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Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: A study on the digital marketing utilization of sales management products at Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company

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I hereby declare that this is my own research work, supported by mysupervisor, Mrs Pham Thi Quynh Hoa The research contents and results in thistopic are honest and have never been published in any previous research work.The data in the tables for analysis, comments and evaluation are collected by the

author himself from different sources listed in the references.

If I detect any fraud, I would like to take full responsibility before theCouncil as well as the results of my thesis.

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One of the most valuable experiences that I have had as a universitystudent is the time working at the Department of Sales, Nhanh.vn Joint StockCompany.

First, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude towards both theleaders and the officials for their amazing support If it had not been for their

help, I would have struggled more in finding documents for input data Thanks to

this opportunity of working as a Sales intern, I have also obtained pricelessexperience, practical lessons and had the chance to put everything I learned atNEU into practice.

Second, I also want to extend my thanks to my supervisor, Ms Pham ThiQuynh Hoa, who has guided me through this research and encouraged me to

finish the thesis Had it not been for her precious moment and huge support from

the very beginning to the very end, my graduation project would not have beencompleted on time.

Last but not least, I would like to express my appreciation to the Facultyof Foreign Language, Business English Department at NEU for supplying mefundamental and sufficient basic knowledge and theory in both linguistics andbusiness fields as preparation for my career orientation in general and the

internship program in particular, which have contributed greatly to my

completion of the project.

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In today's digital age, digital marketing has become the latest trend inmarketing It has become imperative for companies to adopt this form ofcommunication to succeed Nhanh.vn, a company that provides services to itsclients, has been proactive in developing an online marketing system to makeinformation about its services more accessible to its clients Although thecompany has only been in business for five years, it has made significant stridesin developing its digital marketing strategy This essay aims to providerecommendations for improving the effectiveness of Nhanh.vn's digital

marketing efforts, drawing on my internship experience and personal knowledge.

As businesses continue to shift their focus towards digital platforms, it iscrucial for Nhanh.vn to remain competitive and innovative in its digitalmarketing strategy Firstly, Nhanh.vn should consider implementing a moretargeted approach in its digital marketing efforts This involves identifying andtargeting specific customer segments, tailoring marketing messages andpromotional activities to suit their needs and preferences This can be achievedthrough the use of customer data and analytics tools that enable the company togather insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Secondly, Nhanh.vn should explore the use of social media platforms as ameans of engaging with customers and promoting its services Social mediaplatforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, offer a unique opportunityfor companies to connect with their customers and build brand awareness.Nhanh.vn can leverage these platforms to share updates on its services, postengaging content and interact with customers in real-time This will help to builda strong online presence and increase customer engagement.

Thirdly, Nhanh.vn should focus on improving the user experience on itswebsite The company's website is a critical touchpoint for customers, and it isessential that it is user-friendly, easy to navigate and visually appealing Thewebsite should be optimized for mobile devices, given the increasing number ofcustomers accessing the internet through mobile devices Nhanh.vn should also

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consider implementing a live chat feature on its website to enable customers toreceive real-time support and assistance.

In conclusion, Nhanh.vn's digital marketing strategy is a work in progress,and there is always room for improvement By implementing a targeted approachto digital marketing, leveraging social media platforms, and improving the userexperience on its website, the company can enhance its digital marketing effortsand increase its competitive advantage Further research and analysis may berequired to ensure that the company's digital marketing strategy remains relevant

and effective in an ever-changing digital landscape.

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AIDA Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

B2C Business-to-ConsumerBE Business English

CEO Chief Executive OfficerCIT Corporate Income TaxCOD Cash On Delivery

HCMC Ho Chi Minh City

HR Human Resources

IP Internet Protocol

IT Information TechnologyJSC Joint Stock Company

NEU National Economics UniversityOA Official Account

PII Preparation, Implementation, ImpactPOS Point of sales

PR Public Relations

SEM Search Engine Marketing

SEO Search Engine Optimization

SERPs Search Engine Results Pages

SMS Short Message Service

ZNS Zalo Notification Service

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3 Research proposes 5 34 Research questions hố ẻ .ắe 3

6 Research method -««-«- Error! Bookmark not defined.CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANY 51.1 History and development of NHANH.VN Joint Stock Company 51.1.1 Introduction of NHANH.VN Joint Stock Company 51.1.2 History of NHANH.VN JSC cecececcesceceeseeteeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeceeseeseeaeeeeaeeeees 61.1.3 Main business S€CÉOTS - G1 ng ng ng ng nh 81.2 Organizational and management structure of Nhanh.vn Joint Stock

00.) 7101001 101.2.1 Organizational chart of Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company 101.2.2 Duties and roles of each department in the organizational structure 111.3 Business results of Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company in the period of

2OV9-2021 NinGa - 12

1.4 Nhanh.vn’s digital marketing acfivifies - che 141.4.1 Overview of the company's digital marketing acfivities 141.4.2 Strengths and weaknesses of the company's digital marketing activities 15

CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .0000 cccccccccesseesesteesseees 172.1 Definitions of digital markefing - - càng Hy 17

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2.2 Characteristics of digital markefing - - - St +sereeireree 182.2.1 Types of digital markefing - - c1 3xx rệt 182.2.2 The role of digital marketing for businesses - «+: 20CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION -ò- coi 28

000) 333.2.1 Factor “AffraC(ÏOII” ác ch nh HH ng HH nh rự 33

3.2.2 Factor ““Ínf€TSÊ”” 0 HH HH HH kh 353.2.3 Factor “Searching”” «ng HH HH HH TH 37

3.2.5 Factor “Sharing” c cv 41CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATIONS 000 ecceeceeseceseceeetteeeaeeeneteeeeaeeees 454.1 Recommendations for Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company 45

4.2 Recommendations for Nhanh.vn’s Marketing Department 45lÐ 9))Ï 0) P0I):0)///:: 3 48


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Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4:Figure 5:

Vietnam e-commerce revenue from 2016 - 2020 - « -« 1

Interface of sales management software of Nhanh.vn 8Interface of a sample website template of Nhanh.vn 9Vpage interface of Nhanh.VI c1 v1 ng rệt 9Delivery service at Nhanh.VII c2 SG 1n vn ng re 10Organizational structure of the COMPANY - 55555 << << <++< s2 10The PII model, Cutlip, Center and Broom's evaluation model (1985) 24

AIDA model (Mind Tools Editorial Teams, 2014) - 25

Proposed research model ccceesceesseeesceeeneeeeneceseeceeeceseeesaeeeseeeeaeeees 27Figure 10: Online channels used by customers when searching for information 30Figure 11: Media search activities 0 ees eeseesececesecenecsseeseessecsaeensessesseesaeesaes 31Figure 12: Sources of information that customers know about Nhanh.vn 32Figure 13: Preferred Digital Marketing Approach - -««s««+xssssessrrs 46

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Table 1: Financial indicators of Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company in the period of

2019 - 2021 (Unit: thousand VND) ccccccssccccccsesssseeccceesssseecceeesssseeeceeeesaeees 12Table 2: Survey sample characteristics - ó5 3v vn ngư 29Table 3: Descriptive statistics of observed variables of the factor “Attraction” 33Table 4: Descriptive statistics of observed variables of the factor “Interest” 35

Table 5: Descriptive statistics of observed variables of the factor “Searching” 37Table 6: Descriptive statistics of observed variables of the factor “Action” 39

Table 7: Descriptive statistics of observed variables of the factor “Sharing” 41

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Marketing is a dynamic, ever-evolving, and restless corporate activity.Due to a number of crises, including terrorism and war, energy and material

shortages, inflation, economic downturns, high unemployment, dying industriesand companies, and effects of quick technological advancements in someindustries, the role of marketing has undergone a significant transformation Aformalized method of gathering precise and timely information about customers,products, the marketplace, and the overall environment is now necessary due tosuch changes, including the internet, which have forced today's marketingexecutive to become more market driven in their strategic decision making Thepractice of using the Internet to market and sell products or services is known asinternet marketing Internet marketing makes use of the potential of digital tradeto market and sell goods Any market on the internet is referred to as electroniccommerce Electronic commerce enables online purchasing, selling, and tradingof goods and services Electronic commerce is a subcategory of internetmarketing Internet marketing has started to get a lot of traction as a result of theexplosion in internet usage It is stated that text-only websites that providedproduct information were the first to offer Internet marketing services in the startof 1990 The internet has made it possible for companies to sell products andservices in addition to traditional advertising Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Alibaba,and Youtube are all examples of companies that use the internet to market theirproducts This paper offers observations about current and future trends ininternet marketing.

= Doanh thu B2C+ Tỷ lệ tăng trưởng

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Doanh thu TMĐT B2C Việt Nam năm 2016 - 2020 (tỷ USD) ?

Figure 1: Vietnam e-commerce revenue from 2016 - 2020.

(Source: E-commerce white paper)

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According to the figure, in 2020, there were about 49.3 million consumers

participating in online shopping in Vietnam, becoming the country with the

highest percentage of online shopping participants in the region.

The percentage of Internet users participating in online shopping also increased

from 77% in 2019 to 88% in 2020.

The increase in the number of online shopping participants, the increase inshopping value from 229 to 240 USD, has brought the proportion of B2C e-commerce revenue (business to customer) compared to the total retail sales ofgoods and national services consumption increased to 5.5% (compared to 4.9%

in 2019).

In the modern market economy, advances in digital technologies and

online platforms have a big impact on how consumers behave For businesses,this means that they need to adopt new methods of marketing operations in orderto reach and engage customers For example, social media can be an effectiveway to build relationships with consumers and generate more revenue.

2 Rationale

Currently, the market integration economy is gradually developingstrongly As Vietnam has integrated more deeply into the global economy, themarket and business environment have become more and more competitive.Along with that, the development of technology 4.0 has been applied in all areasof life, so it has led to the development of online communication and online saleschannels that have been born and developed strongly compared to the previousyears With other traditional sales channels, the issue of Marketing on socialnetworking sites and sales channels effectively to achieve high quality is the topconcern of all businesses, companies or organizations Because of that,communication or marketing is considered as a weapon for the company orbusiness as well as business people to develop and survive But not everycompany or business has enough capital to open a full and effectivecommunication department.

In order to meet such needs, Nhanh.vn joint stock company in theecosystem of Momo e-wallet has grasped the needs of customers and built aqualified and experienced team to provide digital marketing and communicationservices on many online sales and communication platforms.

But a need that can be easily seen, there will certainly be a lot ofcompetitors and services will always have to change to accommodate the rapidlychanging society and the development of technology like today And now

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Nhanh.vn is trying to develop an ecosystem of products and services to supportsellers as well as companies or businesses The "digital marketing” service of

Nhanh.vn.vn joint stock company has since been formed and developed.Therefore, the improvement and development of the quality of the company's

"digital marketing” service is absolutely necessary to respond to the nature of theoperation situation and improve the competitiveness as well as expand the marketof the company Because it is developed according to an ecosystem, everyproduct and service must meet certain quality standards to ensure the overalldevelopment of the ecosystem as well as the image of the company During my

internship at Nhanh.vn, through the observations and subjective as well as

objective assessments of the staff, I realized that there are still someshortcomings in the quality of Nhanh's "digital marketing" service Therefore, Ihave chosen the topic "A study on the digital marketing utilization of salesmanagement products at Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company” to be the topic ofmy graduation internship report.

3 Research purpose

The aim of this study is to analyze the existing circumstances of the digitalmarketing utilization of the sales management products at Nhanh.vn Joint StockCompany Moreover, the author show the effectiveness of the company’s digitalmarketing activities The study also propose solutions based on research resultsto help improve the quality of "digital marketing" service at Nhanh.vn JointStock Company.

4 Research questions

The research is conducted to answer these following questions:

e What is the actual state of Nhanh.vn's utilization of digital marketing for

the sales management products?

e@ What are the factor factors effecting the digital marketing utilization of

sales management products at Nhanh.vn?

e@ What are some effective ways to improve Nhanh.vn’s digital marketing

utilization of the sales management products?5 Research scope

The study's primary focus will be on investigating how digital marketingis used in the market for sales management apps The analysis is based on the

projected growth in sales and marketing activity between 2019 and 2021 The

author will pay close attention to the 135 consumers that make up the target

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market for the sales management goods The information utilized in the analysiswas gathered between 2019 and 2021.

6 Research method

Questionnaire development

To examine the developed hypotheses from the literature review, theauthor developed the questionnaire survey with three parts: the first part wasused to collect demographic information of the sample The second part involved

a range of questions measuring the independent variables presented in theresearch model and the third part aimed at the evaluations of customers onNhanh.vn’s digital marketing To achieve discriminant validity and convergentvalidity, the measurement items were adapted from intensive literature (Straub et

al., 2004) Inspired by Yuan et al (2016), the questionnaire was adapted by

in-depth interviews with a group of 135 individuals to obtain comprehensiveinformation of their opinions and attitudes about the factors in the originalmodels The following step is to have the questionnaire re-checked by fiveeducation experts to review the propriety of the content, wording, accuracy, andclarity All items corresponding in the second part were recorded by using a 5-point Likert scale ranging from | (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

Before conducting the survey, the questionnaire was initially sent toexperts and students currently learning the BE program to identify problems inthe content, wording, quantities of items and clarity, and was then revisedaccording to their comments and suggestions.

Building scale

The scale of the factors in the model is designed according to 5 levels ofLikert scale from (1) completely disagree to (5) completely agree, proposed byDavis et al (1989) to measure components synthesized from previous studies.

The proposed scale includes 22 observed variables to measure 5components of the research model.

The questionnaire is built based on observed variables and scalescombined with closed and open questions: Closed questions are used to guide

customers to choose 1 or more choices available in the table questions,customers understand and easily answer; Open-ended questions are used to findnew information related to issues that the closed-ended question does not fully

describe or is missing.

7 Structure of the study

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The study includes the following contents and chapters:

Chapter 1 — Introduction of Nhanh.vn Joint Stock company and the current stateof digital marketing at the company.

Chapter 2 - Theoretical framework, which presents both the theoretical

difficulties related to the topic of study and the fundamental definitions appliedin the research progress This chapter also contains research methods.

Chapter 3 — Findings and analysis, go together with answers for the problemsChapter 4 — Proposed solutions to the company and other researchers


The NHANH.VN Joint Stock Company is described in this chapter, alongwith its brand profile, history, organizational structure, job descriptions fordepartments, and accomplishments.

1.1 History and development of NHANH.VN Joint Stock Company1.1.1 Introduction of NHANH.VN Joint Stock Company

Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company, formerly a project of VNP Groupcompany, after 5 years of receiving a lot of trust from customers, Nhanh.vn hasbeen constantly expanding and developing, since July 17, 2019, Nhanh.vn hasseparated from VNP Group, officially establishing a new company Nhanh.vncontinues to carry out the mission of developing an ecosystem to help businessesmanage and sell more easily Through many years of continuous developmentefforts, Nhanh.vn is gradually perfecting the services provided, which is expectedto raise the step for individuals/businesses to a new height in the informationtechnology era, with the leading chain of Omnichannel Retail Managementsolutions in Vietnam (OMNI CHANNEL).

Functions and missions

Nhanh.vn’s function is building a complete system of solutions for channel sales management, helping sellers do business more efficiently, bringingwealth and happiness to members.

multi-In terms of the missions of Nhanh.vn, the company is fully complyingwith the tax payment obligations and other obligations of the State as prescribed

by law In addition, implementing the distribution of wages and bonuses toemployees in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code and theCompany's regulations, and constantly improving the cultural and professional

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qualifications of the staff in the company are also Nhanh.vn’s missions Besides,the company needs to make honest accounting and report to superior authoritiesin accordance with the provisions of the company's charter and current enterpriselaw Last but not least, the company's essential missions are expanding and

linking with establishments of all economic sectors, promoting the superiority ofthe company.

1.1.2 History of NHANH.VN JSC

Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company according to business registrationcertificate number: 0108824877, issued on July 17, 2019, by Hanoi Department

of Planning and Investment — Business registration office.

Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company originated with the predecessor project

Giaonhan.net was established in August 2011 as a component of Cucre.vn cheap delivery system At first, Giaonhan.net only consisted of 3 self-deliveryemployees like the current shippers of carriers At that time, Cucre.vn ranked 3rdin the market with an average of 30-50 orders per day delivered.

Ultra-In the next 2 years from 2012 to 2013, Giaonhan.net developed features forCucre.vn with rudimentary sales, inventory, and order management software.The scale has also increased significantly: every day more than 1000 orders aredelivered by 30 couriers continuously (because at this time there are no carrierslike Grab, Be like now), the system consists of more than 20 stores retail,warehouse with an area of 20,000m2 with 30 warehouse employees At the endof this period, Giaonhan.net also changed the name of its project to Nhanh.vn,

which is the brand name that has gone together with the company until now.

However, in 2014, the parent company Cucre.vn failed to maintain In February2014, Cucre.vn officially closed, leading to the project Nhanh.vn could no longercontinue In June 2014, the Company sold Nhanh.vn sales management softwarewith the first customer being BOO, a very wide-known fashion brand at that

2015 was the most difficult period for the company With 100 sales staff but

alarming revenue plus heavy losses, Ms Nguyen Quynh Duong - Founder of

Nhanh.vn had to make the decision to downsize to maintain the existence of the

The culmination was 2016, a year that was difficult for the entire VNP Group(the parent company of Cucre.vn) At that time, Nhanh.vn had only 10 sales staff

with 2 locations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City The special thing here is that

there is only 1 employee working at the HCMC campus and the remaining 9

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people working at the Hanoi campus With energy and determination, thatemployee alone did all the work of the remaining 9 people to maintain anddevelop: from making orders, packaging, contacting customers and taking care ofcustomers after purchasing That's why, although with only 10 people, Nhanh.vnwon the title of "The best project of VNP Group in terms of profit in that year" -a historic milestone marking the position of Nhanh.vn.

The period 2017-2019 marks a strong transformation of Nhanh.vn:e Scale: 100 — 200 people

Launch VPAGE — An application that makes it easier for business owners to

respond to customer messages and comments.

® Successfully connect to major e-commerce platforms:- Lazada, Adayroi, Vatgia.com (2017)

- Shopee (2018)

- Sendo (2019)

® Open more branches in Da Nang, Hai Phong, Vinh Phuc

® In 2018, get the title of "The best project of VNP group in terms of both

revenue and profit"

e Complete Omnichannel package — The most optimal sales managementsoftware service package provided by Nhanh.vn up to now.

e Expand more products and services related to Marketing: Facebook, SEO,

It can be seen that this is a period that marks the position of Nhanh.vn in

the multi-channel sales management software market when Nhanh.vn can link all

the e-commerce floors at that time Nhanh.vn always strives to developcontinuously and increasingly assert itself in the software field.

Following the success, in the years 2020-2021 and back, the period whenthe Covid-19 epidemic peaked, when most people would think that everything

would be delayed, Nhanh.vn did not Nhanh.vn believes that this is a good

opportunity for its products to be accessible to many people When the Covid-19pandemic caused many business owners to close their stores, switch from offlineto online businesses to maintain, they did not have software to manage onlineorders Selling online will be very different from selling offline because when Isell directly, I will sell to customers to take home and when I sell online, I willhave to have more carrlers to ship the goods At that time, business owners mustestablish partnerships with carriers with prices that are definitely higher thanNhanh.vn because it has been able to deal with carriers at a much cheaper price

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than usual Therefore, when business owners use the sales management softwareof Nhanh.vn, in addition to ensuring the quantity of inventory, their orders canalso use the delivery service with the lowest price.

1.1.3 Main business sectors

NHANH.VN., JSC is essentially a leading sales management solution inVietnam, a company specializing in providing services: sales managementsoftware, website design, fanpage management software and shipping service Inaddition, the company also provides marketing and sales support solutions suchas: SEO Marketing (Onpage - Marketing on Google's website and Offpage -

Marketing through reputable online newspapers), messaging support software.

Automated messaging Zalo ZNS, Zalo OA, Vpage — Sales manager Fanpage(mainly Facebook), Ecomcare (E-commerce platforms: Shopee, Lazada, Tik TokShop, ) and Momo Business service for shop owners.

s* Products/services provided:

POS sales management software: includes packages such as POS Basic, POS Proand Omnichannel: Billing, invoice printing, barcodes, warehouse management,

Figure 2: Interface of sales management software of Nhanh.vn

(Source: Website Nhanh.vn)Professional website design service: Friendly interface, responsive (apps on bothphone screens), SEO standards, fast speed, unlimited capacity and bandwidth.

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Figure 3: Interface of a sample website template of Nhanh.vn

(Source: Website Nhanh.vn)Multi-channel message synchronization management software - Vpage: Managecomments, multi-channel messages from Facebook fanpage, Instagram, Zalo,

Figure 4: Vpage interface of Nhanh.vn

(Source: Website Nhanh.vn)

Shipping: Integrating carriers such as Giaohangnhanh, VietNam Post, ViettelPost, J&T express, Shopee express with preferential discounts and instant COD

control from e-commerce platforms.

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`, Pe hang tan nha ag Pog khiêu nại `

Chọn gói cước Hãng vận chuyévận chuyền giao hàng

n Nhận tiên COD

Figure 5: Delivery service at Nhanh.vn

There are also a number of other services such as

web SEO, accounting add-ons (separated if cuspackages Zalo ZNS, Zalo OA

(Source: Website Nhanh.vn)

marketing support solutions,

tomers have needs), service

1.2 Organizational and management structure of Nhanh.vn Joint StockCompany

1.2.1 Organizational chart of Nhanh.vn

Board ofdirectors

Figure 6: Organizational structure of the company

(Source: Administration - Human Resources Department)


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The company's organizational structure belongs to a functionalorganizational structure, which is evenly divided into separate departments, inwhich the leader will control and assign work directly to employees in eachdepartment.

This organizational structure has the advantage that managers will easilymanage employees and manage work in a reasonable manner This model alsoshows the specialization of each department in the company.

However, the disadvantage of this model is clearly visible that the partswill lack clear coordination between the parts This puts pressure on themanagers as they are responsible for the performance of the entire company.

1.2.2 Duties and roles of each department in the organizational structure“+ Board of Directors:

This department decides the establishment of subsidiaries, branches, or theacquisition of shares of other enterprises The Board of Directors also has theright to decide on the organizational structure of the company; elect, dismiss, orremove the chairman of the board of directors; appoint, dismiss, sign contracts,

terminate contracts with the director or general director and other importantmanagers as provided for in the company's charter.

¢* General Director: CEO, Founder - Nguyen Quynh Duong

The CEO manages all production and business activities as well as other

daily activities of the company Responsible for the organization andimplementation of the company's business plan & investment plan.

s Vice Director

The Vice Director is an assistant to the General Director in theadministration of the company and is responsible for performing specific tasksassigned or authorized by the General Director to run the company for a certainperiod and is responsible before the General Director for the assigned tasks.

¢* Administration - Human Resources Department

This department advises the General Director of the company on humanresources, recruitment, training, arrangement, promotion, appointment, dismissal,

salary increase, reward and discipline for employees in the company Building

labor norms, salary unit prices, bonuses, etc In addition, they advise and assist

the General Director in the arrangement of the Company's apparatus, organizingthe implementation of decentralization of personnel management in theCompany's executive apparatus, and planning professional training for alldepartments in the company.


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“* Accounting Department

Accounting department advises, synthesizes, and proposes ideas, helps theGeneral Director organize the management of financial and accounting workaccording to the decentralization of the General Director The chief accountant isalso the head of the department who directly manages the affairs of thedepartment and is responsible to the General Director in accordance with theregulations.

“+ Sales Department

This department advises, gives opinions and suggestions to the Board ofDirectors of the company on issues related to the distribution of products andservices of the company to the market in the most effective and fastest way Theyalso build and develop customer sources and prepare reports in accordance withbusiness regulations The report shows all the business activities of the companyas well as the assigned duties and powers of the sales department In addition, theSales Department supports the Board of Directors with all issues related topromoting the consumption of products, goods and services of the company suchas international payments, capital mobilization, loans, insurance underwriting,

financial consulting, joint venture, association ; and directly supports the

implementation of technical work because of the online marketing segment.“+ Technical - IT Department

This department is responsible for implementing website design, websiteSEO, creating and verifying addresses on Google maps, designing, and takingcare of Fanpage, running ads through Facebook, Google, and e-commerceplatforms IT also researches and develops sales software Nhanh.vn.

Additionally, they coordinate with the sales department to advise and support

customers throughout the working process.

1.3 Business results of Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company in the period of2019-2021

Table 1: Financial indicators of Nhanh.vn Joint Stock Company in theperiod of 2019 - 2021 (Unit: thousand VND)

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Service cost -13.446.500 -21.339.351 -31.276.990

Business -11.602.646 -15.550.790 -21.457.890administration

The period 2020-2021 marks strong growth despite the ongoing Covid-19epidemic Now, instead of just focusing on offline stores, Nhanh.vn has focusedon promoting and accessing online sales channels, the demand for online

shopping on e-commerce platforms, and website design.


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In the first quarter of 2021, Nhanh.vn's revenue peaked at VND23,553,396,009, averaging nearly VND 8 billion/month The reason is that this isthe time when the stores start the business season for Tet, they promote thedevelopment of online sales, marketing, running ads and using multi-channelsales management software to maximize revenue Especially in this period, dueto the influence of the Covid 19 epidemic, e-commerce platforms developed very

strongly, especially Shopee This is also one of the reasons for the sales boom ofNhanh.vn Joint Stock Company, especially services related to e-commerce floors

such as Ecom, Ecomcare, Website, POS.

The company's sales in the second quarter of 2021 decreased because

customers were no longer as active as during the Lunar New Year, so thecompany's sales showed signs of a slight decrease and remained at a stable level.

1.4 Nhanh.vn’s digital marketing activities

1.4.1 Overview of the company's digital marketing activities

In terms of digital marketing, it will be a fairly wide array and there arequite a few channels for strategy development and implementation Nhanh.vnJoint Stock Company has analyzed and implemented a number of digitalmarketing channels that are familiar to Vietnamese people in general and people

living in Vietnam in particular, and those are also channels that sellers and

businesses often use to communicate and develop, namely:Facebook, Instagram

The company aims at building the brand and fanpage image The service

also includes promoting products or services to millions of users of socialnetworks Facebook and Instagram.

Website is the face of business, Nhanh.vn’s websites ensure content,features and standard aesthetics The SEO Website increases the credibility of the

business website, raising the TOP search engine naturally on Google's search

engine Besides, the google ads marketing brings the company's websites to theTOP of Google search.

Digital marketing on Shopee consults on sales and marketing strategies,ups shopeemall, pulls traffic suitable The company also designs and builds thebrand, image, content of the store to increase the conversion rate as well as therate to the top of the search Digital marketing activities of the company

additionally includes running ads


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Currently, the staff of the department that performs digital marketing hasabout 50 employees.

1.4.2 Strengths and weaknesses of the company's digital marketing activitiese Strengths

Professional digital marketing operation process

All marketing communication plans for projects are implementedaccording to the right process From the content, the implementation time to thecareful discussion, the company has deployed specifically to each employee.This has created professionalism and consistency in the company's digital

marketing activities Since then, the company's reputation has been enhanced,and more customers find the company.

Highly qualified digital marketing team

The company's digital marketing staff is professionally trained, which areindividuals who have studied marketing and business administration majors of

schools such as National Economics University, Foreign Trade University Not

only that, marketing staff of the company can also participate in training courses

on marketing management skills by famous lecturers invited by the company to

teach Not only grasp the theory, but the marketing staff also practice the skills of

building a product marketing plan quite proficiently, methodically andprofessionally The marketing process is applied flexibly by the staff to suit eachcustomer and each product Marketing staff of the company always work with a

positive spirit, enthusiasm and always put credibility first Therefore, customerstrust and choose the company as the unit to buy products according to theirneeds.

Facilities for effective marketing activities

The company's technical facilities are equipped with modern equipment:

fax machines, telephones, printers, photocopiers, shredders, computer systems


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connected to the internet and intranet, which the company uses a lot Modernsoftware effectively serves to search, process and store information aboutcustomers and real estate As well as designing eye-catching, easy-to-understandadvertisements and flyers, bringing the most accurate information to customers inthe shortest time.

Coordination between departments and departments is not effective

Deciding whether integrated marketing communications is effective or notdepends greatly on the human factor It needs a smooth work according to theestablished plan, along with close interaction and support between thedepartments of the marketing department together But in fact the author foundthat the departments of

The company's marketing segment is lacking in close coordination, eachdepartment uses its own budget and performs the tasks of the individualdepartment, not following the process and goals of the communication campaign.Instead of operating separately, departments should work closely together, to

support the Brand Marketing department to deliver consistent communicationmessages, images, videos.

The quality has the ability to go viral and be posted on media channelssuch as Facebook, YouTube, electronic newspapers, magazines so as to

resonate effectively with the communication channels, bringing maximumbenefits to the company.

In summary, the first chapter's introduction provided a succinct overview

of NHANH.VN's brand profile, historical evolution, organizational structure,departmental roles, and business offerings Introduction of the company's digitalmarketing initiatives is also given in this chapter Before delving deeply into ananalysis of the company's use of digital marketing, the core notions of the digitalmarketing concept would be offered as a framework in the next chapter.


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This chapter reviews fundamental knowledge of digital marketingconcepts, including definitions, types, and roles of digital marketing, as well asthe current state of the field It also discusses variables influencing theeffectiveness of digital marketing efforts in a company that develops sales

management software.

2.1 Definitions of digital marketing

Digital marketing is a small part of the marketing of any product or

Digital marketing is a general term that refers to the marketing of products

or services using digital technologies, primarily on the Internet But that alsoincludes mobile phones, display advertising, and any digital media (television,radio, LCD, etc.) (Wikipedia)

With another view of experts in this field, Digital marketing is alsodefined as follows:

According to Sawicki, A (2016), digital marketing is the use of digitaltechnology to more effectively meet customer demands and provide channels forreaching potential customers to further the objectives of the business The terms

"digital marketing” and "Internet marketing" are frequently used interchangeably.This is incorrect The internet is just one of many ways to communicate with a

client Moreover, there is audio/video equipment and home appliances Digital

marketing is a company's digital identity, which enables it to expose itself to asizable user base in the virtual world A brand can contact each consumer with its

products thanks to digital technology Digital marketing is the practice ofpromoting goods or brands using one or more electronic media The ability of a

certain product or service to be employed in digital marketing should be takeninto consideration The use of digital marketing for certain goods or services doesnot necessarily require justification.

Besides, digital marketing is defined as the administration and execution

of communication or marketing operations utilizing electronic advertising medialike the web, email, iTV, or wireless media in conjunction with other digital dataabout characteristics and consumer behavior (Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F.(2019)).

In addition, Reitzin, J (2007) defines that digital marketing is the process

of using digital channels to promote products and services to customers This can


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include using databases to track customer information, as well as using onlinedistribution channels to reach customers at the right time, in the right place, forthe best price.

As mentioned by Reedy, J., Schullo, S., & Zimmerman, K (2000),“Digital Marketing: includes all activities to satisfy the needs and wants ofcustomers through the internet and electronic means”.

Although there are many ways to define digital marketing, we only needto remember that digital marketing emphasizes 3 factors: using digital media,reaching customers in a digital and interactive environment.

2.2 Characteristics of digital marketing2.2.1 Types of digital marketing

It can be understood that digital marketing is marketing activities and

information exchange and brand promotion through Internet and digitalplatforms, including 4 main types of media as follows:

a Owned Media

In commercially applied research that seeks to organize the media

landscape of today, the phrase "owned media" is employed As a result, earned

media and paid media (for which brand owners must pay the media to promote

their communication offerings) should be distinguished from media that is"owned" by the brand (the media communicate about brands) (Chaffey, 2012;Corcoran, 2009) Owned media can be implemented as print media (e.g.magazine), as electronic media (e.g TV channel), as online media services (e.g.Facebook) or as media networks (e.g WWW-Site, YouTube channel and mobile

application)(Baetzgen, A., & Tropp, J (2013)).

In general, owned media are channels that are owned by businesses and

brands, which often include websites, landing pages, etc Owned media includesplatforms that can be actively controlled, long-lived, and can be flexibly adjusted

and reach the customers Along with that, implementing digital marketing onowned media is also more cost-effective than other forms of media.

However, the construction, development and digital marketing activitiesin these channels are relatively time-consuming to reach the public, besides, theowned media is not reliable.

b Paid Media

Businesses may contact customers and foster a favorable brand perceptionwith paid media Paid media refers to brand-related sponsored postings that are


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created and paid for by the relevant business This indicates that businessesproduce sponsored media and are charged by social media platforms likeInstagram to display the paid media to users in the social media platform'snewsfeed The paid media, which is frequently identified as "sponsored posts" or

"promoted posts," is shown to consumers Consumer attitudes toward and through intentions for paid media have been examined in research on paid mediain the context of social media According to recent studies, consumer purchaseintent in response to paid media is primarily driven by the informativeness,entertainment, and credibility of the paid media, while consumers frequentlyavoid paid media, which impedes their browsing (Mattke, J., Miller, L., &

click-Maier, C (2019, September)).

Paid media can proactively implement on demand to serve the business's

digital marketing campaign goals, ready to deploy immediately and with widecoverage In particular, paid media allows tracking metrics, results and returnreports to help marketers easily control the effectiveness of the campaign.

c Earned Media

Using earned media to change consumers’ perceptions of a brand is an

emerging trend for businesses Earned media describes social media postings

about brands that are not produced by the firm directly but rather by aninfluencer A person with a substantial social media following is known as aninfluencer This implies that if an influencer posts independently created content,such as brand-related images or videos, to their own newsfeed, all of their socialmedia followers will see the post According to research, earned media mayoccasionally beat traditional paid media since they are seen as being morereliable and reputable The influencer has a significant impact and is frequentlyseen as very credible As a result, earned media are frequently closely linked tothe influencer, yet studies show that customers’ attitudes about brands arefavourably impacted (Mattke, J., Miiller, L., & Maier, C (2019, September)).

d Social Media

A game-changing innovation for both businesses and individuals, social

media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the

ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation

and exchange of user-generated content" (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010), Thurau et al.,2010) In today's media and communications world, tools likeTwitter (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010), Instagram, and Foursquare (Kaplan, 2010),


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which were not even around ten years ago, are crucial components Social Mediais understood as one of the important elements of digital marketing, this is theinteraction activities of the brand with the target public, customers through third-party social platforms Social media channels play an important role because it isflexible, capable of understanding customer needs, bringing cost effectivenessand efficiency of digital marketing campaigns In particular, using social mediahelps to personalize, bring the image of brands and businesses closer, connect

and build relationships and trust with the public and target customers.2.2.2 The role of digital marketing for businesses

Technology has strongly influenced consumer habits and behavior,driving the development of digital marketing This new field attracts the attention

of a large number of young people, and at the same time, there is a shortage of

well-trained human resources.

Digital marketing is an important part of the overall marketing strategy.Along with traditional marketing, digital marketing plays an important role as abridge between users and businesses Not only that, digital marketing has been astrength for most businesses and accounts for a large amount of budget in theoverall marketing strategy of the business The strong development of digitalmarketing does not make the presence of traditional marketing disappear, but italso overcomes previous limitations, proving its outstanding advantages over

traditional marketing in many aspects such as:Convenience

In a time when everyone considers Google as a guide to their actions,digital marketing is seen as the only key to helping businesses sell With digital

marketing, businesses can operate 24/7 without having to worry too much abouttime issues Besides, customers feel more convenient when they can order onlineor can go to the store whenever and wherever to buy, find new models, readproduct reviews or talk to their friends about the product Percentage of usersusing smartphones, watching videos and searching by voice is graduallybecoming more popular.

Low starting costs

With the use of popular methods of traditional marketing (televisionadvertising, event organization, signs, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, letters,phone calls or even offers and directs products to market for businesses thatrequire those businesses to have a large budget, the cost can be up to tens of

billions of dong, which is entirely possible However, the cost of doing digital


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marketing is much lower than traditional, it will help businesses start advertisingonline without worrying about the initial cost, because advertisers do not requirebusinesses to advertise online Enterprises must sign a large-value contract to beable to serve the business, without having to pay space rental or maintenancefees The business itself has the right to decide how to approach, how much eachcampaign costs and for how long All search engines like Google, Coc Coc andsocial channel platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram offer flexible bidsso that any business can run ads depending on their budget management.

For example, Nhanh.vn can start using Facebook advertising to reach

customers at a low cost With Google Adwords, the actual price businesses haveto pay to Google to promote the brand is often lower than the expected budget ifthey manage the advertising tools well and choose a reasonable bid Even ifbusinesses decide not to spend their budget on advertising, there are still other

ways to attract customers to them through other free ways such as: publishing on websites and optimizing content, taking advantage of freeinformation pages, creating booths on major e-commerce sites

self-Faster, wider and deeper approach

Faster: with communication on the website, email and social mediachannels allow business messages to be shared extremely quickly.

Wider: enterprises reach customers on a large scale of big data Big Datais an extremely large amount of user data (customer profiles, audio, images, text)

that online advertising platforms (google, facebook ) collect user data throughdeclarations or calendars Therefore, customers can see the business anywhere in

the world from a marketing campaign, businesses can also sell to customersanywhere, any country, expand the target market, organize an export businesswithout building a network of distribution channels in other countries Whereasthe cost to do this using traditional methods is quite substantial Therefore,

optimizing the content search keywords in the website helps businesses get a lotof long-term value, with relatively low costs to maintain rankings on searchengines.

Deeper: many businesses have asked the question “Why does a certainfanpage's Facebook ad happen to be on the News Feed — the content is in themiddle of Facebook homepage and coincidentally that's what customers areinterested in?" That's because through the "trace" that users leave on the Internet(IP, cookies, visited websites, usage behavior, used devices, actively declaredinformation - such as providing personal information for Facebook, Google )


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then online advertising channels can completely help the businesses reach eachspecific user.

Ability to measure efficiency

With traditional marketing, it is difficult to accurately track and measure

the effectiveness of fluctuating advertising, but digital marketing is different, ithas the ability to measure more easily and effectively with technical analysistools Businesses can accurately measure the interest of potential customers for

each of those ads by accurately assessing the number of people interested, advisits, business searches with specific keywords Besides, advertisers alsocalculate the cost of advertising by posting date, location This way, businessescan control their advertising budget to the maximum, change or adjust thecampaign in a timely manner These tools even measure the direction of userssuch as from what source they come to the website: Facebook page or Googlesearch In addition, these tools also measure the conversion from readers tocustomers by specific parameters, even if the number of potential customers isreduced step by step, we can also make statistics to find out At what stage doesthe ad need to be further optimized? Measuring business performance alsobecomes easier and more effective, businesses can calculate the amount of profit

earned on each product sold after subtracting production costs, advertising costs,and other costs.

Right customers target

Targeting the right audience for each marketing campaign is one of theprerequisites of any business This is not an easy task, but unlike traditional

marketing, digital marketing has the ability to select audiences to advertise basedon available customer data - user information needs, thereby helping businessesbring their products to the exact audience This data can also be built by thebusiness itself or provided by a third party such as Facebook, Google, which has

the ability to reach and collect information from an extremely large number of

users All search engines and social media platforms provide choices aboutdemographics (such as gender, age, occupation, geographic location, etc.),

shopping habits, interests, and preferences For example, when a business plansto run ads on Facebook, Facebook will ask the audience it want to reach in thisad campaign with typical choices such as: location, age, gender, language,interests , behavior, and lots of other options to determine the maximum audiencethe ads can reach.


Ngày đăng: 19/06/2024, 10:43