ID: PBAIU19004
Trang 3The work presented in this thesis has been submitted as part of the PhD in
Business Administration degree at International University, Vietnam National
University, Vietnam serves as a formal affirmation by the candidate that the research
work presented is their own original contribution It ensures that the thesis does not
contain any material previously published or written by another individual, except
where appropriate references are provided Additionally, the declaration certifies that
the thesis has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, for any other degree or
diploma at any other institution This statement is fundamental in maintaining the
integrity and authenticity of the academic work, underscoring the candidate's
commitment to academic honesty and originality within the context of Vietnam
National University's academic standards.
Nguyen Thi Huong Thanh
February, 2024
The copyrights of a PhD thesis report submitted to the School of Business,
International University, Vietnam National University, Vietnam, are retained by the
® This ensures that the author holds exclusive rights to reproduce,
distribute, and display the work, as well as to create derivative works
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® Any reproduction or use of the thesis in whole or in part must
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Ha, M T., & Nguyen, T H T (2023) Recovery of international destination image
and its consequence on trust and travel planning behaviour towards online
generated contents in Vietnam Journal of International Business and
Entrepreneurship Development, 15(1), 61-88, DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2023.131467
(Scopus - Q2)
Ha, M T., Nguyen, T H T., Tran, M T., & Nguyen, S T (2023) Online-generated
contents fostering travel destination image formation: evidence in Vietnam during
COVID-19 pandemic recovery Journal for International Business and
Entrepreneurship Development, 15(2), 295-323, DOI:
10.1504/JIBED.2023.132874 (Scopus - Q2)
Ha, M T., Huong, N T T., Nguyen, G D., & Hoai, T.T (2023) Strengthening
Information-Seeking Behavior Toward International Destinations Among Young
Travelers in Vietnam During the Pandemic Recovery Ho Chi Minh City Open
University Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 13(2)
Thanh-Huong, N.T., Giang-Do, N., Minh-Tri, Ha (2022) Content-Based Attributes
of Online Reviews and Its Role in Travel Decision: A PRISMA Method of
Studies from 2009 to 2021 Vietnam AGBA’s 2022 Conference Proceedings
(Advances in Global Business Research) Vol 18, No 1, ISSN: 1549-9332,
Istanbul, Turkey [AGBA (USA), Millikin University (USA), Indian Institute of
Management Rohtak (India), Antalya Bilim University (Turkyei), and KIMEP
University] (Scopus-indexed) (Best Paper Award)
Ha, M T., Nguyen, G D., Nguyen, T H T., & Thi Nguyen, B D (2023) The use of
dietary supplements and vitamin consumption during and after the Covid
pandemic in Vietnam: a perspective of user-generated content Humanities and
Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-12 (ISI/Scopus-Q1)
THT, Nguyen, TA, Phan (2023) Online Generated-Contents Reinforce Travel
Behavioral Intention at Pre-Trip Stage: Tourists in Vietnam during Covid-19
Pandemic AMA Summer Academic Conference 2023 Conference Proceedings,606-617
TA Phan, THT Nguyen, N Phan, BN Nguyen (2023) Factors Influencing Vietnamese
Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase Fair Trade Products AMA Winter Academic
Conference 2023 Conference Proceedings, 734-740
Trang 7First, I want to send my special thanks and gratitude for the great support
to my advisor, Dr Ha Minh Tri, who is very grateful for offering me the
opportunity to complete a PhD project, as well as the other entire academic and
research-related chances I have been able to embark on I am also appreciative
to him providing needed encouragement, support and assistance as well as
helping me at the entire important journey of PhD study Furthermore, my
advisor facilitates me to find me career aspirations in research by guiding me all
the ways, and taking me to many domestic and international conferences to
embrace the world of academia.
Second, my deepest appreciations and gratefulness go to my delightful
family for their nourishment and encouragement at both financial and emotional
sides of life My journey in life was started by my parents, who gave me their
passion and values as well as thorough understanding; and my younger sister,
Rachel, who positively inspired me with enduring her supportive mentality and
her no-nonsense views of the world Additionally, my older cousin, Jenny, who
enthusiastically devoted to be an empathetic listener and _ biggest
companionship, shares with me for all in life and even when I’ve been in
going-over time.
Third, I also should acknowledge all leaders and colleagues at my
workplace (Eastern International University) and teammates at my
doctoral-program university (International University — Vietnam National University)
respectively I really appreciate their treasured times helping me in various
research’s problems and concerns by discussing and sharing experience for
better knowledge and enhancement Also, thank you my university president,
dean and head of department for understanding and taking care myself by
flexible time and task arrangement during my study process.
Finally, a very special person who has always been with me through ups
and downs at heart of life is my supportive man, Henry Thank you for being so
patient and preserving during years of study time though being far away from
Trang 8me by thousands of kilometers You have been more than a life-partner to me;
you’ve been an inspiration and a big “facilitator”
Thank you all.
AVE Average Variance Extracted
Al Artificial Intelligence
CB-SEM Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling
CFA Confirmatory Factor Analysis
CMB Common Method Bias
COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In 2019
CR Composite Reliability
de Geodesic Discrepancy
DSTC Decision-Stages-By-Trip-Components
duts Unweighted Least Squares Discrepancy
EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis
ELM Elaboration Likelihood Model
eWOM Electronic Word-Of-Mouth
HTMT Heterotrait-To-Monotrait Ratio of Correlation
ICT Information And Communication Technology
IoT Internet Of Things
ISB Information Seeking Behavior
KMO Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Test
KMO Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
OTR Online Travel Reviews
Trang 10PLS-SEM Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling
PMT Protection Motivation Theory
RMSiheta Root Means Square Residual Covariance
SEM Structural Equation Modeling
SLT Social Learning Theory
SMMR Standardized Root Mean Square Residual
SNSS Social Networking and Sharing Sites
SOR Stimulus-Organism-Response
SPM Structuring And Processing Model
SPSS Statistical Package for The Social Sciences
SQRT (AVE) | Square Root of The Average Variance Extracted
TPB Theory Of Planned Behavior
TRA Theory Of Reasoned Action
UGC User-Generated Content
VIF Variance Inflation Factor
VND Vietnamese Dong (Currency of Viet Nam)
WOM Word-Of-Mouth
2.1.2 Elaboration likelihood model (ELM)
2.1.3 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
2.1.4 Social Learning Theory (SLT)
2.1.5 Protection motivation theory (PMT)
2.1.6 The illustration of links between theoretical base and proposed framework
Trang 122.2 Hypotheses development
2.2.1 Online user-generated content (UGC) in tourism context.
2.2.2 Domestic tourists in Vietnam as a blend of Millennials and Gen Z
2.2.3 Antecedents affecting travel destination choice
2.2.4 Overall destination image in tourism
2.2.5 E-trust
2.2.6 Traveler’s personality and its moderating role
2.2.7 Consumer responses as travel online planning behavior
3.1 Research philosophies
3.2 Research approach
3.3 Research design
3.4 Data collection approaches and methods
3.4.1 Data collection approach
3.4.2 Data collection methods
4.4.1 Common method bi:
4.4.2 Assessment of the measurement mode!
4.4.3 Assessment of structural model
4.4.4 Assessment of moderating role of personality
4.5 Discussion
4.5.1 Overall destination image is triggered by understandability, valence, novelty
Trang 134.5.2 Overall destination image is triggered reviewer expertise and psychological risk 138
4.5.3 e-Trust is facilitated by the effects of non-content factors and its relation to tourists’ online planning behavior 140
4.5.4 A new mediating role of e-Trust and its associations 142
4.5.5 An integrated influence on consumer response toward pre-travel activities 143
4.5.6 A new exploration of personality dimension in tourism behavioral response 145
4.5.7 An embarking contribution of the blend of Gen Y and Gen Z toward travel behavior
Trang 145 Total scale scores for Cronbach's Alpha.
6 Initial Rotated Pattern Matrix
7 Considerations of Item Eliminations in EFA
8 Final Rotated Pattern Matrix
9 Measurement items with indicator loadings
10 Internal Consistency Reliability
11 Convergent validity (AVE — Average Variance Extracted)
12 Discriminant validity (Fornel-Lacker)
13 Discriminant validity (HTMT)
14 Structural estimates of hypothe:
15 Indirect effect’s results
16 Specific Indirect Effects
17 Confirmation of structural paths and associations
Figure 2.1 Key attributes of SOR framework
Figure 2.2 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Figure 2.3 The travel planning process
Figure 2.4 Proposed research model
Figure 4.1 Results of the Hierarchical Structural Model Test Figure 4.2 Moderating role of Personality
Figure 4.3 Moderating role of Personality
Trang 16This paper aims to examine the critical antecedences of extended Theory Planned
Behavior and Elaboration likelihood models, which affect consumers’ overall imageformation and tourists’ online response for planning phase towards a particular
destination through social networking and media sharing sites in the context of new
recovery Five antecedences of online content, namely Understandability, Valence,
Novelty, incorporating Reviewer expertise and Perceived psychological risk, are beinginvestigated to highlight the association with the mental evaluations of cognitive andaffective aspects amongst travelers in Vietnam these days Then, this overall evaluation
toward the destination is investigated to unveils the effects on travelers’ e-trust and their
planning behavior digitally during the pre-travel stage Data were collected through
online self-administered survey platform by engaging 659 respondents across Vietnam.PLS-SEM was used for data analysis and interpretation, which indicated that
Understandability, Novelty, Valence and Reviewer expertise have positive relationships
with cognitive and affective evaluation, and online planning behavior Interestingly,
perceived psychological risk is significantly associated with overall destination imageand e-trust in this context The new role of Personality in this study has been moderatedconsiderably by the links between overall destination image, e-trust and its interaction
with planning behavior toward destination Finally, the findings are expected to
contribute to the knowledge of destination image and online planning behavior toward adestination during pre-travel stage and also provide solid premises for future research to
enlarge the diversity of respondents and destination image literature regarding smart
tourism technology
Key words: online planning behavior, understandability, valence, novelty,
reviewer expertise, perceived psychological risk, e-trust, destination image, personality
The introduction section of this dissertation outlines the multifaceted nature
of tourism, emphasizing the impact of information and communicationtechnologies (ICT) on the industry It discusses the transformative role of user-
generated content and social media in shaping consumer behavior and
decision-making The section also highlights the adoption of smart technologies and the
Internet of Things (IoT) in enhancing the tourist experience and operationalefficiency Additionally, it addresses the vulnerabilities of the tourism sector,particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the subsequent recovery efforts
The introduction sets the stage for exploring the digital transformation and
resilience of the tourism industry, with a focus on Vietnam's effective response
and recovery in the post-pandemic era
1.1 Research background
Tourism is a service activity involving the movement of individuals from
one geographical location to another It is a multifaceted phenomenonencompassing social, cultural, and economic aspects Tourism entails the
relocation of individuals to destinations beyond their usual surroundings, driven by
personal or professional purposes The tourism system enables individuals to
understand the entire evolution of travel from both supplier and consumerperspectives (Hamid et al., 2021) Over the past decade, it has become evident that
the proliferation of user-generated content (UGC) in the form of online reviews on
mega review sites like TripAdvisor has profoundly influenced how consumers
perceive and ultimately choose their vacation destinations, as well as the hotels
and restaurants they patronize (Boo & Busser, 2018; Narangajavana Kaosiri et al.,
2019) Social media has emerged as a significant element in the contemporary
tourism revolution, particularly in terms of growing access to and utilization of
travel-related information sources (Choi, 2013; Koo et al., 2011; Xiang et al.,
Trang 182015) These marketing and communication platforms have substantially altered
the tourism industry by changing the behavior perspectives of both service
providers and travelers (Jacobsen & Munar, 2012) Due to the capabilities of the
Internet and advanced technologies, travelers actively engage and collaborate in
creating, consuming, and disseminating travel information and experiences
digitally, which is a significant benefit of the Internet and social media
(Narangajavana Kaosiri et al., 2019)
To support the increasing diversity of products and services, the number of
platforms through which review information or promotional messages can be
obtained is rising When it comes to information searching and seeking, consumers
and online users find the Internet and social media platforms to be more
convenient alternatives to traditional media (Dedeoglu, 2019) The term electronic
word-of-mouth (eWOM) or user-generated content on virtual sites has become
indispensable for influencing consumer attitudes, preferences, and purchasing
decisions (M.D Sotiriadis, 2017) Unlike traditional word-of-mouth (WOM),
eWOM is designed to quickly assist a broad audience (Litvin et al., 2018) Next,
Viglia et al (2016) argue that online reviews, a prevalent form of eWOM, play an
essential role in determining the occupancy rates of accommodations in the
hospitality industry Customer-generated content on social media is widely
accepted as an effective means for shaping consumer decisions and preferences,
ensuring that travel companies or providers are aligned with the proper strategies
for growth in the tourism sector (Dedeoglu, 2019)
The tourism sector has been profoundly impacted by the revolution in
information and communication technologies (ICT) brought about by the Internet
(Hamid et al., 2021) In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), it is crucial that
everything has the capability to be identifiable and interact with its physical
surroundings, even passively (Pencarelli, 2020) Essentially, the oT encompasses
a system where all objects can communicate, detect, and interact In the context of
Trang 19"interactive tourism," there is an increasing trend among travelers to use
smartphones for navigating and exploring various destinations (Buhalis &
Amaranggana, 2015) ‘Smart’ watches, bracelets, glasses, and lenses—that is,
wearable accessories that can be customized—have replaced smartphones and
tablets as technological devices that have undergone a significant evolution and are
now significantly altering people's lifestyles and routines Tourists are increasingly
adopting action cameras, also known as 180° double lens cameras, to capture and
disseminate their travel experiences directly to social media Besides,
transportation sectors (e.g., self-driving automobiles or airplanes) and hospitality
sectors (e.g., hotels) are also incorporating robotics into their operations (Ivanov et
al., 2019) Previously confined to manufacturing facilities, robots are now being
implemented in the hospitality industry to manage and book rooms, among other
mundane tasks Additionally, the notion of e-tourism is primarily to enhance the
effectiveness of information exchange, processing, communication, and sharing
Owning to its importance, incorporating the preferences and planning equipment
of tourists, the tourism recommendation system generates suggestions to assist
them in organizing a leisure and tourism itinerary Currently, tourism is recognized
as a prominent industry that has rapidly acclimated to the advent of e-tourism and
smart tourism as components of their newly developed technology (Belanche et
al., 2021) Hence, rapid growth in the number of visitors, alterations in their
behavioral patterns, and their extensive use of digital technologies have all served
as inspiration for the promotion of smart tourist destinations Continuously, the
notion of smart tourism in the tourism industry aims to explain how individual
destinations may customize improvements in information technology,
encompassed by ICT, IoT, and cloud computing, to enhance the quality of the
tourist experience, facilitate interactions among visitors, and foster the
internationalization of the industry (Tavitiyaman et al., 2021)
Trang 20Given that human mobility is progressively becoming an intrinsic aspect of
their ways of life and standards of living, the tourism and hospitality industries are
exceptionally susceptible to a multitude of risks, including crime, terrorism, war,
disaster and transmissible disease (Caber et al., 2020; Goffman, 2020) The
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, for instance, continues to hit hard, with the
global tourism and travel industry possibly declining by a percentage of between
58% and 78% with regard to international arrivals in 2020, which roughly equals a
loss of USD 320 billion (COVID, 2020) Given the immediate infection of the
global health-pandemic, most countries have announced the implementation of
strict prevention approaches (e.g quarantines, lockdowns, travel bans and social
distancing) to regulate human mobility and thus restrict transmission (Zheng et al.,
2021b) During the outbreak, tourists mostly suffered sequences of unexpected
situations and events and were subjected to high infection risks As an illustration,
since the prohibitions of country borders were executed, many international
tourists were banned from visiting destinations with little advance notice (Kiernan
and DeVita 2020) Tourists’ travel plans were severely disrupted, leading to
unpredictable economic damage in tourism, such as flight and hotel cancellations,
health-related checks and various travel restrictions by particular states and
countries (Kim et al., 2021a) In response to this, the development of a vaccine and
treatment for coronavirus has dramatically enabled a strong momentum of
recovery and confidence return, with almost three times as many international
arrivals in the very first quarter of 2023 (Komodromos et al., 2022; UNWTO,
Concerns about country and region travel restrictions and the suspended
operations of service providers are primarily considered to be among the
most-affected areas in regions such as South-East Asia, North-East Asia, South Asia,
North Africa and Oceania, and even among the least-affected areas such as
Western Europe, North America and the Caribbean (Shao et al., 2021) In the letter
Trang 21by Gloria Guevara, the President of the World Travel and Tourism Council, the
viewpoints indicate that the base of the travel and tourism sector is described as
“already facing collapse” and “in a fight for survival” due to this global health
disaster (Guevara, 2020) The uncertainties caused by the crisis have plagued the
service industry because the nature of hospitality and tourism describes human
mobility and close interaction for related co-creators and the primary suffering of
the pandemic and its complications (Hao et al., 2020; Monfared et al., 2021;
Triantafillidou and Tsiaras, 2018) As given benefits, tourists with cutting-edge
devices enable to seamlessly access to the available business presences to amuse
their needs by value-exchange searching, alternatives for lower prices, variety of
attractions and activities, numerous e-payment options, comments/contents sharing
and distributing on social media
Explicitly, domestic tourists in Vietnam are ranked the second most
interested in traveling post-pandemic in 2022 by their planning activities and
behaviors for the upcoming journey, accounting for 85 per cent of respondent
joined in the survey of (Vietnam Plus, 2022) Also, travel companies
and agents in Vietnam have suffered mounting losses because of travel restrictions
on all continents over the past two years Then, online travel companies and
practitioners are now considering and practicing elaborately to deliver the safety
and less affected places to new behavioral changes (Shira, 2022) From a tourism
management perspective, Vietnam’s government has been distinguished among
Asia countries as the most effective country for pandemic response and resilience
during the previous years Given one of the first countries started to reopen the
usual vibe of society and activity by implementing lock-down and social isolation
approaches, Vietnam dramatically attracted much more attention from world
leaders in the tourism sectors (Quang et al., 2022) As a result, user-generated
content on social networks enables users to easily access and exchange an
extensive amount of travel-related information and offerings from the online
Trang 22environment, especially trip-planning reviews and experience sharing, or even
suggestions for accommodation and relevant activities (Yu et al., 2020) The
effective use of these abundant resources proved tremendously helpful in assisting
both service providers, marketers and tourists during the crisis (Huerta-Alvarez et
al., 2020; Ebrahimi et al., 2020) Consequently, the updates about the spread of the
pandemic might impact consumer perception of the current situation and the
severity of the pandemic, thereby altering their attitudes and behaviors, and their
final decisions regarding their travel intention (Bhati et al., 2021; Hassan and
Soliman, 2021; Rather, 2021) The inclusion of Gen Y and Gen Z in this research
is theoretically and systematically justified due to their status as digital natives,
their significant influence by and engagement with social media, and their distinct
behavioral patterns favoring novel travel experiences Their substantial consumer
power and relevance in today's digital age make them ideal subjects for studying
the impact of online user-generated content (UGC) on travel decision-making
These generations’ active engagement with digital content provides a wealth of
data, offering innovative perspectives and insights into leveraging UGC for
effective marketing strategies By focusing on Gen Y and Gen Z, the research
captures broader cultural shifts towards digitalization and experiential
consumption, ensuring relevance, data richness, and practical implications for the
evolving travel and tourism industry
Understanding the various ways in which the Internet and technology
influence consumer behavior is essential for organizations and relevant
stakeholders to develop efficient and sustainable marketing communication
strategies As travelers often require substantial information when planning a trip,
pre-trip travel planning—a distinct phase of consumer information search—
becomes an indispensable component of the travel experience With the increasing
technological proficiency of travelers, their reliance on technology for exploring
and sharing information has grown significantly Consequently, their expectations
Trang 23and use of smart technology have expanded across every facet of travel (Hailey
Shin et al., 2021) When planning a trip, travelers are expected to heavily rely on
mega review sites and user-generated content to find trustworthy sources of
travel-related information They believe these sources will help them navigate through a
wide range of alternatives and make informed decisions (Cheng & Jin, 2019;
Narangajavana Kaosiri et al., 2019) Online-generated content from various sites is
widely recognized as a reliable indicator of the quality of tourism services, given
its ability to capture the intangible and experiential aspects of these services
Additionally, travel-related information plays a crucial role in helping travelers
minimize uncertainty and risk when engaging in tourism services and activities
(Ant6n et al., 2018) Several tourism destinations have transformed into smart
tourism destinations, rapidly adopting new smart technologies This transformation
enhances the travel experience by integrating smart technologies and systems to
provide easier access to information, interaction with tourism resources, and
personalized services Consequently, online-generated content shared and
discussed on virtual platforms has become an increasingly indispensable element
in the evolution and improvement of every aspect of the tourism industry, both
domestically and internationally
1.2 Research problems
First, online content on social media is promoted as a crucial component in
reaching a huge audience in a highly cost-effective approach (Safko, 2012)
Additionally, it subsequently has the power to affect potential customers’
experiences and decision-making processes by evoking their interest in and
curiosity about a specific business or brand Thus, content generated by online
users could be impressed at a definite level of awareness in consumer’s mind
among the various brands for travel products and services (Kim & Park, 2017) In
some cases, nevertheless, there are some extreme considerations involved in the
volume of content generated on social media as even an excessive amount of
Trang 24information (Dedeoglu, 2019), as a result, confliction could occur while the
particular source of information seems to be essential by this group of consumers,
but might be considered unimportant or unnecessary by another (Kim & Park,
2017) Notwithstanding this, tourists are still confronted with uncertainty due to
the abundance of information sources and the wide range of possibilities
embedded within their own decision sets (Sthapit, 2019; Zillinger, 2020) Users
tend to prioritize information that is personally pertinent to them while
disregarding or overlooking significant irrelevant content (Lee et al., 2016) It can
result in the provision of incomplete information according to their expectation
Consequently, an excessive amount of information and overwhelming social
demands might result in social fatigue in the recent study (Zhang et al., 2022)
Further, the challenge of assessing and choosing pertinent information escalates
with the proliferation of varied sources and content (Schmitt et al., 2018)
Travelers typically participate in information search behaviors during the pre-trip
planning phase of the trip planning process to make several selections regarding
their vacation itinerary Moreover, Zillifro and Morais (2004) claim that the
tourism industry's inherent characteristics are typically considered as intangible
elements of service performance, which subsequently results in a dearth of
transparency in the process of delivering services to the final consumers Social
media users are confronted with an abundance of information that surpasses their
cognitive capacity to process, which initiates the adverse effects of relying on
technological assistance to disseminate information (Liu et al., 2021) About
online-generated content by prior experienced travelers, the consequences
currently occurs as asymmetry of given information and opportunistic behaviors on
virtual platforms among online users This exemplifies the significance of
individuals’ participation and contribution in the discussion surrounding generated
Trang 25Second, highly considerable aspects from UGC studies need to be criticized
for further arguments Given the profound and far-reaching influence that
information technologies have exerted on the travel sector, it is unsurprising that
smart tourism has generated considerable research interest Integration of smart
technologies with municipal sources has resulted in technology having a
substantial impact on the tourism industry in numerous ways (Huang et al., 2017)
Tourism destinations have adopted intelligent technologies, including mobile
communication, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of
Things, to visitors’ experiences (Jeong & Shin, 2019) Although smart
technologies have been extensively used to enhance tourist experiences at smart
tourism locations, there has been limited research on these destinations Most past
studies have mostly concentrated on characterizing and exploiting smart
technology within the framework of analysis For instance, previous studies have
investigated m-devices, including smartphones, and their applications, enabling
advanced decision-making for all parties involved, reflecting the growing
advancement of smart tourism (Dorcic et al., 2019) Recently, the use of
personalized location-based mobile apps and virtual travel experiences is widely
employed in advance tourism experience by constantly changing environment and
turbulent technology (An et al., 2021; Chen & Tsai, 2019) Further, a substantial
number of contemporary studies have been manipulated to emphasize
conventional information categories or the psychological mechanism, and to
quantify the extent to which digital and physical stimuli influence behavioral
responses This study on the viewpoints of online-generated content, subsequently,
still needs to enlarge the understanding in numerous different perspectives
regarding the use and whatever smart technology can do for vacationers to
improve their experience at their destination experience and well-prepared
activities for their trip, including content seeking and searching, accommodation
alternatives, and sharing “how-to-get-there”, tips for preparation and relevant
Trang 26Third, few sectors or industries are appropriate for employing the concept
of trust, despite its widespread use as an effective marketing implement Recently,
there has been an increasing tendency among Internet and online systems with
distinct “anonymous” feature enabling to express and discuss universally
everything which they do not know each other before (H A Lee et al., 2011;
Mkono, 2018; Munar & Jacobsen, 2013) Then the level of accuracy and
credibility is importantly investigated for perceived online content in decision
making process Subsequently, the degree of precision and trustworthiness is
crucially examined when evaluating online information for the purpose of
decision-making Typically, the previous study may effectively capture the
attention to measure specific components that have a significant impact on
building the user's trust, especially in uncertain situations (L Wang et al., 2014)
One controversial matter concerning the reliability of social media is the potential
for biased and fraudulent positive or negative reviews to be posted by anonymous
professionals on behalf of certain companies This practice aims to generate
favorable comments or reviews for themselves while tarnishing the reputation of
their competitors (Berhanu & Raj, 2020) Further, the past study reveals the
interesting results of personal identifying information as intervening role to help
reduce substantially the degree of anonymity in experience dissonances and
travel-related decisions (Garg & Pandey, 2020)
Fourth, the given disasters and crises delivered emerging notifications to
travelling and sharing that might have triggered fear and stress (Rivera, 2020)
Furthermore, the relative consequences of apprehension about health may have
been increased among tourists as significant concerns when making a decision for
destinations and even intra-activities at places Many studies have attempted to
exemplify the major antecedences of destination image to predict the likelihood of
revisiting intra-pandemic destinations, including planned travel behaviors (J Li et
al., 2020; Lu & Atadil, 2021; Rasoolimanesh et al., 2021), revisit intention by
Trang 27media coverage (Deng et al., 2021) and destination’s risk regulation (Sun et al.,
2022) Nevertheless, significant research gaps still remain due to the increasing
rate of travelers’ perception enlightening differences between revisiting with
and/or without prior experiences about physical and psychological concerns,
especially international destinations at states or countries in new returns of tourism
and hospitality Additionally, the tourism literature has established many empirical
and theoretical underpinnings of health-related risk perception or emerging
concerns during the planned trip (Kim et al., 2021a), and even preventative travel
behavior (Huang et al., 2020) Worse still, the uncertainty and ambiguous
perception of high-risk activities and fears in social media sources led to
significant reductions in travel demand (Zheng et al., 202la) While two
dimensions of risk, such as perceived severity and perceived susceptibility, have
recently been investigated as major predictors to enlighten the importance of
health risks (Huang et al., 2020), a detailed consideration of the tourism literature
reveals that the perceived psychological risk is still lacking discussion despite its
significance in travel decisions, especially information seeking in pre-state as
indicated in this paper Regarding the behavioral outcomes, the most recent studies
have predicted travelers’ intention and behavior to revisit both domestic and
international routes (Ivanova et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021; Xie et al., 2021; Zheng et
al., 2021a), yet the latest papers in existence have investigated the potential
outcomes during post-pandemic and post-traumatic tourism behavior, especially
their information seeking involvement and conation
Fifth, the process of searching for information before a purchase is one of
the most essential and complex aspects of the consumer decision-making process
This is especially true for highly competitive businesses, such as the hospitality
industry, where significant risks are connected with the products due to the
experiential and intangible character of their services (Xiang et al., 2015)
Furthermore, notwithstanding the fact that hospitality products typically command
Trang 28higher prices compared to other products consumers buy on a regular basis, an
overwhelming majority of consumers still buy them without first experiencing
them (Cetin & Walls, 2016) Regarding the significant attention to pre-purchase
information search, however, improvements in online and mobile technologies
over the past several years have drastically altered how customers of the
hospitality and tourism sector obtain information and choose to make purchases
(Confente & Vigolo, 2018; Haddad & de Nazelle, 2018; Leung et al., 2023;
Patwary & Khattak, 2022) The literature of information seeking behavior has
become sophisticated in various extreme sectors such as pre-travel health
advice-seeking behavior (Kain et al., 2019; LaRocque et al., 2010), health information
seeking behavior in digital age (Jacobs et al., 2017), seeking behavior of artist
administrators and research scientists and physicians (Hemminger et al., 2007;
Zach, 2006) in the past few years In perspectives of smart tourism destination
recently, the proliferation of new technologies, the expansion of tourist purchase
spending and the ambitions of destinations are influencing the future of tourism
(Garcia-Milon et al., 2020) Despite the phenomenal growth across sectors, there is
a dearth of empirical studies that designate the role of online-generated contents
and situational-crisis psychological risk and overall cognitive and affective image
in facilitating online planning behavior, such as the online activities of pre-travel
preparation of individual tourists
Subsequently, it is imperative to expand this research to address the
identified gaps and challenges within the existing literature on the tourism
industry By delving deeper into these issues, we can develop more effective
strategies for enhancing tourism services This includes integrating user-generated
content from previous travelers, which provides valuable insights into traveler
experiences and preferences Furthermore, it is crucial to consider
non-content-based factors, such as trustworthiness and credibility, that significantly influence
tourists’ online planning behavior and e-trust during the decision-making process
Trang 29Addressing these factors will not only improve the accuracy and reliability of
travel-related information but also foster greater confidence among potential
travelers, ultimately enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction
1.3 Research objectives
The general objective of the investigation "Pre-Travel Consumer Responses
Towards User-Generated Content (UGC) For Travel Planning — A Perspective of
Destination Image and Personality Among Domestic Tourists on Social
Networking and Sharing Sites in Vietnam" is to comprehensively understand how
UGC influences the travel planning process by shaping destination image and
accounting for individual personality differences This investigation aims to bridge
the gap between theoretical frameworks and practical applications in the context of
digital tourism marketing Systematically, the investigation aims to provide a
nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics between UGC, destination
image, and personality traits, offering both theoretical contributions to the field of
digital tourism research and practical guidelines for enhancing travel planning and
decision-making processes among domestic tourists in Vietnam Then, the
objectives should be elaborated as
- To examine the understanding of tourism sector and stimulus antecedents of
online-generated content and personal psychological perspective, namely
Understandability, Novelty, Valence, Reviewer expertise and Perceived
psychological risk; and its relationships to overall destination image formation
and final outcomes generated as online planning behavior among domestic
tourists in Vietnam
- To explore the online planning behavior toward destination in the use of
online-generated content through investigating the mediating role of overall
image evaluation and e-trust; and new moderating role of personality
Trang 30- To shed light on the findings and recommendation delivering the meaningful
applications and implications to practitioners, tourism service
providers/agencies and researchers in hospitality and tourism industry,
especially in tech-based tourism and smart tourism
1.4 Research questions
By adopting the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) framework to
examine communication processes and consumer behavioral responses on virtual
platforms, this study endeavors to resolve prevailing challenges, bridge existing
knowledge gaps, and attain the specified objectives Through this theoretical lens,
the research seeks to deliver insightful and thorough answers to the following
research questions as
- What are the antecedents of online-generated content and _ personal
psychological perspective that influencing consumer behavioral responses on
social networking and sharing sites during pre-travel stage toward destination?
- How do the effect of overall destination image, level of e-trust and tourists
‘personality contribute to the online behavioral responses during their decision
process of pre-travel stage?
- In what specific ways do the implications of online-generated content and
consumer perception of psychological perspectives benefit relevant
stakeholders, including practitioners, tourism service providers/agencies, and
1.5 Research scope
This study investigates how UGC shapes travel planning behaviors among Gen Yand Gen Z The theoretical foundation includes the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR)
framework, which elucidates how UGC (stimulus) impacts tourists' internal states
(organism) and subsequently influences their travel behaviors (response) The
Trang 31(central and peripheral) through which these generations process and evaluate online
content The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides insights into how attitudes,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control contribute to travel intentions and
actions Additionally, Social Learning Theory highlights the role of observational
learning and modeling in shaping travel behaviors, while Protection Motivation Theory
(PMT) explores how perceptions of travel risks and protective behaviors influence
planning decisions
Practically, the research targets respondents from Gen Y and Gen Z who activelyengage in travel-related online activities It delves into how these individuals utilizeUGC to gather information, enhance e-trust, mitigate psychological risks, and engage
with social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube The study aims to
understand how these dynamic generations leverage their digital competencies to prepare
for travel, avoid potential psychological pitfalls, and trust online recommendations
By focusing on these platforms, the research seeks to provide comprehensiveinsights into the digital behaviors of domestic tourists in Vietnam The findings are
intended to offer valuable implications for tourism marketers and service providers,
enabling them to craft high-quality, credible, and engaging content that fosters trust and
enhances the overall travel planning experience This investigation ultimately aims to
advance the field of tech-based and smart tourism, offering practical guidelines for
improving digital marketing strategies and enriching the travel experiences of tech-savvy
1.6 Contributions of the research
1.6.1 Theoretical contributions
This research is conducted with a sense of responsibility to provide
contributions in terms of both theoretical and practical perspectives on the
significant effects of factors related to online-generated content among young
domestic tourists in Vietnam
Trang 32First, the investigation of online-generated content in tourism are significant
in addressing the complexities of the information-rich digital environment This
study delves into the challenges posed by the excessive amount of information
available to tourists, who often face uncertainty due to the abundance and
variability of information sources By exploring how tourists interact with and
utilize online content, researchers can uncover patterns and behaviors that inform
decision-making processes This line of inquiry provides a framework for
understanding how tourists sift through vast amounts of data to make informed
travel decisions Furthermore, it highlights the importance of information quality
and credibility, offering insights into how tourists discern trustworthy sources
amidst the digital noise Ultimately, this research enhances theoretical
understanding of information processing in tourism, guiding the development of
more effective online content strategies and decision-support systems for the
tourism industry
Second, this study inquiry investigates how these technologies can
transcend existing research boundaries, offering a nuanced understanding of their
transformative capabilities in tourism By examining the integration and
application of smart technologies, scholars discern how these innovations enhance
tourist experiences through personalized and contextually sensitive services
Furthermore, this research delves into the dynamic interplay between technology
and tourism, illuminating how intelligent systems optimize information
dissemination and utilization Moreover, it critically examines consumer e-trust
issues concerning advanced technologies and artificial intelligence, exploring how
trust barriers impact technology adoption and effectiveness Ultimately, these
theoretical insights inform the development of sophisticated smart tourism
strategies that leverage technological advancements to elevate tourist experiences
while addressing crucial trust-related concerns
Third, the integration of cognitive and affective elements in tourism
Trang 33perceptions, addressing the anonymity limitations of the Internet and smart
tourism This two-dimensional approach considers how the dynamic
characteristics of these tech-savvy generations—such as their digital fluency and
preference for personalized experiences—shape their cognitive assessments and
emotional responses to smart technologies By providing a comprehensive
framework, this research offers deeper insights into the unique behaviors and
preferences of Gen Y and Gen Z, facilitating the development of more effective
and engaging tourism strategies tailored to these groups Also, this study has
demonstrated that incorporating tourists’ personality traits plays an essential part in
enhancing the association between the mental evaluation of a destination and the
process of being well-prepared through taking advantage of the Internet and
advanced tourism technologies, including social networking and sharing sites,
online recommendation systems, online review communities, and so on Therefore,
the traits of each individual indicate their distinct formation of opinions and
sentiments, as well as their corresponding digital responses towards the destination
and the overall experience of the journey
Fourth, the understanding of perceived psychological risk elucidates how
anxiety and fear, influenced by online content, affect destination image and e-trust
It differentiates the impacts on experienced and inexperienced travelers, with
experienced travelers showing greater resilience This research framework
highlights the importance of psychological factors in shaping travel behavior and
offers strategies for effective risk communication and trust-building to enhance
tourist experiences, contributing significantly to tourism management and
destination marketing
Fifth, this study significantly enhances the existing literature by analyzing
the influence of content-based and non-content-based factors on tourists’ online
planning behavior It examines the effects of Internet-based knowledge sharing
and exchange, as well as subsequent searching behaviors for activities, itineraries,
and concerns about specific destinations post-selection The research also offers
Trang 34strategic recommendations to improve the planning experience within the tourism
sector By illuminating the transformative impact of technological advancements
on pre-trip planning, this study underscores how travel preparation aids tourists in
decision-making and expectation-setting for upcoming trips Access to information
profoundly shapes various aspects of their decisions, particularly in destination
selection and information-seeking, which are pivotal to the overall trip experience
1.6.2 Practical contributions
From a practical perspective, this investigation contributes to a multitude of
noteworthy implications for marketing and communication efforts within the
tourism and hospitality sector in Vietnam
First, given the widespread dissemination of travel-related information on
social media, interactive websites, and independent review sites, it is crucial for
hospitality and tourism providers to establish an effective digital presence and
utilize interactive corporate websites to reach a diverse audience Understanding
the behaviors and preferences of Vietnamese consumers, particularly the digitally
savvy cohort, is of paramount importance for travel and tourism companies aiming
to expand their market share in this region For example, several online travel
communities, including TripAdvisor, Airbnb, Travel Massive, Lonely Planet, and
gender-specific communities like Wovoyage and WOW Club (exclusive
all-women travel community), are making significant efforts to penetrate the
Vietnamese tourism market In this context, gaining a deeper understanding of the
online planning behavior of Vietnamese consumers in these communities during
the pre-trip stage offers substantial and practical benefits for travel and tourism
companies This study finds that dynamic and young tourists in online travel
communities provide value to Vietnamese users by offering original and new
information, clear and comprehensible content, and balanced perspectives that
include both positive and negative aspects Additionally, these communities enable
users to distinguish between the credibility of experts and their own perceptions of
Trang 35uncertainties Therefore, it is particularly important for online travel communities
to develop their digital environments in ways that facilitate personalized
experiences, cognitive and emotional immersion, and interpersonal interaction and
connection for domestic tourists By doing so, these communities can enhance user
engagement and satisfaction, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of
the tourism industry
Second, as indicated by the study's results, it is imperative for organizations
to proactively monitor and manage all types of user-generated content (including
information, ratings, comments, images, and videos) shared on online platforms
associated with their business activities and presence Additionally, they should
strive to enhance the credibility of content creators to increase the value of the
information disseminated online; doing so would enable them to optimize the
positive impact on user behavior Tourism providers are encouraged to leverage
the expertise of experienced travelers, influential individuals, and celebrities as
endorsements to further promote their activities These individuals can provide
credible information in the form of written content, videos, and photographs, in
addition to corporate endorsements for advertising and marketing communications
When formulating their strategies, content-generating platforms must emphasize
the cost-saving and functionality-enhancing advantages of their platforms for the
benefit of their users For instance, providing additional valuable information
regarding properties and their attributes (such as room cleanliness, room size,
available amenities, parking, and Wi-Fi), as well as information about the
surrounding area and city (including prominent tourist destinations and the best
times to visit due to weather conditions or events), can increase travelers’
motivation to use online reviews or a specific user-generated content platform
Finally, the study's findings provide valuable insights into the tourism
industry regarding the enhancement of services for an increasing number of
travelers across specific cohorts It is recommended that destination managers,
service providers, and marketers implement strategies to mitigate various common
Trang 36uncertainties, particularly psychological insecurities related to the destination and
personal assumptions, especially among youthful and active travelers Travelers
frequently rely on reviews to evaluate the trustworthiness of the
platforms/websites hosting user-generated content, as well as the credibility of the
users themselves Furthermore, practitioners and businesses in the tourism industry
should place greater emphasis on leveraging the sector's potential attributes, such
as algorithmic systems that monitor online users' activity histories and identify
fake information sources The primary goal is to monitor users who produce an
excessive number of review posts compared to others, while also evaluating the
relevance and timeliness of specific posts Tourism providers and marketers can
encourage potential travelers by devising marketing strategies that mitigate
perceived risks By directing promotional campaigns towards destination
components that foster a sense of trust among young and vibrant tourists, they can
help develop a favorable attitude towards the destination Moreover, considering
the significant importance of online psychological-social support, destination
marketers should highlight the presence of online communities where travelers can
share their experiences, establish meaningful connections, and offer assistance to
others This approach can enhance the overall travel experience and foster a
supportive environment for potential travelers
1.7 Structure of research
Chapter 1: Introduction
The introduction provides a foundational overview of the research,
outlining its significance, objectives, and scope It begins with background
information to contextualize the study, followed by a clear problem statement that
identifies the gap in existing knowledge the research aims to address The research
objectives and questions or hypotheses are then presented, establishing the specific
goals and inquiries guiding the study The scope of the research delineates its
Trang 37boundaries, while the significance section explains the potential contributions and
impact of the research on the field
Chapter 2: Literature Review
The literature review systematically examines existing research and
theoretical frameworks relevant to the topic It starts by defining key concepts and
terms, then discusses the theoretical foundations that underpin the study A
comprehensive summary of empirical studies is provided, highlighting findings
from previous research that relate to the current investigation The review
identifies gaps in the literature, areas that have not been thoroughly explored,
which the current research seeks to address This section concludes with a
synthesis of the reviewed literature, showing how it informs and supports the
Chapter 3: Methodology
The methodology section outlines the research design and the methods used
for data collection and analysis It begins with a description of the research design,
specifying whether the study is qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods The
target population and sampling techniques are detailed, followed by an explanation
of the data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, or experiments Data
analysis methods are then described, including the techniques used to process and
interpret the data The section also addresses the validity and reliability of the data,
ensuring accuracy and consistency, and discusses any ethical considerations
involved in the research process
Chapter 4: Finding (Result and Discussion)
This section presents and interprets the research findings in relation to the
research questions and the literature review The results are displayed using tables,
figures, and charts to provide a clear and concise presentation of the data The
discussion interprets these results, linking them back to the research objectives and
comparing them with findings from previous studies This comparison highlights
consistencies or discrepancies with existing research The implications of the
Trang 38findings are also discussed, explaining their significance for theory, practice, and
future research directions
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Implication
The conclusions and implications section summarizes the key findings of
the research and discusses their broader impact It begins with a summary of the
main results, then explores the theoretical implications, showing how the findings
contribute to or challenge existing theories Practical implications are also
considered, detailing how the results can be applied in real-world contexts The
section acknowledges the limitations of the study, suggesting areas for
improvement and caution in interpreting the results Finally, recommendations for
future research are provided, offering directions for further investigation to build
on the current study
The Literature Review section of this dissertation provides a comprehensive
overview of existing research related to the topic, establishing the theoretical and
empirical foundation for the study It identifies key themes, trends, and gaps in the
literature, thereby contextualizing the research questions and objectives By
critically analyzing previous studies, the review highlights the significance of the
current research and its potential contributions to the field Additionally, this
synthesis of literature not only situates the study within the broader academic
discourse but also demonstrates the necessity and relevance of the research
2.1 Theoretical background
2.1.1 Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR)
The theoretical framework underlying this study is based on the
Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model, initially proposed by environmental
psychologists Mehrabian and Russell (1974), as depicted in Figure 2.1 This model
explores the impact of environmental aspects on actual behavior, with a strong
emphasis on emotional responses Donovan and Rossiter (1982) later adopted it to
examine its impact on buying behavior in specific service and retail settings
(Mummalaneni, 2005) Next, Bitner (1992) further incorporated physiological and
cognitive states of individuals, advancing the expansion of the S-O-R theory in the
service sectors Jacoby (2002) later reformed the model, providing a theoretical
base for conducting an integrative framework with additional support According
to the S-O-R theory, individuals respond to circumstances in two broad manners:
Approach behaviors encompass all positive acts, such as the propensity to
investigate, remain, interact, or engage in beneficial activities Conversely,
avoidance behaviors include actions individuals use to evade or divert their
attention from challenging thoughts, emotions, and circumstances The S-O-R
Trang 40model is an exceptionally valuable instrument for investigating how environmental
stimuli influence the cognitive and affective states of individuals, resulting in
corresponding responses It also delineates the behavioral responses exhibited by
the organism (Islam & Rahman, 2017) Furthermore, it highlights the association
among the three constructs: stimulus, organism, and behavioral response, with the
organism mediating between stimulus and response (Kihlstrom, 1987) The
application of the S-O-R model has been broadened to encompass additional
contexts, such as advertising (Olney et al., 1991), computer experience (Eroglu et
al., 2003), website practical and experience (Mollen & Wilson, 2010), and and
various aspects of consumer behavior
The Environment (S) Behavioral
R Responses
Sense modality Emotional
i Responses (O)
Approach-variables (e.g., color p Avoidance (R)
and temperature) > Pl »!
¢ Pleasure A A: A ụ i (Which includes
E a ° rousal
Information rate ; physical approach,
¢ Dominance (Characterizing the exploration,
spatial and temporal x affiliation,
relationships among performance, or other
the stimulus verbal and non-verbal
components of an Characteristic communications of
environment) emotions preference)
associated with personality
Figure 2.1 Key attributes of SOR framework
Sources: Adopted from Mehrabian and Russell (1974)
The stimulus, one of the three fundamental elements comprising the S-O-R
approach, is initially conceptualized as physical atmospheric components that
elicit or provoke consumer responses or affect various internal states of consumers
and consumer groups (Eroglu, Machleit, & Davis, 2001; Sherman, Mathur, &