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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: A study on difficulties in foreign teachers recruitment and selection process at apax english corporation

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  • 1.1.1. Definition Of reCTUItMENE nan nh ố.ố.ố (0)
  • 1.1.2. Roles Of reCrUitIMNeNt ........sccsscsecsssccssssscsssccsccsccsscssssssncssscssessscsscesscsssesoees 7 1.2. Sources Of recruitMEeNt ................................5- 5 (5 E55 5959594 4.9430850840896 56 8 1.2.1. Tnternal SOUrCES an e (16)
  • 1.2.2. External SOUMCES .................. GHI ọ HH HH Hi Hi 9 1.3. Steps in the recruitment Process ..........................o G55 5 55 S9 899589555946 896 10 1.3.1. Developing the recruitinent SÍT((Í€ĐV................... co S11 key 10 (18)
    • Sources and methods Of T€CTHÍHN€HI.....................ằ S5 cà +ssksseeeeeees 10 Place and time Of F€CTHIÍM€HIH,............ ket 11 1.3.2. Searching Applicant ...................... co s- < << xi... 1v 12 1.3.3. Evaluating the recruitment DFOCSS................ G5 S30 1 1919 sex 12 1.4. The definition and role of selection ..............................--5- 5 5< 55=< ôs95 sessese 13 1.4.1. The definition Of Selection.........sccssccssscsssssssscsssscssnscsssccssscssnscessseesnsees 13 1.4.2. The role Of Selection .......scssscsssssscsssssscssssssscssssssesscssssscesasessesscssasessees 13 1.5. Steps in the selection Process ........................ o0 G65 6 9998959895898998893568696 14 1.6. Difficulties in the recruitment and selection process of foreign (0)
    • Lack of technical skills Of reCruiters ...c.cccccscccesscessecesseteseeeeseeeses 23 Lack Of HR employees ..ccccccccccscccsssccssccesscesnecesecsseesesecssssessseenseeees 24 Bad COrPOrate PEPULAtiON ...ccccccccccccecsecccensseeesteeeeeseeeeetseesssteeeesaaes 24 1.7.2. External fACtOPS nan nh ..ố..Ắ (32)
    • Bad feedbacks from ex-employee ....................eĂẶSôcSSS+ssesseeesses 25 (34)
  • CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION OF APAX ENGLISH CORPORATION 26 2.1. Overview of Apax English Corporation ............ccssscccscscssscscssscssssossecees 26 2.1.1. Brief introduction of Apax English Corpordfi0Hi............................. .-ô<ô 26 2.1.2. History and development ..........scccseccssscsssscsssscsssccssscsssccssscesscesssessaees 26 2.1.3. The vision, mission and philosophy.........ssccssccesscsssscsssscsssccsssccssscssnces 27 2.1.4. BUSINESS TESUIES 76 ee (35)
    • 2.1.5. Organizational StrUctUre ...................... ô<< << SH... ve 30 2.2. Features of foreign teachers at Apax English Corporation (39)
    • 2.2.1. Gender đSHILDHÍẽOHH........................ . - << sọ... Họ. TH Tế 31 2.2.2. Teacher ŒèẽẽOC(ŒÍẽOHH....................... . 5< << 4... HH Hi n0 32 2.3. Recruitment process at Apax English Corporation (0)
    • 2.3.1. Developing recruitment StrAteQY .......sscceccseressscscsssccssscscseccsscssseseesees 33 1. Determining expected eIDẽOY€€S.................. che ree 33 2. SCLCCtON VALIO .............. G1 TH ky 33 3. RECTUILMENE SOHTC(................... Gv rry 33 4. Time ANd 0...nanốốốố..<e................ 35 2.3.2. Searching Applicants ............................o- << 5= <1... 1 118 189 618 re 36 2.3.3. Evaluating the recruitinent Process ........ssccssccesscssssssscssscsssssesacesaces 36 2.4. Selection process at Apax English Corporafẽ0n......................... ô<< sôôôs se 37 (42)
    • 2.4.3. Selection I€CẽSỈOTHS......................... <<. HH KH KH HH nu 39 2.4.4. Background and Medical CẽL€CÍS............................. 5-5 55 se SSseesseeee 39 (0)
  • CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS .........................- Ăn. °Seeseesee 40 3.1. Difficulties in recruiting and selecting foreign teachers at Apax (49)
    • 3.1.2. Difficulties that HR executives €HCOHHCF........................... S55 ô<< sese 41 3.2. Reasons leading to difficulties in the recruitment and selection process (0)

Nội dung

Roles Of reCrUitIMNeNt sccsscsecsssccssssscsssccsccsccsscssssssncssscssessscsscesscsssesoees 7 1.2 Sources Of recruitMEeNt 5- 5 (5 E55 5959594 4.9430850840896 56 8 1.2.1 Tnternal SOUrCES an e

As the international competition is rising along with the climbing expectations from customers, the development, or even existence of a company is facing many challenges that solely relying on a specific product or past reputation cannot be enough Therefore, the key factor is to attract and maintain a qualified labor force that is capable of adapting productively to this changing context, so finding the suitable people among thousands of candidates is critical.

“Recruiting competent people is of paramount importance and this is dependent on effective recruitment and selection procedures, which aim to select the ‘right’ individuals and reject the ‘wrong’ ones The importance of this should not be

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B under-estimated because poor hiring decisions can cost an employer an amount equal to 30 percent of the employee’ first-year earnings ” (Hacker, 1997).

The goal of recruitment is to increase the likelihood that hired individuals would succeed in their position and contribute to the company by employing people who are well-qualified for open jobs Additionally, successful recruitment can raise the possibility that the candidates will stay with the company for a long time by ensuring that they are a good match for the firm.

On the other hand, Sue (2005) states that the recruitment process's objective is somewhat complex However, the value of a successful recruitment process never diminishes, whether it is for finding new people or maintaining corporate operations As the hiring process helps a business assess its current and future staffing needs by calculating the ideal number of hires required and carefully examining business operations, the present and future requirements of the company are determined by recruitment Besides, Sue implies that recruitment also increases the organization's credibility because a successful hiring process improves a company organization's reputation It evaluates the veracity of job advertisements and exhibits the organization's professionalism and sincerity, thus raising the trust from stakeholders and applicants as a result of a firm organization using a good application technique, which in turn draws candidates with outstanding qualifications to your firm.

According to Nguyen Van Diem and Nguyen Ngoc Quan (2007), when companies have demand for a new labor force, they can recruit from internal sources and external sources The internal sources are normally prioritized; however, there still exist some situations when hiring from the labor market is more meaningful.

Internal sources of recruitment refers to the hiring of workers who are already on the organization's current payroll Through internal communication, the employees may be notified of the vacancy.

Regarding this sources, there are some methods which can be used: e Recruitment announcement: It is an information bulletin of vacancies, also known as job posting and it is sent to every worker in the organization.

The announcement may include details of the job’s responsibilities and requirements in terms of qualification One significance of this method is that high-qualified employees can find job opportunities within their firm and do not need to search for external sources. e Employee referrals: It means to detect job opportunities by utilizing personal contacts In this situation, employees are encouraged to suggest someone from their network who works for other companies in case there

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B is a position that might be available in the future This channel can help to discover suitable applicants quickly and specifically. e Promotion and transfers: This can be considered as one of the most important recruitment sources within a company Promotion involves the movement of employees from a lower level position to a higher one In general, organizations often create a central pool of candidates from which open positions can be filled These people are typically assigned to different divisions based on internal prerequisites A transfer, on the other hand, is a lateral shift from one job to another within the same level,which might result in adjustments to tasks and responsibilities and working conditions, but not necessarily their payment.

External SOUMCES GHI ọ HH HH Hi Hi 9 1.3 Steps in the recruitment Process o G55 5 55 S9 899589555946 896 10 1.3.1 Developing the recruitinent SÍT((Í€ĐV co S11 key 10

Lack of technical skills Of reCruiters c.cccccscccesscessecesseteseeeeseeeses 23 Lack Of HR employees ccccccccccscccsssccssccesscesnecesecsseesesecssssessseenseeees 24 Bad COrPOrate PEPULAtiON ccccccccccccecsecccensseeesteeeeeseeeeetseesssteeeesaaes 24 1.7.2 External fACtOPS nan nh ố Ắ

According to a recent study by HR.com's Research Institute, while HR professionals claim that recruitment marketing is becoming more and more crucial to overcoming the obstacles of talent acquisition, their comprehension of the idea and how to maximize it is lagging behind In addition, execution is hindered by a lack of the necessary technical expertise Employers who wish to raise their recruitment game should train their recruiters in these abilities and/or hire people who already possess them (Mark, 2019).

Therefore, it seems that recruiters who do not acquire sufficient HR related skills can cause a plethora of problems to the recruitment and selection process of their corporate Poor technical skill may lead to untrust or even dissatisfaction from candidates because they may think that the HR staff is not qualified enough As they lack the professional techniques to assess applicants, they might decelerate the whole recruitment and selection process, or misevaluate a candidate then eliminate them, which may cause a loss for their firm.

Nisha (2013) indicates that lack of language ability is also a reason contributing to challenges HR executives have to face while communicating with foreign candidates.

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B

Ramon (2021) believes that an insufficient pool of available workers can be a tough picture for any business Lack of HR employees means that the HR department cannot fulfill its functions because there are not enough people to perform tasks of human administration of a firm, and other staff have to carry higher workload, thus resulting in overload at work and ineffective performance.

A company's reputation develops through time as it fulfills its objective, upholds its commitments to stakeholders, and gains the trust of its workforce It can be seen that corporate responsibility, image, and accountability may greatly affect hiring decisions and the value of a solid reputation while seeking the ideal applicant to fill a position is critical (Nikoletta, 2017) A solid reputation for a business can increase the likelihood that recruits will view it favorably as a place to work Employer branding investments could increase the likelihood of making a great recruit by three times By making sure that candidates have a great experience showcasing their culture on social media, companies could be able to hire these people for much less money and possibly raise employee retention.

In contrast, recruitment and salary expenditures could climb dramatically if a company's reputation is damaged According to recent studies, recruiting can be significantly impacted by a company's reputation 572 MBA students from 12 prestigious universities majoring in business in USA, Asia and Europe participated in a survey and it reported that 96% of these students considered reputation a significant factor in their decision related to future profession (Hill and Knowlton, 2018) Another survey of Corporate Reputation Magazine also showed that among the more than 1,000 unemployed participants, 67% of male and 86% of female stated they would not work for a company with a poor reputation.

Several elements that can influence a corporate’s reputation include customer service, product or service quality, marketing, employee treatment, financial performance, environmental impact and customer privacy.

Modern society presents a wide range of obstacles for the recruitment sector, including intense competition among recruiting firms for new applicants Both recruiters and recruitment agencies are numerous With so many enterprises vying for the same resources, the market is extremely saturated Recent surveys show that the recruiting sector is expanding quickly, with over 37,000 firms in the UK alone The candidate pool is becoming small among these several recruitment companies due to a perceived talent deficit According to Angie (2018), it will be incredibly harmful to the amount and quality of a company’s

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B application pool to ignore competitors when trying to alter how it employs people Lack of awareness of recruitment rivals can also negatively affect staff retention It is more likely that businesses will lose more qualified candidates to employers who search for candidates with similar qualifications to them.

Bad feedbacks from ex-employee eĂẶSôcSSS+ssesseeesses 25

Former employees who feel they were treated unfairly by their employer may be extremely motivated in competing with their current employers (Federica, Karan and Scott, 2013) While it is nice to hear positive comments about one business, poor feedback can affect the reputation of any company Likewise, reviews from former coworkers can be particularly damaging, especially if they seem unjustified

Amy (2022) believes that negative employee reviews frequently focus on and critique a business's general working conditions, work-life balance and adaptability, payment, benefits and possibilities for advancement and promotion. Negative reviews from former workers may lead to several consequences such as discouraging perspectives to join the organization, losing clients and tarnishing the reputation of the business The factor that inspires and engages employees is a healthy working environment, so a company being criticized makes it difficult for them to stay motivated Besides, adverse feedback could promote stress in the workplace, influencing the physical and mental health of recruiters, thus deterring the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process (Debra, 2022).

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B

INTRODUCTION OF APAX ENGLISH CORPORATION 26 2.1 Overview of Apax English Corporation ccssscccscscssscscssscssssossecees 26 2.1.1 Brief introduction of Apax English Corpordfi0Hi -ô<ô 26 2.1.2 History and development scccseccssscsssscsssscsssccssscsssccssscesscesssessaees 26 2.1.3 The vision, mission and philosophy .ssccssccesscsssscsssscsssccsssccssscssnces 27 2.1.4 BUSINESS TESUIES 76 ee

Organizational StrUctUre ô<< << SH ve 30 2.2 Features of foreign teachers at Apax English Corporation

Department of Academic quality management eg system of centers Product department

Human Resource Media & Branding TH #3 5 equipment purchase Operation center

Figure 6: Organizational structure of Apax English

(Source: Apax English) Board of Directors

The Board of Directors’s work is to run every aspect of its business operations profitably and efficiently, to set policies and plans for the central system's operation, to allocate resources in accordance with the budget, to establish KPIs for departments, to conduct investment research, to implement strategies and corrective measures in development activities, and to periodically report the business results to shareholders.

In addition to overseeing careful management of human resources in compliance with corporate laws and regulations and other employee benefits, the Human

Resources Block is tasked with advising leaders on the structure of the executive apparatus.

Foreign Teacher Management Division - FMD

The HR Block includes the Foreign Teacher Management Department This department’s mission is to find foreign teachers, organize their work at the centers, assist them with the filing of paperwork, and resolve issues that may arise.

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B

The goal of the Media and Marketing Block is to effectively develop media and marketing plans, research, develop, and implement the company's business strategies through brand promotion, service promotion, and market exploitation, as well as report on, analyze, and assess communication marketing channel methods.

Payments to suppliers and workers are handled by the Finance and Accounting Block Additionally, it conducts and processes budgets, invoices, and other accounting documents; keeps track of revenue and expenses; prepares periodic financial reports as needed; implements strategies and corrective actions in development activities; and routinely updates shareholders on the company's performance.

The academy block is responsible for investigating educational/teaching strategies for elementary and high schools, as well as English training programs and curricula Based on the variations in academic requirements and training methods, it also takes part in consulting, selecting, and producing acceptable curricula for the system of centers.

The Administrative and Legal Block is in charge of company's legal documents, procedures, and policies, regulates administrative practices, keeps an eye on law enforcement, verifies and organizes legal documentation, and investigates and settles disputes, grievances, and complaints made by parents and teachers against the business.

Information Technology Block — IT Block

The IT Block is in charge of managing the full software product development cycle, website design, troubleshooting issues that arise during the process, performance management, load testing, and code review, as well as system optimization.

2.2 Features of foreign teachers at Apax English Corporation

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B

Table 1: Gender distribution of foreign teachers at AEC 2019-2021

In general, the number of female foreign teachers was higher than that of male teachers over three years from 2019 to 2021 It could be noticed that male teachers solely accounted for approximately a third of total teachers over the period (37.1%, 33% and 38.9% respectively), which meant that the number of female teachers was double that of male This is mainly due to the nature of their job, as it is believed that women are better at "nurturing" and are more suitable to taking care of children While this idea may completely disappear at higher educational levels, it is partially true for the lower grades The vast of students in Apax English is from 4 to 15 years old, which also explains the sex tendency of teachers at AEC.

Table 2: Position allocation of foreign teachers at AEC 2019-2021

Within the first two years, the total number of foreign teachers at Apax English increased slightly by 5.2% However, in 2021, this figure declined to 647 foreign teachers, 3.7% fewer than that in 2020 The main reason is the adverse impacts of Covid-19 pandemic, which hinders most of business activities, including both entry from other countries and recruitment process of any company in Vietnam with AEC not being an exception.

In terms of teacher allocation, the amount of full-time teachers has always been higher than that of part-time ones It is because a reputable English brand as Apax English concentrates on stability and aims at developing long-term relationships Therefore, the company has prioritized hiring full-time teachers. Besides, full-time foreign teachers of AEC can take advantage of a variety of

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B incentives and benefits, including performance bonuses, minor city stipends, and monthly housing allowances.

2.3 Recruitment process at Apax English Corporation

Figure 7: Foreign teacher recruitment process at AEC 2.3.1 Developing recruitment strategy

It is the first step in the recruitment process of foreign teachers at Foreign Teacher Management Division (FMD) at AEC The demand for employees, screening ratio, recruitment sources will be decided in this phase.

By analyzing the company’s goal in each specific period, the number of new perspectives are determined In 2021, because of the pandemic, a large number of foreign teachers had to leave AEC, so the company has been lacking an overseas workforce FMD aims at increasing this figure as soon as possible to cover the vacancies and expects to hire 100 new foreign instructors by the first half of 2022.

In the process of hiring foreign teachers, it is the ratio between the number of expected new teachers to all of the applications received for a certain position. The Chief Operation Officer and the HR department perform an annual review to determine whether the selection ratio is practical and reasonable.

Internal sources: This type accounts for a humble percentage of recruitment sources seeking new applicants at FMD, including referrals and transfer. e Referrals: All of the workers in AEC are stimulated to suggest candidates from their network who work for other companies and share job opportunities.

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B e Job transfers: Operation Center will move teachers from one center to another when an imbalance in the number of teachers among the various centers exists in order to address the issue and maintain teachers’ satisfaction.

Developing recruitment StrAteQY .sscceccseressscscsssccssscscseccsscssseseesees 33 1 Determining expected eIDẽOY€€S che ree 33 2 SCLCCtON VALIO G1 TH ky 33 3 RECTUILMENE SOHTC( Gv rry 33 4 Time ANd 0 nanốốốố <e 35 2.3.2 Searching Applicants o- << 5= <1 1 118 189 618 re 36 2.3.3 Evaluating the recruitinent Process ssccssccesscssssssscssscsssssesacesaces 36 2.4 Selection process at Apax English Corporafẽ0n ô<< sôôôs se 37

It is the first step in the recruitment process of foreign teachers at Foreign Teacher Management Division (FMD) at AEC The demand for employees, screening ratio, recruitment sources will be decided in this phase.

By analyzing the company’s goal in each specific period, the number of new perspectives are determined In 2021, because of the pandemic, a large number of foreign teachers had to leave AEC, so the company has been lacking an overseas workforce FMD aims at increasing this figure as soon as possible to cover the vacancies and expects to hire 100 new foreign instructors by the first half of 2022.

In the process of hiring foreign teachers, it is the ratio between the number of expected new teachers to all of the applications received for a certain position. The Chief Operation Officer and the HR department perform an annual review to determine whether the selection ratio is practical and reasonable.

Internal sources: This type accounts for a humble percentage of recruitment sources seeking new applicants at FMD, including referrals and transfer. e Referrals: All of the workers in AEC are stimulated to suggest candidates from their network who work for other companies and share job opportunities.

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B e Job transfers: Operation Center will move teachers from one center to another when an imbalance in the number of teachers among the various centers exists in order to address the issue and maintain teachers’ satisfaction.

External sources: The majority of the workforce is recruited from external sources, involving headhunting agencies, job advertisements on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Vietnam Teaching Jobs (a website for ESL teachers to find jobs).

Figure 8: Recruitment sources and methods at AEC 2020-2021

Source: Apax English e Vietnam Teaching Jobs (VTJ): https://vietnamteachingjobs.com/

At FMD, it is the main method of hiring ESL instructors, accounting for around 53% of all applications due to its convenience Employers can register online accounts, pay for job postings and teachers’ resumes, as well as obtain their contact information, including phone number and email address.

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B

(eo: Find Resumes Ourservicesv Hiring Advices ContactUs (QED s›‹ teavers

Where are you living? Outside Viet Nam

What's your highest level of education completed? High School/GED

What's your degree in? Education (B Ed.)

Certification: Online Class: | have a 120 hours certificate or more on my TEFL/TESOL certification

Figure 9: The interface of the website vietnamteachingjobs.com

Facebook: Accounting for 30% of applications at Apax English, Facebook gradually proves to be a more effective tool than Vietnam Teaching Jobs, which only offers a small number of relevant CVs. Although receiving a quality resume from this platform takes more time and work, Facebook has produced a wide range of applications for Apax English without charging any fees.

LinkedIn: This is a potential resource for finding top workers and a perfect platform for helping businesses develop their employment brands. Apax English, nevertheless, has not utilized this feature well (13%); therefore, LinkedIn simply attracts a small pool of candidates.

Headhunting agencies: FMD of Apax English has started to use outsourcing to diversify channels of recruitment, and they are seeking headhunting partners both domestically and internationally.

AEC operates in English education, so the target candidates are from universities and colleges with pedagogical experience Teachers from native countries are prioritized, but non-native people who are qualified are also hired, except for some certain nations including Algeria, Afghanistan, Ghana, Egypt, Oman, Morocco, Pakistan, etc because of strict regulations regarding issuing visas in Vietnam.

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B

AEC has been focusing on contacting applicants from three social networks including Vietnam Teaching Jobs, Facebook, LinkedIn or personally posting jobs.

It is rather simple to post jobs on Vietnam Teaching Jobs by filling out the required information and then receiving a preview The business can additionally browse teachers' resumes and get in touch with them by paying for those resumes, which does not require much time.

Up itzching Jobs Find Resumes Ourservcesv HiingAdvices ContactUs GBD ¿c^xLrAone - AI tow Reccens peer f8 Looking For Jobs fit Advanced resume search

Robert McGeachy S Alison Santos Marques (RSS ia#r

Post a Job (octob 2022 Expected Salary: - On @ Expected Salary: 2,500

Certification: PGCE Certification: Online Class: | have a 120 hours.

Arnie Monton @RSxiig#ess Elliot Affum

@Today @Expected Salary: $22/hr \ @resay @Expected Salary: - (

Certification: Classroom Classes: | have a 100 Certification: I'm willing to become TEFL/TESOL

Figure 10: Searching teachers’ CV on VTJ

In terms of Facebook and LinkedIn, the recruiters will join Facebook groups established for both employers and teachers seeking jobs in order to access more targeted individuals However, because there have been numerous users and the credibility of information is low, recruiters have to request the necessary paperwork from applicants and undergo a number of screening procedures if they have any concerns.

Objectives of this step are to assess whether recruitment advertisements follow the goals or not and to revise the number of applicants compared to the expected plan To aid in the evaluation, statistical analysis of the candidates’ suitability to its standards is also used.

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B ry 4) ‘in| Q Search a ma - Home My Network Jobs

Anh Nguyễn posted this s 2mo

** APAX Leaders Hiring ESL Teachers**

APAX Leaders is so proud of being a pioneer education organization in educating

English for children in Vietnam We are now looking for more Full-time show more

Top demographics of people reached @

Figure 11: Job post analytics on LinkedIn 2.4 Selection process at Apax English Corporation

Prelimi Demo Teaching re minary Assessment and

Figure 12: Foreign teacher selection process at AEC 2.4.1 Preliminary Screening

At this step, resumes from sources mentioned previously are considered to evaluate if they are suitable or not Screening requirements for foreign teachers at AEC include their nationality, qualifications, passport and visa.

Because of relocation regulations, recruiters will give preference to teachers with quick processes and sufficient documentation Native teachers are also preferred

Nguyễn Thi Anh — 11190659 - Business English - 61B due to their high level of proficiency in English However, non-native teachers, excluding those from “restricted nationalities” (countries that are difficult to apply for visa in Vietnam), can be considered too if they meet other requirements.

FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS - Ăn °Seeseesee 40 3.1 Difficulties in recruiting and selecting foreign teachers at Apax

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2024, 10:05


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