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Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: A study on some factors affecting the utilization of digital marketing activities at digimind group and some recommendations

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Tiêu đề A Study On Some Factors Affecting The Utilization Of Digital Marketing Activities At Digimind Group And Some Recommendations
Tác giả Lê Trung Hiểu
Người hướng dẫn Ass. Prof. Dr. Pham Thi Thanh Thuy
Trường học National Economics University
Chuyên ngành Business English
Thể loại Graduation Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Hanoi
Định dạng
Số trang 66
Dung lượng 14,96 MB

Nội dung

Lê Trung Hiéu — 11196429 — Business English 61BEXECUTIVE SUMMARYCustomers frequently use digital platforms to look for information aboutproducts due to the Internet's rising popularity..

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTFirst and foremost, I want to express my profound gratitude to my supervisor,Ass Prof Dr Pham Thi Thanh Thuy, for all of her support and comments during theprocess of writing the graduation thesis Her valuable comments and advice are crucial

to the writing-thesis process, enabling me to complete the writing in a productive andhigh-quality manner In addition, I would also like to thank Mr Khoa Dung, my directsupervisor at DigiMind Group, for allowing me to work and accumulate experience

in the marketing field

I also wish to express my appreciation to all of my friends who acted as criticsfor my work to improve and my partner, who spent a lot of time reviewing my workand giving my recommendations

Last, I want to thank all my loved ones, people who have been with me andsupported me during this challenging period Without their support, it would beimpossible for me to finish my work

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYCustomers frequently use digital platforms to look for information aboutproducts due to the Internet's rising popularity As a result, companies frequentlyinvest more money in digital marketing platforms The use of the two primary digitalmarketing strategies—SEO and social media marketing—shows that DigiMindGroup may not fully understand the potential of digital marketing The study's goal is

to identify the variables that influence the use of digital marketing in the delivery ofmarketing services at DigiMind Group

The study used a framework that incorporates the AIDA Models and "CUAC"features including content, users' experience, accessibility, and customization to findthat DigiMind Group's use of digital marketing looks to be unsuccessful The majority

of survey respondents say they are satisfied with the instructional information oncompany websites and social media, yet it seems that the content misses "Call-to-Action" and the possibility that low-quality images would spark customers' attentionand prompt them to take action is diminished The online survey was distributed to 50people who have used and experienced DigiMind Group's website and fanpage.Regarding the user experience, a simple layout and appealing design have grabbed

consumers’ attention effectively, but the technological challenges would hinder them

from pleasantly using it The majority of respondents think that backlinks andcustomer support specialists are both available The result, however, also illustrateshow unfortunate it is that there is no paid media advertising DigiMind Group wouldstill need to develop technical skills like SEO in order to push the websites to thehighest ranking on search engines From personalized services to email marketing toindividually tailored advertisements, customization components seem to be in need ofimprovement

It is advised that the marketing division improve website quality with bettertechnical SEO, better connectivity, frequent updates about the trends, and increasedinvolvement on social networking sites in order to boost the use of digital marketing

in the DigiMind Group Also, the Owned Media Department at DigiMind Groupshould be established to take over all of the work from other departments so that itcan be taken care of better by applying new digital marketing channels and doingfrequent assessments of these tools' efficacy It would be wise for DigiMind Group to


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hire more young marketing professionals and invest more funds in the advancement

of digital marketing


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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSAI: Artificial Intelligence

AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

B2B: Business to Business

CEO: Chief Executive Officer

BOD: Board of Directors

CTA: Call to Action

DGM: DigiMind

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

SEM: Search Engine Marketing

SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

4P: Product, Price, Promotion, Place

P2C2S3: Personalization, Privacy, Customer Service, Community, Site, Security,

Sales Promotion


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Table 1: Range Interval DDIVISIOTN - <1 193113111 11193 1S HH HH ng rh 4Table 2: Previous studies on Íram€WOTKS - 5 <6 + 1v + vn rikp 18Table 3: Description of each dimenSIOI - -.- - 6 5 6253 £*skEsekeseereesserek 23Table 4: Investigation on “digimind.vn” using the AIDA model in a 3-month period

TH 25

Table 5: Investigation on DigiMind Group’s Facebook Fanpage using the AIDA

model in a 3-month period 01177 26Table 6: The descriptive statistics of Contents of DigiMind Group’s website and

Facebook G1 30Table 7: The descriptive statistics of Users’ Experience of DigiMind Group’s

website and Facebook fanpage ecceessccssesseceesseceseesececesecseceseseceaeeeeenesseeeneeaees 33Table 8: The descriptive statistics of Accessibility of DigiMind Group’s website andFacebook Ẳ01i 1 nh 36Table 9: The descriptive statistics of Customization of DigiMind Group’s website

and Facebook ÍanDÀ€ - - - 5 kg TH nu TH HH ng nà 38Table 10: Range of interval IVISIOT - ĩc 1 2319911211 91 911 hư nrh 40Table 11: Descriptive statistics of DigiMind Group's website and Facebook fanpage


List of Figures

Figure 1: Frameworks on factors affecting digital marketing utilization in providingmarketing service at DigiMind Group 23Figure 2: The respondents' attitude toward the website "digimind.vn" and the

DigiMind Facebook fanpage's contents 28Figure 3: The respondents' attitude toward the website "digimind.vn" and the

DigiMind Facebook fanpage's Users’ Experience 32Figure 4: The respondents' attitude toward the website "digimind.vn" and the

DigiMind Facebook fanpage's Accessibility 35Figure 5: The respondents' attitude toward the website "digimind.vn" and the

DigiMind Facebook fanpage's Customization 37Figure 6: Preferred Strategy for Digital Marketing 45

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ACKNOWLEDGMIENTT 5-5-9 HH HH 000000000900 iEXECUTIVE SUMMARYY 5 G5 II HH HH 000808 50 iiLIST OF ABBREYVIA THON 5c HH HH 000000000 058000008040060 ivLIST OF TABLES AND EIGURES - œ5 5G 55s s1 10005650565 Vv

4 Research Questions o 5 << << 5< 9 c9 HH0 090088 05, 3

5 Scope Of the T€S€iAT-CHH 05G G 5 5S 9 9 9 0 00.0 0 80986596 3

6 MMetho0ÌÏOĐV 0G 5G S99 9 99.999.999 00.0909 80040000400909 080940004050 3

7 Structure of the SÍUICỈY - <5 5< S9 4.99 99 09 0.00900000889688 686 4

8 Significance of the SUYy o <5 <5 << 5c 9.9 09004 04500 10040896.064 080 5CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF DIGIMIND GROUP 6

1.1 OV€TVICW co Họ nọ 0000000950009 0909560908 61.2 Vision — Missions — Core values o5 5c 55 5 95 599695656855 65.6 6

1.3 Corporate CUẨẦUIT€ c 5 G5 5< 5< 9 9 9 9 0 9.006 09 60988596 71.4 Current problems d G5 5G 59 9 99 994 99 999.9599.909 5599999090980999 996 7


2.1 Definition of mark€tÏnE - <5 5< 5 9 9 9V 9 0 0 04 0 06.8 92.2 Definition of Digital MarketÏn o5 5s 5 S9 99 9S 55855996955896 112.3 Advantages of Digital Marketing - << se se e1eseesseesse 12

2.3.1 High degree of LHÍ€TQCÍVỈÍy o G5 Ă< SH Y1 ng v 12

2.3.2 High degree of medsurdÙiÏiÍy 5< S1 1 9 se 122.3.3 High degree of perSOHQÏlZfÍOHI <5 Ă 5S S1 Sex eee 13

2.3.4 InCcredSIHĐ CUSLOMEL COIV€HICHC G0 030 9 199619 96 13

2.3.5 Promoting user involvement and COHHHUHHICQfÍOH e<<<<<< 13

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2.3.6 Requiring less initial ÏHV€SÍTHCHHÍ co SG 31119559595 13

2.3.7 Appropriate for small and medium-sized businesses as well as

SUCTEUDS woscssscssssenssesscsssssenscssscssscsssssenscsssssscsessssssessscsssssssssssacsenssssssessesensessessonssonss 13

2.4 Digital Marketing Tools: cssccsssescscsssssssscscecsccssscseseescessccssscsenceees 13

2.4.1 SEM and SE( - SH HH HH nung 132.4.2 Email Markefirig se HH ngư 14

2.4.3 Social media mmAarKk€flng co c0 1.9 1196 9s 152.4.4 Digital Displays AdV€TfISIHE co SH Y1 9611 se 15

2.4.5 Interactive Marketing co HH ngư 16

2.4.6 Viral Marketing c5 << 02V 9911 91 se 162.4.7, Affiliate \MĨqr@fing so Ă <0 Y1 0 ng ve 162.5 Previous study and ẨraI€WOTFÌK: 0 G5 5G S55 995 99 95986995895599955896 17



3.1 Investigation on DigiMind Group's digital marketing utilization using

the AIDA model o- 5< 5 5 5 5 5 E5 99 5993 909 09000990 900910098980908996 25

3.2 Investigation on the website 'digimind.vn"' and the DigiMind Facebookfanpage's COIIẨ€TIÉS do 0G 5 S99 99 9 99.99.804.090 9894 004 009.080094000400906998096809409096 28

3.3 Investigation on the website 'digimind.vn"' and the DigiMind Facebook

fanpage's Users’ Experience <5 << 5c 000 0080 0850 32

3.4 Investigation on the website 'digimind.vn"' and the DigiMind Facebookfanpage's ACCeSSIDIIItLY 0G G G5 s S 9 TH T0 c0 0000000046 5096 35

3.5 Investigation on the website ''digimind.vn"' and the DigiMind Facebookfanpage's Customization - 55 << 5< 5 9 9 00000860096 37

3.6 Overall investigation on the website ''digimind.vn" and the DigiMind

Facebook fanpage through four aspects sscssscscsesssessceesceescessscessceesceees 40CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDA TIONS on ng nga” 43

4.1 For the DigiMind Group Business o s55 5 55<S s55 53555955695 43

4.2 For the Marketing process of DigiMind Group) <<<<<5<<<<< 44

CONCLUSIONN G cọ Họ HH 0.00 00800 47REEERENC ES 5-5 5 GHI 010090090 49

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APPENDIX cccsssssssssssssescsssessssscssssssssesssssssssssssesssssesscsssssassesssssssessessesscssessassesseses 53


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1 BackgroundSeveral business-to-business (B2B) companies are adopting digital marketing toenhance client acquisition Digital marketing also enables precise targeting ofprospective customers in addition to experience in life interaction strategies (Pandeyand Gudipudi, 2019) For instance, B2B marketing executives may communicate withexecutives from user departments by using LinkedIn without trying to go throughnumerous levels This will help B2B leaders enhance their sales productivity It alsohelps with the real-time monitoring of sales conversions and B2B customerinteraction Also, it makes it possible for content to be produced dynamically inaccordance with the viewing habits of prospective customers Although being a part

of B2B organizations' marketing strategies, digital marketing is still a relatively newfield of study In fact, many companies believed until recently that B2C companieswere the only ones that could profit from digital marketing (Lacka and Chong, 2016).Yet, examples of successful B2B digital marketing campaigns from firms like Ciscoand IBM have gradually changed this perspective (Venkatesh et al., 2019)

Companies understand that B2B digital marketing enhances information flow

and customer trust (Krishna and Singh, 2018; Pandey, 2015) The return on

investment (RoI) of many organizations is impacted by their total ignorance of the

best B2B digital marketing techniques (Wertime and Fenwick, 2011) Moreover, asthis industry is continually evolving due to the continuous influx of new technologies,the usage of digital marketing demands regular study (Shaltoni, 2017) Since theWorld Wide Web was initially developed in the 1990s and is now the Internet ofThings, the Internet has seen substantial evolution Thanks to digital media, B2Bclients now have the ability to obtain data on a variety of goods and services thatweren't previously easily accessible to purchasers Such information assists B2Bcustomers in making decisions Via their websites, blogs, online business groups, orsocial media, B2B companies should maintain a credible online presence (Pandey andShinde, 2019) Managing customer interactions throughout all platforms, includingthe Internet, is essential for B2B organizations The present study aims to assess thisdeveloping topic by emphasizing the major emphasis of how much analysis has beenconducted currently regarding the usage of digital marketing in the B2B sector andwhat are the possible research prospects for the future

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The purposes of this research are to examine factors that affect the utilization ofdigital marketing at DigiMind Group; to provide Digital Marketing solutions forraising the effectiveness of Digimind Group The number of Internet users hassignificantly expanded, making it the most widely used form of communication in theworld Particularly, the majority of Internet users nowadays are information savvy,rapid learners, and have a significant impact As a result, the digital marketing aspect

is crucial to any business

2 RationalesFollowing the trends during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, DigiMind Grouphas applied a number of digital marketing strategies to attract more attention frompotential clients, including SEO and social media marketing (SMM) However, thesestrategies do not appear to be having a profound impact as well as being usedeffectively at DigiMind Group Evidently, DigiMind Group’s primary website,

“Digimind.vn” records fewer total visitors when compared to their rival, EloQCommunications’ website “eloqasia.com” Moreover, DigiMind’s Facebook fanpage

“DigiMind Group — Hé sinh thai BrandMarcom” also has a limited number of

engagements, falling short of the full potential of digital marketing The limitation ofthe two digital platforms also hinders the potential of redirecting resources to develop

other channels such as email marketing Therefore, the researcher decided to conduct

the study “A Study on Some Factors Affecting the Utilization of Digital Marketing

Activities at DigiMind Group and Some Recommendations”

3 Research objectivesThe purpose of the study was multi-fold Firstly, it aimed to provide basicknowledge about digital marketing and the various types of digital marketing toolsavailable Secondly, it sought to assess the current state of DigiMind Group's digital

marketing utilization, with a view to identifying any gaps or areas for improvement.

Thirdly, the study aimed to identify the factors that affect digital marketing utilization

for clients in the provision of marketing services at DigiMind Group Finally, based

on the findings of the study, the aim was to recommend a feasible approach to promote

digital marketing utilization in the provision of marketing services at DigiMind

Group By addressing these objectives, the study aimed to provide valuable insightsthat could help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of DigiMind Group's digitalmarketing efforts

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4 Research questions

e What is the state of digital marketing utilization at DigiMind Group?

e What are some factors affecting digital marketing utilization at DigiMind


e What are viable measures to improve the effectiveness of digital marketing

utilization at Digimind Group?

5 Scope of the researchThe study focuses on the population which has the following characteristics: (1)office workers aged from 18-30; (2) people using the Internet frequently; (3) peoplewho have followed DigiMind Group’s fanpage and visited the company’s website

This research investigates the digital activities’ effectiveness of DigiMind Group’s

owned media.

6 Methodology

e Desk researchThe researcher will use desk research as the main basis for the investigation To

be more detailed, information that is readily accessible from credible publications likeEmeralds, Researchgate, and Springer would be used to introduce the field of digitalmarketing and create a framework for its utilization at DigiMind Group

e Questionnaire

In order to gain a view of the present state of the application of digital marketing

in this business and identify factors afecting the utilization of digital marketing atDigiMind Group, the researcher will create an online survey using Google Forms andsend it to 50 respondents who have used business two major digital marketingplatforms The questionnaire is comprised of 3 parts:

Part 1: Personal information of the respondentsPart 2: Likert 5 scales will be used in this part to evaluate the factors affecting

digital marketing integration in digital marketing service at DigiMind Group.

Lastly, using the mean calculation and range interval shown in the table below,SPSS will be used to evaluate how consumers generally feel about each element The

scale includes five ranges: “Strongly disagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree”, and

“Strongly agree”

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Table 1: Range Interval Division

Scale Range interval Description

1 Strongly disagree

7 Structure of the study

The research comprises five main chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction of the company — includes general and specific

information about DigiMind Group

Chapter 2: Literature review - examines the theoretical foundations of digitalmarketing and discusses earlier theoretical frameworks, earlier investigations, and

earlier research methods.

Chapter 3: A Study on Factors Affecting the Utilization of Digital MarketingActivities at DigiMind Group and Some Recommendations - provides an extensiveexamination of the data gathered, significant conclusions, and recommendations

Chapter 4: Recommendations — proposes some useful suggestions for solvingthe problems

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8 Significance of the studyFor DigiMind Group, the research would review the factors that affect the

effectiveness of the company’s digital marketing activities, as well as the application

of digital marketing to promote DigiMind Group’s product—marketing services.Moreover, several recommendations would be proposed to achieve better digitalmarketing performance

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With a founding team of experts with many years of experience in the field ofMarketing, Digital Marketing, Digimind Group confidently cooperates withcustomers in overall marketing projects and strategic implementation

1.2 Vision — Missions — Core values


DigiMind is oriented to become an Agency with the capacity to advise on overallmarketing solutions and accompany the sustainable development of domestic andforeign businesses

MissionsDigimind Group was founded with 3 missions

First, consulting, implementing and accompanying in all aspects of branding, communication and marketing of the business.

Second, bringing overall quality and creative marketing campaigns

Third, elevating the brand, helps businesses grow and develop sustainably

Core valuesDigimind Group was founded by Mr The Anh with the aim to be different fromother marketing agencies in the market with its core values

Mindset first This means that Digimind will not only focus on doing performance marketing, bringing the number on paper for its clients, but also focus on how to do it correctly,

marketing it to the right people, bringing more sales to clients

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Not only innovation in technology use but also how to use existing tools to createbetter results

TransparencyPeople tell it like it is at Digimind Group There is no lie, there is nomanipulation, there are no sugarcoating things, and there is surely no speaking fromboth sides of our mouths What Digimind Group does is acknowledge that coworkersand clients are able to handle the truth, that they prefer raw facts, and that they valueand seek out transparency in all of their dealings

1.3 Corporate culturePeople at Digimind Group are conscious of the value of collaboration.Cooperation is a strategy for combining strengths, achieving breakthroughs, andboosting an organization's ability to grow constantly

Digimind Group recognizes the significance of creativity and views it as acrucial component of all company development efforts We encourage all employees

to work hard and collaborate on projects by setting up favorable conditions

Employees at Digimind Group are constantly encouraged and motivated to

advance their skills

The creation of compensation, justice, and transparency regimes is always

ensured by leaders, along with the safety of the workforce and their lives

Additionally, Animus personnel receive fair evaluations and respect.

1.4 Current problems

During the author’s internship, one of the major problems that can be seen is that

there are almost no clients reaching them because they have seen DigiMind Group’sFacebook fanpage or website Every contract that was signed during the author’s

working time is from the connection of the CEO or the Board of Directors (BOD).The author has participated in the company’s general training, which is an activity

that allows employees to know about other departments’ flow of work and what needs

to be done in a campaign Unfortunately, for the sales team, the words the author heard

a lot from the head of the department are “I have worked with this person” and “I’mvery close with the person in charge” Of course, this is not entirely bad, but the

dependency on personal relationships without attracting new customers is not healthyfor a business

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Another problem is the performance of DigiMind's fanpage It only has 581followers at the moment of writing and the engagement for each post is extremelypoor Almost no reactions except for DigiMind’s employees and rarely have acomment under the post Interviewing the former content executive, Ms Diep Le, shestated that: “There are 2 factors that affect the post engagement, one is paid second isthrough having the trending content However, the company is not using paid methodsand the content is slightly on the educational side rather than following the current

trends on the Internet So, who is going to see and enjoy our ccontent” In reality, In

February and March when the Internet is going crazy for the AI tool, ChatGPT,DigiMind Group stayed out of that trend when only posting about the topic

“gamification” That was a waste of chance because there are not that many trendsthat a marketing agency can implement into its content without losing the educationalintention

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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWThis chapter reviews the definitions of marketing, digital marketing, and toolsused in digital marketing and discusses the related previous study for digitalmarketing utilization in the B2B market

2.1 Definition of marketingThe number of marketing definitions presented in literature has led to ambiguityabout what marketing is for the general population This ambiguity came from the factthat in each generation, there were many new definitions that were born since scholarsdesired to conceptualize this abstract topic Over the last century, human society hasexperienced a drastic change in both the world we live in and how we live due to rapidtechnological development and as a result, marketing also undergoes radical changesthat require modifications in the definition

Due to a lack of scope and a focus on performance in the early stages, the idea

of marketing seemed to be still ambiguous Rogers described marketing as a socialactivity that involves the interaction in trading value between two entities, such as an

enterprise, company, school, social club, hospital, or the external environment, in

1963 Roger's definition may be successful in addressing a social/environmental issueand highlighting the non-commercial organizations engaged in marketing activities,

but it is likely to fall short in illuminating the nature of the customer and only

emphasize one party: the marketer Moreover, it seems that the definition has aweakness in that it appears to overlook the administrative parts of marketing, whichare crucial to marketing However, when defining marketing as the research activitiesrelated to customer behaviors like analyzing, organizing, planning, and controlling tomake a profit by satisfying their needs and wants, Kotler (1967) seemed to place moreemphasis on individual engagement in marketing activities, which may differ fromRoger's definition which pertained to the exchange value among parties and theirrelationship A marketing strategy, according to Eldridge (1970), is a combination ofmany actions aimed at increasing sales volumes, such as identifying client needs,arousing their desire, and meeting their demands In addition, Star, Davis, Lovelock,and Shapiro attempted to further extend the marketing strategy in 1977 by bringingthese advertising strategies to a new level in an effort to show that it was a "process"

as opposed to a collection of actions, per Eldridge The connection of transferringvalue between producers and customers, which may be regarded as the core of any


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marketing term, is ignored in these definitions, even though the profit-generatingdesign is heavily stressed in them (Cunningham, Cunningham & Swift, 1987) Thesedisadvantages appear to be lessened by the Mandell and Rosenberg (1981) definition,which stated that marketing is an exchange with both manufacturers and consumers

in which the manufacturer offers their goods and services with a range of benefits forconsumers like promotion, distribution, and price to satisfy their requests and needs

It may be argued that their definition may effectively broaden the term's bounds byincluding two general identities (producer and customer) and their interaction inmarketing Also, it seems to make clear what the producers would provide in terms ofproduct, service, advertising, distribution, and pricing to meet the desires andrequirements of the client, laying the groundwork for additional insights intosubsequent research

The idea of relationship marketing has evolved steadily over the last severalyears One interesting description was that manufacturers were expected to firstdiscover and clarify consumer desires before deploying their firms’ assets and

resources to create a mutually advantageous exchange relationship that both sides

benefit from (Baker, 1991) The importance of both sides' involvement in sustaining

long-term mutual benefit may be effectively highlighted by Baker's definition, which

is regarded as a thorough and impartial definition Also, Baker's idea seems to express

the management thinking process effectively by outlining particular marketing phases beginning with identification, continuing with resource/finance allocation, and

concluding with objective attainment (exchange relationships) According toWebster's definition (1992), which supports this, the development of customerrelations may be seen as the business's key asset, and marketing will serve as aneffective means of delivering greater value to encourage long-term relationships withconsumers This definition acknowledged both the philosophical and managerialaspects of this statement However, his use of the term "superior value" may alsoconvey a feeling of market competition While "higher value," which may be seen as

a generic and abstract word, was likely to be taken into consideration, the overallscope does not seem to be complete since it was not likely to take particular strategies

to solidify customer relations into account

The concept of marketing’s reach expanded in the 2000s According to Shultz

(2007), marketing was seen as a way to engage customers in a positive way and as a


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variety of processes for providing value to clients and controlling client and socialinteractions in ways that are profitable for clients and shareholders on a local, national,and international scale One of the most important developments in theconceptualization of marketing can be observed in how Shultz's thinking linkedmarketing with other business entity advantages, according to Reynolds, (2007: 199).Kotler and his colleagues (2009), in contrast to Schultz, were more inclined toemphasize the importance of trade between people and groups, which they used to

In the next few years, Kolter (2012) said marketing would also need to assessthe size of the recognized market and its potential profitability This is in addition todetecting consumers’ requirements, desires, and expectations Marketing is the act ofcreating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging solutions that are beneficial toclients, consumers, partners, and society at large, according to The AmericanMarketing Association (2017) It can be argued that these definitions effectivelyaddressed the marketing goal, such as determining the needs of consumers, as well asits importance to other corporate entities' interests, such as clients, customers,partners, and society

2.2 Definition of Digital MarketingThe use of the Internet and other digital tools for marketing is known as digitalmarketing Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2012) described it as the use of the internetand other associated digital technologies with traditional communications to fulfilladvertising objectives Digital technologies include things like tablets, smartphones,and computers (laptops and desktops) Web or online advertising, mobile advertising,social media marketing, maintaining a company's online presence, email marketing,and working with other websites are all included in the broad category of marketing

known as "digital marketing," which utilizes technology in one way or another.

Moreover, Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick (2012) highlighted three primary mediachannel types that marketers should focus on when developing a digital marketingstrategy and influencing potential clients online Owned, earned, and paid media are


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these three categories They assert that owned media, which includes websites, blogs,and social media presence, is content that is controlled by an organization's brand;earned media, on the other hand, consists of publisher editorial, influencer outreach,and word-of-mouth; and paid media, on the other hand, includes paid search, displayads, and affiliate marketing

Many scholars often use two terms “digital marketing” and “online marketing”interchangeably, which is a misconception This is due to the fact that whereas onlinemarketing is only the use of the Internet to offer information and give value to clients,digital marketing refers to all marketing activity taking place on technical devices Itimplies that online marketing, often known as Internet marketing, is only seen as asubset of digital marketing Because of this, it would be a fatal mistake for manymarketers to use these two phrases synonymously

2.3 Advantages of Digital Marketing

Utilizing digital marketing enables businesses to create strong connections withtheir consumers, be more sensitive to their demands and understandings, and be

flexible and adaptive to changes in the external environment The following essentialadvantages of this technique of marketing support all of this (Veleva, 2020):

2.3.1 High degree of interactivity

Digital marketing makes it possible to communicate with customers, making it

more receptive to their understanding and expectations for information seeking and

receiving A dynamic environment, changing space, specialized navigation based on

user choices, dynamic design, usage of top-level special computer code, mobiletechnologies, and ongoing innovation are all made possible by interactivecommunication Depending on his or her abilities, the information that has beenacquired in the system, and knowledge about his or her hobbies and orientation, thingschange with each visit This thus makes it possible to draw and hold the attention ofcustomers through a variety of unique and unusual methods

2.3.2 High degree of measurability

Results from traditional advertising campaigns are frequently ambiguous andinaccurate, making It is difficult to assess whether funds were utilized efficiently Incontrast, results from digital campaigns can be quickly and precisely measured usingexisting statistical tools They provide advertisers with the ability to monitor, analyze,and create profiles of customer behavior


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2.3.3 High degree of personalizationBased on the algorithms and AT used on digital channels like social networkingsites and websites, the user experience will alter Businesses may particularly designdisplays for these clients, placing what could be their favorite goods at the front of thewebsites, by learning about their preferences, interests, and orientation using intricatecomputer code and cutting-edge technology systems As a result, it is believed thatusing digital marketing to draw in customers and increase their satisfaction is one ofthe greatest strategies

2.3.4 Increasing customer convenienceWith the aid of digital platforms, consumers may get far better and more in-depth information about goods and services that interest them, purchase those goodsand services from the comfort of their homes, and save time

2.3.5 Promoting user involvement and communication

Users are able to ask questions and obtain the answers they want instantly thanks

to a variety of channels, including social networks, online apps, and websites As a

result, businesses may interact directly with their actual and future clients, foster

relationships, and get feedback on the goods and services they provide (Krasnov A,Chargaziya G, Griffith R, and Draganov M, 2018)

2.3.6 Requiring less initial investment

As using various digital technologies for marketing operations involves lesscapital outlay than using conventional channels, digital marketing is more profitable

2.3.7 Appropriate for small and medium-sized businesses as well as


We can conclude that digital marketing is ideal for new and small businessessince it offers a high level of efficiency for relatively little expenditure, thanks to allthe benefits stated above

2.4 Digital Marketing Tools:

There are several methods that marketers use to make use of the full potential ofdigital marketing in order to draw in more consumers (Bala, Vema, 2018)

2.4.1 SEM and SEOThe two phrases that marketers should pay close attention to in the digital worldare SEO and SEM This is due to the fact that consumers now often search forinformation about desired items using a variety of keywords and read through multiple


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reviews (Internet 3, 2010) The requirement to have a business’ website or advertisingrank first in any search engine system arises from the fact that search engines willplay a significant part in easing the process of accessing the items that a companyoffers

In a nutshell, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), according to Nursel (2010), isthe process of pushing a website and digital content to the top of search results onGoogle, Bing, or other search engines whenever users look for information on goodsand services With SEO, unlike other paid search advertising, marketers must employtheir own specialists in order for their website to show up at the top of the resultspages To be more precise, they would need to study keywords and organically includethem in digital content as this is what mostly determines how well-positioned awebsite would be in search results Including some helpful backlinks is also necessary

to boost content quality and provide a seamless user experience (UX) in digital media,which may aid Google, Bing, or other search engines in swiftly determining therelevancy and positioning websites at the top of results Since more people are using

their phones to do product searches, SEO may be seen as a key instrument in the wholemarketing ecosystem for growing a brand's online traffic One may argue thatimproved user experience and better search engine rankings would help advertisers

enhance customer conversion rates, which would result in increased revenue

In essence, SEO and SEM are pretty similar since they both relate to techniques

for pushing digital material to the top of search engine results pages While SEO does

not charge any money to prioritize a website, search engines in SEM, like Google,need to be paid in order to show advertisements in the search results Customers willtherefore see adverts for certain items at the top of search results while lookingthrough various online product information SEM is therefore often used by manybusinesses with ample financial resources due to their success in giving theirmarketing preference over others in search engines SEM marketers must stilldetermine the keywords that consumers often use and organically include those termsinto their digital content

2.4.2 Email Marketing

Email marketing refers to direct marketing and digital marketing strategies thatuse emails or commercial communications to promote the products and services thatbusinesses provide (Bala, 2018) Email marketing may be a beneficial tool for


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updating clients on the newest products and offers by integrating them into marketingautomation activities Email marketing is thus seen to be a crucial component of acomprehensive marketing plan with the goals of raising brand recognition, preservingconnections with significant clients, and keeping them active in transactions.Marketers may keep email lists segregated based on a variety of factors, such ascustomer preferences and purchase patterns, with the use of email marketing software.But, in order to avoid being classified as spam because they may be too generic to beviewed as emails, marketers must send personalized emails that foster trust

2.4.3 Social media marketingAccording to Adam Hayes (2022), The utilization of social networking sites—aplatform that people utilize to expand their social networks and share theirexperiences—into branding, sales promotion, and website traffic development is whatsocial media marketing (SMM) is defined as In order to drive more customers to yourwebsites or increase the urge to make purchases, marketers may especially provideenticing content in the form of video status updates, or competitions Yet, as users

may have to sift through a variety of advertisements and information on social media

sites, which might result in their ignorance of uninteresting content, it would be

important for the content to be plentiful and remarkable Companies need to learnmore about how social media is used in order to draw in more customers from these

fascinating platforms.

2.4.4 Digital Displays Advertising

Digital display advertising is essentially the use of visual elements like images,banners, and billboards to advertise a product or service on digital platforms(Chiradeep BasuMallick, 2021) Due to the fact that digital display advertising isvisual-driven, it would be considered effective in reaching and acquiring numerouscustomers It's also obvious that these eye-catching advertisements are often placed inthe sidebars of websites and social media platforms, catching users' attention and

luring them to click on them In order to stand out digitally and connect with their

potential customers, the vast majority of effective display advertising campaignsseamlessly combine images, text, gifs, and videos While digital display ads areeffective and readily accessible, it is obvious that the cost is going to be relativelyhigh, therefore marketers should take this into account


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2.4.5 Interactive MarketingMarketers would refer to interactive marketing as a customer-centric strategywith the development of activities to engage prospective consumers in dialogue withthe firms (Bala, 2018) This marketing style would pique consumers' attention because

it gives them the impression that they can interact with companies to personalize theirshopping experiences This is quite different from conventional marketing whenconsumers are more likely to be inundated with marketing messages Also, successfulmarketing has been interactive According to a survey by ExpoTV.com, 89% ofrespondents had a propensity to become devoted consumers if they were asked forfeedback on services and goods However, 55% of respondents preferred to contactcompanies Also, this kind of marketing often takes the shape of films, tests, polls,surveys, and personalized emails While people prefer text "interaction" with brandsover traditional one-way marketing streams, it can be claimed that interactivemarketing will be vital in the current digital marketing age

2.4.6 Viral Marketing

In terms of viral marketing, "viral" refers to anything that swiftly spreads amongthe audience and becomes popular owing to its creativity Hence, viral marketing may

be characterized as a marketing approach that incorporates compelling content that,

as a result of its originality, spreads extensively on internet platforms (Julia Kagan,2022) Despite the fact that viral marketing started with traditional word-of-mouthpromotion, it can be claimed that social media has provided the optimal setting for it

This kind of marketing may be regarded as one of the most successful techniques to

build brand recognition and boost customer traffic for the company Often, it is simple

to notice that viral marketing happens in a variety of styles, including memes, statusupdates, videos, and quotations Nowadays, more and more businesses are

incorporating viral marketing into their marketing strategies since it is not only

cost-effective but also has the potential to have longer-lasting effects on consumers than

conventional advertising (Howard, 2005).

2.4.7 Affiliate Marketing

In order to increase traffic and sales for companies, affiliate marketing is aperformance-based program that makes use of outside publishers to promote goodsand services on social media (Jake, 2022) Third-party publications are treated asaffiliates in this process and are compensated with what is known as a commission


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fee as an inducement to discover methods to advertise the business To be moreprecise, the affiliate might use a range of strategies, such as banner advertisements,text ads, or product links tied to their own videos or website, to draw in prospectivebuyers When an affiliate maintains additional websites, email lists, or social fanpage,the size of its network expands, allowing the business to reach and attract moreconsumers, marketers may choose affiliates that own several websites, emailmarketing lists, or social fanpage with a significant following Affiliate marketingmay be a helpful tool for companies in the digital era to increase traffic to and respond

to their websites and goods, particularly for start-ups Affiliate marketing might also

be helpful to an online business looking to reach additional consumers Several commerce sites, including Amazon, TikTok, Lazada, and Shopee, have createdaffiliate marketing programs that allow websites and bloggers to add links forproducts they have reviewed or discussed in order to make money from advertisingwhen a transaction is made It may be claimed that the Internet has helped increasethe prevalence of affiliate marketing

e-2.5 Previous study and framework:

Even though it has been characterized in a variety of ways by several academics,

developing a framework specific to digital marketing would be problematic In light

of the ubiquity of the customer-centric approach, popular models like the 4Ps:Product, Price, Place, and Promotion or the 7Ps: Product, Price, Place, People,Process, and Physical Proof seem to be inappropriate (Booms et.al, 1981).Additionally, as technology and the Internet advance, customers' roles in marketingactivities will become more and more crucial due to their increased control over theirpurchasing decisions and greater influence over others' choices This makes theseframeworks unsuitable for evaluating digital marketing, where customers may need

to be included at the very beginning of the marketing process

The Lauterborn-illustrated 4Cs made a major contribution to the development

of digital marketing evaluation (1990) More specifically, the conventional 4Ps werereplaced with a strategy that was more focused on the demands of the consumer:Product became the desires and needs of the customer, Pricing became Cost, Placebecame Convenience, and Promotion became Communication Moreover, the DigitalMarketing Framework (Kierzkowski, 1996) is expected to put focus on consumerorientation via the employment of five crucial components: user attraction, user


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engagement, user interest provocation, user retention, and user informationacquisition

Although the previous models may be extensively used to evaluate digitalmarketing, some academics may seek to develop more sophisticated frameworks,which might lead to the suggestion of many models relevant to a certain industry, such

as e-commerce Each model lists the following characteristics that influence eachdigital marketing component:

Table 2: Previous studies on frameworks

7Cs Framework | Five key factors that|E-commerce |Jaworski and

contribute to the success of a Rayport (2000)digital platform: content,

community, customization,connection, and commerce

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currency, relevance,personalization, navigability,

and security

Convention Hasley, J P., &

and Visitro | Gregg, D G




and| Tsai, W H.,

Chou, W C., &Leu, J D (2011


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Cube Assessment | There are seven important | Internet

There are several key factors

that contribute to the overallappeal of a website These

include the look and feel ofthe website, the quality of its

content, the ease of

navigation, its credentials,

and the ability for


In addition to these factors,the marketing mix also plays

a critical role in the success of

a digital platform Themarketing mix consists ofeight key elements: product,price, place, promotion,process, people, physical

There are several importantfactors that contribute to thesuccess of a digital platform,including usability, visualaspects, technical adequacy,

Cebi, S (2013)


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security, communication, andprestige

AIDA Model | Metrics such as the number of | Tourism Prathapan,

using mechanical | visitors, unique visitors, (2018)

statistics average duration of visit,

bounce rate, most visitedpages, and click-through ratecan be used to measure theeffectiveness of a _ digital

interest, desire, and action

The 4Ps + P2C2S3 Model would be one of the key frameworks (Kalyanam et

al, 2002) To be more precise, the 4Ps still included elements like Product, Price,

Place, and Promotion, but they also added a number of new ones, such as Privacy,

Personalization, Customer Service, Community, Site, Security, and Sales Promotion,

to better illustrate the various dimensions of the digital environment Salam Abdallah(2015) added to this by using the same techniques to assess e-marketing Theparadigm that he and his coworkers suggested combines basic aspects like Look &Feel, Content, Navigation, Credentials, and Customization with Marketing MixFactors like Product, Pricing, Location, Promotion, Process, People, Physical

Evidence, and Partnerships.

There were also other frameworks that were only concerned with identifying

variables that affected webpages For instance, the success of online shopping sites

was evaluated using the SITEQUAL (Yoo et al., 2001) model, which has four primarycomponents: usability, aesthetic design, processing speed, and security While thisapproach is acceptable to be helpful in evaluating online services, it seems to placetoo much emphasis on the website interface and ignore the element of consumercontact with one another Website Information Content Survey Framework (Hasley,2010) only covered technical website characteristics including TechnologicalFunctionality, Customer Friendliness and Usability, Destination Marketing, andInformative content These issues are shared by all of these issues To address theseissues, Hansen and his colleagues (2013) and Cebi (2013) used examples of customer


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interaction or communication, such as the Cube Assessment Framework'sCommunity, Communication, and Collaboration component or the QualityEvaluation Model's Communication component On the contrary hand, it may beargued that Tsai et al (2011) and Salam's models are two comprehensive models fordetermining the effectiveness of E-Marketing websites This is so that the technicalfeatures of websites could be easily represented, and the Marketing Mix componentscould be merged to show how consumers interacted with the websites

It is clear that there are several frameworks and tools for evaluating the success

of digital marketing in a business, each of which represents a distinct set of factorswith a focus on website performance or a focus on the various elements of digitalmarketing as a whole Nevertheless, the study decided to combine AIDA models todepict the mechanical data such as Bounce rate, Click through rate, conversion, Costper Acquisition, The number of responses on social media, and the number of userswith two models in order to analyze the digital marketing in DigiMind Group morethoroughly To gauge how clients feel about the marketing services offered byDigiMind Group, an evaluation framework for e-marketing was developed along with

an effective evaluation model AIDA models and Generic Digital Marketing Elements

will comprise the framework's two primary sections It will have minor components

in each dimension, such as the users' experience, which combines the look and feel,Website quality elements from these two models, content elements derived fromrelevance and content, credibility, security, and credentials elements, a responsivenessand customization element derived from personalization and customization, andaccessibility elements derived from navigation and navigability The researcher usesthe AIDA Model's similar elements but also adds a few aspects to make it moreappropriate for the study:


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Figure I: Frameworks on factors affecting digital marketing utilization in

providing marketing service at DigiMind Group

In each dimension, there will be several components:

Table 3: Description of each dimension

General digital marketing factors

User’s experience Aesthetic appeal and visual quality


Ngày đăng: 19/06/2024, 10:43

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Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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