/ bên phải của sân vườn = to the right of the courtyard)
khúc cua = bend
biên giới của công viên = park boundary
học thuộc 4 hướng chính và 4 hướng nằm giữa
Test 3 - Part 2
Ôn lại happen = occur, take place
Now = currently, at the moment, at present
Must drive very slowly = drive under 20 kilometers per hour
Ngoài most của Part 1 ra thì most của Part 2 sẽ paraphrase phức tạp hơn
Most = greatest, especially
Need = demand
Areas with heavy traffic = busy roads
Like = happy
Most important = the biggest advantage, the other really fantastic thing
Increase = develop
Independence = confidence
Be part of a community = like an big - extended family
Be surprised = be amazed, not predict, not expect, not anticipate
Be not surprised = of course, obviously, apparently và phủ định của các từ trên
More shoppers = sales in the shop went up considerably
Less noise pollution = quiter
Improved safety = feel safer
Less air pollution = improved air quality
Trang 17Test 4 - Part 2
học thuộc các mô tả bài map
trong góc = in the corner (trong bài sẽ cho góc + hướng – ví dụ: in the Southwest corner)
by = next to
Has view of = look out at/ look out into/ look out over/ overlook <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này
bị khuất trong cây = hidden in the trees
đường nhỏ = little path
ranh giới công viên = park boundary
phân biệt pass và past <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này
pass = băng qua (đi lên vật thể)
past = đi ngang qua (vật thể chỉ là điểm mốc trên đường đi)
Ngoài ra xem lại các mô tả của Test 2 Part 2!
Children must be supervised = parents keep an eye on their children (để ý cách paraphrase chủ động - bị động)
Học thuộc: set up = found = establish
Học thuộc: irrespective of ~ regardless of : bất kể
No payment is required = entrance is completely free
Hai câu 17 18 này cẩn thận các câu có so sánh hơn (more), so sánh nhất (only)
They are closed at the weekends = they are open on Mondays to Thursdays
They were badly damaged by fire = fire destroyed their western side
Listening 16
Test 1 - Part 2
Found = set up, establish
Healthcare = hospitals + học kèm trường từ vựng liên quan đến bệnh viện như: doctors, nurses, patients, diseases
The company has no plans to move = moving to another site is not necessary
Talks by staff = talk to employees/ people
học thuộc các mô tả bài map
phía trước của toà nha = in the front of the building
hành lang = corridor
vòng quay xe = turning point
khu lễ tân = reception area
hành lang chạy phía bên trái = corridor running left from here
đi dọc theo = go/walk along
băng qua phía đằng xa = cross to the far side
cửa nằm phía bên phải (của bạn) = the door is on (your) right
phía … của … = to the … of … (ví dụ phía bắc của HCMC = to the north of HCMC/ bên phải của sân vườn = to the right of the courtyard)
hướng đến, đi về phía = head to
phân biệt pass và past <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này
pass = băng qua (đi lên vật thể)
past = đi ngang qua (vật thể chỉ là điểm mốc trên đường đi)
Test 2 - Part 2
First = begin, start, original, initial, used to be <<< bắt buộc phải thuộc lòng cái này