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Tiêu đề Voluntary Disclosure in Annual Reports Impact on Financial Performance of Enterprises Listed on the Vietnamese Stock Market
Tác giả Nguyen Thanh Long
Người hướng dẫn Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Viet, Associate Professor, Dr. Vo Van Nhi
Trường học Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics
Chuyên ngành Accounting
Thể loại Doctoral Thesis
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 33
Dung lượng 191,75 KB

Nội dung


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Code: 9340301


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University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

Scientific supervisor:

1 Associate Professor, Dr Nguyen Viet

2 Associate Professor, Dr Vo Van Nhi

At … o'clock … day … month … year 20

Thesis can be found at the library:

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1 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan The impact of thequality of financial reporting information of listed companies

on the investment decisions of investors in the Vietnamesestock market Journal - Theoretical information agency of theMinistry of Industry and Trade ISSN: 0866 - 7756 No 2,T2/2018

2 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan Factors affectingthe investment decisions of individual investors in the Ho ChiMinh City stock market Journal - Theoretical informationagency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade ISSN: 0866 -

7756 No 3, T3/2018

3 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan Factors affectingthe disclosure of sustainable development information at listedcompanies in the Ho Chi Minh City stock market Journal -Theoretical information agency of the Ministry of Industry andTrade ISSN: 0866 – 7756 No 6, T4/2019

4 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan Factors affectingthe preparation and presentation of sustainable developmentreports of manufacturing enterprises in the Southeast region.Journal – Theoretical information agency of the Ministry ofIndustry and Trade ISSN: 0866 – 7756 No 6, T4/2019

5 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan, Dang Duc Tiep.Factors affecting the quality of financial reporting information

at Ho Chi Minh City Joint Stock Commercial Banks Journal –Theoretical information agency of the Ministry of Industry andTrade ISSN: 0866 – 7756 No 14, T6/2020

6 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan Factors affectingthe quality of financial reporting of public educationalinstitutions in Ho Chi Minh City Journal – TheoreticalInformation Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.ISSN: 0866 – 7756 No 15, T6/2021

7 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan Factors affectingthe accounting information system at state treasury units in Ho

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the Ministry of Industry and Trade ISSN: 0866 – 7756, No 15,T6/2021.

8 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan Factors affectingthe application of responsibility accounting in manufacturingenterprises in Ho Chi Minh City Journal – TheoreticalInformation Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.ISSN: 0866 – 7756 No 5, T3/2022

9 Nguyen Thanh Long, Pham Ngoc Toan Factors affectingthe decision to choose accounting services of enterprises in PhuYen Province Journal – Theoretical Information Agency of theMinistry of Industry and Trade ISSN: 0866 – 7756 No 7,T4/2022

10 Nguyen Thanh Long, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tram Factorsaffecting the level of voluntary information disclosure in annualreports of listed enterprises on the Vietnamese stock market.Journal – Theoretical Information Agency of the Ministry ofIndustry and Trade ISSN: 0866 – 7756 T9, 2024

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1 The necessity of the topic

The need for complete, useful and relevant informationdisclosure to various stakeholder groups is gradually increasing(Ananzeh, 2022) Annual reports and financial statements arethe means through which organizations/enterprises conveyrelevant and useful information about their activities tostakeholders - who use the information disclosed by theenterprise to make prudent economic decisions (Afeltra et al.,2023) Annual reports usually contain two main types ofinformation including information disclosed as required by law(mandatory disclosure information) and information notrequired by law (voluntary disclosure information)

Given the importance of voluntary disclosure, manyprevious studies have provided empirical evidence on thefactors that influence it

Studies also use a multi-theoretical framework to explain thereasons and causes of voluntary information disclosure byenterprises such as stakeholder theory; signaling theory; agencytheory; legitimacy theory; cost-benefit analysis theory (Oeyono

et al., 2011; Huynh Thi Van, 2013; Ha Xuan Thach and TrinhThi Hop, 2017; Krisdayanti and Wibowo, 2019); However,the results of previous studies are still inconsistent due to thefact that the requirements for voluntary information disclosurechange over time, or due to the different scope of research in

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terms of space and time period for data collection or differentregulations on information disclosure in different countries, (Pham Hoai Huong and Tran Thuy Uyen, 2018) Furthermore,according to the author's research, few studies have conductedgeneral research on different groups of factors affectingvoluntary information disclosure of enterprises

Regarding the impact of voluntary disclosure on businesses,according to Einhorn (2005), investors will normally determinethe value of a business based on all available information, soimproved information transparency of businesses will lead tohigher valuations, lower costs of capital and increasedwillingness to invest in businesses (Leuz and Verrecchia, 2000;Healy and Palepu, 2001; Miller and Bahnson, 2004)

In Vietnam, for enterprises listed on the stock market,information disclosure is carried out in accordance with theprovisions of the Securities Law (2019); the Enterprise Law(2020) and Circular 96/2020/TT-BTC effective from January 1,

2021 guiding information disclosure on the stock market,perfecting the legal framework regulating informationdisclosure activities on the stock market, contributing toenhancing the responsibility of information disclosure of marketmembers and investors, while enhancing the transparency of themarket Therefore, within the scope of this study, the authoridentifies the content of voluntarily disclosed information asinformation that is outside the mandatory disclosure

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requirements in the annual reports of listed enterprisesaccording to current regulations.

From the above analysis, the author chose to conduct a study

on "Voluntary information disclosure in annual reports affectsthe financial performance of listed enterprises on theVietnamese stock market"

2 Research objectives and research questions

The objective of this study isResearch on factors affectingvoluntary information disclosure in annual reports and theimpact of voluntary information disclosure in annual reports onfinancial performance of listed companies on the Vietnamesestock market

To address the above objectives, the followingcorresponding questions are raised:

(1) What factors affect voluntary information disclosure oflisted companies on the Vietnamese stock market? And what isthe level of influence of each factor?

(2) Does voluntary information disclosure affect thefinancial performance of companies listed on the Vietnamesestock market? And if so, what is the extent of the impact?

3 Research object and scope

3.1 Research subjects

Factors affecting voluntary information disclosure and theimpact of voluntary information disclosure on financial

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performance of listed companies on the Vietnamese stockmarket.

3.2 Scope of research

About space:Companies listed on the Ho Chi Minh CityStock Exchange and the Hanoi Stock Exchange

About time:Collect data from annual reports in the period

2019 - 2022 of enterprises listed on the Vietnamese stockmarket

- Quantitative research method to measure the level ofvoluntary reporting information disclosure, financialperformance indicators of enterprises, build appropriateregression models to measure the impact of voluntaryinformation disclosure on financial performance of enterprises

5 Contribution of the research

In theory:

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The study contributes to building a research model onfactors affecting voluntary information disclosure and theimpact of voluntary information disclosure on the financialperformance of enterprises As well as building a way tomeasure concepts and research variables in the model.

Using a multi-theoretical framework, the study alsocontributes to consolidating and supporting the arguments ofthe underlying theories including stakeholder theory;managerial motivation theory (Agency theory; Signalingtheory; Cost-benefit analysis theory) and legitimacy theory inexplaining the impact of factors on voluntary disclosure and theinfluence of voluntary disclosure on the financial performance

of enterprises

In practice

Business managers can use the research results of the thesis toclearly see the impact of voluntary information disclosure onthe financial performance of the enterprise From there,managers can adjust the level of voluntary informationdisclosure to achieve the financial performance goals of theenterprise

For stakeholders, the study is a useful reference document tohelp users of voluntary information disclosure of listedenterprises on the Vietnamese stock market identify factorsaffecting the level of voluntary information disclosure of

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enterprises, and at the same time evaluate the financialperformance of those enterprises in the market.

The study is also a useful reference for researchers

6 Structure of the thesis

The thesis is designed into 5 chapters

Chapter 1: Overview of the research problem: Present

an overview of domestic and foreign research works, identifyresearch gaps and research directions of the thesis

Chapter 2: Theoretical basis:Presenting the theory of

voluntary disclosure, the theory of financial performance.Building a voluntary disclosure index From the theory offinancial performance to build indicators of financialperformance of enterprises Then synthesizing the issues of theimpact of voluntary disclosure on the financial performance ofenterprises Presenting the fundamental theories as a basis forexplaining the research results as well as measuring voluntarydisclosure and financial performance of enterprises

Chapter 3: Research methods:Present the analytical

framework and research process, research methods,measurement of variables in the research model, sample, datacollection and processing methods of the thesis

Chapter 4: Research results and discussion:Present

qualitative and quantitative research results, discuss researchresults to answer the research questions of the thesis

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Chapter 5: Conclusion and implications:Based on the

research results and discussions, the author presents commentsand policy implications, limitations and recommendations forfuture research directions

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1.3 Comments and identification of research gaps

1.3.1 Comments on previous studies

In studies on the level of voluntary disclosure, there are twomain approaches that researchers can use, including theapproach not based on information disclosure tools and theapproach based on information disclosure tools Of which, theapproach based on information disclosure tools by analyzingthe content of information disclosure tools is considered to bethe most suitable for measuring the level of informationdisclosure The research direction on factors affecting the level

of voluntary disclosure of enterprises has been of interest to

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many researchers The impact of voluntary disclosure andfinancial performance has long been a central and controversialdebate in research, however, previous empirical studies havereached inconsistent conclusions.

1.3.2 Identify research gaps

Previous studies have been based on the 2005 EnterpriseLaw and the 2006 Vietnam Securities Law or on Circular52/2012/TT-BTC dated April 5, 2012 of the Ministry ofFinance promulgating regulations on information disclosure onthe stock market to determine the contents of disclosure that areconsidered voluntary information disclosure However, theauthor's thesis conducts research on information disclosure oflisted enterprises on the stock market in the period 2019 - 2022,

at this stage, enterprises apply Circular No 155/2015/TT-BTC.And from January 1, 2021, information disclosure is carried outaccording to the guidance of Circular No 96/2020/TT-BTCguiding information disclosure on the stock market Therefore,the author determined that in this study, regarding theconstruction of an index to measure the level of voluntaryinformation disclosure of companies listed on the Vietnamesestock market, the author built it by first inheriting from thepreviously existing information disclosure indexes and thenmaking adjustments to suit the conditions of the Vietnameseeconomy, legal regulations, information disclosurerequirements in general and voluntary information disclosure in

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particular After the index is built, the author will conductinterviews with experts to build an official index used tomeasure the level of voluntary information disclosure in thisthesis Due to differences in the way of measuring the level ofinformation disclosure, or differences in the scope of theresearch space (such as culture, business behavior, stock marketdevelopment and the level of sustainable development, society,environment in the context of the research country), the results

of previous studies may be different from those of studies onfactors affecting voluntary information disclosure at listedenterprises in Vietnam In previous studies related to the topic,the author found that the results on the impact of voluntaryinformation disclosure on the financial performance ofenterprises are still inconsistent Moreover, for domesticstudies, although there have been many studies on the level ofvoluntary information disclosure affecting different aspects ofenterprises such as competitiveness and operational efficiency,according to the author's research, there are currently fewstudies investigating the impact of voluntary informationdisclosure on the financial performance of enterprises

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2.1.Theoretical basis for voluntary information disclosure 2.1.1.Concept of mandatory and voluntary disclosure

- Mandatory disclosures are accounting disclosures required

by the laws and regulations of a country or territory Thesedisclosures must be presented in accordance with regulationssuch as the Business Law, Securities Commission, accountingmanagement agencies, and accounting standards, etc

- Voluntary disclosuresVoluntary disclosure is understood

as the disclosure beyond the requirement, representing the freechoice of company managers to provide accounting informationand other information relevant to the decisions of users ofcompany reports, companies are always encouraged to discloseinformation voluntarily (Meek et al., 1995) Thus, voluntarydisclosure is the choice of the enterprise, not mandatory,meaning that an enterprise may or may not need to discloseaccounting information that is not required by law

2.1.2 Content of voluntary information disclosure

FASB (2001) divides voluntary disclosure information intosix categories: business data; management analysis of businessdata; forward-looking information; management andshareholder information; basic company information; andinformation about unrecorded intangible assets

2.1.3 Measuring voluntary disclosure

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There are two approaches to measuring the level ofvoluntary disclosure of enterprises: (1) an approach that doesnot rely on disclosure tools; and (2) an approach that relies ondisclosure tools

2.2 Overview of the financial performance of the enterprise 2.2.1 Concept of financial efficiency

Financial performance is the ability to manage and control acompany's resources (IAI, 2007) Financial performance can bemeasured by analyzing financial statements using financialratios According to Harahap (2008), financial ratios are dividedinto four types of ratios, namely liquidity ratios, profitabilityratios, solvency ratios, and activity ratios

Based on the above studies, the thesis defines financialefficiency in this study as the ability to manage and control theresources of the enterprise And to measure financial efficiency,this study will focus on financial indicators that reflect past dataand indicators that predict the future financial situation of theenterprise

2.2.2 Evaluation and measurement of financial performance

According to the classification of Orlitzky et al (2003), themeasurement of financial performance of enterprises includesthe following methods: (1) based on market value, (2) based onbook value and (3) measures of perceived financialperformance And above, the author also analyzed the

Ngày đăng: 01/10/2024, 05:45


