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Giáo án tiếng anh global success 8 cv 5512 unit 2

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Nội dung

Giáo án tiếng anh global success 8 cv 5512 unit 2Giáo án tiếng anh global success 8 cv 5512 unit 2Giáo án tiếng anh global success 8 cv 5512 unit 2Giáo án tiếng anh global success 8 cv 5512 unit 2Giáo án tiếng anh global success 8 cv 5512 unit 2

Trang 1

- Date of preparing: - Period: - Date of teaching: - Week:

UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDELesson 1: Getting started

3 Attitude: Students are hard-working and attentive They can interact with each

other to compare life in the countryside and life in the city.

4 Competence: Teamwork and independent work, pair work, linguistic competence,

cooperative learning and communicative competence.

* Aim: To warm up and help Ss pay attention in the lesson.

* Content: Working individually to answer the questions.

* Products: Ss can know answer the questions well They can have some ideas about

new lesson

* Organization of implementation

- T introduces Nguyen and Nick

- T asks some questions and ask Ss to guesswhere they are and what they are doing Ssanswer the questions.

- T introduces the new lesson.

* Aim: Help Ss study some vocabularies, listen and read the conversation the topic

“Life in the countryside”.

* Content:

+ Ss work individually to study the vocabulary.

+ Ss work in pairs to listen and read.

+ Ss work individually to decide the True or False sentences.

* Products: Ss can know some vocabularies and listen and read the conversation well.* Organization of implementation

- T presents some new words.- Ss copy and read.

*New words:

buffalo-drawn cart: xe trâu kéoridden a cart: lái xe (trâu)herd: chăn dắt

Trang 2

- T asks Ss to look at Activity 1a before

listening and reading the dialogue andpredict T/ F statements.

- T asks ss to run through the statementsthen let ss work individually to predict Ssdo it.

- T collects Ss' ideas The T asks ss tolisten, read and check their predictions.- T plays the recording twice for Ss tocheck Ss listen and check.

- T gets Ss’ answers and check as a class;asks ss where in the dialogue they can findtheir answers.

envious: ghen tịcharades: đố chữ

* Aim: Help Ss understand the conversation by doing exercises and know more

activities that children do in the countryside.

* Content:

+ Ss work in pairs to answer the questions.

+ Ss work individually to complete the sentences with the words in the box.+ Ss work in groups to discuss and tick the box.

+ Ss work individually to match the activities with the pictures.

* Products: Ss can do exercises well and know more activities that children do in the

- T checks and corrects (extra- board)

- T asks Ss to complete the sentences withthe words in the box.

- Ss do exercise individually and give theanswers.

- T checks and corrects.

- Runs through the sentences.

- Has ss work in small groups to discussand tick the correct the box and look forexpression(s) to support their answer.

- T asks the Ss to do exercise individually.Ss do it.

1b Answer the following questionsKey:

1 He is in the countryside.2 Right on his first day there.3 It’s big and colorful.

4 His grandfather.5 Yes, he does.

1c Complete the sentences with thewords in the box.

1 Colorful 2 move slowly 3.harvest time 4.paddy field

5 herring 6 buffalo- drawn card

1d Discuss and tick the box=> Suggested answers:

+ He likes it.

‘…it’s more exciting than I expected.’ “It (the kite) looks great up there in thesky”.

‘It live more happily here, and there’sstill a lot more to explore’.

2 Match the activities with thepictures

Trang 3

- T asks Ss to compare the answers with theothers Ss do it.

- T checks and corrects.


1.e, 2.f, 3.a, 4.c, 5.d, 6.b

4 Application (5’)

* Aim: Help Ss make a list of activities that children often do in the countryside.

* Content: Ss work in pairs to make a list of activities that children often do in thecountryside

* Products: Ss can make a list of activities that children often do in the countryside

* Organization of implementation

- T has Ss work in pairs to brainstormsome more countryside activities T givesSs a time limit, for example, two minutes tomake their lists

- Ss work in pairs to do the task.

- T calls on each pair to share their list withthe class Ss share their lists.

- T writes the combined list of activities onthe board and leaves it there to be used inthe next activity.

- Before moving on, T makes sureeverybody understands all the vocabularyon the board.

3.Think of some more things thatchildren do in the countryside Make alist.

They climb trees.

They go swimming in the river.

*- Evaluation:

- Date of preparing: - Period: - Date of teaching: - Week:

UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDELesson 2: A closer look 1


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Pronounce words containing theclusters /bl/ and /cl/ correctly in isolation and in context and talk about life in thecountryside.


- Vocabulary: related to life on the countryside: brave, nomadic, vast, blackberry, …- Grammar: Simple present, simple progressive

- Pronunciation: Clusters (/bl/ and /cl/)

2 Skills: Read, write

3 Attitude: Students have loving attitude towards the life of the countryside They

can use the comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs to talk about the life in the city andin the countryside.

4 Competence: Teamwork and independent work, pair work, linguistic competence,

cooperative learning and communicative competence.

Trang 4

* Aim: Help Ss pay attention to the lesson.

* Content: Ss work individually to listen and repeat the words.* Products: Ss can listen and write as many words as they can.* Organization of implementation

- T calls two students go to the board and thenplays the tape (three times)

- Each student listens and write words

- The student which writes right words is thewinner

- T introduces the lesson.

1 Listen and repeat the words.

slow, colourful, friendly, hard, brave,boring, inconvenient, vast, peaceful,nomadic.

2 Presentation (5’)

* Aim: Help Ss know more vocabularies about the topic: “Life in the countryside”

* Content: Ss work individually to study new words.

* Products: Ss can know more vocabularies related to the topic: “Life in the

* Organization of implementation

- Teacher uses different techniques to teachvocabulary (situation, realia… ), follows theseven steps of teaching vocabulary.

- Ss listen carefully the T’s modeling twice,repeat in chorus and individually, then copyall the words in their notebooks.

=> Checking: Slap the board.

I Vocabulary:

+ brave (adj): rung cảm

+ nomadic (adj): có tính du mục

nomad (n) : dân du mục+ vast (adj): rộng lớn

+ blackberry (n): quả mâm xôi

+ hay (n): cỏ khô

+ bloom (v, n): nở hoa, sự nở hoa

3 Practice (25’)* Aim:

+ Help Ss use vocabularies about the topic: “Life in the countryside” to do exercises.

+ Help Ss pronounce correctly words containing the clusters / bl/ and /cl/.

* Content:

+ Ss work in groups to put the words in 1 into the appropriate category.+ Ss work in pairs to match the nouns and noun phrases with each verb.+ Ss work in groups to complete the sentences.

+ Ss work individually to listen and repeat the words.+ Ss work individually to listen to the sentences and repeat.

* Products: Ss can use vocabularies about the topic: “Life in the countryside” to do

exercises well They can also pronounce words containing the clusters / bl/ and /cl/

Trang 5

- Ss do it in groups of 8 (studying- cards)- T asks some Ss to give the answers Ss givethe answers.

- T checks and corrects (extra- board)

- T asks the Ss to do exercise in pairs Ss do it.- T asks Ss to compare the answers with theothers Ss do it.

- Ss give the answers T checks and corrects.(extra- board)

- T asks the Ss to complete the sentences.

(work in groups of 4).

- Ss do it in groups of 4 (studying- cards)- T asks some Ss to give the answers Ss givethe answers.

- T checks and corrects (extra- board)

- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen andrepeat Ss do it.

- T pauses the recording to drill difficulty items - T has Ss say the words individually Ss do it.- T has Ss look at the sentences and underline thewords with clusters /bl/ and /cl/ first Then T playsthe recording.

- Has Ss then listen and repeat individually Ss doit.

People: friendly, nomadic, brave,

boring, colorful.

Life: slow, colorful, hard, boring,

inconvenient, peaceful, nomadic

Scenery: vast, colorful, peaceful.

3 Match the nouns and nounphrases with each verb.

* Keys

Ride: a horse, a camel.Put up: a pole, a tentCollect: water, hay

Herd: the buffaloes, the cattlePick: wind flowers, apples

4 Complete the sentences.* Keys

1 picking

2 inconvenient/ collect 3 herd

4 ridden/ brave 5 peaceful 6 nomadic 7 vast 8 put up, hard.

II Pronunciation

5 Listen and repeat the words

7 Listen to the sentences and repeat

- Ss give the answers.

- T checks and corrects as a class.

6 Listen and circle the word you hear

Key : 1 Blame 2 Blasts 3 Blue

4.clock 5 close

*- Evaluation:


Trang 6

- Date of preparing: - Period: - Date of teaching: - Week:

UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDELesson 3: A closer look 2


By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: comparative forms of adverbs


* Grammar:

1 For most adverbs (often with two or

more syllables), we make comparative forms by

adding more

slowly → more slowlycarefully → more carefully2 For adverbs that have the same forms as

adjectives like fast, hard, soon, etc., we make

comparative forms by adding -er.

fast → fasterhard → harder3 Some irregular adverbs: well, fast, hard,… well → better

hard → hard

Ss may lack experience of group /

teamwork - Encourage Ss to work in groups so that they can help one another.- Give short, clear instructions, and help ifnecessary.

2 Skills:3 Attitude:4 Competences:

- Develop communication skills and creativity

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork

- Actively join in class activities III MATERIALS

- Grade 8 textbook, Unit 2, A closer look 2- Computer connected to the Internet- Projector / TV/

- hoclieu.vn


1.Warm-up (5’)

* Aim: - To review comparative forms of adjectives before the lesson.

- To introduce the term of comparative form of adverbs.

* Content: - Making comparison between two pictures * Products: - Students’ answers

* Organization of implementation

Trang 7

- Teacher shows the pictures on the screen.

- Teacher asks students to make comparative sentences to describe the difference between the 2 pictures.- Teacher gives some follow-up

questions to lead in the introduction of the target grammar point

- Teacher sets the context for the lesson.

1 Who lives faster than the other: people inthe countryside or people in the city?

2 Who lives more peacefully than the other: people in the countryside or people in the city?

* Content: - The comparative adverbs

* Products: - Students know how to use the target grammar * Organization of implementation

Grammar teaching: Comparative adverbs

1 For most adverbs (often with two or more syllables), we make comparative

forms by adding more.

2 For adverbs that have the same forms as adjectives like fast, hard, soon, etc., we make comparative forms by adding -

3 irregular adverbs:

well → betterbadly → worse

3 Practice (20’)Task 1: (4’)

* Aims: - To help Ss practice the correct comparative forms of adverbs in sentences.* Content: - Write the comparative forms of the adverbs in the table below.

* Products: - Students understand how to use the target grammar.* Organization of implementation

Task 1: Write the comparative forms of the adverbs in the table below.

- Teacher asks Ss to do the exercise individually and then check their answers in pairs.

- Teacher invites some Ss to share their answers Confirm the correct answers.

TASK 1: Write the comparative forms of the adverbs in the table below.

Trang 8

quickly more quicklyfrequently more frequently

TASK 2: Complete the sentences withthe correct words and phrases (Ex 2, p 21)

- Have Ss do the exercise individually and then compare their answers with their partners.

- Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board.

- Check the answers with the whole class Ask Ss to explain how to make the comparative form of the adverb given in each sentence Confirm the correct answers.

TASK 2: Complete the sentences with the correct words and phrases (Ex 2, p 21)

Answer key:

1 more beautifully 2 more clearly 3 faster

4 harder 5 more heavily

Task 3:(5’)

* Aims: - To help Ss practice the correct comparative forms of adverbs in sentences.* Content: Complete the sentences with suitable comparative forms of the adverbs

from the box.

* Products: Ss write the correct answers* Organization of implementation

TASK 3: Complete the sentences withsuitable comparative forms of the adverbs from the box (Ex 3, p 21)

- Have Ss do the exercise individually and then compare their answers with their partners.

- Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board.

- Check the answers with the whole class Ask Ss to explain how to make the comparative form of the adverb given in each sentence Confirm the correct answers.

TASK 3: Complete the sentences with suitable comparative forms of the adverbs from the box (Ex 3, p 21)

Answer key:

1 more carefully 2 faster

3 more quietly 4 more soundly 5 earlier

Task 4:(6’)

* Aims: To help students practice comparative forms of the adverbs

* Content: Read the situations and complete the sentences using the comparative

Trang 9

forms of the adverbs

* Products: Ss write the correct answers* Organization of implementation

TASK 4: Read the situations and complete the sentences using the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets (Ex 4, p 22)

- Teacher ask Ss to read the situations carefully If necessary, T may explain each situation to Ss Ask Ss to complete the sentences individually and then compare their answers with their partners.

- Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board.

- Check the answers with the whole class Confirm the correct answers.

TASK 4: Read the situations and complete the sentences using the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets (Ex 4, p 22)

5 The buses run more frequently than thetrains.

Task 5 Work in pairs Ask and answer to find out who (Ex 5, p 22)

- Model this activity with a student Remind Ss that they should only use thephrases and the pictures in 4 to ask and answer about activities that rural people often do.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs T goes round to help weaker Ss Then, call on some pairs to practice in front of the class Comment on their performance.

Task 5 Work in pairs Ask and answer to

find out who (Ex 5, p 22)

- can run faster- can jump higher- stay up late at night

- gets up earlier in the morningSuggested outcome:

A: How fast can you run?

B: I can run 15 kilometers an hour.A: Ok, so you can run faster than me.→ I can run fast but B can run faster thanI do

4 Homework (2’)* Aim: To revise the lesson what they have learnt.

* Content: Review the lesson and prepare for the next lesson and do exercise in the

* Products: Students’ textbook and workbook* Organization of implementation

- T reminds Ss to do homework and -Learn by heart all the new words.

Trang 10

prepare the new lesson - Rewrite the sentences into notebooks.- Practice saying the sentences at home.- Prepare lesson 4 (A closer look 2).

*- Evaluation:

- Date of preparing: - Period: - Date of teaching: - Week:

UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDELesson 4: Communication


By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: Give and respond to

compliments, develop communication skills and creativity.


* Grammar:

How to respond to compliments Thank you.

I’m glad you like it.


Anticipated difficultiesSolutions

Ss may lack experience of group

/ team work - Encourage Ss to work in groups sothat they can help one another.- Give short, clear instructions, and help if necessary.

2 Skills: reading3 Attitude:4 Competences:

- Develop communication skills and creativity

- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork- Actively join in class activities


- Grade 8 textbook, Unit 2, Comunication- Computer connected to the Internet- Projector / TV/

- hoclieu.vn


1.Warm-up (5’)

* Aim: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson.

- To lead into the new lesson.

* Content: - Rearrange to make a conversation.

Trang 11

* Products: - Students’ answers * Organization of implementation

4 I’m glad you like it.

5 This is the best gift I have ever had I love it.

- Teacher asks students to rearrange it to make a meaningful


- Teacher gives some follow-up questions to lead in the introduction of the target grammar point

Suggested answers:

2 Happy birthday Wow, you’re wearing such a beautiful dress.

1 Thank you Yours is, too.

3 Here is your present I hope you like it.5 This is the best gift I have ever had I love it.

4 I’m glad you like it.

2 Presentation (8’)Everyday English

* Aim: - To introduce ways of giving and responding to compliments * Content: - Practise giving and responding to compliments.

- Listen and read the conversations Pay attention to the highlighted sentences.

* Products: - Students know how to use the structures to give and respond to


* Organization of implementation

Task 1: Listen and read the

conversations Pay attention to the highlighted sentences

- Play the recording for Ss to listen

and read the two dialogues between Tom and Mai, Nick and Hoa at the same time Ask Ss to pay attention to the questions and answers.

- Have Ss practise the dialogues in pairs Call on some pairs to practise the dialogues in front of the class.

Task 1: Listen and read the

conversations Pay attention to the highlighted sentences

Audio script – Track 10:

Tom: What a beautiful kite you have, Mai!Mai: Thank you, Tom My dad made it for me last weekend.

Nick: You really have a nice dress, Hoa.Hoa: I’m glad you like it, Nick I think its colour really suits me.

3 Practice (20’)Task 2: (4’)

* Aims: - To help Ss practice giving and responding to compliments.

* Content: Make similar conversations to practise giving and responding to

* Products: - Students understand how to giving and responding to compliments.

Trang 12

* Organization of implementation

Task 2: Work in pairs Make similar conversations to practise giving and responding to

compliments, using the cues below.(Ex 2, p 22)

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogues with the given cues.

- Move around to observe and provide help Call on some pairs to practise in front of the class

Task 3: (8’)

ADVERTS FOR BEAUTIFUL VILLAGES* Aims: - To help Ss learn about two traditional villages in Viet Nam and the

- To help Ss develop their reading skills for specific information (scanning).

* Content: - Read the adverts for the two beautiful villages Tick the boxes to show

which village the statements describe Sometimes both boxes need to be ticked.

* Products: - Students know about two traditional villages in Viet Nam and the

* Organization of implementation

Task 3: Read the adverts for the two beautiful villages Tick the boxes to show which village the statements describe Sometimes both boxes need to be ticked (Ex 2, p 23)

- Have Ss read the instructions to understand what they are going to do Remind them that they have to read each statement in the table and then read the two adverts to scan for the necessary information to help them tick the correct boxes.- Give Ss time to read the two adverts and tick the boxes in the table After that, get them to swap answers in pairs Go around and offer help, if necessary.

- Check the answers as a class.

Task 3: Read the adverts for the two beautiful villages Tick the boxes to show which village the statements describe Sometimes both boxes need to be ticked (Ex 2, p 23)

traditional houses, and temples in this village.

3 We can get there by

4 We can go there by car, bus, or bike ✔

5 It has a lighthouse ✔

Task 4:(8’)

* Aims: To provide Ss with practice in giving a presentation about the similarities

and differences between two places.

* Content: Work in groups Take turns to talk about the similarities and differences

Ngày đăng: 10/08/2024, 10:27


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