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  • CHAPTER (16)
    • 3. Mark has the desire to be a musician. He wants to be a musician very much (16)
    • 4) Luwy rang một từ có thể có nhiêu nghĩa và nhiều từ loại (21)
    • 2) What English word could replace wogaz in the sentence? —— - (22)
    • 2) What English word could replace klasted in the sentence? (22)
    • 1) What part of speech does moglisk work as? (22)
    • 2) What English word could replace moglisk in the sentence? (22)
    • 1) What part of speech does tukly work as? (22)
    • 2) What English word could replace tukly in the sentence? (22)
    • 1) safer planes (32)
    • A) They move and set up musical equipment (43)
    • C) They plan the lights for the concert (43)
    • B) Musical equipment has many settings (43)
    • C) Musical equipment can have hundreds of cables (43)
    • A) Sound engineers (B) Light technicians (43)
    • A) They plan the show with computers (43)
    • B) They use computers to set up the lights (43)
    • C) They use computers to control the lights (43)
    • A) High-level clouds (B) Mid-level clouds (45)
      • 23) a Northern wooden ship (B) It was easier to control (52)
    • A) It was similar in design to the ( It ended the Civil War (52)
    • C) Light (54)
    • A) the sun will burn for another 5 billion years (54)
    • B) the sun will eventually explode (C) the sun will eventually destroy (54)
  • 85 cC They spend most of their lives in the sea (60)
  • ĐỊNH HƯỚNG = (65)
    • B) Mark listens to his headphones at high volume because he has damaged his ears (C) Mark is hurting his hearing when he listens to loud music with his headphones (67)
    • B) Even though the weatherman predicted rain, we will go to the park tomorrow (67)
    • C) The weatherman forecasted rain for tomorrow, even though we are going to the park (67)
    • B) Wendy’s family goes to the beach each year during the school break (67)
    • C) Wendy’s family travels after each school term ends (67)
    • A) Mike should score this goal so we can win the game (67)
    • B) Our victory depends on Mike scoring this goal (67)
    • C) Jason planned to go on vacation (68)
    • A) Each week, Carl exercises a lot (68)
    • B) Each week, Carl works very hard (68)
    • C) Each week, Carl plays a lot (68)
    • B) The tornado caused lots of damage (68)
    • C) The tornado was very strong (68)
    • A) Jack doesn’t have a car, so he always takes public transportation (68)
    • B) Jack doesn’t have a car, so he always pays to travel (68)
    • C) Jack doesn’t have a car, so he always travels with other people (68)
    • C) Lizards eat gross animals. A lizard (68)
    • A) When you drink and drive, you put other people in danger (69)
    • C) If you put other people in danger when you drink and drive, it is wrong (69)
    • B) Many people in America own guns, but they are increasing the amount of crime (69)
    • C) People own guns to protect themselves, but guns only increase the amount of crime (69)
    • A) The second sentence leaves out important information in the first sentence (70)
    • B) The second sentence changes the meaning of the first sentence in important ways (70)
    • C) There is information in the second sentence that is not presented in the first sentence (70)
    • B) Only a limited number of people ( Animals use the trails, which are can enter a nature preserve, and millions of years old, to move to (72)
    • J) A number of people strictly limit move to find food (72)
  • 10 We ail know that we cannot be alive forever (96)
    • Practice 8 Practice 8 | (98)
      • 3. We will take a dlrect flight to London. The plane will not make any stops (100)
      • A) show how powerful nuclear power is (112)
      • B) suggest that the sun does not actually create much energy (112)
      • B) To illustrate the size of the concert happened during the concert (116)
  • A) Most motorcycles are not very expensive (127)
    • C) surprised (D> concerned (148)
  • SEUUC CSS (162)
    • 2) Lưuý những điểm khác nhau giửa hai đối tượng (163)
    • 1) The paragraph is about (166)
  • RGGI (176)
    • 3. Kate was reluctant to talk about it because she was afraid she might be wrong (184)
    • 3) Most new AIDS cases are in Africa. (Y phu) (187)
    • OPI 1 OPI 1 (188)
      • A) Many teenagers have unrealistic dreams of playing in the NBA (189)
      • B) Teenagers should study more and play less basketball (189)
      • C) There had been military tensions between the U.S. and Japan before the attack (192)
      • E) The Americans did not know the location of the attack because they could not decode the last part of the message (192)
      • F) Public anger over what they thought was a surprise attack by the Japanese caused the Americans to enter the war (192)
      • A) NASA worked for six years and spent billions of dollars on the project (194)
      • B) The first effort with Canada, Japan, and the European Space Agency was a failure (194)
      • C) The Russians were the world’s experts in building space stations (194)
      • D) President Clinton reorganized the project in 1993 (194)
      • F) Work on the station stopped again in 2003 after the loss of a space shuttle and further budget problems (194)
      • C) Kurt Cobain’s suicide was most likely the result of his addiction to heroin (196)
      • D) Heroin addiction claimed the lives of many alternative rock musicians (196)
        • 2) Rock musicians were role models for young fans (196)

Nội dung

Tài liệu này cung cấp cho học viên vốn từ vựng cơ bản và cấu trúc văn phạm ở cấp độ trung cấp để có thể tiếp cận với bài đọc TOEFL một cách tự tin hơn, đồng thời làm nền táng cho việc ph


Mark has the desire to be a musician He wants to be a musician very much

4 Driving after you drink alcohol is Illegal You will get in trouble if you do it a) not allowed ® not good

5 Warriors used to wear armor for protection

@ the act of helping someone ® the condition of being kept safe

6 This CD player was really low quality It broke after just one week a) how good or bad something is - © the amount of something

7 In some movies people can fly But in reality, this is impossible a) bad situation ® what actually happens

8 Our teacher wants us to read 50 pages tonight, but that is not reasonable a) not too much ằ) true or correct

9 Sumo is a traditional sport in Japan It is part of Japanese culture a extremely popular ằ existing for a long time

Trong tiếng Anh, để tránh lặp lại danh từ đã được sử dụng ở trước, người ta thường dùng đạ từ để thay thế Việc sử dụng đại từ thay thế giúp câu văn trở nên ngăn gọn va hiệu qua hơn và cũng nhằm tạo sự nhất quán với lời văn trước đó Trong quá trình đọc hiểu, nếu bạn không nắm được đại từ được sử dụng để thay thế cho từ nào trong bài đọc thỡ bạn sẻ khụng thể ơiều đúng nội dung bài đọc Vì vậy, khi gặp đại từ hãy tập xác định từ mà nó thay thế

* reference tư lỊ he hot

Tim tu lién he (referent) co nghia la xac dinh mot từ hoặc một nhóm tư trong bài đọc ma mot dai tu được sử dụng dé thay thé cho no

Cac loại đại tư thường duoc su dung trong cau hoi tu lien hé (reference question) bao gom: dai tt nhan xung (personal pronoun), dai tu chi dinh (demonstrative pronoun), dai tu bat dinh (indefinite pronoun), dai tu quan hé (relative pronoun), dai tu nghi van (interrogative pronoun)

Trong tài liệu nay, các bài thực hành chỉ tập trung vào các đại từ nhân xưng

Ví dụ câu hỏi từ liên hệ trong bài

‘i i t doc TOEFL /BT thực tế The nonlin tie pansion tales failure book fame sponsors

Lưu ý các từ xuất hiện trước hoặc sau đại từ đã cho

Từ liên hệ (referent) thường xuất hiện trước đại từ Tuy nhiên trong một vài trường hợp từ liên hệ có thể xuất hiện sau đại từ Từ liên hệ có thể trong cùng một câu với đại từ hoặc cũng có thể trong một câu khác

Ex While they are generally peaceful animals, an angry elephant can be quite dangerous

Xác định ngôi, số, giống của đại từ và đại tử đã cho chỉ người hay vật

Quan sát xem đại từ đã cho (1) chỉ người hay chỉ vật, (2) số ít hay số nhiều, (3) nam hay nữ Ví dụ, nếu đại từ da cho la nu, so it, thi trong phan chon lựa câu trả lời ta có thể loại bỏ các câu trả lời là nam hoặc ở số nhiều he, his, him, himself người, nam, số ít she, her, hers, herself | người, nữ, số ít it, its, itself vật, số ít they, their, them, theirs, themselves vật hoặc người, số nhiều

.1 Read the paragraphs below and underline the referent for the pronoun in bold

For hundreds of years, they were the most powerful force on the planet The Romar Legions* were the basis of the Roman Empire The legions not only expanded Roman territory, but they also kept peace inside the Roman Empire The legions were both the warriors and the policemen of Rome

* legion: a large group of soldiers, especially in ancient Rome

The Yangtze River in China has always been a blessing and a curse for the people who live near it While the river provides fish and transportation, it also has caused terrible floods Now the Chinese believe they have a solution to their problem The biggest of its kind, the Three Gorges Dam will provide both electricity and protection from floods to millions of Chinese citizens ®Martial arts* styles, such as kung-fu and jujitsu, have traditionally been separate and unique arts Now a new sport is encouraging martial _ Nom artists to mix different fighting styles together °Mixed martial arts, or ` màn Ultimate Fighting, is a new and very popular sport ®In just a few years, it Jujitsu has become extremely popular °There are mixed martial arts leagues all around the world ®Thanks to mixed martial arts, new and interesting fighting styles are appearing all around the world * martial art: a sport in which you fight with your hands and feet

;EffWƒW49 đò (1) Paragraph 1 is about

(2) Paragraph 2 is about (3) Choose the number of the sentence that has the main idea of paragraph 3:

Words, WoRDS! Lok at the paragraphs again, and find words with the same meaning © Something that improves your life, helps you in some way, or makes you happy blessing © Away of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation People who live in a town, country, or state

Hãy dành 50% quỹ thời gian học tiếng Anh của bạn vào việc học từ vựng Vốn từ vựng của bạn càng nhiều thì khả năng hiểu tiếng Anh của bạn càng được cải thiện Vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh rất quan trọng vì nếu bạn không hiểu được nghĩa của từ vựng thì dù có đọc hết bài văn đi nữa, bạn cũng sẽ không hiểu thông suốt bài văn đó Đặc biệt, để đạt được điểm cao trong các kỳ thi TOEFL, điều quan trọng là bạn phải có vốn từ vựng thật phong phú vì nó giúp bạn hiểu được nội dung bài đọc rõ ràng và chính xác hơn

A Chọn từ có nghĩa tương tự với từ được sử dụng trong bài đọc

H Mỗi bài đọc trong TOEFL /BT thường có từ 4 đến 6 câu hỏi về từ vựng, do đó từ vựng đóng vai trò rất quan trọng

L2 Ví dụ câu hỏi từ vựng trong bài đọc i The word Biaiitié in the passage is closest in meaning to TOEFL iBT thuc té war soldier weapon damage

Luwy rang một từ có thể có nhiêu nghĩa và nhiều từ loại

Có nhiều từ mang nhiều nghĩa và nhiều từ loại, do đó bạn phải chọn ra nghĩa phù hợp nhất với nội dung bài đọc

Ex Greg's father works at the power plant

Từ “plant" nếu là động từ thì có nghĩa là “trông cây”, nếu là danh từ thì có nghĩa là “thực vật” hoặc “nhà máy”

"Trong câu trên, từ “plant” được sử dụng như một danh từ và có nghĩa là “nhà máy” (“power plant' có nghĩa là “nhà máy điện”)

(2) Nghia cia tir trong ngử cảnh Trong trường hợp bạn không biết nghĩa của từ đã cho, hãy đoán nghĩa của từ đó thông qua bài đọc Câu đứng trước hoặc đứng sau từ đó có chứa lời gợi ý có thể giúp bạn hiểu được nghĩa của từ và tim ra câu trả lời đúng

Lời gợi ý như vậy được gọi là gợi ý trong ngữ cảnh (context clue) Bạn có thể dựa vào ngữ cảnh đề loại suy những câu trả lời có nghĩa không thích hợp

* Definition clue: Bạn có thể hiểu nghĩa của từ khó thông qua định nghĩa của nó, Các dấu hiệu dé nhận ra định nghĩa thường là dấu phẩy (,) hoặc từ or

Ex All organisms, or living things, are related to each other

+ Synonym clue: Bạn cũng có thể hiểu nghĩa của từ mới thông qua từ đồng nghĩa xuất hiện trước hoặc sau từ đó

Ex | was pushed and shoved on a crowded train this morning

*Antonym clue: - Bạn cũng có thể hiểu nghĩa của từ mới thông qua từ trái nghĩa xuất hiện trước hoặc sau tử đó Trong trường hợp này ta thường thấy có các từ đi kèm theo như: bu!, (aljthough, while, however

Ex Lauren used to be a tomboy, but she is such a lady now

4 Read the groups of sentences below The word in bold is not a real word Use the context of the sentence to figure out what part of speech* it works as (noun, verb, adjective, or adverb) Then choose an appropriate word to replace it

Jimmy is very wogaz He always gets high scores on his tests and he learns very quickly

(|) What part of speech does wogaz work as?

What English word could replace wogaz in the sentence? —— -

~~ Maria klasted her math book last night She looked everywhere but she still can’t find it

(|) What part of speech does klasted work as?

What English word could replace klasted in the sentence?

) Kyle is saving money to buy a moglisk He’s not old enough to drive yet But he wants to buy one as soon as he is old enough.

What English word could replace moglisk in the sentence?

} We need to finish this project by 4 pm It’s 3 pm now, so we have to work tukly.

What English word could replace tukly in the sentence?

* part of speech: tu loai

CHAPTER I Reference and Vocabulary # 2] oO +

Read the paragraphs below and answer the questions Each question asks you to use a context clue to help you find the meaning of the word in bold

1 Water plays an important role in our body It controls body temperature It also helps us to see things Dehydration, or lack of water in the body, occurs either when our body does not get enough water or when the body loses too much water Dehydration affects the functions of water in a negative way When you are dehydrated, you can get easily tired or sick The easiest way to avoid dehydration is to drink a lot of water, especially on summer days

@ There is a definition clue that tells you about the meaning of the word “dehydration.”

2 Have you ever wondered if you could help children in Africa who are suffering from hunger? In fact, there are many ways for you to give them help One way of helping them is through UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF was created in 1946 to save children from poverty, violence, disease, and discrimination* Now it provides assistance to children in 157 countries You can make a donation to UNICEF or buy cards and gifts at its website to help children in need * discrimination: treating one person or group differently from another unfairly

@ There is a synonym clue that has a similar meaning to the word “assistance.”

3 Mark had a car accident last night He was not hurt, but his car was damaged The police asked him whether he was sober or drunk when the accident happened He replied that he was as sober as a judge After all, it turned out to be the fault of the other driver

@ There is an antonym clue that has the opposite meaning to the word “sober.”

(2) Make your own title for paragraph 2:

| aes Ye (3) Paragraph 3 is about ee * ParA Basic Comprehension

Trong bài doc, co thể có một vài thuật ngữ mà bạn không thể hiểu được nghĩa cho dù nó được tạo thành từ các từ đơn dễ hiếu Trong trường hợp như vậy, bạn phải dựa vào ngữ cảnh để đoán nghĩa của thuật ngữ đó Mục đích của bài thi TOEFL không phải là đánh giá kiến thức, mà là để ẻo lường khả năng tiếng Anh của thí sinh Các thông tin cần thiết để trả lời các câu hỏi đều được trình bày trong bài đọc Trong quá trình thực hành môn đọc hiểu, khi gặp phải từ mới, bạn đừng tra từ điển mà hãy cố gắng nắm bắt nghĩa của từ đó thông qua nội dung và các gợ: ý được trình bày trong bài đọc

A Hiểu được nghĩa của thuật ngữ được sử dụng trong bài đọc

Một số câu hỏi từ vựng chỉ yêu câu bạn chọn từ đông nghĩa trong bốn lựa chọn cho sản Với những loại câu hỏi này, bạn không cản tham khảo đến bài đọc Nhưng có nhiêu trường hợp bạn phải tham khảo bài đọc thì mới hiểu được nghĩa chính xác của từ vựng được sư dụng trong ngữ cảnh đó

C) Ví dụ câu hỏi ve nghĩa của tu Based on the information in the passage, which of the trong yộu trong bai doc TOEFL following best explains the term ẹfỉủfÿ& 2 iBT thuc té New spy planes

Practice planes for fighter pilots Planes without pilots Safer planes

C1) Nam bat chii dé va y chinh cua bai đọc Khi đọc, bạn hãy xác định “bài đọc này nói vẻ cái gì” Việc hiểu được nội dung chủ đẻ của bài đọc đóng vai tro rất quan trọng trong việc giúp bạn chọn câu trả lời chính xác Có nhiều trường hợp, chủ đẻ của bài đọc là mót thuật ngữ chuyên môn, hoặc nếu như thuật ngữ chuyên môn đó không phải là chủ đẻ của bài đọc thì nó cũng ít nhiều liên quan đến nội dung bài đọc Do đó, nếu nắm bắt được nội dung chủ đẻ của bài đọc, bạn sẽ hiểu được nghĩa của thuật ngữ dễ dàng hơn

IESISI@QWIWIWQƒOSWỉWW play an important role in helping elderly people who are sick to live happy lives

Elderly people often find that living in their homes is too difficult They can no longer do all of the chores to keep the house clean In addition, many elderly people need daily medical attention Assisted living centers solve - these problems They have a staff of house cleaners and trained nurses to meet the needs of the elderly This leaves the elderly free to enjoy the later years of their lives

Cum tt “Assisted living centers" trong đoạn văn trên chính là chủ dé của đoạn văn Câu đâu tiên được gạch dưới chính là câu chủ đẻ của đoạn văn giải thích tom tat “Assisted living center’ la mot noi nao do

( 2) Suy nghỉ kỹ trước khi chon cau tra loi Trong bài đọc của TOEFL, những câu đâu tiên của môi đoạn thường đóng vai tro rat quan trong vi chung dien đạt ý chính của bài Tuy nhiên bạn không nen chị dựa vao những câu dau dé chon cau tra lm, vi co nhiều trường hợp thông tin quan trọng xuất hiện ở phân sau của bài đọc Hãy tập thoi quen đọc hét bài văn trước khì tra lợi câu hỏi

1 Read the paragraphs below and answer the questions

The San Francisco area is the most dangerous place in the United States for earthquakes This is because San Francisco is near a fa@itilfilife You see, the Earth is not made of just one piece The Earth is actually made of many pieces, like a giant puzzle These pieces meet at fault lines, like the one near San Francisco At fault lines, the pieces of the Earth rub together Sometimes they slip and move very quickly This causes the earthquakes that San Francisco is famous for

@ Based on the information in the paragraph, the term #WfỉỢjHffỆ can best be explained as (A) a kind of earthquake

(B) a piece of the Earth (C) the place where two pieces of the Earth meet

Summer is a time when most people want to look their best People wear shorts, T- shirts, and swimsuits, and they want to look good in them As a result, many people start diets in the spring They want to lose some of the weight they gained during the winter A good diet can be perfectly healthy But many people go on ý Thesc diets are not healthy People go on crash diets because they want to lose weight quickly But any doctor will tell you that it is generally not healthy to lose more than 2 kilograms each month

@ Based on the information in the paragraph, the term ỉẹƒĐWW8Wỉf can be explained as (A) diets for the summer

(B) healthy diets (C) diets to lose weight quickly

(1) What is the main idea of paragraph 1? The San Francisco area is

(2) What is the main idea of paragraph 2? > Many people go on for summer, but these diets

CHAPTER | Reference and Vocabulary * 2S ơ mM

-— Sharecropping: A Second Form of Slavery

After the Civil War, slavery became illegal in the United States For hundreds of years, slavery made ible because they had free labor

Now Southern landowners* had a problem They still

Southern farms proi needed African-Americans to work on their farms, but they could not afford to pay them

In the South, this led to SH@#@6hGppiig In sharecropping, landowners rented their land to African-American farmers They would also sell seeds, farming equipment, and food to the farmers from a general store Since most African-Americans at the time were very poor, they needed loans to buy these supplies The landowners also provided loans At the beginning of the growing season, the landowners would loan the farmers money for seeds and supplies At the end of the growing season, the farmers would have to give the landowners a §@#@8HTABE of the crop to pay back the loan and to pay rent for using the land

While this may sound like a reasonable business deal, it was actually a very dishonest system The landowners made the farmers pay huge interest rates on their loans, and they often lied about how much money the farmers owed Unable to pay back their loans, most of the farmers were forced to continue working for the landowners for lower and lower salaries In reality, sharecropping was little better than slavery for many African- Americans meone wt wns a large amount of land

| The word profitable in the passage is 3 Based on the information in the 2) ) closest in meaning to passage, the term shafecropping can ;

(A) productive best be explained as 2

(B) easy (A) auseful kind of farming

((’) dishonest (B) adishonest system of land rental

2 Theword thém in the passage refers to 4 The word peneentage in the passage

(A) landowners is Closest in meaning to

(D) loan m Words You Should Know

If something is , the law says it is not allowed

The word has a similar meaning to “workers.”

If someone you to do something, you have to do it even though you Ỉ don't want to

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure

Underline the words that the conjunction in bold connects ũ They still needed African-Americans to work on their farms, but they could not afford to pay them

2 At the end of the growing season, the farmers would have to give the landowners a percentage of the crop to pay back the loan and to pay rent for using the land

safer planes

Words You Should Know i If an airplane is , it falls to the ground

2 The word is similar in meaning to “danger.”

3 If you an illness or bad condition, you are badly affected by it

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure

Jnderline the words that the conjunction in bold connects

The first spy planes were slow and had to fly low to the ground

Drones are elther controlled by a computer or controlled by remote

.1 Read the sentences below and put the correct word in each blank Use the word bank below

There are TWO extra words

1 Tina has a great to go to Australia

2 We moved because there was too much in our old neighborhood

3 Most companies test the of their products before they sell them

4 I think $60 is a price for new shoes

5 Umbrellas give you from the rain ủ There was very little rain this summer, so all the s died

7 We moved to a new country, but we stillcelebrateour holidays ẹ Some cough medicine has a little in it.

4 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, beginning with the words given Try to use different words from the ones used in the first sentence 2) Po 4 + Uv m 5

| It is generally not healthy to lose more than 2 kilograms each month

~ You are likely to ruin your health

? Unable to pay back their loans, most of the farmers were forced to continue working for the landowners

- Most of the farmers could not

The Volstead Act made alcohol illegal, but it did not lessen Americans’ desire to drink

~ Although alcohol was prohibited by

Drones proved so useful that air forces started looking for other ways to use them

5 For hundreds of years, slavery made Southern farms profitable because they had free labor

~ For hundreds of years, Southern farms could —” -

Ann Sullivan and Helen Keller

Have you ever had a teacher that you really liked? If you have, then you are lucky A good teacher can make a huge difference in a person's life Just take a look at the life of Helen Keller, and you can see that this is true

—> When Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880, she was just like any other baby But when she was 19 months old, she got very sick After her illness, Helen’s mother 5 noticed that she did not come when the dinner bell rang, and she could never find her toys

Eventually, her mother realized that Helen was now deaf and blind The next years were very difficult for the Keller family They had no way to teach Helen She quickly became a wild and uncontrollable child By the time Helen was six, the family knew they needed professional help for Helen 10

They visited a doctor in Baltimore He suggested a teacher named Ann Sullivan

Ann was bom almost blind An operation had jimpreved her sight some, but fit was still very bad In college, she had learned to work with children with disabilities* She agreed to be Helen's teacher and moved down to Alabama with the family

* Teaching Helen was a very difficult job Ann started by trying to teach Helen to 15 fifig@f/@ỉ@ll She would put something in Helen’s hand, a doll for example Then, she would

“spell” the word on Helen’s hand using her finger Helen quickly learned to copy the movements with her own fingers, but she did not understand the connection between the word

“doll” and the toy in her hand Then, one day Ann took Helen out to the water pump She held Helen’s hand under the cool water and spelled the word Suddenly Helen understood! She 20 immediately began touching things and asking for their spellings That day, she learned to spell 30 new words Thanks to Ann's teaching, Helen overcame her disabilities

1 According to paragraph 2, why was Helen deaf and blind?

She was bom that way

8 She was in a car accident

C ằ She got sick as a young child

She had an operation iph 2 is Marked with an arrow | >

2 According to the passage, why was Helen such a difficult child?

Bằ Her parents could not teach her how to act

“C) She was angry about being deaf and blind

CD) She did not like Ann

3 The word IIWWWỉW8đ in the passage is closest in meaning to

CA › perfected CB> cured CC) made better

4 The word fit in the passage refers to

5 Based on the information in the passage, you can infer that Ann was a good teacher for Helen because

A.) she was very nice to Helen Bằ she was also disabled C) she was very smart CD) she gave Helen lots of homework

According to paragraph 4, which of the following best explains the term Iff@f8fỉf ?

CA Spelling the word “finger”

CB Moving a finger across a hand to spell a word

(> Away of teaching blind children to spell ©) Drawing an object with your finger

Paragraph 4 is marked with an arrow | * )

According to paragraph 4, what difficulty did Ann have in teaching Helen?

CBằ Helen could not finger spell

> Helen could finger spell words, but she did not understand their meaning

(D> Helen only liked to play with her dolls

Paragraph 4 is marked with an arrow [ * ]

CHAPTER | Reference and Vocabulary # 35 ° os

> It's the middle of the afternoon, but suddenly it is very dark outside Terrified, people look up into the sky and see a black sun What is happening? It is an ‘6@Glipse An eclipse happens when the moon passes in front of the sun and blocks its light This makes it look like the sun has gone dark, but really it is just the shadow of the moon ằ Today, eclipses are not terrifying events because we understand thộiPCalises , but for thousands of years, many people feared eclipses For example, the ancient Chinese believed eclipses were caused by a dragon eating the sun E&I They believed that if they made lots of noise and shot arrows into the sky, they could scare the dragon away & This was so important to them that the Chinese emperor had two astronomers” Their job was to forecast when an eclipse would happen & When the two astronomers failed to forecast one eclipse, the Chinese emperor was so angry he had them killed @

The ancient Greeks thought their gods caused eclipses when they got angry One time, two Greek armies, the Lydians and Medes, were fighting a bloody war During the battle, there was an eclipse The two armies were so frightened that they stopped fighting and made peace

Today, we know that these beliefs are not true, but they are still very valuable

Ancient societies did not have good calendars But they were afraid of eclipses, and they recorded them in their histories Today we can use eclipses to learn the exact dates of events in history For example, we know that the war between the Lydians and Medes ended in 585 B.C because we know the eclipse happened in that year

“astronomer a scientist who studies the stars

1 Based on the information in paragraph 1, the term eclipse can best be explained as when it is very dark during the day a terrifying event when the moon blocks the light of the sun

: : when the sun stops making light ked witha ir a }

2 The phrase th@iPGaises in the passage refers to the causes of

Aằ eclipses Bằ events C) people

8 According to paragraph 2, the ancient Chinese thought eclipses were caused by

bad astronomers

Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [ |

Aằ study B) make C) predict D> prevent The word (RGFSGEISE in the passage is closest

5) ® | 31dVHĐ Look at the four squares [im] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

Then, the Chinese would be ready to scare the dragon away

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [lm] to add the sentence to the passage

According to the passage, what effect did an eclipse have on the war between the Lydians and the Medes?

(AD It made the Lydians win the war

“B> It made the war very bloody

D> It made the war very long

According to the passage, how do eclipses help us understand history?

CAD They explain why wars ended

CB They help us learn the dates of events in history

> They tell us about ancient gods

“D> They tell us about the strange beliefs of ancient societies

All | could do was guess while listening to what he said

Choose the best meaning for the words in bold

1 The other basketball team was much taller, so they had the advantage a something that helps you b something that you are proud of

2 ‘That car is too expensive | can't afford it

3 _ The lights are off because there is no electricity a) power b) necessity

4 During the Civil War, the North and the South fought a huge battle at Gettysburg a) argument (bì wAr

5 Mountain climbers need lots of equipment, such as ropes and special shoes a) money ® tools

6 Most teenagers want their Independence They don't want to listen to their parents a) freedom b) free time

7 Our community started a movement to stop littering* a group of people with the same goal b) change in position

8 America has a lot of trade with China Americans buy many things from China a exchange of things b) the activity of buying and selling goods

9 Every person is unique No two people are the same

“litter: to make a place messy by dropping garbage around

CHAPTER Il Fact and Negative Fact * 39

Thành ngữ tiếng Anh có câu “Knowledge is power” - Tri thức là sức mạnh Vì vay, khi đọ hiểu, điều quan trọng nhất là bạn phải hiểu rử nội dung và nắm bắt chớnh xỏc sự việc èượ trình bày Nếu bạn không hiểu rõ hoặc hiểu không đúng nội dung chỉ tiết thì kna năng giai quyết vấn đẻ sẽ không được chính xác Do đó, khi đọc một bài văn, bạn phải chú y va› nói dung chỉ tiết trong bài. fs Câu hoi xác định thông tin có sẵn la đang câu hoi yêu câu tìm thông tín chỉ tiết được trình bày trong bai doc

[ 3 Thông tin giúp trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này thường được trình bày trực tiếp (directly stated) trong bài đọc, do đó bạn phải hiểu chính xác nói dung để tìm ra cau tra lời đúng

() Ví dụ câu hỏi xác định thông tin có xăng loibe se: when was Jeb Lamorrshol sản trong bai doc TOEFL iBT thuc by Mark Chapman? tế In December 1980

(4) Sử dụng phương pháp đọc dò (scanning) và xác định từ mấu chốt (key word)

Phương pháp đọc dò (scanning) là đọc qua đề tìm thông tin chỉ tiết cụ thể Để tìm thông tin chỉ tiết nhanh và hiệu quả, trước hết bạn phải xác định thông tin được nêu trong câu hỏi, hãy chú ý đến các danh từ riêng, con số, địa danh, tên người (hay còn được gọi là từ mấu chốt) Sau khi xác định được từ mấu chốt trong câu hỏi, hãy dò tìm thông tin tương ứng trong bài đọc để trả lời câu hỏi

(2) Tim ra cau dién giai (paraphrase) Paraphrase là cách diễn giải lại nội dung của một câu bảng cách sử dụng từ vựng hoặc cấu trúc khác mà không làm sai lệch nội dung của câu cho trước Các câu lựa chọn trả lời thường là các câu đã được diễn giải lại, do đó để dễ nhận ra câu trả lời đúng, bạn nên tập trung vào ý chính trong câu cho trước

Ex Lions are skilled and deadly predators

~ Lions are excellent hunters (paraphrase) Câu thư hai đa được diễn giải lại từ câu thứ nhất Hai câu có nghĩa như nhau

CHAPTER Il Fact and Neqatwe Fact # 4{

They move and set up musical equipment

(B) They control musical equipment during a concert.

They plan the lights for the concert

? Why is connecting musical equipment difficult?

(A) Musical equipment is very heavy.

Musical equipment can have hundreds of cables

3 Who controls the volume at a concert?

Sound engineers (B) Light technicians

4 How do light technicians use computers?

They use computers to control the lights

When you go to a concert, you probably only see a few people on stage There’s a singer, and maybe there is a band These entertainers work hard to make the concert enjoyable for you, but there are also many other people whom you don’t see, and they are working just as hard as the entertainers Let’s take a look at some of these invisible concert heroes oO hs

Roadies probably have one of the hardest jobs in a concert Roadies move and set up a all of the musical equipment before a concert This is not an easy job Some of the speakers for large concerts can weigh hundreds of pounds In addition, musical equipment can be very complicated Roadies have to connect hundreds of cables Making sure everything is connected correctly takes a lot of thought Sound engineers also have a difficult job They must control all of the musical equipment during the concert, especially the volume This may sound easy, but the controls for a concert can have over one hundred different settings Most people who go to concerts love the lights on the stage You can thank the light technicians for this Their job is to set up the lights They plan each show carefully and then program computers to control the lights So, as you can see, the musicians have a lot of help at their concert

(1) The passage can be summarized as follows: There are many people who work Back to the Basics hard behind the scene for a concert to be a success, such as

(2) Make your own title for the passage:

Words, WoaoS! Look at the paragraphs again, and find words with the same meaning ° A group of musicians who play popular music band ằ Someone whose job is to amuse people by singing, dancing, etc ° To do the things that are necessary to start something ° Difficult to understand because there are many parts ° To join two or more things together

CHAPTER Il Fact and Negative Fact * 43

_ Read the following questions Choose key words to scan for Then scan for those worts in the passage on the next page to help you answer the questions

1 What clouds cause the colors of sunrise and sunset?

High-level clouds (B) Mid-level clouds

(A) High-level clouds (B) Multi-level clouds (C) Low-level clouds

3 What height do high-level clouds start at?

4 What clouds are usually dark?

(A) High-level clouds (B) Mid-level clouds (C) Low-level clouds

If you look up into the sky, you can probably see clouds of many shapes and sizes All clouds are made of water, but that is about their only similarity There are four different kinds of clouds, and each kind is unique

The clouds that you most commonly see are high-level clouds These clouds are visible on almost any day They are thin and white High-level clouds start at above 20,000 feet and can go much higher Because they are so high in the sky, high-level clouds are always made x oO

2 of tiny pieces of ice High-level clouds cause the beautiful colors you can see at sunrise and sunset

Mid-level clouds are large and wide They usually look like a large blanket Mid-level clouds go from 6,500 to 20,000 feet Depending on the temperature, they can be made of either ice or water Low-level clouds take many different shapes, but they are usually darker than other clouds because they carry more water Low-level clouds start at about 2,000 feet

Low-level clouds are usually rain clouds

The most interesting and most dangerous clouds are multi-level clouds These clouds usually start at around 2,000 feet, but go through all aS the cloud levels, usually ending at about 40,000 or 50,000 feet Multi- Ket,” 4 level clouds cause thunderstorms and sometimes tornados A 'rÐ

(1) The passage can be summarized as follows: There are four kinds of clouds, each of whichis unique: -

(2) Make your own title for the passage: _

WRDs, WoRos! Look at the paragraphs again, and find words with the same meaning ° Antonym of “difference” similarity ằ Seen ° Acover for a bed, usually made of wool ° Astorm with thunder and lightning and a lot of heavy rain

CHAPTER I Fact and Negative Fact * 45S

Một bài đọc thường có nhiễu thông tin về một vấn đẻ nào đó Bạn có thể bỏ qua những thông tin mà bạn khụng hiểu chớnh xỏc Khi đọc hết bài văn, bạn cho rằng mỡnh đó hiểu rử cỏc vất đẻ được đẻ cập trong bài văn nhưng thực sự chưa hẳn là như vậy Vì vậy, hãy tập thói cuer đọc hiểu bài văn thật kỹ và chính xác.

A Cau hoi thong tin phu dinh (Negative Fact Questions) la dang cau hoi yeu cau tim thong tin chi tiết không được trình bày trong bai đọc hoặc trình bày sai so với nội dụng của bài đọc

FR Vi du cau hoi thong tin phu dinh

According to 1, humans pressure animals in trong bai doc TOEFL iBT thuc te all of the following ways EXCEPT ng to paragraph 1, hu F ®) + > ơ 7Ð by moving into new areas by killing the animals by adding to pollution by using natural resources

.4) _ Sử dụng phương pháp loại trừ (The Process of Elimination’)

Xác định các câu lựa chọn có nội dung đúng so với nội dung bài đọc và loại bỏ các câu lựa chọn đó

2) Chọn câu diễn giải (paraphrase) không đúng Đối với dạng câu hỏi thông tin phủ định, bạn phải chọn câu diễn giải có nội dung không đúng so với nội dung của câu cho trước Nội dung của câu diễn giải trong phản lựa chọn có thể là thiếu thông tin quan trọng | hoặc có nghĩa khác với câu văn cho trước Hãy xem ví dụ sau đây:

Ex The lion, which often stands for bravery, is a traditional symbol of Britain a) The lion is a British symbol and often stands for courage (Paraphrase dung) b) The lion is a national symbol of Britain, and British people are very brave (Paraphrase sai)

Cau (a) diễn giải lại nội dung tương tự như câu cho trước Nội dung của câu (b) khác với nội dung của câu cho trước Treng câu cho trước, tác giả cho biết là sư tử tượng trưng cho sự can đảm (the lion stands for bravery) Con nội dung trong câu (b) cho là người Anh rat can dam (British people are very brave) Hai y nay hoàn toàn khác nhau

* elimination| poop} na su loa tra

HAPTER I! Fact and Negative Fact # 47

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions

Most people don’t like snakes, but they are really amazing animals 7One of the most interesting things about snakes is how they eat ®Snakes do not chew their food; they swallow animals whole ®But many of the animals that snakes eat are larger than the snakes themselves ©This is possible because snakes have special mouths “In most animals, the bones for the upper and lower parts of the mouth are connected “But snakes have special hooks on their mouths ®°They can unhook their mouth bones to make their mouths larger ® This way, snakes can eat larger animals

@ According to the paragraph, all of the following are true of snakes EXCEPT:

(A) Snakes do not have mouth bones

(B) Snakes can eat animals larger than themselves

(C) Snakes can unhook their mouths

Most people know that professional wrestling on TV is not real The wrestlers on TV are stuntmen They don’t really hit each other It is all an act But that does not mean that their job is not dangerous Wrestlers have to train for hours every day Even with all the training, there are sometimes injuries in professional wrestling But not as many as if wrestling were real!

@ According to the paragraph, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

(A) Wrestlers train for hours every day

(B) Wrestling is not really dangerous

(C) There are sometimes injuries in wrestling

ECEMMCMIGEESCS> — (|) Choose the number of the sentence that has the main idea of paragraph 1:

‘ % (2) Make your own title for paragraph 2:

, Read the passage below and answer the questions The answers may be paraphrased ideas from the passage

In the next fifty years, all cars may be powered by hydrogen fuel cells Hydrogen fuel cells use a gas, hydrogen, to create electricity The electricity can then be used to power an electric motor to drive the car Hydrogen cars have many advantages over gasoline-powered cars The first is that they do not use gasoline Our supplies of gasoline are limited, and in the future, there probably won’t be enough gasoline In addition, fuel cells are much cleaner than gasoline When we burn gasoline, we create air pollution, but fuel cells do not create any pollution

Hydrogen fuel cells do have some problems The biggest problem is that hydrogen is a dangerous gas It can explode very easily As a result, most gas stations cannot hold hydrogen

It will be very expensive to make all the gas stations in the world safe enough to hold hydrogen In addition, the technology for fuel cells is very expensive Right now, most people could not afford to buy a car with a hydrogen fuel cell

According to the passage, all of the following are advantages of hydrogen fuel cells EXCEPT:

(A) They are better for the environment

(B) They do not use.a limited fuel source

(C) Their fuel is cheaper than gas

According to the passage, what is a problem with hydrogen fuel cells?

(A) Storing the fuel is unsafe

((’) Gas stations don’t like fuel cells

ECAACAUEEESICS® (1) This passage can be summarized as follows: Hydrogen fuel cells, which will be

)HAPTER II Fact and Neqgalve Fact #® 49 ®) +

-—* The Monitor and the Merrimac

It was similar in design to the ( It ended the Civil War

Merrimac, (B) It showed the value of ironclads

(B) It was bigger than the Merrimac (C) Many Northern ships sank in the (C) It could fire in any direction battle

The word has a similar meaning to “progress.”

If something someone, the person owns it

If a game, a competition, or a battle is a , there is no winner nor a loser

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure

Underline the words that the conjunction in bold connects

Both the North and the South developed an ironclad during the war

Originally, the Merrimac was a wooden ship and belonged to the North

Its main advantages were that it was more maneuverable and its guns were on a turret

CHAPTER II Fact and Negative Fact * S|

-——* The Birth and Death of the Sun

About five billion* years ago, there was no sun and no planets

The solar system was just a spinning cloud of gas and dust Over millions of years, gravity, the force that pulls all things together, brought the dust cloud together in a ball As the gas and dust was s pressed together, it became hotter and hotter Eventually, it became so hot that the dust and gas turned into a huge ball of fire, and the sun was born

The sun uses a gas called hydrogen as its fuel It is extremely hot, over 16 million degrees at the center of the sun Because the sun is so hot, the gas is pushed outward by the 10 heat The outward push of the gas is exactly as strong as the inward pull of gravity, so the sun is not getting bigger or smaller This will be true as long as the sun has hydrogen for fuel But in another four or five billion years, the sun will use up most of its hydrogen

Then, the outward push of the heat will be stronger than the sun’s gravity, and the sun will start to grow At this time, Mercury and Venus will be destroyed and Earth will become 1s much too hot for life Because the sun will be bigger, it will use its fuel even faster

Eventually, when all the sun’s fuel is used, its fire will go out and it will start to cool

Gravity will finally pull the sun into a small, cold ball called a white dwarf* There will be no heat and very little light, and the solar system will be a cold, dead place

“billion a thousand million, the number 1,000.0

“white dwarf a cooling star, near the end of its life ơ

According to the passage, what is the sun made of ?

(A) Hydrogen and other gases (B) Fire


Why doesn’t gravity continue to make the sun smaller?

(A) The heat of the sun exactly balances gravity

(B) The sun’s gravity is too weak

(C) The sun is always gathering s)

> new gas 2 wa According to paragraph 2, what is the temperature of the sun?

4 All of the following are true of the sun EXCEPT

the sun will eventually explode (C) the sun will eventually destroy

Words You Should Know is very small pieces of dirt

The word is similar in meaning to the phrase “in the end.”

8) =‘ The words and have the opposite meaning

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure

Underline the words that the conjunction in bold connects

1 The outward push of the gas is exactly as strong as the inward pull of gravity, 60 the sun is not getting bigger or smaller

2 There will be no heat and very little light, and the solar system will be a cold, dead place

CHAPTER Il Fact and Negative Fact * S53

In the years before the American Revolution, Boston was at the center of the colonies’ independence movement There were several reasons for this The people of Boston had a long and deep hatred for British power The city of Boston was a trading city Its ships and s merchants* competed with British ships and merchants for control of trade across the Atlantic During the 1750s and 1760s, the British began to place more and more taxes on Boston’s merchants This, of course, did not make the people of Boston very happy

Concerned with the growing calls for independence in Boston, the British sent 10 soldiers to control the city in 1768 Over the next two years, the people of Boston grew angrier and angrier with the soldiers in their city The situation got very bad in 1770 The British soldiers accidentally killed a boy in February The situation got out of control on March 5, 1770 There was a small argument between a soldier and one of the colonists

Soon, the soldier was surrounded by angry colonists Another group of soldiers came to 1s rescue him Suddenly, a snowball hit one of the soldiers Frightened and nervous, the soldiers fired their rifles into the crowd and five people were killed The event became known as the Boston Massacre and was one of the many steps leading to the American

* massacre: the killing of a large number of people at the same time in a violent and cruel way Ũ “merchant someone who buys and sells goods in large quantities

| What was the original reason the 3 In 1770, what event happened before people of Boston disliked the British? the Boston Massacre?

CÀ) The British sent soldiers to (A) The American Revolution took control the city place

(B) The British were their (B) The British sent soldiers to competitors in sea trade Boston

(C) The people of Boston wanted to (C) The British solders killed a be independent young boy

All of the following are true of 4 All of the following are true of the

Boston EXCEPT: Boston Massacre EXCEPT:

(A) It was an important city to the (A) It helped lead to the American independence movement Revolution

(B) It was a trading city (B) Five people were killed

(C) The people of Boston taxed the (C) All of the British soldiers were

If there is a for something, people demand that it should happen

The word has a similar meaning to the phrase “by chance.”

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure lLuenne the words that the conjunction in bold connects

Frightened and nervous, the soldiers fired their rifles into the crowd, and five people a were killed

The event became known as the Boston Massacre and was one of the many steps

= leading to the American Revolution

CHAPTER li Fact and Negative Fact # SS

.1 Read the sentences below and put the correct word in each blank Use the word bank below

There are TWO extra words

The women’s rights in America was very important in the 1970s

You should turn the lights off to save Waterloo was an important in the Napoleonic Wars

Gandhi helped India gain its from England ar Ảœ coc PS The workers could not fix the computer because they did not have the right

% It only takes one bad child to problems in a class

7 The Earth is because it is the only planet with life on it

8 Runners with long legs have an over runners with short legs

U Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, beginning with the words given Try to use different words from the ones used in the first sentence

1 Making sure everything is connected correctly takes a lot of thought

2 All clouds are made of water, but that is about their only similarity

~ Every kind of cloudis — - Ũ The North burned the ship to prevent the South from capturing it

~ The North burned the ship because

4 The outward push of the gas is exactly as strong as the inward pull of gravity, so the sun is not getting bigger or smaller

~ Because the outward push of the gas is no bigger nor smaller than the inward pull of gravity, _—_

5 The British soldiers accidentally killed a boy

~ A boy ake oO ba À9 lu) A

~ All around the world, there are many @ndangeredianimals , largely because of human progress As the world’s population grows, humans move into new areas, create more pollution, and use more natural resources This all puts pressure on animals, which cannot really compete with humans An excellent example of this would be the case of the leatherback sea turtle ằ At6.5 meters long, and up to 600 kilograms, the leatherback is the largest turtle on Earth &§ It is also one of the most endangered Scientists do not know the exact number of leatherbacks because they spend their entire lives at sea & This makes them very difficult to count & But female leatherbacks come on land to lay their eggs From the number of nests that scientists find, they can (@Stiffiaité) the number of turtles Bl At one beach, scientists counted over 10,000 egg nests in 1954 In 1993, there were only 50 nests at the same beach Scientists think that the leatherback population is perhaps only 1% of what it was just 50 years ago Human development over the last 50 years is undoubtedly* the reason for this

Humans affect leatherbacks in many ways Many of the beaches leatherbacks LÍ used to lay their eggs at are now covered with hotels and resorts, so there are few places forthe +5 turtles to make their nests In addition, in many parts of the world, people eat the turtle eggs At one beach in Mexico, almost 100% of all the leatherback nests were dug up and the eggs eaten by humans The turtles also get caught in fishing nets and die In the 1950s, there were 5,000

(fishingiboats) in the Gulf of Mexico, a common spot for leatherbacks Now there are over 55,000 E fishing boats in the same area If the situation does not change soon, the leatherback may 2 disappear forever

Ce ee ee POE 4 si vi Ee ae ee

Based on the information in the passage, the term endangered animals can best be explained as

A animals caught in fishing nets 8B animals with very low numbers C animals in areas where humans live Dằ akind of turtle

According to paragraph 1, humans pressure animals in all of the following ways EXCEPT

A.) by moving into new areas B>) by killing the animals

by adding to pollution _Dằ by using natural resources Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow [ > ]

According to paragraph 2, why is it difficult to count the numbers of leatherback turtles?

CA They swim very fast

Their nests are hard to find.

85 cC They spend most of their lives in the sea

CB They are scared of humans

Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow [ © ]

The word @§IWf8WÉ8 in the passage is closest in meaning to

Aằ count B guess C> study D` catch

5 Look at the four squares [ll] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

The numbers do not show a good future for the leatherback

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [lm] to add the sentence to the passage

According to the passage, how do hotels and resorts hurt leatherback turtles?

CAD They pollute the beaches

They occupy the beaches where the turtles lay their eggs ©) They bring more people to the beaches

D> People at the hotels eat the turtle eggs

The author mentions iSHIGISGaIS in order to

(AD show that fishing is becoming more popular in the Gulf of Mexico CB suggest a connection between the increase in fishing boats and the decrease in leatherback turtles

explain why there are no leatherback turtles in the Gulf of Mexico (D> suggest that the Gulf of Mexico is a good place to catch leatherback turtles

CHAPTER II Fact and Negative Fact # $9

~ Atthe beginning of the 1900s, engineers started building taller and taller buildings B&¥ Using steel, builders can make a skeleton for the building This skeleton is made of huge steel poles like legs that run through the whole building & These steel legs, called the superstructure, take all the weight of the building Each leg stands on a giant steel foot, called the substructure & The substructure keeps each leg from sinking into the earth under the 5 huge weight of the building

One of the problems facing very tall buildings is wind Think of how hard it can be to walk on a windy day That is because of the wind pushing against you A tall building catches a lot more wind than you do The first very tall buildings, like the Empire State Building, dealt with this problem by building an extremely strong steel center around the elevators anda + | weaker steel structure towards the outside of the building This allowed the building to actually bend a bit with the wind These days, most very tall buildings, like the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, use computers to solve the problem At the top of the building, a huge concrete weight is placed on special tracks that can move {ff from one side of the building to another 3

Computers monitor the wind and move the weight around the building to BBIBBBS againsttho 1s |

Today's tallest buildings are the Petronas Towers at 1,483 feet, but there are at least 50 buildings being designed right now that will be taller What heights will we reach in the next 50 years? Engineers say that the sky is the limit!

Look at the four squares [im] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

This was possible thanks to a new material, steel

Where would the sentence best fit? Click ona square [lm] to add the sentence to the passage

™ According to paragraph 1, what is the superstructure?

Aằ The strong center of the building Bằ The feet of the building C) A weight system on top of the building Dằ The skeleton of the building

Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow [ + ]

According to the passage, what does the substructure do?

Aằ It prevents the building from sinking into the ground

It takes the weight of the building

Cằ It balances against the wind

Dằ Itmakes the building strong

! The word jit in the passage refers to

Aằ building B concrete weight C_ special tracks D> wind

5 According to the passage, why did the Empire State Building have a weaker structure on the outside of the building than in the center?

A To protect the elevators Bằ To make it lighter C) To save money CD) To allow it to bend

6 According to the passage, how do modem buildings fight the wind?

CAD They use light materials to become more flexible

CB They have a strong center and a weaker steel structure towards the outside ©) They use computers and weights to balance against the wind

D> They bend when strong wind blows against them

` The word [W8ISW6đ in the passage is closest in meaning to

CAD control CB stop (C) steady (D) prevent

HAPTER Il Fact and Negative Fact * 6]

A planet with three small volcanoes and a lovely rose a tiny little planet called Asteroid B-612 that is where he used to live

Choose the best meaning for the words in bold

1 Mark hag many comic books He is starting a comic book collection

1 aroup of similar thinas j [ j b store that sells second-hana stuff

2 Cars are not the only cause of air pollution, but they contribute to it a ada b prevent

3 One of the problems in developed cities is crime a) expensive to live b) having reached a high level

4 It is the duty of a soldier to protect his country a right © role

5 We cannot help but limit the number of tickets we sell because there are only 30 seats on the bus

6 Mark is very religlous He goes to church every Sunday a) diligent © faithful

7 We took a test today The results of the test will come next week a) grade (6) change

8 The NBA championship is a serles of seven games a events that happen one after the other p b important actions f

9 Many olảd paintinas are very valuable They sell for millions of dollars


Mark listens to his headphones at high volume because he has damaged his ears (C) Mark is hurting his hearing when he listens to loud music with his headphones

2 Despite the weatherman’s forecast of rain for tomorrow, we will go to the park

(A) We planned to go to the park, but the weatherman said it would rain.

The weatherman forecasted rain for tomorrow, even though we are going to the park

3 Wendy’s family travels to the coast each year after the school term ends

(A) Wendy’s family will travel to the coast after school.

Wendy’s family travels after each school term ends

4 We can win the game if Mike scores this goal.

Our victory depends on Mike scoring this goal

(C) If we win the game, Mike can score this goal

5 You must be careful around injured animals because they are more likely to attack

(A) Animals are more dangerous when you injure them, so you should be careful!

(B) Animals like to attack when they are injured, so you should be careful

(C Animals are more likely to attack when they are hurt so you should be care ful

3 Basic Drills 2 u Read the sentences below and choose the answer choice with the same meaning The correct idea will include a summarized idea from the original sentence

| Jason packed his suitcase, bought film, checked his airplane ticket, and made hotel reservations for his vacation

(.\) Jason was very busy on his vacation

(B) Jason prepared for his vacation.

Jason planned to go on vacation

? Each week, Carl goes running, lifts weights, does aerobics, and swims.

Each week, Carl plays a lot

) The tornado knocked down trees, broke windows, destroyed houses, and smashed cars

(A) The tornado was very dangerous.

The tornado was very strong

} Jack doesn’t have a car, so he always takes buses, subways, or taxis.

Jack doesn’t have a car, so he always travels with other people

5 Lizards eat ants, bugs, and flies

Lizards eat gross animals A lizard

4 Read the sentences below and choose the answer choice with the same meaning Incorrect answer choices will leave out important information or change the connections between different ideas in the sentence

You should bring warm clothes when you go hiking even in the summer because the temperature can drop quickly in the mountains

(A) You should always carry warm clothes even in the summer in case the temperature drops

(B) Inthe mountains it can get cold even in the summer, so you should bring warm clothes if you go hiking

(C) If you go hiking in the summer, the temperature will drop quickly, so you should bring warm clothes

Drinking and driving is wrong because when you drink and drive, you also put other people in danger.

When you drink and drive, you put other people in danger

(B) Driving when you are drunk puts other people in danger as well, and that is wrong.

If you put other people in danger when you drink and drive, it is wrong

While many people in America own guns to protect themselves from criminals, owning guns only increases the amount of crime in the U.S

(A) Although many Americans have guns for protection, guns actually contribute to crime in America.

People own guns to protect themselves, but guns only increase the amount of crime

+ Read the sentences below The second sentence is an incorrect paraphrase of the first sentence

Choose the reason why it is an incorrect paraphrase

1 Michael asked, “What is so great about Harry Potter?”

* Michael thought Harry Potter is not such a great book after all.

There is information in the second sentence that is not presented in the first sentence

Ỳ An important difference between humans and chimpanzees is that chimpanzees walk on four legs ằ There are some important differences between humans and chimpanzees

(A) The second sentence leaves out important information in the first sentence

(B) The second sentence changes the meaning of the first sentence in important ways

(C) There is information in the second sentence that is not presented in the first sentence

If you want to be smart, surround yourself with smart people ằ Make friends with smart people if you want to become smart, and stay around happy people if you want to be happy

(A) The second sentence leaves out important information in the first sentence

(B) The second sentence changes the meaning of the first sentence in important ways

(C) There is information in the second sentence that is not presented in the first sentence

Nature preserves are very important for the environment Nature preserves are like giant parks Their main purpose is to give animals a place to live without pressure or competition from humans (@) No one’ numbers of people who can enter a nature preserve are ĐWi@WW/MWỉWW@đi To better understand nature preserves and the role they play, let’s look at one of the biggest nature preserves on Earth, the Serengeti Nature Preserve

10 The Serengeti Nature Preserve is in Tanzania, a country in eastern Africa The nature preserve covers almost 15,000 square kilometers, and is home to lions, zebras, and many other animals The Serengeti Nature Preserve protects these animals in a number of ways

First, it gives them a safe place to live, free of hunters and other humans Because there are no humans, it is easier for the animals to find food and water Second, the nature preserve 1s includes the important trails* that these animals move across @ƒ#ÿW@@@WW@WWNWVAMIMHHOIVOY years old, and animals use them as they move to different areas during the year to find food

“trail a rough path across countryside or through a forest 1

1 Which answer choice has the same 2 Which answer choice has the same basic meaning as sentence (a)? basic meaning as sentence (b)?

(A) No one can live or drive on a (A) Animals use the trails as they nature preserve, and people who move for millions of years to enter the preserve are limited find food.

Only a limited number of people ( Animals use the trails, which are can enter a nature preserve, and millions of years old, to move to

the number of people, roads, and (C) Millions of animals use these buildings trails during the year as they

A number of people strictly limit move to find food

building roads or buildings in (D) These trails are millions of years nature preserves old, but animals still use them to find food

The word has a similar meaning to the noun “stress.”

If something is , there are not very many of them

G If something or some placeis — —— — a problem, it does not have that problem

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure Underline the words that the conjunction in bold connects a To better understand nature preserves and the role they play, let’s look at one of the biggest nature preserves on Earth

( The nature preserve covers almost 15,000 square kilometers, and is home to lions, zebras, and many other animals

When many people think of art, they tend to think of the great painters of history, like Picasso and da Vinci But there are other forms of art besides painting An excellent example is the famous Faberge collection Carl Faberge was a famous goldsmith* in the late 1800s He did his most famous work for the Russian Czars*

The Russian royal family celebrated Easter by exchanging Easter eggs In 1884, the Russian Czar, Alexander III, hired Faberge to make a jeweled Easter egg for his wife @

The Empress loved the egg so much that her husband asked Faberge to make an egg for

CACHEASter area Each year, the egg had a special surprise inside, usually a small toy made of gold

(b) When Alexander III died, his son, Nicholas II, continued the tradition with one šđiIl@ff67/2W4624fK@d/BWW@fWf/V0iWiAKG/UWO by loii0lirjjoii( One egg was for his mother, and one egg was for his wife In total, Faberge made 56 eggs for the Russian Czars Today, these eggs are extremely valuable works of art Art collectors often pay millions of dollars for a single egg.

Which answer choice has the same basic meaning as sentence (a)?

(A) The Empress loved the egg so much that she asked her husband to buy her an egg each year after that

(B) The Empress loved the egg so much that the Czar asked Faberge to make an egg every Easter

(C) The Empress loved the egg so much that her husband wanted more eggs

(D) The Empress loved the egg so much that her husband asked Faberge to give her an egg each Easter f Words You Should Know

Which answer choice has the same basic meaning as sentence (b)?

(A) When Alexander III died, his son asked Faberge to make two traditional eggs

(B) After his father’s death, Nicholas II asked Faberge to make a small change to the tradition

(C) When his father died, Nicholas II asked Faberge to change the tradition by making two eggs each Easter

(D) When Alexander III died, his son continued Faberge’s tradition with a small change in the number of eggs

If you to do something, you usually do it

The word is similar in meaning to the phrase “in addition to.”

An is a woman who rules an empire or who is the wife of an emperor

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure

Inderline the words that the conjunction in bold connects

One egg was for his mother, and one egg was for his wife

Wars are always important events in history and usually cause great change around the world Sometimes those changes are good, and sometimes they are terrible One series of wars that caused great changes around the world was the Crusades The Crusades started at s the end of the 11" century and lasted almost 200 years (DHE

JERS ORAM, Both Christians and Muslims consider Jerusalem to be a holy to city, and the wars they fought over the city were brutal and bloody

In one way, the Crusades were a failure for the Europeans They did not take the city of Jerusalem from the Muslims But in another way, the Crusades were a success for Europe

The Crusades 1s brought this knowledge back to Europe and started a huge growth in European science and culture

| Which answer choice has the same 2 Which answer choice has the same basic meaning as sentence (a)? basic meaning as sentence (b)?

(\) The Crusades between European (A) People from Africa and Asia Christians and Middle Eastern traded their science and other Muslims started after the Pope said subjects in the Middle East, and Christians had the duty to take as a result, it was very control of Jerusalem from the developed

Muslims (B) Middle Eastern science was very

(B) The Crusades started because it developed because it was a was the religious duty of Christians trading region for people from to take the city of Jerusalem back Asia and Africa from the Muslims (C) The Middle East was a very

(C) The Crusades were a series of wars developed trade center for Asia the Christians fought because the and Africa

Pope said it was their religious duty (D) The Middle East developed by (1)) All Christians fought in the trading science with Asia and

Crusades because the Pope said it Africa was their religious duty to take the city of Jerusalem

= things come one after the other mằ The word is similar in meaning to “violent.”

Grammar Review: Understanding Parallel Structure Jnderline the words that the conjunction in bold connects

1 Wars are always important events in history and usually cause great change around the world

2 Both Christians and Muslims consider Jerusalem to be a holy city

_1 Complete the table and then use a word from the table to complete the sentences below

Use a word from line 1 in sentence 1, and so on Use the right verb forms and singular or plural nouns The “X” on the table means that there is no word for the given form

9 contributory countries should pay more attention to poor countries

My mom tries to the amount of candy I eat

Football players wear pads and helmets for

Our mistakes were the of bad planning

You need to develop yourself and make yourself aS ceo ~s Ge cat 6¢ hà Doctoshavetco tohelp people

Smoking cigarettes _ to lung cancer

| sentence Review u Complete the following sentences by rearranging the words from the parentheses to fill in the blanks in the right order

} The main purpose of nature preserves is

without pressure or competition from humans

(place, animals, a, give, to, live, to)

2 Because there are no humans, food and water

(it, for, the, find, to, is, easier, animals)

3 When many people think of art, of history, like Picasso and da Vinci

(to, the, painters, they, think, tend, of, great)

Both Christians ; and the wars they fought over the city were brutal and bloody

(city, to, a, be, holy, Jerusalem, Muslims, and, consider)

5 While many people in America own guns to protect themselves from criminals, in the U.S

(guns, increases, crime, the, of, owning, only, amount)

The Vietnam War and Draft Dodging

-~ Today, the United States has an all volunteer army, but this was not always true For most of the big wars the U.S fought in the 20" century, there was a @ifaiff The draft has worked in different ways during different wars, but basically it was a lottery Every man, starting at age 18, had to sign up for the draft Each month, the army would hold a lottery If a man’s number was chosen in the lottery, he had to serve in the Army While nobody really wanted to be drafted, the 5 | system was not very controversial* during World War II and the Korean War because most Americans agreed with those wars The Vietnam War, however, changed the way that Americans thought about the draft forever

Unlike earlier wars, not all Americans supported the Vietnam War Many Americans, especially younger Americans, thought the Vietnam War was wrong As a result, there were many 10 young men who opposed the draft These young men faced a difficult choice if (tigy were drafted

BY They could enter the army and fight in a war they thought was wrong, or they could ỉđ@@ the draft Ei! People who dodged the draft refused to enter the army This, however, was illegal, so draft dodgers had to leave America @ SGIISIGHOICSORMAnyVOUNG Men Wasieinenmorignt ;

B During the Vietnam War, nearly 50,000 young men left the United States for Canada to dodge the draft This caused terrible pain for these men and their families After the war, President Carter passed a law that said draft dodgers could retum to the United States Many of the draft dodgers did return, but the Vietnam draft is still a painful memory in the U.S and the main reason why Ẹ there is no longer a draft 20 |

* controversial: causing a lot of disagreement

1 Based on the information in paragraph 1, the Cằ young men term draft can best be explained as D Vietnam War

A.ằ an Amencan war B ằ a soldier who Goes not agree with a war 5 The word sedge in the passage is closest in a random system of selecting men for meaning to military service A ) quit a volunteer army B) cheat jraph 1 arked with an arrow [> | CC) avoid miss

2 According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true of the draft EXCEPT 6 Look at the four squares [im] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the (A) every man over the age of 18 had to participate passage

B ằ it was a part of every major war until after This was also a difficult choice because they the Vietnam War could never retum

Cằ the draft was never controversial Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a Dằ the draft selected men for military service square [lm] to add the sentence to the passage by chance


M ột số câu hỏi vẻ bài đọc yêu câu bạn phải suy luận Suy luận là kết luận được rút ra dựa trên thông tin được trình bày trong bài đọc Các câu trả lời cho dạng câu hỏi này không được trình bày cụ thể mà chỉ được ngụ ý (imply) trong bài đọc Để trả lời tốt câu hỏi suy luận, trước nhất bạn phải hiểu được nội dung bài đọc, sau đó tầng hợp các thông tin để hiểu được ngụ ý của tác giả, va cuối cùng la đưa ra lợi kết liận (conclude) hoặc suy luận (infer) vẻ sự việc đó Kha năng suy luận sẽ giúp bạn hiểu bai đọc sau hơn.

Các dạng câu hỏi sau đây sẽ giúp bạn phát triển khả năng suy luận:

Câu hỏi suy luận (Inference Questions) Câu hỏi tu từ (Rhetorical Purpose Questions) Câu hỏi chèn câu (Insert Text Questions)

Hay gach dưới các mệnh đề phụ trong các câu sau đây và cho biết các mệnh đe đó giứ va: trò tính từ, trạng tư hay danh tư trong câu dụ Vi

Jennifer was on her way home from school when she heard someone calling her name

Anne is often told that she has beautiful brown eyes

Mark doesn't like his face because his nose is too big

| chased the cat, which ran away out of my sight soon

Shirley watched TV before she went to her room to start her homework

Sometimes | thought that she had been lying to me

Let's go sailing on the lake as soon as it gets warm

| wonder if | will ever see you again

Isn't it strange that she didn’t know the news?

As Bryan walked into his apartment building, he looked in the mailbox

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself


Hay gach dưới các mệnh đẻ danh từ trong các câu sau đây và cho biết các mệnh đẻ danh từ đó giữ chức nang gi trong cau Hay khoanh tron chức năng tương ứng lv i du

10 We ail know that we cannot be alive forever

Practice 8 |

lây đọc đoạn văn sau va chọn một từ thích hợp trong ngoặc

“Were you so sad, then,” | asked, “on the day of the 43 sunsets?”

But the little prince made no reply

Choose the best meaning for the words in bold

1 The Egyptians had a large kingdom because they had a powerful army and won trany wars

2 We were going to have a barbecue, but Jagon forgot the coal, and so we | couldr’t cook | a) mportant thing & kind of fuel

3 We will take a dlrect flight to London The plane will not make any stops a) nore expensive b) going straight

4 My sister is an endless talker She never stops talking

5 Mark compared Earth to a piece of sand on the beach to Illustrate the size of the universe

6 The rain quickly turned the ground into mud

7 After the U.S dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world understood the power of nuclear weapons

8 You need a license before you can operate a plane

9 After President Lincoln freed the slaves, Southern farmers had to pay the Africen-Americans who worked on their farms

CHAPTER IV inference and Purpose * 99 inferencegan pose

Suy luận (Inference) là đưa ra kết luận dựa trên những thông tin được trình bày trorg bai đọc Câu hỏi suy luận là dạng câu hỏi về những thông tin ần Đề trả lời câu hỏi suy luậr, bạn phải tìm hiểu an y “read between the lines” cua tac gia trong bài đọc Khi đọc bai van, chuirg ta dễ dàng nắm bắt những thông tin được trình bày trực tiếp, nhưng đề suy luận được, ben cân phải có khả năng tổng hợp thông tin và đưa ra lời kết luận dựa trên tính lôgic của vắn đẻ được trình bày Suy luận là một trong những kỹ năng đọc hiểu thú vị nhất.

(‘au hoi suy Juan (Inference Questions) kiếm tra khả năng của ngươi học trong việc hiểu thông tin duoc ngu y (implied) trong bai doc Vi du, bai doc trinh bay két qua cua một sự việc được đê cập trong bai thi cau hoi co thé yeu cau ban suy ra nguyén nhan dẫn đến kết quả đó, hoặc bai đọc trình bay các hien tượng va yêu câu bạn tổng quát lại các hiện tượng đó

Ví dụ vẻ dạng câu hỏi suy luận duoc cho trong bai thi TOEFL iBT thực tế

Based on the information in paragraph 3, it can be inferred that most mistaken shootings involve children under 8 mistaken shootings usually involve police toy gun makers don't care if children get shot the number of mistaken shootings is increasing

Liên kết thông tin dựa trên tính lôgic

Nội dung câu hỏi không được đẻ cập trực tiếp trong bài đọc, nhưng dựa vào những thông tin được trình bày cụ thể, ta có thể tìm ra những manh mối để trả lời được câu hỏi đó

Justin and Matt were in the faculty room Their teacher was scolding them while they were looking clue 1 down at the floor There was dirt everywhere on their clothes, and Justin's nose was bleeding clue 2 clue 3

Qua đoạn văn trên, ta có thể suy ra là Justin đã đánh nhau với Matt Các phản được gạch dưới là những manh mối giúp ta suy ra sự việc

Không dựa vào nhận xét, quan điểm cá nhân Đối với dạng câu hỏi suy luận, ta phải dựa vào thông tin được trình bày trong bài đọc để tìm manh mối trả - lời câu hỏi, chứ không dựa vào nhận xét hoặc quan điểm cá nhân để đưa ra lời kết luận

Ex Pregnant women cannot fly on airplanes For this reason, Judy has to take a boat to Europe,notan - airplane a) Judy is pregnant (suy luận đúng) b) Judy is afraid of flying (suy luan sai)

Câu lựa chọn a) là đúng vi dua trên suy luận lôgic từ thông tin được trình bày trong đoạn van Ở lựa chọn b), nếu ta đưa ra kết luận Judy sợ đi máy bay là chưa lôgic vì trong bài không có manh mối giúp ta biết được Judy so di may bay

CHAPTER IV Inference and Purpose # |0

Read the short paragraphs below What inferences can be made?

Last week, Jason read a newspaper story about a man who sold a comic book for over

$100,000 The comic book was very old and very rare The man kept the comic book for over forty years, not knowing it was so valuable After Jason read the article, he started saving all of his comic books

@ What can be inferred from this paragraph?

(A) All old comic books are very valuable (B) Jason will be rich one day

(C) Jason hopes his comic books will be very valuable one day

Hurricanes are very strong storms that come from the sea They get their power from hot, wet air They cause very high winds and lots of rain Hurricanes can cause millions of dollars of damage Hurricanes most commonly start in the Southern Atlantic Ocean and travel north into the Caribbean Sea

@ What can be inferred from this paragraph?

(A) Most of the damage caused by hurricanes comes from their winds

(B) The Caribbean is a very dangerous place to live

(C) The air in the Southern Atlantic is hot and wet

Back to the Basics (1) Make your own title for paragraph 1: |

Weds, WoRDS! Loo at the paragraphs again, and find words with the same meaning ° Making you laugh comic

Not common © Worth a lot of money

Making inferences °There are many ways to cheat in baseball ?One popular way to cheat used to be to cork bats °Baseball players would drill a hole in their bats and then fill them with cork “This made the bats lighter and easier to swing ®These days, baseball bats are x-rayed before games to make sure that they are not corked

@ What can be inferred from this paragraph?

(A) No one cheats in baseball anymore (B) Cork is lighter than wood

((‘) Baseball players are very dishonest

Santana is one of the greatest guitar players in rock music Since the 1960s, he has been making highly original music Unfortunately, for many years, his music was not very popular He had a small group of fans, but he did not get the attention or fame that he deserved Then, as Latin rock music became more popular in the 1990s, he started to sell more records and became an international star

@ What can be inferred from this paragraph?

(A) Santana was very poor before the 1990s (B) People do not like original music

LECORUSEENCS> (3) Choose the number of the sentence that has the main idea of paragraph 3:

‘ml #; (4) Make your own title for paragraph 4:

WRDs, WoaoS! Look at the paragraphs again, and find words with the same meaning

-_ To behave in a dishonest way in order to win in a competition, game, etc cheat

> The state of being known about by a lot of people ° To have enough qualities to receive something

Read the passage and answer the inference questions These inferences will come from separate parts of the passage You will have to connect information from separate parts of the passage to make the correct inference

Today, oil is the world’s most important fuel We use oil to make gasoline for our cars, and we use oil to make electricity in our power plants Oil actually comes from plants and animals When plants and animals die, their bodies are slowly covered by the ground Over millions of years, their bodies change into oil Because oil comes from animals, the places with the most plants and animals, like jungles, create the most oil

A) Most motorcycles are not very expensive

surprised (D> concerned

According to the passage, why were the British able to easily defeat the Chinese?

The Chinese army was full of drug addicts

C> They had superior military technology

(D> They had war ships and the Chinese did not

Based on the information in paragraph 4, it can be inferred that

CAD opium imports increased after the Treaty of Nanking

CB the Treaty of Nanking was signed in Hong Kong cC the Chinese could only trade with the British after the Treaty of Nanking D> many Chinese ports became the property of England Paragraph 4 is marked with an arrow [ = ]

19 Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below

Complete the summary by selecting THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage This question is worth 2 points

Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong

To review the passage, click on View Text

The Opium Wars were fought over the British import of opium into China

(A) Trade with western countries brought many beneficial changes to Asia

(B) In the 19” century, Britain was damaging Chinese society by bringing large amounts of coium into the country

(C) Opium is highly addictive, and China had many drug addicts

(D) The war started because the British reacted violently to Chinese attempts to stop the opum trade

(E) After the war, the Treaty of Nanking forced the Chinese to make many unfair agreements with the English

(F) The Chinese lost the Opium Wars because the English had far better weapons than they did

Plays are one of the oldest forms of literature we have Long before there were any novels, people around the world were writing and acting out plays One society which did much to develop plays as we know them today was the society of the ancient Greeks Originally, Greek plays began as part of a religious festival to the Greek god Dionysus, the god of song, wine, and nature For the three days of the festival, Greek writers would present their plays At the end of the three days, judges would choose the best play

~ Greek plays had two forms: tragedy and comedy Greek tragedies are now by far the most famous form of Greek play Tragedies focus on a great character, such as a king or a great warrior During the play, this character would suffer terrible (IST@RWINE , until at the end of the play they either were dead or had lost their status* Their fall from their high position was usually caused by some flaw’ in their personality For example, in the famous tragedy egiouS , the main character is searching for the murderer of his father Throughout the play, he receives many wamings to stop his search, but he refuses to listen At the end of the play, he discovers that he is actually his fathers murderer, and his life is destroyed In this case, the character's tragic flaw is his stubborn attitude The Greeks watched tragedies because they believed that {tig took negative emotions such as fear and disgust out of them and left them emotionally clean This process was called I@8WWWB8WSNG

Greek comedies were not like the comedies we have today Greek comedies were not necessarily funny The basis of a Greek comedy was the opposite of a Greek tragedy: a normal person would enjoy a period of good luck and would rise in status at the end of the play

Greek comedies were less serious than tragedies and were generally used to lighten the mood of the audience after they saw a tragedy

“status an official position especially in a social group

“flaw a fault or weakness in someone's character

They were the first plays in the world There were two kinds of Greek plays

C) They began as part of a religious festival

Dằ) They were judged in contests to find the best play

According to the passage, what influence did the ancient Greeks have on plays as an art form?

(B) They made plays more similar to the form of play we have these days

“C>) They made comedies that were not funny

(D> They cleansed their emotions with plays

The word ớWWĐfƒỉWW,W@ in the passage is closest in meaning to

pain CC) sadness (D> bad luck

According to paragraph 2, what role did the tragic flaw play in Greek tragedies?

(A> It was the cause of the main character's downfall

(m) ) It made people hate the main character

It showed that the main character oO) deserved what happened to him

Dằ \It ended the play Paragrapt marked with arvarrow | >

“Bằ To show that being stubborn is a very bad thing c6 - To give an example of a tragic flaw DBằ To better explain why Greeks liked tragedies

The word they in the passage refers to ) Greeks

Based on the information in the passage, the term (GaHHISIS| can best be explainedas

CA) not wanting to have negative emotions CB) watching a story of terrible events to rid yourself of negative emotions

> watching powerful people ruin their lives to free yourself of negative emotions (D) aceremony to leave yourself emotionally clean

Based on the information in the passage, it can be inferred that

(A) comedies were more popular then tragedies

B.ằ comedies usually came after tragedies Cằ tragedies required better actors DB comedies were very exciting m d6

28 Directions: Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the type of play to which they relate TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used This question is worth 3 points

Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong

To review the passage, click on View Text

Used to lift people's mood Tragedies

Most tarnous form of Greek play ®

Usually won play contests ° tii * ISI

H ãy hình dung bạn đi xem một trận bóng đá rồi sau đó vẻ nhà thuật lại cho người khác nghe Bạn sẽ thuật lại như thế nào? Nếu bạn kể lại một cách tường tận thì không có thời gian, vả lại bạn cũng không thể nào nhớ hết các chi tiết Bạn chỉ có thể nhớ được các thông tin quan trọng như đội nào thắng, câu thủ nào ghi bàn hoặc các pha bóng đẹp trong trận đấu Nói khác hơn, bạn tóm tắt lại những thông tin quan trọng nhất vẻ trận đấu đó Điểm quan trọng bạn phải lưu ý trong quá trình đọc hiểu là phải năm được nội dung trọng tâm của bài sau khi đọc xong và phải trả lời được câu hỏi: bài đọc này nói về cái gì, nội dung đó có liên quan đến vấn đẻ gì Nếu lam được điều này thì bạn sẽ nhớ được nội dung rõ ràng hơn và có thể thuật lại cho người khác biết nội dung của bài đọc và nhớ bài đọc lâu hơn.

Phản C bao gồm các bài tập tổng hợp thông tin trong bài đọc qua hai dạng câu hỏi sau đây:

1 Câu hỏi phân loại thông tin (Classifying, Categorizing, and Organizing Information Questions)

2 Cau hoi tom tat thong tin (Prose Summary Questions)

Hãy gạch dưới động từ trong các câu sau đây Nếu động tư hòa hợp với chủ ngữ, viết O; aeu nó không hòa hợp với chủ ngữ, viết X Í The lyrics and melody of this song goes together well -

2 Drinking and driving is a serious crime ~

03 Every one of you guys has to work harder -—

(4 ~~ ‘Either Jake or Justin is going to the party tonight - Not only the students but also the teacher need a vacation - 06 Carrie, as well as her parents, are planning to move to the countryside = - 07 There was a large number of people in the park during the weekend The only thing | can’t stand are people smoking inside a building! - TS

Three years is not a long time -

10 Dominoes is one of my favorite games

IS4 # Par Reading To Learn

Practice Ki) Hay chọn ¿ộng từ thích hợp được cho trong ngoặc điên vào chô trống trong các câu dưới đây

A mother is a person who cares about you (care, cares)

Henry is an old man who his wife and children (love, loves) Julie is the only one of the students who absent (is, are) My sister likes any guy who _ to Harvard University (go, goes)

Our coach says the point guard andcenter the two most important positions in basketball (is, are)

Students who are interested in joining the band to fill out this form

Neither my mother nor my father at home yesterday (was, were)

The total prrice including tax $300,000 (is, are) The colorofhereyes green, which seems quite strange to me (is, are) Kickingyourbadhabls you solve your health problems (help, helps)

Mathematics my favorite subject (is, are)

Essential Grammar for Reading # ISS

Hay chọn đại từ thích hợp được cho trong ngoặc điên vào chô trống trong các câu dưới đáy Ẫ Leaves are falling from the trees, and people are steppingon them _ (it them)

01 ‘| had my camera fixed last week, but broke down again (i!, they) 02 You don't have to lend him $5,000; is big money (it, they) 03 Either Mike or his brother has to stay home by _ (himselí, thermselwas) _ The cat woke up and played with toys (its, their)

All the students should bring oneof _=————— parents (his, her, their) 06 Eachoneofhispoemshad owntitle (is, their)

07 Alice and Richard will have first baby next month (his, her, their) 08 tseems to me that the paintings have been moved from position (its, their) 0§ Teenagers usually follow the behavior ofa superstar like (he she, they) 10 Everycityhas ownculture, traditions, and customs (its, their)

Hay đọc đoạn văn dươi đày và cho biết các từ được gạch dươi la đúng hay sai Nêu đúng thì viết OK, nêu sai thi sua lai cho dung

You are responsible for your rose ”

The words of the fox made a deep impression in the heart of the little prince

Choose the best meaning for the words in bold

1 Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, but we have to choose one possipilities bi bad points

The politician called attention to forest destruction ô state of being destroyed b act of burning something

| think Scott has the capability to be a good player, but he is lazy a) desire b) ability

Unlike other diseases, mental illnesses are usually caused by emotional problems ® relating to the health of mind © relating to the health of body

The knight in the story was very noble ® brave and honest ®) young and active

There are many ways to fix this problem, but we need to choose the best solution a) result (b answer

| would like to be a professional singer, but | am not good enough ằ paid excellent

The army is responsible for protecting the country = P 3

› b|amea for bin charge of

Saving people inside the hotel was a tough but important mission 3 peop 3 P lob ử r2ason

CHAPTER VI Classifying, Categorizing and Organizing Information # [S9

Classifying, oriaag, and Organizing Information

Một số bài đọc trong TOEFL có nội dung so sánh và đối chiếu những điểm giống và khác nhau giữa hai đối tượng Nếu bạn chỉ đọc và dựa vào trí nhớ thì không thể nào nhớ hết được chỉ tiết do đó hãy ghi chu (note-taking) lại những điểm giống và khác nhau để tiện cho việc trả lời các câu hỏi về sau

*classtfv[l ' + |) w phan loại ? categonzel{': + ] sao xép thee loai


Lưuý những điểm khác nhau giửa hai đối tượng

Hảu hết trong các bài đọc có sự so sánh giữa các đối tượng hoặc sự việc, tác giả thường nèu nhữn điểm giống nhau trước rồi sau đó mới trình bày những điểm khác nhau Bạn không cân chí ý nhiẻ đến những điểm giống nhau mà hãy lưu ý đến những điểm khác nhau giửa hai đối tượng Khi phâ loại thông tin, bạn phải chọn ra các thông tin riêng biệt, cụ thể liên quan đến từng đối tượng đưo trình bày trong bài đọc Sau đây là một số cấu trúc thường được sử dụng để so sánh điểm giống v khác nhau giữa hai đối tượng hoặc sự việc: ô Điểm giụng nhau: There are similarities between A and B

A and B are similar in many ways

A and B have a lot of things in common e Diem khac nhau: A and B are different (from each other)

A is different from B in some ways There are differences between A and B The biggest difference between A and B is l6E8 * Pan C Reading To Learr

3) Su dung phuong phap doc do (scanning) Để đam bảo tinh chính xác trong việc chọn câu trả lợi cho từng đối tượng, bạn nên tim tu chu chót (key word) trong câu lựa chọn, sau đó đọc do (scan) trong bài đọc để xác định lại nội dung

Ghi lại nội dung quan trọng thông qua phản ghi chú (Note-taking)

Hãy tập ghi chú các thông tin chỉ tiết khác nhau của các đối tượng được so sánh, đối chiếu trong bài đọc Phản ghi chú nên ngắn gọn, nhưng phải thể hiện được điểm giống hoặc khác nhau giửa các đối tượng

Kangaroos and koalas are similar in many ways They are both mammals, and they both have pouches for their babies Both of them eat plants and live only in Australia However, there are some differences between kangaroos and koalas Although both kangaroo and koala babies are nursed in their mother's pouch, koalas leave the pouch earlier than kangaroos Moreover, kangaroos are faster and more active than koalas Kangaroos hop on the ground using their big back feet, while koalas usually stay in trees, sleeping almost all day long!

Gạch dưới một đường cho nội dung tương ứng với kangaroo, và gạch dưới hai đường cho nội dung tương ứng với koala Các dấu hiệu này giúp dễ nhận ra những điểm khác nhau giửa hai đối tượng

CHAPTER Vi Classifying, Categorizing, and Organizing Information * 163 l64 *

4 Read the paragraph below about the differences between biplanes and monophnes

Underline the four signal words that show changes between these two subjectsor additional information about the same subject

World War I was the first war in which airplanes were used as 4 weapons During the war, two different types of aircraft were used: biplanes (ae and monoplanes Biplanes are planes with two sets of wings, one above the :sosopane plane and one below the plane In contrast, monoplanes have only one set of wing Biplanes and monoplanes had very different capabilities and were used fer different missions during the war Biplanes could turn very quickly and caild carry a lot of weight Therefore, they were used mostly as fighters anc bombers

Monoplanes, on the other hand, could not carry much weight “hey were, A biplane however, much faster than biplanes, so they were mostly used as scou planes*

* scout plane: a plane that is sent to find information ibout the enemy

@ Which signal words show contrast or a change in topic? Which show more iniormation is being given about the same topic? Write the correct signal words in the spaces below

@ Contrast /Change Subject @ @ Same Subject @

.1 Now use the signal words to help you complete the table below

‘Back to the Basics 1) Make your own title for the paragraph:

The paragraph below is about the differences between monkeys and apes Underline the five signal words that show changes between these two subjects or additional information about the same subject

Many people think that gorillas are monkeys, but this is not really true Gorillas are actually apes, which are quite different from monkeys The easiest difference to see is that monkeys have tails, while apes have no tails In addition, the shoulders of apes and monkeys are shaped differently Monkeys have shoulders which only bend forward and backward, much like a dog’s or a cat’s In contrast, apes have shoulders which are more like a human’s, allowing them to use their arms more Furthermore, apes walk more like humans, sometimes standing upright Monkeys, however, almost always walk on all fours, like a dog Finally, apes have larger brains and are far more intelligent than monkeys

@ Which signal words show contrast or a change in topic? Which show more information is being given about the same topic? Write the correct signal words in the spaces below ® Contrast/Change Subject ® @ Same Subject e sh (1)

Now use the signal words to help you complete the table below

Walk like dogs Can use arms more

The paragraph is about

CHAPTER VI Classifying, Categonzing, and Organizing Information # 16S

-I Read the paragraph below about Bali and Java Underline the information about Java and double underline the information about Bali

The islands of Java and Bali are both parts of the nation of Indonesia Java and Bali are probably the two best-known islands in Indonesia, but other than that, they have little in common Java is the main island of Indonesia The capital, Jakarta, and most of the government are located on Java Java is also the major business center for Indonesia Bali’s economy, on the other hand, is based on tourism This is because, unlike Java and the rest of Indonesia, which are Muslim, Bali has a unique Hindu culture In addition, Bali has far better beaches than Java, which also make it more attractive to tourists

_ Now use the underlined parts of the passage to help you complete the table beow

| Tourist economy Center of government

| Mostly Hindu Mostly Muslim _ Business center

WRDs, WoaoS! : Look at the paragraph again, and find words with the same meaning © The most important city in a country capital ° The business of providing services for people on holiday ° Making you want something atC Reading To Learn ¡ Read the paragraph below about professional basketball and college basketball Underline any information about professional basketball and double underline any information about college basketball

Professional basketball and college basketball are two of the most popular sports in the United States At these two different levels, however, the game of basketball is quite different Some of the differences come from college rules that are designed to protect young players For example, there are fewer fouls in college basketball, making the game less physical and injuries less common In professional basketball, fouls are a part of the game, and injuries can be quite common There is also more pressure for professional players to play even when they are injured because they are being paid to play College players usually do not face this pressure There are other differences concerning money

Pro players are allowed to make money by starring in advertisements, while college players are not allowed to do this

4 Now use the underlined parts of the paragraph to help you complete the table below

Players star in ads | Less pressure to play injured

EEG MCALEEESGS> (1) Make your own title for the paragraph:

WRDs, Woros! _ Look at the paragraph again, and find words with the same meaning ° An action in a sport that is against the rules foul ằ Violent ằ Demand (noun)

APTEE V 3 }, Categonzing and Orgamazing Infor * 167

Over the last few years, several movies have been made about large objects from space crashing into the Earth and causing great destruction In the movies, these objects are always either asteroids or comets While they are treated as basically the same thing in the Anaseo movies, asteroids and comets are actually quite different

Asteroids are large rocks in space They are made up of rock and metal and are usually anywhere from 100 meters to | kilometer across, although a few are much larger Most of the asteroids in our solar system are in a belt between Mars and Jupiter Asteroids leave this belt when a collision* between two asteroids knocks one out of “2e the belt If a large asteroid hit the Earth, it would be incredibly destructive Scientists think that one such collision was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs Fortunately, asteroid impacts only happen about once every million years, and large asteroid :mpacts are even rarer

Comets are generally a few kilometers across Although they are larger than asteroids, they are much lighter because they are made of ice, gas, and dust Most comets do not actually come from the solar system They come from an area in deep space millions of times farther away than the asteroid belt Comets only become visible as they enter the solar system As they get closer to the sun, they begin to melt, leaving a visible trail of water and dust Scientists are unsure of how often comets hit the Earth, but t probably happens less frequently than asteroid collisions.

Directions: Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the object to which they relate TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used

Answer Choices e Most destructive e Larger in size e@ Located closest to Earth e Much older

Comets e Made of rock and metal e Usually less than | km across e Frequency of collisions unknown

If something into something, it hits something hard

The word is similar in meaning to “extremely.”

A is a long line or a series of marks left by someone or something

Vost of the asteroids in our solar system | Jupiter

Fortur ately, asteroid impacts only

Choose the right form of the verb from the parenthesis is / are ) in a belt between Mars and ippens ) about once every million years alegonzing, and Organizing Informmator * 169

-— Hobbes, Rousseau, and American Thought

The Renaissance was a time of great mental activity in Europe Many great European thinkers were developing new ideas about the nature of people Two of these thinkers, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, had an especially great impact on the history of

Thomas Hobbes lived from 1588 to 1679 His most important idea was that people were basically evil Hobbes felt that people were naturally bad, and it was society that taught people to be good He felt that without strong societies to control people, the world would be a terrible place to live This idea played an important role in American history because it was used to justify much of what was done to the Native Americans White Americans did not think that Native Americans lived in real societies According to Hobbes’s view, until they were brought into Christian society, they would remain basically evil people European Americans used this thinking to justify killing the Native Americans and stealing their land

Jean-Jacques Rousseau lived from 1712 to 1778 He believed that people were naturally good but that society made them evil The main impact of Rousseau’s ideas in America was in literature and art The idea of a “noble savage,” an essentially good person who grew up outside of an evil society, was used in many novels James Fenimore Cooper, for example, used the idea of the noble savage in his great novel The Last of the Mohicans, where the two main Native American characters are portrayed as heroes The result was a huge difference between the America of reality, where Native Americans were killed and robbed of their land, and the America of fiction, where Native Americans were heroes.

| Directions: Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the person to which they relate TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used

Answer Choices e Lived earlier e Thought society is a good thing e Ideas more important in the U.S e Ideas influenced U.S art e Ideas bad for Native Americans e Wanted to kill Native Americans e Believed people are basically good f Words You Should Know

When you something, you show that there is a good reason for it, especially when other people think it is wrong

The word has the opposite meaning to “physical.”

8 The word is similar in meaning to “describe.”

Choose the right expression from the parenthesis

1 This idea played an important role in American history because ( it was / they were ) uged to justify much of what was done to the Native Americans

2 European Americans used this thinking to justify killing the Native Americans and stealing ( its / tneir ) land

CHAPTER VI Classifying, Categonzing, and Organizing Information * [7|

As the world produces more and more modern technology such as cell phones and computers, more and more electricity is needed All over the world, new power plants are being built to produce more energy The two most s common kinds of power plants are coal-fired power plants and nuclear power plants Both nuclear power plants and mm coal-fired power plants heat water to very high temperatures to make electricity The major differences between coal-fired and nuclear power plants are the ways in which they heat the

10 water and the kinds of environmental problems they can cause A nuclear plant

Coal-fired plants produce over two thirds of all the electricity in the United States They are basically large ovens that burn coal to heat water An average coal-fired plan burns 14,000 tons of coal each day The main advantage to coal-fired plants is that they are 1s easy to build The major problem is that coal is a very dirty fuel It creates a lot of aul pollution In fact, pollution from coal-fired plants has risen 16% in the last ten years

Nuclear power plants, on the other hand, do not create much air pollution This i: because they do not burn fuel to create heat Instead, they use the natural heat from nuclea reactions to heat water There are several disadvantages to nuclear power plants The first 1;

20 that nuclear fuel is extremely dangerous It must be kept far away from people, and i remains dangerous for thousands of years In addition, nuclear power plants are ver) expensive and difficult to build

Directions: Select the appropriate phrases from the answer choices and match them to the power plants to which they relate TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used

Coal-fired Plants Nuclear Plants

Answer Choices e Like large ovens e Do not heat water e Expensive to build e Create air pollution e Becoming less and less popular e Extremely dangerous fuel e Produce most electricity in the U.S

The word “environmental” is the ( verb / adjective / adverb ) form for the noun

) The words “advantage” and “disadvantage” are ( synonyms / antonyms) b The phrase is similar in meaning to “moreover.”

>hoose the right form of the verb from the parenthesis

D The major differences between coal-fired and nuclear power plants ( is / are | the ways in which they heat the water and the kinds of environmental problems they can cause

) The main advartage to coal-fired plants ( io / are ) that they are easy to build

CHAPTER VI Classifying, Categonzing, and Organizing Information * [73

.1 Read the sentences below and put the correct word in each blank Use the word bank below

There are TWO extra words

| Vang ‘ ‘ual destruction — - Capability noble professional mission y”

1 Doctors say painting is good for "ơơ health

2 There are reports that MP3 players are for the increase in subway crime

3 One of the s of getting married is that you can hardly enjoy your free time

4 Ron wants to become a baseball player and make big money

5 Rich countries should help Africa to find a to its poverty § Henry believes that his artwork has a high and purpose

7 The Chinese has been growing fast for many years

8 They completed their In other words, their duty was done


Kate was reluctant to talk about it because she was afraid she might be wrong

4 Some people go to fortune tellers to learn their fate a) future () past

5 The river flows very fast here, 0 you can’t swim here a runs (b floods

6 = Mike lived in South America for two years because he wanted to learn about Latin culture a) relating to the Latin language from or relating to South America

7 Our progress on the project was very slow because we had to stop working many times a) d2velopment B plan

8 My car doesn’t work well But | can't afford to replace it, so | will continue to drive it ằ Clange b sell

9 Never point a gun at a person; you could accidentally shoot them a sc7ir2 someone with a gun b fire a gun AE someone

Bước cuối cùng của phân đọc hiểu là tóm tắt thông tin trong bài đọc Để tóm tắt được thông tin của bài đọc, bạn phải hiểu đây đủ nội dung chỉ tiết, cũng như chủ đẻ, mục đích của bài đọc

Tóm tắt thông tin là tóm lược lại phần thông tin quan trọng trong bài sau đó sắp xếp chúng theo thứ tự

* prose có nghĩa la vàn xuôi khác vzi th+ (verse) nhưng o day prose co nghia la bai doc (pasisage)

Câu hoi tóm tắt thông tín yêu câu tóm lược nói dung bài đọc trong vai câu Phân câu hỏi co cho san cau đản đé va yêu câu người học chọn ba câu có nói dung liên quan đến câu dân đê đó

Cau hoi tom tất thông tin thường được cho cuối cùng trong phản câu hỏi của bài đọc và được tính 2 điềm

Vi dụ về dạng cảu hỏi tóm tắt thông tin được cho trong bài đọc TOEFL /BT thực tế

Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express important ideas in the passage Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage This question is worth 2 points

Jonas Salk was one of the most important medical scientists of the 20" century

Answer Choices Salk created a way to use the body's natural reactions to stop diseases

Salk went to college because education was important in his family

Salk was the smartest doctor of the 1950s and 1960s

Saik's greatest achievement was creating a vaccine for polio

Saik was a generous man who cared more about people than making money | After Salk's vaccine, young people could swim again

(4) Thuc hanh cac bai tap tom tat thong tin ngan

Hãy chú ý các câu đầu của bài đọc vì chủ đẻ thường được trình bày ở đây Các cau tiép theo la ihang noi dung bổ sung thêm cho chủ đẻ Phan cau hoi tom tat thong tin (prose summary) co cho sin ciu dan de chứa chủ đẻ của bài đọc và bạn được yêu cầu tìm ba cau trong phan lua chon co noi dung tron; tam lién quan dén cau dan dé duoc cho Hay tap tom tat thong tin qua cac bai luyén tap ngan

( 2) Xác định y chinh (major idea) va y phu (minor idea)

Các câu tóm tất phải chứa ý chính (major idea) bổ sung trực tiếp cho chủ đẻ (main idea) cua ba đọc, Các câu còn lại là ý phụ (minor idea) Quan sát ví dụ sau đây:

(1) AIDS is a very serious disease (Chủ đẻ) (2) Over a million people get AIDS each year (Ý chính)

Most new AIDS cases are in Africa (Y phu)

Trong ví dụ trên, câu thứ nhất thể hiện chủ đẻ về AIDS - một căn bệnh rất nguy hiểm (serious disease) Câu thứ hai bổ sung trực tiếp cho chủ đẻ cho biết mức độ nguy hiểm của căn bệnh AIDS - hàng triệu người mắc bệnh mỗi năm Câu thứ ba chỉ cung cấp thêm thông tin chứ không liên quan trực tiếp đến chủ đẻ

Mỗi bài đọc đều có bố cục khác nhau Việc nắm bắt được cách trình bày và mối quan hệ giửa các ý với nhau sẽ giúp bạn hiểu được nội dung và bố cục của bài đọc dễ dàng và nhanh chóng hơn


4 Read the paragraphs below and underline the main idea in each paragraph

Guns can be very dangerous in the hands of children Most of these injuries are accidents They happen when a child finds his or her parents’ gun and plays with it

Sometimes the gun is already loaded and the child does not know it They may accidentally shoot themselves or another person However, such accidents can be avoided if parents put a gun in a safe place and teach their children never to play with it

Fusion is when things from different cultures are mixed together The most common areas for fusion are food and music The musician Santana is a good example Santana mixes Latin music and rock and roll together Another example would be pizza Pizza is originally an Italian food, but people all over the world use their favorite foods in pizza For example, in Hawaii you can get a pizza with pineapple, which is a very popular fruit in Hawaii You would never find such a pizza in Italy, but that is what fusion is all about!

For hundreds of years, Western countries have dominated world politics Since the time of Christopher Columbus, European nations have been the most powerful nations in the world In the 20" century, the United States, another Western country, became the most powerful nation in the world Now, however, that is slowly changing Large Asian countries, like China and India, are gaining more and more power in the world This is partly because they have such large populations As these countries grow richer, their economies become more important worldwide Soon, these countries may replace Western nations as the leaders of world politics

DEN WTATTS E9 (1) Paragraph 1 is about

(2) Make your own title for paragraph 2:

(3) Make your own title for paragraph 3:

CHAPTER VII, Prose Summary * 187 igg * P art ¢

- Read the paragraphs below and choose the correct summary for each paragraph

Dams can be very useful Dams provide a clean and safe source of electricity They also help to prevent floods, and provide water to cities and farmers But dams can also be bad for the environment Dams change the natural flow of a river Normally, a river carries dirt down from the mountains and out towards the sea This is important because it makes the land in the river valleys better for farming But dams can stop the river from moving the dirt downstream In addition, many fish travel up rivers to lay their eggs But the dams prevent them from traveling to the parts of the river where they normally lay their eggs

(A) While dams are useful for humans, they often damage the environment

(B) People should not build any more dams on rivers

Many American teenagers dream of becoming professional basketball players

Sometimes, these teenagers spend more time playing basketball than they do studying They think that if they play basketball well enough, their grades will not matter What they do not realize is that only a small percentage of people who play basketball in high school ever make it to the NBA Perhaps 30% of all high school basketball players go on to play at the college level Out of these college players, only about 5% make it to the NBA

(A) Many teenagers have unrealistic dreams of playing in the NBA

(B) Teenagers should study more and play less basketball

(Waos, Woros! Look at the paragraphs again, and find words with the same meaning ° What you get something from source

> Usually © Understand © Part of a total which is 100

Reading To Learn sic Drills 3

! Read the paragraphs below Each paragraph has TWO important ideas Underline the important ideas Do NOT underline minor details Use the main idea in bold to help you

The Internet can be a very useful tool if you need to find information If you are doing important work, however, you should be cautious of the information you find on the Intemet

Much of the information on the Internet is inaccurate or entirely untrue The information in books is generally accurate, because the publisher checks the author’s information before they publish the book On the Internet, however, anyone can make a website and put information on it without anybody checking their work Furthermore, some people place inaccurate information on the Internet because they want to trick people into agreeing with them There are several things you should do to make sure the information you find on the Internet is accurate First, try to take information from the websites of official organizations instead of personal websites You can also check the information on several websites If it is the same on all the websites, it is probably true

You may not realize it, but almost every product that you buy has been tested on animals Scientists test shampoo, toothpaste, and many other products on animals to make sure they are safe Many people have different opinions about animal testing Some people disagree with animal testing They believe that animal testing is cruel They understand the need to make sure that products are safe for humans, but they think we should find other ways of testing them Other people agree with animal testing They think humans are much more important than animals, so it is OK to use animals for testing

Words, WoaoS! Look at the paragraphs again, and find words with the same meaning ° Careful cautious ° Not completely correct © A person or a company that publishes books, newspapers, or magazines ° Deceive; cheat

-—— The Attack on Pearl Harbor

When World War II started in 1939, America supported the British, but it was reluctant to get involved in the war directly Then, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the U.S Navy base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and destroyed much of the U.S Pacific fleet*

Actually, the attack on Pearl Harbor was not as much of a surprise as many people believe There had been military tensions between tht U.S and

Japan for several years In 1941, peace talks between the two countries failed, ind it was obvious that there would soon be a war between them In addition, the U.S gyvernment caught a coded Japanese message in the weeks before the attack They decoded* 13 out the 14 parts of the message The decoded parts showed that the Japanese were panning an attack against the U.S., but they did not say where The U.S government did 1ot tell the public about these messages On the morning of the attack, the government caught another secret message This one left no doubt that Pearl Harbor would be the target of he attack, but by then it was too late By the time the warnings reached Pearl Harbor, the ittack was already over

The next day, President Roosevelt went on the radio to speak to the natior about the surprise attack and to declare war on Japan Greatly angered by the surprse attack, thousands of young Americans signed up for military service America had finaly entered 20 the war It wasn’t until years after the war, however, that the public learned thatthe attack that brought them into the war had not been such a surprise after all

* fleet: all the ships in a navy

* decode: to discover the meaning of a message written in a code J i

1 Directions: Look at the sentence in bold It is the introductory sentence of a short summary for the passage Choose THREE answers to complete the summary Wrong answer choices use minor ideas from the passage or use information that is not in the passage

On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S Navy base at Pearl Harbor

(A) World War II started in 1939, but the U.S did not enter the war until the Japanese attack

(B) Although many people believed the attack was a surprise, the U.S was aware of its possibility

(C) There had been military tensions between the U.S and Japan before the attack

(D) The U.S government had reasons to suspect that there would be an attack by the Japanese, but they kept this secret

(E) The Americans did not know the location of the attack because they could not decode the last part of the message

(F) Public anger over what they thought was a surprise attack by the Japanese caused the Americans to enter the war

When you are to do something, you are not willing to do it

If you get in a situation, you are affected by or included in it

G When you something, you agree to do it

Choose the right expression from the parenthesis ữ When World War lÌ started in 1939, America supported the British, but ( it was / they reluctant to get involved in the war directly

(: It wasn't until years after the war, however, that the public learned that the attack that brought |) tre | into the war had not been such a surprise at all

In 1984, 15 years after their famous moon landing, the American space program was slowing down To bring new interest to the space program, President Reagan ordered NASA to make plans to build a permanent station in space It was a huge order So s huge in fact, that NASA could not do it alone; America needed help on this project Canada, Japan, and European Space Agency all agreed to work as partners on the huge project

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2024, 19:10