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Using podcasts to enhance listening comprehension of 8th graders at a secondary school in hanoi

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    • 1.1. Rationale for the research (11)
    • 1.2. Aims and objectives of the research (13)
      • 1.2.1 The aims (13)
      • 1.2.2 The objectives (13)
    • 1.3. Scope of the study (13)
    • 1.4. Research questions (13)
    • 1.5. Significance of the study (13)
    • 1.6. Structure of Thesis (14)
    • 2.1. General concepts of listening (15)
      • 2.1.1 Definition of listening (15)
      • 2.1.2. Listening comprehension (16)
      • 2.1.3. Approaches to develop listening comprehension in TEFL (17)
      • 2.1.4. Strategies to develop listening comprehension in TEFL (19)
      • 2.1.5. Listening skills in English curriculum at a lower secondary school level (20)
      • 2.1.6 Definition of podcasts (0)
    • 2.2. General concepts of podcasts (25)
      • 2.2.1 Definition of podcasts (25)
      • 2.2.2 Types of podcasts (26)
      • 2.2.3. Advantages of Podcast in Teaching Listening (29)
    • 2.3. Review of previous studies (30)
    • 3.1. Research Orientations (33)
      • 3.1.1 Research setting (33)
      • 3.1.2 Research population and sample (34)
    • 3.2. Research Methods (34)
    • 3.3. Data Collection (37)
      • 3.3.1. Data Collection Instruments (37)
      • 3.3.2. Data Collection Procedures (38)
    • 3.4. Data Analysis (40)
      • 3.4.1. Quantitative Data Analysis (40)
      • 3.4.2. Qualitative Data Analysis (40)
    • 4.1. Findings (42)
      • 4.1.1. Findings from the tests (42)
        • Findings from the pre-test (42)
        • Findings from the post-test (45)
        • Comparison of the pre-test and the post-test scores (49)
      • 4.1.2. Findings from the questionnaires and interviews (50)
        • Students’ attitude towards listening comprehension (51)
        • Difficulties faced by students in listening comprehension (53)
        • Students’ attitude towards podcast use (56)
    • 4.2. Discussion (59)
      • 4.2.1. The effectiveness of podcast use in improving 8th-graders’listening (59)
      • 4.2.2. The students’ attitudes towards the application of podcasts in listening (60)
    • 5.1. Conclusion (61)
    • 5.2. Limitation of the research (62)
    • 5.3. Recommendations for podcast implementation (63)

Nội dung

THESIS USING PODCASTS TO ENHANCE LISTENING COMPREHENSION OF 8TH GRADERS AT A SECONDARY SCHOOL IN HANOI Sử dụng podcast nhằm nâng cao năng lực nghe hiểu của học sinh lớp 8 tại một tr


Rationale for the research

Listening is crucial for both daily communication and successful language acquisition Despite its undeniable significance, listening has historically been overlooked in second language teaching, research, and assessment In recent times, there has been a renewed focus on listening comprehension, acknowledging its vital role in language learning and instruction.

The process of human communication is involved in the act of hearing According to Rest (2011) and Ahour & Bargool (2005), listening is an essential talent that must be mastered In the process of learning a second language such as English, students must listen to English audio and comprehend the message or information conveyed in the conversation This activity facilitates language learning According to Nunan (1999), listening is a skill as esteemed as Cinderella (Oxford, 1993; Scarella & Oxford, 1992) Listening is a talent that enables the second language learner to master the other three skills, such as reading and speaking As listening is regarded as an essential talent, it is essential that it be taught to all language learners Students of higher education are examples of English language learners who should acquire listening skills when learning English as a foreign language

Bottom-up processing and top-down processing are the two methods in which listeners process their listening Bottom up, according to (Buck, 2001; Linse, 2005; Nunan, 1991), is when listeners receive input and transform sounds into words, words into clauses, clauses into sentences, and so on In contrast to bottom up, top down is a means for listeners to perceive that knowledge exists beyond the words or sentences This demonstrates that listeners utilize distinct methods for processing the information they hear The students may wish to use whichever is most convenient for them However, it is essential that top-down be an effective method for eliciting accurate information because it encourages learners to analyze statements beyond their literal meaning

With the advancement of technology, language acquisition became more appealing On a number of websites, internet-based resources are provided without charge Podcasts are one of the materials available for free on the internet (Holtz in

Li, 2010:78) A podcast is an internet-based method of broadcasting information In addition to being computer-based, podcasts also utilize mobile-based technology The iPod, mobile phone, mp3 player, and other mobile devices can be used to access podcasts It is portable and can be enjoyed everywhere and at all times It can also be used as authentic auditory comprehension material Jobbings in Man (2007:116) alleged that podcasts correspond to specific teaching objectives of the United Kingdom's (UK) National Curriculum

Numerous researchers have investigated the efficacy of podcasts Furthermore, according to Li (2012:78), the majority of students reported that podcasts have value as a supplement to their learning experience Especially in Hanoi, Vietnam, where the majority of students have their own mobile devices, it will be simple for them to use this medium to enhance their listening comprehension because they can exercise their listening skill outside of school by listening to podcasts whenever they want

Various factors can impact students' listening comprehension, including the availability of listening materials and the time allocated to listening instruction To address the lack of materials, educators can leverage audio and video podcasts as alternative resources to improve students' exposure to diverse listening content, thereby enhancing their listening skills.

On account of all the aforementioned reasons, the author has decided on the topic for her thesis as “ Using podcasts to enhancing listening comprehension of

8 th graders at a secondary school in Hanoi ” This current study is to explore the effectiveness of using podcasts in accomplishing English listening skills used by students in 8 th grade The current study is conducted among students of a secondary in Hanoi in which no previous studies have been conducted Also, this study is extended to see specific strategies used by each student.

Aims and objectives of the research

The study is expected to help 8 th grade students enhance their listening comprehension by using podcasts as authentic materials

To achieve the aforementioned aim, this study focuses on the following objectives:

• To assess the situation of students’ listening comprehension

• To identify the problems faced by 8 th graders in the thesis

• To give some suggestions in using podcasts to improve listening skills for students in the 8 th grade in a secondary school in Hanoi.

Scope of the study

Due to time constraints, the author was unable to conduct a comprehensive investigation Therefore, the purpose of this M.A thesis is to investigate the efficacy of using podcasts to improve the listening skills of grade 8 students (37 students) at Phung Thuong Lower secondary school, Phuc Tho District, Hanoi For the purposes of convenience, an investigation with one of 6 8th grade classes at the school were conducted

Furthermore, the focus of the study was on the effectiveness of Audio Podcast in enhancing the ability to comprehend the content of listening material, locate the main idea of narrative and exhortatory exposition text, as well as the supporting ideas.

Research questions

On account of the aforementioned objectives of the thesis, the writer is going to propose answers for the following questions:

1 What are the attitudes of the students towards listening?

2 What are the factors causing difficulties faced by those 8th graders?

3 How do podcasts help enhance the listening for students?

Significance of the study

This research holds significant value for both educators and students in theory and practice It contributes to theories on listening skill instruction and the benefits of podcast use for enhancing students' listening comprehension Practically, it provides knowledge to improve students' listening skills using podcast media, laying the groundwork for further research The findings indicate that the study can guide English teachers in refining the learning process through the use of learning media and introduce the use of podcast media to enhance students' listening abilities.

Structure of Thesis

For achieving the aim and objectives stated, this study is divided into 4 chapters:

Chapter 1: The Introduction, this chapter gives the rationale, the aims and objectives, research questions, the scope, significance, the method and the design of the study

Chapter 2 is entitled Literature review, is presented as the foundation for the study First is listening skills; second is note taking strategies for listening task, third is effects of note taking strategy on academic achievement Then, it is types of note taking strategies which consists of mind mapping strategy, cornell note taking strategy, outlining strategy, listing strategy and sentences strategy Next, it is some previous study

Chapter 3, Methodology, gives the population and sample, research design, research method and methods of analysis

Chapter 4, Influences of podcast usage in promoting students’ listening comprehension, begins with the result of data analysis and the result of the interview, then, it noteble findings from the data collection procedure are analysed and discussed

Chapter 5 is Conclusion, which briefly summarizes what has been discussed in the previous parts Furthermore, this chapter also presents the limitations of the research and some suggestions for further studies

References and Appendix come at the end of the study.


General concepts of listening

To foster effective interpersonal communication, proficient listening is paramount Listeners must actively engage in the listening process, comprehending the nuances of words and conveying reciprocal understanding In contrast, hearing solely involves the reception of sound Without the conscious effort and response inherent in listening, communication falters, despite the clarity of the speaker's message.

The act of listening can be considered an active cognitive process that involves the skill of comprehending and interpreting a spoken language in order to generate meaning from a stream of auditory information Listening is a cognitive activity that involves actively attempting to comprehend and interpret the verbal communication of a speaker, followed by formulating an appropriate response Listening encompasses more than simply hearing; it involves comprehending and interpreting information, and may even extend to the point of appreciating or responding to what is being heard

Active listening is a complex and vital task that requires substantial practice The act of engaging in regular listening practice contributes to an enhanced ability to comprehend and engage in conversational exchanges with individuals Through cognitive processes, individuals have the ability to carefully select appropriate language in order to effectively communicate with others, ensuring accurate comprehension and precision Emotions play a crucial role in facilitating interpersonal communication by enabling individuals to effectively convey their sentiments, such as joy, sorrow, confidence, or reluctance The act of listening requires a high level of engagement and attentiveness Individuals engage in a cognitive process wherein they not only perceive auditory stimuli but also integrate it with their pre-existing knowledge

Multiple definitions of listening and the associated ability of listening have been proposed Listening, as defined by Howatt and Dakin (1974), is the capacity to recognize and comprehend the spoken words and ideas of another This procedure entails comprehending the speaker's accent and pronunciation, as well as their grammar, vocabulary, and knowledge of meaning A proficient listener possesses the ability to perform these four tasks concurrently According to Wolvin and Coakley (1985), listening is the act of hearing, paying attention to, and interpreting sounds Based on this definition, listening is a skill that involves addressing difficult problems Steinberg (2007) stated that “Listening is more complex than merely hearing It is a process that consists of four stages: sensing and attending, understanding and interpreting, remembering, and responding The stages occur in sequence but we are generally unaware of them” According to Grant (1987:19), the hearing skill encompasses the acquisition of specific sounds as well as the understanding of complex messages Lack of this talent might lead to communication breakdown Hence, the effectiveness of communication is contingent upon the recipients or receivers of the messages According to Steil & Watson (1982:22), listening is considered a significant communication activity

The definition of listening comprehension can be derived from the concept of comprehension itself According to Richard et al (1988:54), comprehension refers to the cognitive process by which an individual grasps and interprets the significance of written or spoken language Assessing an individual’s ability in a second or foreign language involves a crucial evaluation of their hearing and reading comprehension skills The Highrich learning module (2007) defines listening comprehension as “the ability to recall and understand information which is presented orally” This knowledge can be conveyed through several mediums such as a book, filmstrip, video, or felt board set Listening comprehension refers to the aptitude of students to absorb and grasp the content of the auditory material

It cannot be denied that The process of listening comprehension is a multifaceted phenomenon that has garnered significant attention from numerous scholars Within this process, listeners assume pivotal roles that contribute to its overall complexity According to Rost (2002: 42) and Hamouda (2013: 123), the act of hearing comprehension can be described as an interactive cognitive process in which listeners actively construct meaning The comprehension process of listeners involves several stages, namely sound recognition, prior knowledge activation, grammatical structure analysis, and interpretation of stress and intonation patterns According to Gilakjani and Ahmadi (2011), schema, as defined by cognitive comprehension theory, refers to an abstract structure that listeners employ to analyze a given text The recipient utilizes both linguistic and tangible clues pertaining to the recent acquisition in order to activate schema The listener's comprehension of the material can be determined by assessing whether the newly presented information aligns with their existing schema

In order to effectively comprehend spoken information, several key factors must be considered: prior knowledge, contextual understanding, and the utilization of listening skills In order for proficient listeners to effectively engage in comprehension and deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words from the surrounding context, it is imperative for them to employ cognitive methods (Carrasquillo, 2013)

Repeated exposure to spoken English facilitates a deeper grasp of intonation, stress patterns, consonant clusters, and speech nuances Moreover, listening comprehension enhances communication skills Research by Hedge (2001) emphasizes the importance of active social participation, as it enables individuals to engage effectively in information exchange and emotional expression.

2.1.3 Approaches to develop listening comprehension in TEFL

There are two essential ways that must be employed in order to attain proficiency in the talent of listening Two listening approaches that might be employed are intensive listening and extensive listening

The practice of intensive listening frequently involves the utilization of recorded materials, which facilitates the opportunity for increased repetitions of the listening material The issue of the frequency at which the listening material can be replayed poses a persistent challenge (Harmer, 2008) According to Field (2008), it is more beneficial for learners to engage in a substantial amount of listening practice rather than spending a significant amount of time on pre-listening activities and only being exposed to listening texts once or twice Contrary to this viewpoint,

Ur (1997) posits that in authentic contexts, conversation is typically not reiterated Consequently, she proposes that it is imperative to encourage learners to extract maximum information from a single listening activity In the context of intensive listening, it is recommended to employ many listening techniques that diverge from those utilized in authentic communication The primary aim of engaging in intensive listening as a method of foreign language acquisition is to facilitate the acquisition of vocabulary and new grammatical structures The practice of intensive listening is frequently associated with the necessity of selecting suitable media in order to enhance learners' comprehension of a foreign language and mitigate potential demotivation

Extensive listening enables learners to develop attentive listening skills by autonomously selecting enjoyable listening materials, including audiobooks, songs, and videos By immersing themselves in authentic language environments, learners can acquire foreign language skills, encounter various sources, and pursue topics of interest Extensive listening fosters comprehensive understanding, genuine engagement, and improved exposure to spoken language, vocabulary, comprehension, pronunciation, and endurance However, the lack of structured supervision and focus can limit its effectiveness, as learners may not fully engage without guidance.

According to Harmer (2008), learners have the potential to enhance their listening skills by employing a combination of extensive and rigorous listening materials and techniques The utilization of extensive listening can enhance fluency, whereas intensive listening can enhance accuracy According to Gilakjani and Ahmadi (2011), it is recommended to employ both listening styles in order to cultivate learners' fundamental skills, foster beneficial listening habits, and enhance their text comprehension abilities Hence, it is imperative for educators to foster an environment wherein learners are not only exposed to English phonetics, syntax, and vocabulary, but are also encouraged to grasp the overall significance of the language Conversely, it is imperative for learners to engage in extensive listening activities beyond the confines of the classroom in order to enhance their comprehension skills and acquire a broader range of knowledge This can be accomplished through the consumption of various media sources such as television shows, radio news broadcasts, and online content available on the Internet

2.1.4 Strategies to develop listening comprehension in TEFL

In the realm of language teaching and learning, there are two distinct macro methods that can be employed to enhance listening comprehension These strategies are commonly referred to as bottom-up strategies, which involve focusing on specific details during the listening process, and top-down strategies, which prioritize overall comprehension and understanding

The activation of a bottom-up strategy is triggered by the introduction of novel information (Gilakjani & Ahmadi, 2011) The focus of this approach lies in linguistic characteristics, requiring learners to analyze individual words in terms of their semantic or grammatical properties prior to constructing coherent sentences (Gilakjani & Sabouri, 2016) This particular technique is triggered by auditory stimuli, such as sounds, words, and phrases, that are perceived by individuals who are listening According to Richards (2008), those who are listening also engage in the process of interpreting speech and discerning its underlying meanings According to Wiyanah's (2015) research, listening comprehension can be defined as the cognitive process of decoding auditory information In order to engage in bottom-up processing of listening texts, learners must possess an extensive vocabulary and a solid understanding of sentence structures

The top-down approach prioritizes the interpretation of phrases and sentences based on their shared meaning According to Gilakjani and Sabouri

General concepts of podcasts

Like other fields, advancements in information and communication technology (ICT) have led to both gradual and significant changes in the realm of education, particularly within the last ten years The utilization of ICT-enhanced learning in the form of e-learning is progressively expanding the scope of educational activities beyond traditional classroom settings The current discourse revolves around the potential of podcasting as an innovative e-learning technology that has the capacity to revolutionize the landscape of mobile learning Podcasting, also known as audiocasting, is a straightforward implementation of audio content syndication that primarily focuses on delivering material to mobile digital devices using audioblogs on the Internet According to the definition provided on Wikipedia, podcasting refers to the digital dissemination of files on the internet, enabling users to subscribe and distribute these files in a manner similar to subscriptions The majority of podcasts are typically distributed in the form of audio files encoded in the MP3 format, and are disseminated via the RSS protocol

Podcasting involves recording audio events and uploading them to a website or blog using an RSS 2.0 feed (Meng, 2005) The term "podcast" originated from the combination of "iPod" and "broadcast" (Sharma & Barret, 2007).

"broadcast" from television and radio A podcast refers to a digital audio file that can be played on a computer The prevailing file format is mp3, renowned for its exceptional compression ratio, leading to reduced file sizes and thus faster download durations Nevertheless, alternative formats are sporadically employed

According to Man and SZE (2007:116), podcasts are audio (occasionally video) programs available on the internet that are regularly updated They can be downloaded straight to a computer and subscribed to using pod catcher software A podcast, as defined by McKean, E (Ed) (2006:110), is a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program that can be accessed on the internet and downloaded to a personal audio player According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (2008:34), a podcast is the act of creating a digital recording of radio broadcasts that may be downloaded from the Internet

Based on the provided definitions, podcasting can be delineated by two primary attributes:

- Podcasting is an audio content distribution method that relies on Web syndication protocols like RSS and/or Atom

- Podcasting endeavors to disseminate content for utilization with portable and digital audio/video devices, such as iPods, as well as other MP3 players, cell phones, and PDAs

Podcasts exhibit a wide range of stylistic approaches, formats, and subject matter Podcasts exhibit a partial resemblance to prior media genres, although they consistently deviate from them in specific stylistic aspects that can be computationally observed The emergence and evolution of conventions and limitations that regulate diversity in podcast styles occur over time and throughout different marketplaces Preferences for podcast styles among listeners are diverse, yet there is a lack of established standards to address and communicate about these preferences Below are few contemporary examples of podcast genres It is probable that this list may undergo modifications when novel forms of material, advanced technologies for podcast consumption, and fresh applications arise

- Enhanced podcasts refer to multimedia files that include audio content with additional visual elements, such as images, slides, or chapter markers An enhanced podcast, alternatively referred to as a slidecast, is a form of podcast that integrates audio content with a presentation consisting of slides The described phenomenon bears resemblance to a video podcast due to its utilization of dynamically generated imagery and audio synchronization However, it diverges in its methodology by employing presentation software to independently construct the imagery and sequence of display, distinct from the timing of the original audio podcast recording According to The Free Dictionary, YourDictionary, and PC Magazine, an enhanced podcast can be defined as a form of multimedia content that is distributed in the format of a podcast and consists of an electronic slide show Enhanced podcasts refer to a specific type of podcast that integrates visual elements, such as graphics and chapters, into the audio content In 2012, iTunes introduced a novel function known as "Audio Hyperlinking," which was subsequently trademarked by the company.Enhanced podcasts have the potential to be utilized in both corporate and educational settings Enhanced podcasts can be generated by utilizing QuickTime AAC or Windows Media files The utilization of enhanced podcasts was initially observed in the year 2006

- A fiction podcast, often known as a scripted podcast or audio drama, has resemblance to a radio drama, although in the format of a podcast The delivery of a fictional narrative, commonly spanning through numerous episodes and seasons, involves the utilization of different voice actors, dialogue, sound effects, and music to enhance the overall storytelling experience Fictional audio dramas in podcast format have garnered the participation of several prominent performers, such as Demi Moore and Matthew McConaughey, who have donated their voices to these productions.In addition to the aforementioned entities, content creators such as Netflix, Spotify, Marvel, and DC Comics also contribute to this phenomenon The user's text is too short to be rewritten academically Although science fiction and horror enjoy significant popularity, fiction podcasts encompass a wide array of literary genres, including romance, humor, drama, fantasy, science fiction, and detective fiction Several notable examples of fiction podcasts include "The Bright

Sessions," "The Magnus Archives," "Homecoming," "Wooden Overcoats," "We're Alive," and "Wolverine: The Long Night."

- Novels in podcast format have gained significant popularity in recent years These audio productions, often serialized, offer a unique and engaging storytelling

A podcast novel, also known as a "serialized audiobook," unites podcast and audiobook elements Like traditional novels, podcast novels are works of fiction However, they are serialized into episodes and released online over time These episodes are distributed through RSS or various platforms and can follow a consistent schedule or be released sporadically upon completion Similar to audiobooks, some podcast novels feature elaborate narration with sound effects and voice actors, while others may have a single narrator with minimal sound effects.

Certain authors of podcast novels offer a complimentary audio rendition of their literary work as a kind of promotional activity Occasionally, these novelists have successfully obtained publication contracts for the printing of their novels Several podcast authors have expressed that podcasting their novels allows them to cultivate a following, particularly in cases where traditional publishers have not shown interest in acquiring their books Subsequently, these audiences facilitate the process of obtaining a printing agreement with a publisher in the future The podcast authors assert that the increased visibility resulting from the distribution of their free podcasts compensates for the absence of monetary compensation for their creative endeavors

- The utilization of video podcasts has become increasingly prevalent in contemporary media consumption A video podcast refers to a form of podcasting that incorporates additional video material Video podcasts are a common method of distribution for web television series Dead End Days, a serialized dark comedy centered around zombies, was released from October 31, 2003, to 2004, and is widely regarded as the pioneering video podcast

- The concept of live podcasts refers to the practice of recording and broadcasting audio content in real-time, typically in front of a live audience

Several podcasts are recorded, either in their whole or for certain episodes, in the presence of a live audience The sale of tickets provides the podcasters with an extra avenue for generating revenue Certain podcasts produce distinct live performances that are often taken on tour, but these shows may not be readily available on the podcast's regular feed The London Podcast Festival, SF Sketchfest, and similar events provide a recurring opportunity for podcasters to engage in live performances before audiences

Podcasts accessible on the Internet can be categorized into two main types: "radio podcasts" and "independent podcasts." Radio podcasts are audio recordings of pre- existing radio programs, including those created by BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) "Independent podcasts" refer to podcasts that are created and distributed on the internet by individuals or groups

The second form of podcast holds significant promise for English Language Teaching (ELT) because to its ability to be customized to meet the specific requirements of diverse learners Learners can easily create them themselves due to the recent emergence of the MP3 sound file format, as well as the availability of free and user-friendly sound recording and editing software like Audacity Additionally, the widespread ownership of MP3 players and the growing popularity of iPods among teenagers contribute to the ease of creating these files

However, According to Sharma and Barret (2007:21), podcasts are available in several forms, such as:

- The presentation was meticulously planned and executed with a clear structure

- Monologues: a solo performance where an individual typically speaks spontaneously (or rambles, depending on one's perspective)

- Interviews involve a host offering questions to visitors

- A composite of one or more elements mentioned above

- Compilation or assemblage of segments from a radio show, such as BBC

2.2.3 Advantages of Podcast in Teaching Listening

The constructivist perspective on learning posits that learning is an active process in which individuals construct knowledge via the acts of seeing, interpreting, and exploring (Cooper, 1993) Rosell-Aguilar (2007) asserts that podcast technology is closely linked to constructivist learning methodologies, wherein individuals generate knowledge through active investigation, observation, processing, and interpretation Podcasts provide language learners with genuine language samples and authentic resources (Thorne & Payne, 2005) Podcasts can serve as a supplementary resource for students in addition to their course materials (Stanley, 2006)

The popularity of podcasting in education continues to surge, with a remarkable 15% growth rate in global users each month ("Podcasting in the Classroom," 2008) This widespread adoption underscores the multifaceted benefits of podcasts as an educational tool Jowitt (2008) emphasizes the portability and adaptability of podcasts, allowing for flexible learning experiences that cater to diverse student needs.

Review of previous studies

Since it was first announced by the editors of the New Oxford American Dictionary as the word of the year (Skira, 2006), podcasting has been applied into a long list of possible fields Poscast usage in education has partly change the present teaching and learning methods The promise of electronic learning (EL), along with the advantages of podcasting, has inspired numerous experts to conduct further research in this field Scholars have extensively studied the use of EL (English Language) podcasts in different settings to enhance the listening abilities of second language learners This research has been conducted by Alm (2013), Bakla (2018), Chen (2019), Faramarzi, Tabrizi, and Chalak (2019), Rodgers (2016), Schmidt

(2016), and Yeh (2013) Frydenberg (2006) and Nathan & Chan (2007) investigated in its ability to enhance convenience, flexibility and accessibility to learning Baird and Fisher (2006) discovered that podcasts have the potential to significantly improve student engagement and promote deep thought Hargis and Wilson (2005) propose that podcasting facilitates a collaborative learning process, enabling the spontaneous generation of conceptual thoughts and ideas This can subsequently result in a more advanced and thoughtful learning encounter Huann and Thong

(2006) have additionally discovered that podcasting facilitates the cultivation of essential abilities, such as communication, time management, problem solving, and critical and analytical thinking This current study concentrates on exploring the benefits of podcasts usage in enhancing student’s macro skill: listening comprehension

The advent of podcasting has brought about a significant transformation in the manner in which individuals interact with multimedia content, enabling numerous individuals to assume the role of amateur broadcasters within the confines of their personal residences It is necessary to first comprehend the conceptualization of podcasting Lim (2005:1) defines podcasting as the process of creating and distributing audio and/or video files over the internet that may be downloaded by users onto their personal computers In addition, Bausch and Han

(2006) state that Podcasting allows users to conveniently and expeditiously retrieve multimedia assets, such as music and video, for playback on portable devices like iPods™ and other MP3 players (p 1) While iPod™ and MP3 gadgets are primarily utilized for recreational causes, the utilization of academic podcasts presents significant prospects for adaptable learning (Mellow, 2005) According to Chan and Lee (2005: 65), podcasting is a medium that combines the characteristics of radio broadcasting, such as its wide reach and dissemination, with the advantages of recorded audio, which provide learner control, flexibility, and personalization

Additionally, podcasts offer students an enhanced opportunity to cultivate diverse language abilities through a more genuine and individualized experience In their study, Ducate and Lomicka (year) examine the impact of podcasting on the enhancement of pronunciation skills among intermediate language learners The results of the study indicated that there was no substantial improvement observed in students' pronunciation Nevertheless, it was observed that students had a good response towards the assignment involving podcasts The researchers propose that podcasts possess potential as an instructional medium, particularly in terms of student engagement and the facilitation of instructor feedback Nevertheless, it is imperative to provide explicit training in pronunciation in order to effectively influence this particular facet of language acquisition Podcasts are also examined in the context of educational practices S Ashton-Hay and D Brookes conducted an action research study with the objective of investigating the learning tactics employed when utilizing podcasts generated by students The study participants utilized the Queensland University of Technology Blackboard Learning Management System to establish a web page This platform was used to post various materials, including podcasts, story transcripts, and student images The authors reached the conclusion that the utilization of diverse learning methodologies can enhance language acquisition, enabling it to occur in any location and at any time According to Yu Demianova's research, she asserts that the progress in information and technology has brought about a significant transformation in the methods employed for teaching and learning English The primary focus of the researcher's investigation is to explore the potential of podcasts in augmenting students' enthusiasm in the process of learning English However, there is a noticeable lack of emphasis on the enhancement of their listening and speaking abilities V Khaschovyi's research centers on the utilization of podcasts as a means of enhancing students' listening skills He suggests the compilation of a diverse range of captivating resources tailored to students of varying proficiency levels Nevertheless, the researcher fails to conduct a comprehensive analysis about the impact of employing this technology on students' listening comprehension, hence drawing only broad and overarching findings According to N.V Kardashova (year), podcasts offer novel educational prospects and a fresh creative milieu for the instruction and acquisition of foreign languages The author presents an analysis of the characteristics commonly seen in educational podcasts and explores the potential educational benefits of utilizing this technology for the instruction and acquisition of foreign languages Therefore, an examination of recent scholarly investigations on podcasts indicates a dearth of comprehensive research on this emerging educational medium within the Vietnamese context, in contrast to the abundance of studies available in the international literature The objective of our research is to address this knowledge gap and contribute to the examination of the impact of podcasting on the listening abilities of secondary level pupils.


Research Orientations

The research site, known as Phung Thuong Lower Secondary School, is located in the southern region of Phuc Tho district, within the Hanoi metropolis Its establishment dates back to the year 1961 Situated within a rural region designated for agricultural and biodiversity preservation, the school serves as a vital resource for the downtown area, particularly for its low-income population Unfortunately, the school has consistently faced numerous challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, a shortage of qualified educators, and a dearth of instructional materials and equipment Nevertheless, it has long served as a dependable resource for kids and parents within the district

The educational institution comprises a total of twenty-three classes, accommodating an estimated student population of over 900 individuals spanning from the sixth to the ninth grade Additionally, the school employs nearly 50 professors who specialize in various topics English has been mandated as a compulsory subject at this institution, with instruction provided by a cohort of five educators ranging in age from 38 to 51 years old The pedagogy and acquisition of the English language inside educational institutions is founded upon the National Curriculum of 2006 and 2018, as established by the Ministry of Education and Training Hence, it has been observed that students in grades 6 and 7 at the institution under study utilize the I-learn smart world educational platform developed by Dai Truong Phat Conversely, students in the eighth grade are instructed utilizing the Global Success textbook, which is widely recognized as the predominant curriculum in accordance with the 2018 General Education English Curriculum The remaining students in the school, who are in the ninth grade, utilize the Tieng Anh 9 textbook published by the Education Publishing House, which is also employed by other schools within the district and the city center Despite the variations in texts and curricula among the students, none of the English classes are taught using advanced textbook sets Furthermore, it should be noted that all classes adhere to the communicative teaching approach

The participants in this study were selected from a group of over 160 eighth- grade students

To address the challenge of selecting a random sample from a segregated student body, a whole class approach was adopted This approach was advantageous as it allowed for data collection within a classroom setting and ensured homogeneity in listening capacity based on students' previous academic performance The selected class, 8A2, comprised 37 students with similar backgrounds, ages, and English language acquisition periods Despite varying levels of interest and proficiency, all students shared the goal of improving their listening comprehension to enhance their academic performance.

Research Methods

The research will be conducted utilizing the prominent approach of action research (AR) Action research (AR) is a study methodology that centers on the practical resolution of problems and the enhancement of a particular context or setting The method is characterized by collaboration and iteration, requiring the active involvement and engagement of researchers and practitioners Its objective is to tackle real-world difficulties and challenges within a specific context, such as an educational setting, an organization, or a community The primary objective of this approach is to identify and implement effective resolutions while enhancing current methodologies Active participation and collaboration of researchers and practitioners are essential in the study process Their joint efforts are directed towards problem identification, intervention or change design, and outcome evaluation Moreover, action research (AR) commonly adheres to a cyclical framework encompassing the stages of planning, executing, observing, and reflecting This iterative process entails the identification of a problem, the implementation of actions or adjustments, the observation of outcomes, and the reflection upon results to inform subsequent actions or modifications Action research (AR) is frequently employed within the discipline of linguistics, wherein the principles of AR methodology are utilized to examine language-related phenomena, tackle practical language-related concerns, and enhance language instruction and learning methodologies

The characteristics were observed in this study The primary objective of the study was to enhance the English reading proficiency of first-year students Additionally, this research endeavor would provide a valuable contribution to the field of language instruction Furthermore, the study incorporated the author's intervention to assess the impact on participants' reading speed and comprehension Ultimately, the resolution of the study inquiries necessitated a comprehensive examination of the participants' introspective evaluations pertaining to their personal growth and level of engagement throughout the undertaking

This study utilized Kemmis and McTaggart's (1988) framework to investigate the process of identity creation among teacher-researchers While several models of research exist, this particular framework was chosen to provide a comprehensive analysis of the subject matter

Figure 1 The action research spiral according to Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)

Kemmis and McTaggart (1988, pp 11–14) delineate the fundamental phases of a self-reflective action research method as a cyclical progression encompassing planning, implementation and observation, and reflection The procedure is further elucidated as follows:

(1) Identify a specific area of your practice that presents a challenge, problem, or question and develop strategies to bring about changes or improvements in that situation

(2) Methodically collect pertinent information and data pertaining to the identified area of interest

(3) Conduct a comprehensive analysis and critical reflection on the gathered facts in order to obtain valuable insights and enhance comprehension of the current situation

(4) Drawing upon the analysis and reflection conducted, implement suitable measures to facilitate additional modifications or enhancements in the given circumstances

The aforementioned stages constitute a perpetual cycle within the framework of action research, facilitating a constant process of introspection, knowledge acquisition, and enhancement of methodologies throughout its progression In the event that the initial cycle yields outcomes that deviate from the anticipated targets, resulting in lower values, it is deemed unsuccessful, prompting the initiation of a subsequent cycle.

Data Collection

The study utilized a data collection instrument consisting of questionnaires, pre and post tests, and a semi-structured interviews in order to obtain a robust and credible dataset

In accordance with Burns’ (2009, pp.117-122) research, the author employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies to gather data for this action research

Quantitative research utilizes numerical data, statistical analysis, and mathematical modeling for objective analysis This study employs quantitative methods to verify the main research question: How do podcasts enhance student listening comprehension? Qualitative research, in contrast, explores subjective experiences through in-depth observations, interviews, and textual analysis This study's qualitative component involves student interviews and classroom observations to gather insights into student perspectives on podcast integration in listening instruction.

The study was conducted throughout the months of July and August in class 8A2 at Phung Thuong secondary school, where the researcher has been employed as an educator for a duration exceeding nine years Initially, survey questionnaires were meticulously crafted and subsequently administered to the students Additionally, I administered the listening tests to the students and then collected them once the students had completed them

The initial assessment (pre-test) was conducted with the students at the conclusion of the academic year The pre-test is structured with a combination of written responses and multiple-choice questions, adhering to the format commonly found in KET (Cambrideg A2 Key English Test) practice tests The examination consists of four portions, each containing 5 questions Each question is worth 0.5 points The cumulative score for the examination amounts to 10 points The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate students' comprehensive listening abilities prior to incorporating podcast usage in listening instruction

Upon careful examination of the preliminary data and subsequent problem identification, a hypothesis has been formulated positing that the incorporation of podcasts into the process of learning and teaching listening skills may provide significant improvements in students' listening performance The hypothesis posits that the utilization of podcasts can enhance students' listening proficiency Consequently, a six-week intervention involving the incorporation of podcasts into listening lessons has been implemented The selection of podcasts for the research study was based on the following criteria

- Relevance to Learning Goals: the podcasts used must align with the specific learning objectives and target language skills: listening comprehension

- Content and Theme: podcasts with simple content and themes related to hobbies, leisure time, cultural identity, communication, life on other planets, changes in technology and so on are used

- Language Level: The podcast with A2 proficiency level of the learners are adopted

- Audio Quality: The author only chooses the podcasts with clear sound and minimal background noise beccause they make it easier for learners to understand and follow along

- Length: the length of the poscasts used are only about 3 to 5 minutes which are often more manageable and less overwhelming

- Cultural Relevance: one of the aim of the course is to make students proud of Vietnamese cultural identity and introduce cultural beauty around the world Therefore, the podcasts that offer cultural insights and context related to cultural highlights have been used

- Age and Audience Appropriateness: The participant students are in their teen so only podcasts for teenagers are adopted

English language podcasts encompass a diverse array of topics In the present study, a variety of podcast content kinds that offer suitble traditional listening comprehension basing on the listed criteria was as below https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org http://wwwbbc.co.uk www.eltpodcat.com http://breakingnewsenglish.com www.likely.podmatic.com www.esl.about.com/od.englishlistening http://www.englishcaster.com http://www.podcatalley.com/ http://www.e-poche.net/conversation http://phoneticpodcast.com http://www.englishthroughstories.com http://englishpodsong.blogspot.com http://mylcpodcasts.blogspot.com https://www.allearsenglish.com/episodes/ https://teacherluke.co.uk/

Following an eight-week course featuring four standardized sessions, students took a post-test in late August This assessment aimed to gauge the improvement in listening proficiency achieved by the participants after the completion of the experimental period.

Data Analysis

A diverse range of statistical approaches were employed to examine the scores of the pre-test and post-test The data were collected and processed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

Paired samples refer to a statistical technique used to analyze data that involves two related samples This technique is employed when the observations in one sample are paired or matched with the A t-test was used to assess the variations in the English military vocabulary between the study samples in the before and post-tests of English military vocabulary

Another statistical test employed in this study involves analyzing the frequency distribution of survey items pertaining to the control group, as well as the attitudes and satisfaction of teachers regarding the utilization of mind maps in post- reading activities The questionnaires were analyzed in terms of frequency and percentage to elucidate the respondents' attitudes and levels of satisfaction with this technique

Prior to doing the analysis, the researcher collected the unprocessed data from the survey questions and subsequently transformed them utilizing the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)

The findings of the survey were employed to corroborate the outcomes of the experiment The study involved a distinct treatment group that exclusively utilized podcasts in listening activities to enhance their retention of listening competence Additionally, the participants' perceptions regarding the efficacy of podcast application in enhancing their listening comprehension were assessed Additionally, this information served as a basis for the author’s favorable assessment of the efficacy of employing this instructional approach to teach listening to 8 th graders at Phung Thuong Secondary school

Furthermore, the researcher employed her personal class observation as a means of triangulating the ultimate research outcome

In conclusion, the chapter provides an overview of the methodology employed for data collection and analysis, including a discussion of the research background and the individuals involved in the study The utilization of an action research design allows the researcher to modify and customize the execution of the research in order to meet the criteria for success Additionally, the research tools and instruments serve the purpose of elucidating the findings and establishing the correlation between the utilization of podcasts in a classroom setting and the listening comprehension abilities of students.


Findings Findings from the pre-test

In order to assess the impact of podcast usage on students' listening comprehension, the researcher conducted a comparative analysis of pre-test and post-test results This section outlined the process of calculating the scores from the pre-test and post-test in order to determine the mean, standard deviation, range, and frequency of the scores Subsequently, a thorough examination was conducted to compare the results of both examinations in order to identify any disparities in students' listening comprehension proficiency following the use of the posdcast usage in listening classes

Table 4.1 The pre-test scores of 37 students in listening comprehension

No Students’ codes Pre-test results

The tables 4.2.a and 4.2.b presented the pre-test results for 37 students, including the mean, standard deviation, range (with lowest and maximum values), as well as the frequency and percentage of different scores

Table 4.2.a Mean, standard deviation, range with minimum and maximum values for the pre-test Descriptive Statistics

Table 4.2.b Frequency in numbers and per cent for the pre-test

The data from table 4.2.a indicates that the mean value for the pre-test scores of the 37 students was rather low, specifically 6.16 The minimum score recorded was 4, and the maximum score reached 8 Examining table 4.2.b, it is evident that the majority of students (56.7%) fall into the categories of average (scores ranging from 5.0 to below 6.5) and poor (scores ranging from above 3.5 to below 5) The distribution of score values within the range of 4 (from 4.0 to 8.0) varied The score of 6 was the most frequent, accounting for 24.32% of the total The second most frequent score was 7, with a frequency of 7 (18.92%) Scores of 8 followed closely with a frequency of 5 (13.51%), and scores of 5 ranked fourth with a frequency of 4 (10.81%) Scores of 4.5 and 5.5 had a frequency of 3 (8.11%), while scores of 4, 6.5, and 7.5 were obtained only twice (5.41%) Furthermore, it is evident that the listening proficiency of the children under study exhibited significant variations Findings from the post-test

Upon completion of an 8-week podcast intervention in listening classes, a post-test assessed participants' outcomes These outcomes included mean, standard deviation, range, and frequency of distinct scores The results were then analyzed to determine if a statistically significant difference emerged between learners' outcomes.

Table 4.3 The pre-test scores of 37 students in listening comprehension in pre-test and post-test

No Students’ codes Pre-test results Post-test results

The tables 4.4.a and 4.4.b presented the post-test results, including the mean, standard deviation, range, as well as the frequency and percentage of different scores

Table 4.4.a Mean, standard deviation, range with minimum and maximum values for the post-test Descriptive Statistics

Table 4.4.b Frequency in numbers and percent for the pre-test

The data presented in table 4.4.a indicate that the students got exceptionally high marks in the post-test It can be demonstrated using the average value of 6.50 The distribution of scores exhibited a wide range, spanning from 4 to 9, with a spread of 5 However, only 1 student (2.7%) achieved the lowest score of 4, while 2 participants (5.41%) obtained a score of 9 The score that occurred most frequently was 7, with 7 students, accounting for 18.92% of the participants This was followed by 5 scores, which had 6 participants, making up 16.22% Both the scores of 6 and 8 were ranked third, with a total of 5 students, which accounts for 13.51% of the total Out of the total number of students, 10.81% achieved a score of 6.5 in the test Additionally, the scores of 9, 7.5, 5.5, and 4.5 were equally distributed among 5.41% of the students, with 2 individuals each Only one student (2.7%) received scores of 4 and 8.5, which were the least common percentages

Incorporating podcasts into listening comprehension instruction resulted in statistically significant improvement in student performance The pre-test average score of 6.18 increased to 6.50 in the post-test, indicating a notable enhancement Additionally, the distribution of scores shifted, with a higher proportion of students achieving higher scores in the post-test compared to the pre-test.

(56.76%) achieved scores that were above the average, indicating a high degree of proficiency No student achieved scores of 8.5 and 9 in the pre-test However, one student attained a score of 8.5 in the post-test, and two students received a score of

9 In the pre-test, the scores of 6 and 7 were the most prevalent, accounting for 24.32% and 18.92% respectively In the post-test, the dominating scores ranged from 6 to 8, with 23 students (62.16%) falling within this range Thus, it may be concluded that there was a discrepancy in the individuals’ listening comprehension performance between the two assessments Specifically, the pupils’ capacity to comprehend spoken language appeared to have been enhanced following the intervention Comparison of the pre-test and the post-test scores

A chart was developed after converting data obtained from pre-test and post- test results The student names were coded from 1 to 37

Figure 2 The results of pre-listening and post-listening test

Students underwent pre- and post-implementation listening examinations to assess their listening skills before and after the introduction of the innovation The graphic depicted the pre- and post-test outcomes of the students According to the results, most of these kids had improved performance on the post-listening test compared to the pre-listening test

Specifically, the scores in the post-test were either equal to or greater than those of the pre-test Twelve out of thirty-seven pupils maintained consistent performance in both tests Out of the twelve participants, it is evident that the majority of them achieved scores ranging from 4 to 5.5, indicating that their listening proficiency is only at a below-average level In contrast, six of the participants demonstrated an increase in their test scores by one point, which corresponds to approximately a 13% improvement The individuals obtained scores ranging from 7 in the pre-test Additionally, 19 pupils demonstrated an improvement of 0.5 points, equivalent to approximately 7% Based on the given characteristics, it can be inferred that including podcasts into listening classes has a favorable influence on students' comprehension Furthermore, it is seen that high- achieving students benefit more from the implementation of this innovative resource in the classroom setting

After analyzing the mean difference values in tables 4.2.a and 4.4.a, it is clear that the post-test mean score is higher than the pre-test mean score, as shown in Figure 3 In essence, the mean score of the post-test demonstrates a notable enhancement of approximately 5.6%, shifting from 6.61 to 6.50, subsequent to the intervention Therefore, it is clear that integrating English podcasts into the learning process can help improve participants' listening skills

4.1.2 Findings from the questionnaires and interviews

In order to examine the students’ perspectives on the integration of interactive activities, the researcher opted to employ a 4-point scale self- questionnaire The questionnaire was adapted from Noor Maulidiyah, A Lecturer of

English Education Department at Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Faculty of IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia The participants' replies are assigned a numerical value ranging from 1 to 4, with 1 representing "strongly disagree," 2 representing

"disagree," 3 representing "agree," and 4 representing "strongly agree." Next, the mean score is determined by summing all the valid values and then dividing by the total number of values Analyzed data was obtained from questionnaires that encompassed three categories: Attitude towards listening comprehension, challenges encountered by students in listening, and their attitude towards the utilization of podcasts in class Students’ attitude towards listening comprehension

Table 4.5 The students’ attitude towards listening comprehension

1 I am satisfied with my current listening skills 2.0 0.99

2 My listening skills have improved since the beginning of the school year 2.38 0.89

3 I am interested in listening skills 2.00 1.11

6 Listening skill is very important 2.89 0.94

7 I am confident in listening comprehension 1.70 0.88

8 I feel comfortable during listening class 2.16 0.80

9 I find listening tasks in the class interesting 1.78 0.82

10 Overall atmosphere in my class’ listening lesson is relaxed 1.95 0.88

Table 4.5 shows that the participants' attitudes towards listening abilities vary, with mean scores ranging from 1.70 to 2.38 More precisely, the students unanimously recognize the significance of the listening skill, with a mean rating of 2.89 and a standard deviation of 0.94 Nevertheless, the majority of students concur that listening is a challenging talent that they must acquire (M=3.05; SD=0.97) Another notion that students concur with is that listening is a tedious aptitude In addition, the participants express disagreement with the assertions regarding their interest in listening skill (M=2.00; SD=1.11) and their satisfaction with their current listening competence (M=1.97; SD=0.99) Furthermore, they express disagreement regarding the perceived relaxation of the atmosphere during hearing classes, with a mean score of 1.95 and a standard deviation of 0.88 Similarly, they report feeling less comfortable in listening lessons, with a mean score of 2.16 and a standard deviation of 0.82 The students' primary areas of disagreement lie in their perception of the level of interest in listening tasks (M=1.78; SD=0.82) and their confidence in their listening comprehension abilities (M=1.70; SD=0.88) Furthermore, they do not consider in-class listening exercise to be crucial for enhancing their listening proficiency (M=2.38; SD=1.06)

The students’ qualitative responses from the interviews align with the quantitative findings obtained from the questionnaire Here is some evidence supporting their statements:

“Although listening is rather difficuly, I'm interested in learning it Even if I'm strong at listening, I still need to put in more effort to be able to converse in English.” (S37)

“Of the four skills, I think listening is the most challenging Therefore, in order to perfect language skills, I must improve my listening skills first To increase their listening comprehension, I think I need to practice listening more but practicing inside the classroom is insufficient.” (S28)


The utilization of podcasts in listening comprehension courses demonstrated the efficacy of using real materials in listening classes, both in terms of students’ performance and attitude The subsequent sub-sections will address this matter

4.2.1 The effectiveness of podcast use in improving 8 th -graders’listening comprehension

The researcher gained insight from the pre-test scores, which indicated that the pupils had a low level of reading comprehension, with a mean score of 6.16 The pupils’ pre-test scores were superseded by the notable disparity in the post-test The post-test findings demonstrated a favorable inclination towards improvement The subjects who received the mind mapping technique treatment experienced a large decrease in poor scores, while their very good scores showed a considerable increase Consequently, it can be inferred that the use of podcasts in listening comprehension classes leads to significant enhancement in students' reading comprehension skills

Undoubtedly, the efficacy of podcasts significantly contributed to the noticeable disparity in the students’ performance on the pre-test and post-test Traditionally, when teaching listening comprehension, students are assigned assignments related to a common topic They are then expected to actively listen, identify key words, and grasp the essential ideas in order to successfully complete their exercises Consequently, their interest and drive in reading classes diminish over time Furthermore, students experienced difficulty in recollecting the significance of a word encountered during the listening exercise, resulting in their inability to interpret the text and extract information from it The adoption of podcasts in listening classes could resolve these issues

The thesis also included an interview with the students to provide further clarification and supplementation to the statistical findings The gathered data indicated that the majority of the participants have a moderate degree of English listening comprehension However, when considering the enhancement of students’ listening skills, it can be inferred that the students’ speaking proficiency also significantly increased, aligning with the outcomes of the pre-test and post-test For instance, the students expressed that by utilizing podcasts, they are exposed to genuine and unaltered English speech, which undoubtedly aids in improving their pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary

The results of the current study align with the prior findings of other studies conducted in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) settings The research conducted by Siahaan (2020) and Jain and Hashmi (2013) both concluded that the implementation of podcasts resulted in an improvement in students’ listening skills

4.2.2 The students’ attitudes towards the application of podcasts in listening comprehension lessons

The findings from the questionnaire and interviews indicate that the students possess favorable opinions regarding the utilization of podcasts in listening comprehension lessons

Regarding the students’ questionnaire on their interest in learning listening comprehension using podcasts, it was evident that the majority of learners showed their enthusiasm for utilizing podcasts as genuine resources for improving their listening skills In addition, they experienced anticipation in hearing adolescents of both genders at their respective ages discussing their narratives, worries, or passions Furthermore, the learners exhibited enthusiasm and delight in podcasts, despite it being their inaugural experience incorporating podcasts into the classroom

In terms of students’ perceived competency, a significant proportion of participants concurred that they experienced improvement in their listening comprehension skills as a result of utilizing podcasts This is attributed to the fact that they view the material of podcasts to be genuine and true to life They have an inclination to engage in active listening when their buddies are speaking In addition, the participants discover that by listening to podcasts, they are exposed to authentic pronunciation and everyday language Consequently, students reached a consensus that the utilization of podcasts in the classroom had a beneficial impact on their listening proficiency Moreover, a significant proportion of the pupils expressed contentment with their reading lesson outcomes while utilizing podcasts and reported increased self-assurance in their listening comprehension

Regarding students’ assessment of the value and usefulness of podcasts, the majority of students expressed that podcasts provide several benefits These include increasing engagement with the subject matter, promoting genuine listening experiences, facilitating exposure to authentic pronunciation, and enhancing listening proficiency.



The objective of this research study is to examine the efficacy of including podcasts in listening classes as an innovative approach to enhance the listening skills of 8th-grade students The study aims to determine students' opinions about the integration of podcasts in an educational setting by addressing three research inquiries (1) What are the attitudes of the students towards listening? (2) What are the factors causing difficulties faced by those 8th graders? and (3) How do podcasts help enhance the listening for students? Furthermore, in what ways do podcasts contribute to improving students' listening skills? The study has obtained the anticipated outcomes by employing action research with a single cycle lasting 8 weeks to investigate the efficacy of utilizing podcasts in enhancing students' listening proficiency A questionnaire survey was utilized to examine students' perceptions The initial research goal reveals a significant enhancement in students' listening proficiency following the implementation of podcasts in listening comprehension sessions Listening to podcasts provides students with opportunities to engage in genuine and practical communication, particularly in the context of listening skills The captivating content of the podcasts engenders a sense of kinship among students, as they perceive themselves immersed in the narratives of their peers Hence, there is indisputable evidence that the students have enhanced their listening abilities as a result of the deployment of podcasts, as demonstrated by the comparison of their pre- and post-test results

Moreover, the study asserts that students exhibit favorable dispositions towards the integration of podcasts in the classroom This is due to the fact that the materials not only offer students captivating knowledge, but also immerse them in authentic communication experiences Generally, via creativity, kids become familiar with authentic pronunciation and vocabulary In addition, the pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards podcasts One possible explanation is that podcasts enhance students' perceptiveness, providing them with the means to unlock their listening capacity This is not only crucial for improving academic achievement but also facilitates future integration opportunities.

Limitation of the research

Notwithstanding the endeavors of the investigation, there exist certain constraints within the present study

One limitation of the current action research is the questionable dependability of the provided data due to the relatively small number of participants

(37) and the lack of standardized listening comprehension assessments, which raises concerns about the accuracy and validity of the findings The questionnaire survey assessing learners' perspectives on the use of podcasts for English learning in the classroom may not yield generalizable results The research should be regarded as a preliminary study that warrants additional thorough examination and the application of other qualitative research methods, such as focus groups or observations Despite these limitations, it can be asserted that podcasts are a great resource in foreign language instruction, as they enhance listening comprehension and stimulate learners' interest and drive In addition, they promote the development of listening comprehension by offering genuine and captivating resources, and they prepare learners for listening conditions encountered in real-life scenarios

Furthermore, the study was conducted in a single classroom with a relatively small number of participants, so restricting the ability to apply the research findings to a broader population The assessment of learners' English listening skill is limited by the time available study findings would be enhanced in terms of reliability and significance if a greater amount of time were devoted for the purposes of study and data collection

Moreover, psychological factors have the potential to influence the outcomes of study The learners' replies to the questionnaire are strongly influenced by their individual interests and preferences The level of participation and dedication to the questionnaire varies among learners, with some displaying a high degree of seriousness while others disregard its value Consequently, the precision of the data is also impacted.

Recommendations for podcast implementation

The study’s outcomes include recommendations for English teachers, students, and other researchers interested in performing similar studies

English teachers are advised to utilize podcasts as a web-based medium to teach listening skills to pupils Utilizing podcasts in the teaching and learning process enables students to engage in an enjoyable learning experience, hence enhancing their motivation Integrating podcasts into teaching and learning activities allows students to access a wide range of genuine resources that can enhance not only their listening skills, but also their speaking and reading abilities Furthermore, it is advisable for teachers to exercise discernment when selecting suitable podcasts, taking into account the students’ interests and needs, learning objectives, duration of the podcasts, and cultural appropriateness This will ensure the smooth execution of teaching and learning activities

Incorporating podcasts into the classroom benefits both instruction and student engagement Educators can assign student-led podcast projects, where students choose a podcast and create comprehension questions This fosters active learning by having students develop questions and answer keys based on different stages of podcast consumption Regular podcast engagement enhances students' ability to convert foundational concepts into meaningful inquiries, fostering cognitive development and promoting autonomy in understanding and regulating their learning.

Students are advised to use podcasts as an alternate computer-based medium for enhancing their listening skills and promoting the advancement of their English proficiency In addition, students can utilize the internet to acquire a wider range of genuine resources that can enhance their listening and speaking skills Engaging in regular practice will facilitate the enhancement of their English proficiency

Other researchers interested in doing similar studies should investigate the utilization of feedback in relation to students’ self-directed learning outside of the classroom

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(For quick reference and clarity, appendices must be given titles and numbers)


I am presently engaged in a research study that aims to examine the efficacy of utilizing podcasts as a means to enhance the listening abilities of 8th-grade students Your participation is crucial for the success of this research

The estimated time required to complete this survey is roughly 15-20 minutes, and all responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality Your involvement is optional Kindly refrain from providing your name in the survey

I appreciate your time and cooperation Your input is extremely valuable and will greatly contribute to this study

Please rate how much you think these statements are true about you by crossing (X) Strongly disagree (1) (2) Disagree (3) Agree (4) Strongly agree


1 I am satisfied with my current listening skills

2 My listening skills have improved since the beginning of the school year

3 I am interested in listening skills

6 Listening skill is very important

7 I am confident in listening comprehension

8 I feel comfortable during listening class

9 I find listening tasks in the class interesting

10 Overall atmosphere in my class’ listening lesson is relaxed



Difficulties Related to the content of the listening text

1 I find the listening passage difficult to understand

2 I find it difficult to understand listening texts because there are too many unfamiliar words unfamiliar words including jargon and idioms

3 Listening texts have complex grammatical structures

4 Listening texts are too long

5 Topics for listening are unfamiliar

1 I find it difficult to understand reduced forms (for example the sentence: he is going to live here is reduced to he’s gonna live here)

2 When encountering an unknown word,

I stop listening and think about the meaning of the word

3 I find the pronunciation familiar but cannot recognize the words

4 I do not often pay attention to intonation of the speaker

5 I find it difficult to follow the sequence of the spoken text

6 Unfamiliar stress and intonation patterns of English interfere with my listening comprehension

1 Before doing listening comprehension tasks, I fear that I cannot understand what

2 I feel nervous and worried when I do not understand the dialogues

3 If I do not arrive at a total comprehension of a dialogue or monologue, I feel disappointed

4 I stop listening when I have problems in understanding a listening text

5 I think that I’ll never understand what I will hear and search for the answers at the same time

6 I cannot reduce my anxiety before doing the listening task which is not of interest to me



1 This is the first time you are using podcasts in classroom

2 These podcasts influenced your listening skills positively

3 It will be good for your listening to listen to these podcasts repeatedly

4 The podcasts helped you to get exposed to correct pronunciation of

5 The podcasts helped you to learn some new vocabulary

6 The pronunciation of the podcasts comprehensible

7 The podcasts have made the content interesting

8 The podcasts are the main reason for making the classes different from traditional class

9 You can learn about pronunciation and vocabulary of English through podcasts

10 It was a problem for you to go with the speaker´s pace and fluency

Thanks for giving your time and signing the form to allow us to question you It will last for five to ten minutes You will be asked some questions during the interview You can end the interview at any time if you want to The goal of this interview is to learn more about how you feel about using songs to improve your listening skills, how hard it is to improve your listening skills, and how podcasts have helped you improve your listening skills Any information you give me is kept secret and you will remain nameless Do you have a question before the conversation starts? If not, we're about to begin

1 Do you like learning listening?

2 How do you feel about your ability to listen?

3 What makes it hard for you to learn how to listen?

4 What is the hardest thing about learning how to listen?

Why are podcasts a good way to learn how to listen?

6 Do you think podcasts are a good way to improve your hearing skills? If not, why not?

7 How do podcasts help you get better?

Time: 35 minutes Instructions for students:

- There are five parts to the test

- You will hear each piece twice

- For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers

For each question, choose the correct answer

1 Where will Claire meet Alex?

2 What time should the man telephone again?

3 When are they going to have the party?

4 What was the weather like on the picnic?

5 How much are the shorts? £5 £15 £20

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap Write one word or a number or a date or a time

You will hear a man asking for information about the Westwood English School Listen and complete the questions given

School is next to the: _ (10)

For each question, choose the correct answer

You will hear Robert talking to his friend, Laura, about a trip to Dublin

11 Who has already decided to go with Robert?

A family members B colleagues C tennis partners

13 Laura must remember to take _

14 Why does Laura like Dublin?

15 Robert’s excited about the trip to Dublin because _

A he can’t wait to go to the music festival

B he loves the food there

C he wants to go to a new art exhibition

For each question, choose the correct answer

You will hear a dialogue about The Internet Listen and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false)

16 The Internet was started in 1990

18 To visit a web site, you simply enter the telephone number

19 The main use of the Internet is to find mistakes

20 Using the Internet is getting more expensive


16 F (The Internet wasn’t started in 1990 It was started in 1968.)

18 F (To visit a web site, you don’t enter the telephone number You enter the address.)

19 F (The main use of the Internet isn’t to find mistakes The main use is to find information.)

20 F (The Internet isn’t getting more expensive It is getting cheaper.)

Time: 35 minutes Instructions for students:

- There are five parts to the test

- You will hear each piece twice

- For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers

For each question, choose the correct answer

2 Which train are they going to catch?

5 Which class is the girl going to do?

6 What main course does the woman choose?

7 Where did the boy come in the running race?

5 How long has the girl’s father been away?

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap Write one word or a number or a date or a time

You will hear a telephone conversation A girl wants to speak to Martin, but he is not there Listen and complete the questions given

More details: Ask him to call her if he can’t come

For each question, choose the correct answer

Listen to a man asking for information in a travel agency

16 You can fly to Buenos Aires?

A once a week B twice a week C three times a week

18 The bus station is in _

A Bill street B Hill street C Mill street

19 The journey to the airport takes

A 1 hour 15 min B 1 hour 30 min C 1 hour 45 min

20 The man's ticket to Buenos Aires will cost _ pounds

For each question, choose the correct answer

Daniel and Kate both work from home Listen and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false)

16 Daniel has worked from home for longer than Kate

17 Kate used to be a teacher

18 Daniel started working from home after losing his job

19 Daniel doesn’t enjoy working from home because it isn’t sociable

20 Kate didn’t use to socialise with colleagues because she was too tired

BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts

Authentic programs include In Our Time (great for history topics), Women’s Hour (covers a variety of topics, from politics to literature), World Select Today (brief news clips, usually about hot topics)

Corporation http://www.abc.net.au/services/ podcasting/

Authentic programs include All in the Mind (great for health and science topics)

National Public Radio http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/ podcast_directory.php

NPR affiliates air a variety of compelling programs "Story of the Day" offers captivating general stories "Living on Earth" explores environmental concerns "This I Believe" presents engaging personal narratives on beliefs "Science Friday" delves into timely and fascinating scientific topics These authentic programs provide a diverse range of content that appeals to a wide audience.

Books (great for graded readers, author interviews, and discussions)

Public Broadcasting Service http://www.pbs.org/podcasts/

Authentic programs include The American Experience

(covers a variety of topics on U.S history), NOVA (interviews with scientists)

Languages Podcasts http://sl.sabanciuniv.edu/ eng/?PodCast/PodCasts.php

Interviews and lectures on a variety of academic topics and areas of interest (Included here is “A Podcast on Podcasts for Language Teachers and Learners,” a summary of this chapter)

The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp-srv/mmedia/podcastfront.htm

Audio and video news podcasts

Lonely Planet Destination http://www.lonelyplanet.com/ podcasts/travelcast.xml

Culture and travel stories and information (Check the quality of the podcasts because some of the phone-ins are difficult to understand)

National Geographic Video Shorts http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ podcasts/index.html

Many amazing video podcasts on fascinating topics

New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com/ podcastfeed.ns

Excellent reports on science topics

Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.com/ podcast/

Detailed reports about scientific topics, usually based on new research or studies

Podcasts for English Language Learners

ESL Podcast http://www.eslpod.com/

Great tips for communicating, at a slow pace and with minidialogues (beginner and preintermediate)

ESL for TOEFL Podcasts http://www.eslpod.com/toefl/scripts/ scripts.html

Good for those who want a little more English practice (preintermediate to upper-intermediate)

Voice of America Podcasts http://www1.voanews.com/english/ podcasts/

Excellent news podcasts, perfect for creating listening activities

Bardwell Road Centre Podcast http://bardwellroad.podomatic.com/

Podcasts made by English language learners that include some tasks

English Banana http://www.englishbanana.com/

Basics for beginners, with lesson handouts

Breaking News English http://www.breakingnewsenglish com/podcast.html

A podcast with activities already created for students, suitable for self- instruction and self-access

Business English Pod http://www.businessenglishpod.com/

Podcast on situations in all areas of business life (intermediate and advanced)

PodcastsInEnglish.com http://www.podcastsinenglish.com/

Short interviews and explanations about a variety of topics; for a fee, users can access handouts and worksheets related to the podcasts

Podcast.com http://podcast.com/

Search for podcasts by name or category

Teaching and Learning http://recap.ltd.uk/podcasting/ index.php

Click on Subjects in the left-hand column; relevant and academic podcasts are listed by subject

LearnOutLoud.com http://www.learnoutloud.com/

A great podcast directory that organizes podcasts into categories

Ngày đăng: 06/10/2024, 17:48