This research aims to evaluate the factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z''''s Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City.. Proposed research model "Th
Research Statement
The implementation of marketing campaigns featuring celebrities or influencers has become a prominent trend among businesses in recent years Companies often engage one or more celebrities in their campaigns to achieve their desired objectives While the role and influence of celebrities in marketing campaigns have been acknowledged from various perspectives with mixed results, the impact of their involvement cannot be denied Vietnam has emerged as one of the most promising markets in Asia due to the remarkable growth of e-commerce in recent years, presenting both opportunities and challenges for businesses and consumers alike Embracing this trend, numerous e-commerce platforms have emerged, including Tiki, Lazada, Sendo, and Shopee, rapidly transforming the market while efficiently utilizing resources
Several e-commerce platforms have established themselves in the Vietnamese market from an early stage Alongside platforms like Tiki, Lazada, Sendo, and Shopee, the latter has particularly gained traction among the younger generation, known as Generation Z or Gen Z Gen Z individuals, born between 1997 and 2012, have grown up with early access to the internet, resulting in more cautious and discerning online shopping behaviors Building upon this trend, previous studies such as Pham Thuy Mien, (2021) research on “Nghiên cứu tác động của Marketing dựa vào người nổi tiếng đến hành vi tiêu dùng của giới trẻ: Nghiên cứu tại Biti's” and the study by Xiao, Wang, and Chan-Olmsted (2018) titled "Factors affecting YouTube Influencer Marketing credibility: a heuristic-systematic model," have shed light on the behaviors of young consumers and their online purchasing decisions However, the author noticed a gap in the existing literature regarding the factors influencing Gen Z's online buying behavior through influencer marketing Thus, recognizing the urgency of the topic, the author proposed the research titled "The Factors of Influencer Marketing that Affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi
Minh City." Nonetheless, due to resource limitations, the author confined the research scope to individuals within the inner districts of Ho Chi Minh City.
Research Objectives
The research aim is to analyze the factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
- Identify The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
- Identify the level of impact of The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
- Identify management implications to increase Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City.
Research Questions
(1) Which factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City?
(2) What is the level of impact of The factors of Influencer Marketing affecting Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City?
(3) What are the management implications of increasing Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City?
Research Subjects and Scope
The research object of the project is The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
Surveyed subjects: Generation Z consumers born in the period 1997-2012 are living and working in Ho Chi Minh City and have purchased or are currently purchasing goods through Shopee; already know, care about and follow Influencers on social networking platforms
Scope: This study was conducted in the Ho Chi Minh City area within 3 months starting from April 2024.
Research Methods
This study uses data sources, including:
Primary data: a survey of Gen Z customers who have used and purchased Maybelline cosmetics online in Ho Chi Minh City
Secondary data used in this study comprises various research works, including articles, books, specialized magazines, and academic theses These sources provide insights into factors that influence the effectiveness of Influencer Marketing on Gen Z's purchasing decisions of Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City.
The research uses both qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods, specifically:
Qualitative research: From general studies related to online shopping and shopping decisions of Generation Z From there, discuss and create a scale
Quantitative research: The research was conducted by randomly surveying customers living in Ho Chi Minh City who have purchased cosmetics online in Generation Z and know about influencers to collect information through a Questionnaire survey From the survey samples collected after screening, analysis will be conducted and results will be obtained from tables such as sample description and analysis of indicators, Cronbach's Alpha reliability, and analysis of EFA discovery factors , correlation analysis linear regression analysis Analysis of this data will be performed using SPSS Statistics 20 software.
Research Content
An overview of the research, including contents such as the urgency of the research topic and The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City In addition, chapter 1 also mentions the topic's objectives, subjects, scope of research, research methods and the meaning of the research
Chapter 2 – Literature Review And Research Model
Presents an overview of online shopping, Gen Z, Influencer marketing, characteristics of Generation Z customer groups, theoretical foundations affecting online shopping through Influencer marketing, internal and external research works water as the basis for the topic as well as the advantages and limitations of those models
Presentation of the methods used to conduct the research At the same time, this chapter also outlines the results after qualitative research as well as quantitative research methods are conducted: the content of methods, research process, sample selection, and questionnaire design, methods of testing research models, building measurement scales, and the process of conducting quantitative research through the data collection process and characteristics of the research sample
Presenting quantitative research results to validate the scale, including the following contents: (i) Official research sample statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), scale reliability analysis and Test the research model, Pearson correlation analysis, linear regression analysis (ii) Discussing the research results and research model along with research hypotheses
Chapter 5 – Conclusion And Suggestions For Management Implications
Summarize the research results, provide comments, and discuss the research results Some proposed management implications and limitations of the topic are also stated in this chapter.
Contribution of the topic
In Chapter 1, the author establishes the rationale for selecting the research topic by referencing scientific practice This foundation guides the formulation of research objectives, questions, objects, and methods Chapter 1 also outlines the topic's expected contributions and provides an overview of its structure, enabling readers to comprehend the research topic's overall content.
The study is the premise for the following studies related to "The Factors of Influencer Marketing that Affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City" From there, expand the research direction to other consumer groups, not only Gen Z in Ho Chi Minh City but also in a broader range
Helps sellers and businesses have a more comprehensive view of young people's online shopping decisions through Influencer marketing At the same time, propose management implications to increase the shopping decisions of Generation Z consumers in Ho Chi Minh City through Influencer Marketing on many other e- commerce platforms.
Literature review
Influencer marketing is a new form of marketing where companies use social media influencers to promote their products and services Influencers are gradually replacing the traditional role of celebrities in product endorsement (Conick, 2018)
For consumers, the number of followers an influencer has is synonymous with popularity (Veirman, Cauberghe & Hudders, 2017) However, some studies show that an influencer with a large following does not automatically mean they are suitable for every brand or provide reliable and persuasive content (Conick, 2018) This reflects that engagement from followers, expressed through likes, comments and shares, does not necessarily reflect the reliability or quality of the content
This new model demands a new way of communication and effective selection of influencers who will be associated with the brand The reach of the message through the influencer is not the only criterion for successful communication To increase the impact of the message, one should seek the most reliable, likeable, and valuable influencer as a leader of public opinion This is because not all influencers are the same in content sharing and audience attraction Each of them focuses on distinct topics and presents content in different styles, thus attracting audiences with diverse characteristics and scales In this study, the author directly focuses on the factors of influencers to help advertisers choose effective and suitable influencers for the products they want to advertise (Veirman, Cauberghe & Hudders, 2017; Conick, 2018)
Gen Z (Generation Z) is a phrase that refers to the group of people born between 1997 and 2012 (Pew Research Center, 2019) Born and raised under the direct influence of technological development Born in the digital age of extremely strong development That's why Gen Z's consumption behavior leans towards e- commerce Gen Z loves to shop and make an impact, wants to satisfy their needs and especially values convenience
An e-commerce trading floor, as defined by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, is a platform that enables non-owners or administrators of an e-commerce website to conduct business transactions and offer goods or services.
Pursuant to Decree No 52/2013/ND-CP regulating e-commerce, the e-trading floor includes the following forms of operation:
- Websites allow participants to open booths to display and introduce goods or services there
- Websites allow participants to quickly set up websites to display and introduce various types of goods and services
- Website pages in the buying and selling section allow participants to post information about buying and selling goods and services." (Law Library, 2022)
Thus, e-commerce platforms are understood to be the most commonly used online sales channel today Retailers, stores or businesses and companies use e- commerce channels to serve business and business development At the same time, the e-commerce floor is also a symbol of an era of technological development in which e-commerce platforms were born to open up paths, solutions and serve the needs of both buyers and sellers
In this study, when talking about online shopping, we are talking about shopping on e-commerce trading platforms in general.
Theoretical foundation
Figure 2.1 Theory of Reasoned Action – TRA
The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) focuses on two main influences on an individual's intention to perform a behaviour: attitude, and subjective norm, or social pressure Positive beliefs about its outcomes shape a positive attitude towards a behaviour, while negative beliefs lead to an unfavourable attitude The subjective norm refers to the perceived pressure from important others to engage or not engage in the behaviour According to the TRA model, an individual's intention to perform a behaviour is stronger when they hold a positive attitude towards it and feel social pressure (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975)
Additionally, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) addresses consumers' behavioural intentions and predicts their behavioural tendencies When an individual decides to perform a behaviour, it is determined by their intention, which, in turn, is influenced by their attitude towards performing that behaviour (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Davis, 1985) Consumer behaviour involves psychological, social, and physical issues (Jamal, Foxall, & Evans, 2009) TRA has also been cited in numerous related studies; therefore, the author chooses TRA as the framework for the proposed research model
2.2.2 Theory of Planned Behaviour – TPB
Figure 2.2 Theory of Planned Behaviour– TPB
Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior identifies three key factors influencing behavioral intentions: attitude toward the behavior, which reflects an individual's positive or negative evaluation of the behavior; subjective norm, referring to the perceived social pressure to engage in or avoid the behavior; and perceived behavioral control, which reflects the individual's belief in their ability to successfully perform the behavior These factors collectively determine an individual's intention to perform a particular behavior.
The Theory of Planned Behavior proposes three key factors influencing a person's intention to perform a particular behavior The first factor is attitude, which reflects how positively or negatively someone views the behavior The second factor is subjective norm, which refers to the perceived social pressure to perform or avoid the behavior The third factor is perceived behavioral control, which focuses on how easy or difficult someone believes it is to perform the behavior Generally, a stronger intention to perform a behavior arises when a person has a favorable attitude, feels social pressure to perform it, and believes it's easy to do The relative importance of each factor can vary depending on the specific behavior and situation
From this theory, it is shown that the impact of attitude on behavior, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control leads to the formation of a behavioral intention
Social comparison theory posits that individuals seek external sources to assess their self-perceptions Through comparisons with peers and idealized representations, people evaluate their beliefs and capabilities This drive, as hypothesized by Festinger, stems from the innate need to gauge oneself against others, informing personal evaluations and self-awareness.
He also suggested that there is an upward drive towards achieving greater abilities, but that non-social restraints make this difficult Since Festinger's original theory, research has shown that social comparisons are more complex than initially thought, and that people play a more active role in comparisons Several models have been introduced, including the Proxy Model and the Triadic Model Two main types of comparisons exist: upward and downward Upward social comparison occurs when individuals compare themselves to those deemed socially above them, while downward social comparison is a defensive tendency to evaluate oneself with a less fortunate group While there have been changes to Festinger's original concept, some fundamental aspects remain, including the tendency towards social comparison
2.2.4 Five stage buying decision process model
Figure 2.3 Five stage buying decision process model
Source: (Marketing management, Philip Kotler, 2001)
E-commerce presents unique demand generation factors for consumers compared to traditional markets While internal and external stimuli remain influential, online channels take center stage
Online browsing sparks a desire for exploration, self-expression, and connection within online communities
Faster Research: E-commerce offers convenient and thorough online research tools compared to traditional methods However, the amount of research varies depending on the product and the urgency of the purchase
Comparing Choices: Consumers leverage various online channels to compare product features, styles, and prices to find the best fit for their needs
While online information helps avoid impulse purchases, other factors come into play Price, security concerns, trust in online sellers, and delivery time can influence the final decision between buying online or in a store
2.2.5 The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), developed by Viswanath Venkatesh et al (2003), combines ideas from eight different models (Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model, TAM2, Motivation Model, Combined Model (TAM&TPB), Model of Personal Computer Use, Innovation Diffusion Theory, and Social Cognitive Theory) to explain why people adopt new technologies It says four main things influence how likely someone is to use a new technology: how useful they think it will be (performance expectancy), how easy they think it will be to learn (effort expectancy), how much their friends encourage them to use it (social influence), and whether they have the resources they need to use it (facilitating conditions) UTAUT also considers things like age, experience, and whether someone is forced to use the technology (voluntariness of use) This model helps researchers predict how successful new technologies will be and design ways to get people to use them
Venkatesh et al (2012) extended UTAUT to UTAUT2 by incorporating three additional constructs: (1) hedonic motivation, (2) price value, and (3) habit They further proposed that age, gender, and experience may differentially influence the relationships between the constructs and technology adoption
Figure 2.4: The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
Source: (Venkatesh, Morris and Davis, 2003)
Previous Studies
Research 1: The impact of influencers in the consumer’s purchase intention: The cosmetic industry by Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019)
This thesis evaluates the impact of social media influencers on the purchase intention of a cosmetic product and further understands which characteristics have a higher influence on the purchase intention In order to test the framework hypothesis, an online survey was conducted which had 338 respondents
Using a quantitative method through an online survey, this descriptive research applies a correlation model, regression model and SEM with a 7-point Likert scale
However, the research is limited by its sample size and non-probability sampling method, as well as a lack of qualitative analysis
The results revealed that homophily and argument quality have a higher impact on the consumer’s purchase intention than popularity, expertise and interactivity Additionally, it was also evidenced that the social media influencer’s trustworthiness and likability do not have an influence on the consumer’s purchase intention when considering a cosmetic product
Figure 2.5: Theoretical framework by Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho
Source: (Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho, 2019)
Research 2: Examining the impact of influencers’ credibility dimensions: attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise on the purchase intention in the aesthetic dermatology industry by Omayma Alfarraj et al., (2020)
This study investigated the impact of influencers' credibility dimensions— attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise—on purchase intention in the Jordanian aesthetic dermatology industry The research focused on followers of dermatology clinics on Instagram and collected data through surveys shared by three influencers, resulting in a sample size of 384 respondents The quantitative analysis revealed that attractiveness and expertise positively influenced online engagement and purchase intention, while trustworthiness did not have a significant impact The study contributes to the understanding of influencer marketing and customer engagement, suggesting that influencers with expertise and attractiveness are more effective than those relying solely on physical attractiveness
Findings from the study offer valuable insights for marketing management Using a combination of both quantitative (e.g., Cronbach's Alpha, KMO test, CFA, EFA, correlation, linear regression) and qualitative methods, the study identified three key influencers Despite the limited scope, the findings pave the way for future research that investigates the influence of influencers across various platforms and examines the mediating role of factors like electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) and loyalty programs.
Figure 2.6: Theoretical framework by Omayma Alfarraj et al., (2020)
Source: (Omayma Alfarraj et al., 2020)
Research 3: How fashion influencers contribute to consumers' purchase intention by Chetioui et al., (2020)
This study examines the factors influencing consumers' choice of fashion influencers (FIs) and how these choices impact brand perception and purchase intent
The authors developed a new model by applying the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to influencer marketing and incorporating additional variables from existing research Analyzing data from 610 Moroccan consumers, we confirmed that perceived credibility, expertise, and trust in FIs significantly influence consumer attitudes toward them and the brands they endorse Credibility was found to be the most important factor, followed by expertise and trust Interestingly, social pressure (subjective norms) had the weakest influence Notably, consumers are more likely to embrace brands endorsed by credible and trustworthy FIs Our findings contribute to the understanding of influencer marketing by highlighting the critical role FIs play in shaping consumer brand perception and purchase decisions This research is particularly relevant to the ongoing debate surrounding influencer marketing and its impact on brand image
Figure 2.7: Theoretical framework by Chetioui et al., (2020)
Research 4: Factors affecting YouTube influencer marketing credibility: a heuristic-systematic model by Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018)
This study examines how information cues influence viewers' evaluation of YouTube influencer credibility Two models were analyzed: a heuristic model where cues like trustworthiness and social advocacy were prominent, and a systematic model where argument quality and involvement became more important This suggests that systematic cues can weaken the influence of heuristic cues
Furthermore, the study identifies key credibility dimensions like trustworthiness and expertise, highlighting the importance of trust for both viewers and influencers It also explores the role of social features like interactivity, suggesting active viewer engagement can enhance credibility Future research should investigate how video genre, product type, and brand knowledge influence these dynamics, along with the potential link between credibility and purchase intentions
Figure 2.8: Theoretical framework by Min Xiao, Rang Wang
Source: Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018)
Research 5: Study on the Influence of Celebrity-Based Marketing on Youth Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Biti's by Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021)
This study investigates the impact of celebrity marketing on youth consumer behavior using the case of Vietnamese shoe brand Biti's Employing mixed methods, the research gathered data from 262 young individuals in Da Nang The findings reveal that celebrity personal characteristics significantly influence youth consumer behavior, particularly the "entertainment value" and "popularity" of advertisements.
Other factors, including "message value," "trustworthiness," and "informational value", exhibit lower levels of influence Finally, the research proposes solutions for businesses to enhance their effectiveness in celebrity-based marketing strategies
Figure 2.9 Theoretical framework by Pham Thuy Mien (2021)
Source: (Pham Thi Thuy Mien, 2021)
Author name/Year Impact factors
Homophily, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Popularity, Interactivity, Likability, Argument Quality
Chetioui et al (2020) Expertise, Trust, Perceived Credibility,
Perceived Behavioral Control, Subject Norms, Perceived Perceived Congruence
Trust, Expertise, Homophily, Interactivity, Social Advocacy, Likability
Popularity, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Personal characteristics, Informational value, Massage value, Entertainment value
Several relevant studies, including those by Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Omayma Alfarraj et al (2021), Chetioui et al (2020), and Pham Thuy Mien (2021), have employed the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in their research In general, existing studies on online shopping behavior, both domestic and international, frequently utilize theoretical models such as TPB, TRA, TAM, and E-CAM Among these, the TAM model has been extensively applied by researchers both within and beyond Vietnam to investigate technology-related purchasing behavior However, the present study proposes to replace the TAM model with the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to address limitations in studying purchasing behavior in an evolving economic and technological landscape In line with the thesis's objective of examining "The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City" the TRA and TPB models will be retained and supplemented with the Five-Stage Buying Decision Process Model and Social Comparison Theory (SCT) to develop a comprehensive research model for the study
Literature on influencer marketing's impact on Gen Z's online purchasing decisions of Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City reveals several research gaps These gaps include a lack of comprehensive exploration of: the influence of micro-influencers and brand ambassadors; the effectiveness of different social media platforms; the role of authenticity and trust in influencer recommendations; the relationship between influencer engagement and purchase behavior; and the impact of cultural and socioeconomic factors on influencer marketing effectiveness Addressing these gaps will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of influencer marketing's role in shaping Gen Z's online purchasing decisions.
Gap 1: Inadequate Analysis of Influencer Marketing Factors
While existing studies, both domestic and international, have examined the factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, the author observes a lack of in-depth analysis of these factors and their specific impact on purchasing decisions This constitutes the first identified research gap
Gap 2: Contrasting Perspectives on Influencer Expertise
Influencer expertise, a crucial factor for followers, plays a significant role in content creation by providing knowledge, stimulating interest, and enhancing product comprehension Despite conflicting views on this factor in existing research, this study investigates its impact on online purchasing decisions for Maybelline cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, addressing the second research gap identified.
Gap 3: Ambiguous Assessment of Influencer Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness of Influencers is a critical factor that consumers consider during online shopping, given the limited information available about sellers and product quality Consequently, trust in the seller, particularly the information provided by Influencers, is an essential element that impacts purchasing decisions
Consumer trust in influencers plays a pivotal role in mitigating online shopping risks However, studies exhibit varied perspectives on the significance of influencer trustworthiness This research seeks to explore the influence of influencer trustworthiness on online purchasing decisions for Maybelline cosmetics in the Ho Chi Minh City market, addressing an existing research gap.
Proposing impact factors, hypotheses and models
Based on the study "Examining the impact of influencers' credibility dimensions: attractiveness, trustworthiness and expertise on the purchase intention in the aesthetic dermatology industry" by Omayma Alfarraj et al., (2020) the author chose the factors Expertise, Trustworthiness
Based on the study “How fashion influencers contribute to consumers' purchase intention” by Chetioui et al (2020) the author chooses the Expertise and Trust factors
Based on the study "Factors affecting YouTube influencer marketing credibility: a heuristic-systematic model" by Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018), the author chose the factors Trust, Expertise, Homophily, Interactivity
Based on the study "Study on the Influence of Celebrity-Based Marketing on Youth Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Biti's" by Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021), the author chose the concept of Expertise and Trustworthiness factors
Homophily Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Omayma
AlFarraj et al (2021), Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018)
Expertise Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Omayma
Alfarraj et al., (2021), Chetioui et al., (2020), Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021), Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018)
Trustworthiness Omayma Alfarraj et al., (2021), Chetioui et al.,
(2020), Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021), Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018)
Popularity Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Pham Thi
Thuy Mien (2021) Interactivity Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Min Xiao,
Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018)
Homophily, the tendency for individuals with similar characteristics to form connections, is a prevalent phenomenon across various social spheres (Veirman et al., 2017) This principle has profound implications for information exposure, attitude formation, and social interactions Race, ethnicity, age, religion, education, occupation, and gender are key factors driving homophily (Veirman et al., 2017)
In the context of influencer marketing, Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019) emphasizes the concept of "Homophily" as the degree of congruence between the influencer and the consumer Consumers tend to gravitate towards influencers they perceive as similar, particularly in areas of shared interest For instance, in the cosmetics industry, similarity may manifest in aspects like skin type, lifestyle, personality, or geographical background ( Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho, 2019; Min
Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan-Olmsted, 2018) Botelho's research focuses on the impact of influencer homophily on purchasing decisions among Gen Z consumers in Ho Chi Minh City Consequently, the author proposes the following hypothesis:
H1: Influencers' Homophily Positively Impacts Gen Z Consumers' Online Purchasing Decisions for Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
Perceived influencer expertise positively impacts consumers' purchase intention for endorsed cosmetic products (Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho, 2019;
Chetioui et al., 2020) corroborate this finding, emphasizing the significant influence of perceived expertise on consumer attitudes toward influencers and their endorsed brands
High-expertise sources evoke trust and increase the likelihood of consumer purchases in relevant situations (Omayma AlFarraj et al., 2020) This observation aligns with research indicating that influencer expertise significantly influences consumer purchasing decisions Based on this, the author posits that:
H2: Influencers' Expertise Positively Impacts Gen Z Consumers' Online Purchase Decisions for Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
The proliferation of digital media platforms has democratized information dissemination, empowering individuals to share content with ease However, this abundance of information, including the prevalence of "fake news," has heightened the need for trustworthy sources Internet users yearn for genuine and honest information providers to guide them through the vast and often confusing digital landscape Consumers are more likely to show a stronger purchase intention for brands endorsed by credible and trustworthy fashion influencers (Chetioui et al., 2020) Consequently, the author proposes the following hypothesis:
H3: Influencers' Trustworthiness Positively Impacts Gen Z Consumers' Online Purchase Decisions for Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
In the digital age, brands and influencers alike prioritize high follower counts and views on social media For brands, this translates to potential sales through targeted advertising (Xu et al., 2015) Influencers, meanwhile, seek high viewership to generate revenue through micro-payment platforms In the digital age, brands and influencers alike prioritize high follower counts and views on social media While the precise definition of "social media popularity" remains debated, researchers agree on its impact Studies like Lin et al (2017) suggest popular brand posts positively influence consumer behavior, even impacting stock prices These posts often contain characteristics like vividness, practicality, and interactivity, making them more engaging (Lin et al., 2017) These findings are crucial for brands collaborating with influencers, as their content is often shared across platforms Consistency between brand and influencer content is vital to maximize audience impact and ultimately drive consumer interest The popularity of influencers is important because this is a factor highly appreciated by young people Businesses should increase the use of influencers who must be known by the majority of people to have a great influence on the business's target customers (Pham Thi Thuy Mien, 2021) Consequently, the author proposes the following hypothesis:
H4: Influencers' Popularity Positively Impacts Gen Z Consumers' Online Purchase Decisions for Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
Interactivity is a crucial factor influencing how consumers evaluate and perceive information, not only fostering connection but also impacting purchasing behavior Individuals consider the number of followers, likes, and comments to be significant indicators of popularity Consequently, the likelihood of a consumer purchasing a cosmetic product endorsed by a popular social media influencer is higher
The author, Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho, suggests that social media involvement significantly impacts Gen Z's consumer purchasing decisions Due to the study's target market's inherent social media engagement, social interaction can influence purchase decisions.
Consequently, the author proposes the following hypothesis:
H5: Influencers' Interactivity Positively Impacts Gen Z Consumers' Online Purchase Decisions for Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
In this study, based on theoretical foundations and with references from previously published related scientific research, the author has proposed his own research model "The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City" are as follows:
Figure 2.10 Proposed research model "The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline
Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City"
Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive understanding of purchasing decisions, exploring the role of influencers and the unique characteristics of Generation Z It highlights the opportunities and challenges associated with influencer marketing and examines the specific factors that influence Gen Z's online purchasing decisions regarding Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City.
From the theoretical basis, we propose the model "The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City" including 1 dependent variable "Purshase Decision" of customers and 5 variables independence includes: (1) "Homophily"; (2) "Expertise";
Introduction to the research process
The research process was carried out through the following steps:
Research Design
The study was divided into two phases:
Qualitative research: The author will conduct in-depth interviews with individuals belonging to Generation Z The objective of this phase is to test the suitability of the preliminary scale Based on the qualitative research results, the author will modify terminology, add, or remove unreliable observed variables to finalize the official scale This will serve as the foundation for designing the formal questionnaire for quantitative research
Quantitative research: Data will be collected through individual surveys using a questionnaire The primary method of survey is online, where the questionnaire will be designed using the Google Forms tool, and the link will be sent to the target respondents Additionally, the paper-based survey method will also be employed within Ho Chi Minh City
The scales for the concepts in the model, " The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City" were constructed by modifying and inheriting concepts from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model and scales from previous studies
In this research, the author employs five factors as concepts: (1) "Homophily,"
(2) "Expertise," (3) "Trustworthiness," (4) "Popularity," and (5) "Interactivity."
The observed variables for these concepts were measured using a 5-point Likert scale: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree
HOMOPHILY HOMO1 - I share a common perspective with Maybelline’s influencers regarding the use of cosmetics
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Omayma AlFarraj et al (2021); Min Xiao, Rang Wang &
HOMO3 - I share the same values and goals as Maybelline’s influencers when it comes to cosmetics
- Maybelline influencers have similar makeup styles (Y2K, clean girl, etc.) and fashion sense to me
- Maybelline's influencer has a lot in common with me, including generation, skin tone, skin type (acne-prone/oily/dry), and face shape, among others
EXPETISE EXPE1 - Be knowledgeable and knowledgeable about the product
- Have enough professional ability to evaluate products
- Have experience using other products to give objective reviews
- Help me clearly understand product characteristics
- Provides a lot of useful information
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Omayma AlFarraj et al (2021);
Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018); Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021)
TRUST1 - Information from Influencers is more trustworthy than other sources
(2021); Chetioui et al., (2020); Min Xiao, Rang
Maybelline Influencers is quality tested so it is highly reliable
Wang & Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018); Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021)
POPULARITY POPU1 - I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline's influencers when they have a substantial number of followers
- I find the content shared by Maybelline's influencers more persuasive when their posts receive many likes
- I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts generate active comments
- I am more impressed by the content shared by
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021)
Maybelline’s influencers when their posts are widely shared
- Posts by Maybelline’s influencers are typically shared extensively
INTERACTIVITY INTE1 - Easily interact with
- Influencers consistently receives a high number of shares during their live streams - Influencers receive a substantial number of positive emotions during their live streams
- Influencers consistently receive active comments during their livestreams
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018);
- I have made and continue to make purchases based on recommendations from Maybelline influencers
- Buy products promoted by Maybelline Influencers
- Introduce others to the products the Influencer promotes
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Omayma AlFarraj et al (2021);
Qualitative preliminary research
Qualitative research aids in refining the scales for the components of the study as follows:
Question refinement: Questions are modified to be concise, clear, and easily understandable for survey participants
Research model: " The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City" utilizes five conceptual components and 25 observed variables in this model
Based on the preliminary scale, qualitative research was conducted to review, explore, edit and supplement observed variables used to measure concepts in the model The author will choose to use the hand-to-hand discussion technique in this stage
The subjects selected to participate in the discussion are people who have purchased Maybelline cosmetics online in the Ho Chi Minh City area of the Gen Z generation
- Start a hand-to-hand discussion between the researcher and the subject being qualitatively researched The content of the discussion is in Appendix 1
- Adjust the questionnaire from the results obtained
- Results after adjustment will be discussed with the discussion subject
Qualitative research ends when the information collected matches the previous results without any additional complications
3.3.2 Results of scale calibration in qualitative research
After conducting a hand-to-hand discussion, the research group generally agreed with the impact factors given by the author Besides, there are also some opinions that the questions need to be stated concisely, concisely, and easily understood by readers during the survey The results of the qualitative research resulted in 25 observed variables presented in the quantitative research
HOMOPHILY HOMO1 I share a common perspective with
Maybelline’s influencers regarding the use of cosmetics
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Omayma
Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018); Veirman et al.,
(2017) HOMO2 I share the same values and goals as
Maybelline’s influencers when it comes to cosmetics
HOMO3 Maybelline influencers have similar makeup styles (Y2K, clean girl, etc.) and fashion sense to me
HOMO4 Maybelline's influencer has a lot in common with me, including generation, skin tone, skin type (acne- prone/oily/dry), and face shape, among others
To establish trust within their communities, influencers hold significant responsibility to enhance their knowledge and expertise This credibility is directly proportional to the quality and reliability of the information and content they share Influencers with a high level of credibility command greater trust, which translates into a large and loyal following.
EXPETISE EXPE1 Maybelline influencers hold professional certifications in the cosmetics field
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Omayma AlFarraj et al (2021);
Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018); Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021)
EXPE2 Maybelline influencers possess in- depth knowledge of cosmetic ingredients and their functionalities
EXPE3 Maybelline’s influencers provide detailed and insightful analyses of Maybelline products
EXPE4 Maybelline’s influencers have personally tested Maybelline products for an extended period
The trustworthiness that Influencers build reflects consumers' trustworthiness in the information they convey This belief helps reduce customers' anxiety about the risks of online shopping After calibration, the scale is stated as follows:
TRUST1 Maybelline's influencers deliver consistent and reliable information about cosmetics through their posts
(2021); Chetioui et al., (2020); Min Xiao, Rang Wang & Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018); Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021)
TRUST2 The evidence-based statements and images from Maybelline's influencers enhance their credibility in my eyes
TRUST3 The quality-controlled information shared by Maybelline’s influencers contributes to their high credibility
TRUST4 Maybelline influencers typically create and share polished images and videos, which enhances their credibility
POPULARITY POPU1 I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline's influencers when they have a substantial number of followers
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021)
POPU2 I find the content shared by
Maybelline's influencers more persuasive when their posts receive many likes
POPU3 I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts generate active comments
POPU4 I am more impressed by the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts are widely shared
POPU5 Posts by Maybelline’s influencers are typically shared extensively
The connection and similarity between Influencers and customers is considered a great opportunity to stimulate customers' purchasing decisions
Arousing customers' love for the product The scale is stated as follows:
INTE1 Maybelline's influencers consistently receives a high number of shares during their live streams
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Min Xiao, Rang Wang &
Sylvia Chan- Olmsted (2018); Chetioui et al.,
(2020) INTE2 Maybelline's influencer receives a substantial number of positive emotions during their live streams
INTE3 Maybelline influencers consistently receive active comments during their livestreams
INTE4 Maybelline’s influencers consistently respond promptly and thoughtfully to comments during their livestreams
INTE5 I am always satisfied with the interaction I receive from Maybelline’s influencers
The customer purchasing decision scale refers to the influence of Influencers on purchasing decisions The scale remains the same, consisting of 4 variables stated as follows:
Table 3.7 Scale for measuring customers' purchasing decisions
Y1 I have made and continue to make purchases based on recommendations from Maybelline influencers
Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019); Omayma
(2021) Y2 I have been recommending my friends, relatives and colleagues to buy products through the recommendation of Maybelline
Y3 Currently, I am still buying cosmetics through Maybelline's influencer livestream sessions.
Formal Research Method (Quantitative Research)
The purpose of quantitative research is to directly survey customers' opinions to collect data as a basis for investigating The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
The information gathered from the questionnaire, after refinement through the preliminary research and scale validation, will be used to test the suitability of the model
According to Hair et al (2006), the minimum sample size is 5 cases per observed variables n=5k
- n is the number of samples required for the survey - k is the number of observed variables
Therefore, the required sample size for this study is 125 samples for 25 observed variables
According to Nguyen Dinh Tho (2011), in linear regression analysis, the sample size is determined using the following formula: n≥ 50+8m
- n is the number of samples required for the survey - m is the number of independent variables
Therefore, the minimum sample size for this study is 90 To reduce errors, this research aims to collect a minimum of 200 samples for the 25 observed variables
Data was collected through a survey conducted via a questionnaire designed using Google Forms The link to the questionnaire was shared on social media platforms, and the collected data was recorded in a database
Target Respondents: Consumers who are aware of Maybelline's influencers, belong to Generation Z, and have purchased Maybelline Cosmetics online
Research Scope: Ho Chi Minh City
Descriptive statistics is a method of summarizing and processing raw data into a suitable form for analysis, including graphs, charts, means, etc In this research, the author employs this method to analyze variables such as income, gender, and usage frequency
The Cronbach's Alpha test evaluates the reliability of observed variables, aiming to examine the variables within a model and eliminate those that are inappropriate
Developed by Lee Cronbach in 1951, Cronbach's alpha, α (or alpha coefficient), measures the internal consistency of observed variables within a factor It assesses the suitability of observed variables for inclusion in a scale In quantitative research, we use this method before conducting Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to identify and remove inappropriate variables within a factor
The reliability of each scale is assessed through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient
Cronbach's Alpha coefficient serves as a reliable indicator of a scale's consistency, as it measures the extent of intercorrelation among observable variables within a common factor.
Criteria in the Cronbach's Alpha Test:
• Total Correlation Coefficient: Observed variables with low total correlation coefficients (less than 0.3) are considered unacceptable and should be removed
A scale is deemed reliable when the Alpha coefficient is greater than 0.6 (higher Alpha values indicate higher internal consistency reliability) (Nunnally and Bernstein, 1994); (Đinh Tho Nguyen and Thi Mai Trang Nguyen, 2009)
• Levels of Cronbach Alpha Values:
- Cronbach's Alpha >0.8: Excellent scale measurement - Cronbach's Alpha between 0.7 and 0.8: Acceptable
- Cronbach's Alpha >0.6: Usable in cases where the research concept or context is novel (Nunnally, 1978; Peterson, 1994; Slater, 1995) as cited in (Trong Hoang and Mong Ngoc Chu Nguyen, 2008)
- Cronbach's Alpha between 0.5 and 0.6: Low - Cronbach's Alpha 0.3 is considered the minimum threshold
- Factor loading > 0.4 is deemed important
- Factor loading > 0.5 is considered practically significant
When conducting Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), it is essential to consider the following specific indicators:
(1) Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient: Used to test the suitability of factor analysis A KMO value between 0.5 and 1 indicates the appropriateness of factor analysis for the data Conversely, if the KMO value is less than 0.5, factor analysis may not be suitable for the research data
(2) Significance level of Barlett's Test of Sphericity: Indicates the correlation between observed variables within a factor This test must have a significance level less than 0.05 (Sig < 0.05) to demonstrate that the observed variables within the factor are correlated
(3) Eigenvalue: Represents the amount of variation explained by a factor
Factors with Eigenvalues ≥ 1 are retained in the analysis model (Gerbing and Anderson, 1988) Conversely, if a factor has an Eigenvalue < 1, it does not effectively summarize information better than a single variable
(4) Total Variance Explained: Used to test the suitability of the model The total variance explained should meet the condition of being greater than or equal to 50% for the EFA model to be considered appropriate
(5) Factor Loading: Reflects the correlation between observed variables and factors The higher the factor loading, the stronger the relationship between the measurement and the factor Factor loadings must be greater than or equal to 0.5 to ensure the practical significance of EFA
Although the Pearson correlation coefficient can assess the linear relationship between two variables, it is essential to perform a hypothesis test to determine the statistical significance of this correlation coefficient If the significance level is Sig <
0.05, we conclude that the independent variable is linearly correlated with the dependent variable, and vice versa
Linear multivariate regression analysis is performed using the method of least squares, aiming to test the theoretical model and determine the influence levels of The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City
The values of R and adjusted R 2 , along with the ANOVA test, are used to assess the suitability of the multivariate regression model
• The R and adjusted R 2 coefficients can explain the variation range of the dependent variables R 2 values range from 0 to 1 A lower R 2 value indicates a less suitable model, while a higher R 2 value approaching 1 suggests a highly suitable model Typically, a model is considered suitable when R 2 > 50%
• The ANOVA test determines the presence or absence of a relationship between independent and dependent variables In other words, it tests whether there is a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables The null hypothesis, H0: R 2 = 0, is set The suitability of the regression model is confirmed when the Sig value is small and usually less than 5% (Nguyễn Chu
In Chapter 3, the author outlined the research process and methods for the model, “The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City" The study was conducted in two phases: preliminary (qualitative) and formal (quantitative) The scale comprised 25 observed variables Additionally, in the quantitative research section, the author provided a detailed explanation of sample design, data collection, and data analysis
In the subsequent Chapter 4, the author will present the research results obtained through the survey.
Descriptive Statistics of the Research Sample
The author employed an online survey questionnaire for data collection The target population comprised Generation Z consumers aged 12 to 27 who had purchased Maybelline cosmetics via online platforms and resided in Ho Chi Minh City These consumers were aware of Maybelline's influencer marketing strategy
The data collection process led to a sample of 227 individuals meeting the study criteria Further analysis revealed variations in the surveyed population's gender, age, monthly cosmetics expenditure, and online cosmetics purchasing habits.
Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistics for Qualitative Variables
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20.0 software
Regarding gender, the results revealed a disparity among the survey participants There were 197 female respondents, accounting for 86.8%, while only 30 male respondents participated, constituting 13.2%
In terms of age, individuals aged 12 to 15 years old had the lowest participation rate, with only 7 respondents (3.1%) The age group of 16 to 19 years old comprised 12.3% of the participants, totaling 28 people The highest participation rate was observed in the 20 to 23 age group, with 120 individuals, representing 52.9% The age group of 24 to 27 years old had 72 participants, accounting for 31.7% Thus, there was a noticeable age difference among the survey respondents
Concerning monthly cosmetic expenditures, the majority of respondents, 114 people (50.2%), spent less than 1 million VND on cosmetics 38.8% of respondents, or 88 people, spent between 1 and 3 million VND 17 people (7.5%) spent between 3 and 5 million VND, while only 8 (3.5%) spent between 5 and 7 million VND Notably, no participants selected the option of spending over 7 million VND
The results exhibited a significant disparity in the monthly frequency of online cosmetic purchases The majority of respondents, 144 people (63.4%), made cosmetic purchases less than 2 times per month 72 people (31.7%) made purchases between 2 and 4 times per month Only 8 people (3.5%) made purchases between 4 and 6 times per month, while just 3 people (1.3%) made purchases more than 6
Table 4.2: Descriptive Statistics for Quantitative Variables
HOMOPHILY HOMO1 I share a common perspective with Maybelline’s influencers regarding the use of cosmetics
HOMO2 I share the same values and goals as Maybelline’s influencers when it comes to cosmetics
HOMO3 Maybelline influencers have similar makeup styles (Y2K, clean girl, etc.) and fashion sense to me
HOMO4 Maybelline's influencer has a lot in common with me, including generation, skin tone, skin type (acne-prone/oily/dry), and face shape, among others
EXPETISE EXPE1 Maybelline influencers hold professional certifications in the cosmetics field
EXPE2 Maybelline influencers possess in-depth knowledge of cosmetic ingredients and their functionalities
EXPE3 Maybelline’s influencers provide detailed and insightful analyses of Maybelline products
EXPE4 Maybelline’s influencers have personally tested Maybelline products for an extended period
TRUST1 Maybelline's influencers deliver consistent and reliable information about cosmetics through their posts
TRUST2 The evidence-based statements and images from Maybelline's influencers enhance their credibility in my eyes
TRUST3 The quality-controlled information shared by Maybelline’s influencers contributes to their high credibility
TRUST4 Maybelline influencers typically create and share polished images and videos, which enhances their credibility 3,37
POPULARITY POPU1 I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline's influencers when they have a substantial number of followers
POPU2 I find the content shared by
Maybelline's influencers more persuasive when their posts receive many likes
POPU3 I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts generate active comments
POPU4 I am more impressed by the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts are widely shared
POPU5 Posts by Maybelline’s influencers are typically shared extensively
INTE1 Maybelline's influencers consistently receives a high number of shares during their live streams
INTE2 Maybelline's influencer receives a substantial number of positive emotions during their live streams
INTE3 Maybelline influencers consistently receive active comments during their livestreams
INTE4 Maybelline’s influencers consistently respond promptly and thoughtfully to comments during their livestreams
INTE5 I am always satisfied with the interaction I receive from Maybelline’s influencers
Y1 I have made and continue to make purchases based on 3,84 recommendations from Maybelline influencers
Y2 I have been recommending my friends, relatives and colleagues to buy products through the recommendation of Maybelline
Y3 Currently, I am still buying cosmetics through Maybelline's influencer livestream sessions
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20.0 software
The author employed a 5-point Likert scale to measure the observed variables and utilized mean statistics for quantitative variables to assess respondents' overall opinions on the survey statements The results revealed that the survey questions gauged agreement levels ranging from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 5
The descriptive statistics of the quantitative variables indicated that the mean values of the observed variables were all greater than 3 This suggests a relatively high tendency to agree with the statements, with mean values ranging from 3.3 to 3.84.
Cronbach's Alpha reliability analysis
Table 4.3: Cronbach's Alpha Test Results
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
The results presented in Table 4.3 indicate that the Cronbach's Alpha coefficients for the component concepts are all greater than 0.7, signifying high internal consistency and reliability
The Cronbach's Alpha coefficients for the concepts are as follows: Homophily (HOMO) - 0.784, Expertise (EXPE) - 0.778, Trustworthiness (TRUST) - 0.810, Population (POPU) - 0.838, Interaction (INTE) - 0.824, and Purchase decision (Y) - 0.798
The study's six scales, encompassing a total of 25 observed variables, demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency, with Cronbach's Alpha values exceeding 0.3 for all variables Moreover, Corrected Item-Total Correlation values ranged from 0.508 to 0.728, indicating strong correlations among the observed variables Consequently, all 25 variables were retained for the subsequent Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to ensure data integrity and reliability.
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
The independent variables include Homophily (HOMO), Expertise (EXPE), Trustwothies (TRUST), Popularity (POPU), Interactivity (INTE), encompassing 22 valid observed variables These variables will be subjected to an in-depth analysis using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) method
Table 4.4: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Independent Variables
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0,849
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity df 171
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20.0 software
The factor analysis results in Table 4.4 meet the required criteria:
- Model fitness test: The KMO coefficient satisfies the requirement (KMO 0,849 > 0.5), indicating that the factor analysis results are reliable
- Bartlett's test for correlation among observed variables: Sig is statistically significant (Sig = 0.000 < 0.05)
These two indices suggest that factor analysis is suitable for the data, and the observed variables are correlated within the population
Table 4.5: Eigenvalues and Total % Explained
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20.0 software
In Table 4.5, all five factors have Eigenvalues greater than 1, indicating that the analysis should retain these factors The total explained variance is 62,031%, which is greater than 50% This explains 62,031%, of the variation in the survey data within the research model
Table 4.6: Rotated Component Matrix of Independent Variables
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20.0 software
Based on the results presented in Table 4.6, each observed variable within the respective factors has a factor loading >0.6
The EFA analysis indicates that all 22 observed variables meet the criteria to be retained There are five identified factors described as follows:
Factor 1: This factor comprises the observed variables HOMO2, HOMO1, HOMO3, HOMO4 The code assigned to this factor is HOMO, representing the factor
"Homophily." All observed variables have factor loadings >0.7, indicating their significance
Factor 2: This factor comprises the observed variables POPU5, POPU4, POPU2, POPU1 The code assigned to this factor is POPU, representing the factor
"Popularity." All observed variables have factor loadings >0.7, indicating their significance => But POP3 has been removed
Factor 3: This factor comprises the observed variables INTE5, INTE2, INTE4, INTE3 The code assigned to this factor is INTE, representing the factor
"Interactivity." All observed variables have factor loadings >0.6, indicating their significance
Factor 4: This factor comprises the observed variables EXPE3, EXPE4, EXPE1, EXPE2 The code assigned to this factor is EXPE, representing the factor
"Expertise." All observed variables have factor loadings >0.6, indicating their significance
Factor 5: This factor comprises the observed variables TRUST4, TRUST3, TRUST2 The code assigned to this factor is TRUST, representing the factor
"Trustworthiness." All observed variables have factor loadings >0.6, indicating their significance => But TRUST1 has been removed
4.3.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis with Dependent Variables
Table 4.7: KMO and Bartlett's Test for Dependent Variables
Source: Data processed using SPSS 20.0 software
The results of the exploratory factor analysis for the dependent variable
"Purchasing Decision - Y" (as presented in Table 4.7) indicate the following:
- The KMO coefficient exceeding 0.5 suggests the suitability of a factor analysis on this variable
- Bartlett's Test has Sig.=0.000 0.05 Thus, the variance between groups of monthly online cosmetic purchase frequency does not differ Therefore, use the Sig value In the ANOVA table, the results show Sig.(Y)=0.981>0.05
Conclusion: There is no difference according to the frequency of monthly online cosmetic purchases in Generation Z consumers' decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics online through influencer marketing in Ho Chi Minh City
4.6.5 Test the difference according to the frequency of monthly cosmetic purchases
The author uses the One-Way ANOVA test method to test the difference according to the frequency of monthly cosmetic purchases The test results (Appendix 8) show that the value Sig of Levene Statistic in Test of Homogeneity of Variances
=0.839>0.05 Thus, the variance between the monthly cosmetic purchase frequency groups does not differ Therefore, use the Sig value In the ANOVA table, the results show Sig.(Y)=0.981>0.05
Conclusion: There is no difference according to the frequency of monthly cosmetic purchases in Generation Z consumers' decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics online through influencer marketing in Ho Chi Minh City
Discuss research results
The initial research framework hypothesized that five independent variables would positively influence Gen Z consumers' decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics online through influencer marketing in Ho Chi Minh City The study's results indicate that the "Homophily" of influencers has the most significant impact on purchase decisions (β=0.301) This finding aligns with the research of Min Xiao, Rang Wang, and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018), suggesting that establishing connections and similarities with the target audience enhances their trust and influences their purchasing choices
The research findings indicate that the "Popularity" of influencers is the second most influential factor (β=0.246) on Gen Z's online decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City This aligns with the expectation and the studies by Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019) and Pham Thuy Mien (2021), who asserted that the popularity of celebrities significantly influences youth consumer behavior The influence of popular influencers remains a significant factor in attracting Gen Z consumers, as they tend to follow and be intrigued by the products endorsed or used by their favorite influencers
The third most influential factor is the "Expertise" factor (β= 0.214) plays a crucial role, as highlighted by Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Min Xiao, Rang Wang, and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018), and Chetioui et al (2020), and Pham Thuy Mien (2021) These studies emphasize the importance of creating engaging and relevant content that resonates with the target audience, thereby increasing the brand's appeal Moreover, Gen Z individuals are likely to be influenced by the opinions of others, as they often seek out product experiences before making a purchase Thus, influencers with a high level of expertise can significantly impact consumers' decisions to buy
The fourth most influential factor is "Trustworthiness" (β=0.201), which aligns with the expectations and findings of Omayma Alfarraj et al., (2021), Min Xiao,
Rang Wang, and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018), Chetioui et al (2020), and Pham Thuy Mien (2021)
Additionally, the research reveals that "Interactivity" has the least impact (β=0.174) on Gen Z's online decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City This finding is consistent with the studies of Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019) and Min Xiao, Rang Wang, and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted (2018) While Interactivity was once considered a crucial factor, the author's results suggest that Homophily, Popularity, and Expertise now take precedence The study concludes that for Maybelline and other brands, prioritizing homophily and expertise in their influencer marketing strategies can effectively influence Gen Z's purchase decisions
Establishing and maintaining trustworthiness with this generation is also vital, as it significantly impacts their online buying behavior
The influence of celebrities and influencers remains a significant factor in attracting Gen Z consumers The study also examined the differences in Gen Z consumers' online purchase decisions based on gender, age, monthly cosmetic expenditure, and purchase frequency through T-tests and ANOVA However, no significant differences were found regarding these factors.
In Chapter 4, the author presents the survey results and analyzes the factors influencing Gen Z's online decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City through influencer marketing The reliability of the measurements was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed The five factors—Homophily (HOMO), Expertise (EXPE), Trustworthiness (TRUST), Popularity (POPU), and Interactivity (INTE)—were found to have a positive impact on Gen Z's purchasing decisions and met the acceptance criteria T-tests and ANOVA were employed to examine differences between groups based on gender, age, purchase frequency, and cosmetic spending levels The results revealed no significant differences between these groups In
Chapter 5, the author will discuss the research findings, provide managerial implications, and address the limitations of the study while suggesting future research directions.
The proposed research framework investigates the impact of Influencer Marketing factors on Gen Z's online purchasing decisions for Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City The framework is grounded in existing theories and studies on online shopping behavior and identifies several independent variables that influence the decision-making process, including:
Homophily (HOMO), Expertise (EXPE), Trustworthiness (TRUST), Popularity (POPU), and Interactivity (INTE), which influence the dependent variable, Purchase Decision (Y)
The common finding between the author's research and the studies of Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Omayma Alfarraj et al (2021), and Chetioui et al (2020) is the significant impact of "Expertise" on Purchase Decision This alignment is understandable given the competitive nature of today's market; the expertise of influencers in conveying product information plays a crucial role in building customer trust and stimulating their purchasing decisions
Studies by Omayma Alfarraj et al (2021), Chetioui et al (2020), Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021), and the author's research emphasize the significance of influencer trustworthiness in online shopping behavior These studies consistently demonstrate that consumers' online purchase decisions are highly influenced by the credibility of influencers As trusted individuals who connect businesses with consumers, influencers significantly impact buying decisions.
The research aims to identify the factors influencing Gen Z's online decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City The target audience comprises Gen Z individuals born between 1997 and 2012, residing or working in Ho Chi Minh City, and who have purchased or are currently purchasing Maybelline cosmetics online The study evaluates the impact of each factor and examines potential differences in Purchase Decision based on gender, age, monthly cosmetic expenditure, and purchase frequency
Data collection was conducted through a survey designed using Google Forms and shared on social media platforms A total of 227 valid responses were obtained and coded for analysis using SPSS 20.0 software The reliability of the measurements was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha, with all variables exceeding the threshold of 0.7
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was then performed, and all observed variables met the requirements for further analysis Pearson correlation analysis showed significant correlations between the independent variables and the dependent variable
Subsequently, regression analysis was conducted, revealing that all factors in the model positively influenced Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics, meeting the acceptance criteria Finally, T-tests and ANOVA were employed to examine differences in Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics based on gender, age, monthly cosmetic expenditure, and purchase frequency
The impact of each factor on Gen Z's online purchase decisions was ranked in descending order as follows: Homophily (β=0.301), Popularity (β=0.246), Expertise (β= 0.214), Trustworthiness (β=0.201), and Interactivity (β=0.174).
Management implications for improving efficiency
Given the vast potential customer base that influencers can reach, businesses often utilize influencer marketing to promote their products and stimulate online purchases This strategy is especially crucial in today's rapidly evolving social landscape Based on the research findings, the author proposes the following suggestions:
The research findings indicate that the factor "Homophily" has the highest impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, with a coefficient of β=0.301 The survey results reflect a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.43 to 3.58 This suggests that Gen Z individuals highly value homophily when making purchasing decisions regarding Maybelline cosmetics To maintain consumer trust and stimulate buying behavior, Maybelline should carefully select influencers who closely align with their target audience
The factor "Expertise" has a notable impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, with a coefficient of β=0.214, ranking third in the model This indicates that Gen Z individuals highly value the expertise and knowledge of influencers The survey results reflect a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.5 to 3.64, underscoring the importance of competency in stimulating purchasing decisions
Influencers should strive to enhance their product knowledge to provide unbiased and consistent information to their followers Practical experience with the products is essential before offering evaluations, as it ensures the delivery of valuable and reliable content that can effectively encourage Gen Z consumers to make purchases
To prioritize customer satisfaction, Maybelline should collaborate with influencers who possess a strong understanding of cosmetics and can effectively convey the brand's messages to potential buyers This strategy ensures that Gen Z consumers receive the necessary information about the products that interest them
The research findings indicate that Trustworthiness (β=0.201) is the most influential factor in the model, suggesting that it has the strongest impact on Gen Z consumers' online purchase decisions on Shopee through influencer marketing campaigns in Ho Chi Minh City The survey results reflect a high level of agreement (average values ranging from 3.33 to 3.47) regarding the importance of trustworthiness This highlights the significance Gen Z individuals place on reliability before making any purchases of Maybelline products To maintain consumer trust, Maybelline should carefully select suitable influencers and closely monitor the information they provide about their cosmetics Gen Z consumers are quick to boycott a brand if they perceive any signs of deception or overly commercialized content from influencers
Transparency in cosmetics marketing is crucial for credibility, as consumers demand honesty and authenticity Influencers can enhance their reputation by providing detailed information about product sourcing, manufacturing practices, and quality standards Maybelline can strengthen trust by adopting customer-centric policies and guaranteeing data privacy, which appeals to Gen Z consumers who prioritize transparency and privacy By meeting these expectations, influencers and brands can differentiate themselves in the competitive market and build lasting relationships with loyal consumers.
The research findings indicate that the factor "Popularity" of influencers has the second-highest impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, with a coefficient of β=0.246 The survey results reflect a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.3 to 3.52 This suggests that Gen Z individuals highly value the popularity of influencers when making purchasing decisions regarding Maybelline cosmetics To effectively reach and influence their target audience, Maybelline should carefully select influencers who are not only suitable but also possess a significant following and engagement within their community
The factor "Interactivity" has the lowest impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City among the factors in the model, with a coefficient of β=0.174 However, the survey results show a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.37 to 3.6, indicating that interactivity between influencers and consumers is still considered important Positive responses and engagement from influencers create a more personal connection beyond a mere business relationship Influencers are not just content creators but also active listeners who address their followers' inquiries and needs regarding the products they promote
Building a close relationship and interacting with their followers enable influencers to understand their audience's concerns and provide solutions Therefore, influencers should foster a tight-knit community with their followers, addressing any product- related questions Interactivity between influencers and Gen Z individuals plays a crucial role in their purchasing decisions
Additionally, Maybelline can benefit from organizing live streaming events with influencers to engage and interact with potential customers This strategy not only bridges the gap between the brand and its consumers but also helps reach a wider audience.
Limitations of the study and future research directions
While the research has made valuable scientific and practical contributions, there are some limitations that future studies can address to broaden the scope and provide a more comprehensive understanding Firstly, although the sample size of 227 valid responses met the requirements, it is still relatively small compared to the vast Gen Z population in Ho Chi Minh City The study focused on Gen Z individuals living, studying, or working in the city, which may have led to some limitations in generalizing the findings to the entire Gen Z population Therefore, future research could aim for a larger sample size and expand the geographical scope to enhance the generalizability of the results
Secondly, the adjusted R-squared value of 0.61 from the regression analysis indicates that only 61.6% of the variation in Gen Z's decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics through influencer marketing can be explained by the factors in the model, namely Homophily, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Popularity, and Interactivity This implies that 38.4% of the variation remains unexplained, suggesting that there may be other factors influencing Gen Z's purchasing decisions that should be considered in future studies to strengthen the model
Gen Z's decision-making regarding Maybelline Cosmetics purchases is significantly influenced by Homophily, highlighting the importance of influencer fit for Maybelline's target audience Additionally, Popularity plays a crucial role, as Gen Z gravitates towards influencers with a large following and high engagement Building trust and establishing expertise through influencers is essential due to consumer distrust stemming from low-quality ads and uncontrolled social media information Further research should explore these factors to enhance marketing effectiveness.
In Chapter 4, the author presented the research findings, providing insights into Gen Z's cosmetic purchasing behavior through influencer marketing, along with managerial implications to help Maybelline understand their target market's needs and increase sales revenue by facilitating swift purchasing decisions Additionally, the limitations of the study were discussed, and suggestions for future research directions were offered to address any shortcomings and enhance the comprehensiveness of the topic
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My name is Pakpahan Nguyen Hong An - a 4th year student of Business Administration at Ho Chi Minh City University of Banking
Currently, I am conducting a survey on the topic " The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City."
To complete this topic, I really need your help by answering the questions in this survey to help me get useful information for my research I hereby commit that the information you provide is completely confidential and will only be used for research purposes
Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to help me complete the survey Your contribution will help me complete my thesis better Have a nice day!
1 Subjects participating in the interview
• Le Ngoc Hang -23 years old- Works at Daikin
• Ho Quynh Huong - 26 years old - Works at International University
• Le Phuong Uyen - 23 years old - Works at NAB
• Pham Thi Uyen Tram - 27 years old working at FPT again
• Duong Nhu Nguyen - 15 years old - studies at Ngo Tat To High School 2 Interview outline
Question 1: Identify popular Maybelline's influencers in Vietnam
- In your opinion, which Maybelline's influencers are popular in Vietnam?
- Have you ever bought Maybelline cosmetics online?
Question 2: Homophily: What do you think about Influencers that makes you feel related to you?
- I share a common perspective with Maybelline’s influencers regarding the use of cosmetics
- I share the same values and goals as Maybelline’s influencers when it comes to cosmetics
- Maybelline influencers have similar makeup styles (Y2K, clean girl, etc.) and fashion sense to me
- Maybelline's influencer has a lot in common with me, including generation, skin tone, skin type (acne-prone/oily/dry), and face shape, among others
Question 3: Expertise: refers to the influencer's expertise when promoting brands and products In your opinion, which content of the Professional Qualification is appropriate to evaluate the decision to buy Maybelline cosmetics of Gen Z consumers? - Be knowledgeable and knowledgeable about the product
- Have enough professional ability to evaluate products - Have experience using other products to give objective reviews
- Help me clearly understand product characteristics
- Provides a lot of useful information
Question 4: Trustworthiness: refers to customers' trust when shopping for products promoted by Maybelline's influencer In your opinion, which content of Trust Value is suitable to evaluate the online cosmetic purchasing decisions of Gen Z consumers?
- Information from Influencers is more trusted than other sources - Information shared by Maybelline Influencers is quality tested so it is highly reliable
Question 5: Popularity: refers to the influencer's level of popularity when promoting brands and products In your opinion, which content of Popularity is suitable to evaluate the online cosmetic purchasing decisions of Gen Z consumers?
- Influencer posts promoting products with high engagement drive my purchasing decisions
- Reviews from Influencers with many followers drive my purchasing decisions
- I find the content shared by Maybelline's influencers more persuasive when their posts receive many likes
- I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts generate active comments
- I am more impressed by the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts are widely shared
Question 6: Interactivity: refers to the connection between influencers and customers on social networking platforms In your opinion, which content of The Connection is suitable to evaluate the online cosmetic purchasing decisions of Gen Z consumers?
- I easily interact with Influencers on social networks
- Influencers promote products that I care about and love
- Influencers are interested in my product feedback
- Influencers often livestream to chat, interact and answer questions from followers
Question 7: Purchase decision: refers to the issue that consumers will make online cosmetic purchases through Influecner marketing In your opinion, which content of Shopping Decision is suitable to evaluate the decision to buy cosmetics online through influencer marketing of Gen Z consumers?
- I have made and continue to make purchases based on recommendations from Maybelline influencers
- Buy products promoted by Maybelline Influencers - Introduce others to the products the Influencer promotes
How do you rate The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City Does the above reference need to add or remove any statements?"
My name is Pakpahan Nguyen Hong An - a 4th year student of Business Administration at Ho Chi Minh City University of Banking
Currently, I am conducting a survey on the topic " The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City."
Your participation in this survey is invaluable to my research The information you provide will remain strictly confidential and will be used solely for research purposes Your insights will significantly contribute to my understanding of the topic at hand Please complete the survey to the best of your ability, knowing that your input will be highly valued and impactful.
Thank you very much for taking your valuable time to help me complete the survey Your contribution will help me complete my thesis better Have a nice day!
1 Are you living in Ho Chi Minh City?
Yes, I'm in Ho Chi Minh City No, I'm not in Ho Chi Minh City 2 Have you ever purchased Maybelline cosmetics online?
Yes, I have bought it No, I have never bought it 3 Do you know any Maybelline Influencers on social media?
Female 2 Age 12-15 years old 16-19 years old 20-23 years old 24-27 years old 3 Your spending on cosmetics Under 1 million
From 1-3 million From 3-5 million From 5-7 million Over 7 million 4 How often do you buy cosmetics each month?
Influencer Marketing is a form of marketing that uses influential people in society to connect and convey messages from businesses to target customers This form of marketing is where businesses pay influencers to spread content, messages, and promote the brand and products of the business through their social media channels
Please indicate your level of agreement with the statements in the table below by ticking the appropriate boxes and please do not leave blank :
I share a common perspective with Maybelline’s influencers regarding the use of cosmetics.
I share the same values and goals as Maybelline’s influencers when it comes to cosmetics.
Maybelline influencers have similar makeup styles (Y2K, clean girl, etc.) and fashion sense to me.
Maybelline's influencer has a lot in common with me, including generation, skin tone, skin type (acne- prone/oily/dry), and face shape, among others.
Maybelline influencers hold professional certifications in the cosmetics field
Maybelline influencers possess in- depth knowledge of cosmetic ingredients and their functionalities
Maybelline’s influencers provide detailed and insightful analyses of Maybelline products
Maybelline’s influencers have personally tested Maybelline products for an extended period
Maybelline's influencers deliver consistent and reliable information about cosmetics through their posts
The evidence-based statements and images from Maybelline's influencers enhance their credibility in my eyes.
The quality- controlled information shared by Maybelline’s influencers contributes to their high credibility.
Maybelline influencers typically create and share polished images and videos, which enhances their credibility.
I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline's influencers when they have a substantial number of followers.
I find the content shared by Maybelline's influencers more persuasive when their posts receive many likes.
I feel more confident about the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts generate active comments.
I am more impressed by the content shared by Maybelline’s influencers when their posts are widely shared
Maybelline’s influencers are typically shared extensively.
Maybelline's influencers consistently receives a high number of shares during their live streams.
Maybelline's influencer receives a substantial number of positive emotions during their live streams.
Maybelline influencers consistently receive active comments during their livestreams.
Maybelline’s influencers consistently respond promptly and thoughtfully to comments during their livestreams.
I am always satisfied with the interaction I receive from Maybelline’s influencers
I have made and continue to make purchases based on recommendations from Maybelline influencers.
I have been recommending my friends, relatives and colleagues to buy products through the recommendation of Maybelline Influencers.
Currently, I am still buying cosmetics through
Monthly Online Cosmetics Purchase Frequency
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted H
Cronba ch's Alpha if Item Deleted E
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted T
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted P
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted I
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Y
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx Chi-
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a a Rotation converged in 6 iterations
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
0 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Std Error of the Estimate
1 790 a 624 616 49559 2.123 a Predictors: (Constant), INTE, POPU, EXPE, TRUST, HOMO b Dependent Variable: Y
Total 144.390 226 a Dependent Variable: Y b Predictors: (Constant), INTE, POPU, EXPE, TRUST, HOMO
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Levene's Test for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Test of Homogeneity of Variances