5.1. Conclusion
The research is based on previous studies and theories related to online shopping behavior. The author proposes a research framework titled "The factors of Influencer Marketing that affect Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City," including the following factors as independent variables:
Homophily (HOMO), Expertise (EXPE), Trustworthiness (TRUST), Popularity (POPU), and Interactivity (INTE), which influence the dependent variable, Purchase Decision (Y).
The common finding between the author's research and the studies of Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Omayma Alfarraj et al. (2021), and Chetioui et al. (2020) is the significant impact of "Expertise" on Purchase Decision. This alignment is understandable given the competitive nature of today's market; the expertise of influencers in conveying product information plays a crucial role in building customer trust and stimulating their purchasing decisions.
Studies by Omayma Alfarraj et al. (2021), Chetioui et al. (2020), Márcia Filipa Martins Botelho (2019), Pham Thi Thuy Mien (2021), and the author's research all focus on the impact of "Trustworthiness" in influencer marketing on online shopping behavior. These studies consistently find that the trustworthiness of influencers significantly influences consumers' online purchase decisions. Influencers act as bridges between businesses and customers, and their endorsements greatly influence consumers' buying behavior.
The research aims to identify the factors influencing Gen Z's online decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City. The target audience comprises Gen Z individuals born between 1997 and 2012, residing or working in Ho Chi Minh City, and who have purchased or are currently purchasing Maybelline cosmetics online. The study evaluates the impact of each factor and examines potential differences in Purchase Decision based on gender, age, monthly cosmetic expenditure, and purchase frequency.
Data collection was conducted through a survey designed using Google Forms and shared on social media platforms. A total of 227 valid responses were obtained and coded for analysis using SPSS 20.0 software. The reliability of the measurements was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha, with all variables exceeding the threshold of 0.7.
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was then performed, and all observed variables met the requirements for further analysis. Pearson correlation analysis showed significant correlations between the independent variables and the dependent variable.
Subsequently, regression analysis was conducted, revealing that all factors in the model positively influenced Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics, meeting the acceptance criteria. Finally, T-tests and ANOVA were employed to examine differences in Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics based on gender, age, monthly cosmetic expenditure, and purchase frequency.
The impact of each factor on Gen Z's online purchase decisions was ranked in descending order as follows: Homophily (β=0.301), Popularity (β=0.246), Expertise (β= 0.214), Trustworthiness (β=0.201), and Interactivity (β=0.174).
5.2. Management implications for improving efficiency.
Given the vast potential customer base that influencers can reach, businesses often utilize influencer marketing to promote their products and stimulate online purchases. This strategy is especially crucial in today's rapidly evolving social
landscape. Based on the research findings, the author proposes the following suggestions:
5.2.1. Homophily factor of influencers
The research findings indicate that the factor "Homophily" has the highest impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, with a coefficient of β=0.301. The survey results reflect a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.43 to 3.58. This suggests that Gen Z individuals highly value homophily when making purchasing decisions regarding Maybelline cosmetics. To maintain consumer trust and stimulate buying behavior, Maybelline should carefully select influencers who closely align with their target audience.
5.2.2. Expertise factor of influencers
The factor "Expertise" has a notable impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, with a coefficient of β=0.214, ranking third in the model. This indicates that Gen Z individuals highly value the expertise and knowledge of influencers. The survey results reflect a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.5 to 3.64, underscoring the importance of competency in stimulating purchasing decisions.
Influencers should strive to enhance their product knowledge to provide unbiased and consistent information to their followers. Practical experience with the products is essential before offering evaluations, as it ensures the delivery of valuable and reliable content that can effectively encourage Gen Z consumers to make purchases.
To prioritize customer satisfaction, Maybelline should collaborate with influencers who possess a strong understanding of cosmetics and can effectively convey the brand's messages to potential buyers. This strategy ensures that Gen Z consumers receive the necessary information about the products that interest them.
5.2.3. Trustworthiness factor of influencers
The research findings indicate that Trustworthiness (β=0.201) is the most influential factor in the model, suggesting that it has the strongest impact on Gen Z consumers' online purchase decisions on Shopee through influencer marketing campaigns in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey results reflect a high level of agreement (average values ranging from 3.33 to 3.47) regarding the importance of trustworthiness. This highlights the significance Gen Z individuals place on reliability before making any purchases of Maybelline products. To maintain consumer trust, Maybelline should carefully select suitable influencers and closely monitor the information they provide about their cosmetics. Gen Z consumers are quick to boycott a brand if they perceive any signs of deception or overly commercialized content from influencers.
Influencers can enhance their credibility by providing transparent information about the origin, production processes, and quality standards of cosmetics. Sharing insightful and honest product details not only benefits consumers but also builds trust, elevating the influencer's competitiveness in the market. Additionally, Mabelline should implement customer-centric policies, and assuring consumers that their information will remain confidential can further strengthen trust and encourage Gen Z individuals to choose Maybelline over other brands.
5.2.4. Popularity factor of influencers
The research findings indicate that the factor "Popularity" of influencers has the second-highest impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City, with a coefficient of β=0.246. The survey results reflect a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.3 to 3.52. This suggests that Gen Z individuals highly value the popularity of influencers when making purchasing decisions regarding Maybelline cosmetics. To effectively reach and influence their target audience, Maybelline should carefully select influencers who are not only suitable but also possess a significant following and engagement within their community.
5.2.5. Interactivity factor of influencers
The factor "Interactivity" has the lowest impact on Gen Z's Online Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics in Ho Chi Minh City among the factors in the model, with a coefficient of β=0.174. However, the survey results show a high level of agreement, with average values ranging from 3.37 to 3.6, indicating that interactivity between influencers and consumers is still considered important. Positive responses and engagement from influencers create a more personal connection beyond a mere business relationship. Influencers are not just content creators but also active listeners who address their followers' inquiries and needs regarding the products they promote.
Building a close relationship and interacting with their followers enable influencers to understand their audience's concerns and provide solutions. Therefore, influencers should foster a tight-knit community with their followers, addressing any product- related questions. Interactivity between influencers and Gen Z individuals plays a crucial role in their purchasing decisions.
Additionally, Maybelline can benefit from organizing live streaming events with influencers to engage and interact with potential customers. This strategy not only bridges the gap between the brand and its consumers but also helps reach a wider audience.
5.3. Limitations of the study and future research directions.
While the research has made valuable scientific and practical contributions, there are some limitations that future studies can address to broaden the scope and provide a more comprehensive understanding. Firstly, although the sample size of 227 valid responses met the requirements, it is still relatively small compared to the vast Gen Z population in Ho Chi Minh City. The study focused on Gen Z individuals living, studying, or working in the city, which may have led to some limitations in generalizing the findings to the entire Gen Z population. Therefore, future research could aim for a larger sample size and expand the geographical scope to enhance the generalizability of the results.
Secondly, the adjusted R-squared value of 0.61 from the regression analysis indicates that only 61.6% of the variation in Gen Z's decisions to purchase Maybelline cosmetics through influencer marketing can be explained by the factors in the model, namely Homophily, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Popularity, and Interactivity. This implies that 38.4% of the variation remains unexplained, suggesting that there may be other factors influencing Gen Z's purchasing decisions that should be considered in future studies to strengthen the model.
Lastly, the research findings highlight the significant impact of Homophily on Gen Z's Decisions to Purchase Maybelline Cosmetics, which aligns with the referenced studies. This underscores the importance of influencer-audience fit for Maybelline's target customer segment. Additionally, the factor of Popularity holds significance as Gen Z tends to follow popular influencers on social media platforms. Thus, Maybelline could seek influencers with a substantial following and high engagement to promote their products effectively. Furthermore, as consumer trust is gradually eroding due to low-quality advertisements and uncontrolled information on social media, establishing expertise and building trust through influencers are crucial factors that future studies should closely examine and consider.