HANOI, 2023
Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Vũ Thị Kim Liên (Ths)
HANOI, 2023
I hereby state that I: Doãn Thị Lý Lan, class QH2019.F1.E20, being a candidate
for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the University
relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the
library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance
with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or
reproduction of the paper
Hanoi, May 5th,2023
I would like to express sincere appreciation to everyone who assisted and motivated me to finish this paper The success of this paper is also attributable to them
First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Ms Vũ Thị Kim Liên (M.A.), my instructor and supervisor, for her enthusiasm and dedication, her critical comments and feedback, as well as continuous assistance Without her detailed orientation and supportive guidance, I would not have been able to finish my graduation thesis, which was one of the most challenging assignments I have ever undertake
Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the 20 students from the Faculty of English Language Teacher Education and the Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture who voluntarily attended my thesis conducting I was able to complete this assignment thanks to their enthusiastic support and participation in my questionnaires
Thirdly, I would like to express gratefulness to my family for providing me with continuous encouragement over the past few years so I could have the determination to overcome the challenge
Last but not least, I would like to show my gratitude to all of the readers for their interest in the paper I sincerely hope that this paper would at least somewhat useful to the readers
This study highlighted the use of Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary in the translation of literature, specifically bilingual literature The purpose of the study was
to identify types of equivalence of English words and Sino-Vietnamese words in the
TT Based on that, the effectiveness of using Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary and the talent of the translator in terms of word choice was revealed In addition, this paper also evaluated the impacts of Sino-Vietnamese words on the reading experience of readers With the participation of 20 students from the FELTE and the FCLC in the questionnaires, the paper pointed out the effect of these words on the comprehension
of readers It is hoped that translators can have wise tactics when employing Vietnamese words based on the result of this research However, the study did have
Sino-a few shortcomings thSino-at provided insight for future reseSino-arch
Keywords: translation equivalence, Sino-Vietnamese words, The Little Prince
FELTE Faculty of English Language Teacher Education
FCLC Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture
Figure 4.1 Types of equivalence of Sino-Vietnamese words in the
Trang 92.6 An overview of “The Little Prince” and the bilingual version translated by Nguyen Tuan
4.3 The common types of equivalence of Sino-Vietnamese words in the translation of the
This chapter provides a concise summary of the whole research project by describing the researcher's rationale for doing the study, the research aims and significance, as well as the scope and design of the study There are also two research questions revealed in order to provide a more clear orientation for the research
1.1 Rationale
“The Little Prince” is one of the most classic literary works that attract readers
of all ages in the world in general, in Vietnam in particular This masterpiece leaves worldwide readers with the distinct impression of a clear, bright style and humanity-rich story With an estimated 140 million copies sold globally, The Little Prince became Saint-most Exupéry's popular work and one of the best-selling books in history Along with that, the attraction and heat of the work with translators has never stopped that is also the reason it has become the second most translated work in the
world It is the second-most translated text ever written behind the Bible, having been
translated into more than 505 different languages and dialects worldwide In Vietnam, there have been more than 10 translations of this novel The translation of Nguyen Tuan Viet is distinct as it has a unique bilingual form so that readers can learn English (or foreigners learn Vietnamese) This translation is characterized by using several Sino-Vietnamese words to bring a formal style and artistic expression Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary is a crucial component of the Vietnamese lexicon and is used frequently in both spoken and written languages It has been estimated that the Vietnamese language consists of 70% Chinese in origin with technical vocabulary constituting 80% (Mark J Alves, 2009) Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary includes Vietnamese words with elements borrowed from the Chinese language To conform to Vietnamese's phonetic system, the pronunciation of these words has been Vietnamese-ized Sino-Vietnamese language is widely used in all areas of social life
in Vietnamese and has a very high frequency of occurrence, particularly in written documents According to a number of linguistic research, there is a significant demand for Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary, particularly at events or in programs,
Trang 12scripts, and serious and formal writing, when this requirement is increased (Trinh et al., 2021, 63)
Although this type of language has great value in the literature, it requires writers to have a deep understanding of this language so that they can use the right words in the right situation Especially, overuse of Sino-Vietnamese can make the sentence unnatural and make the readers confused However, it seems that the use of Sino-Vietnamese in the translation has not been paid enough attention and thoroughly examined
For the reasons above, this paper will examine the use of the Sino-Vietnamese language in the translation of the bilingual book “ The Little Prince”
1.2 Research aims and research questions
1.2.1 Research aims
The paper is anticipated to make a comparison and analyze the ST and TT based on meaning-based equivalence (Koller, 1979) evaluating the equivalence of the Sino-Vietnamese words in the translation of “The Little Prince”; find out the impact of it on the understanding of readers Then the researcher hopes to draw conclusions and give recommendations to improve this translation
1.3 Scope of the study
“The Little Prince” is a famous French masterpiece that has been translated into several languages around the world Even in one language, several different translations are basically similar in terms of the plot, but different in terms of writing styles This study sets its boundary in studying Sino-Vietnamese words in the translated text of the book “The Little Prince” It will look into the equivalence of
Trang 13Sino-Vietnamese words based on the equivalence classifications of Koller and examine the impact of Sino-Vietnamese words on readers’ reading experience
1.4 Contributions of the research
This paper is expected to help those who are working in the translation field and who are trained to become a translator in the future, especially, those who work
in the field of transition of bilingual books Based on the findings, they can draw a conclusion about using the Sino-Vietnamese language in particular, and word choice
in general
1.5 Design of the study
This study consists of five main parts, a reference, and a number of appendixes
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION - gives an overview of the study In this chapter,
the rationale to choose the thesis topic, the aims, and the research questions are revealed Besides, the scope and the significance and the structure of the study are also provided
Chapter 2: “LITERATURE REVIEW” - provides the background knowledge
and the related theoretical frameworks of the research This chapter goes through the results of the previous studies within related fields and revises background knowledge
in order to form the theoretical frameworks of the research
Chapter 3: “METHODOLOGY” - indicates the orientations of the study This
chapter describes the methods and instruments used in doing the research containing data collection and analyzing techniques
Chapter 4 – FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS – presents the classification of
equivalence of Sino-Vietnamese words in the TT, the result of questionnaires Following that, the assessment of using Sino-Vietnamese words is pointed out as well
Chapter 5 – CONCLUSION – summarizes what has been found out in the
study Comments are given and limitations of the research are mentioned so that further studies of similar topics can take it as a potential reference to investigate
Trang 14The appendixes list examples of different groups of equivalence and the
This chapter builds a foundation for the study by reviewing existing research on Sino-Vietnamese words, their definition, their classification, translation, bilingual translation, translation equivalence, and translation quality assessment
2.1 Sino-Vietnamese words
2.1.1 Original
Both Chinese and Vietnamese have a lengthy history The early formative Vietnamese era under the Han dynasty laid the groundwork for continuous Chinese cultural impact that continues to the current day, particularly in the vocabulary through the coining of contemporary terminology Before the "ancient" form of the language emerges, Vietnam was governed by the Han Dynasty of China for millennia (from the 2nd to the 10th centuries AD) A thousand years of Chinese dominance had a significant and long-lasting impact on the language Archaic Vietnamese and everything that follows after it does, in fact, rely heavily on Chinese vocabulary and grammar principles However, they were adopted in a way that they were altered to fit Vietnamese The far more comprehensive Sino-Vietnamese proper was introduced in the late Tang period with Chinese rhyme dictionaries such as the Qieyun (618–907) To generate consistent pronunciations for the complete Chinese vocabulary, Vietnamese scholars adopted a systematic translation of Middle Chinese inside Vietnamese phonology Following the expulsion of the Chinese in 880, the Vietnamese attempted to construct a state following the Chinese model, including the use of Literary Chinese for all formal writing, including government and research, until the early twentieth century Approximately 3,000 words entered Vietnamese during this time span Sino-Vietnamese words are frequently used in written documents in formal context rather than in daily life They are widely used in various fields such as medicine, politics, literature, science, education, philosophy, economics, etc
Trang 16Sino-2.1.2 Classification
According to Nguyen (1985) and many other experts, Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary belongs to one of the Vietnamese lexical groups and has no semantic link These lexical classes are broken down into pairs, such as Vietnamese native words and borrowed words, standard language, and dialect, old words, and new words, etc
A significant amount of the vocabulary in Vietnamese is made up of the Vietnamese language, which is classified as borrowed words Sino-Vietnamese is categorized in this way to set itself apart from other languages' borrowed terminology
Sino-There are two layers of Chinese vocabulary in Vietnamese: the generally studied Sino-Vietnamese words, and Old Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary (Wang,1958; Lê, 1959; Tryon, 1979)
Old Sino-Vietnamese words are borrowed before the Tang dynasty, probably during the Han dynasty and the rise of the Sino-Vietnamese families For example, the word "bố" with the old Sino -Vietnamese sound "phụ -", and the word "xưa" has the old Sino -Vietnamese sound "sơ"
Sino -Vietnamese words are Chinese words used in Vietnamese in the period from the Tang Dynasty to the beginning of the 10th century such as “gia đình”, “tự nhiên”
2.2 Translation
2.2.1 Translation
The term translation can apply to the field, the product (the material that has been translated), or the process (the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating) According to Munday (2004), the process of translation between two different written languages involves the translator changing an original written text
in the original verbal language into a written text in a different verbal language Cartford defines translation as “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language” According to Newmark (1981): 7 translation is “a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written
Trang 17message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language." According to the definitions given above, it can be said that translation is the process of replacing or reproducing a text's message from the ST to the TT by considering the text's meaning and style in order to use the equivalents between the SL and the TL
2.2.2 Translation of bilingual books
Bilingual texts are commonly accessible and utilized in English as a foreign language setting One of the primary reasons for the prevalence of bilingual texts is that second-language learners are motivated to study with bilingual materials According to research, bilingual materials are well received by language learners, teachers, and even parents The study of Lichty (2002) indicates that bilingual novels allow pupils who speak various languages to bridge their linguistic differences Bilingual books can also assist kids and their families build first-language and second-language fluency by promoting text-to-text translations The quality of translation is one possible issue with adopting bilingual books for language learning Schon (2004) emphasized her worries regarding bilingual book publication in the absence of research findings and participation from bilingual educators She mentioned that certain publications are inadequately translated and that over-translation of an extremely literal translation might result in artificial rather than conventional linguistic patterns in translated books and materials The study by Huang and Chen (2015) found that bilingual books did not always give correct translations and included culturally inappropriate stereotypes
2.3 Equivalence
2.3.1 The nature of equivalence
There are several theories dealing with different levels of equivalence between the ST and the TT as well as their orientation on the preservation of the uniqueness
of the original text or the fullness of the reader's comprehension From the standpoint
of general translation approaches, equivalence theory is constrained by concerns of the region, which assumes the cultural context of the massage, and text-type condition, which dictates the usage of a certain type or degree of equivalence
Trang 18Newmark (1988) defines: “The overriding purpose of any translation should be to achieve ‘equivalence effect’ i.e to produce the same effect on the readership of translation as was obtained on the readership of the original” According to Cartford (1965), "The central problem of translation practice is that of finding TL equivalents
A central task of translation theory is that of defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalence." Nida mentioned "the principle of equivalent effect," in which "the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptor and the message." (Nida,
2003, 42) Equivalence is a relationship between two texts in two languages, rather than between the languages themselves (Hung, 2007)
2.3.2 Types of equivalence
Translation theorists tend to classify equivalence using various criteria and approaches Meaning-based equivalence
Koller (1979) considers five types of equivalence:
- Denotative equivalence: the SL and the TL words refer to the same thing in the real world It is related to the equivalence of the extralinguistic content of a text This type is similar to what many scholars believe translation needs to ensure content invariance For example, a line in the poem “Vội Vàng” of Xuân Diệu, “Của ong bướm này đây tuần tháng mật” is translated into “For bees and butterflies, here are the months of honey” “Ong”-” bees”, “bướm”- “butterflies” present denotative equivalence which refers to specific kinds of insects
- Connotative equivalence: this type of equivalence provides additional values besides denotative value and is achieved by the translator’s word choice It produces the same communication values in the mind of native speakers of two languages It
is related to the lexical choice between synonyms expressions, regarding the level of style, the social and geography dimension, etc For instance, the word “sun” can be translated into “mặt trời, vầng dương, tia sáng” depending on the context
Trang 19- Text-normative equivalence: The SL and the TL words are used in the same or similar context in their respective languages It has to deal with text-type-specific features with language norms This type can find in legal contracts, instructions for use, business letters, and scientific texts For example, “Yours sincerely” is translated into “Kính thư”
- Pragmatic equivalence: With readership orientation, the SL and TL words have the same effect on their respective readers The receiver to whom the translation is directed, and to whom the translation is “tuned” in order to achieve a given effect For example, scientific research related to health needs to be translated or even edited
to be understandable by an ordinary person
- Formal equivalence: This type of equivalence produces an analogy of form in the translation by their exploiting formal possibilities of TL, or creating new forms
in TL It is related to certain formal-aesthetic features of the ST text, including wordplay, and metalinguistic aspects, individual stylistic features It is the most important type of equivalence in translating poems, and songs’ lyrics, expressive text
Meaning-based equivalence elevates the ST’s meaning and communicative function over its form This method emphasizes communicating the desired meaning and context of the source material in a culturally relevant and linguistically natural manner in the TL Meaning-based equivalency considers variations in language and cultural conventions to provide a natural and fluent translation that conveys the same message as the original text This purpose is relevant to the questionnaires and research aim, therefore, the researcher decided to employ this approach in the study Quantitative equivalence
Kade (1968) seems to stick to numeracy and suggests:
- One-to-one equivalence: A single expression in the TL is equivalent to a single expression in the SL It is commonly found in the translation of technical terms For example, “semantic category” is translated into “phạm trù ngữ nghĩa”, or “grounding system” is equivalent to “ hệ thống nối đất”
Trang 20- One-to-many equivalence or many-to-one equivalence: More than one TL expressions are equivalent to a single SL expression For example, the word “pot”
in English can be translated into “bình”, “ấm”, “lọ”, “hộp” Another example is the word “boat”, it can be translated into “thuyền”, “tàu”, “ghe”, “xuồng”
- One-to-part-of-one equivalence: A TL expression covers part of a concept designated by a single SL expression For example, the word “aunt” has no full equivalent in Vietnamese, it has to specify based on age, and relations
- Nil equivalence: no TL expression is equivalent to a single SL expression For example, “bánh chưng” is translated into “ Chung cake / banh chung” Formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence
According to Nida, he believed that there are two different types of equivalence, namely formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence
Nida (1964) defined formal equivalence as " focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content In such a translation one is concerned with such correspondences as poetry to poetry, sentence to sentence, and concept to concept Viewed from this formal orientation, one is concerned that the message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the
SL This means, for example, that the message in the receptor culture is constantly compared with the message in the source culture to determine the standards of accuracy and correctness" (1964, p.159) From the definition, it attempts to remain
as similar to the ST as feasible without including the translator's opinions and thoughts in the translation Thus, the more precise the translation, the less likely it is
to distort the original meaning As a result, this is considerably more of a word translation The issue with this type of translation is that it requires a decent level of knowledge of the subject matter on the side of the reader
word-for-In contrast, based on the principle of the equivalent of effect, dynamic equivalence requires "the message of the original text has been so transposed into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that or the original receptors" (Nida & Taber, 1969, p.200) He defined dynamic equivalence as
Trang 21“the closest natural equivalent to the source-language message” This type of definition contains three essential terms: equivalent which points toward the source-language message, natural which points toward the receptor language, and closest which binds the two orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation (Nida, 1964, p 166)
Dynamic equivalence and formal equivalence are compatible with the two types
of Koller’s classification namely pragmatic equivalence and formal equivalence
2.4 Translation quality assessment
The quality of translation must be evaluated in translation studies Both translation scholars and specialists pay increased attention to translation quality assessment (TQA), which is how translation quality is rated TQA becomes a key concern in a product-oriented translation and can be said to be at the heart of any theory of translation The fundamental concept of translation is equivalent, and in order to examine equivalence, it is critical to assess the quality of a translation TQA
is a form of evaluation that means it is taken to “ mean the determination of merit, worth, or significance” (Scriven, 2007, p1) It means that the evaluator's main responsibility is to distinguish and highlight the value and relevance of a particular piece of work from its flaws and insignificance According to Peter Newmark, translation criticism is an essential link between translation theory and its practice It should be “the keystone of any course in comparative literature, or literature in translation, and a component of any professional translation course with the appropriate text types (e.g., legal, engineering, etc.) as an exercise for criticism and discussion” TQA is a sort of evaluation that Williams (2004) categorizes into two primary models: 1) models with a quantitative dimension and 2) non-quantitative, text-logical models, such as House's (1998) models of Translation quality assessment Three broad techniques for evaluating quality may be identified One is source-oriented and is based on the connection between the original text and the translation The second strategy focuses on the TL The third strategy involves
evaluating the impact of translation on readers, teachers, critics, and clients
Trang 222.4.1 Julianne House - Functional- Pragmatic approach
According to House (1997), the translation must perform both ideational and interpersonal functions based on Halliday's point of view (1973) These functions in the original are equivalent to the intermediate function, and the translation must employ comparable techniques to carry out the aforementioned functions The model evaluating House's (1997) translation quality was developed to address the shortcomings of earlier models, including their lack of theoretical foundations and workable analytic techniques An original and its translation are systematically compared using this methodology on three separate levels: language/text, register (filed, tenor, and mode), and genre Three sections comprise the register: Tenor involves the participant relationship while Filed comprises the subject and social action It incorporates the author's background and viewpoint, relationship with other people in similar social roles, and social attitude The last one as a mode is associated with the channel and how much the addresser and addressee participate
In this study, the researcher employed this theory to evaluate the use of Vietnamese words in the TT It was selected as in this study the researchers focused
Sino-on semantics and pragmatics of the Sino-Vietnamese words Ultimately, using the House's TQA approach to "The Little Prince" can give useful insights into the story's underlying themes and emotions It can assist individuals in better understanding their personal associations with these themes and how they relate to their own experiences, resulting in a stronger feeling of self-awareness and personal progress
2.4.2 Newmark’s comprehensive criticism approach
The TQA model developed by Newmark is considered to have more realistic applications than other TQA models Because they are based on the translator's own experiences and address some of the topics that interest him or her, the steps in Newmark's model are simple for the translator to follow According to Newmark's model of criticism (Newmark, 1988), the SL (SL) text is analyzed and compared to the translation, and comments are made on the translation's potential function as a translation The core of this methodology is the comparative study This is his five-part model:
Trang 231) a brief analysis of the SL text stressing its intention and its functional aspects 2) the translator's interpretation of the SL text's purpose, his translation method, and the translation's likely readership;
3) a selective but representative detailed comparison of the translation with the original;
4) an evaluation of the translation: a) in the translator's terms, b) in the critic's terms; 5) where appropriate, an assessment of the likely place of the translation in the TL culture or discipline
2.5 Related studies and research gap
in this study since it was concerned with the use of business-related Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary in English-Vietnamese translations of economic texts Economic words
Trang 24in the original text and their Vietnamese counterparts were gathered with reference
to the process
In 2013, Hoàng Thị Mỹ Linh studied the use of Sino-Vietnamese in the translation of noun phrases in the Harry Potter book series The study aimed to discover the distinctive characteristics of Sino-Vietnamese noun phrases found in the sample TT and discover the structures of these Sino-Vietnamese noun phrases so that this study work may be used to model the translation of English noun phrases into Sino-Vietnamese for future use The researcher used document observation as the data collection instrument After the researcher finished collecting English noun phrases that met the research subject, they and their Sino-Vietnamese equivalents were evaluated and modeled to determine the procedures used to convert them and the structures of those Sino-Vietnamese noun phrases The acquired data were used
to illustrate certain structural aspects of Sino-Vietnamese noun phrases The researcher intended to discover the many nuances that each sort of structure has on the texts, as well as how it impacted the quality of the translated version in comparison to the author's intention in the original version The link between the translation processes used in the noun phrase and its Sino-Vietnamese structure was also studied
2.5.2 Research gap
Generally, Sino-Vietnamese words have not received much attention in the study
of translation field The aforementioned research analyzes and evaluates the use of the Sino-Vietnamese language in the TT Each of the studies has a unique approach
to the analyze it However, they only focus on the positive impact and potential use
of Sino-Vietnamese words for the translators without considering Sino-Vietnamese words’ impact on the readers
Trang 252.6 An overview of “The Little Prince” and the bilingual version translated by Nguyen Tuan Viet
2.6.1 “The Little Prince”
The Little Prince, originally titled Le Petit Prince, is a short and simple story based on the imagination of French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The English version, which was released in April 1943, was published by Reynal & Hitchcock However, it drew an instant ban from the Vichy Regime, which ruled France at the time In the tale, a young prince meets the captain of an airplane that crash-lands in the Sahara desert The prince tells the stories of numerous persons he encounters on other planets, addressing their love, friendship, and life concerns Despite being a children's story, it brilliantly depicts the universal challenges that humans face in this world With an estimated 140 million copies sold globally, it became Saint Exupéry's most popular work and one of the best-selling books in history The book is the second-most translated text ever written behind the Bible, having been translated into more than 505 different languages and dialects worldwide Numerous art forms and mediums have adapted The Little Prince, including audiobooks, radio plays, live
theater, movies, television, ballet, and opera
2.6.2 “The Little Prince” translated by Nguyen Tuan Viet
This version of this little prince is different from other versions already published
in Vietnam as it is made in the form of English -Vietnamese bilingual so that readers can learn English (or learn Vietnamese for foreigners) The readers can learn languages while they enjoy the story, through the new translation by Nguyen Tuan Viet The translation has also been carefully edited by Ms Luu Huong, compared to both the English and the original French version to ensure the closest to the original The English ST is based on the translation of Katherine Woods which is considered
to be the most lyrical version
This chapter demonstrates how the study is conducted by discussing the research setting and participants Specific instruments including questionnaires, as well as the novel “The Little Prince” and how they are used in this study, are described in depth
3.1 Selection of subjects
3.1.1 Sampling
The researcher chose the bilingual book “The Little Prince” published by Vietnam National University Press, Hanoi This book was chosen as it is the first bilingual version of this novel in Vietnam and it aims to help not only Vietnamese learn English but also foreigners learn the Vietnamese language
In this book, the researcher found that the translator used many Sino-Vietnamese language words to convert the English text Therefore, they became the subject of this research paper since they played an essential role in conveying the meaning of the novel’s world
3.1.2 Participants
In order to figure out the effect of Sino-Vietnamese words in the translation of the novel “The Little Prince” on the reader’s reading experience, 20 participants were invited to join the study
All the participants were fourth-year students learning at the University of Languages and International Studies including 10 students from the FCLC, and 10 students from the FELTE Four-year students were selected because they have learned at least one translation cource in school hence they have the foundation knowledge to give comments and suggestions for the translation
All students at The University of Languages and International Studies do have
to learn English, therefore, they can understand the meaning of the ST Students from the FCLC, have a deep understanding of Sino-Vietnamese words, therefore, they can have a better evaluation of the use of Sino-Vietnamese words in the translation
Trang 2720 participants answered an online questionnaire including 6 parts of the novels having Sino-Vietnamese words Each part had 7 questions related to the comprehension and opinion of participants on these words and the word choice of the translator There were two types of questions including closed-questions and open-questions
3.2 Data collection instruments
The first instrument applied to this graduation paper was the observation of the documents After accessing the whole book, every English word which had Sino-Vietnamese equivalents was taken for further analysis This instrument was used as observation tools are extremely useful They allow researchers to thoroughly examine and evaluate multiple aspects of a text, find patterns and themes, and acquire
a deeper understanding of the author's style and techniques Observation tools, when combined with other research methodologies, can give a thorough comprehension of the literary work and its influence on readers To be more specific, in order to answer the first research question “What are the common types of equivalence of Sino-Vietnamese words in the translation of the book “The Little Prince?”, all the English words in the original English text which had Sino-Vietnamese equivalents were collected for the purpose of analysis based on the theoretical background above Besides, the researcher used observation tools to have a better understanding of both
ST and TT, then employed House’s TQA model to analyze the texts and the use of Sino-Vietnamese words in the Vietnamese text
For the second question “To what extent do Sino-Vietnamese words affect the reader’s reading experience?”, a questionnaire was designed to collect the responses
of the students to the use of Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary in the translation of the book Some of the initial lines were provided a brief introduction to the study topic,
as well as assurances about the confidentiality of any personal information and instructions for responding to questions In the following rows, close-ended were used to receive data collection and complete analysis of factual, behavioral, and attitudinal information Besides, open questions were employed to receive the participation’s evaluation and suggestions for the translation The researcher chose 6
Trang 28parts of the novel having Sino-Vietnamese words and designed questions in order to test the comprehension and get the opinions of participants on these words and the word choice of translators There were 7 questions for each part
The questionnaire was used in this research paper because it was efficient in terms of the researcher’s time, effort, and money resources This tool is a cost-effective and efficient technique to collect a large amount of data from many participants It may also be used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data, allowing researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of the research issue In this study, the researcher was able to acquire the relevant data by distributing this questionnaire to a group of 20 students In a short period of time, the researcher could receive information Most significantly, the researcher's instructions in the questionnaire were enough to assist the students in answering the questions
3.3 Data collection procedures
Phase 1
The first step was spent gathering the Sino-Vietnamese words that would be used
as study objects In the bilingual novel “The Little Prince”, the text in English was considered to be the ST, and its translated versions in Vietnamese regarded as the
TT The researcher read carefully the bilingual book “The Little Prince” and after that English words which were translated in the form of Sino-Vietnamese words in the TTs were filtered to use as examples in this research Following that, the researcher discussed with the supervisor about the questionnaire's prepared questions and the distribution timetable
Trang 29answer all questions Simultaneously, the researcher identified the types of equivalence of listed English words and Sino-Vietnamese words
Phase 3
At the last stage, all of the gathered responses were completely and sufficiently synthesized and evaluated to offer a complete answer to all of the study questions Besides, the researcher drew a conclusion about the common types of equivalence of those words based on the analysis in phase 2
3.4 The procedure of data analysis
Data analysis process was conducted after the data collection process had been completed
Procedures of research question 1
After listing all Sino-Vietnamese words in the TT and their equivalent in the TT, the researcher started to analyze data to find out the most common types of equivalence in this case Types of equivalence were listed and a table in which the frequency of each type of equivalence and examples were noted down so that the researcher could know which types were used the most and the least
Procedures of research question 2
To help the researcher come to a conclusion about the effect of Sino-Vietnamese words on readers’ reading experiences, the data from the questionnaire was collected First, a sentence or sentences which include Sino-Vietnamese words were presented
to help participants understand the context of that part Questions 1,2 and 3 checked the familiarity and the impact of these words on the comprehension of the readers
To be more specific, the first inquiry tested to see if the phrases were popular and regularly used in daily life or literature The second question examined participants' ability to guess the meaning of the words based on the context In the third question, participants had to select the correct meaning of the provided Sino-Vietnamese words from four options Questions 4 and 5 collected data related to readers’ opinions about the word choice of translators and the possibility that they applied these words in their life or work in the future Question 4 specifically inquired about participants'
Trang 30thoughts on whether the first impression of a word choice was excellent or terrible based on the available options The next question examined participants' ability to utilize these terms in real-life situations Question 6 was designed to gather participants' detailed opinions on the translation of Sino-Vietnamese terms They were then asked to make translation suggestions in question 7 The data were listed and a table in which the frequency of answers to each question was drawn so that the researcher could draw a conclusion about the effect of Sino-Vietnamese words on the reading experience of readers
In this part, the researcher will try to find the answer for the two questions which are about types of equivalence applied for Sino-Vietnamese words in the translation
of “The Little Prince”, and the effects of Sino-Vietnamese words on readers’ reading experience Notably, the theoretical framework indicated in the Literature Review would be referred to in order to compare the paper's findings
4.1 The analysis of the source text based on House’s TQA model
4.1.1 Field
Although its children's book style, The Little Prince contains reflections about life, adulthood, and human nature The story is about a young prince who travels to numerous worlds in space, including Earth, and tackles themes such as loneliness, friendship, love, and loss The Little Prince presents harsh portraits of adults as hopelessly narrow-minded Children, on the other hand, gain knowledge via open-mindedness and readiness to explore the world around them and inside themselves
To deliver these meanings, the author successfully uses various artistic means He effectively employs metaphors, similes, and symbols in the story creating depth in the messages
In April 1943, the novel “The Little Prince” was released in both French and English (though the book did not appear in France until 1946)
Trang 32In the author’s opinion, he uses the character narrator and the little prince to express different dimensions within himself The desert setting is based on aviator Antoine de Sain Exupéry's experience of being lost for nearly a week in the Arabian desert, with his recollections of loneliness, delusion, and impending death (and enveloping beauty) in the desert realized on the page Through the narrator and the little prince, with an ironic, sophisticated, delicate voice, the author has shown his reflections on "What is the meaning of life?"
4.1.3 Mode
The role of participation in “The Little Prince” is complex, expressed through the monologue and narrative line of the narrator and the little Prince and even the dialogue between the little Prince and other characters Therefore, the style is sometimes formal, and sometimes informal
4.1.4 Genre
The Little Prince is considered a blend of parable, allegory, and fable because Antoine de Saint-Exupéry skilfully mixed the features of three separate literary genres As a parable, it has important moral worth for the readers and has a didactic function Moral lessons about relationships, responsibility, and commitment attempt
to educate rather than entertain the audience
As an allegory, the narrative has two meanings: literal and figurative Essentially, the reader can enjoy a strange boy's unusual travel adventures Nonetheless, every event and every dialogue in a novel contains holds deep symbolism and hidden meaning
4.1.5 Function
The function statement in terms of House‟s TQA model is classified into ideational and interpersonal In terms of interpersonal aspects, it refers to the relationship between the narrator and the little Prince The narrative is presented in the first person by an aviator who becomes lost in the desert He simply informs the reader of information that he is aware of The man remembers some of his early recollections before becoming acquainted with the Little Prince and describing their
Trang 33conversations Because the Prince looks to be an experienced traveler and adventurer,
he cannot leave his adult friend without sharing important information he has lately acquired In terms of ideational, "The Little Prince has a number of philosophical and metaphorical aspects This involves understanding the underlying themes and concepts, such as the importance of imagination and the dangers of adult life, and translating them in a way that makes sense in the TL and culture
4.2 The analysis of the target text and Sino-Vietnamese words in the text
based on House’s TQA model
4.2.1 Field
"The Little Prince's" field is essentially philosophical and moral, with topics like love, friendship, and the meaning of life The book's Vietnamese translation captures the same philosophical and ethical elements as the original The usage of Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary in "The Little Prince" aligns with literary standards It improves the text's aesthetic quality while offering the author a distinct voice and identity
4.2.2 Tenor
Because "The Little Prince" is written in the form of a children's novel, the tone
is shared by the author and the young reader This tenor is maintained in the Vietnamese translation, giving a sense of intimacy and warmth that is vital to the overall tone of the work Specifically, the tenor of the translation can be described as informal and personal The novel is a story about the relationship between the narrator and the little prince, and the translation maintains a conversational tone, making it easy to understand and relatable Especially, the translator's usage of Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary might be regarded as an intentional choice to show his personal relationship with the language and culture It is a conscious decision to use the language in a way that is authentic and meaningful to him
4.2.3 Mode
In the case of "The Little Prince," the primary means of communication is written language, with occasional dialogues between the characters The Vietnamese
Trang 34translation, like the original English text, is written in a narrative form with the author
as the storyteller, creating a sense of intimacy and personal connection between the author and the reader The translation mode is written and bilingual The material is produced and presented in two languages: Vietnamese and English The original book was written in French, and Nguyen Tuan Viet translated it into Vietnamese, with an English translation included The usage of Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary indicates the text's cultural and social background It reflects the translator's cultural background as well as the cultural and linguistic influences that have shaped his vision
4.2.4 Genre
The translation can be classified as a children's book and a philosophical story The Little Prince is a famous children's novel that has attracted generations of readers, but it is also a philosophical story that delves into deeper ideas and themes The translation retains the genre's dual nature, capturing the story's playfulness and wonder while expressing deeper meanings The usage of Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary must be suitable and accessible to young people The usage of these terms can assist to widen children's vocabulary as well as their understanding of diverse cultures However, the usage of too many Sino-Vietnamese vocabularies may make the text difficult for young readers to understand
4.2.5 Function
The translation's function is to provide an accurate and accessible version of the original text to readers who are not fluent in English This role is nicely served by the translation, which includes an English version alongside the Vietnamese translation Readers may compare and contrast the two versions in order to acquire a better grasp of the material thanks to the bilingual style Specifically, The function
of "The Little Prince" is to delight the reader while also conveying a philosophical and moral message Its function is well captured in the book's Vietnamese translation, resulting in a fascinating and thought-provoking read for Vietnamese readers The Sino-Vietnamese words in The Little Prince add depth and richness to the story The usage of these words contributes to the creation of a feeling of cultural identity and