ABSTRACT The project focuses on researching and implementing solutions to improve the accuracy of the positioning robot system, by pairing multiple sensors together through the extended
Trang 1-
Trang 3¯ዒዠ ዔ ዅዛ: Encoder, IMU, UWB, Lidar
Trang 4ዌ ዉǡ¯ዓዋዓØ Ø ǡ¯ دዉǡï¯
ዅዜ ዎ¿Ø Ø ¯ዓዋǡ ñዛዌ ኼዛዕ0ዌ Ǥ
Trang 5Vϰϯ$
ኼ£ኼ ² ዜhai ዒp ¯ ¯ዒ À ዉዎ¯ዋዋ ¯ዒǡኾ ዜ ዘኸ
ዅዔØዒዌ ዖዒȋ ȌǤ
ዉ ዎ ¯ዛዘ Ø ¿ ×ǡ ¯ ዞ ዉ ² Ø ው simulin ዚ; ¯ዛዘ ²ዉዎÀïLinux ዖኹ¯n High Level ͵ʹ ͶͲͷዖኹǤ
Ø¿¯ዛዘ ዠ ዉ¯ዒǡ¯ዛዘ ¯
ኾዒ¯ ǡዞዙ ዅዛ ǡ9250, UWB, Lidar cho bài toán EKF FusionǤÖ ዅLidar Öዞዙ cho ¯
ዛዔ ǡኼ
The project focuses on researching and implementing solutions to improve the accuracy of the positioning robot system, by pairing multiple sensors together through the extended Kalman filter (EKF)
The system is modeled, evaluated on the matlab's simulation of the link; python and it are implemented on a Linux embedded computer system
on the controller upper layer and the STM32F405 MCU on the Low layer
The model done is robot dynamic differential, controlled by PID control, using sensors such as Encoder, MPU9250, UWB, Lidar for the EKF Fusion problem In addition, Lidar Sensor is also used to guide the way, avoid obstacles
Trang 6ኼኾ ኸዖዟዓ Ǥ
ዅዉ ×ኸüዠኼǡØ ዋ nhiዉዒኼ£ ዚ¿Ǥዛዕ¯ዌ ǤዏÀMình khôn²¯ዅዟȋዅ ×Ȍ ǡ
Ø¿ዠ ዉǤ
ǤዏÀǡ ngày 20 Ͳͺ£ʹͲʹͲ
Trang 7MЌЌ
ዛዓͳ 1
ͳǤͳǤ0ኸ¯ 1
ͳǤʹǤÀ ኸዅ 2
1.3 Nዟ² ዜ² 3
ͳǤͶǤዙ ²² ዜ 7
ͳǤͷǤ0ዎዛዘ² ዜ 7
ͳǤǤኸï ዚኼ£ 7
ዛዓʹ 9
እከzኗ 9
ʹǤͳǤØ¿ ዚዉዎ 9
2.1.1 Mô ¿¯ዒዌ ዚ 9
ʹǤͳǤʹǤØ¿¯ዒዌ ዚ¯ዒ ዓ¯ዉዒ ȋȌ 11
ʹǤʹǤዐዘ ዅኾዒዌ ዖዒ 13
ʹǤʹǤͳǤýዅዒዌ ዖዒȋ Ȍ 13
ʹǤʹǤʹǤኮዙዒዌ Ø¿ 15
ዛዓ͵ 20
͵ǤͳǤዐØ¿ዅዋዞዙg trong Robot 20
͵ǤʹǤዠዒ¯ 22
͵ǤʹǤͳǤኼ¯ዒ ዓ 22
3.ʹǤʹǤዠ ዌዎ ¯ዒ ዓ 22
͵ǤʹǤ͵Ǥ0¯ዜ ዚ¯ዒ ዓዖ ¯ዉ 25
͵Ǥ͵ǤÀ× ዝ ͻʹͷͲ 27
͵ǤͶǤኼዋዋÀ ዝͳͲͲͳ 29
͵ǤͷǤÀዋÀዛዔ ዝዅ 30
ͶǤͳǤØውØ¿ 32
ͶǤͳǤͳǤዓ¯ዏ ዚ 32
Trang 8ͶǤͳǤʹǤ0Ø¿ØውØ¿ዠ ዅ ዚ 33
ͶǤʹǤØው¿ዘኸዟዉዔዒዌc EKF 37
ͶǤʹǤͳǤዠ ዛዓ¿Øው 37
ͶǤʹǤʹǤ ዔ±¯ዝ 38
ͶǤʹǤ͵Ǥ ዔ±¯× ዝ 39
ͶǤʹǤͶǤ ዔ±¯-Theta 42
ͶǤ͵ǤዅኼኹØውዉዎ 43
ͷǤͳǤወ¯ዒØ× ዝͻʹͷͲ 44
ͷǤͳǤͳǤ¯ዒ À ዚ 44
ͷǤͳǤʹǤዠ À ¯ዒØ× ዚ 46
ͷǤʹǤዒዌ ዟዣ¯ ¯ዋዀ 48
ͷǤʹǤͳǤዛዓዠ ዉ 48
ͷǤʹǤʹǤዣ¯ ÖÖ 48
ͷǤʹǤ͵Ǥዣ¯ × Ø 54
5.ʹǤͶǤዣ¯ ዉዙ Ö 55
ͷǤ͵Ǥ ¯ዋዋÀዔ ዅ 57
ͷǤ͵ǤͳǤዄ¯ዏØዛዕ 57
ͷǤͶǤʹǤ0ዋዋ 60
ͷǤͶǤዘኸ ዅ ¿¯ዋዋ 61
ͷǤͶǤͳǤዛዓዠ ዉ 61
ͷǤͶǤʹǤ0ዅ¯ዋዋ 63
ͷǤͷǤ0ዅ¯ዋዋዔ¯ዛዔ 64
ͷǤǤኼ±ዅኼ 67
ዛዓng 6 69
ǤͳǤ0ዅዠ ዉ 69
ǤʹǤዟ ዅ 69
Ǥ͵Ǥዛዓዛዔ 70
ኛ 71
Trang 9ካካͳ 75
ͳǤͳǤ îኼØ¿¯ዒ ዓȋȌ 75
1.2 Danh sách m-ዠ ዉ¿Øውǡ¯ 75
1.3 Danh sách m-ዠ ዉ¯ 75
1.4 Danh sách m- ¯ዒዌ 75
1.5 Dánh sách m- ¯ዛዓወ 76
ͳǤǤ ዣ¯ 76
ͳǤǤ ዒዌ ዖ ዣ¯ 76
ͳǤͺǤ ዐዘ ×ዞዙ 77
ͳǤͻǤ ¿¯ዛዔ¯ዅ ¯ 77
ካካʹ 78
Code Matlab Function trên Matlab cho ModelRobot.slx 78
Trang 10Ќ@Ϸ
¿ͳǤͳ ዟǡ ȏ͵Ȑ 4
¿ͳǤʹዛዓዅ ኼ ዚ ȏͺǡǤͶǡǤʹȐ 5
¿ʹǤͳዉ ዅ ዙ GXGYG ዉ ዅRXRYR 9
¿ʹǤʹዓ¯ዏ¯ዉ ዚ¯ዒ ዓ¯ዉͳ 11
¿ʹǤ͵ዓ¯ዏኼዒዌ 14
¿ʹǤͶዓ¯ዏ¿ 19
¿͵Ǥͳ¿ዠ ዅኹዉ¯ ¯ 21
¿͵Ǥʹ¿ዠ ዅዐ ዚ 21
¿͵Ǥ͵Ø¿¯ዔዒ¯ 23
¿͵ǤͶ0 ዜ ዚዉዎ²ዒ¯