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Bài tập lớn phương pháp luận nghiên cứu khoa học en05 ngành ngôn ngữ anh 02 08 2024

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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ HÀ NỘI ĐỀ KIỂM TRA (KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN) MÔN: PHƯƠNG PHÁP LUẬN NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC Mã môn: EN05 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Chọn một đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học theo chuyên ngành ngôn ngữ Anh; trình bày kết quả nghiên cứu khoa học theo dạng thức của một Luận văn tốt nghiệp. Chú ý: 1. Đề tài phải đúng chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh; 2. Bài làm viết bằng tiếng Anh, theo mẫu đính kèm trong buổi Vclass 2; 3. Bài làm có độ dài từ 12 – 15 trang khổ A4, phông chữ Times New Roman, cỡ chữ 13, cách dòng 1.3; canh lề trên, dưới, phải, trái 2,5 cm. 4. Bài làm không được giống nhau; tuỳ theo mức độ giống nhau sẽ bị trừ điểm từ 1 – 10 điểm.

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Chọn một đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học theo chuyên ngành ngôn ngữ Anh; trình bày

kết quả nghiên cứu khoa học theo dạng thức của một Luận văn tốt nghiệp.

Chú ý:

1 Đề tài phải đúng chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh;

2 Bài làm viết bằng tiếng Anh, theo mẫu đính kèm trong buổi Vclass 2;

3 Bài làm có độ dài từ 12 – 15 trang khổ A4, phông chữ Times New Roman, cỡ

chữ 13, cách dòng 1.3; canh lề trên, dưới, phải, trái 2,5 cm.4 Bài làm không được giống nhau; tuỳ theo mức độ giống nhau sẽ bị trừ điểm từ

1 – 10 điểm.

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Hanoi 2024Trần …


Assoc Prof Dr Hoang Tuyet Minh Date:ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the following people for their great support during my two-year time for the MA course.First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Assoc Prof Dr Hoang Tuyet Minh for her enthusiastic and useful guidance, insightful comments, and encouragement

without which my thesis would not have been completed.

My special thanks go to all my lecturers at Hanoi Open University for their precious assistance, knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm in their lectures from which I have acquired valuable knowledge and inspiration to fulfill this minor thesis.

I also would like to express my indebtedness to my family, my friends, and colleagues who have given me constant support and love during the completion of the thesis.

Last but not least, my sincere thanks are for the people who will give me the precious comments after reading the graduation thesis.


The aim of this study was to investigate the syntactic and semantic features of English verbs and their Vietnamese equivalents The study employed two major methods: the descriptive method is used to describe mainly the syntactic and semantic features of verbs in English and the similarities and differences between these and their Vietnamese equivalents, and the comparative method is used to

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make a comparison between verbs in English and their Vietnamese equivalents in order to point out the similarities and differences between them.

The findings pointed out that: (i) In terms of syntactic features based on sentence patterns, verbs in English have a wide range of

structures that include tense, aspect, and modality, which can be quite flexible Vietnamese verbs, on the other hand, tend to follow a simpler structure that often relies on context rather than inflectional changes (ii) In terms of semantic features, English verbs can expressnuances of action and state through the use of auxiliary verbs and verb phrases, while Vietnamese verbs often rely on word order and context to convey meaning (iii) In terms of comparison between English verbs and their Vietnamese equivalents based on the English-Vietnamese dictionaries, therefore, the structures of the verbs in the source language are translated and transferred with adaptations to fit the target language structure The study hopefully supplies some implications for teachers of English teaching English as a second language in Vietnam.

List of Abbreviations (If any)A adverbial

C complement

Co object complementO object

Od direct objectOi indirect objectS subject

V verb

List of tables and figures (If any)

Table 2.1: Summary of verb structures in English and Vietnamese.Table 2.2: Comparative analysis of verbs in English and Vietnamese.Table 2.3: Examples of complex verb phrases in English.

Table 4.1: Syntactic features of verbs in English.Table 4.2: Semantic features of verbs in English.

Table 4.3: Comparison of syntactic features of verbs in English and Vietnamese.

TABLE OF CONTENTSCertificate of originalityAcknowledgementsAbstract

List of abbreviationsList of tables and figuresChapter 1: INTRODUCTIONRationale

Aims and objectives of the studyResearch questions

Scope of the study

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Methods of the studySignificance of the studyStructure of the study

Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEWPrevious studies

An overview of syntax and semanticsTheory of syntax

Theory of semanticsAn overview of verbsDefinition

Classification of verbs according to their structuresIntensive verbs

Extensive verbsSummary

Chapter 3: METHODOLOGYResearch design

Methods of the study

Data collection and data analysisSummary

Chapter 4: VERBS IN ENGLISH AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTSSyntactic features of verbs in English

Chapter 5: CONCLUSIONConcluding remarks

Limitations of the study and suggestions for further studyREFERENCES

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTIONRationale

Nowadays, English is considered one of the most popular languages for everyone all over the world There are many challenges in

learning English, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, lexicology, etc Grammar plays a very important role in English; it is not easy for English learners to study Moreover,

learners are affected by their mother tongue during the process of studying, which causes much confusion to them However, it is not so

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difficult that English learners cannot study because English grammar is also systematic.

Theoretically, verbs are very important constituents of every

sentence Particularly, the main features of verbs in English are dealt with in every general grammar book, such as Quirk et al (1985), Biber et al (2000), or Huddleston et al (1985) There exist a large number of publications dealing solely with verbs, their

characteristics, and their semantic behavior (for example, Palmer F.R(1985), Sinclair J.ed (1998), or Levin B (1993) It is also possible to find many publications dealing with specific types of verbs, such as those that specialize in modal verbs, auxiliary verbs, and more.In Vietnamese, the main features of verbs are dealt with in every general grammar book, such as Nguyễn Lai (1976), Nguyễn Lai

(1984), and Nguyễn Kim Thản (1984) It is also possible to find many publications dealing with specific verbs.

Practically, in the process of teaching and learning English in general and verbs in English and Vietnamese in particular, there is no specificmaterial for them; therefore, both teachers and learners of English meet difficulties in the process of teaching and learning them.

As has already been said above, this construction can be labeled as understudied Therefore, the study will shed more light on syntactic and semantic features of English verbs and their Vietnamese

Aims and Objectives of the Study

This study aims to help Vietnamese teachers and learners of English master verbs in English and their Vietnamese equivalents in terms of their syntactic and semantic features effectively.

In order to achieve the aims, some objectives can be put forward:Identifying syntactic and semantic features of verbs in English.Finding out the similarities and differences between English verbs and their Vietnamese equivalents in terms of syntactic and semantic features.

Giving some implications for teaching and learning verbs in English effectively.

Research Questions

What are the syntactic and semantic features of verbs in English?What are the similarities and differences between English verbs and their Vietnamese equivalents in terms of syntactic and semantic features?

What are implications for teaching and learning verbs in English effectively?

Scope of the Study

In English, verbs can be categorized into several types, including action verbs, linking verbs, and auxiliary verbs This study focuses onthe verb group, which includes structures such as tense, aspect, modality, and their roles in sentence structures.

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All the verbs of this group are investigated in English-English dictionaries and English-Vietnamese dictionaries.

In terms of syntactic features, all the verbs are identified according to their structures and components.

In terms of semantic features, the meanings of verbs in various contexts are determined, which means the meanings of these verbs are explored in terms of their usage in different contexts.

In terms of their Vietnamese equivalents, these verbs are examined according to English-Vietnamese dictionaries in order to make a comparison in terms of their syntactic and semantic features to find out the similarities and differences between them.

In this study, English is considered the source language, and Vietnamese is the target language, so in this study, syntactic and semantic features of verbs in English are analyzed and compared with their Vietnamese equivalents.

Methods of the Study

In this study, the major methods used are descriptive and contrastiveanalysis The descriptive method is used to describe the syntactic and semantic features of verbs in English The contrastive analysis is used to point out the similarities and differences between English verbs and their Vietnamese equivalents in terms of syntactic and semantic features.

Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this study seeks to contribute to the theoretical basis of the characteristics of the syntax and semantics of verbs in generaland verbs in particular and the similarities and differences with their Vietnamese equivalents.

Practically, the study is expected to be used as a good reference for learning and researching language The result of the study, through analysis and comparison between two languages, may be of great benefit for teachers and learners of English, as well as being helpful in using the language effectively in life Suggestions for teaching and learning verbs are given more effectively Besides that, this research is conducted with the hope that, in the foreseeable future, teachers of English will get to know more about verbs and realize the

importance of them in teaching verbs so that they can adapt it to their own teaching conditions.

Structure of the Study

To gain the above goals, the study is divided into five chapters:

Chapter I: Introduction deals with the rationale to choose the thesis, the aims, the objectives, the scope, and the significance of the

Chapter II: Literature Review summarizes the results of the previous studies in Vietnam and overseas in order to build the theoretical background for the study.

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Chapter III: Methodology points out the research approach, describes the methods and materials used in doing the research, including datacollection and analyzing techniques.

Chapter IV: Verbs in English and Their Vietnamese Equivalents pointsout syntactic and semantic features of English verbs and a

comparison between syntactic and semantic features of English verbs and their Vietnamese equivalents are made Implications for teaching English verbs are given.

Chapter V: Conclusion summarizes the whole contents of the study, indicating concluding remarks, and limitations, thus giving some recommendations and suggestions for further study.

References come at the end of the study.Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1 Previous Studies

There have been several studies focusing on verbs in English, such as the works of Quirk et al (1985) and Huddleston et al (1985), which have detailed the structural complexity and variability of verbsin English These studies highlight the importance of tense, aspect, and modality in forming verb phrases and how they contribute to meaning and grammatical function.

In Vietnamese linguistics, researchers like Nguyễn Lai (1976) and Nguyễn Kim Thản (1984) have explored verbs extensively, discussinghow the Vietnamese language uses word order and context to createmeaningful and grammatically correct verb phrases.

Previous studies often focused on the structural components of verbs, analyzing how they form the backbone of sentences English verbs are known for their complex inflectional morphology, which allows speakers to convey a wide range of meanings and

grammatical nuances Vietnamese verbs, by contrast, are less

inflectional, relying more heavily on context and specific particles to express tense and aspect.

Key Studies:

Quirk et al (1985): This seminal work on English grammar provides adetailed analysis of verb structures, examining how verbs interact with other sentence elements to convey meaning.

Nguyễn Lai (1976): Focuses on the syntactic role of verbs in Vietnamese, highlighting the importance of verb placement and modifier use in sentence construction.

Biber et al (2000): Explores the role of verbs in both spoken and written English, emphasizing their dynamic nature and adaptability across different contexts.

2.2 An Overview of Syntax and Semantics

Understanding the syntax and semantics of verbs is crucial in both English and Vietnamese Syntax refers to the arrangement of words to create meaningful sentences, while semantics focuses on the meaning conveyed by these structures.

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Theory of Syntax

In English, verbs often include a base form, tense, aspect, and modality, with the flexibility to include auxiliary verbs This allows English speakers to construct complex ideas through intricate verb structures.

The syntactic role of verbs involves their interaction with subjects and objects, forming the core of predicate structures Verbs

determine the arrangement of these elements, establishing relationships between them.

Vietnamese, however, employs a simpler structure, often requiring the use of context and specific word orders to maintain grammatical correctness This reflects the cultural and linguistic nuances present in Vietnamese grammar.

Vietnamese syntax prioritizes verb placement to indicate the functionwithin a sentence Without inflectional endings, Vietnamese relies on other sentence elements to clarify meaning, often using particles to express nuances.

Theory of Semantics

The semantics of verbs is deeply connected to their syntactic structure In English, auxiliary verbs and modifiers can drastically change the meaning of a verb phrase For example, "run" vs "has been running" not only changes the tense but also the aspect.

English semantics involves verb alternations and semantic roles, withverbs determining the thematic roles of subjects and objects This allows verbs to convey specific meanings and nuances, often modified by adverbs or auxiliary verbs.

Vietnamese relies more heavily on context to convey meaning, often using verbs in a way that reflects social and cultural understandings.In Vietnamese, semantics is shaped by the interaction of verbs with contextual elements, emphasizing the use of word order and

particles to convey meaning.2.3 An Overview of Verbs

Verbs are an essential part of language structure, acting as the action, state, or occurrence within a sentence Their structure can vary significantly between languages, reflecting different linguistic and cultural practices.

A verb typically consists of a base form that expresses action, state, or occurrence, often accompanied by auxiliary elements to convey tense, aspect, or modality.

In English, verbs are often classified into various categories, includingtransitive, intransitive, linking, and auxiliary verbs Each category hasdistinct functions and roles within a sentence.

In Vietnamese, verbs are less morphologically complex but are integral to sentence meaning, often accompanied by particles that indicate tense and aspect.

Ngày đăng: 02/08/2024, 09:25

