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Lê Thị Thu Trang — 11165373 — Business English 584EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThis study is conducted to reveal the Difficulties in translating lexicalcollocation from English into Vietnamese in Bu

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Supervisor:Tran Thi Thu Giang, MBA

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTIn order to accomplish this study, I would love to send my gratitude tothe support of many people through this acknowledgement.

Firstly, I would like to send the deepest appreciation and special thanks

to my supervisor, Mrs Tran Thi Thu Giang for her enthusiastic supportand valuable guidance which encouraged me to fulfill this thesis step by

step Without her guidance and advice, I would not be able to accomplish

this internship on time.

Secondly, I appreciate the effort of all the tutors at Faculty of Foreign

Languages at National Economics University for the valuable advice and

knowledge I have gained many things related to English major,

translation skill especially about collocation.

Thirdly, my classmates from class Business English Intake 58substantially play an important role to support me in any circumstances

though they have their work to do I want to send my thanks to all ofthem who helped me do the survey for this study This contributed

greatly to the results and findings of my thesis.

Finally, words cannot tell how appreciated and thankful I am for the

love, care and support from my close friends, my family and my darling,who always stay beside me Thank you very much!

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThis study is conducted to reveal the Difficulties in translating lexicalcollocation from English into Vietnamese in Business context ofBusiness English seniors of Faculty of Foreign Language at National

Economics University

To find out the difficulties that BE seniors encounter, two forms of

survey were conducted under questionnaire and interview For thequestionnaire, the data was collected from 50 seniors of Faculty of

Foreign Language at National Economics University 10 out of 50students took part in the interview According to the survey, there arethree main parts which can be identified: the awareness of students of

lexical collocation; the ability of students to collocate words to formlexical collocation and translate them in business context from English

into Vietnamese; the difficulties in translating lexical collocation of BEseniors A clearer view of these parts will be revealed below:

- Although most students aware of the definition of lexical collocation,

there are some students confuse it with idiom and other type of wordcombination

- There are 6 sentences which are equivalent with 6 types of lexical

collocation in the test given in the questionnaire, students have tomark correctly and translate them As a result, the sentences in whichstudents mark correctly correspond with their ability to translate


- Based on the survey’s result, among five difficulties list in the

questionnaire, there are three main difficulties that students have toface when translating lexical collocation in business context fromEnglish into Vietnamese: Marking lexical collocation; Conveying the

deep meaning and feeling of the writers; Misinterpreting lexicalcollocation

- These difficulties in translating were caused by the following reason.

There are 4 steps to follow strictly to have a good version of targetlanguage translation However, students take 2 or 3 steps in their

translating process only

Giving recommendations for improving BE seniors’ ability to translateeffectively is essential Then they could overcome the difficulties andwiden their knowledge to translate lexical collocation.

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TABLE OF CONTENTSList of abbreviations

iList of tables

iiList of figures


1 Rationale of the study

2 Purpose of the study

3 Research questions

4 Scope of the study

5 The importance of the study

6 Data collection methods

6.1 Questionnaire

6.2 Interview

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7 Organization of the study


1 Translation

51.1 Definition of translation


1.2 Translation method

72 Lexical collocation

82.1 Definition of lexical collocation

82.2 Meanings of lexical collocation


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2.4 Problems in translating lexical collocations

14CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS1 Students’ awareness of lexical collocation


1.1 Students’ awareness of the definition of lexical collocation

161.2 The evaluation of students for the importance of lexicalcollocation in Business context translation

172 Students’ ability to collocate and translate lexical collocation inbusiness context from English into Vietnamese

182.1 The ability of students to collocate specific kinds of lexicalcollocation


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2.2 Students’ sending back their translation

192.3 Students’ satisfaction with their translation of lexical collocation

223 The difficulties of BE seniors in translating lexical collocation inbusiness context from English into Vietnamese

233.1 Students’ frequency facing the difficulties when translatinglexical collocation

233.2 The difficulties in translating lexical collocation

244 The reason of incomplete and incorrect translation of BusinessEnglish seniors

265 Summary of difficulties and causes






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NEU National Economics University

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LIST OF TABLESTable 1.1.Word combination as collocation

Table 1.2.Types of Lexical Collocations

Table 2.1.The results of students’ translation

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LIST OF FIGURESFigure 2.1.The percentage of students’ understanding of lexicalcollocation

Figure 2.2.The importance of lexical collocation in students’ point ofview

Figure 2.3.Types of lexical collocation challenging students

Figure 2.4.The proportion of students to translate lexical collocations inbusiness context

Figure 2.5.The proportion of students’ ability to translate correctly

Figure 2.6.The degree of students’ satisfaction with their translatinglexical collocation

Figure 2.7.The frequency of students’ facing difficulties in translating

lexical collocationFigure 2.8.The number of students facing difficulties when translating

lexical collocation

Figure 2.9.The steps students followed to accomplish translation

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INTRODUCTION1 Rationale of the study

In the current globalization trend of the world, English has become anindispensable tool in helping people to communicate freely with others

and bringing them closer together Moreover, English is the mostcommon language since nearly 60 countries use it as main language,

beside mother tongue and almost 100 countries use English as the second

language Therefore, English plays an important role in this global

integration today The development of English is the basis for

Vietnamese students finding job opportunities in many fields, especiallyin translation industry At the same time, through business networking

activities held regularly at the school, students also have many chancesto practice and practice communication skills, translation-interpreting

skills in particular.

Translation focuses on preparing and gaining knowledge, skills and

essential quality for students’ future occupation Since the relationshipsbetween Vietnam and other countries are developing, translationbecomes one of the most important tools to connect people from all overthe world It also helps students satisfy the demand ofEnglish-Vietnamese translation or Vietnamese-English translation indifferent fields such as politics, culture, education, commerce,

technology and so on In this technology era, there are corporations likeGoogle, Microsoft that can build up tools supporting translation like

Google Translates, Trip Lingo, iTranslate, SayHi, SDL Trados, and soon However, these tools have some restrictions in keeping the writers’

fully meanings Therefore, students are able to improve individual andtechnical understandings Translation is a difficult process due to the

knowledge in each field requirement and ability of translators’ skill InBusiness context, lexical collocation plays an important role for the fullmeanings and expressions of writers However, translating it forBusiness English seniors at National Economics is quite challenging

Therefore, a number of mistakes were made in translating process This

will lead to awkward version of translation of target language All thesethings forces me to do the research to help Business English students

have a better understanding and gain more knowledge of lexicalcollocation and how to translate it correctly.

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2 Purpose of the study

This study’s objectives is to help Business English students of Facultyof Foreign Languages at National Economics University evaluate their

ability to translate lexical collocation from English into Vietnamese inBusiness context The difficulties in translating will be revealed, so the

students will be able to point out which skill they need to improve andthe reason why their translation result is unacceptable Relying on that,they can look for the effective methods of translating lexical collocation

through this study’s recommendation.

3 Research questions

There are two questions in which this study will discuss clearly

(1) What difficulties in translating lexical collocation in Business

context do Business English seniors most often face with?

(2) What should Business English seniors do to tackle the difficulties

in translating lexical collocation in business context?

4 Scope of the study

The study focuses on analyzing 50 Business English seniors of Facultyof Foreign Languages at National Economics University about their

ability to translate lexical collocations in Business context Then findingout the difficulties and giving recommendations to overcome it is veryessential The students participate in doing the survey which included 9

questions and interviewing for practical result

5 The importance of the study

This study is to determine whether Business English seniors canunderstand or translate lexical collocations correctly or not Despite the

same meaning, there is the combination of word which is unchangeable.

This means that just a few verbs, nouns, adverb, adjectives that collocatewith one certain word Having wide knowledge of English collocationswould help Business English seniors master English and use it more

naturally and flexibly Through this study, Business English seniors willbe able to mark the lexical collocation and translate correctly each type

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of lexical collocation in their own expression without losing the deepfeeling and meaning of writer in the source language.

6 Data collection methods

are the same However, only one answer is correct since just one of themcan be collocated with the word given in the sentence The second test is

translating all the collocations that students’ have found above Based onthe result of translation, the difficulties will be shown At that point, once

they know the problems, the reasons and recommendations are not theobstacles at all

6.2 Interview

Due to a little effort to do the survey, 10 students who participate in the

questionnaire are interviewed for a better result Because among 50students gave their responses, some of them just sent their work


After being interviewed, the detail information was given Relying on

that, the answers of 10 students raised their awareness of the importanceof lexical collocation in Business context Moreover, they were able to

gain knowledge and to deepen their understanding of what lexicalcollocation is Besides, the reasons why they find lexical collocation

difficult to translate were also revealed For those reasons, the studentscould give some recommendations by themselves to tackle the

difficulties and improve their translation skill for better quality Somesources to look up lexical collocation are provided as well in case the

translating process meets some problems.

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7 Organization of the study

This thesis includes four chapters

Chapter 1: Introduction — States the rationale, the objectives, the

scope and the importance of the study Research questions and data

collection methods are also consisted.

Chapter 2: Theoretical framework — Provides the definition and

method of translation; the types of lexical collocation and somedifficulties in translating lexical collocation.

Chapter 3: Analysis and findings — Demonstrates the difficulties in

translating lexical collocation from English into Vietnamese in Businesscontext that Business English seniors encounter with realistic numbers.

Chapter 4: Recommendations — Gives some methods to tackle thedifficulties

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CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKFor language learners, some issues such as grammar, lexicology inreading, speaking and writing are big concerns While grammar included

many complicated and ordered rules, lexicology is one of the mostsignificant sides of foreign language learning Due to the meaning of

contexts, lexicology is the main point when learning foreign language.Indeed, David Wilkins (1972) claimed “without grammar a little can be

conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (1972: 111)

For translators, it is difficult to deal with non-equivalence in many

contexts, especially in business ones The decision to choose the rightword based on the linguistic system, the expression of the authors and

translators When it comes to lexicology, it is significant to see thecombination of words to form stretches of language They do not occur

together randomly, they have rules For example, one of the basic rules isthat following a noun cannot be a determiner (E.g: “nice car a”) With

some words, there is combination between them to fulfill the meaningand show the nature of lexicology The translators have to deal withsome problems when translating lexical patterning, especially

There are a number of definitions of translation from popular authors.

Peter Newmark (1988:190) claimed that “Translation is a craft or skill

The skill element is the ability to follow or deviate from the appropriatenatural usage.” In addition, Ghazala (1995) indicated that “translation isgenerally used to refer to all the process and methods used to convey themeaning of the source language in to the target language.” Indeed,

translation is the process and transmissions from one language to another

without missing any meanings and expressions Translation is doneunder the form of paper in which is translated from the original context.

According to Catford (1995:20), “translation is the replacement oftextual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material inanother language (TL).” Based on Catford, translation is a process of


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movement which is done by translators to transmit the form of letters of

one language to the form of letters of another with the full meanings.

In general, translation is the transference from one language to another.

Indeed, Lawrence Venuti (2000) stated that:

“Definition of proper translating are almost as numerous and varied asthe persons who have undertaken to discuss the subject This diversity isin a sense quite understandable; for there are vast differences in thematerials translated, in the purpose of the publication, and in the needs ofthe prospective audience.”

language by their own words.

Yet, Nida and Taber (2003) gave the definition of translationconversely as:

“Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language theclosest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in termsof meaning and secondly in terms of style.”

“Translation is the production of a functional target text maintaining arelationship with a given source text that is specified according to the

intended or demanded function of the target text.”


“Translation is, in a narrow, sense, any translational action where asource text is transferred into a target culture and language According tothe form and presentation of the source text and to the correctibleelement of the target text we distinguish between oral translation (=

‘interpreting’) and written translation (= ‘translation’)

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writer’s voice, feeling in translators’ own version.

1.2 Translation methodYuan Yao (1991) claimed that there are four steps when translating

lexical collocation Because translation process is important and difficult,it requires translators to concentrate and have good knowledge ofbusiness The following steps could help them get over

First of all, translators should read fully the targeted language contexts

that need to be translated After reading, translators are able to classifythe content and writers’ expression, whether the writers want to expressin positive or negative voice This step is important for translators to

convey the deep meanings and feelings of the authors.

Secondly, understanding the content of contexts is also essential Thisrequires translators to have a wide range of vocabulary, good knowledge

of business and ability to analyze the grammar, structure of sourcecontexts Therefore, underlying or highlighting the lexical collocations

which translators are unable to get the meanings

Thirdly, looking for the meanings of these words in reliable sources ofcollocation dictionary and try to learn by heart for further translation andusing the acceptable expressions for the targeted language translation are

significant as well The first two steps above require translators to readand understand the source text In this step, the translators are able to

express their understanding and translate to the target language in theirown way Therefore, the fluency and flexibility in target language is very

necessary for the translators.Last but not least, after translating all the contexts to the target

language, the translators should read again their work, correct it ifnecessary, and then read once again for the final version.

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2 Lexical collocation2.1 Definition of lexical collocation

Peter Newmark defined lexical collocation as the “habitual

co-occurrence of individual lexical items” (1988: 212) In English or anyother language, Benson, Benson and IIson (1991) declared:

“There are many fixed, identifiable, non-idiomatic phrases andconstructions Such groups of words are called recurrent combinations,

fixed combinations or collocations (1986: 9) According to Sinclair,

collocations are items that occur physically together or have strongchances of being mentioned together”

(1991: 170)

For another point of view, lexical collocation is seemed as theappearance of lexical structure and grammatical arrangement in asentence (Howarth, 1998), or as the co-occurrence lexical system in

statistical ways (Lewis, 2000) Moreover, Nation (2001) viewedcollocations as groups of words occurred together frequently and

uniquely “we could also expect collocations to contain some element of

grammatical or lexical unpredictability or inflexibility” (2001: 324).Besides, Mona Baker (1992) viewed lexical collocation as “semanticallyarbitrary restrictions which do not follow logically from the

propositional meaning of a word.” (1992: 14).

To sum up, there are hundreds of definitions of collocation because ofwriters’ different point of view However, the writers still have someideas in common The following main points will briefly show that:

- “Collocations are the combination of two or more lexical items

associated with each other frequently” (Pavol, 2009: 101).

- Collocations are the predictable combination of words (Hill, 2000) and

are semantically transparent, its range of combination is quite restricted

(Pavol, 2009).- Collocations can be comprehended as the tendency of certain words

when they combine with other ones regularly (Mona, 1992).- Collocations are acceptable in terms of grammatical order when words

combined in many forms (Mona, 1992).

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2.2 Meanings of collocation

According to Pavol (2009), “the term collocation is most frequently usedin the following meanings:

- A tendency to co-occurrence, i.e the way in which some words regularly

combine with other words, e.g.: commit collocates with crime.- A combination of words that regularly occur together, combines in a

predictable way, has a relatively restricted combinatory range andtransparent meaning: submit an application."

(2009: 101).

2.2.1 A tendency to co-occurrence

Collocation is most used in the tendency of words combined with otherones For instance, take collocates with a shower, make collocates with amistake Nevertheless, the words’ meaning cannot always explain thecollocation If it can explain, a large number of words can be combined

In that way, English people use a mistake, a choice, a trouble with do,instead of with make According to Halliday (1966), the combination of

words is “the grounding of members with like privilege of co-occurrencein collocation” (1966: 153) For instance, the adjectives like beautiful,

tall, thin, hot collocates with the noun girl Some words with the samemeaning may have the different uses to collocate English people

naturally speak spending time but not paying time, raising a child but notbreeding a child Furthermore, Halliday (1966) stated “the standard of alexical unit to be a part of a specific lexical set is its syntagmatic relation

instead of its paradigmatic relation” For English speakers, pay money

and spend money are acceptable in terms of meaning and naturalness.With the same verbs, look at the noun fime, it is acceptable with spend

time, but unacceptable with pay time As a result, when words combine

with words, they do not occur together freely The table below showssome evidences of word combination as collocations (adjectives andnouns).

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+: collocation

-: not collocation

Words when collocate with other words can be combined in any order

in terms of grammar Take a strong girl as an example, this collocation isacceptable in the height of the tree, the highest tree Although it has

different form in grammar, the collocation is naturally used by English

speakers The explanation for this circumstance is that the strength of the

girl, the strongest girl regarded as word formation of a lexical unit

2.2.2 A combination of words

When words combined with other ones to form collocations, thequantity of words that associated typically are not equal Therefore, anumber of words have restricted range while some have a much broader

range In Mona’s view, there are “two factors can influence the

collocation range’, the first factor is the collocation’s specificity and thesecond one is the meanings of collocations

Some general verbs like have, make, take, do, give, pay have severalwords to combine and form a collocation For example, make cancollocate with a mistake, an arrangement, an appointment, a decision,

trouble, love, room, a wish and so on In contrast, the verb nod is usuallyused with the noun head to describe an action related to the upper body’s

movement, but it is rarely seen to occur together with other units.Indeed, the range of words to be combined depends on how many

senses it has Take the verb make as an example once again, in its

‘meaning of “produce”, it can collocate with trouble, mistake,

arrangement, appointment In its sense of “form in mind”, the verb makecan collocate with decision, a wish

Briefly, collocations are used in two main meanings and each one hasspecific factors to categorize There would be a broad range ofcollocations due to a large number of word combinations This requires

translators have a deep understanding and continuously gain knowledgeof collocations.


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2.3 Types of lexical collocations

The most common type of collocations is two types: lexicalcollocations and grammatical collocations Pavol (2009) stated that

“grammatical collocations consist of a dominant word plus agrammatical word” (2009: 102) In other words, grammaticalcollocations consist of the central words: verb, noun, adjective plus a

preposition: afraid of, depend on, rely on, reason for and so on Lexicalcollocations comprise of “(at least) two equal (lexical) components”

(Pavol, 2009: 102) The structure of lexical collocations is thecombination of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs Some grammaticalcollocations are easy to find because they are available in any

English-English dictionaries However, lexical collocations are not, they

are just available in a few certain dictionaries so that it is quite difficultto realize Sometimes, it is ignored by the native speakers Lexicalcollocation is concentrated to be analyze in this study, mainly on Noun +

Verb, Verb + Noun, Adjective + Noun, Noun + Noun, Adverb +Adjective, Verb + Adverb.

Table 1.2.Types of Lexical Collocations

Types of Lexical Examples


As mentioned above, not all verbs can collocate with all nouns, not all

adjectives can occur together with all nouns and so on Therefore, thetranslators have to identify whether the lexical collocations are naturaland acceptable or not Furthermore, recognizing the meanings of

collocations is important The translators need to classify the senses and

ranges of a central word For example, the verb run is a general word so


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that it has a large number of senses When collocating with other words,

such as nouns a business, a factory, it does not take translators much

time to translate to the target language It shows the flexibility and

intelligence of the translators with lexicology

2.4 Problems in translating lexical collocationsThe followings are some difficulties which translators often encounterin translating lexical collocations The barrier of language creates several

problems for translators to identify and translate the collocations of thesource language to the target one Translation is a challenge for

translators to find acceptable collocations, a combination of acceptableadjectives with nouns, adverbs; the co-occurrence of appropriate verbs

with nouns and verbs with adverbs and so on (Peter Newmark, 1988)

Mona Baker (1992) emphasized the three problems “the engrossing

effect of source text patterning, misinterpreting the meaning of a

source-language collocation, marked collocations in the source text.”(1992: 54-63) After pointing the problems, there are some strategies to

overcome those ones

2.4.1 Conveying the deep meaning and feeling of source contextSometimes, translators are absorbed in the source text Therefore, the

version of the target language can be inappropriate Some English wordshave either positive or negative meanings, based on the overall sentenceswith which they collocate The Vietnamese translation version of these

words will be odd if the translator failed to find the acceptableVietnamese collocation.

For example, the verb contribute can collocate with other words to forma sentence with either positive or negative meanings Looking at the two

examples from Cafebiz online newspaper below to have a deep


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Vietnamese version: “Được biết, trong ‘bang vàng tôn vinh nhữngnhân vật, doanh nghiệp tiêu biểu đóng góp vào công cuộc chốngdịch viêm phổi cấp do virus SARS-CoV-2 gây ra tại khu vực châuA, ngoài ty phú Pham Nhật Vượng, nhiêu tên tuổi lãnh dao tam cỡ

của các quốc gia khác cũng xuất hiện ”

(Nhật Anh, 2020)Example 2

English version: “Vietcombank last year saw a profit of 22,000billion dong, this year it has to reduce 30-40% of the interest At

least contribute substantially to lower interest rates (about 8000billion dong) ”

Vietnamese version: “Vietcombank năm trước lãi 22.000 tỷ đồngthì năm nay phải giảm 30-40% của cái lãi Ít nhất đóng góp đángkế cho van dé ha lãi suất (khoảng 8000 tỷ đông) ”

(Le Hai,2020).

It goes without saying that contribute in Vietnamese means góp phan,

dong gop, which emphasizes the positive side of meaning The

collocation from Example 1 is acceptable when translating toVietnamese because the bright meaning it has However, the translated

collocation in Example 2 sounds unnatural in Vietnamese Therefore,contribute to can be translated as danh ra due to the negative meaning.

2.4.2 Misinterpreting the meaning of a lexical collocation from

the source context

Vietnamese translators can be misunderstanding the collocation fromthe source text and translate word by word This will lead to incorrect

and inappropriate translation of target language.

For example, a paragraph from Financial Times (John Reed, 2019):

English version: “Nielsen notes there has been an ‘enormous rise’in affluent Vietnamese, including US dollar millionaires, whosenumber the group says will have grown 170 per cent to 38,600 in

the decade to 2025.”(John Reed, 2019)

Vietnamese version is translated by Zing News (2019): Nielsen cho

biết số lượng người giàu tại Việt Nam tang rất nhanh, bao gỗm số


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triệu phú USD Dự kiến tới năm 2025, số triệu phú USD tại Việt

Nam sẽ tăng 170% lên 38.600 người

(Zing News, 2019)

The translator here translated enormous rise to tăng rất nhanh, this

version cannot transfer the full meaning or the point of the writer

Because rat nhanh can be translated back as rapidly, quickly, while

enormous means something greatly exceeding the common size.Therefore, if the translator chose other Vietnamese word like vượt bậc,

s/he would not be confused of translation

2.4.3 Marking collocations in the source contextIn business context, there are some unusual collocations that

sometimes make translators confused If the translators do not have awide knowledge of the major, it will be a challenge for them to translate

to the target language For example, an academic word like interest rate,if translators are not familiar with these words, they will not recognize it

as collocations Because interest rate in Vietnamese can be seen as therate of something, so the translators may pass it and do not view thisword as a collocation

3 Summary of theoretical framework

There are a large number of definitions of translation as well as lexicalcollocation Here are some main points when it comes to translation and

lexical collocation

Translation is a process of transferring the language of the sourcecontext to the target one without missing and misinterpreting any partsand maintaining the writer’s voice, feeling in translators’ expression.

Lexical collocation can be comprehended as the tendency of certainwords when they combine with other ones regularly It can beclassified as 6 types based on Benson’s theory, which are “noun +

33 66 33 66 99 66 99 66

verb”, “verb + noun”, “adjective + noun”, “noun + noun’, adverb +

adjective”, “verb + adverb” Remember that when words combine withwords, they do not occur together freely For example, pay money and

spend money are acceptable in terms of meaning and naturalness Withthe same verbs, look at the noun fime, it is acceptable with spend time,

but unacceptable with pay time


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The barrier of language creates several problems for translators to

identify and translate the collocations of the source language to thetarget one According to Mona Baker (1992), there are three main

difficulties that translators have to face with when translating lexical

collocation: Marking lexical collocation in the source context;

Conveying the deep meaning and feeling of source context;

Misinterpreting the meaning of a lexical collocation from the source


To tackle these difficulties, Yuan Yao (1991) stated 4 steps to follow

strictly to have a good translation:

- Step 1: Reading the full context

- Step 2: Highlighting lexical collocation and writing down on a


- Step 3: Looking for the collocation’s meaning in Vietnamese and

choosing the appropriate word to express.

- Step 4: Reading your own translation and reviewing


Ngày đăng: 01/09/2024, 03:27