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Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Oanh CHUYÊN ĐỀ ÔN TIẾNG THI VÀO LỚP MÔN ANH (Năm học 2022 – 2023) Name: ……………………………………… CHUYÊN ĐỀ PHẦN A : CÁC CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGỮ PHÁP QUY TẮC ĐÁNH DẤU TRỌNG ÂM QUY TẮC ĐÁNH DẤU TRỌNG ÂM §a sè động từ âm tiết trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ : Example : Enjoy co’llect es’cape de’stroy en’joy re’peat A’llow as’sist ac’cept re’lax a’ttract a’ccent Ex’plain de’scend for’get a’llow main’tain con’sent Ngo¹i trõ : ‘offer, ‘happen , ‘answer , ‘enter , ‘listen , open, finish, study, follow, narrow,,publish,argue Đa số danh từ tính từ âm tiết trọng ©m chÝnh nhÊn vµo ©m tiÕt thø Example : ‘mountain ‘evening ‘butcher ‘carpet ‘busy ‘village ‘summer ‘birthday ‘porter ‘pretty ‘morning ‘winter ‘beggar ‘table ‘handsome Ngo¹i trõ : ma’chine mis’take a’lone a’sleep result, effect, trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 3: Một số từ vừa mang nghĩa danh từ động từ trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ nhất.Nếu động từ trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ record object absent import export present suspect increase contract progress desert insult decrease protest subject Ngoại lệ: visit, travel,promise trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết thứ nhất, từ reply trọng âm rơi vào âm thứ Danh tõ ghÐp thuờng có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết : Example : ‘raincoat ‘tea- cup ‘film- maker ‘shorthand ‘bookshop ‘footpath shortlist ‘airline ‘bedroom ‘typewriter ‘snowstorm ‘suitcase airport ‘dishwasher ‘passport ‘hot- dog ‘bathroom ‘speed limit ‘sunrise TÝnh tõ ghÐp thuờng có trọng âm nhấn vào từ thứ 1, nhng tính từ ghép mà từ tính từ hay trạng từ (Adjective or adverb) kết thúc đuôi - ED trọng âm lại nhấn từ thứ Tuơng tự động từ ghép trạng từ ghép có trọng âm nhấn vµo tõ thø : Example : ‘home - sick ‘air- sick ‘praiseworthy ‘water- proof ‘trustworthy ‘lighting- fast , Nhưng : bad- ‘temper short- ‘sighted well-‘ informed ups’tairs well – ‘done short- ‘handed north- ‘east down- ‘stream well – ‘dressed ill – ‘treated down’stairs north – ‘west C¸c từ kết thúc đuôi : how, what, where, trọng âm nhấn vào vần : anywhere ‘somehow ‘somewhere C¸c tõ tiÕt thø A’bed A’live âm tiết bắt đầu A trọng âm nhấn vào âm 2: about above aback again alone achieve alike a’go a’sleep a’broad a’side a’buse a’fraid C¸c tõ tËn đuôi , - ety, - ity, - ion ,- sion, - cial,ically, - ious, -eous, - ian, - ior, - iar, iasm - ience, - iency, - ient, - ier, - ic, - ics, -ial, -ical, -ible, -uous, -ics*, ium, - logy, - sophy,- graphy - ular, - ulum , trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết truíc nã : de’cision dic’tation libra’rian ex’perience ‘premier so’ciety arti’ficial su’perior ef’ficiency re’public mathe’matics cou’rageous fa’miliar con’venient Ngo¹i trõ : ‘cathonic (thiên chúa giáo), ‘lunatic (âm lịch) , ‘arabic (ả rập) , ‘politics (chính trị học) a’rithmetic (số học) C¸c tõ kÕt thóc b»ng – ate, - cy*, -ty, -phy, -gy vần trọng âm nhấn vào từ thứ Nếu vần vần trọng âm nhấn vào vần thứ từ cuåi lªn ‘Senate Com’municate ‘regulate ‘playmate cong’ratulate ‘concentrate ‘activate ‘complicate, tech’nology, e`mergency, ‘certainty ‘biology phi’losophy Ngoại trừ: ‘Accuracy 10 C¸c từ tận đuôi - ade, - ee, - ese, - eer, - ette, - oo, -oon , - ain (chỉ động từ), -esque,- isque, -aire ,-mental, -ever, - self trọng âm nhấn đuôi : Lemo’nade Chi’nese deg’ree pion’eer ciga’rette kanga’roo sa’loon colon’nade Japa’nese absen’tee engi’neer bam’boo ty’phoon ba’lloon Vietna’mese refu’gee guaran’tee muske’teer ta’boo after’noon ty’phoon, when’ever environ’mental Ngoại trừ: ‘coffee (cà phê), com’mitee (y ban) 11 Các từ số luợng nhấn trọng âm từ cuối kết thúc đuôi teen nguợc lại nhấn trọng âm từ kết thúc đuôi - y : Thirteen four’teen // ‘twenty , ‘thirty , ‘fifty 12 Các tiền tố (prefix) v hu t không mang trọng âm , mà thuờng nhấn mạnh từ từ gốc : a.Tiền tố không làm thay đổi trọng ©m chÝnh cña tõ: UNim’portant unim’portant EN/EX‘courage en’courage IM‘perfect im’perfect REa’rrange rea’rrange INCom’plete incom’plete OVER‘populated over’populated IRRe’spective irre’spective UNDER- de’veloped DISCon’nect discon’nect underde’veloped NON‘smokers non’smokers Ngo¹i lƯ: ‘Understatement: lêi nãi nhẹ đi(n) Underground:ngầm (adj) CHUYấN NGU PHAP ễN THI VAO 10 b.Hậu tố không làm thay đổi trọng âm cña tõ gèc: -FUL -LESS -ABLE -AL -OUS -LY -ER/OR/ANT -ING/IVE -ISE/ IZE -EN -MENT -NESS -SHIP -HOOD ‘beauty ‘beautiful ‘thought ‘thoughtless en’joy en’joyable tra’dition tra’ditional ‘danger ‘dangerous di’rect di’rectly ‘worker / ‘actor be’gin be’ginning ‘memorize ‘widen em’ployment ‘happiness ‘friendship childhood 13 Từ có âm tiết: Động từ: - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ âm tiết thứ có nguyên âm ngắn kết thóc b»ng phơ ©m: Eg: encounter /iŋ’kauntə/ determine /di’t3:min/ - Trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ âm tiết thứ nguyên âm dài hay nguyên âm đôi hay kết thúc phụ âm trë lªn: exercise / 'eksəsaiz/, compromise/ ['kɔmprəmaiz] Ngoại lệ: entertain /entə’tein/ compre’hend …… Danh tõ: - NÕu ©m tiÕt cuối (thứ 3) có nguyên âm ngắn hay nguyên âm đôi u Và Nếu âm tiết thứ chứa nguyên âm dài hay nguyên âm đôi hay kết thúc phụ âm trở lên nhấn âm tiết thø Eg: potato /pə`teitəu/ diaster / di`za:stə/ - NÕu âm tiết thứ chứa nguyên âm ngắn âm tiết thứ chứa nguyên âm ngắn âm tiết thứ kết thúc phụ âm nhÊn ©m tiÕt thø 1: Eg: emperor / `factory……… `empərə/ cinema / `sinəmə/ `contrary - NÕu ©m tiÕt thø chứa nguyên âm dài nguyên âm đôi kết thúc phụ âm trở lên nhấn ©m tiÕt Eg: `architect……………………………………… Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 ã Chú ý : tính từ âm tiÕt t¬ng tù nh danh tõ Exercise Exercise : Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others A mountain B maintain C fountain D certain 7.A reply B appeal C offer D support A answer B allow C agree D deny A compare B approve C enter D pollute 10 A mother B relax C father D garden 11 A decide B combine C apply D happen 12 A promise B picture C listen D accept 13 A apple B England C shampoo D grammar 14 A open B provide C complete D prefer 15 A become B promise C suggest D disorder 16 A flower B exclude C husband D farmer 17 A doctor B simple C castle D enlarge 18 A decide B behave C offer D occur 19 A exciting B telephone C tomorrow D November 20.A policeman B cinema C yesterday D politics Lun bµi tËp vỊ träng ©m cña tõ a hospital b mischievous c supportive d special a family b whenever c obedient d solution a biologist b generally c responsible d security a confident b important c together d exciting a possible b university c secondary d suitable a partnership b romantic c actually d attitude a believe b marriage c response d maintain a summary b different c physical d decision a attractiveness b traditional c generation d American 10.a certain b couple c decide d equal 11.a attract b person c signal d instance 12.a verbal b suppose c even d either 13.a example b consider c several d attention 14.a situation b appropriate c informality d entertainment Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 15.a across b simply c common d brother 16.a social b meter c notice d begin 17.a whistle b table c someone d receive 18.a discuss b waving c airport d often 19.a sentence b pointing c verbal d attract 20.a problem b minute c suppose d dinner 21.a noisy b party c social d polite 22.a restaurant b assistance c usually d compliment 23.a impolite b exciting c attention d attracting 24.a obvious b probably c finally d approaching 25.a waiter b teacher c slightly d toward 26.a general b applicant c usually d October 27.a parallel b dependent c educate d primary 28.a physical b achievement c government d national 29.a eleven b history c nursery d different 30.a expression b easily c depression d disruptive 31.a algebra b musical c politics d apartment 32.a mechanic b chemistry c cinema d finally 33.a typical b favorite c division d organize 34.a computer b establish c business d remember 35.a conference b lecturer c reference d researcher 36.a powerful b interesting c exciting d difficult 37.a memory b exactly c radio d management 38.a requirement b condition c example d previous 39.a library b entertain c understand d referee 40.a university b application c technology d entertainment 41.a mathematics b engineering c scientific d laboratory 42.a certificate b necessary c economy d geography 43.a interviewer b preparation c economics d education Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 44.a considerable b information c librarian d technician 45.a veterinary b consequently c application d difficulty 46.a maximum b decision c requirement d admission 47.a institution b university c preferential d indicative 48.a available b majority c tutorial d differently 49 a graduation b understanding 50.a interview b impression c company d formally 51.a stressful b pressure c prepare d future 52.a employment b remember c concentrate d position 53.a express b effort c office d comment 54.a advice b relate c during d forget 55.a technical b advertise c candidate d consider 56.a experience b certificate c interviewer d enthusiasm 57.a addition b suitable c shortcoming d honestly 58.a qualification b disappointedly c responsibility 59.a answer b question c polite d keenness 60.a economic b experience c entertainment d introduction c international d accommodation d recommendation Chapter ii: tenses in english A.The simple present tense: ( Thì thường ) I The form: ( CÊu tróc) - “To be”: am / is / are (+) I + am She/ He/ It + is We/ You/ They + are (-) I am not She/ He/ It + is not (isn’t) We/ You/ They + are not (aren’t) (?) Am I ? Is she/ he/ it ? Are we/ you/ they? - Ordinary verbs: ( động từ thường) (+) I / We/ You/ They + V Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 10 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 She/ He/ It + V(s, es) (-) I/ We/ You/ They + don’t + V(infinitive without ‘to’) She/ He/ It + doesn’t + V(infinitive without ‘to’) (?) Do + I/ we/ you/ they + V(infinitive without ‘to’)? Does + she/ he/ it + V(infinitive without ‘to’) ? II The usage: ( Cách sử dụng) - Được dùng để diễn tả hành động việc lặp lặp lại nhiều lần, thói quen sở thích Ex: She never comes late She writes to her mother twice a month They like drinking coffee - Được dùng để diễn tả thật hiển nhiên Ex: The earth moves around the Sun Water boils at 1000C - Để diễn tả thời gian biểu, kế hoạch, dự đoán,…… Ex: The train leaves at 9.00 III Notes: (Chú ý) * The recognition: (Dấu hiệu nhận biết) Có số từ cụm từ như: - always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ occasionally/ seldom… Everyday/ week/ month….,once aweek, twice a year… * Cách thêm ‘s, es’ - Thêm ‘es’ vào sau động từ kết thúc tận cùng: o, ch, sh, s, x - Thêm ‘s’ vào sau động từ lại * Cách đọc thêm ‘e, es’ - Đọc /iz/ động từ kết thúc là: ch, sh, s, x - Đọc /s/ động từ kết thúc là: k, p, t - Đọc /z/ với động từ lại Exercise: Dùng động từ ngoặc Simple Present Water ( boil ) at 100 C Nam usually ( get ) up at 6.00 ? What you often ( have ) for lunch ? She’ very clever She ( speak ) languages Steve ( smoke ) ten cigarettes a day An insect ( have ) six legs She often ( visit ) you at weekend ? Mary ( wash ) her teeth twice a day You often ( watch ) film in the evening ? 10 Mary ( swim ) very well ? Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 11 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 A because of A was A on B because C so D despite B were C are D is B of C about D in III Đọc đoạn văn sau chọn câu trả lời cho câu hỏi Britain is now a highly industrialized country and there are only 238,000 farms in the UK More and more farmers leave the land because they cannot earn enough money to survive Only large farms are economic and because of this, most British farms are big They usually grow cereals in the east of England and raise sheep and cows in the north of England and Scotland The small family farms often have to earn more money by offering bed and breakfast accommodation to tourists Farming methods in Britain have also changed Fields used to be quite small, divided by hedges which were sometimes a thousand years old and full of wild flowers and birds Many hedges were pulled up to allow farmers to use modern machinery Now most fields in England are large by European standards British farmers give up working on their farms because A they don’t want to continue to live there B they are forced to leave the land C they can’t earn their own living by farming D they are bored of the farm work Most British farms are big because A most British farmers are rich B farming is now industrialized C small farms are uneconomic D there are plenty of abandoned land The small family farms often offer bed and breakfast accommodation to tourists A so as to improve their earnings B to show their friendship C so that the tourists will return in their farm the next time D because they want to have more tourists to their farms Fields on British farms used to be A large forests B separated from each other by hedges C full of the tall plants D full of flowers grown by farmers Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A Many hedges are pulled down for farmers to use modern machinery B Breeding farms are usually in the north of England C Cereals are usually grown in the east of England and Scotland D Most fields in England are now larger than they used to be PHẦN D: VIẾT (2,0 điểm) I.Viết lại câu sau gợi ý cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi Everyday she spends two hours learning English  Everyday it takes …………………………………… 2: It’s two years since I last spoke to her  I haven’t ……………………………………………………………… 3: I can’t remember the answers to these questions  I wish ………………………………………………………………… Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 144 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 4: “I must go to Ha Noi tomorrow.” said Nam  Nam …………………………………………………………………… 5: Can you use this computer?  You can ………………………………………………………………… II Sử dụng từ ngoặc để viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa không thay đổi Do you know Lan’s address?” he asked me (whether) …………………………………………………………………… They have decorated and cleaned their house for a week (started) …………………………………………………………………… If we don’t protect the environment, our life will be badly affected (Unless) …………………………………………………………………… The film was very amusing, so no one could stop laughing (such) …………………………………………………………………… Mai is the tallest student in the group (No ĐỀ SỐ 07 PHẦN A: NGỮ ÂM (1.0 điểm) I Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác từ lai A banners B marks C plants A received B stayed C wished 3.A lonely B sky C empty II.Chọn từ có phần trọng âm nhấn khác từ lại 4.A people B arrest C picture 5.A morning B visit C begin D adults D managed D lovely D father D happen PHẦN B: NGỮ PHÁP VÀ TỪ VỰNG (4.0 điểm) I Cho dạng động từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau My mother usually (go) shopping at weekends ………………… Be quiet! My daughter (do) her homework ………………… We (come) here an hour ago ………………… If I were you, I (wait) for him ………………… 10 Mrs Brown (be) a teacher since 1989 ………………… II Cho dạng từ ngoặc 11 My mother doesn’t like me to wear short skirts to church She thinks they are … (suitable) 12 Christmas songs were …………for people in towns and villages (perform) 13 Mid-August festival is a ……… festival for children (joy) 14 Passover of the Jewish people is a festival which celebrates …… from slavery (free) Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 145 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 15 My sister speaks English very (fluent) III Chọn đáp án số A,B,C D để hoàn thành câu sau 16 The city has recently set ……………… a library in the West Suburb A up B off C out D down 17 English as a foreign language at most schools in Vietnam A is teaching B are taught C is taught D will teach 18 My best friends often play tennis Sundays A at B on C for D in 19 ………………… this hand-embroidered picture was expensive, we bought it A as B because C although D so that 20 We should ………………… all the electric appliances when leaving our room A turn off B turning off C turn on D turning on 21 The castle …………… we visited last year was magnificient A who B where C whose D that 22 They arrived ………… London on time A at B in C on D from 23 …………………… to church on Sundays when you were younger? A Did you used to go B Are you used to going C Did you use to go D Do you get used to going 24 I enjoy ………… places I’ve never been to before A to visit B visiting C visit D with visiting 25 A: Would you mind lending me your bike? B: …………………………… A Yes, here it is B No, not at all C Yes, let’s D Good idea I PHẦN C: ĐỌC HIỂU(3.0 điểm) Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn attracted competitions event excitement records After everything had been ready, athletes began their (26)………………… They had trained hard to break past (27)……………….… and set new ones Winners of each (28)……………….… were presented with gold, silver and bronze medals Field events such as javelin, high jump, long jump (29) ………….…… people as much as racing, swimming, weightlifting, and other team games They brought (30) ………….……… not only to the spectators in the stadiums but to millions of TV viewers at home as well II Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi Brickton is a village not far from Manchester When people want to go to Manchester, they usually go by train It takes about half an hour A lot of people live in Brickton but their jobs are in Manchester In Manchester, there are more cinemas than in Brickton People there are not very interested in cinemas but if they want to see films, they can often see old ones on television Brickton is smaller than Manchester and so the people there don’t need to use their cars so often Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 146 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 31 Is Brickton far from Manchester? …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 32 How people usually go when they want to go to Manchester? …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 33 How long does it take? …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 34 Which is bigger, Brickton or Manchester? …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 35 Are people there very interested in cinemas? …………………………………………… …………………………………………… III Chọn đáp án số A,B,C D điền vào khoảng trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau Valentine’s Day is always on February 14 It is not a national holiday On (36)…… … schools are open Banks are open People go to work Life goes on as usual, (37)……… there is one difference People give cards and gifts to friends and people they love Children also give cards to their friends at school parties Flowers and candies are (38) ………… gifts on this day Stores sell chocolates and other candies in heart (39)………… Valentine’s Day was a religious holiday, but it is a day (40)……… love and friendship 36 A Sundays B weekdays C schooldays D holidays 37 A but B so C and D although 38 A interesting B ordinary C typical D popular 39 A styles B models C shapes D shadows 40 A of B about C with D for PHẦN D: VIẾT (2.0 điểm) I Viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, gợi ý 41 It’s a pity you can’t come to the theatre with me I wish …………………………………………… 42 It was very hot, but we enjoyed our holiday Although it was ………………………………… 43 She plays tennis better than I I don’t ……………………………………………… 44 They will build a new road near your village A new road ………………………………………… 45 Mike bought a new coat a few weeks ago, and he has been wearing it ever since Mike has …………………………………………………………………………… II Viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, gợi ý từ cho ngoặc 46 “Are you leaving for Hanoi tomorrow morning?” he said to me (whether) Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 147 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 -> He asked me ………………………………………………………………… … 47 My sister is too young to stay at home alone (enough) -> My sister isn’t …………………………………………… 48 Nhung is talking with a girl with blond hair (who) -> Nhung is talking with a girl 49 It’s over six months since Long last had his hair cut (for) -> Long hasn’t had 50 Jane eats very little so as not to put on weight (want) -> Jane because she doesn’t ~ THE END ~ ĐỀ SỐ PHẦN A: NGỮ ÂM (1.0 điểm) I Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại 1.A points B things C groups D books A enjoyed B scored C competed D tried A mind B nice C kind D bit II Chọn từ có trọng âm rơi vào vị trí khác so với từ lại A purpose B remote C control D respond A lesson B delay C wonder D pencil PHẦN B: NGỮ PHÁP VÀ TỪ VỰNG (4.0 điểm) I Cho dạng động từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau Don’t make so much noise We (work) now My brother (not watch) the football match on TV last night If he came here today, we (feel)………………happier Many accidents( cause ) by dangerous driving My mother said that she (visit) Hue the next morning My teacher advised us (study) for the final exam II Chọn đáp án A, B, C D để hoàn thành câu sau Could you the radio, please? I am doing my homework A turn off B turn on C turn down D turn back I really like the book _ you bought yesterday A whom B who C which D when Your brother likes watching cartoons, _? A didn’t he B did he C does he D doesn’t he His best friends often play tennis weekends A at B up C for D in - Peter: “Why don’t we go for a picnic tomorrow?” - Jane: “ .” A Yes, please B You’re so kind C That’s a good idea D We don’t Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 148 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 put on the guests on the first floor? A Why don’t we B I suggest C How about D Let’s They sell jeans _the world A over all B all over C at over D over at world I.Cho dạng từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau: My sister thinks that helping the poor is her _ happy We should learn about keeping our environment Casual clothes give students of choice Hoa speaks English We often take part in many _ activities at school CULTURE C READING ( 3.0 điểm ) I Đọc chọn từ thích hợp hộp để hoàn thành đoạn văn pollute FREE GOOD solar provided pollution can placed Are you looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t cause (1) or waste natural resources? Look no further than solar energy from the Sun At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power This power could be (2) by the Sun One percent of the solar energy that reached the Earth is enough to provide power for the total population Many countries are already using (3) energy Solar panels are (4) .on the roof of a house and the Sun’s energy is used to heat water The energy can be stored for a number of days, so on cloudy days you (5)……… ….use solar energy, too Sweden has an advanced solar energy program There all buildings will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power instead of gas by the year 2015 II Chọn đáp án số A, B, C D điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn THE THREAT TO THE ENVIRONMENT Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in danger Many species of animals are threatened and could easily(1) _ extinct if we (2) _ make an effort to protect them There are many reasons for this In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies Some birds, such as parrots, (3) caught alive and sold as pets For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat - the place where they live - is disappearing.More land is used for (4) _, for houses or industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the environment and harm wildlife The (5) _ successful animals on earth - human beings - will soon be the only ones left, unless we can solve this problem A become B go C come D have A none B no C not D ever A is B are C was D am Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 149 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 A earth B water C rivers D farms A most B more C best D better III Đọc đoạn văn, điền MỘT từ hợp lý vào chỗ trống The Statue of Liberty, one of America’s most familiar images It is located on an island in New York Harbor It is a symbol of freedom It (1) ………… a gift to American people from French to show the friendship (2) ……… the two nations This is the statue of a woman who is wearing a loose robe and a crown on her head Her right hand holds a burning torch, and her left (3) …………… holds a tablet with the date July, 4th 1776 on it The statue weighs 205 tons and it is 46 meters (4) ……… It stands on a stone base The base and the pedestal increase the height of the monument to 93 meters The statue was completed in 1884 in France, and then transported to America in 1886 Tourists can visit the (5)…………… from 9.30 a m to p m daily except Christmas Day PHẦN D: VIẾT (2.5 điểm) I Dùng từ gợi ý để viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi What a pity I don’t have a laptop Ò I wish _ “I amlearning English now ” Hai said Ò Hai said We must answer this letter immediately Ò This letter _ It took him three hours to clean the house yesterday Ò He spent _ Despite the severe weather, we could finish our work as scheduled ÒAlthough II Viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi, dùng từ cho ngoặc He likes to listen to pop music than to watch TV after school (prefers) Ò He Would you like to play a game of tennis now? (fancy) Ò Would you _ It’s the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen (such) Ò I have Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 150 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 Minh is my nephew He likes football very much (who) Ò Minh, Nam is not old enough to see that film (too) Ò Nam is _ ĐỀ SỐ A PRONUNCIATION: I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently A radio B play C ride D newspaper A now B mouse C couch D snow A children B lunch C teacher D headache II.Choose the word main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others A effort B subtract C primary D suffer A important B consider C holiday D semester B VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: I Supply the correct tense of each of the verbs in each of the brackets 1.We (not have)……………… good meal for three weeks 2.He (go)…………… to England two years ago 3.Mr Lam usually (ride)………………….an old man from District to District 4.If I (study) ………………………medicine, I will become a doctor 5.Marie Curie(earn) ………… physics degree before she took another degree in mathematics II Supply the correct form of the verbs in braclets to complete the sentences I’m very……………….because they use electricity to catch fish (worry) If the………….continues, what will happen? ( pollute) There are many……… throughout a year (celebrate) Islam is Malaysia’s……………religion (office) Passover of the Jewish people is a festival which celebrate……… from slavery ( free) III Choose the word or phrase – A, B, C, or D - that best completes each sentence 1.We ………………five lessons yesterday A have studied B studies C studied D study When I was at secondary school, I …………….games with my neighbor A ’m used to playing B used to play C use to play D used to playing 3.You are not allowed to camp here without …………… A decision B permission C preparation D protection 4.A nurse is a person…………looks after patients A what B she C who D which 5.We send letters …………almost every part of the world with the help of computers A in B to C from D on Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 151 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 Our teacher said that we ………… an English test the following week A have had B had C would have D will have She often ……….stamps of many other country in her spare time She has a large…………… of stamps A collections/collects B collects/collection C collect/collective D collecting/collect 8.You ………….English fluently if you don’t practice it every day A will not speak B will speak C did not speak D can speak 9………………….playing the piano softly, he woke his parents up A because of B although C because D in spite of 10.I passed the exams with high grades, _made everyone in the family pleased A that B where C who D which C READING: I Complete the passage using the words in the box who in Chrismas man performed send There are four special things for the (1) _ celebration: The Christmas tree, Christmas card, Christmas carols and Santa Claus The Christmas tree first appeared in the Latvians city of Riga (2) the early 1500s It has spread throughout other countries in the 1800s.The Christmas card was designed by an Englishman because he wanted to (3) Christmas greeting to his friends, cards were apart of the Christmas traditional in the late 19 th century Eight hundred years ago, Christmas songs were (4) for people in towns and villages After that, they became Christmas carols until now Santa Claus, (5) _ is always giving children presents on Christmas Eve, is a fat jolly (6) _ Santa Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas in the poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas” of Clement Clark Moore, an American professor II Complete the passage using words below: The computer has proved to be very (1) _to our lives In fact it can not only simple (2) _- add, subtract, multiply or divide - with lightning speed, but also gather a wide range of information for many purposes They can (3) _hand-printed letters, play chess, compose music, write plays or even design other computers In business and industry, the computer keeps track of sales trends and production needs, mails dividend checks, and makes out company payrolls (4) _they are taking over some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our brains, computers are not replacing us Our brain (5) _more than 10 billion cells and a computer has only a few hundred thousand parts A helpful B hopeful C careful D dangerous Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 152 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 A calculated B calculator C calculations D calculating A read B listen C play D design A Because B If C But D Although A has B have C to have D having III Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions: Twenty years ago people realized that computers were about to become part of our daily lives This short period of time has seen enormous changes in business, education and public administration Jobs which took weeks to complete in the past are now carried out in minutes Clerks who spent all day copying and checking calculations are now freed from these tedious tasks In offices,the soft hum and clicking of word processors have replaced the clatters of typewriters Schoolchildren have become as familiar with hardware and software as their parents used to be with pencils and exercise books Computerization of public records has enable government departments to analyze the need of citizens in detail Some of us may wonder, However , whether life has really improved as a result of these changes Many jobs disappeared, for example, When intelligent machines took over the work Employers complain that clerical staff has become dependant on calculators and can not simple arithmetic There are fears that governments haven’t done enough to ensure that personal information held on computers is really kept secret Certainly, many people may not be wondering whether the spread of computers has brought us as many problems as it has solved What has become part of our daily life? A computers B typewriters C jobs D business What are schoolchildren familiar with much more than pencils and exercise books? A hardware B sofware C A and B D calculators According to the passage, what can’t officers without computer? A calculation B solve problem C keep secret D simple arithmetic What is not sure to be kept secret by computers? A clerical staff B personal information C changes D problems What is not true about the passage? A Computers have brought problems as well B Schoolchildren like computer very much C Clerical staff can’t simple arithmetic D Computers help with most of works D WRITING: I Rewrite the followimg sentences He said: "They will take you to the hotel by car tomorrow" He said……………………………………………………………………… Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 153 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 Get up early or you will miss the bus If……………………………………………………………………………… 3.He started working as an engineer years ago He has………………………………………………………………………… 4.Although he has a lot of money, He feels unhappy Despite………………………………………………………………………… 5.They have just bought an expensive car An……………………………………………………………………………… II Rewrite the following sentences using a given word and starting by a given word “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet”? asked Peter.( asked) => Peter …………………… …………………………………………………… She started working as a secretary five years ago.( has) =>She ………………… ………………………………………………………… I finds driving on the left difficult (used) =>I ……………………… …………………………………………………… “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked ( suggested) => He………………………….………………………………………………… It isn’t necessary for you to finish this work today (don’t) => You ……………………………………………………………………………… ĐỀ SỐ 10(8 ĐỀ THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 THPT NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019 Môn: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 60 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề PHẦN A: NGỮ ÂM ( 1,0 điểm ) I Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác so với từ lại 1.A here B.home C.hour D.house 2.A used B watched C.worked D.washed 3.A nation B.natural C.matter D.anger II Chọn từ có trọng âm rơi vào vị trí khác so với từ cịn lại Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 154 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 1.A collection 2.A gather B blanket B.design C exchange C admire D.pagoda D comprise PHẦN B: NGỮ PHÁP VÀ TỪ VỰNG ( 4,0 điểm ) I Cho dạng từ ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau: My brother is a stamp…………… He has collected many stamps (collect) 2.The ao dai is the ……dress of Vietnamese women (tradition) The song has ………………… ……… been selected for the Sea Games 22, Vietnam (OFFICE) ……………… are among the most imagineable people in the world (novel) Secondary education is …………… and free in many countries (COMPEL) …………………are doing their best to make people aware of the danger of air pollution (ENVIRONMENT) II Cho dạng từ ngoặc cho phù hợp để hoàn thành câu sau Would you mind (open)………………… the window? 2.What you (do) ……………… at o’clock last night? 3.They ( not visit ) …………………….that city since last year My son enjoys ( play)……………… … soccer 5.Lan wishes she (can) ………………speak English well III.Chọn đáp án số A,B,C D để hòan thành câu sau The students used ………….football in that stadium, but now they don’t A played B play C playing D to play Jane speaks English …………… than you A.more fluently B more fluent C more faster D.more better 3.We try to prevent people …………… littering A.in B.from C.with D.by 4.Lan and Maryam are pen pals and they once a month A.correspond B.comprise C.impress D.worship 5.Would you like ………….and visit my country? A came B come C to come D coming 6.English………… …… all over the world A.speak B.is speak C.is spoken D.spoke It usually takes ………… 20 minutes to go to work A.my B.me C.I D.mine 8.If I were rich , I …………………… a new house A.buy B.will buy C.will be buy D.would buy He’s never gone to school on Sundays, ………… ? A.has he B is he C.hasn’t he D isn’t he Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 155 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 10 I usually play football with my friends ……….summer A at B in C on D from PHẦN C ĐỌC HIỂU (3,0 điểm ) I Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi cách chọn đáp án A, B, C D Last summer, Mary visited Lan, a friend from England to her home village in Do Son The village is located near the sea They stayed at Lan’s uncle’s house It is a small house on the waterfront Every morning, they got up very early and walked along the shore breathing the fresh air When the sun was warm enough, they went swimming then they lay down on the sand and took a sunbath There were a lot of people who came there for their holidays When they were thirsty, they went to a small restaurant near the beach to buy some coconuts to drink At lunch and dinner time, Lan’s uncle cooked a lot of seafood for them The food was fresh and really delicious Mary enjoyed the food very much After three days, they returned to Hanoi Mary said to Lan: “It is the most wonderful holiday in my life I wish I could stay longer in Do Son with you.” 1.When did Mary visit Lan? A Last month B Last summer C Last year D Yesterday 2.Where is Lan’s home village? A Do Son B Nga Son C Sam Son D My Son 3.Did they have lunch and dinner in a small restaurant? A.No B No, they did C No, they didn’t D Yes, they did 4.What was the food like? A.not good B fresh and delicious C fresh D delicious 5.How many days did they return to Hanoi from Do Son? A one day B two days C three days D four days II Chọn đáp án A, B, C D điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau: Many people think that the teachers give students too (1) ……… homework They say it is (2) ……… for children to work at home (3) ……… their free time Moreover, they argue that most teachers not properly have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school Recently in Greece many parents complained about the difficult homework which the teachers give to their children Most people agree that homework is unfair A student who can his homework in a quiet and comfortable room is in much better position than a student who does his homework in a small, noisy room with television Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 156 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 on Some parents help(4) ………… children with their homework Other parents take no interest at their children’s homework It is important, however, that teachers talk to parents about homework A teacher should suggest suitable tasks for parents (5) ………… with their children Parents are often better teacher their own children A much A necessary unnecessarily A in A they A B many B necessity C more C unnecessary D less D B at B theirs B to C on C their C doing D within D them D does III.Đọc chọn từ thích hợp cho khung điền vào chổ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau to take most foods after I think TET holiday is the (1) …………… important celebration in Vietnam because it is an occasion for family-reunion, for human love and for better hope All of us seem to forget the hatred, bad lucks and then try to be nice (2) …………… others Everyone is eager to (3) ………… part in many special activities, which are expected to bring good lucks and success in the New Year TET is also the time for us to relax and enjoy our special (4) ………………, warm family atmosphere (5)……………a hardworking year PHẦN D VIẾT (2,0 điểm ) I Viết lại câu sau gợi ý cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, gợi ý 1.The students not study English well for the exam  Mrs Tam wishes ………………………………………… They used to go market by bike last year They often …………………………………………… She was cooking dinner at that time last night  Dinner …………………………………………… He was tired, but he continued working  He continued working ………………………………… “Let’s go out for dinner tonight” Mary said Mary suggested…………………………………………………………….……… Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 157 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 II Viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa không thay đổi so với câu ban đầu, gợi ý sử dụng từ cho sẵn John is too young to understand the question (enough)  John ……………………………………………………………………………… 2.“Don’t make so much noise, Peter.” said Carol ( not )  Carol told Peter………………………………………………………………… Do you like watching detective films? ( interested )  Are ……………………………………………………………… He’d rather play golf than tennis ( prefer ) He ……………………………………………………………………………… 5.Mai swims well ( good ) Mai ……………………………………………………………………… …….The end…… Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 158 Quang Phu secondary school ... irre’spective UNDER- de? ??veloped DISCon’nect discon’nect underde’veloped NON‘smokers nonsmokers Ngoại lệ: Understatement: lời nói nhẹ đi(n) Underground:ngầm (adj) CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 b.HËu... c economy d geography 43.a interviewer b preparation c economics d education Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 44.a considerable b information... NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 Teacher: Phạm Thị Oanh 21 Quang Phu secondary school CHUYÊN ĐỀ NGU PHAP ÔN THI VAO 10 Chapter 3: wish clause I - Định nghĩa: Câu ao ớc câu diễn tả mong ớc,một mong ớc thực

Ngày đăng: 08/12/2022, 17:26

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