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complete toeic reading comprehension nxb tổng hợp 2011 young soo lee 310 trang

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Trang 1

Complete TOEIC

Reading Comprehension

Young Soo Lee


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Trang 2

Complete TOEIC

Reading ComprehensionCopyright o 2011 Young Soo Lee Published In Vietnam, 2011This edition is published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between Wit&Wisdom Inc., Korea and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea

All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, In any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner

Trang 3

© © © ©

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In th e Reading test, you w ill read a va rie ty o f te x ts a nd a nsw e r several d iffe re n t typ e s of reading com prehension questions The entire Reading te st w ill last 75 minutes There are three p a rts , and d ire c tio n s are g ive n fo r e a ch p a rt Y o u a re e n c o u ra g e d to a n s w e r as m any questions as possible w ithin the tim e allowed

You m ust mark your answers on the separate a nsw er sheet Do n ot w rite your answ ers in the te st book

Directions: A w ord or phrase is m issing in each of the sentences below Four answ er choices

are given below each sentence Select th e b est answ er to co m ple te the sentence Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), o r (D) on your answ er sheet

101 The director of Public Relations unveiled - new plan to improve publicawareness of their company.(A) they

(B) their(C) them(D) that

102 The personnel of ABC Enterprises are inthe process o f _a new set ofhandbooks for recently-hired employees.(A) establish

(B) establishes(C) established(D) establishing

103 If you would like to obtain a parking permit,you sh o u ld _a vehicle registrationnumber and application fees to the security director

(A) comply(B) submit(C) urge(D) advise

survey to find out their clients’ interests and apply the information to the next product.(A) conduct

(B) conducted(C) to conduct(D) will conduct

December 30 have been sent to all employees.(A) Invite

(B) Inviting(C) Invitation(D) Invitations

106 Every year, we designate five employeesw ho s h o w promise and contributionsto our com pany and give them the awards

(A) whole(B) attractive(C) exceptional(D) inclusive

107 For further information on paydays and paid o r unpaid vacations, please refer to

employee handbook.(A) you

(B) your(C) yours(D) yourselves

108 Since you are under 16, we can let you in accompanied by your parents orhave their permission

(A) until(B) not only(C) since(D) only if

Trang 8

that all rent payments must be sent on or before the first day o f the month.(A) prom ptly

(B) gaily(C) repeatedly(D) mutually

fo r the sales director position should contact the Human Resources Department.(A) interested

(B) listed(C) hopeful(D) spontaneous

111 Please turn out all the lights and close the

(A) has left(B) to leave(C) leave(D) leaving

112 The newly-installed computer program

hours accurately.(A) record(B) deprive(C) rewind(D) attend

113 Many residents in the district have shown _to the proposal that we sponsor aseries o f factories

(A) resisting(B) resistant(C) resistance(D) resisted

11 A The sales figures in this region of Asia

economic conditions were so favorable.(A) following

(B) more than(C) unless(D) because

sales during the next fiscal year.(A) grew

(B) growth(C) grown(D) grow

116 The picture of Julia Roberts, the famous movie star, will be on the cover of the next

of People magazine.

(A) deposit(B) issue(C) price(D) promise

117 In order for us to process the contract withan overseas company, w e should hire a co m p e te n t _to help

(A) interpreter(B) interpret(C) interpreting(D) interpretation

118 Delegates fro m companiesattended the tim e management seminar in California

(A) various(B) variety(C) variably(D) variation

119 If you are new to our facility and have any questions about our products, please do not

to contact the customer service center.(A) detect

(B) qualify(C) hesitate(D) compete

120 Please contact him by e-mail because

vacation.(A) regular(B) regularly(C) regularity(D) regulate

Trang 9

are many people waiting in front of the box office as as in the parking areas.(A) well

(B) far(C) good(D) near

distance, he decided to move to downtown

(A) Whether(B) For(C) Since(D) Which

participate in the farewell party for the president Yang must sign up in advance.(A) when

(B) what(C) whom(D) who

124 High Quality Delivery Incorporation takes

possessions are dealt with safely.(A) precaution

(B) dismissal(C) advice(D) rule

125 Since it includes a matter of a sensitive nature,Mr Gonzales suggests that it is n o t to mention the proposal outside the division.(A) appropriateness

(B) appropriate(C) appropriately(D) most appropriately

126 In an effort to improve service, the ABC

(A) detain(B) conduct(C) associate(D) foresee

shipped, but you still have time to cancel your request until tomorrow

(A) about(B) nearly(C) close(D) off

128 Usually the assistant's job includes some

tasks, such as copying, typing, and answering the phones

(A) flavorful(B) routine(C) sincere(D) appropriate

129 Our net profits increased at a faster rate in the third quarter than had been predicted

(A) origin(B) originated(C) original(D) originally

130 the proposed safety inspection, allemployees at our main offices are required to report to work an hour early today.(A) While

(B) In that(C) In case(D) Due to

131 Mr Han is looking fo r another apartment,

(A) rising(B)rose

(D) rise

mobile phone shows the temperature and user’s current location on a map.(A) displayed

(B) displaying(C) display(D) displays

Trang 10

have been with the company for more than five years and showed excellent performance.(A) based

(B) intended(C) agreed(D) invited

134 Signs indicating the way out in case of

building.(A) against(B) except(C) throughout(D) upon

completed, employees will be eligible for benefits and paid vacations

(A) Soon(B) Then(C) Later(D) Once

136 Amazing Science Association is soliciting

for this year’ s best senior scientist.(A) nominate

(B) nominations(C) nominating(D) to have nominated

program has improved the quality of the designers’ work as well as their(A) economies

(B) harvest(C) measures(D) productivity

gifts should be sent are located on the last page

(A) whoever(B) whom(C) what(D) where

139 Simmon, Inc.’s revenues this year were nearly

to those recorded in the company’s most successful period seven years ago.(A) equal

(B) uniform(C)even

HO Due to advances in computer networking,

students use computers to register for their classes rather than doing it in person.(A) few

(B) little(C) many(D) even

Trang 11


Directions: Read the te xts below A w ord or phrase is missing in som e o f the sentences Four

answ er choices are given b elo w each o f these sentences Select the best answ er to com plete the text Then m ark the letter (A), (B), (C), o r (D) on your answer sheet

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter

May 8Dear AT&T customers,

141 (A) Thanks to(B) Because(C) Now that(D) In case ofin telecommunication, we can now offer you faster and more convenient service.As a part o f our continuing effort to provide you with superior-quality service, w e have been forced to increase our service fees Even though the money you have to pay has been increased, you can b e that you will be receiving top-quality service

142 (A) firm(B) definite(C) certain(D) establishedPlease take tim e to go over the attached information I t specific descriptions o f the new

143 (A) providing(B) had provided(C) provided(D) providesservices you will be offered as the new fees go into effect.Please c o n ta ct o ur C ustom e r S e rvice D epartm ent a t 1-800-778-1000 should you have any questions Thank you fo r your continued business


Trang 12

All employees must follow these instructions

In response to frequently-occurring com puter virus problems, w e will be updating our antivirus software Before installing the update, all staff members are required to restart their computers A

144 (A) following(B) after(C) next(D) soon

145 (A) restarting(B) restart(C) restarts(D) restartedWe will send this software to any com pany-ow ned used remotely

(B) computing(C) computers(D) computedStaff members w ho w ork off-site will need to install the software themselves If you have questions, you can reach us at (555) 689-2233

Trang 13

To: All employeesRe: New identification cardsSeveral com puters have disappeared recently In an effort to prevent theft o r misplacem ent of

147 (A) Otherwise(B) However(C) Therefore(D) Nonethelesswill receive new security identification cards

While new identification cards will be the same size and have the same electronic bar codes as an

148 (A) feature(B) compare(C) imply(D) retire

149 (A) attempts(B) privileges(C) remedies(D) evaluationsareas, online access to the company network, and discounts at the company cafeteria.Employees without new identification cards will not be able to enter the building

Trang 14

Welcome to Jimmy’s Show!

I know many of you are probably wondering how a television program is made Come and see for

(B) duplicate(C) identical(D) analyticalinteresting stories that are happening around us

Tickets are lim ited to tw o per

(B) request(C) requesting(D) require _tickets are available to those who fill out the online application Visit us at

(B) Complimentary(C) Combined(D) Optimisticw ww jim m yshow com and apply now!

Trang 15


Directions: In this part, you will read a selection o f texts, such as magazine and new spaper

articles, letters, and advertisem ents Each te xt is follow ed by several questions Select the best answer fo r each question and mark th e letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet

Trang 16

f IM P O R T AN T A N N O U N C E M E N T!

Connecting to the PUS (Powell University Student) Network

I New Computers I

computer viruses and spyware Instructions are online at http://pusnetconnect.powell.edu.Log in using your PUS username and password Click on “ PUSNet Connect Instructions”

I Existing Computers I

All returning residential students w ith a co m p u te r th a t has been th ro u gh th e PUSNet Connect Process in a prior term MUST UPDATE their PUSNet Connect software or their co m p u te r w ill n ot w ork w ith th e PUS N etw ork This u pdate takes 5 to 10 m inu te s to complete Instructions are online at http://pusnetconnect.powell.edu Log in using your PUS username and password Click on “ PUSNet Update Instructions”

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please contact the C omputer Services Help Desk

(A) Students

(C) They will have to get rid of their computer viruses

(D) They will have to log in using their usernames and passwords

Trang 17

Dear Students.On behalf o f all the faculty and staff, welcome to Arlington University.This letter confirms your participation in the New Student Orientation The orientation begins on the Arlington University campus with an assembly in McFaddcn Hall Please check in at the table labeled “College of Liberal Arts and Sciences” in the lobby o f McFadden Hall between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m.During the orientation, you will meet with faculty and professional advisors, current Arlington University students, and other new students During the morning session, students will leam about the programs and services offered campuswidc at Arlington University as well as the academic support offered within the college After the morning program, lunch is provided Toward the end o f the orientation, students will discuss first semester courses with a faculty advisor and have the opportunity to register for classes The orientation session will conclude at approximately 4:00 p.m.

Additional information is available on the Arlington University home page at www.au.edu This site will provide you with a variety o f information, including general degree requirements and a gateway to the home pages o f each academic program in the university

We look forward to meeting you at the New Student Orientation.Sincerely,

Dr Jamie Simpson, DirectorCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center

155 What is the purpose o f this letter?(A) To confirm enrollment fo r the fall

semester(B) To inform students to go online to make

a reservation for the orientation(C) To confirm participation in the New

Student Orientation(D) To make a reservation for a campus


(A) Going on a campus tour(B) Registering for classes(C) Learning about the campus services(D) Meeting with faculty and advisors

156 How long will the New Student Orientation take?

(A) 3 hours(B) 5 hours(C) 7 hours(D) 9 hours

Trang 18

Class 1 (Monday] Class 2 (Tuesday] Class 3 (Wednesday] Class 4 (Thursday) Class 5 (Friday]

Kitchen Workshop: Cooking for 1 or 2 Swim Lesson (Level 1 & 2]Pencil Drawing Poetry W riting YogaWelcome to Our Online Activity Offerings - Register Today!

Community Activities Septem ber 1 - November 30

Sro.'The Buena Park Community Activities & Services Department is pleased to offer online registration and online viewing of facility and equipment availability.Please note that there is a sm all convenience fee to register for recreational activities The convenience fee is non-refundable

You will need to set up an account to fill out the online application If you simply want to view our activities, facilities or equipment, there is no need to set up an account

For more information about the sessions, please visit www.bpcommunitycenter.org

158 What is this notice for?(A) School activities(B) Community fairs(C) Recreation centers(D) Community activities

159 What is NOT required to register?(A) An account

(B) An application(C) A convenience fee(D) A recommendation letter

160 Which is TRUE about the community activities?

(A) Beginner swimming courses are offered on Tuesday

(B) A fee is required for setting up an account

(C) The registration fee is refundable.(D) There is no class on Friday

Trang 19

Top World Travel 1987th Ave Ste 6 New York, NY

110018-678 Phone (212) 297-8322Jeff Springer 115 Saint Marks Place New York, NY Account Number 1374Dear Mr Springer,Thank you for doing business with us I am writing to give you detailed information about your trip to Canada on June 30.1 enclosed your airplane tickets and a copy of your final itinerary 1 also included the luggage tags you will need for your tour I strongly recommend that you arrive at the airport at least two hours before your departure time

As you mentioned the last time we talked on the phone, all travel expenses have been paid with your credit card However, I found out that $50 has been added for the meal plan since you are a vegetarian

Please review the attached information and feel free to contact me should you have any questions.Sincerely,

Kimberly Kim

161 Who most likely wrote this letter?(A) Mr Springer

(B) A travel agent(C) A department head(D) A flight attendant

162 According to the letter, what will happen on June 30?

(A) The itinerary will be released.(B) The tour will end.(C) Mr Springer's credit card will be

charged.(D) Mr Springer will leave for Canada

163 What is NOT enclosed with the letter?(A) Suitcase labels

(B) A tour schedule(C) A list of members Mr Springer will

travel with(D) Airplane tickets

164 For what has Mr Springer been charged extra money?

(A) Food(B) A replacement ticket(C) Transportation to the airport(D) Hotel

Trang 20

W W » V

Grocery retailer Matthison has announced a series of changes to its senior management structure that will improve organizational efficiency Greg Ford, the Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, will now be given responsibility for the company’s supply chain organization

T h is a dd e d re s p o n s ib ility inclu d e s inve n to ry m ana g e m en t, d is trib u tio n , warehousing, and logistics Ford now becomes Executive Vice President, and Karen Anderson, formerly Executive Vice President, is leaving the company to pursue other interests Gabriel Karros, Chief M arketing Officer, will now be responsible for all the company's food operations This added responsibility includes food division operations, asset protection and customer service

166 W hich responsibility is NOT included for the Executive Vice President?(A) Inventory management(B) Distribution(C) Sales(D) Logistics

Trang 21

I would prefer a grad student level roommate I am looking fo r a responsible, laid-back, clean, and respectful person w ho enjoys personal space I w ou ld also prefer a person w ho has her own social circle yet still w an ts to be on good term s w ith me.Rent is $467 per m onth Gas and electricity is not included in the rent A parking sp ace is available fo r another $50 p er m onth I am also asking fo r a security deposit o f one m o nth's rent.

I’m a 2 5 -y e a r-o ld grad student finishing my last year a t C olum bia College in Arts Management I tend to be very busy during the school year, attending classes full time, w orking 30 hours a w eek and also doing an internship Therefore, when I com e home, I’m usually looking to relax in a q uie t environm ent I sh o u ld also m ention that I have a cat If yo u ’re interested in the apartment, please send m e an e-mail

Thank you

? »

Trang 22

(A) All utilities are included.(B) The apartment is fully furnished.(C) The apartment is located on Canal

Street.(D) Parking is free

149 W ho would Lisa prefer?(A) A male roommate(B) A teacher(C) An intern(D) A grad student

(A) $50(B) $467(C) $1,000(D) $1,467


Trang 23

Bolsa Report

May 11Land donation will buffer housing from retail in Bolsa.A deal between the City o f Bolsa and a developer will separate a retail development from existing housing on Main Street and Star Circle with green spaces

Linda Hamilton, through Walton Development LLC, plans to develop six lots on 12 acres into a retail center off Lampson immediately south o f Harbor Lane "The city and developer have worked out an agreement where the city will get a portion o f the remaining property on two parcels o f land which is large enough for about two houses,” said Stephanie Klee “To build two houses on the site would probably require the creation o f a private drive,” she said

“The land donation is significant because part o f the property was zoned for high density residential, which could have ended up being apartments,” said Mayor Kris Simpson “The city’s very excited about this,” Simpson said “Mr White has been very cooperative with the council.”

The land being donated will be beyond a retention pond to be built for the retail center The retail center is adjacent to another White development o f five-story office condominiums “ It should provide a very nice buffer between the retail developments and the residential areas.” White said

171 What is the purpose of this article?(A) To introduce a new mayor(B) To announce the community leader of

the year award(C) To describe the importance of the land

donation(D) To talk about cases of new construction


172 Who is the representative of Walton

Development LLC?(A) Mr Simpson(B) Ms Walton(C) Mr White(D) Ms Hamilton

173 W hat is NOT true about this article?(A) Star Circle is a residential area.(B) A pond will be built fo r the retail center.(C) The land donation is made by the

developer.(D) The retail center will be built on Main


Trang 24

« I

-T "

11 1 m r\

Dear Ms Kim,O nce in a w hile, K -C irc u it.c o m has c o m p u te r p ro d u c ts th a t are re tu rne d fro m custom ers, opened fo r dem onstration purposes, or sim ply overstocked, including used com puters and refurbished components

As you requested, w e are placing them here fo r a clearance sale at significantly m arked-down prices To the best of our knowledge, all hardware and com ponents are in working condition W e will honor the manufacturer warranty on these items fo r one year The quantities of such items are often limited, and may be substituted without notice If you are still interested, write an e-mail to get an early entry ticket

Best regards,K-Circuit

174 What is Ms Kim being offered?(A) A second-hand car(B) An air conditioner(C) Free business cards(D) Computer products

175 W hat is Ms Kim asked to do?

(A) Reply to the e-mail(B) Visit the store(C) Buy the items(D) Give a notice

Trang 25

Complimentary Shuttle Service

The Valleyview Inn o ffe rs a co m plim en tary sh uttle service fro m McDean A irp o rt to

I McDean Airport I

This sh u ttle picks up and drops o ff guests at the No 23 Spot, located down the e s c a la to rs b eh in d th e baggage c la im in fo rm a tio n desk The s h u ttle w ill stop across the drivew ay Ito the righ t) across fro m s ta lls No 1 and No 2

I The Fountain Strip I

The sh uttle stops at the South Bay Center (Beach Levell.The s h u ttle 's tim e s of operation are as follow s:

7:00 a.m to 12.00 p.m.And

Please note th a t the sh u ttle w ill not operate to McDean A irp o rt and the Fountain Strip between the h ou rs of 12:00 p.m and 2.00 p.m Please do not hesitate to contactthe Fountain Strip This is a w hite, ten-passenger van w ith the Valleyview Inn logo It is available to the firs t ten people at each destination

2:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m

the fro n t desk fo r a ltern a tive arrangem ents

To make a reservation, please call:1212)473-2222

Open 7 Days a Week: 6:00 a.m - 9:00 p.m

Valleyview Inn2311 Green Field ParkwayLake Andrea, M ichigan

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(A) A hotel(B) An airport(C) A shopping center(D) A bus company

177 W hat is NOT true about the shuttle service?

(A) It is free to all guests.(B) It goes to the airport.(C) It is available to 10 guests only.(D) It runs during the lunch hour

178 Why would one contact the front desk, according to the notice?

(A) To discuss the various attractions in the area

(B) To use the shuttle at an unspecified time

(C) To meet other guests fo r food and fun(D) To make a com plaint about the shuttle


the guests at the airport?(A) A t stall No 1(B) At stall No 2(C) At the No 23 Spot(D) South Bay Center

180 Where is the Valleyview Inn located?(A) Michigan

(B) Florida(C) New York(D) California

Trang 27


Subject: Moving

Hello! I was wondering if you might make a suggestion on where to look for housing.My wife and I are relocating to the area in the next month for my job I will be working at a data center located in the eastern end of White Waterfall but shouldn't have to travel there more than a couple times a week The other days, I will be working from home

I have an 8-year-old daughter and am concerned about her safety, schooling, and the availability of friends for her in the area It would be nice if she had a school that was fairly close by and had an adequate number of students for her to meet and socialize with

My boss lives in Cypress and looked at a couple of places there and in Whitaker I’m wondering how isolated Cypress would be for my daughter and where she would go to school, as there was no public school listed there Are there many children close by, and where would she attend school? Would White Waterfall be a better choice given what we are looking for, and if so, what areas would be good for a family with a child that age with a good school and safe neighborhood?Any help or suggestions would be great as I am totally unfamiliar with White Waterfall.Thank you,

Ryan Floyd

Tcfc ' ' f Ryan Floyd <rfloyd@mail2you.com>

Dear Mr Floyd,I have lived in Briston since 1990 I don’t have children, but I know that the schools here are excellent My nieces and nephews all go to District 4 schools

I graduated from Ellen Woods School District 21 twenty years ago I personally didn’t like the place as it wasn't diversified Coming from District 5 ,1 had a bit of culture shock

District 4 offers some of the best education It’s also close to anything you may need There are good restaurants on the eastern end along with all the shopping you need There are also lots of parks, and it is quick to drive to Chicago for more cultural activities

White Waterfall is a very nice place to live I don't know what offerings they have in White Waterfall for high-speed Internet, though I don’t even know who is their main phone or cable carrier Still, it is a gorgeous area, although I know little to nothing about the schools

Good luck on your move!Cathy Lowman


Trang 28

(A) Look for a new job(B) Go back to school(C) Buy a house(D) Move to White Waterfall

182 According to Mr Floyd’s e-mail, who lives in

Cypress?(A) Mr Floyd’s daughter(B) Mr Floyd’s boss(C) Cathy Lowman(D) Ms Lowman’s niece

183 According to Ms Lowman’s e-mail, which

district has better schools?(A) District 4

(B) District 5(C) District 21(D) District 24

(A) She went to school in District 4.(B) She has nephews

(C) She lives in Briston.(D) She has a good impression of the White

Waterfall area

185 What is NOT the reason that Ms Lowman

prefers District 4?(A) It offers the best education.(B) It is close to good restaurants.(C) It is easy to drive to Chicago.(D) It offers high-speed Internet access

Trang 29

David’s C ar Wash Only $13

Full ServiceIncludes Vacuum /W indows Add $1 for Sealer WaxSave $3

On Your Next Car Wash Submit this couponAwesome Car Wash - Inside and OutNot valid with other offers or coupons Good July 3 through August 1

I immediately checked my gear shift It was in neutral like it was supposed to be, so I couldn’t help but wonder what I’d done wrong The answer was “ nothing”

The car wash pushed me into another vehicle, and then it pushed both of us through the car wash The grill was smashed and the hood was dented I admit that it was nothing serious and I could probably cover it, but that’s not the point The thing is that it was not my fault

To resolve the problem I would appreciate your assistance in obtaining reimbursement Please contact me at the above address

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem

Trang 30

coupon?(A) $13(B) $3(C) $10(D) Free

187 What service is not included in 13 dollars?(A) Full service

(B) Vacuum(C) W indow cleaning(D) Sealer wax

188 In the e-mail message, paragraph 2, line 2,

w hat is the closest meaning of “ spiffy” ?(A) clean

(B) heavy(C) smooth(D) safe

(A) Coupon(B) Car wash(C) Apology(D) Reimbursement

190 According to Mr Turner’s e-mail, what did

NOT happen?(A) Mr Turner was given a free car wash.(B) Mr Turner had an accident in the soap

section.(C) The gear shift was in neutral when the

accident occurred.(D) The automatic car wash pushed Mr

Turner's car into another vehicle

Trang 31

e l

Parent-volunteers are the backbone of SAES We need your help, no matter whether you can give an hour or a day, have a special talent, or just want to have fun You can help make a difference.Take a look at the opportunities listed below If each person gives a little bit, the difference we make will be huge!

I Santa Ana Parent-Volunteer Opportunities I

o From Home: Teachers need parents to help from home with classroom art projects, making flash cards, binding books, etc

o Special Events: We have many events for which we need volunteers Pick one or two and see how rewarding and fun the SAES experience can be

o Room Parents: Room parents are needed to organize three classroom parties throughout the year Room parents attend a party to help decorate and donate refreshments or supplies for the parties These parties are:

Halloween - Friday, October 28 2:00 p.m.Winter Holiday - Friday, December 27 2:30 p.m Valentine's Day - Friday, February 14 2:30 p.m.Please fill out the form and return it to school with your child by December 15

Subject: Re: Parent-volunteer Opportunities

Dear Mr Timber,I would like to volunteer as a room parent I have a bachelor's degree in education, and I believe my expertise will help children greatly

I like being with kids and learning things from them that I didn’t know Volunteering makes me feel better about myself, knowing that I am helping to make a difference for our children

By the way, I have experienced trouble downloading the application form from the Internet Please send me one by mail

Sincerely,Jean Hotta

Trang 32

memo?(A) A school(B) A community center(C) A local government(D) A non-profit organization

192 W hat is NOT true about the room parents?(A) They organize parties

(B) They donate refreshments.(C) They help with ornamentation.(D) They collect supplies from local


(A) To reject an offer(B) To ask for a volunteer(C) To send an application form(D) To apply for volunteer opportunities

195 According to the second e-mail, what did Ms Hotta study in college?

(A) Public Health(B) Fine Art(C) Social Welfare(D) Education

193 Which party are the room parents not responsible for?

(A) Halloween(B) W inter Holiday(C) Valentine’s Day(D) New Year's Day

Trang 33

S um m er Jo b Fair

The City Employment Development Department and their partners will hold the 5 ,h annual Summer Job Fair on May 15 from 9:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m at the City Hall Complex This free event offers an opportunity for job seekers to meet face to face with top companies \

offering seasonal positions in a w ide variety of fields including services, administration,

All companies in the city are encouraged to be a part of this exciting event For further \

information on how to participate, call Heather Hilton, city secretary at (121) 436-0905

/ 1 _ _ JX I


Dear Ms Jamieson,Thank you for giving u s information regarding the job fair Our company wishes to participate this year I’ve tried to contact Ms Hilton but have been unable to do so Please send me an application and further information about the Summer Job Fair Thank you

Sincerely,Gilbert TaylorDirector, Human Resources Best Company

Trang 34

event?(A) City employees looking to change

careers(B) Job seekers looking for summer

employment(C) Parents seeking internships for their

children(D) Employers hiring college graduates

197 Who is encouraged to call Heather Hilton?

(A) Students seeking to meet teachers(B) Companies wishing to take part in the

event(C) Jobless people looking fo r work(D) People wanting directions to the City

Hall Complex

198 Why did Mr Taylor write to Ms Jamieson?

(A) To request an application to participate in the event

(B) To confirm his attendance to the event

(C) To hire Ms Jamieson as the director of Human Resources

(D) To make a donation to the event

(A) It will be held at the City Hall Complex

(B) It will be open to all companies in the city

(C) It is a one-tim e event.(D) It is a free event

200 W ho is responsible for receiving calls from

participants?(A) Gilbert Taylor(B) Angie Jamieson(C) Heather Hilton(D) The mayor

Stop! This is the end of the test If you finish before time is called, you may go back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work.

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Reading Comprehension

Part 5 Q101-140 : Part 6 Q141 -152 : Part 7 Q153-200

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In th e R eading te st, you w ill read a variety o f te x ts a nd a n sw e r several d iffe re n t typ e s of reading com prehension questions The entire Reading te st will last 75 m inutes There are three p a rts , a n d d ire c tio n s a re g iv e n fo r e ach p a rt Y o u a re e n c o u ra g e d to a n s w e r as m any q ue stio n s as p ossible w ithin th e tim e allowed

You m u st m ark your answ ers on th e separate answ er sheet Do n ot w rite your answers in the te s t book


Directions: A w ord or phrase is m issing in each of the sentences below Four answ er choices

are given b elo w each sentence Select the best answ er to co m ple te the sentence Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), o r (D) on yo u r answ er sheet

in this building during the tour of our facilities

(A) or(B) nor

(C) also

(D) and

102 The construction signs on the road should

be designed to ensure that the warning lights a r e visible

(A) clearness(B) clear

(C) clearly

(D) clearest

103 Many suggest that interactions betweenteachers and students in the classroomhelp increase effectiveness of learning.

(A) survey(B) surveys

(C) surveying

(D) surveyed

104 Because you have been our valuable custom er fo r a long time, as a special service, we will provide all information

free of charge.(A) extremely(B) completely

(C) exclusively

(D) continually

employee training seminar yesterday and many employees liked it

(A) information(B) informative

(C) inform

(D) informer

106 Even after the conference room ’srenovations, some seats re m a in pillars

(A) over(B) behind

(C) during

(D) dow n

107 In order t o _the project we areworking on, the review team will need at least one more week

(A) finish

(B) finishing(C) finished(D) be finished

108 Because our products for promotion are

, w e can only make this offer to 50 customers on a first-com e first-served basis

(A) limited(B)speedy

(D) interested

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thoroughly reviewing all the term s and conditions of the insurance policy.(A) agrees

(B) agreement(C) agreements(D) agreed

110 Due to technical problems, Sell & Buy

submissions on the Internet.(A) quickly

(B) currently(C) precisely(D) hardly

started, now w e are a major force in this field

(A) Although(B) Yet(C) Therefore(D) But

112 Applicants fo r positions as com putertechnicians at New T e c h _to possessat least five years of experience in that area.(A) require

(B) requires(C) are required(D) has required

113 We will provide a d e ta ile d o f ourdocumenting procedures and safety precautions

(A) price(B) attention(C) description(D) information

reached 2,0 0 0, breaking last year’s record of 1,500

(A) Attendant(B) Attended(C) Attendee(D) Attendance

Inc w orked fo r a long time, putting in aeffort to develop the new softw are to prevent com puter viruses

(A) precious(B) secondary(C) present(D) considerable

116 When you buy a used car, it will be safe to

case it does not function properly.(A) maintaining

(B) maintenance(C) maintained(D) maintains

117 To express gratitude, FlyWell Airline.com continually offers specially discounted

(A) while(B) during(C) when(D) as to

118 T h e _fo r the training seminar is

posted on the bulletin board in the lobby on the first floor

(A) schedule(B) scheduled(C) schedules(D) schedulers

119 When Fast Shipping first began using larger trucks fo r delivery, all o f them were w hite and brown

(A) changed(B) painted(C) transferred(D) predicted

120 Chemicals are potentially hazardous, so

technicians should remem ber to be and always wear protective gear when entering the lab

(A) cautious(B) caution(C) cautiously(D) cautiousness

Trang 39

more we are by his exceptional staff management skills.

(A) impression(B) impressed(C) impress(D) impresses

award as a result o f her hard w ork on the photo-electric effect

(A) honored(B) achieved(C) reported(D) won

122 The multinational companies offer theiremployees better than othercompanies but they are engaged in tasks that are not familiar in the domestic market.(A) enthusiasm

(B) benefits(C) value

(D) forces

123 Dr Seybold will return to the office onDecember 1 5 , which time he will answerall questions about the documenting procedure.(A) from

(B) at(C)on(D) for

124 Please news announcements to allemployees in our office so that they can be aware of all new policies.

(A) forward(B) forwards(C) forwarding(D) forwarded

125 Anyone who develops an effective for reducing production time will be awarded a special bonus and two-day vacation.(A) response

(A) completion

(B) completed

(C) completing(D) complete

128 Financial advisors provide the list o f thecompanies that are clearly m o re toinvest this year

(A) to promise(B) promised

(C) promising

(D) promises

129 As the number of students enrolled inEnvironmental Studies increases the demand fo r professors to instruct them.(A) as long as

(A) where(B) in it

(C) in that

(D) when

132 All vacation requests are postponed further notice to meet the deadline fo r our products that will be launched next month.(A) next to


(D) except

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b ut he had to put his name on a waiting list

(A) already(B) well(C) soon(D) ever

134 The local government should start reforms now; otherwise, the economy in this region is getting worse

(A) economic(B) economy(C) economist(D) economically

135 The director of the committee a proposal that was submitted by the Finance Department and accepted it.

(A) searched(B) reviewed(C) advised(D) reduced

136 The Mutual Bank decided to extend its operation hours, and wiH now be open from9 a.m to 7 p.m in order to better itscustomers.

(A) offer(B) provide(C) serve(D) receive

to the region for the development project

(A) according(B) physical(C) native(D) approximate

138 All job applications submitted to our Personnel Department will be kept on record for six months from the date of

(A) receipt

(B) admission

(C) ownership(D) membership

139 We recently hired Ms Edelson as a newmarket analyst and s h e onNovember 1

(A) has been starting

(B) will be starting

(C) was started(D) is being started

140 o f the sales figures revealed that theadvertising campaign that we launched last month was not as effective as we had hoped

(A) Analyst

(B) Analysis

(C) Analyze(D) Analytical

Ngày đăng: 23/08/2024, 23:36