HANOI UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATIONDOAN THI THOA ECOLOGICAL ETHICS EDUCATION IN TEACHING CIVIC EDUCATION FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS... Based on the above reasons, the author of the thesisTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà NộiTóm tắt: Giáo dục đạo đức sinh thái trong dạy học môn Giáo dục công dân cho học sinh trung học cơ sở trên địa bàn thành phố Hà Nội
Trang 2Hanoi Natioanal University of Education
Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor, Dr Pham Viet Thang
Reviewer 1: Prof Nguyen Thi My Loc
University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Reviewer 2: Assoc.Prof Nguyen Duc Quang
HaNoi National University of Education 2
Reviewer 3: Assoc.Prof Pho Duc Hoa
HaNoi National University of Education
This dissertation will be presented before Doctoral dissertation assessment
Council at University level at:
Ha noi National University of Education
Trang 31 National Library of Viet Nam
2 Library of Ha noi National University of Education
Trang 41 Pham Viet Thang, Doan Thi Thoa (2021), Environmental education for secondary school students through experiential activities and career guidance: the case of plastic waste reduction education, Education Magazine, special issue 2, April
2021, pp 100 – 106.
2 Doan Thi Thoa, Pham Viet Thang (2023), Ecological ethics education for students: Teaching in the present, preparing for the future, Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences, No 8, August 2023, pp 14-18.
3 Doan Thi Thoa, (2024), Environmental Ethics education in teaching civic education in secondary school, Hnue Journal of Science, Volume 69, Issue, pp 3-10.
Trang 51 Reason for choosing theme
Stemming from the challenges of current environmental issues, a comprehensive approachfrom the ethical perspective is required In which, ecological ethics and ecological ethicseducation are an effective solution to deal with environmental issues
Based on the effectiveness of environmental education policies in countries as well as inVietnam One of the notable limitations is that the education program has not really createdchanges in learners' environmental behavior even though their awareness of environmental issueshas been raised This reality requires guidelines and finding specific measures to effectivelyeducate students about gender equality in schools
Based on the role of ecological ethics education for secondary school students Because atthis age, children are entering an important stage of personality development, forming their ownethical value system, so educating values of responsibility for the environment can have aprofound and long-term impact Thus, ecological ethics education for secondary school students
is a fundamental preparation for a high-quality workforce that is responsible for the ecologicalenvironment
Based on the characteristics and role of Civic Education as a subject that has the function ofconveying ethical values, law, and social responsibility, the education of ecological ethics in thesubject is completely appropriate However, through a survey of the current situation of teachers
at secondary schools in Hanoi, it shows that the implementation of Civic Education is not regularand continuous, and teachers are not really interested, and there is still a lot of confusion inchoosing the content or teaching methods to be effective
Based on the above reasons, the author of the thesis chose the topic " Economic ethicseducation in teaching Civic Education for junior high school students in Hanoi " to research,contributing to improving the effectiveness of Ecological Ethics Education, Civic Education tomeet the requirements of the General Education Program (GEP) as well as the sustainabledevelopment goals of the country
2 The purpose of the research
Researching the scientific basis of ecological ethics education for secondary school students
in teaching Civic Education, thereby proposing principles and pedagogical measures to organizeecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education at secondary school level, contributing toeffectively integrating ecological ethics education into teaching Civic Education for secondaryschool students
3 Object, subject and scope of research
3.1 Object of the research
- The object is the process of teaching Civic Education to secondary school students
3.2 Research subjects
The research object of the thesis is the measure of ecological ethics education in teachingCivic Education at secondary school level
3.3 Scope of the research
- Regarding content: the thesis limits the research content to principles and measures ofecological ethics education for students in teaching Civic Education in secondary schools
- Regarding the research area: the thesis conducted a survey of the current situation at 12secondary schools in Hanoi city, in Cau Giay district, Ba Dinh district, Bac Tu Liem district,Thach That district, Dong Anh district, Gia Lam district, Soc Son district, Dan Phuong district, Ba
Vi district (Appendix 04)
Trang 6The thesis conducted experimental teaching of 03 lessons in Civic Education subject forgrades 6 and 8 at 04 secondary schools in Hanoi city (Appendix 04.2).
- Regarding research time: The topic will conduct a survey in the 2020-2021 school year and
an experiment in the 2021-2024 school year
4 Scientific theory
If we propose measures to ecological ethics education for students in teaching CivicEducation subject that comply with the principles of ecological ethics education, are suitable tothe characteristics of the subject and adapt to the characteristics of junior high school students
in Hanoi, the results achieved will be improved
5 Research tasks
Based on the purpose and research object, the thesis determines the research tasks as follows:Firstly, study the theoretical basis of ecological ethics education in teaching CivicEducation for secondary school students
Secondly, study the current status of ecological ethics education in teaching CivicEducation at secondary school
Thirdly, propose some measures for ecological ethics education in teaching CivicEducation for secondary school students
Fourthly, pedagogical experimentation of ecological ethics education measures inteaching Civic Education for secondary school students
6 Research methodology
6.1 Methodology
The thesis applies the methodology of dialectical materialism with a comprehensiveperspective, a developmental perspective and a historical-specific perspective and the principles
of modern teaching theory such as practical approach, activity approach, competency approach
as a basis for approaching the research of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Educationfor secondary school students
6.2 Research methods
6.2.1 Theoretical research method
6.2.2 Survey, investigation and interview methods
6.2.3 Expert consultation method
6.2.4 Pedagogical experimental method
6.2.5 Mathematical statistical methods
Thirdly, ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education needs to link ecologicalethics standards with teaching content, ensuring the subject objectives as well as connectingemotions, promoting thinking; ensuring self-assessment and self-training of learners
Fourth, ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education is carried out in steps fromanalyzing the requirements of the program to selecting appropriate ecological ethics content to
Trang 7organizing experiential teaching, combined with assessing attitudes and behaviors inside andoutside the classroom This is a suitable and effective measure for forming ecological ethics forsecondary school students.
8 New contributions of the topic
Firstly, supplement and enrich the theory of ecological ethics education for secondaryschool students in teaching Civic Education
Secondly, provide documents on the current status of ecological ethics education in teachingCivic Education for secondary school students in Hanoi
Thirdly, the measures of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education forsecondary school students are proposed as valuable reference materials in the research ofenvironmental protection education in schools as well as training and fostering teachers of CivicEducation
9 Structure of the thesis
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references, appendix, the thesis content ispresented in 4 chapters Structure of the thesis:
Chapter 1 Overview of research works on ecological ethisc education in teaching CivicEducation for junior high school students,
Chapter 2 Scientific basis of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education forjunior high school students,
Chapter 3 Principles and measures of ecological ethics education in teaching CivicEducation to junior high school students,
Chapter 4 Pedagogical practice
BASIS OF TEACHING CIVIC EDUCATION 1.1 Overview of research works on ecological ethics and ecological ethics education
1.1.1 Studies on ecological ethics
Most studies agree that given the urgent need for long-term ecological balance, ecologicalethics is the solution to environmental problems.[14] [15]
The study focuses on clarifying some different views on ecological ethics However, thestudies agree on some principles and standards of ecological ethics
1.1.2 Studies on ecological ethics education
Ecological ethics education is mentioned in many different fields and levels of education Studies allagree that ecological ethics education must be formed through experience, contact with nature and criticalthinking ability for learners to be able to self-evaluate and reflect in ethical situations
1.2 Overview of research works on ecological ethics education for students in teaching Civic Education
1.2.1 Research on ecological ethics education in secondary school general education programs other than Civic Education
Research on integrating ecological ethics education in teaching some subjects such as Literature, History - Geography, Biology
In the national education system, ecological ethics education has not yet become anindependent subject but is taught in some dominant subjects Therefore, some studies havepointed out opportunities as well as methods of ecological ethics education in the subject At the
Trang 8secondary school level, some subjects such as Literature, History - Geography, etc have beenstudied and mentioned.
Research on integrating ecological ethics education in the experiential and career guidance program
1.2.2 Studies on ecological ethics education for students in teaching Civic Education Studies on the objectives, content, and process of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education
In teaching Civic Education for secondary school level, the author of the thesis found thatthere was no research directly referring to the content and methods of ecological culturaleducation Therefore, the author approached some researches that are similar to ecologicalcultural education and ecological lifestyle Studies on forms and methods of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education
Some studies on ecological cultural education, ecological lifestyle mostly focus on pointing outeducational opportunities in Civic Education The studies have not focused on clarifying the educationalcontent as well as the effective methods of educating the Ethnic Minority in Civic Education Therefore,this is the issue that the thesis continues to research and clarify
1.3 Experience in ecological ethics education in some countries around the world
1.3.1 Experience in ecological ethics education for students in some Western countries
Several countries, including Greece, Chile, and Italy, have incorporated ecological ethicsinto their environmental education curricula The Eco-Schools program has [87]been in operationfor 30 years and covers 74 countries Its foundational principle is a bottom-up, student-ledapproach that aims to increase student ownership in improving the environmental and socialimpact of their schools The educational curricula in these countries all advocate studentautonomy to develop decision-making skills and encourage students to have more contact withnature
1.3.2 Experience in ecological ethics education for students in some Eastern countries
In some Eastern countries such as Japan and China, “environmental and ecologicalsustainability” is recognized as an important goal in education China’s approach to ECEeducation in schools can be summarized through several key strategies: ECE is integrated intodifferent subjects in the curriculum rather than taught as a separate subject Integration ensuresthat students are exposed to and reflect on ECE principles throughout their learning process
1.4 Evaluation of results of previous studies and issues that the thesis continues to research
1.4.1 Evaluation of previous research results
Regarding ecological ethics, standards and principles have been clarified However, thereneeds to be specific research on standards for secondary school students
Regarding education, it has been emphasized that education in all subjects is needed Toensure educational effectiveness, further research is needed on content, implementationrequirements, and specific organizational methods
Some studies have shown that the education of the Party in teaching Civic Education isnecessary and reasonable However, the objectives, content and appropriate educational measuresfor the subject have not been clarified
1.4 2 Thesis issues that need further research
During the research process, we have not seen any authors studying ecological ethicseducation in teaching Civic Education for secondary school students To contribute to the
Trang 9development of content, the author has focused on clarifying the theory of ecological ethics,ecological ethics education and ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education, on thatbasis, proposing measures to organize effective ecological ethics education in teaching CivicEducation.
2.1 Theoretical basis of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education for secondary school students
2.1.1 Ecological ethics Concept of ecological ethics
Ecological ethics is considered a branch of ethics, so to clarify this concept, first of all, welearn about the concept of “ethics” and the concept of “ecology”
* Morality
From the above characteristics, we believe that: Ethics is a set of principles and social
norms that people consciously perceive and comply with, contributing to adjusting behavior to suit personal interests and the interests of the community and society in all areas of life.
* Ecology
Based on studies on ecology and ecological environment, in our thesis we conceive of
ecology as a collection of living organisms and the interactive relationships between living
organisms with each other and with the surrounding environment, including natural and artificial factors in a diverse and flexible ecosystem, where the existence and development of each organism depends on the complex interactions between the components of the system.
* Ecological ethics
Although there are many differences in the definition of ecological ethics, in this study, we
consider ecological ethics as rules and standards to regulate and evaluate human behavior not
only towards the current and future human community but also towards all living organisms and inorganic elements in nature to ensure the sustainability of development Principles of ecological ethics
- Principles of environmental justice
- Principle of equality between generations
- Principle of respect for nature – respect for all life, human and non-human
- Principles of biosphere protection Ecological ethical standards
- First, ensure harmony between humans and nature
- Second, respect and seriously protect the intrinsic value of nature
- Third, when exploiting the values of natural objects to serve one's life, existence anddevelopment, one must comply with ecological principles
- Fourth, self-awareness, voluntarily adjusting one's behavior in relation to nature, creatingtrue harmony with nature, respecting nature originating from one's own life, not harming theexistence and development of nature
- Fifth, share responsibility to maintain the integrity of the global ecological environment
2.1.2 Ecological ethics education Concept of ecological ethics education
Trang 10Within the framework of ecological ethics education through school subjects, we believe
that: Ecological ethics education is a process of purposeful and planned pedagogical impact to
create awareness and concern for students about the ecological environment and the relationship between humans and nature Ecological ethics education is associated with training ecological thinking skills and habits (evidence-based scientific thinking, interdisciplinary thinking, spatial thinking, creativity, empathy and critical thinking) to promote motivation and self-awareness in implementing ecological ethics standards to find solutions to environmental problems, ensuring sustainable development. The need for ecological ethics education The role of ecological ethics education
Role: The consequences of environmental issues have affected many countries, including
Vietnam Our country has had many policies to guide environmental protection education inschools And environmental education is considered an important solution Starting fromenvironmental education for students, it contributes to perfecting the personality of learners,helping to create environmental sustainability Second, environmental education is an importanttask to achieve the goal of comprehensive education and is considered a core element ofeducational programs such as environmental protection education, sustainable developmenteducation, and ecological education Objectives and content of ecological ethics education
Regarding the goal of ecological ethics education, there are three goals: raising awareness;building a sense of responsibility and forming skills and behaviors of ecological ethics towardsthe ecological environment
The content of ecological ethics education has three main contents:
Content Requirements to be met
+ Recognize ecological ethical standards: respect and protect life andbiodiversity; voluntarily and consciously adjust behavior and comply withlegal requirements on environmental protection; protect and use naturalresources economically and effectively; practice a friendly lifestyle inharmony with nature; actively cooperate to solve ecological problems
- Recognize what should be done and what needs to be done for the naturalenvironment, community and yourself
- Explain why it is necessary to act according to ecological ethical principlesand standards
- Analyze the consequences of performing acts that negatively impact theecological environment and take responsibility for those acts
- Voluntarily comply with regulations and laws on the environment,environmental rights (right to live in a clean environment, right to accessenvironmental information, etc.) and obligations to the environment
Trang 11- Respect diverse perspectives on environmental issues, seek solutions toregenerate ecosystems negatively affected by environmental issues.
- Live in harmony and friendliness with nature
- Be aware of and ready to participate in propaganda activities, care for andprotect nature, respond to climate change; oppose acts of encroachment onnature
- Self-consciously and voluntarily take action for the environment, ready tocooperate in teamwork in community initiatives based on global thinking andlocal action
- Skills to learn, propagate, care for and protect nature
- Implementing sustainable behaviors such as: protecting and conservingnature and biodiversity; using natural resources economically, recycling,reusing, classifying waste, etc Ways to teach ecological ethics in junior high schools
(1) Forms of organizing ecological ethics education in junior high schools
First, Ethical ethics education through teaching subjects: It is necessary to comply with the four principles of ecological ethics education in subjects as well as to orient educational methods and test and evaluate educational results
Second, Ethical ethics education through educational activities
(2) Methods of ecological ethics education in junior high schools
(3) Means of ecological ethics education in junior high schools
(4) Testing and evaluating the results of ecological ethics education
2.1.3 Ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education General overview of the Civic Education program at secondary school level and the suitability of ecological ethics education for junior high school students
(1) General overview:Civic Education is a compulsory subject with four main contentstreams The subject aims to help students understand ethical and legal standards, practicestandard behavior, develop themselves, and solve simple problems in life In addition, theprogram is open, suitable for incorporating educational content into the subject
2) Suitability: Analysis of the objectives according to 05 qualities and 03 specificcompetencies of the subject along with 04 content streams with the requirements to be achievedhas proven that: Civic Education is completely feasible to organize education in Civic Education Objectives of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education
Appropriate teaching of Ecological ethics Education in teaching Civic Education is based
on the objectives and content of the subject
Regarding the quality objectives , firstly, the 5 qualities stipulated in the 2018 General
Education Program have been specified in the subjects and the manifestations of the qualities aresimilar to the objectives and content of Higher Education
Patriotism : Patriotism is demonstrated through positive actions, proactive participation in
activities to protect nature; learning and promoting family, clan, and homeland traditions; beingaware of protecting cultural heritage, actively participating in activities to protect and promote the
Trang 12value of cultural heritage This creates conditions for teachers of Ethnic Minority Education toencourage students to proactively participate in environmental protection activities, preserve andpromote the cultural and natural values of the country Students learn to appreciate and protecttheir living space, thereby forming the habit of living in harmony with nature, developing love andresponsibility for the surrounding environment.
Compassion : Compassionate qualities do not only stop at loving people but also extend to
loving creatures and ecosystems Through this, students are encouraged not only to protect theweak but also to protect endangered animals and plants The spirit of compassion is demonstratedthrough respecting the lives of both humans and nature, and being willing to participate incommunity volunteer activities related to environmental protection
Diligence : The quality of diligence, especially through the desire to learn and apply
knowledge to life, is an opportunity for ecological ethics education through the study andapplication of environmental solutions Students are encouraged to participate in learningactivities about ecology, climate change, conservation of natural resources, and cultural heritage.Diligence in practicing environmental protection activities from school to community is thefoundation of sustainable living habits
Honesty : Honesty requires students to be straightforward and take responsibility for their
behavior, including behavior related to the environment Building and developing ethicalbehavior requires honesty Students not only talk about environmental protection but also actaccording to ethical standards Honesty in environmental protection also means not aiding andabetting acts that destroy the environment, knowing how to fight and criticize dishonest acts inresource exploitation, etc
Responsibility : The quality of responsibility of secondary school students includes many
aspects, in which responsibility for the living environment is a highlight Students are encouraged
to live in harmony with nature, actively participate in activities to care for and protect theenvironment Responsibility for the environment is demonstrated through students' participation
in propaganda about climate change, and readiness to respond to changes caused by climatechange
Regarding capacity goals,
Behavioral regulation capacity : This is an important opportunity for ecological ethics
education when students are encouraged to clearly perceive ethical standards related toenvironmental protection and natural resources The ability to self-regulate behavior not onlyhelps students behave properly, in accordance with standards, but also forms sustainableecological ethics thinking, motivating them to become responsible citizens for the livingenvironment
Self-development capacity : In ecological ethics education, this capacity helps students
develop their own awareness of the importance of environmental protection and ecologicalvalues Students can practice self-reflection skills and self-assess their behavior in ethicalsituations related to the environment Encouraging self-development in the context of ecologicalethics education helps students not only understand their responsibility towards nature but alsopromote personal awareness in environmental protection
Ability to learn and participate in socio-economic activities : In ecological ethics education,
this ability helps students understand current environmental issues and motivates them toparticipate in environmental protection activities in the community Students can learn aboutenvironmental phenomena and events, thereby proposing solutions appropriate to their age andability Participating in socio -economic activities not only helps students develop a sense of
Trang 13social responsibility but also contributes to forming ecological ethics behavior through specificactions such as participating in environmental protection campaigns, sorting waste at source,using resources such as electricity, water, energy, etc sustainably Content of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education
Moral education: This content guides students towards personal, family and community
values This is an opportunity for students to understand and practice ethical standards fromloving the natural environment to being aware of protecting resources
Life skills education : Life skills training creates opportunities for students to develop skills
to solve environmental-related situations, such as deciding on ecological protection actions orresponding to environmental problems
Legal education : This content helps students grasp legal regulations on environmental
protection, environmental rights and environmental protection obligations, thereby encouragingthem to comply with environmental protection laws
Economic education : Students understand their own responsibility in implementing
consumer behaviors towards sustainable economic development, harmoniously balancing theenvironment - economy - society Ways to teach ecological ethics in teaching Civic Education
(1) Method of integrating ecological ethics in teaching Civic Education: Ecological ethicsthrough completely integrating educational content in the subject content of Civic Education;integrating part of the subject content of teaching Civic Education; through conclusions, themeaning of ecological ethics after the end of relevant activities/topics
(2) Form of organization: teaching in and out of the classroom
(3) Method: active and experiential teaching methods such as: handling situations, playing, games, projects, debate techniques, etc
role-(4) Evaluation of results: determining the purpose of evaluation as the level of completion ofthe task of training Ecological ethics according to the requirements of the community; theevaluation content is awareness, attitude and behavior of Ecological ethics; The assessment form
is a combination of self-assessment, peer assessment (4) assessment tools: rubrics, checklists,scales, etc Requirements for ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education
Education on ecological ethics in teaching Civic Education needs to ensure a number ofrequirements: ensuring the implementation of subject objectives from knowledge, qualities andabilities, organizing activities to concretize objectives; conveying to students consistent andsynchronous messages and specific actions demonstrating ecological ethics; ensuring suitabilitywith students' psychological and physiological characteristics; ensuring the promotion of thespirit of autonomy, self-study, self-training; increasing the participation of educational forces;increasing the application of information technology; creating a friendly learning environment,problematic situations for students to participate in activities, practicing habits and criticalthinking skills Factors affecting ecological ethics education for students
- On the part of students
- On the part of schools
Trang 14- Coordination between family, school and community
- Local environmental context
2.2 Practical basis of ecological ethics education for secondary school students in teaching Civic Education
We chose Hanoi as the research site for the following reasons: Hanoi has unique natural and socialcharacteristics, from urban ecosystems to agricultural ecosystems, from plains to lowland mountainousareas On the other hand, Hanoi is facing many global environmental problems such as air pollution,river pollution, etc Therefore, Hanoi is a highly representative research site
We conducted a survey of the current situation at 12 secondary schools, with 586 studentsand 298 teachers participating in answering the questionnaire, group interviews with 60 students,and in-depth interviews with 24 teachers to learn about teachers' and students' awareness ofecological ethics as well as the current situation of organizing ecological ethics education inteaching Civic Education in practice
For teachers: we study teachers' awareness of ecological ethics; the current situation ofteachers organizing ecological ethics education in the process of teaching Civic Education;difficulties in organizing activities
For students: we investigated the content of awareness of the Youth Union, the practice ofparticipating in activities to organize Youth Union education and the difficulties of studentsduring the learning process
The results show that: Educating about ecological ethical behavior in teaching CivicEducation is a new issue for both teachers and students Teachers and students both agree that this
is a very important and necessary issue and is the goal of the teaching and learning process, but theimplementation results are still limited, due to not understanding the nature of the problem, nothaving guidance documents, and not having measures with specific steps to guide appropriateimplementation The survey results of teachers and students show that students' awareness ofethical behavior is not high Most students only stop at the level of understanding and explainingsome aspects of ethical behavior but do not know how to act or are ready to act to solve relatedethical behavior issues Teachers do not know how to identify opportunities for educating ethicalbehavior based on the subject's objectives on qualities and abilities as well as appropriate methods
to educate and train students' ethical behavior
Thus, teaching ecological ethics to students in teaching Civic Education is an issue thatneeds to be researched
STUDENTS 3.1 Principles of ecological ethics education in teaching Civic Education
3.1.1 Ensuring the objectives of the subject
Meaning of the principle : Teaching objectives are the core component of the teaching
process, determining the remaining elements of the teaching process Therefore, ensuring theprinciple helps maintain the connection between the elements in the teaching process When thelesson objectives are clear and specific, students have the opportunity to develop morecomprehensively in knowledge, skills, and qualities For the teaching of the subject of ecologicalethics education, it is necessary to ensure that the principle of not changing the nature or turningthe Civic Education lesson into a purely teaching lesson of the subject of Civic Education, and notmaking the subject content too heavy
Measures to implement the principle: analyze the content of the Civic Education program to