HCMC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY POSTGRADUATE INSTITUTE HCMC, April 2022 MASTER’S THESIS REPORT Date of birth: February 27th, 1992 Place of birth: Tien Giang Province I- Thesis title: T
Test preparation strategies adopted by these students
The results of this study shed light on students’ test preparation strategies which were employed to deal with the graduation policy Regarding the extent of agreement that students implemented for each activity in the questionnaire and the information from the interview, a clearer view of students’ test preparation strategies has been systematically explored One of the significant findings to emerge from this study was that the frequency of test preparation strategies that students used to prepare for the IELTS test was relatively high Among all test preparation strategies mentioned in this study, the most frequently used strategy by students was cognitive, followed by meta-cognitive and socio-affective In terms of cognitive strategy, being involved in specific activities served as the baseline to prepare for sucha well-recognized high- stakes test like the IELTS test With respect to meta-cognitive strategy, students tended to outline a plan and affirm commitment to go ahead with initial plans, then researched authentic materials as well as test criteria during their normal course of study at their university Relating to socio-affective strategy, students always tried to undertake activities namely consulting from other seniors, cooperating with peers, taking preparation courses, seeking help from teachers, joining speaking clubs when preparing for the upcoming IELTS test These activities belonged to socio-affective strategies which can help students relieve the burden during the IELTS preparation process
In the international context, there are very little specific preparation strategies adopted to fulfill the graduation requirement which was mentioned and thoroughly analyzed To illustrate, Hsiel (2017) gave a general conclusion that studying for the test created a positive washback towards the preparation strategies To compare with some of the Vietnamese studies which conducted similar objectives about the washback of high-stakes tests, the study of Bui Thanh Huong (2018) pointed out some similarities related to socio-affective strategies such as seeking help from English teachers and studying with peers In respect of meta-cognitive and cognitive strategies, there was very little evidence for these further elements of test preparation strategies from previous researchers.
Chapter sumImary -. - Ăn ng ng 001 xe 60
This chapter analyzes and discusses the data collected from the questionnaire as well as the semi-structured interview Firstly, the results from the quantitative data were reported; the qualitative data was analyzed to clarify the washback of the IELTS graduation benchmark towards students’ learning attitudes and learning strategies adopted by these students The aspects of attitudes were fully assessed through all three components including cognitive, affective and behavioral components
Concurrently, the three most popular and well-accepted elements of learning strategies were discussed in terms of preparing for the IELTS test After collecting the findings of the two main parts, the discussion was confirmed and compared with the previous studies from international as well as national context
In this chapter, conclusions are drawn from the findings and the implications for teachers and stakeholders are put forward Then, this chapter presented some limitations of the study and recommendations for further research
5.1 Summary of the main findings
The study aimed to elucidate the impact of the IELTS graduation benchmark on the attitudes and learning strategies of non-English major students Through questionnaires and interviews, the research unveils insights into students' attitudes and their adaptation of learning strategies to meet the qualification requirements, providing a comprehensive understanding of the washback effect of the IELTS benchmark.
In connection with three components of attitudes including cognitive, affective and behavioral components, the findings of this study reported that non-English majored students showed positive attitudes towards the implementation of the IELTS benchmark as a graduation requirement In addition, it could be seen that the IELTS test encouraged students to learn both productive and receptive skills which are related to general washback It led to a conclusion of the positive and general washback of the IELTS test towards the English learning of all targeted students
Cognitive attitudes towards IELTS preparation revealed that students recognized its importance for graduation Despite high levels of stress, they remained motivated by viewing the test as crucial and prestigious Behavioral attitudes translated into dedicated efforts to enhance their language proficiency through various actions, demonstrating a strong commitment to achieving success on the IELTS.
Particularly, students showed their liking, approving and favoring attitudes towards meeting the IELTS graduation requirement at the university Obviously, the study generalized the students’ attitudes towards the application of the IELTS graduation benchmark, which helped to encourage the employment of the graduation policy widely
With respect to the meta-cognitive, cognitive and socio-affective strategies, a clearer view of students’ test preparation strategies has been critically analyzed In particular, the findings revealed that the frequency of test preparation strategies that students employed to prepare for the JELTS test was relatively high Among preparation strategies mentioned in this study, the most frequently used strategy by students was cognitive, followed by meta-cognitive and socio-affective This meant the majority of students chose to indulge in specific activities such as listening, watching, reading authentic materials as well as keeping a notebook to improve their general English competence
Additionally, the data from the interview shared a common tendency that students were likely to enroll in a preparation course related to socio-affective strategies Most of them believed that this activity could help relieve the burden during the IELTS preparation process
In the national context, there has been little research on the washback of high- stakes tests on students in comparison to other stakeholders such as teachers and administrators Especially, research conducted about the IELTS test has been quite fewer than other tests such as TOEIC and VSTEP Moreover, most of those studies failed to deepen the strategies adopted by the students when they were challenged with the IELTS graduation benchmark as a gatekeeper Therefore, some pedagogical implications retrieved from this study may raise a voice to contribute to the graduation policy
Findings suggest that students hold favorable perceptions toward the IELTS test Accordingly, university administrators should align testing objectives with instructional curricula to enhance student success This alignment ensures that teaching methodologies effectively prepare students for the specific demands of the IELTS examination.
Moreover, there should be more seminars or workshops related to the IELTS test to give students more specific information about test criteria of any involved questionable issues
The university could facilitate students by organizing IELTS sharing clubs where students can share and learn experiences from seniors, experts or qualified teachers
This could help to raise the spirit and strength of students before taking the IELTS test
Teachers play a variety of roles in class such as instructors, facilitators, supervisors and monitors, therefore, they greatly contribute to the success of the learning process For this reason, teachers should be well aware of the policy and consider providing students with additional opportunities and assistance especially with the low-achieved students
Additionally, the main purpose of the IELTS graduation requirement is to raise the students’ English proficiency, rather than forcing them to get the standard score
For this reason, teachers can enormously contribute to students’ learning process by adding more authentic materials rather than test-like mock tests This helps lower- proficiency students to be more strategic and independent
5.2.3 Implications for the non-English majors
Understanding the significance of the IELTS policy, students acknowledge its suitability and recognize the benefits of the English learning benchmark While receptive and productive skills may induce anxiety, learners recognize the inadequacy of test-centric preparation To foster English proficiency beyond exam readiness, non-English majors should prioritize comprehensive skill development, particularly enhancing productive abilities promptly.
Additionally, students should spend more time to expanding their vocabulary through books, films, documentaries, social platforms and so on Moreover, practicing test-like mock tests and using authentic materials could help them more strategic and confident in preparation for such a high-stake test Last but not least, participating IELTS sharing clubs, seminars or workshop related to the IELTS test is also necessity
Recommendation for the further researCh .- ôsô sssssseeexzsserx 64
Due to the limitations mentioned above, the researcher suggests three possibilities to be considered for further studies
Firstly, there should be other studies carried out with different stakeholders such as teachers, policy makers as well as administrators This would give necessary
‘ l - ‘ : licies information to make decisions about their language teaching and assessment po
Additionally, more studies should be conducted on the other three dimensions of washback namely intensity, lengths and intentionality
Since this study has demonstrated the washback on students’ attitudes, other further studies could focus deeply on the different attitudes between students in different years as a follow-up explanation
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This questionnaire was designed for my study that aimed to give a closer look on non-English majored students’ attitudes influenced by the IELTS test and how they prepare for the test I am deeply grateful if you could spend your time answering the following questions Your responses will greatly contribute to the success of this paper Your replies will be only used for the purposes of this study and I am committed to ensuring your anonymity and the confidentiality of the information provided
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation
SECTION 1: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Please tick the appropriate box(es) or write your answers
2.Academic level : First year student
Third year student min Last year student
4 How long have you learned English?
5 Have you taken an IELTS test yet?
(Please specify your overall score: ) 6 How much would you estimate your IELTS band score?
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements by ticking a box for each statement
7 Learning for the IELTS test helps me
8 Leaming for the IELTS test helps Be oad og know my strenghs and weaknesses in my English learning
9 Learning for the IELTS test helps me ood od become more aware of developing strategies for language learning
10 Learning for the IELTS test helps me ood ood enrich my vocabulary
11 Learning for the IELTS test helps me o oO oO oda improve my communication skills
Affective component 12 I feel motivated about having to take Oo oO oO Od 0 the IELTS test.
13.1 feel worried about having to take the oO
14.1 find it enjoyable to learn English for [L] the IELTS test
15.1 find it stressful to learn English for [Ƒ] the IELTS test
Oa ùn oF} 1m O O| oF; or O 0
16 I feel confident about having to take O the IELTS test
17.1 collect a lot of materials related to H oOo Oo oO QO the IELTS test such as books, trial tests, podcasts,
18.1 try to spend more time learning HD oO OF ODO English for the IELTS test
19.1 follow groups/ pages sharing oo Oo oO UO experience and tips for the IELTS test on different social media platforms
20.1 set explicit goals for the upcoming oO 0 0 LH Oo IELTS test
21.1 search for as much information O OQ O TL L] about the IELTS test as possIble
SECTION 3: TEST PREPARATION STRATEGIES Please respond to the following statements ( Tick one box only for each statement)
Never Seldom Sometimes Usually Always
22 Making a study plan for the upcoming
23 Sticking to the study plan
24 Researching the IELTS test structure and assessment criteria oO oo Oo
25 Setting an explicit goal for the upcoming IELTS test
OU HH oOo LÌ ag oO oOo Uu Oo og oO r1 oad Oo
26 Collecting and organizing the resources 0 for the upcoming IELTS test
27 Watching TV programs/ movies/ videos L1 in English
28 Writing notes/ messages/ letters/ reports L1 in English
30 Reading books/ newspapers/ magazines in English
31 Listening to English songs/ recordings Oa a oo o
32 Seeking help from English teachers
34 Taking IELTS preparation courses outside classes at university
Oo,ldCiePeFFOO jo ag a Oa oo oagaga
36 Practicing English with native speakers
This is the end of the questionnaire Thank you very much
Bảng câu hỏi này nhằm mục đích tìm hiểu thái độ của sinh viên không chuyên ngữ về bài thi IELTS và cách họ chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi Sự đóng góp của bạn trong việc trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây là vô cùng giá trị Phản hồi của bạn sẽ đóng góp đáng kể vào sự thành công của nghiên cứu này Tất cả các câu trả lời của bạn chỉ được sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu của luận văn này và thông tin của bạn sẽ được giữ bí mật tuyệt đối trong mọi trường hợp.
Xin chân thành cảm ơn sự hỗ trợ của bạn
Ban vui long danh dấu vào ô trả lời thích hợp hoặc vit câu trả lời của bạn l Giớitính: Nam LH
2 Bạn là: Sinh viên năm nhất
Sinh viên năm ba Ằùủminrnn
4 Bạn đã học Tiếng Anh trong bao lâu?
Từ 10 năm trở lên O 5 Bạn đã từng thi IELTS chưa?
(Nếu rồi, vui lòng ghi cu thể điểm IELTS của bạn: a) 6 Nếu chưa thi, bạn ước tính điểm IELTS của bạn là bao nhiêu?
Hay danh dau vao 6 tréng phu hop véi ban
Không đồng ý x Dong y Hoan toan khéng dong y
Hoàn toàn đồng ý Không chắc chắn
7 Việc học đề thi IELTS giúp tô nâng LÌ]
L1 cao năng lực Tiêng Anh của mình
8 Việc học đề thi IELTS giúp tô nhận LÌ]
Oo Oo O oO Oo oO L1 thức được điểm mạnh và điểm yếu trong việc học Tiếng Anh của mình
9 Việc học đề thiIELTS giúptôcóý JO Oh OF O OQ thức hơn về việc phát triên chiên lược cho việc học ngôn ngữ
10 Việc học để thi IELTSgiúptôàm [| OF OF O OQ phong phú từ vựng của mình
11.Việ học đ thiIELTSgiúptici O§FF OF OF O OU thiện kĩ năng giao tiếp
12 Tôi cảm thấy có động lực khi phải th []L OF OF O L IELTS
13 Tôi cảm thấy lo lắng khi phải thi o oO O OQ Oo IELTS
14.Téicam thay thichthikhihocdéthi FO OO OF O O
15 Tôi cảm thấy áp lực khi hoc dé thi Oo oO OogF OQ _ IELTS
16 Tôi cảm thấy tự tin khi phải thi OO nhi Oo UO IELTS
17 Téithu thap nhiéutailiguliénqun [J] OF) OF OO Q đến bài thi IELTS ( sách, đề thi thử, podcast, )
18 Téicé ging danhnhiéuthdigianhoe [] OH OF OF QO
Tiéng Anh dé thi IELTS
19.Téitheo ddinhtnghéinhbmvatang ƒ] OF OF O QO mang chia sé kinh nghiém va meo thi IELTS trên nhiều nền tảng mạng xã hội khác nhau
20 Tôi đặt mục tiêu cụ thê cho bài thi Oo oF OF O OQ
21 Tôi tìm kiểm càng nhiều thôngtnvềà [] OF OF O O bai thi IELTS cang tot
PHAN 3: CHIEN LUQC CHUAN BI CHO BAI THI IELTS Hãy chọn câu trả lời phù hợp với bạn an
Chiến thuật siêu nhận thức
22 Lập kê hoạch học tap cho ki thi IELTS sắp tới
23 Bám sát kế hoạch học tập đã đề ra
24.Nghiên cứu câu trúc và tiêu chí đánh giá của bài thi IELTS
25 Đặt một mục tiêu cụ thể cho kì thi
26 Thu thập va sắp xếp tài liệu cho kì thi
27 Xem các chương trình TV/ phim/ video bằng Tiếng Anh ùmứữũnữủón
28 Viết ghi chú/ tin nhăn/ thư từ/ báo cáo bằng Tiếng Anh
29 Duy trì một quyền tập từ vựng
30 Đọc sách/ báo/ tạp chí băng Tiêng Anh
31 Nghe nhạc/ bảng ghi âm băng Tiếng
Chiến lược giao tiếp xã hội
32 Nhờ sự giúp đỡ từ giáo viên Tiếng Anh
33 Học nhóm với bạn OO
34 Tham gia các khoá học ôn thi IELTS bên ngoài trường đại học
35 Tham gia các câu lạc bộ Tiếng Anh
36 Nói Tiếng Anh với người bản xứ
Kết thúc phiếu khảo sát
Cam on ban rat nhieu
Time to finish: Sennen se -
Thank you for your voluntary participation in this interview which is expected to last 10-15 minutes You will answer some questions during the interview, and you may wish to stop the interview at any time
This interview aims to give a closer look at non-English majored students’ attitudes influenced by the IELTS test and how they prepare for the test Your answers will be audio-recorded and used for the purposes of this study and I am committed to ensuring your anonymity and the confidentiality of the information provided
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation
5.4.2 What is your academic level?
5.4.4 Have you taken an IELTS test yet?
5.4.5 How much would you estimate your IELTS band score?
Section 2: Students’ attitudes towards learning English for the IELTS test
6 Inyour opinion, how important is learning English for the IELTS test?
7 How do you feel about having to take the IELTS test?
8 What is your plan to prepare for the IELTS test?
9 What is the most difficult skill when preparing for the IELTS test?
10 Which skill do you find the easiest when preparing for the IELTS test?
11 What do you do to prepare for the upcoming IELTS test?
Ngay thang nam: - Địu điểm manent
Thời gian Bat Gage oneness Thoi gian két thic: - Giới thiệu
Cám ơn vì sự đồng ý tham gia phỏng vấn của ban Buỗi phỏng van dự kiến kéo dài 10-15 phút và bạn có thé dừng buổi phỏng vấn bắt cứ lúc nào bạn muốn
Mục đích của buổi phỏng vấn là để hiểu rõ hơn về thái độ của sinh viên không chuyên về bài thi IELTS và sự chuẩn bị của sinh viên cho bài thi IELTS Câu trả lời của bạn sẽ được ghi âm và được phục vụ cho mục đích nghiên cứu của đề tài luận văn này
Mọi thông tin của bạn sẽ được giữ bí mật tuyệt đối trong mọi trường hợp
Xin chan thanh cam on sự hỗ trợ của bạn
Phần 1: Thông tin của sinh viên được phỏng vấn 1 Bạn tên gi?
._ Bạn là sinh viên năm mây?
Bạn đã thi IELTS chưa?
Nếu chưa, bạn ước tính điểm thi IELTS của bạn là bao nhiêu?
Phần 2: Thái độ sinh viên với việc học Tiếng Anh để thi IELTS 6 Với bạn, việc học Tiếng Anh đề thi IELTS quan trọng như thế nào?
7 Bạn cảm thấy như thế nào khi phải thi IELTS? § Bạn có kế hoạch gì để chuẩn bị cho bài thi IELTS sắp tới không?
Phần 3: Chiến lược chuẩn bị cho bài thi IELTS 9 Kĩ năng khó nhất với bạn khi học thi IELTS là gì?
10 Kĩ năng dễ nhất với bạn khi học thi IELTS là gì?
11 Bạn sẽ làm gì để chuẩn bị cho bài thi IELTS sắp tới?
3 Chuyên ngành của bạn là gì?
International Business International Business Business Administration Economic Law
Electronic Commerce International Business International Business Business Administration Business Administration
: second-year student second-year student second-year student second-year student second-year student second-year student second-year student second-year student second-year student
S7: Not yet S8: Not yet S9: Not yet S10: Not yet
S1 said, “ An IELTS certificate with a high score can help me get better chances in my future job”
S2 said, “I can master my English through preparing for the IELTS test ”
S3 said, “Achieving the IELTS certificate with a qualified benchmark or even a higher overall band score helps me graduate on time and even get better opportunity in the employment market
Moreover, the IELTS test score could give me feedback on my learning and so helps me set my own learning goal.”
S4 said, “The IELTS graduation benchmark helps me know accurately how much progress I have to fight for, so I had a goal to strive for.”
S5 said, “As the IELTS test is recognized worldwide as an international certificate, IELTS gives me an advantage when I apply
The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) serves as an indispensable tool in my pursuit of my future career Its comprehensive evaluation of all four language skills—listening, reading, speaking, and writing—compels me to adopt a strategic approach to tackle the intricacies of the test By honing my receptive and productive abilities through the IELTS, I am constructing a solid foundation for my professional endeavors.
Achieving a desirable speaking score for the IELTS exam requires dedicated efforts to enhance one's communication skills Aspiring test-takers like S6 recognize the importance of investing time and effort in improving their speaking proficiency They understand that communication skills are an integral part of the overall IELTS band score and are committed to developing these skills through effective learning strategies.
S7 said, “Through the preparation stage for the upcoming IELTS test, I encounter plenty of words This helps me improve my vocabulary.”
S8 said, “ The IELTS is very necessary to achieve a scholarship in the future ”
S9 said, “ The IELTS test helps me get a good preference to apply for the future job after graduating from school ”
S10 said, “ The IELTS test is a prestigious and reputable certificate
Achieving a high score on the IELTS test will facilitate me in my future job ”
S1 said, “With a high overall band score, I can meet the graduation requirement and simultaneously have a good grasp of English The IELTS benchmark motivates me a lot in achieving a high score and mastering my English competence.”
S2 said, “Learning for the IELTS test helps me to graduate on time, pursue further studies after graduation That is the reason why I feel enjoyable and motivated.”
S3 said, “I find the IELTS test not too challenging; besides, J am confident with my English level, so I don’t spend much time learning it.”
S4 said, “I feel worried and a little bit stressful ”
S5 said, “I have never taken the IELTS before This lack of experience causes me uncertainties and a lack of confidence
Besides, I feel like my English competence needs more improvement.”
S6 said, “ I feel nervous as I haven’t taken the IELTS before.”
S7 said, “Because of the high cost of the test, I feel a little nervous and even worried.”
S8 said, “I worry about my speaking and writing skill so I am not definitely confident when IJ have to take the IELTS test However, I will try my best to achieve a high score to meet the graduation benchmark.”
S9 said, “Although I have not taken the IELTS test before, I feel confident because the IELTS 5.5 is not so challenging for me.”
S10 said, “ I am so excited to challenge myself because I know that learning for the IELTS test really helps me master my English competence.”