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  • CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................-- -- 2< 2.112 k* S1 HH HH nh Hy 9 1.1. Signification of the r©s€aCHh......................... ..- c1 23 1193119119119 1 9 kg ngư 9 1.2. Aim, Research questions and Objectives of the study (9)
    • 1.2.1. Aims of the SfUỦy..........................-- -- 2c 11193119 111911 91H kg ng ngư, 10 1.2.2. Research ion (10)
    • 1.2.3. Research ODJ€CfIVS:.....................-- . HH HH HH Hư, 10 1.3. Scope and scale of the S{UY:........................- G1 111 HH ng 11 1.4. Research methods? ...........................- -- s1 1 9 2 TH ng Hy 11 1.4.1. The research procedure? .........................-. .-- -- HH ngư 11 1.4.2. Data collection methods: ..........................-- -- - 25 5 31133 1£ ESEESEEkrkkesrkkee 11 1.5. Data 10 432 (0)
  • CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..................... HH HH HH iệt 15 2.1. Overview Of TTaISẽAfIOTN...................... ... c1 10 2g ng ng ngự 15 "I0 Pin (15)
    • 2.1.2. Process of TransèẽafIOTn........................-- c- -- c1. 191 1 111 119 1 HH ng HH 16 (0)
    • 2.2.2. Characteristics ....................... 0 nh TH ng HH ngư 22 2.3. Criteria in translating specialized ters: ............................- 5 55s + + +seesseerss 23 2.4. Human Resource terms trannsẽafIOI...................... -. ..-- 5 + + +1 kE+sekEssersseeree 25 (22)
    • P.5 si on a (0)
      • 2.4.2. Characteristics ..................... HT HH HH Hi HH 25 2.5. The application of translation principles in translating specialized Human (25)
      • 2.6. Overview of difficulties when translating Human resources documents. . 28 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS...........................Ặ.c cài 32 (28)
      • 4.1. Recommendations for the lack of human resources knowledge (47)
        • 4.1.1. Reading human resources books and mafer1aẽès....................... ---‹----ôô>>s 47 4.1.2. Making a glossary of human resources f€TTS...........................- ---ô+++<ô<+++ 48 4.2. Recommendations for non-equivalent WOTS..........................-- -- ô5+5 ô<< s++ss2 48 4.2.1. Translating by choosing a more general WOrd..........................- -.-----ôô+s 50 4.2.2. Translating by using explanation plus a loan of word (47)
      • 4.3. Recommendations for the lack of translation skills (51)
  • CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION........................... Gv. Hệ, 53 5.1. The limitation of the Study... dd (53)
    • 5.2. Recommendations for further researCH.......................... ---- - + xxx sssseesseess 53 (53)
  • APPENDIX 0:10 (55)

Nội dung


INTRODUCTION . 2< 2.112 k* S1 HH HH nh Hy 9 1.1 Signification of the r©s€aCHh - c1 23 1193119119119 1 9 kg ngư 9 1.2 Aim, Research questions and Objectives of the study

Aims of the SfUỦy 2c 11193119 111911 91H kg ng ngư, 10 1.2.2 Research ion

- Identifying the difficulties that students of Faculty of Foreign Languages usually meet when translating English-Vietnamese Human resource terms

- Providing some recommendations to help students have their best performances as being translators in the future and support other students to avoid these difficulties.

1.2.2 Research questions e What are the difficulties that students of Faculty of Foreign Languages encounter while translating English- Vietnamese human resources terms? e How much do these difficulties influence the juniors and seniors of

Faculty of Foreign Languages? e What are recommendations for students of Faculty of Foreign Languages to avoid these difficulties?

(1) Identifying the real situation of learning Translation of 80 students of Faculty of Foreign Languages of National Economics University.

(2) Identifying difficulties affecting translating Human resource term process of 80 juniors and seniors of Faculty of Foreign Languages of National Economics University.

(3) Proposing solutions and suggestions to help students of Faculty of Foreign Languages of National Economics University in their translating Human resource term process and help students of Foreign Languages have their best perfomances in learning Translation.

1.3 Scope and scale of the study:

About the research scope, this paper concentrates on finding out difficulties affecting translating Human resource term process of 80 juniors and seniors students of Faculty of Foreign Languages of National Economics University.

The author used different methods that would be outlined in detail in this section to find the answer to the research questions The research protocol, model and variables, method of data collection below are all the tools and techniques which help data analysis The following steps are the research procedure: e Identifying problems and aims of the study e Creating the fundamental and strong history for the paper by researching and collecting data from previous work e Clarifying and narrowing down problems of study e Building models and determining sample of the study e Designing questionnaire and interview questions e Conducting survey and collecting data e Using statistical tools to process data e Conducting problems of the study

In addition to the above steps, the author would take the further step to provide the suggestions for each question investigated and considered in the preceding process that would open up the solutions and make the paper more practical.

Intake 59 and 58 students were asked to complete an online questionnaire with questions related to the results of the Translation course at all 3 levels These students specialize not only in their mother tongue but also in the foreign language, especially English They also have some expertise and specialized skills in the use and comprehension of different aspects of English and of course Vietnamese.

Instead of being required to learn English with university’s schedules, they are meant to work directly in foreign companies, or at least their job will be a little bit similar to English In addition, translation, in particular, is a compulsory subject in

Kim Ngân — 11163629 — Business English 58B their four-year university study schedule They had three semesters of translation to get through, and might work as translators in the future Therefore, it is clear that they own the serious learning attitudes, and purposes towards translation is very positive.

The survey consisted of 10 questions that respondents were given 10 minutes to fill in In the questionnaire, some questions which are related to the issue, have an option of "Other Opinions", where students could give different answers from the available answers The questionnaire focused on difficulties and challenges that they often encounter, and solutions that could help improve learning outcomes To ensure objectivity and fairness, each student completed the questionnaire without being allowed to see the answers selected by others Only the researcher could see the full survey results The results of the survey would only be published after all 80 participants complete the questionnaire The result gained from the questionnaire will be analyzed based on calculating the percentage to draw the most accurate conclusions.

Moreover, this survey consisted of questions with different terms of human resources requiring participants to translate this word from English to Vietnamese.

Such words are often used in documents related to human resources or in day-to- day interactions between professionals in human resources The aim of these words introduced in this survey was to investigate how familiar these terms are with the participants and how well students translate them with the correct level of conditions Depending on all of the aforementioned considerations, they would explain the difficulties of collocation translation, the techniques that should be applied, the consistency of the translation, etc.

The interviewees are 10 senior students from Faculty of Foreign Languages The author interviewed them in no more 10 minutes and listened to their assessment of these difficulties At the same time, the author also asked them to give suggestions for students and also the faculty.

From April 18 to April 20 of the second semester of school year 2020, this semi- structured interview was performed via cell phone There are five questions that have been planned in advance and some potential follow-up questions depending on the interviewees' circumstances.

The first question was designed to discover the awareness of human resources among the students The second one sought to expose their human resource terminology translation The purpose of the next question was to test the capacity of the interviewees to translate certain terms of the English-Vietnamese human resources The fourth one was to recognize difficulties they face while translating terms from English-Vietnamese human resources The final issue was to listent to students’ advice for dealing with challenges in the translation process in English- Vietnamese human resources terminology Each interview has a length of four to five minutes.

On the ethical issue: The interview could be recorded according to the consent of the students If students did not consent to being registered, the author could note down their opinions by key ideas.

Both records and notes would be analyzed by collecting expected evidences.

They are adjectives that reflect key points of view on the research topic: crucial, essential, not important, normal, These evidences include adverbs that indicate how often students encounter human resources terms like frequently, hardly, sometimes or never It is also consisted of nouns that describe the difficulties when translating human resources terms such as culture misunderstanding, the lack of human resources knowledge, shortage of translation skills, etc.

LITERATURE REVIEW HH HH HH iệt 15 2.1 Overview Of TTaISẽAfIOTN c1 10 2g ng ng ngự 15 "I0 Pin

Characteristics 0 nh TH ng HH ngư 22 2.3 Criteria in translating specialized ters: - 5 55s + + +seesseerss 23 2.4 Human Resource terms trannsẽafIOI - 5 + + +1 kE+sekEssersseeree 25

In a 2007 article on a reliable website “thcs.daytot.vn”, Ms Thu Trang pointed out that the terminology has four most outstanding and broadest characteristics as below:

- Although part of the vocabulary is indispensable in the national vocabulary, but compared to ordinary words, the term is less widely used.

- The meaning of symbolic symbols coincides with the scope of phenomena in reality of the corresponding sciences and techniques.

- The meaning of the symbol coincides with the concept of those objects in specific sciences.

- The content of the term is usually homogeneous in every language because it is not affected by the different objective reality of each language So, if the words are often national, the term is international.

2.3 Criteria in translating specialized terms:

Having a terminology is not simply a translation of English terms into Vietnamese but a "creation" in comparison with the terminology system Therefore, it is necessary to identify the specific criteria needed for the term Developed on the research published by Hoang Xuan Han in 1940, the research by Do Huu Chau (1986) and Nguyen Thien Giap (1985) suggested that terms must be accurate, systematic and international Recent studies have suggested that the term should have two essential characteristics: scientific and international; other characteristics are secondary On the basis of the system and analyzing the conception of the authors on the standards of the term, the author assumed that the choice of terminology with criteria belongs to the essence, that are: accuracy, system, internationality. e Accuracy

A concept has to be both clear and accurate Moreover, an exact word doesn't trigger the reader to mistake the fact that it interacts with another The precision of the word is now well known both in terms of shape and meaning.

Standard words often carry the characteristic of polysemy or synonym with respect to words ‘lexical context, while word must be kept away from this The semantic of ordinary terms will alter the usage and meanings of distinction, while term will be set in particular fields where it is used.

As far as the formal continuity of term is concerned, term has no other shape or exterior cover than its initial It can be added variables, such as prefixes, suffixes, etc., to a sentence that refers to a plural form or some alteration in terms meanings.

However, taking into account the systematicity (which will be discussed in the next part), the meaning of a word may be changed, but in a specific way In fact, the accuracy of the word has changed throughout history time to some degree In addition, the accuracy of term in translation does not require an on-one relationship This means that the term in the source language (English) may be equivalent to the target language (Vietnamese) in two or more terms Thus, when doing translating or interpreting work, it is important for translators to be careful about the accuracy of words They should closely observe the principle “each term represent one concept and vice versa”.

Kim Ngân — 11163629 — Business English 58B e Systematicality

As mentioned above, the term is "a collection of technical terms or phrases used in a specific topic." This means that the definition of a particular career should include words that are closely related to each other and that represent a set of occupational concepts The relationship between them can be based on a comparison in terms of "negative and positive," "male and female," meaningmow differences, dominant and secondary meaning Not only does a scheme of terms meet general requirements, but it also fulfills particular requirements presented by certain specialized reflections Growing field of science, in fact, has its own set of solid and finite principles, articulated in its own words In the same region, the semantic meaning of a word is determined by its relationship with others Hence, the word can have no or unclear meaning until it isolated.

In summary, systematicity makes terms the insiders of a given field and help us grasp the meaning that expresses words. e Internationality

Internationality is accepted both in terms form and context In terms of context with respect to these characteristics of language, language denotes common scientific concepts shared and equally understood by speakers of different cultures.

This function is a significant property that helps differentiate word from other vocabulary layers including slang, dialect, etc Terms denote abstract principles of some subject to various limitations of language, meaning, and cultural distinction.

Internationality is often perceived in term form For instance:

Additionally, acronyms refer to word internationality They are commonly used and easily recognized by people in any country they enter.

Lastly, internationality may make terms quickly change to common words and become unstandardized Terms of internationality help to drive today's relentless process of global integration both in terms of languages and other fields.

Word in the management of human resources carries all common word characteristics Specific term characteristics in source language are listed above which determine the correct methods of translation applied to produce exact Vietnamese words.

si on a

In terms of classification, translation is usually divided into two main types: non- commercial translation and professional translation The first category consists of language exercises, instructional materials and translation for pressure, while the second category is divided into smaller branches according to each subject: literary translation, drama-screen translation and informatory translation Translation specialized in Human resources is classified into the second category.

Human resources, also known as human resources industry, has been a very attractive industry in the labor market in recent years Human resource management positions in foreign companies are often paying very high wages in Vietnam, since these people are the keys to deciding an organization's growth This industry is a blend of several different skills, soft-hard skills included If you really want to take further steps in the career ladders, English will also be a very important factor Therefore, it is very important to gain knowledge and vocabulary in fields.

Nguyen Thanh Huong stated on her research in 2010 that Terminology are words or compound words which are used in a particular context, in this case they are used in Human resources field.

The terms of human resources the language which is used appropriately in the working and communicating environment of a Human Resources industry.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish the terms Human Resources from other professions and fields because they are not only different in vocabulary but also different in presentation of documents Specialized words in this industry may mean A, but in other industry’s situations, it means B It is due to different regulations of each industry For students who are going to be translators in the future, this is really important because if you are not sure about this issue, you may confuse yourself and your customers.

Ms Nguyen Thanh Huong stated on her research in 2010 that in terms of lexical construction, the terms of Human Resource are composed primarily of: Single terms, Compound terms, Phrases, Abbreviation.

Kim Ngân — 11163629 — Business English 58B e Single terms.

It is easy to understand that the translation of single words into human resource management is driven by literal translation A literal translation is a translation which closely follows the source language type, often referred to as word-by-word translation or near translation.

Literal translation extends from one word to one word, from group to group, collocation to collocation, clause to clause, sentence to sentence, and guarantees a one-on - one relationship between originals and translated edition, according to Peter Newmark.

Overtime Lam thém gio Benefit Phúc lợi

All the terms that are translated in this way, are easy to and according to the applicable context information. e Compound terms.

In Management of Human Resource as well as many other fields, most terms are composite terms that are formed by combining two or more words together They are mainly composite items, composite adjectives

Job description Bang mô tả công việc Corporate culture Văn hóa công ty

Unpaid leave Nghỉ không lương e Phrases

Most of them are noun phrases, commonly used in guidebooks or documents in section names.

Tight labour market Thị trường lao động đóng băng

Death in service compensation Bồi thường tử tuat Child care allowance Trợ cap chăm sóc trẻ em e Abbreviation

It should be noted that the human resource terms used in this Graduation Paper are chosen from Adlan's glossary on Human Resource Management A to Z In addition, several words are gathered on the Internet, reference books, corporate human resource management, and then published in Human Resource Management forums.

AR Annual Review Đánh giá thường niên

CTO Compensatory Time Off | Thời gian nghỉ bù

C&B Compensation and | Bồi thường và phúc lợi

2.5 The application of translation principles in translating specialized Human Resource terms

In Vietnam, research on pointing out the difficulties that students usually face when translating human resources materials has not been studied much And intensive research works on the term human resources are also rare However, just recently emerging in Vietnam, Human Resource has proved its heat and is currently becoming one of the ten hottest work Most Human Resources papers and material come from overseas Therefore, translating and updating specialized words and terms in this area are inevitable This issue requires translators to master not only the translation skills but also knowledge of Human resources field.

Comparison between the English and Vietnamese versions of Human Resource documents has shown that literal translation is preferred to render source language words to target language words, rather than communicative translation It is also found that non-equivalence terms are dealt with by several methods and that each approach is evaluated as follows quite thoroughly.

Not only in Human resources but probably in any industry, when translating documents, translators should follow the basic principles of translation The nature of translating documents from source languages to target language will be around reflecting accurately the meaning of the original text and making it sound naturally.

As translators, the necessary skills might involve researching skills and computer skills In terms of competency, translators must have cultural knowledge and understanding of the topic which is being translated - in the case of this study is Human Resources Finally, in terms of quality, translators must be loyal to the translation materials by translating it as accurately as possible, without adding, exaggerating, creating or changing the content of the source language text If the translator do not avoid doing these actions, it may lead to catastrophic results.

2.6 Overview of difficulties when translating Human resources documents.

The author had an opportunity exposing to the human resources field during part- time job for a foreign company The researcher naturally approached the field and found that documents of Human Resource, especially the terms of Human Resource is quite new and strange in Viet Nam It confuses not only author but everyone This motivates the author to do something to bring Human Resource closer to everyone, especially students of Faculty of Foreign Languages of National Economics University For this reason, the author has chosen this topic for graduation thesis in the hope that it will be useful for NEU English teachers and students, especially those who are interested in Human resource terms.

Besides, when doing this research, the researcher could hardly find documents that clearly and directly indicate the difficulties in translating the terms the translator might encounter Especially in the field of Human resources, it was much more difficult for the author to find out related documents Therefore, in order to serve this research, the researcher can only give some points which were discussed in research papers in Vietnam as well as in other nations These points of view figure out problems which translators need to pay attention to translating official documents.

CONCLUSION Gv Hệ, 53 5.1 The limitation of the Study dd

Recommendations for further researCH - + xxx sssseesseess 53

Depending on the mentioned limitations, the author would like to suggest for further research that there are new considerations that can be incorporated and surveyed in all Universities’ Faculty of Foreign Languages in Ha Noi or even in all over our country, not only at National Economics University The cultural differences and grammatical structure should be more dicussed carefully In addition, demographic elements in the study models can also be added and specifically evaluated.

1 Chomsky, N (1957) Syntactic structures Gravenhage: Mouton.

2 Đỗ Hữu Châu (1986), Các bình diện của từ va từ tiếng Việt, Nxb Khoa hoc xã hội,

3 Hartmann, R.R.K & Stork, F.C (1972) “Dictionary of Languages and

Linguistics” Applied Science, Amsterdam 4 Houbert, F (2015) “Translators on the Eve of The 21st Century”

Bokorlang post Journal Available at: http://www.bokorlang.com/journal/O9chall.htm 5 Humbley J, 2004, La réception de l’oeuvre d’Eugen Wiister dans les pays de langue francaise, Les Cahiers du CIEL, CIEL, Paris.

6 Loup, Floriane (2013) “Why Terminology Management?” Web blog post.

Terminology Coordination European Parliament, 30 Jul Web 17 Oct.

7 Mufioz, Manuel Sevilla “Introduction to Terminology” in Material de clase Universidad de Murcia Available at: — http://ocw.um.es/cc.- sociales/terminologia/material-de-clase- 1 /unit-i.pdf

8 Narcisa, S & Laura-Rebeca, S & Diana-Bianca, H (2016) "Translation problems and difficulties in applied translation process"

9 Newmark, Peter, 1988, A textbook of translation Prentice-Hall

10 Nguyén Thanh Hương (2010), “A study on translation of English Human resources managemnent terms into Vietnamese”

11.Nguyễn Thiện Giáp (1985), Từ vung tiếng Việt, Nxb Đại Học và Trung

12 Nida, E A & Taber, C R (1982) The theory and practice of translation.

13.Nord, C (1997) Translating as a Purposeful Activity Functionalist

Approaches Explained St Jerome, Manchester.

14 Pinchuck, I (1997) Scientific and technical translation London: Andre

15 Protopopescu, Daria (2013) Theories of terminology — past and present.

In Studii $i cercetéri de onomastica si lexicologie SCOL 16 Wilss, W (1982) The science of translation: Problems and method.

Tubigen, Germany: Gunter Narr Verlag

Tam an intake 58 student of Faculty of Foreign Languages, National Economics University Iam carrying out a research on discovering the difficulties in English- Vietnamese translation for Human resources terms,faced by 3rd and 4th-year students whose major in English.

This short questionnaire is served as a tool to support the research so your participation is greatly appreciated Your confidentiality is guaranteed Thank you for your time spending on completing this questionnaire!

You are also free to write down your opinion if possible.

You are a student from: A BE, intake 58 1 B BE, intake 59

2 | What do you think a A A group of words that is closely associated and

B A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words

C A word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study.

3| How often do you hear A Frequently about any Human B Hardly resources terms? C Never

4 | How often do you A Frequently translate English Human | B Hardly

Kim Ngân — 11163629 — Business English 58B resources terms into C Never Vietnamese?

To what extent is A Very important translating Human B Important resources terms C Not important important?

How do you translate these following Human Resources terms?

Job description Application form Pay rate

Sales representative Annual leave © PNNDMNF YN > Labor contract

Biggest difficulty causes your above translation?

> The lack of translation skills (guessing, paraphrasing, explaining ) No Vietnamese equivalent words Cultural misunderstanding

The lack of Human Resources knowledge Others.Please specify

QAQPPri mune Making your own glossary

Reading books and materials Practicing myself with internet/real life sources to improve basic knowledge

Having good learning attitude to the subject Others Please specify

How often do you usually utilize physical and digital resources to enhance your knowledge of Human resources terms specifically?

AP Pao Never Usually Sometimes

9 How these methods influence you when facing difficulties in translating Human resources terms

(Please rate From | to 5 correspond with Not important to Important)

A Making your own glossary B Reading books and materials

C Practicing myself with internet/real life sources to improve basic knowledge D Having good learning attitude to the subject E Others Please specify

10 When translating document in human resources, which difficulty do you have when translating Human resources terms? How do you rate them? (1-rarely face this challenge, 2-sometimes, 3-usually, 4- really often, 5-always)

A It is difficult in remembering terms

B.There are no identical terms or non-equivalent terms in Vietnamese

C It is because of poly-semantic of English terms

D.Students do not know the Vietnamese meanings of the one or some words of the term.

11 What methods do you use when facing the problems of translating Human resources terms? How do you rate them? (1-never, 2-sometimes, 3-usually, 4-really often, 5-always)

D Explaining E Looking up dictionary F Translating word by word

1.Do you know any English human resources term? Do you suppose that translating English terms is a really hard work? Why?

2.If you have to translate English Human resources terms that you really do not know or never encounter them, what would you do or how do you translate them?

How often do you use it?

3.Can you translate these following Human resources terms?

In- basket training Formal leadership Adjusting pay rates

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2024, 03:26