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Micro-Optomechatronics Hiroshi Hosaka Graduate School of Frontier Sciences The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan Yoshitada Katagiri NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Atsugi, Japan Terunao Hirota Graduate School of Frontier Sciences The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan Kiyoshi Itao Graduate School of Management of Science & Technology Tokyo University of Science Tokyo, Japan Marcel Dekker New York DK9834_half-series-title.qxd 11/2/04 9:08 AM Page 7 Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. KyoritsuAdvancedOptoelectronicSeriesiscreditedforprovidinganEnglish translationfromaportionofaJapanesepublicationissuedbyKyoritsuShuppan (1999). Althoughgreatcarehasbeentakentoprovideaccurateandcurrentinformation, neithertheauthor(s)northepublisher,noranyoneelseassociatedwiththis publication,shallbeliableforanyloss,damage,orliabilitydirectlyorindirectly causedorallegedtobecausedbythisbook.Thematerialcontainedhereinisnot intendedtoprovidespecificadviceorrecommendationsforanyspecificsituation. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarksandareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintentto infringe. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress. ISBN:0-8247-5983-4 Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. Headquarters MarcelDekker,270MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NY10016,U.S.A. tel:212-696-9000;fax:212-685-4540 DistributionandCustomerService MarcelDekker,CimarronRoad,Monticello,NewYork12701,U.S.A. tel:800-228-1160;fax:845-796-1772 WorldWideWeb http://www.dekker.com The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in bulk quantities. For more information, write to Special Sales/Professional Marketing at the headquarters address above. Copyright ß 2005 by Marcel Dekker. All Rights Reserved. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Current printing (last digit): 10987654321 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Preface Micro-optomechatronics is a technology that fuses optics, electronics, and mechanics by the MEMS technology. This technology is used primarily for information and telecommunications equipment. This book explains the basis and the application of micro-optomechatronics. In information operation, mechanical movements are not required. Use of movement in space, however, often simplifies systems structure and increases the signal- to-noise ratio of transducers remarkably over a system constructed only with solid-state components. There are many examples of information instruments that use optics, such as optical memories, optical communi- cation devices, and optical measurement instruments. Moreover, control systems made of mechanical components and electronic circuits are necessary for precise space movement. Here, the fusion of optics, electronics, and mechanics is generated. Generally, speed and precision of motion are improved by the miniaturization of movable parts. In addition, the load is small, and the range of movement is narrow in information devices. Thus, the application of MEMS technology needs to be studied extensively. This book systematically discusses many micro-optomechatronics devices. First, all devices are classified into groups depending on the control methods of power and the position of the laser beam. Next, the devices are explained in detail according to the classification of control methods. Finally, optics and dynamics, which are the theoretical background of control methods, are discussed. This book is aimed chiefly for university students, graduate students, and research engineers in the mechanical and electronics industries. It presumes that readers will have knowledge in dynamics and electromag- netism taught in general education courses in universities. In this book, laser iii Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. oscillation, Maxwell’s equation, the mechani cs of materials, fluid dynamics, and machine dynamics are explained. A major portion of this book is an English translation of a Japanese book issued by Kyoritsu Shuppan in 1999 and the authors kindly acknowledge the Kyoritsu Advanced Optoelectronic Series for use of this material. This book also discusses the next generation of optical memory, in a section written originally for this book, because the progress of optical memory is fastest in this field and new technologies have been generated in these last four years. This book, first, explains examples of micro- optomechatronics devices in information and communication systems. Then the basis of optics and dynamics are explained as it is necessary to understand the theoretical background of these devices. Chapter1(K.Itao)dealswiththeworldofmicro-optomechatronics. History, applications, and component technologies are explained. Chapter2(H.Hosaka,K.Itao,andY.Katagiri)presentsa technological outli ne of micro-optomechatronics. An outline of power control and position control of a laser beam, which is the performance decision factor of micro-optomechatronics, is also described. The method of both controls is classified. Details of each method are explained in the following chapters with application devices. Chapter3(Y.Katagiri)outlinesintermittentpositioningin micro-optomechatronics. This chapter details devices used in information and communication systems. In this chapter, devices that use intermittent positioning for laser beam control are also explained. The laser with tunable cavity, the pulse source laser, and an optical filter are discussed in detail. Chapter4(Y.Katagiri)dealswithconstantvelocitypositioning in micro-optomechatronics. The optical filter as used for optical commu- nication systems is explained. Chapter5(H.HosakaandY.Katagiri)concernsfollow-upposi- tioning in micro-optomechatronics. Optical disk drives and their focusing and tracking servomechanisms, sampled servo systems, flying heads, and a laser sensor with a composite cavity are discus sed. InChapter6(Y.Katagiri)wedealwiththefundamentalopticsof micro-optomechatronics. In this chapter and the next, basics optics and dynamics, which are useful for understanding the theoretical background of micro-optomechatronics, are described. The Maxwell equation, the wave propagation equation, and the laser oscillation are also discussed here. Chapter7(H.Hosaka)discussesthefundamentaldynamicsofmicro- optomechatronics. The dynamics of elastic beams, fluids, and microsized objects are also explained. iv Preface Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Chapter8(T.HirotaandK.Itao)concernsanoveltechnological stream toward nano-optomechatronics. Nanotechnology and a near field optical memory are discussed and explained in detail. Hiroshi Hosaka Yoshitada Katagiri Terunao Hirota Kiyoshi Itao Preface v Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Contents Prefaceiii Chapter1TheWorldofMicro-Optomechatronics1 1WhatisMechatronics?1 2TheTrendofInnovation5 3PositioningofMicro-Optomechatronics9 4MicrodynamicsandOpticalTechnology10 References13 Chapter2TechnologicalOutlineofMicro-Optomechatronics15 1PrecisionandInformationDevicesCreatedby OpticalTechnology15 2EssenceofMicro-OptomechatronicsTechnology17 3ControlofOpticalBeamIntensity20 4ControlofOpticalBeamPosition30 References41 Chapter3IntermittentPositioninginMicro-Optomechatronics43 1MovingMicromirrorsandTheirApplication45 2MicromechanicalControlofCavitiesBasedon SlideTuningMechanismanditsApplications85 References96 Chapter4ConstantVelocityPositioninginMicro-Optomechatronics99 1Phase-LockedLoopforConstantVelocity Positioning100 2LinearWavelengthScanning108 3PracticalExamplesofLinearWavelengthScanning111 References125 vii Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Chapter5Follow-UpPositioninginMicro-Optomechatronics127 1Follow-UpPositioninginConventionalOpticalDisk127 2Follow-UpPositioningofOpticalDiskHead MountedonFlyingHead138 3DisplacementSensorsBasedonCoupledCavity Lasers146 References158 Chapter6FundamentalOpticsofMicro-Optomechatronics161 1FundamentalOptics163 2OpticalResonatorsandTheirApplications182 3OpticsofDielectricThinFilms197 4ExtraordinaryElectromagneticWavesinCondensed MatterwithFreeElectrons208 References223 Chapter7FundamentalDynamicsofMicro-Optomechatronics225 1DynamicsofMicrosizedObjects225 2EquationofMotionoftheBeam226 3FluidDynamicsaroundMicrosizedObjects243 4MovementoftheBeamwithAirResistance249 5Stick–SlipCausedbyFrictionForce257 References262 Chapter8NovelTechnologicalStreamToward Nano-Optomechatronics265 1TheComingofNanotechnology265 2Nano-OptomechatronicsforOpticalStorage268 3Summary289 References289 viii Contents Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1 The World of Micro-Optomechatronics 1 WHAT IS MECHATRONICS? Almost one billion years ago, when life appeared on earth, information existed as genes in cell nuclei. Life evolved to higher forms as the genes changed. Humankind, on the top of evolution, created language. Circulation of any information to anyone was enabled by means of language. The invention of writing supported circulation of information for practical use by storing it. Information storage was dramatically improved by the epoch- making invention of paper. Modern printing technology, another invention, accomplished by Gutenberg, enabled worldwide circulation of huge amounts of information. When modern times arrived, a traffic revolution broke out as a part of the Industrial Revol ution, and the circulation of information was promoted. Another revolution in communication broke out with the invention of Morse code. This was the beginning of the telecommunication era. This telegraph technology was eventually taken over by telephony, which was further improved to digital communication technology using computers. Digital communication technology integrated telegraphy and telephony into data communication technology based on the Internet Protocol. Now we standatthemultimediaage(Fig.1). Important discoveries in the natural sciences show a concentration from 1900 to 1960, but the principal industrial inventions were achieved in the second half of the twentieth century. Japan was acknowledged as a worldwide leader of industry in the last quarter of the 20th century as Japan achieved great success in various industries, including not only the automobile, shipbuilding, and semicon ductor industries but also precision machinery, providing products such as watches and cameras as well as 1 Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. electronics-basedproductsincludinghomeappliancesandinformation equipment.Mechatronicshasbeenalsomuchadvancedsimultaneouslywith industrialdevelopment.Suchaquarter-centuryisrememberedasaGolden AgeinJapanesehistory[1]. Mechatronicstechnologyishierarchicallyclassified,fromthepointof viewoffunction,intomaterials,partsofmachinesandelectronics, equipment(devices),andsystems.Theseelementsofmechatronicsare supportedbyfundamentaltechnologiesconcernedwithnotonlyfabrication andmeasurementbutalsodataprocessingincludingmoderncontrol schemes[2].Table1presentshowmechatronicstechnologysupportsawide varietyofindustriesexistingtoday.Figure2isatree-shapeddiagramto showtherelationshipbetweenindustryandcorrespondingtechnology.This figureisfromtheMechatronicsEducationandResearchMotion,promoted bytheMechatronicsSubcommitteewithitschiefexaminerProfessorSuguru Arimoto,underthesupervisionoftheAutomaticControlResearch CoordinationCommitteeofthesixteenthScienceCouncilofJapan[3]. Figure 1 Thehistoryofcommunications. 2 Chapter 1 Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. Table 1 Mechatronics-Related Technologies Supporting Each Industry Information and communication industry Design, manufacturing, mass production techniques of semiconductors, liquid crystal, and magnetic head. Composition and mass production techniques of information input/output and storage devices. Automation technique of communication lines construction work. Wearable micromachine technology. Consumer electronics industry Design, manufacturing, mass production, recycling, interface, and energy conservation design techniques of AV products. Heavy electricity industry High-efficiency power generation, electric power preservation, power control and management techniques. Industrial plant, atomic reactor maintenance techniques. Radioactive waste treatment system with low environmental impact. Industrial machinery industry High-speed, and high-precision machine tool techniques. Technology for making NC an open architecture. Manufacturing system integration techniques. Inverse manufacturing technique. Business machinery industry Design and manufacturing techniques of fax, printer, and copy machine. Digitalization, systemization, and miniaturization techniques. Medical and welfare products industry Technology for cancer medical treatment apparatus and high-precision image processing equipment. SOR and electron beam diagnosis equipment technology. Patient transfer system. Home care medical equipment technology. Wearable information systems for physiological information monitoring. Automobile and transportation industry Intelligent engine technology for ultralow pollution. Recycle technology. Car safety control technology. Car navigation and intelligent transportation system. Aerospace industry Super high-speed engine integrated control technology. Danger evasion system. Active vibration suppression technique. Fault diagnosis technology. Spatial robot remote manipulation technology. Naval industry Welding and coating automation technology. Simulation technology. Attitude control and obstacle detection technology. Underwater robot technology. Railways industry Technology for high-speed trains using vibration and inclination control. Collision simulation technology. Railroad track state automatic measurement system. Construction works industry Active and passive vibration control technology. Building construction work automation. Coating robot. Vibration estimation simulation technology. Environmental industry Environmental information sensing technology. Waste treatment equipment technology. Artificial environment design technology. Recycle system technology. The World of Micro-Optomechatronics 3 Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc. [...]... the human body A new technological evolution is now coming out for the conservation of natural resources and the saving of energy Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc The World of Micro-Optomechatronics 3 9 POSITIONING OF MICRO-OPTOMECHATRONICS [6] It is said that the origin of machinery control technology corresponds to the invention of a governor by James Watt, at the end of the eighteenth century... the handling of optical parts The actual controlling technique of optical beams is explained in the following sections Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc Technological Outline of Micro-Optomechatronics 2 17 ESSENCE OF MICRO-OPTOMECHATRONICS TECHNOLOGY Why are mechanical technologies used for information processing that essentially needs no objective movement? The answer is simple; the system is simplified... Optical disk rotation Optical disk focus servo Optical disk track servo Optical disk slider Optical tweezers CCL sensor SNOM tapping Disk filter Technological Outline of Micro-Optomechatronics Table 2 Positioning Method and Accuracy at Micro-Optomechatronics 19 Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc 20 Chapter 2 advance Since inertial force and viscous resistance affects the motion, positioning becomes... by the introduction of micromachining (micromechatronics) Period of combination of optics, chemistry, physics, electronics, mechanics, and information realizing the synthesis of information and energy (micro-optomechatronics) Period of synthesis of nanomachine, nanocontrol, and nanosensing (nanomechatronics) Period of imitation of living organism (nanobiomechatronics) 1970– 1975– 1980– 1985– 1990– 1995–... themes are illustrated First of all, as for microscopic kinetic energy technology, (1) understanding of energy flow, (2) energy supply, and (3) energy Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc The World of Micro-Optomechatronics 11 Figure 4 Main items of microscopic motion systems technology transformation are probably the main techniques Regarding (1), as to equipment size from centimeter to micrometer,... vibration theory constitutes the basis of the above microdynamics technologies In nature, we can see the microoscillation Figure 5 Micromotion and dynamics Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc The World of Micro-Optomechatronics 13 phenomenon in many places: the movement of celestial bodies, atomic and molecular oscillations, pendulum movement, and tide flow In living things, microscopic vibration exists... Japan Society of Applied Physics 1998, 67 (6) in Japanese Itao, K Information Microsystems—Microvibrations Theory Asakura, 1999; in Japanese Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc 2 Technological Outline of Micro-Optomechatronics 1 PRECISION AND INFORMATION DEVICES CREATED BY OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY To explain relationships between fundamental characteristics of optical and mechanical functions, optical devices... the energy effect In the fourth application field, there are measurement apparatus They include 15 Copyright © 2005 Marcel Dekker, Inc 16 Figure 1 Chapter 2 Basic characteristics and application for micro-optomechatronics of light an optical fiber gyroscope [6], the optical tiltmeter [7], the CCL sensor, the SNOM (scanning near field optical microscope) [8], and the microencoder [3], all of which... biology The microworld (size not visible by the human eye) Information innovation (cranial nerves system substitution) Electronics, atomic energy, new materials, petrochemistry, biotechnology The World of Micro-Optomechatronics Table 2 Small and light Energy/resources sparing (kind) Supported the high-tech revolution starting in the second half of the 20th century and extending through the 21st century... and follow-up In intermittent positioning, the object is positioned from point to point; it is used in tuning laser wavelengths and assembly processes A route between the target points is arbitrary In micro-optomechatronics, in order to position a minute object with high accuracy, actuators with high resolution are needed Also in order to reduce a positioning time, movable parts should be as light as . Inc. Contents Prefaceiii Chapter1TheWorldofMicro-Optomechatronics1 1WhatisMechatronics?1 2TheTrendofInnovation5 3PositioningofMicro-Optomechatronics9 4MicrodynamicsandOpticalTechnology10 References13 Chapter2TechnologicalOutlineofMicro-Optomechatronics15 1PrecisionandInformationDevicesCreatedby OpticalTechnology15 2EssenceofMicro-OptomechatronicsTechnology17 3ControlofOpticalBeamIntensity20 4ControlofOpticalBeamPosition30 References41 Chapter3IntermittentPositioninginMicro-Optomechatronics43 1MovingMicromirrorsandTheirApplication45 2MicromechanicalControlofCavitiesBasedon SlideTuningMechanismanditsApplications85 References96 Chapter4ConstantVelocityPositioninginMicro-Optomechatronics99 1Phase-LockedLoopforConstantVelocity Positioning100 2LinearWavelengthScanning108 3PracticalExamplesofLinearWavelengthScanning111 References125 vii Copyright. detail. Chapter4(Y.Katagiri)dealswithconstantvelocitypositioning in micro-optomechatronics. The optical filter as used for optical commu- nication systems is explained. Chapter5(H.HosakaandY.Katagiri)concernsfollow-upposi- tioning in micro-optomechatronics. . sed. InChapter6(Y.Katagiri)wedealwiththefundamentalopticsof micro-optomechatronics. In this chapter and the next, basics optics and dynamics, which are useful for understanding the theoretical background of micro-optomechatronics,

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