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Nội dung

Cách đọc “s/ es” Ex: laughes, units, stops, works,months Ex: drives, reads, goes,tries, learns, dreams Ex: stopped, looked, missed, fixed, washed, watched,laughed, changed, practiced

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1 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 1 Local Environment

Unit 1 lớp 9: Local Environment - Môi trường địa phương

1 artisan /ɑtɪ:’zæn/ (n.): thợ làm nghề thủ công2 handicraft /’hændikrɑ:ft/ (n.): sản phẩm thủ công3 workshop /’wɜ:kʃɒp/ (n.): xưởng, công xưởng4 attraction /ə’trækʃn/ (n.): điểm hấp dẫn

5 preserve /prɪ’zɜ:v/ (v.): bảo tồn, gìn giữ

6 authenticity /ɔ:θen’tɪsəti/ (n.): tính xác thực, chân thậten’tɪsəti/ (n.): tính xác thực, chân thật7 cast /kɑ:st/ (v.): đúc (đồng…)

14 lacquerware /’lækəweə(r)/ (n.): đồ sơn mài15 layer /’leɪə(r)/ (n.): lớp (lá…)

16 mould /məʊld/ (v.): đổ khuôn, tạo khuôn

17 sculpture /’skʌlptʃə(r)/ (n.): điêu khắc, đồ điêu khắc18 surface /’sɜ:fɪs/ (n.): bề mặt

19 thread /θen’tɪsəti/ (n.): tính xác thực, chân thậtred/ (n.): chỉ, sợi

20 weave /wi:v/ (v.): đan (rổ, rá…), dệt (vải…)21 turn up /tɜ:n ʌp/ (phr v.): xuất hiện, đến

22 set off /set ɒf/ (phr v.): khởi hành, bắt đầu chuyến đi

23 close down /kləʊz daʊn/ (phr v.): đóng cửa, ngừng hoạt động24 pass down /pɑ:s daʊn/ (phr v.): truyền lại (cho thế hệ sau…)25 face up to /feɪs ʌp tu/ (phr v.): đối mặt, giải quyết

26 turn down /tɜ:n daʊn / (phr v.): từ chối27 set up /set ʌp/ (phr v.): thành lập, tạo dựng

28 take over /teɪk əʊvə/ (phr v.): tiếp quản, kế nhiệm, nối nghiệp29 live on /lɪv ɒn/ (phr v.): sống bằng, sống dựa vào

30 treat /tri:t/ (v.): xử lí

31 carve /kɑ:v/ (v.): chạm, khắc32 stage /steɪdʒ/ (n.): bước, giai đoạn33 artefact /’ɑ:tɪfækt/ (n.): đồ tạo tác34 loom /lu:m/ (n.): khung cửi dệt vải

35 versatile /’vɜ:sətaɪl/ (adj.): nhiều tác dụng, đa năng

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36 willow /’wɪləʊ/ (n.): cây liễu

37 charcoal /’tʃɑ:kəʊl/ (n.): chì, chì than (để vẽ)

38 numerous /’nju:mərəs/ (adj.): nhiều, đông đảo, số lượng lớn

Bài tập vận dụng

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the given words in the box.

Bau Truc pottery village of Cham village ethnic minority is one of the oldest pottery villages inSoutheast Asia It’s located about 10 km in the South of Phan Rang town The small village is(1) to more than 400 families, of (2) 85% are in thetraditional pottery business The style is said to be handed (3) from Po KlongChan, one of their ancestors from the immemorial time.

People in Bau Truc use their skillful hands, bamboo-made circles and shells to createpriceless works It is (4) that while the Kinh people have switched to usingwheel as an indispensable (5) , their Cham counterparts, on the contrary, still(6) on talent hands and simple tools To create a pottery product, a Chamcraftsman only needs an anvil, not a potter’s wheel, and other simple equipment and mouldsand then uses hands to (7) pieces of clay into the works he wants.

The clay is taken is taken from the banks of the Quao River and is flexible, durable when(8) fired The skills needed to mix sand with the clay are also various Theamount of sand mixed with the plastic material is dependent on what the pottery used for andthe sizes For these seasons, Bau Truc pottery is quite different from pottery elsewhere Forexample, water jars made in Bau truc pottery are always favoured by people in dry and sunnyareas (9) the temperature of the water in the jars is always one centigrade coolerthan (10) outside

2 Từ vựng tiếng Anh 9 Unit 2 City Life

Unit 2 lớp 9: City Life - Cuộc sống thành thị

1 affordable (adj) /əˈfɔːdəbl/ : (giá cả) phải chăng2 ancient (adj) /ˈeɪnʃənt/ : cổ kính

4 catastrophic (adj) /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ : thảm khốc, thê thảm5 cheer (sb) up

/tʃɪə(r)/ : làm ai đó vui lên6 conduct (v) /kənˈdʌkt/ : thực hiện

7 conflict (n) /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ : xung đột8 determine (v) /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ : xác định

9 downtown (adj) /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/ : (thuộc) trung tâm thành phố, khu thương mại

10 drawback (n) /ˈdrɔː.bæk/ : mặt hạn chế

11 dweller (n) /ˈdwelə/ : cư dân (một khu vực cụ thể)12 easy-going (adj) /ˈiːzi-ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ : thoải mái, dễ tính

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13 grow up (ph.v) /ɡrəʊ ʌp/ : lớn lên, trưởng thành14 fabulous (adj) /ˈfæbjələs/ : tuyệt vời, tuyệt diệu

22 make progess /meɪkˈprəʊ.ɡres/ : tiến bộ

23 medium-sized (adj) /ˈmiːdiəm-saɪzd/ : cỡ vừa, cỡ trung24 metro (n) /ˈmetrəʊ/ : tàu điện ngầm

25 metropolitan (adj) /ˌmetrəˈpɒlɪtən/ : (thuộc về) đô thị, thủ phủ26 multicultural (adj) /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəl/ : đa văn hóa

27 negative (adj) /ˈneɡətɪv/ : tiêu cực

28 Oceania (n) /ˌəʊsiˈɑːniə/ : châu Đại Dương29 populous (adj) /ˈpɒpjələs/ : đông dân cư30 packed (adj) /pækt/ : chật ních người31 put on (ph.v) /ˈpʊt ɒn/ : mặc vào

32 recreational (adj) /ˌrekriˈeɪʃənəl/ : giải trí33 reliable (adj) /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ : đáng tin cậy34 resident (n) /ˈrezɪdənt/ : dân cư

35 skyscraper (n) /ˈskaɪskreɪpə/ : nhà cao chọc trời

36 stuck (adj) /stʌk/ : mắc ket, không di chuyển đươc37 urban (adj) /ˈɜːbən/ : (thuộc) đô thị, thành thị

38 urban sprawl /ˈɜːbən sprɔːl/ : sự đô thị hóa

39 variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ : sự phong phú, đa dạng40 wander (v) /ˈwɒndə/ : đi lang thang

3 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 3 Teen stress and pressure

Unit 3 lớp 9 Teen stress and pressure - Áp lực và căng thẳng tuổi thiếu niên

1 adolescence (n) /ˌædəˈlesns/: giai đoạn vị thành niên2 adulthood (n) /ˈædʌlthʊd/: giai đoạn trưởng thành3 calm (adj) /kɑːm/: bình tĩnh

4 cognitive skill /ˈkɒɡnətɪv skɪl/: kĩ năng tư duy5 concentrate (v) /kɒnsntreɪt/: tập trung

6 confi dent (adj) /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/: tự tin7 delighted (adj) /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/: vui sương8 depressed (adj) /dɪˈprest/: tuyệt vọng9 embarrassed (adj) /ɪmˈbærəst/: xấu hổ

10 emergency (n) /iˈmɜːdʒənsi/: tình huống khẩn cấp

11 frustrated (adj) /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/: bực bội (vì không giải quyết được việc gì)12 helpline (n) /ˈhelplaɪn/: đường dây nóng trợ giup

13 house-keeping skill /haʊs-ˈkiːpɪŋ skɪl/: kĩ năng làm việc nhà14 independence (n) /ˌɪndɪˈpendəns/: sự độc lập, tự lập

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15 informed decision (n) /ɪnˈfɔːmd dɪˈsɪʒn/: quyết định có cân nhắc16 left out (adj) /left aʊt/: cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi, bị cô lập

17 life skill /laɪf skɪl/: kĩ năng sống

18 relaxed (adj) /rɪˈlækst/: thoải mái, thư giãn

19 resolve conflict (v) /rɪˈzɒlv ˈkɒnflɪkt/: giải quyết xung đột20 risk taking (n) /rɪsk teɪkɪŋ/: liều lĩnh

21 self-aware (adj) /self-əˈweə(r)/: tự nhận thức, ngộ ra22 self-disciplined (adj) /self-ˈdɪsəplɪnd/: tự rèn luyện23 stressed (adj) /strest/: căng thẳng, mệt mỏi

24 tense (adj) /tens/: căng thẳng25 worried (adj) /ˈwɜːrid/: lo lắng

4 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 4 Life in the past

Unit 4 lớp 9 Life in the past - Cuộc sống trong quá khứ

1 act out (v) /ækt aʊt/: đóng vai, diễn2 arctic (adj) /ˈɑːktɪk/: (thuộc về) Bắc cực3 bare-footed (adj) /beə(r)-fʊtɪd/: chân đất

4 behave (v) (+oneself) /bɪˈheɪv/: ngoan, biết cư xử5 dogsled (n) /ˈdɒɡsled/: xe chó kéo

17 pass on (ph.v) /pɑːs ɒn/: truyền lại, kể lại18 post (v) /pəʊst/: đăng tải

19 snack (n) /snæk/: đồ ăn vặt

20 street vendor (n) /striːt ˈvendə(r)/: người bán hàng rong21 strict (adj) /strɪkt/: nghiêm khắc

22 treat (v) /triːt/: cư xử

5 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 5 Wonders of Viet Nam.

Unit 5 lớp 9: Wonders of Viet Nam - Những kì quan ở Việt Nam

1 administrative (adj) /ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv/ thuộc về hoặc liên quan đến

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việc quản lý; hành chính2 astounding (adj) /əˈstaʊndɪŋ/ làm sững sờ, làm sửng sốt

8 geological (adj) /ˌdʒiːəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ (thuộc) địa chất

12 picturesque (adj) /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ đẹp, gây ấn tượng mạnh (phong cảnh)

13 recognition (n) /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ sự công nhận, sự thưa nhận

15 round (in a game) (n) /raʊnd/ hiệp, vòng (trong trò chơi)16 sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ bức tượng (điêu khắc)

18 spectacular (adj) /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ đẹp mắt, ngoạn mục, hùng vĩ19 structure (n) /ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/ công trình kiến trúc, công

trình xây dựng

26 breathtaking (adj) /ˈbreθen’tɪsəti/ (n.): tính xác thực, chân thậtteɪkɪŋ/ ngoạn mục

6 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 6 Viet Nam: Then and Now

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Unit 6 lớp 9 Viet Nam: Then and Now UNIT 6 - Việt Nam: Xưa và nay

1 annoyed (adj) /əˈnɔɪd/: bực mình, khó chịu2 astonished (adj) /əˈstɒnɪʃt/: kinh ngạc3 boom (n) /buːm/: bùng nổ

4 compartment (n) /kəmˈpɑːtmənt/: toa xe5 clanging (adj) /klæŋɪŋ/: tiếng leng keng6 cooperative (adj) /kəʊˈɒpərətɪv/: hợp tác

7 elevated walkway (n) /ˈelɪveɪtɪd ˈwɔːkweɪ/: lối đi dành cho người đi bộ8 exporter (n) /ekˈspɔːtə(r)/: nước xuất khẩu, người xuất khẩu

9 extended family (n) /ɪkˈstendɪd ˈfæməli/: gia đình nhiều thế hệ cùng sống chung10 flyover (n) /ˈflaɪəʊvə(r)/: cầu vượt (cho xe máy, ôtô)

11 manual (adj) /ˈmænjuəl/: làm (gì đó) bằng tay12 mushroom (v) /ˈmʌʃrʊm/: mọc lên như nấm

13 noticeable (adj) /ˈnəʊtɪsəbl/: gây chú ý, đáng chú ý

14 nuclear family (n) /ˈnjuːkliə(r) ˈfæməli/: gia đình hạt nhân15 photo exhibition (n) /ˈfəʊtəʊ ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/: triển lãm ảnh16 pedestrian (n) /pəˈdestriən/: người đi bộ

17 roof (n) /ruːf/: mái nhà18 rubber (n) /ˈrʌbə(r)/: cao su19 sandals (n) /ˈsændlz/: dép

20 thatched house (n) /θen’tɪsəti/ (n.): tính xác thực, chân thậtætʃt haʊs/: nhà tranh mái lá21 tiled (adj) /taɪld/: lợp ngói, bằng ngói

22 tram (n) /træm/: xe điện, tàu điện23 trench (n) /trentʃ/: hào giao thông

5 drain (v) /dreɪn/: làm ráo nước

6 garnish (v) /ˈɡɑːrnɪʃ/: trang trí (món ăn)7 grate (v) /ɡreɪt/: nạo

8 grill (v) /ɡrɪl/: nướng

9 marinate (v) /ˈmærɪneɪt/: ướp10 peel (v) /piːl/: gọt vỏ, bóc vỏ11 purée (v) /ˈpjʊəreɪ/: xay nhuyễn

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12 roast (v) /rəʊst/: quay

13 shallot (n) /ʃəˈlɒt/: hành khô14 simmer (v) /ˈsɪmə(r)/: om15 spread (v) /spred/: phết16 sprinkle (v) /ˈsprɪŋkl/: rắc17 slice (v) /slaɪs/: cắt lát

18 staple (n) /ˈsteɪpl/: lương thực chính19 starter (n) /ˈstɑːtə(r)/: món khai vị20 steam (v) /stiːm/: hấp

21 stew (v) /stjuː/: hầm

22 stir-fry (v) /stɜː(r)-fraɪ/: xào23 tender (adj) /ˈtendə(r)/: mềm24 versatile (adj) /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/: đa dụng25 whisk (v) /wɪsk/: đánh (trứng…)

8 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 8 Tourism

8 exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/: kì lạ

9 explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ thám hiểm10 hyphen (n) /ˈhaɪfn/ dấu gạch ngang

11 imperial (adj) /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ (thuộc về) hoàng đế

12 inaccessible (adj) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ không thể vào/tiếp cận được13 lush (adj) /lʌʃ/ tươi tốt, xum xuê

14 magnif cence (n) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns/ sự nguy nga, lộng lẫy, tráng lệ15 not break the bank (idiom) /nɒt breɪk ðə bæŋk/: không tốn nhiều tiền16 orchid (n) /ˈɔːkɪd/: hoa lan

17 package tour (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ tʊə(r)/: chuyến du lịch trọn gói18 pile-up (n) /paɪl-ʌp/: vụ tai nạn do nhiều xe đâm nhau19 promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/: giúp phát triển, quảng bá20 pyramid (n) /ˈpɪrəmɪd/: kim tự tháp

21 safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/: cuộc đi săn, cuộc hành trình (bằng đường bộ nhất là ở đông và namphi)

22 stalagmite (n) /stəˈlæɡmaɪt/: măng đá

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23 stimulating (adj) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/: thú vị, đầy phấn khích24 touchdown (n) /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/: sự hạ cánh

25 varied (adj) /ˈveərid/: đa dạng

9 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 9 English in the world

Unit 9 lớp 9: English in the world - Tiếng Anh trên Thế giới

1 accent (n) /ˈæksent/: giọng điệu

2 bilingual (adj) /ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/: người sử dụng được hai thứ tiếng; sử dụng được hai thứ tiếng3 dialect (n) /ˈdaɪəlekt/ tiếng địa phương

4 dominance (n) /ˈdɒmɪnəns/ chiếm ưu thế

5 establishment (n) /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ việc thành lập, thiết lập6 factor (n) /ˈfæktə(r)/ yếu tố

7 get by in (a language) (v) /get baɪ ɪn/: cố gắng sử dụng được một ngôn ngữ với với những gìmình có

8 global (adj) /ˈɡləʊbl/: toàn cầu

9 flexibility (n) /ˌfl eksəˈbɪləti/: tính linh hoạt10 fluent (adj) /ˈfl uːənt/: trôi chảy

11 imitate (v) /ˈɪmɪteɪt/: bắt chước

12 immersion school (n) /ɪˈmɜːʃn skuːl/: trường học nơi một ngôn ngữ khác tiếng mẹ đẻ đượcsử dụng hoàn toàn

18 operate (v) /ˈɒpəreɪt/ đóng vai trò

19 pick up (a language) (v) /pɪk ʌp/: học một ngôn ngữ theo cách tự nhiên từ môi trường xungquanh

20 punctual (adj) /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/: đúng giờ

21 rusty (adj) /ˈrʌsti/: giảm đi do lâu không thực hành/sử dụng22 simplicity (n) /sɪmˈplɪsəti/: sự đơn giản

23 variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/: thể loại

10 Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 10 Space Travel

Unit 10 lớp 9: Space Travel - Du hành không gian

1 astronaut (n) /ˈæstrənɔːt/: phi hành gia2 astronomy (n) /əˈstrɒnəmi/: thiên văn học3 attach (v) /əˈtætʃ/: buộc, gài

4 float (v) /fləʊt/: trôi (trong không gian)

5 habitable (adj) /ˈhæbɪtəbl/: có đủ điều kiện cho sự sống

6 International Space Station (ISS) (n) /ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl speɪs ˈsteɪʃn/: Trạm vũ trụ quốc tế ISS

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7 galaxy (n) /ˈɡæləksi/: thiên hà8 land (v) /lænd/: hạ cánh9 launch (v, n) /lɔːntʃ/: phóng

10 meteorite (n) /ˈmiːtiəraɪt/: thiên thạch

11 microgravity (n) /ˈmaɪkrəʊ ˈɡrævəti/: tình trạng không trọng lực12 mission (n) /ˈmɪʃn/: chuyến đi, nhiệm vụ

13 operate (v) /ˈɒpəreɪt/: vận hành

14 orbit (v, n) /ˈɔːbɪt/: xoay quanh, đi theo quỹ đạo

15 parabolic flight (n) /ˌpærəˈbɒlɪk flaɪt/: chuyến bay tạo môi trường không trọng lực16 rocket (n) /ˈrɒkɪt/: tên lửa

17 rinseless (adj) /rɪnsles/: không cần xả nước18 satellite (n) /ˈsætəlaɪt/: vệ tinh

19 space tourism (n) /speɪs ˈtʊərɪzəm/: ngành du lịch vũ trụ20 spacecraft (n) /ˈspeɪskrɑːft/: tàu vũ trụ

21 spaceline (n) /ˈspeɪslaɪn/: hãng hàng không vũ trụ22 spacesuit (n) /ˈspeɪssuːt/: trang phục du hành vũ trụ

23 spacewalk (n) /ˈspeɪswɔːk/: chuyến đi bộ trong không gian24 telescope (n) /ˈtelɪskəʊp/: kính thiên văn

25 universe (n) /ˈjuːnɪvɜːs/: vũ trụ

11 Vocabulary - Từ vựng tiếng Anh 9 Unit 11 Changing roles in society

1 application (n) /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ : việc áp dụng, ứng dụng2 advantageous (adj) /ædvənˈteɪʤəs/ : có lợi

4 breadwinner (n) /ˈbredwɪnə(r)/ : trụ cột gia đình

6 consequently (adj) /ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli/ : vì vậy

9 drastically (adv) /ˈdræstɪkli/ : mạnh mẽ, trầm trongj

11 externally (v) /ɪkˈstɜːnəli/ : bên ngoài

12 facilitate (v) /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ : tạo điều kiện dễ dàng; điều phối

13 facilitator (n) /fəˈsɪlɪteɪtə/ : người điều phối14 financial (adj) /faɪˈnænʃl/ : (thuộc về) tài chính

: có xu hướng cá nhân

19 male-dominated (adj) /meɪl-ˈdɒmɪneɪtɪd/ : do nam giới áp đảo

Trang 12

21 real-life (adj) /rɪəl-laɪf/ : cuộc sống thực22 responsive (to) (adj) /rɪˈspɒnsɪv/ : phản ứng nhanh nhạy

12 Từ vựng Unit 12 lớp 9 My future career

1 academic (adj) /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ : thuộc về học thuật

3 approach (n) /əˈprəʊtʃ/ : cách tiếp cận

5 customer service (n) /ˈkʌstəmə(r) ˈsɜːvɪs/ : dịch vụ khách hàng6 event planner (n) /ɪˈvent ˈplænə(r)/ : người tổ chức sự kiện7 housekeeper (n) /ˈhaʊskiːpə(r)/ : quản gia

9 lodging manager (n) /ˈlɒdʒɪŋ ˈmænɪdʒə(r/ : quản lý nhà nghỉ10 opportunity (n) /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ : cơ hội

11 receptionist (n) /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/ : nhân viên lễ tân12 secondary (n) /ˈsekəndri/ : trường trung học13 sector (n) /ˈsektə(r)/ : bộ phận, khu vực

15 variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ : sự đa dạng

16 vocational (adj) /vəʊˈkeɪʃənl/ : thuộc về nghề nghiệp, hướng nghiệp

Trang 13


A PHÁT ÂMI LÍ THUYẾT1 Cách đọc “s/ es”

 Ex: laughes, units, stops, works,months

 Ex: drives, reads, goes,tries, learns, dreams

 Ex: stopped, looked, missed, fixed, washed, watched,laughed, changed, practiced

 khi từ có tận cùng là cácnguyên âm và các phụâm hữu thanh còn lại

 Ex: played, opened, tried,smiled, loved

Lưu ý: Đuôi “ed” trong các động từ sau khi sử dụng như tính từ sẽ được phát âm là /id/

bất luận “ed” sau âm gì: aged, blessed, crooked, dogged, learned, naked, ragged, wicked.

3 Nguyên âm - Vowels (u, e, o, a, i)

a Nguyên âm ngắn - Short vowels

- /ə/: ago, mother, together - /i/: hit, bit, sit- /ʌ/: study, shut, must- /ɒ/: got job, hospital- /u/: put, should, foot - /e/: bed, send, tent, spend- /æ/: cat, chat, man

b Nguyên âm dài - Long vowels

- /iː/: meet, beat, heat- /u:/: school, food, moon- /a:/: father, star, car- /ɔː/: sport, more, store- /ɜː/: bird, shirt, early

c Nguyên âm đôi- Diphthongs

- /ai/: buy, skỵ, hi, shy- /ɔɪ/: boy, enjoy, toy - /ei/: day, obey, stay- /ou/: no, go, so- /au/: now, sound, cow- /ʊə/: poor, sure, tour


Trang 14

- /eə/: air, care, share- /ɪə/: near, tear, cheer

4 Phụ âm - Consonants

- /b/: bag, baby- /p/: pupil, pay, stop- /d/: dog, daddy, dead- /k/: kiss, key- /m/: mother, map, come- /j/: yes, yellow- /n/: many, none, news- /s/: see, summer- /l/: love, lucky, travel - /z/: zoo, visit- /r/: river, restaurant - /h/: hat, honey

- /t/: tea, teach - /dʒ/: village, jam, generous- /g/: get, game, go - /θ/: thin, thick, something, birth- /f/: fall, laugh, fiction - /ð/: mother, with, this

- /v/: visit, van - /ʃ/: she, sugar- /w/: wet, why - /ʒ/: vision- /tʃ/: children, chicken, watch - /ŋ/: thank, sing


BT 1: Chọn từ có phát âm khác với các từ còn lại

1 A skims2 A fixes3 A cries4 A holds5 A keeps6 A runs7 A drops8 A lamps9 A drinks10 A calls11 A schools12 A knives13 A buses14 A garages15 A ships 16 A cats17 A walks18 A shoots19 A helps20 A hours

B worksB pushesB buzzesB notesB givesB fillsB kicksB knocksB ridesB glassesB yardsB treesB horsesB boatsB roadsB tapesB beginsB groundsB laughsB fathers

C sitsC missesC studiesC repliesC cleansC drawsC seesC changesC travelsC smilesC labsC classesC causesC bikesC streetsC ridesC helps

C concentratesC cooksC dreams

D laughsD goesD suppliesD singsD preparesD catchesD hopesD wantsD leavesD learnsD seatsD agreesD ties D roofsD speaksD cooksD cutsD forestsD findsD thinks

BT 2: Chọn từ có phát âm khác với các từ còn lại

1 A talked 2 A wished

3 A considered

B fished B wrapped

B rescued

C arrived C laughedC pulled

D steppedD turnedD roughed

Trang 15

4 A produced5 A caused6 A discovered7 A repaired8 A watched9 A delivered10 A painted11 A tested12 A used13 A allowed14 A switched15 A recommended16 A filled

17 A visited18 A kissed19 A reformed20 A fitted

B arrangedB examinedB destroyedB inventedB parkedB organizedB providedB markedB finishedB dressedB stayedB waitedB cleanedB decidedB stoppedB appointedB educated

C checkedC operatedC developedC woundedC broadenedC replacedC protectedC presentedC marriedC flashedC believedC handedC ploughedC engagedC laughedC stayedC locked

D suppliedD advisedD openedD succeededD encouragedD obeyedD equippedD foundedD rainedD mixedD clearedD designedD watchedD disappointedD closedD installedD intended

BT 3: Chọn từ có phát âm khác với các từ còn lại

1 A head B please C heavy D measure2 A note B gloves C some D other3 A now B how C blow D amount4 A dear B year C wear D disappear5 A hate B pan C carrot D matter6 A improved B returned C arrived D stopped7 A nervous B scout C household D mouse8 A favorite B find C outside D library9 A last B taste C fast D task10 A future B summer C number D drummer11 A time B kind C bid D nice12 A hard B carry C card D yard13 A my B baby C spy D cry14 A well B get C send D pretty15 A weather B ready C mean D head16 A break B mean C please D meat17 A lucky B punish C pull D hungry18 A planet B character C happy D classmate19 A letter B twelve C person D sentence20 A humor B music C cucumber D sun21 A favorite B name C happy D danger22 A end B help C set D before23 A photo B hold C fork D slow24 A train B wait C afraid D chair25 A habit B paper C table D grade26 A meaning B heart C please D speak27 A light B kind C intelligent D underline28 A come B more C money D somebody29 A comb B climb C bomb D baby

30 A nation B national C nationality D international31 A bank B paper C explain D same

32 A fun B sun C supermarket D lunch

Trang 16

33 A different B literature C tidy D finger34 A cat B fat C father D apple35 A daunt B astronaut C vaulting D aunt36 A clear B treasure C spread D dread37 A about B shout C wounded D count38 A none B dozen C youngster D home39 A crucial B partial C material D financial40 A major B native C sailor D applicant


1 Đa số động từ có 2 âm tiết, trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai.

Ex: relax /rɪˈlæks/ produce /prə'duːs/ include /ɪnˈkluːd/ discover /dɪˈskʌvərbegin /bɪˈɡɪn/ become /bɪˈkʌm/ forget /fərˈɡet/ enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/

2 Đa số danh từ và tính từ có 2 âm tiết có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất.

Ex:action /ˈækʃn/ paper /ˈpeɪpər/ teacher /ˈtiːtʃər/rainy /ˈreɪni/ active /ˈæktɪv/ happy (adj) /ˈhæpi/

3 Với từ có 3 âm tiết trở lên, trọng âm sẽ rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 tính từ cuối lên.

Ex: economy /ɪˈkɑːnəmi/ industry /ˈɪndəstri/ intelligent /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/specialize /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ geography /dʒiˈɑːɡrəfi/ cinema /ˈsɪnəmə/

4 Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết trước đó nếu các từ tận cùng bằng các đuôi ic, ish, ical, sion, tion, - ance, - ence, - idle, - ious, - iar, - ience, - id, - eous, - ian, - ity.

-Ex: nation /ˈneɪʃn/ entrance /ˈentrəns/ historic /hɪˈstɔːrɪk/ foolish /ˈfuːlɪʃ/ famous /ˈfeɪməs celebrity /səˈlebrəti/

5 Trọng âm rơi vào chính âm tiết đó nếu các từ có hậu tố: ee, eer, ese, ique, esque, oo, oor.

-Ex: agree /əˈɡriː/ volunteer /ˌvɑːlənˈtɪr/ picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/unique /juˈniːk/ kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ Vietnamese /ˌvjetnəˈmiːz/

6 Các từ có hậu tố: - ment, - ship, - ness, - er/ or, - hood, - ing, - en, - ful, - able, - ous, - less thìtrọng âm chính của từ không thay đổi.

Ex: poison /ˈpɔɪzn/ => poisonous /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ happy /ˈhæpi/ => happiness /ˈhæpinəs/ rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ => reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ relation /rɪˈleɪʃn/ => relationship /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/

7 Các từ tận cùng – graphy, - ate, - logy, - cy, - ity, - phy, - al thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 từ dưới lên.

Ex: economical /ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪkl/ geography /dʒiˈɑːɡrəfi/ technology /tekˈnɑːlədʒi/ demoracy /dɪˈmɑːkrəsi/

8 Hầu như các tiền tố không nhận trọng âm.

Ex: dis'cover /dɪˈskʌvər/ re'ply /rɪˈplaɪ/ des'troy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/

9 Các từ 2 âm tiết bắt đầu bằng “a” thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2

Ex: a’bed /əˈbed/ a’gain /əˈɡeɪn/ a’chieve /əˈtʃiːv/


BT 1: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại

1 A harrow B arrive C repair D announce2 A reply B appeal C offer D support3 A answer B allow C agree D deny

Trang 17

4 A compare B approve C enter D pollute5 A mother B relax C father D garden6 A decide B combine C apply D happen7 A promise B picture C listen D accept8 A attract B verbal C signal D social9 A open B provide C complete D prefer10 A become B promise C suggest D disorder11 A surgeon B surplus C shampoo D enter12 A create B inform C surface D surprise13 A enough B reply C complete D person14 A involved B obstacle C prepare D supposed15 A money B army C affaird D people

16 A study B knowledge C precise D message17 A contain B express C carbon D obey 18 A impress B favor C occur D police 19 A regret B selfish C purpose D preface 20 A writer B teacher C builder D career

BT 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại

1 A obvious B probably C finally D approaching2 A maximum B decision C requirement D admission3 A energy B consequently C application D difficulty4 A considerable B information C librarian D technician5 A interviewer B preparation C economics D education6 A certificate B necessary C economy D geography7 A mathematics B engineering C scientific D laboratory8 A university B application C technology D entertainment9 A library B entertain C understand D referee10 A requirement B condition C example D previous11 A memory B exactly C radio D management12 A powerful B interesting C exciting D difficult13 A conference B lecturer C reference D researcher14 A computer B establish C business D remember15 A typical B favorite C division D organize16 A mechanic B chemistry C cinema D finally17 A advantage B musical C politics D apartment18 A expression B easily C depression D disruptive19 A eleven B history C nursery D different20 A physical B achievement C government D national21 A parallel B dependent C primary D educate22 A general B applicant C usually D October23 A economic B experience C entertainment D introduction

Trang 18

24 A qualification B disappointedly C responsibility D recommendation25 A addition B suitable C shortcoming D honestly

26 A traditional B majority C appropriate D electrician27 A imprisonment B behave C dissatisfied D picturesque28 A afternoon B necessary C compliment D serious29 A accountant B professor C develop D typical30 A invitation B computation C industry D understand



1 Hiện tại đơn

 Động từ tobe:(+) S + is/ am/ are + O.(-) S + is/ am/ are + not + O.(?) Is/ am/ are + S + O?

 Động từ thường:(+) S + V-inf/ s/ es + O.

(-) S + do/ does + not + V-inf + O.

 Các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: Always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, never Every (day/ week/ night/ month…) In the morning/ afternoon/ evening

Trang 19

(?) Do/ does + S + V-inf + O?2 Hiện

tại tiếpdiễn

(+) S + is/ am/ are + V-ing + O.(-) S + is/ am/ are + not + V-ing + O.(?) Is/ am/ are + S + V-ing + O?

 Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian: Now, right now, currently, at present, today, this week

 Các câu cảm thán: Hurry up! Look! 3 Hiện

tại hoàn thành

(+) S + has/ have + Ved/ V3 + O.(-) S + has/ have + not + Ved/ V3 + O.(?) Has/ have + S + Ved/ V3 + O?

 Just/ ever/ never/ already

(have/ has + just/ ever/ never/ already+ Ved/P2)

 Since + mốc thời gian Since + QKĐ, HTHT

 For + khoảng thời gian

 So far, not yet, up to now, lately, before (cuối câu)

 Twice, three times, many times4 Quá

khứ đơn

 Động từ tobe: (+) S + was/ were + O.(-) S + was/ were + not + O.(?) Was/ were + S + O?

 Động từ thường:(+) S + Ved/ V2 + O.(-) S + did not + V-inf + O.(?) Did + S + V-inf + O?

 Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ: yesterday, ago, last (week/ month/ year/…)

 In + năm quá khứ When + QKĐ

5 Quá khứ tiếp diễn

(+) S + was/ were + V-ing + O.(-) S + was/ were + not + V-ing + O.

(?) Was/ were + S + V-ing + O?

 By + giờ + trạng từ trong quá khứ While + QKTD, QKTD

(diễn tả 2 hd xảy ra song song cùng 1 lúc)

(+) S + had + Ved/ V3 + O.(-) S + had + not + Ved/ V3 + O.(?) Had + S + Ved/ V3 + O?

 by + trạng từ của quá khứ  S + told/ said + that + QKHT

 Các liên từ nối: When/ Before/ By the time/ After/ As soon as:

-Before + QKĐ, QKHT

-When/ By the time + QKĐ, QKHT-After/ As soon as + QKHT, QKĐ

7 Tương lai đơn

(+) S + will + V-inf + O.(-) S + will not + V-inf + O.(?) Will + S + V-inf + O?

 Diễn tả một hành động thường quyết định ngay tại thời điểm nói

 Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian trong tương lai: tomorrow, next (week/ month …), soon, in the future

 Các cụm từ: I hope/ think/ expect/

Trang 20

 Các từ: Probably/ perhaps

When/ before/ after + HTĐ, TLĐ

8 Tương lai tiếpdiễn

(+) S + will be + Ving + O(-) S + won’t be + Ving + O(?) Will + S + be + Ving + O?

 At this time/ giờ + trạng từ của tương lai


SIMPLE PRESENT(HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN)Động từ thường+: S + V1 / V(s/es)

-: S + don’t/ doesn’t + V1

?:(wh/h) Do / Does + S+ V1 …?

Động từ to be:S + am/ is / are …

- thói quen ở hiệntại

- sự thật, chân lí.-Quy luật tự nhiên

- Sơ thích ,nghề nghiệp,lịch trình chuyến đi, thời gian biểu

- always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely,never,

- normally, regularly, occasionally, as a rule …-Every day, every week, every month….

- in the morning/afternoon/evening

- Once a week, twice….

- She often goes

to school late.

- The sun rises

in the east.


+: S + am/is/are + ing

V : S + am/ is/ are + not + V-ing

?:(Wh/h) Am / Is /Are + S + V-ing?

- hành động đang diễn ra vào lúc nói.

- dự định sẽ thực hiện trong tương lai gần.

- hành động có tính chất tạm thời.

- now, right now- at the moment

-at present, at this time,at that time.

- Look!, Listen! - Be quiet!-Don’t +V

Note: một số động từ

thường không dùng với thì

tiếp diễn: like, dislike, hate, love, want, prefer, admire, believe,

understand, remember, forget, know, belong, have, taste, smell, be

- I can’t answer

the phone I’m having a bath.- She is going to

the cinema tonight.

- He often goes to work by car,

but today he is taking a bus.


+: S + has / have + P.P

-: S + has / have + not

- hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại và có thể tiếp tục trong tương lai.

- hành động vừa

- lately, recently (gần đây)- so far, up to now, up to the present (cho tới bây giờ)

- already, ever, never, just, yet,lately,recently

Trang 21

+ P.P

?: Has / Have + S + P.P?

mới xảy ra - since + mốc th/g.- how long …- this is the first time/second time…- many times / several times

from her father.

SIMPLE PAST(QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN)*Be : Was, wereI,he ,she,it,Name, N singular: Was

You, we, they, N pl : Were

- một chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tục trong quá khứ.

- một thói quen trong quá khứ

- yesterday, last week, last month, year….

- ago

- in + năm quá khứ - in the past,Traditionally

- She went to

London last year.

- The man came

to the door,

unlocked it, entered the room, went to the bed and lay


+: S + was / were + ing

V : S + was / were + not + V-ing

?: Was / Were + S + V-ing…?

- hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ

- hai hành động cùng xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ

- hành động xảy ra trước hành động khác hoặc trước một thời

- already, ever, never, before, by, by the time, after, until, when, ….

- When I arrivedat the party, they

had already left.

Trang 22


+: S + will / shall + V1

-: S + will / shall + not + V1

(won’t / shan’t + V1)

?: Will / Shall + S + V1 …?

- hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai

- một quyết định được đưa ra vào lúc nói

- tomorrow

- next day,next week,next month….

in +năm tươnglai-In the future

- tonight, soon, someday- I think / guess

- I am sure / I am not sure

- He will come

back tomorrow.- The phone is

ringing I will answer it.

Lưu ý cách dùng của Be going to + V1

- diễn tả một dự định đã được sắp đặt trước

Ex: She is going to buy a new computer (She has saved for a year)

- diễn tả một dự đoán có căn cứ

Ex: The sky is absolutely dark It is going to rain.Note:

- hai hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ:

hành động ngắn dùng thì quá khứ đơn, hành động dài dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

Ex: Yesterday morning, I met my friend while I was going to school.

hành động xảy ra trước dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động xảy ra sau dùng thì quá khứ đơn

Ex: She went out with her friends after she had finished her homework She had finished her homework before she went out with her friends.Một số cách hòa hợp thì giữa mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề thời gian:

(Mệnh đề chính) (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thờigian)

1 TLĐ + until / when / as soon as + HTĐ I will wait here until she comes

Trang 23

Last night, I was doing my homework while my sister was playing games.

6 HTHT + since + QKĐ I (work) - here since I

7 After + QKHT, QKĐ After I had finished my homework, I (go)

- to bed.

8 Before / By the time + QKĐ + QKHT

Before she (have) - dinner, she (write) - letter.


Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: He (visit) visits _his parents very often.He doesn’t visit his parents very often

Does he visit his parents very often?1 He (go) _to School everyday.

2 She (come) _ from Germany.

3 Daisy usually (go) _ to work by car.4 We (watch) TV every night.

5 He (walk) to work every day.

6 He (be) in Ca Mau.7 They (be) students.

8 She (wash) _her clothes every Sunday.9 She (study) _English every day.

10 He (want) _ to become a teacher.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present simple tense:

1 She usually (walk) _ to school.

2 What time Mary usually (get) up every morning?3 She (not wash) her clothes every weekend.

4 _they (be) teachers?

Trang 24

5 It (not be) often cold in summer.6 Tom usually (walk) _ to school.7 He (be) _ a student.

8 I (be) _ sixteen years old.9 They (be) very friendly.

10 He often (wash) the car at weekends.

11 What time you often (get) up every morning?12 she (like) English?

13 Every week she (go) to visit her parents.14 What time your father usually (get) _ up?15 We (not go) to school on Sundays.

16 We (not be) _very lazy.17 The Earth (go) _around the Sun.18 I (visit) _my parents very often.

19 _he (go) _to school every day?20 _she (come) _from Japanese?

Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: She (read) is reading _at the moment.She isn’t reading at the moment

Is she reading at the moment?

1 He (watch) TV right now.2 At present they (sit) _ in the class.3 This year we (learn) _ English.

4 Look! Peter (play) football in the schoolyard.5 Be quiet! The baby (sleep) _.

6 Look! The man (smoke) there.7 She (write) _ to her parents now.

8 My father (work) _in the garden at the moment.9 John (listen) _ to the radio now.

10 He (play) _chess at the moment.Exercise 2: Put the verb in the present continuous tense:

1 The workers (work) in the firm at the moment.2 Please be quite! You (make) _ _so much noise so I can’t

3 Tony (have) _ _a bath at the moment.

4 Listen! He (read) _a story by Shakespeare.5 At present Richard (study) _in London.

6 This term I (study) _philosophy and economics.7 Janet (have) _a shower at the moment.

Trang 25

8 They (not/study) _at present.9 Yukiko (have) _a bath now.

10 We (make) _a cake at the moment.11 Jane (watch) _television at the moment.12 Look! The boy (cry) .

13 Alice and Mary (put) _ the dishes away right now.14 The farmer (work) _ in the field now.15 Look! It (snow) _.

16 Phong (sleep) _ right now.

17 Mother (cook) some food in the kitchen at present.18 Just a minute! I (look up) that word in the dictionary.19 _you (write) a letter now?

20 They (not read) books in the sitting room right now.21 Look! They (play) _ football.

22 She (sweep) _ the floor now.23 What she (do) now?

24 She (wash) the clothes at the moment.25 Listen! Peter and Daisy (sing) now.

26 My brother (not watch) _TV now He (wash) his car.27 He (study) _ English this month.

28 you (work) in the garden now?29 Peter (talk) to Susan now.

30 She (listen) _to the radio in her bedroom at the moment.

Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: He (watch) watched a good programme on TV last night CẤU

7 The boy (finish) _their homework yesterday.8 Rolf (buy) _ the leather jacket last week.

9 I (have) a little trouble with my car last week.10 She (wash) her clothes last night.

Trang 26

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past simple tense:

1 They (begin) to study at this school 7 years ago.

2 She (lose) her handbag on the train yesterday morning.3 We (visit) _ that city last year.

4 Peter and Daisy (be) born in 1978.

5 you (spend) _ your holiday in Dalat last summer?6 She (clean) _the bicycle yesterday.

7 They (start) school in 1998.

8 My friend and I (go) to the seaside last week.

9 We (spend) _ hours on the beach last Sunday.10 He (be) in Ha Noi last year.

11 His father (die) _ in 1930.

12 Lincoln (work) in this factory three years ago.13 I (do) _my homework last night.

14 Miss White (write) to her father last Monday.15 My parents (buy) _the car last year.

16 Hoa (read) _the book yesterday.17 He (listen) _to the radio last night.18 We (watch) _ a good programme on TV last night.19 Mary (go) _shopping for me yesterday.

20 I (be) _ in Ha Noi last month.

21 My parents (go) _to HCM city last week.22 Yesterday we (have) _a meeting at our school.23 Mary (meet) _her parents two week ago.24 She (be) _born in 1992.

25 What you (do) _last night.

26 Last summer I (study) _English in Can Tho City.27 She (not visit) _her son last week.

28 In 1997 there (be) _a terrible storm.29 They (build) _the house twenty years ago.

30 John (do not) _come to my birthday party last Sunday.

Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: At this time yesterday they (play) were playing _ football.At this time yesterday they were not playing football.

At this time yesterday were they playing football?

1 At this time yesterday we (play) tennis in the schoolyard.2 At 7:00 pm yesterday (watch) TV.

Trang 27

3 Yesterday while my father (watch) _ TV, my mother (read) the

newspaper, my sister (do) _her homework and I (play) chess with my friend.

4 What were you doing when I phoned you? I (have) a bath.5 She (do) her homework at the time yesterday.6 Marry (water) the flowers at 3:00 p.m yesterday.7 They (visit) the zoo at ten o’clock yesterday.8 Peter and I (do) _the exercise at this time last night.9 Last night my father (feed) the pigeons at 7:00.10 At this time last year we (learn) _English in London.

Exercise 2: Put the verb in the past simple tense or the past continuous:

still (sleep) .

_ at this house this morning.

house, he still (sleep) _.

we (see) an accident.

he (stand) at the bus stop.

mother (come) _back home.

Tom (take) _ a bath.

(see) him.

when she (come) _yesterday.

Exercise 1: Rewrite each sentence as a positive, negative , or question :

Example: She (be) has been here for several days

She has not been here for several days.Has she been here for several days?1 Tom (see) this film before.2 I (finish) my exercise already.3 They (live) here since 1990.4 My father (just wash) his car.

Trang 28

5 The students (discuss) the question recently.6 Mary (never, be) to Ha Noi.

7 We (know) each other for 5 years.8 So far we (learn) five lessons.9 We (be) pen pals for a long time.10 They (stay) here since last week.

Exercise 2:

1 Bob (see) this movie before.

2 Sandra (lend) her brother $ 200 so far.3 Rashid (just pass) his driving test.

4 Karen (study) Italian for three years now and is still studying.5 The teacher (already, tell) to be quite.

6 Tim (not, take) many photos yet.7 Jorge (read) the newspaper already.8 We (not begin) _ to study for the test yet.9 John and I (be) pen pals for nearly 3 years.

10 He (wear) _ the same coat since he (move) _ here.11 I (not see) _ your brother recently.

12 They (not contact) _ to each other for a long time.13 How long _you (study) English?

14 How many times _ you (see) _him since he went to Edinburgh?15 Who is that woman? I (never/ see) _ her before.

16 We (be) from French We (be) there for 20 years.17 I (see) that film several times because I like it.

18 Mary (lose) _ her hat for 2 days.19 He (not finish) _ doing it yet.20 He (not see) him since Christmas.

21 (live) _in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.22 He (just see) her.

23 They (already show) _ the film.

24 I’m sorry the car is not here I (just sell) it.25 The Bakers (be) in New York for 3 months.26 My brother (use) this computer for 2 years.27 They (live) in this street for a long time.

28 Mr Green (teach) French since he left London in 1997.29 She (not speak) _ to me since last week.

30 Up to now, Hoa (work) _ very hard.

1. Yesterday they (go) home after they (finish) their work.

Trang 29

2. When we came to the stadium, the match (already start) _.

3. Many people (move) _ to the new place before the storm occurred.

4. I sat down ant rested after they (go) _.

5. Before he died, he (be) _ ill for several days.

6. Last night before he (watch) _ TV, he (do) _ the exercise.

7. She went to the department after her (clean) _ the floor.

8. When I got to the party, they (go) _ home.

9. By the time the police arrived, the house (be) _ burned down.

10. By last year, twenty schools in this province (be) _ built.

VIII. The future simple tense Put the verb in the future simple tense.

1 you (take) _ at trip to London next week.2 She (water) _ the flowers next month.

3 They (build) a new bridge in this province next year.4 Tomorrow she (send) _ the letter to Ha Hoi.

5 In 2010 she (move) _ to live in Ho Chi Minh City.6 I (meet) _ my parents in an hour.

7 I think it (be) _ sunny tomorrow.8 I am sure he (pass) _ the exam.9 I (stay) _ at home if it rains.

10 He (send) the letter when he goes to the post office

VI/ The present simple or the present continuous tense:

1 My father (have) coffee for breakfast every day.2 His sister (study) in a shoe store this summer.3 The students (look) _ up that new word now.4 Mary (go) to school every day.

5 They (do) this exercise at the moment.6 Ms Eden (read) _ a newspaper now.

7 It (rain) very much in the summer It (rain) _ now.8 Bad students never (study) hard.

9 He generally (sing) in English, but today he (sing) in Spanish.10 We seldom (eat) before 6.30.

11 She sometimes (buy) _vegetables at his market.12 We always (do) _ our exercises carefully.

13 Look! A man (run) after the train He (want) _ to catch it.14 It (be) very cold now.

15 John (travel) to England tomorrow.

16 I (need) some money for my textbooks.

Trang 30

17 Tom (like) to go to the museums.18 Mary (love) ice-cream.

19 My mother (cook) some food in the kitchen at present She always (cook) in the mornings.

20 I often (leave) the city at weekends.

21 The guests (watch) the TV programes now.22 The sun (set) in the west.

23 My friend (study) English for an hour every night.24 Listen! I (hear) _ someone knocking at the front door.

BT 3 Chia các động từ sau ở thì Quá khứ đơn, Quá khứ tiếp diễn và Quá khứ hoàn thành

1 When the police (arrive) _, the car (go) _.

2 While we (do) a sight-seeing tour, our friends (lie) _ on the beach.3 They (eat) _ everything by the time they (arrive) _ at the party.4 While Tom (play) _ the piano, his mother (do) _ the washing-up.5 I (go) _ after they (finish) _ their work.

6 The light went out while I (have) _ dinner.

7 He (do) _ nothing before he (see) _ me.

8 When they (get) _ the station, the train (leave) _.9 The house (catch) _ fire while they were sleeping.

10 While Tom was reading, Amely (watch) _ a documentary on TV.

11 The burglar (open) _ the safe when he (hear) _ footsteps Heimmediately (put) _ out his torch and (crawl) _ under the bed.

12 Last night I (drop) _ a plate when I (do) _ the washing-up.Fortunately it (not/break) _.

13 Mary and I (dance) _ the house when the telephone rang.

14 I (open) _ the letter when the wind (blow) _ it out of my hand.15 The boy fell and hurt himself while he (ride) _ a bicycle.

BT 4 Chia các động từ sau ở thì Hiện tại đơn, Tương lai đơn và Tương lai tiếp diễn

1 When you (go) _ into the office, Mr John (sit) _ at the front desk.2 Our English teacher (explain) _ that lesson to us tomorrow.

3 We (wait) _ for you when you (get) _ back tomorrow.4 What _ you (do) _at 7:00 pm next Sunday?

I (practice) _ my English lesson then.

5 When I see Mr Pike tomorrow, I (remind) _ him of that.

6 When you (come) _ next Monday, I (work) _at my desk.7 He (work) _ on the report at this time tomorrow.

8 Please wait here until you (see) _ her.

9 The Browns (do) _ their housework when you (come) _ next Sunday.10 Don't leave until you (see) _ her.

Question: Put the verbs in the correct form

1 I enjoy (fish) _ because it (be) _relaxing.

Trang 31

3 What your mother often (do) _ at weekends?4 I think, in the future people (not play) individual games.

5 We find (arrange) _ flowers interesting because it (help) _us relax.6 We (go) to that village to do volunteer work last week7 My uncle (move) to Da Lat in 2005.

8 My parents (buy) this house 20 years ago.9 The students ( not be) _at school on last Monday.10 Lan (be ) at home when we went out.

11 Where you (be) last Sunday?

12 They (help) the elderly people cook food some days ago?13 My father (not play) _any sport since last year.

14.Tom (call) his boss yesterday.

15.My uncle (move) to Da Lat in 2005.16.The Greens (be) _to many countries in the world so far.17.We (go) _to that village to do volunteer work several times.18 We (spend) ……… our summer vacation in Ha Long Bay last July.19 I (hear) ……… the good news from Mary a few minutes ago.

20 ……… you (finish) ……… your homework yet?21 Don’t worry we (go) ……… swimming with you tomorrow.22 She often (go) to the market with her mother every weekend.23 We (visit) Hue next month

24 My younger sister (collect) dolls two years ago.25 you ever (do) volunteer work ?26.He usually (go) ……… fishing on Saturdays.

27.My brother used to ( go )……… to work by motorbike Now he cycles.28.How about (see) ……… a movie on Sunday evening ?

29.An didn’t used (play) ……… football in the afternoon Now he often does it.

30.Nam (learn) ……… English for 8 years.31.Last night, my father ( watch) ……… TV.32.They are interested in ( arrange)……… flowers.

33 I like ( work) ……… as a volunteer for that orphanage.34 She loves (swim) _ with you tomorrow.

35.My friends hate (eat) _ out

36.My parents like (live) _ in the countryside 37 We enjoy (watch) _ the latest films 39.This house (build)………two years ago.

39 Mr Dam ( organize)……….his 34th birthday last week.40 My cousin( visit)………Son Doong last summer vacation.41 When I arrived her house yesterday, she ( have )………dinner.

Trang 32

42 He ( work ) ……… for a big company since he ( graduate )…………from university.43.He ( always complain )………… her studying.

42.I hope I ( pass ) ………the exam.

43 At this time next week, They ( take ) ………an exam.41 (you/ be) free next Sunday?

42 I (collect) _ a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far.43 Nam’s friends often (give) him stamps from other countries.44 My sister (practice) the guitar twice a week.

45 They (give) _ a party next week.46 Lan ( invite) ……….to the party tomorrow.

47 We (live) near Nam’s house, but we (not see) himvery often.

48 My brother usually (go) ……… fishing in his free time.49 We (not like) ……… roller skating because it’s dangerous.

50 I think 20 years from now more people (take up) ……… outdoor activities.Ex:

1 My father (plant) some fruit trees in the garden now2 What your father (do) in the evening?

- He usually (watch) TV but sometimes he (read) book.

3 Hoa's brother (be) an engineer, but now he (not work) at the moment.4 We (not go) to the zoo very often.

5 Lan and Phong (be) in the kitchen They (cook) dinner.6 What about (play) soccer this afternoon?

7 My sister (be) in the garden She (water) the flowers.8 Be quiet! I (study)

9 Look! The plane (fly) toward the airport It (land).10 What you (feel) now? - I (feel) hot.

11 We'll go out when the rain (stop)12 I (stay) here until he (answer) me13 Wait until I (watch) you.

14 I (send) you some postcards as soon as I (arrive) in London.15 Listen! Birds (sing).

16 She (not come) until you (be) ready.17 Bears (like) honey.

18 What you (do) now? - We (play) soccer.19 Mr Thanh (teach) me English.

20 Where your mother (be)?

- She (be) in the bathroom May be, she (have) a bath.21 My father (jog) every morning.

22 Look! The bus (come) It (stop) here.

Trang 33

23 The birds (build) their nests when the spring (come)24 We (visit) Huong pagoda next week.

25 She (have) a meeting tonight.26 Mai (brush) her teeth after meals.27 He (have) a lot of friends soon.

28 They (live) with her grand mother in HN now.29 She (be) 12 on her next birthday.

10 Poor him! He (not have) any money in his pockets.

30 Mr Thanh (be) a doctor He (work) in a hospital in the city center Everyday he (catch) the bus to work

31 What your father (do) now?- He (plant) trees in the garden.

32 We (not go) camping next week We (visit) the museum.

33 Miss Lien is a journalist She (write) for Lao Dong newspaper She (not write) for Nhan Dan newspaper.

34 I like (join) your English club.

35 We often (play) tennis in the afternoon.36 Long (watch) TV an hour everyday

37 He (take) part in the march on May Day at present.38 My sister (listen) to music in her free time.

39 What your mother often (do) in the evening?

- She often (play) card but today she (make) cake in the kitchen.40 Hoa's husband (be) an engineer, but he (not work) at the moment.41 Trang usually (look) out of the window while the teacher (teach)42 Where is your father?

- He (be) in the bathroom He (brush) his teeth.43 Be careful! That bike (break)

44 Lan likes (play) games on computer.45 He ia tall enough (play) basketball.

46 When I was a child, I used to (study) hard47 I (live) here since last week

48 They (know) each other for 2 years49 My sister love (read) in her free time.50 My sister is old enough (drive) a car

51 My father used to (smoke) a lot two years ago.52 We (not see) her since yesterday.

53 Nam (learn) English for two years54 We like (watch) TV after school.

55 I'm very busy at the moment I (decorate) the sitting room.56 I always (buy) lottery but I never (win) anything.

Trang 34

57 I (get) it in a car accident two days ago.

58 She (teach) English at ML school for 8 years.59 I never (forget) what you (just tell) me

60 Long (work) at U so far.

61 My teacher wasn't at home when we (arrive) He (just go) out.62 My father (not smoke) for 5 years.

63 People (speak) E all over the world.

64 Where are you, Nam? - I'm upstairs I (have) a bath.65 Some one (cut) down all the trees in the garden.66 Listen! The birds (sing)

67 Mr Nam (buy) that motorbike since last September.68 Manh (watch) a film on TV at 8 last night.

69 Some animals (not eat) during winter.70 Be quiet! The teacher (be) angry.

71 The birds (build) their nests when Spring (come)72 My parents (give) me a new bike on my next birthday.73 Why didn't you listen while I (speak) to you?

74 Up to now, the teacher (give) us 5 tests.75 We (be) in grade 8 this year.

76 Hoa and Lan (buy) some books yesterday.77.Our friends (watch) a game on TV at the moment.78 Ba’s teacher (give) him a lot of homework last week.79.Our class (go) to the zoo next week.

80 Their grandmother (tell) them a lot of stories last year.81 Look! Lan (wear) a new dress.

82.They enjoy (watch) TV.

83 Hoa’s mother (go) shopping everyday.

84 We(visit) our grandparents this weekend.85 I (receive) a letter yesterday.

86 Listen! The birds (sing) beautifully.87 We (live) in a big city.

88 She (have) breakfast at 7 a.m every morning.89 They (learn) something about Geography.90 Lan (help) her mother with the houseworks.91 My sister(listen) to music at the moment.

92 The children often (play) pingpong after school.93 Lan (spend) most of her time with Lien, her best friend.94 Tam (watch) TV every night

95 you (do) the homework yet?96 It is very exciting (see) that film.

Trang 35

97 Lan (see) this film three times.98 We (wait) you since two o’clock.99 My brother is good at (fix) things.100 May I (go) out now , Mom?

101.We (not go) to the cinema last week.102 Mrs Loan (teach) us Math two years ago.103 Last Sunday, Daisy (iron) all her clothes.104.She (do) her homework recently.

105.I want (come) with my mother.

BT 5 Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1 He _to New York three times this year

A was B had been C is D has been2 The second World War _in 1939.

A started B starts C has started D start3 We as soon as you have finished your work.

A will go B go C went D have gone4 I the book by the time you come tonight.

A will be finishing B have finished C will have finished D finished5 Television _ very popular since 1950s.

A has been B was C had been D is6 Peter _ at the moment, so he can't answer the phone.

A has worked B is working C worked D works7 Don't go anywhere until I back.

A came B have come C come D will come8 The King just here yesterday.

A had come B comes C has come D came9 It is the largest ship I _.

A had seen B saw C have ever seen D see10 At 8 o’clock this evening, my friends and I a famous film in the cinema

A will watch B watched C will be watching D have watched11 Mary an hour ago.

A phoned B has phoned C phones D was phoning12 This is the house that Jack _ three years ago.

A was building B builds C had built D built13 Don't make noise My mother _with her friends.

A talked B talks C is talking D was talking14 She the piano since she was ten years old.

A played B has played C plays D had played 15 Up to now, I _ a lot of information about her.

A learnt B would learn C learn D have learnt16 Mary _ in London for 15 years.

Trang 36

A lives B was living C is living D has lived17 I'm hungry now I _ anything today.

A didn't eat B haven't eaten C don't eat D won't eat18 When we arrived home last night, everybody _

A has already slept B had already slept C was already sleeping D already sleeping19 Mark Twain _ loved his wife before he met her.

20 How since we left school?

A will you B have you been C are you D are you being21 They _ a presentation at this time tomorrow morning.

A are making B are going to make C will be making D will making 22 Mary an hour ago.

A don't see B hadn't seen C didn't see D haven't seen23 What will Nam do when he school next year?

A could finish B will finish C has finished D finishes24 I in Hanoi before I moved to HCM City.

A had been living B had lived C have lived D have been living25 When I was a boy, I _tea to coffee.

A preferred B was preferring C have preferred D prefer

26 He went back to work in his country after he his course on Advanced Engineering in London.

A was finishing B finishes C has finished D had finished27 He up his mind yet.

A hasn't made B didn't make C wasn't making D wasn't make28 I TV while my father a newspaper last night.

A am watching / was reading B was watching / was readingC am watching / is reading D was watching / is reading29 Tom and Mary _for Vietnam tomorrow.

A have left B leaving C leave D will leave30 The science lessons in this class difficult today.

A are B be C was D is 31 - Peter, please help me do the washing up - Sorry, Mum I TV.

A had watched B am watching C watched D watch 32 He has _ in giving up smoking.

A succeeds B succeed C succeeded D succeeding 33 While I TV last night, a mouse ran across the room.

A was watching B am watching C watched D watch 34 It rained yesterday after it _ dry for months.

A is B will be C had been D has been 35 I’m going on holiday This time next week I _on the beach in the sea.

A will lie B am lying C will be lying D lie 36 We must start now The next train _ at 2:15 p.m.

A will leave B has leave C left D leaves

Trang 37

A are speaking B had spoken C have spoken D speak

C.SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT(Sự hịa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ)

A Trường hơp dùng động từ ở dang số ít

_ Khi chủ ngữ là những danh từ có hình thức số nhiều nhưng thực tế chúng là những danh từ số ít ( những danh từ đề cập đến các môn học, chứng bệnh, danh từ riêng ).

+ News

+ Diseases : measles, mumps, rickets,……

+ Subject : Linguistics , Economies , Physic , Phonetics , pholitics,….

+ Proper nouns : Algiers, Athens , Brussels, Marseilles, The United States, The United Nations, Wales,………

Ex1 Mathematics is fun.

Ex2 The United States lies between Canada and Mexico.

_ Khi chủ ngữ la danh tử chỉ tiền bạc, thời gian, khỏang cách.

Ex Three years is a long time to wait.

_ Khi chu ngữ la 1 đại từ bất định : each, any, one, everyone, someone, anyone, every, either, neither, another, something…

Ex1 Each of the boys has a bicycle.Ex2 Someone has taken my pencil.

_ Khi chủ ngữ la 1 mệnh đề.

Ex That you get high mark in school is very good.

_ Khi những chủ ngữ đều ở số ít được nối kết với nhau bằng : with, as well as, together with, along with, no less than,….thì động từ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

Ex1 The old man with his dog passes my house every morning.Ex2 Mr Johnson as well as his assistants has arrived.

B Trương hợp dùng động từ ở dạng số nhiều

_ Khi hai hay nhiều chủ ngữ được nối kết với nhau bằng : and

Ex Lan and Tam are classmates in this school year.

_ Khi chủ ngữ la 1 đại từ : several, both, many, few, all, some.

Ex Several of the students are absent.

_ Khi chủ ngữ là 1 danh từ được thành lập bởi mạo từ The+Adjective để chỉ 1 nhóm người có chung 1 đặc điểm hay phẩm chất : The poor, The rich, The blind,….

Ex The poor living here need help.

C Động từ có thể dùng số ít hoặc số nhiều tùy trừơng hợp

Trang 38

_ Hai chủ ngữ nối kết với nhau bằng : Either……Or , Neither…….Nor , Or , Not only… But also thì động từ phù hợp với chủ ngữ thứ 2.

Ex1 Neither her mother nor her father wants her to be a teacher.Ex2 Either he or I am going to to come.

_ The number of : động từ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ìt A number of : động từ ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều.

Ex1 The number of books in the library is large.Ex2 A number of students are ready for the exam.

_ Một danh từ tập hợp như : family, group, team,……la tập hợp nhiều cá nhân trong cùng đơn vị, tùy theo ý nghĩa ma động từ ở dạng số ít hay số nhiều.

Ex The family is the basic unit of society The family have the same ideas.

_ Khi danh từ đứng sau các thành ngữ chỉ phân số hay tỷ lệ ma làm chủ ngữ ( one third of the , Half of the……., All of the…… ) thì động từ có thề ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít hay ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều tùy theo danh từ làm chủ ngữ đó số ít hoặc số nhiều.

Ex1 One third of the oranges are mine One third of the milk is enough.

Ex2 All of the students have been rewarded All of the money has been spent.


1 Three months (be) a long time to wait.

2 Five dollars (be) too much to pay for that book.3 A number of books (be) on the table.

4 The number of students in this class (be) limited to thirty.5 It (be) my two brothers who (be) hurt.

6 It (be) the children playing upstairs.7 Neither of the answers (be) correct.8 Neither (be) to blame

9 Everybody (have) a good time.

10 Either your key or my key (be) missing.11 John or his brothers (be) going to help me.12 Bread and butter (be) all he asked for.13 The author and lecturer (be) arriving today.14 My old friend and colleague, George (be) in town.15 The pen and paper (be) on the desk.

16 Jim and Joe (be) roommates.

17 The boxes of candy (be) on the table.18 The package of cigarettes (be) on the table.

19 Oranges and cream (be) perishable and should be refrigerated.20 Oranges and tangerine (be) delicious.

Trang 39

21 Most of the members (be) happy.22 Half of the students (be) looking out.

23 Some of the sugar (was/were) spilt on the floor.24 There (be) plenty of time.

25 There (be) a lot of lakes.

26 I, your master, (command) you.

27 My wife, not my friends, ( is waiting/are waiting) for me.

28 Early to bed and early to rise (make) a man healthy, wealthy and wise.29 Either the mayor or the eldermen (be) to blame.

30 Not John but his brothers (be) to blame.

31 A fever, a mutilation, a cruel disappointment, a loss of wealth, a loss of friends (seem) at the moment untold loss.

32 A cart and horse (was/were) seen at a distance.33 Her principal anxiety (was/were) her children.34 Nobody not John and William (was/were) there.

35 Man, no less than the lower forms of life (be) a product of the evolutionary process.36 The girl, as well as the boys, (has/have) learnt to ride.

37 The bat together with the ball (was/were) stolen.38 The newspaper and the dictionary (be) on the table.39 Here (be) bread and the dictionary.

40 Here (be) bread and butter for breakfast.

41 The ship with its load of timer (be) leaving the port today.42 Noone (be) eager to be examined the first.

43 It (be) her lies that ( irritake) me so much.44 Three fourths of the wall (be) painted.45 Two fifths of the members (be) present.46 Two times two (make) four.

47 Two 2’s (make ) four.48 Two plus two (be) four.49 How many (be) six and five?50 Nine from fourteen (be) five.

51 Twenty years (be) not a long period of time in human history.52 Five dimes (make) fifty cents.

53 Five dollars (be) a small sum.

54 “ The three Musketeers” (be) written by Alexandre Dumas.55 You don’t have to say much , a word or two (be) sufficient.56 These (be) one or two things I’d like to talk over with you.

Trang 40

57 The number of new books in our library (be) ever growing.

58 A number of new books in our library (be) displayed at the book show.59 Our only guide ( be) stars.

60 There (be) a lot of traffic on this road.

II>Choose the corect answer in the parentheses

1 The weather in the southern states ( gets, get) very hot during the summer.2 The result of Dr Noll’s experiment( was,were) published in a scientific journal.3 Bob and his friends( is,are) coming to the anniversary party tomorrow night.4 Every man, woman, and child (is,are) protected under the law.

5 Washing the dishes (is, are) the children’ job6 A lot of the students (is, are) already here.

7 Some of the furniture in our apartment (is, are) secondhand8 Some of the desks in the classroom (is, are) broken.

9 At least three-quarters of that book on famous Americans (is, are) about people who lived

in the 19th


10 One of the coutries I would like to visit (is, are) Italy.

11 Some of the cities I would like to visit (is, are) Rome and Vience12 Each student in the class (has, have) to have a book.

13 Each student in the class (has, have) to have a book.14 None of the students ( was,were) late today.

15 the number of students in this room right now (is, are) twenty.16 A number of students in the class ( speaks,speak) English well.17 There (is, are) some interesting pictures in today paper.

18 There (is, are) an incorrect statement in that newspaper article.19 The United States (is, are) lacated in North America.

20 Economics (is, are) Don’s favourite subjects.

21 Ten minutes (is, are) more than enough time to complete this exercise.22 Most people (likes,like) to go to the zoo.

23 The police (is, are) coming I’ve already called them.

24 Japanese (is, are) very difficult for English speakers to learn.25 the Japanese (has, have) a long and interesting history.

26 The old in my country (is, are) cared for by their children and grandchildren.27 This exercise on singular- plural agreement of subjects and verbs (is, are) easy.

28 The extent of Jane’s knowledge on various complex subjects ( astounds Astound: lam kinh

ngac) me.

29 The subjects you will be studying in this cource (is, are) listed in the syllabus.30 Massachutes and Connecticut (is, are) located in New England.

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2024, 17:31
