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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: A study on the efficiency of online translation tools in translating Vietnamese-English political terminology in Vietnamese newspapers

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Hanoi, April, 2023

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I would like to convey my profound gratitude to Mrs Dinh Thi Kim Chung, whoserved as my thesis supervisor, for her exceptional guidance, support, andencouragement throughout my research Her profound expertise and insightfulfeedback were crucial in shaping this thesis I am immensely grateful for herdedication, as she went beyond expectations to offer detailed feedback, refine myresearch questions, and guide me through challenging sections of the paper Hermentorship had a profound impact on both my personal and academic growth,which motivated me to pursue further research opportunities and develop mycritical thinking skills.

Furthermore, I am grateful for the companionship and support of my friends, whowere always present to provide emotional support, motivation, and valuablefeedback Their unwavering encouragement and companionship significantlycontributed to making this journey more enjoyable and rewarding My friends werereliable and always available to be a sounding board for my ideas, which greatlyassisted in keeping me motivated and inspired throughout the ups and downs ofthe research process.

Lastly, I am thankful to the faculty members of the Foreign Language Departmentof National Economics University for providing me with an exceptional academic

environment Their passion for teaching and research has been a source of constantinspiration, assisting me in developing analytical skills essential for this work The

faculty members of my department were supportive and made available resources,workshops, and guidance, which were helpful during my research process Iappreciate the knowledge and expertise they shared with me, which will impactmy personal and professional growth in the future.

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This thesis aims to investigate the effectiveness of online translation tools intranslating Vietnamese-English political terminology found in Vietnamesenewspapers The study delves into the performance of these tools, identifiesprevalent errors made during the translation process, and proposes

recommendations for optimizing their application in the translation of political

The research scrutinizes a sample of 30 articles from three Vietnamese newspaperspublished in the first quarter of 2023, placing particular emphasis on translatingpolitical terms from Vietnamese to English Four online translation tools areassessed in this study, namely Google Translate, Bing Microsoft Translator,Vikitranslator, and Nice Translator The methodology employed in this researchinvolves translating the selected articles using these tools, comparing the resultswith standard translations provided by the newspapers, and systematicallyanalyzing the errors to evaluate each tool's accuracy and effectiveness.

The findings reveal common error types, including lexical, semantic, stylistic,grammatical, and cultural errors, and their distribution among the four translation

tools The accuracy rates of the translation tools range between 81% and 83%,highlighting areas for improvement The results offer valuable insights into theperformance of these online translation tools and their potential use in translatingVietnamese-English political terms in Vietnamese newspapers The study alsoprovides recommendations for enhancing the use of online translation tools,combining human expertise with machine translation, and suggesting areas for thedevelopment of translation tools.

Although the thesis makes significant contributions to the field, it also recognizesthe shortcomings of the present study, such as small sample size, the focus on asingle language pair, and the exclusive evaluation of four translation tools As aresult, the study encourages future research to address these limitations and furtherexpand the understanding of the efficiency of online translation tools in translatingpolitical terms in various language pairs and contexts In summary, this thesis

offers a comprehensive analysis of the efficiency and limitations of onlinetranslation tools in translating Vietnamese-English political terms in Vietnamesenewspapers, contributing to the rapidly evolving field of machine translation.

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1 TL: Target Language

2 SL: Source Language3 ST: Source Text

MT: Machine Translation

RBMT: Rule-based Machine Translation

SMT: Statistical Machine Translation NMT: Neural Machine Translation

oN DH œ + No.: Number

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No The title of table

31 Vietnamese-English Political Term Translations from 30 Vietnamese| articles

3.2 | Frequency of 5 error types in 30 Vietnamese articles

3.3 | Comparison of errors and accuracy rates for translation tools


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3.1 The proportion of 5 error types

3.2 Example of the semantic error3.3 Example of the lexical error

3.4 Example of the stylistic error

3.5 Example of the grammatical error3.6 Example of the cultural error

3.7 Distribution of error types across translation tools

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTT c s55 5s ng 010010 04 000 iEXECUTIVE SUMMA RYY 0 << s HH 0900 iiLIST OF ABBREVIA THONN << HH HO HH HH 040800 150 HiLIST OF TABLES - <5 << < 5< << HH In n0 0 g0 g0 ivLIST OF FIGURES 5 <5 < 5 HH 0000968906 YTABLE OF CONTTIEN TỀ - 5-5 <9 0.0 i0 000800040.010 08006 iCHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION - S5 <5 SH H0 g0 9 g0 1

1.1 ĐafÏOInaÌC o <5 5 5 5 5 9 9.990 0 0.00090000090009 6004 00 11.2 Objectives of the SÍUyy o G65 6 99 9 99969969889496889666968966 21.3 Research QU€SẨÏOINS 7G G5 5 9 9.01 9.0 000 096668408886 21.4 Scope of the SÍUY 5-55 <5 9 9 TH c0 000000 090608906886 21.5 Methodology <6 6 <5 9 99.9 9.894 80094.0809689840088948894866908966 31.6 Structure Of the Study 0 G55 6 <1 99 99.899 89938896898968 856 5CHAPTER IT: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORRK o- se Ss<Ss<ese 62.1 TrannSÏAfÏOTA 5 <5 << 5 TT 0.00000000000881 86 62.1.1 Definition of frannsÌÏ2afÏOH -s-<5-< 5< 5< se 1S 2 190856856566 62.1.2 Types of translation - << G5 6 99 9 9 989996889598890688956 72.1.3 Translation methods œ5 <5 5< 55s s9 E95 195.856.5856 55 82.1.4 Translation ©FTOFFS s <5 <5 5< 6< 9 99.9 0900900 0900050 009089808 GrAMMALICAL CLOTS c co 0 0999 9 3 009689696 SEMANTIC Cố PCCvrVrrvrnTrnnpnDnDˆ L@XICAL TIFFOITS << << KG KH 0868080080086 856 12PP m6 n6, 16 ne CHỈẨEHTÏ ©FTOTS c << < 0.9 9 0 000060906 142.2 Political terminology do << <5 99 99 93 95898699888568 896 142.2.1 Definition of political terminOÌÏÒV o<- «5< ssses sssssssss 14

2.2.2 The characteristics of political terminology «- 16

2.2.3 The importance of political terminoÌÒy «se ««ses« 172.2.4 The difficulties of political terminology translation 18

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2.3 Online translation tools << G556 S55 565 6559899589565 896 192.3.1 Definition and growth of online translation tools 192.3.2 Disadvantages of online translation tools < s<««<« 202.3.3 Some popular online translation f0O0ÌS -s- 5= s=<< «se 21

VI NNC J0 N75 nh e Bing Microsoft Translator eo G<SĂ 635 E955589655656596 VIKHÍTGT-SÏ(fOF c0 << 5 9 9.9 996 098880.08840888408 896 Nice TTH1SÏÍOF c <5 <5 9 0 mg 0600996 242.4 Previous related r€S€arC: o5 5 5S 9 99.90.0608 689565896 252.5 SUMIMALY 1 e 26CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND ANALYSTIS Go S5 195B 26

3.1 Common errors made by online translation tools in translating

Vietnamese political terms in newspapers to English 283.1.1 IFÏTICÏTIES 0 G5 S9 9 0.00000000000004 680406896 283.1.I.I SGIHQHÍÍC CLOT co G G 9 9 9 0009.000096 8040800408 896 L@XiCAL @TTFOF co << 5< < 9 9.06 0916006840880 896 30KP" n5 .nẽnee 313.1.1.4 GraMMatical ©FTOI << SH TH mg 060906 31KP Nôs8, nan ee 323.1.2 DISCUSSIONS 70G G5 S9 Ọ ọ Họ 00009100 333.2 Degree of accuracy of online translation tools when translating

Vietnamese-English political terms in Vietnamese newspapers 353.2.1 EÏTÏTĐS 0 G5 G5 9 9 Họ 9 0 0000094 00 353.2.2 DISCUSSIONS o 0G 0 ọ Ọ cọ cọ in 000004 00 373.3 SUININALFV Go G55 6 9 9 999 99.9894.9900 0004 80004.080968904008904.08896 38CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDA TIONS Go 0009658 394.1 Improving the use of online translation (0oÌS <- s« 394.2 Combining human expertise with machine translation 404.3 Suggesting for the development of translation tooÌs 42CHAPTER 5: CONCLUUSIONN o0 G00 cọ nọ in 000900 44REFERENCES 0G G0 Họ cọ cọ ọ 0 TT 00 0.000 009080906APPENDIX H 0 (G5 sọ cọ TH THỌ 000.000.0000 008000APPENDIX 2 d G9 9.9 09 0.1809.


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1.1 Rationale

It is evident that English has become the most commonly used language worldwideand plays a crucial role in various fields, including economics, politics, and society.As aresult, the translation of this universal language serves as a crucial link for thecommunication of ideas and the improvement of mutual understanding amongnations, peoples, and cultures Only when mutual understanding is achieved mostcomprehensively, trust between countries can be guaranteed as well as exchangesand cooperation can take place quickly and conveniently.

In the context of current global integration, Vietnam, through accessing foreignnews sources, can absorb the quintessence of developed countries in all fields.Another issue that needs to be prioritized concurrently is developing trustworthy

information sources that enable foreigners to comprehend the situation in the

nation There is no doubt that the newspaper is the optimal means to help achieve

these two goals because of its wide accessibility to all audiences Since then, thepromotion of translation on newspapers from Vietnamese into English — a globallanguage, will play a positive role on efforts to increase worldwide awareness ofVietnam.

Being knowledgeable about politics helps one to get a deep understanding of anation because politics is a significant aspect of the existence and development of

acountry, its people, and all mankind However, politics is still a challenging fieldfor translators due to its complexity and abstraction Currently, politicaltranslations are often more limited than other fields in terms of both quantity andquality This gives political translators more career opportunities and researchrelated to translation in this field will be more valuable and applicable.

Also, with the advancement of modern scientific technology, it is understandablewhy there are increasing numbers of designs and apps that use artificialintelligence to make tasks easier to do Online translation tools with varyingdegrees of quality and efficiency are becoming more and more prevalent in thetranslation field These tools are expected by creators to reduce the workload fortranslators or even replace humans However, regarding the challenges that

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translators confront when it comes to political translation, whether these tools canreplace humans is still a matter of ambiguity.

These factors played a significant role in shaping the researcher's decision toinvestigate the topic "A study on the efficiency of online translation tools intranslating Vietnamese-English political terminology in Vietnamese newspapers”with the purpose of evaluating the efficiency of online translation tools versusexpert translators when translating political terms, and it serves as a reference forfuture studies with related topics.

1.2 Objectives of the study

The study intends to analyze the accuracy of online translation tools whentranslating Vietnamese-English political terms in Vietnamese newspapers Basedon data and research findings, it lists frequent political terminology errors byinternet translation tools, then assess the efficiency of these tools as well as provideinsights into the use of these tools in Vietnamese-English political translation.

1.3 Research questions

The purpose of this study is to address the following questions:

Question 1: What are the common errors made by online translation tools intranslating Vietnamese political terms in newspapers to English?

Question 2: To what extent are online translation tools accurate when translating

Vietnamese political terms in Vietnamese newspapers to English?

Question 3: What recommendations can be proposed for utilizing these tools for

translating Vietnamese-English political terms in Vietnamese newspapers?

1.4 Scope of the study

This study has a primary focus on assessing the performance of commonly usedonline translation tools in the translation of Vietnamese political terms to Englishas found in Vietnamese newspapers This choice is based on two key reasons.Firstly, political documents can be sourced from various mediums such as books,

newspapers, and official websites of state agencies in multiple languages However,newspapers are the most widely available and easily accessible source Secondly,

although there are many English learners and translators who make mistakes when

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translating from Vietnamese to English and vice versa, this study prioritizes

analyzing political terms from Vietnamese to English due to the limitations of time

and scale To conduct the study, the researcher plans to select 30 articles from 3Vietnamese newspapers specializing in politics during the first 3 months of 2023(the period that provides up-to-date and relevant information on the currentpolitical situation in Vietnam).

1.5 Methodology

To address the research questions, the study uses some of the followingmethodologies:

Data collection

A data gathering activity involves collecting 30 political documents written in

Vietnamese in newspapers The researcher selects 3 well-known bilingual ormultilingual Vietnamese online newspapers:

- Bao điện tử Chính phủ (Government News)- Bao Viét Nam+ (VietnamPlus News)

- _ Báo Quân đội nhân dân (People’s Army News)

The 3 criteria are considered in selecting the above 3 Vietnamese newspapers toguarantee the study's validity and reliability:

- Verified official websites

These sources are deemed credible due to their affiliation with the government and

related agencies, indicating their trustworthiness and accuracy As these sourceshave been verified or validated, readers can trust the accuracy of the informationpresented.

- Reliable political knowledge and expertise.

These sources offer dependable information and expertise in politics, as well ashave high editorial standards They provide well-written articles that accuratelyrepresent the political terms used in Vietnam They are also newspapers that

prioritize political news and analysis as well as have a dedicated section for such

- Publicized on the Internet for everyone

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These sources have gained a considerable following and are widely circulated,making them accessible to a broad audience In other words, they have beenextensively consumed and have had a significant impact on shaping public

The researcher selects these tools for the research based on 3 criteria related to

their characteristics and features:

- Popularity:

Google Translate and Bing Microsoft Translator are widely recognized and have alarge user base Vikitranslator and Nice Translator are also popular, but to aslightly lesser extent Also, all four tools are freely available online, making themeasily accessible to the general public.

- Accuracy:

These four tools are known for their accuracy in translating between Vietnamese

and English They use advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to

provide accurate translations, making them ideal for this study.- Varied features:

Each tool offers different features and translation options, allowing for a morecomprehensive evaluation of the efficiency of online translation tools Thisincludes the ability to translate individual words, phrases, and entire sentences, aswell as the option to choose between different languages and translation modes.

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be meticulously compared with the standard translations published in thenewspapers to identify and classify errors caused by the online translation tools.

To facilitate an in-depth understanding of the errors, the comparison results willbe presented in the form of tables, charts, or graphs Such visual aids will helpuncover any patterns or trends in the errors caused by the online tools Ultimately,the accuracy and effectiveness of the online tools will be assessed based on thefrequency and type of errors made, and their performance will be compared against

each other to draw conclusive remarks.

1.6 Structure of the study

Chapter 1: Introduction - provides the rationale, objectives, research questions,research scope, methodology, and structure of the study.

Chapter 2: Theoretical Framework - presents an overview of terminology,translation theory, online translation tools, and previous research related to theresearch topic.

Chapter 3: Findings and analysis - analyzes mistranslated political terms fromVietnamese to English by online translation tools, evaluates their efficiency using

Chapter 4: Recommendations - provides recommendations for more effective use

of online translation tools in political terminology translation.

Conclusion - summarizes the study's findings, highlights the study's limitations,and suggests areas for future research.

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2.1 Translation

2.1.1 Definition of translation

Translation is a multifaceted and broad concept that can be interpreted in differentways Scholars have described translation as the process of conveying meaningfrom one language to another (Newmark, 1988) Similarly, Nida and Taber (1969)define translation as “the process of reproducing in the receptor language theclosest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms ofmeaning and secondly in terms of style." In addition, Catford (1965) argues thattranslation comprises substituting a SL message with a message that has equivalent

meaning in the TL.

Translation plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between diverselanguages, cultures, and societies According to Venuti (1995), translation is an"act of cultural importation" that introduces foreign concepts and values into a

new context Furthermore, Pym (2010) describes translation as a "dialogue

between cultures," requiring translators to have a familiarity with both the sourceand target cultures Therefore, translation involves not only linguistic and culturaltransfer but also a complex interplay of social, political, and historical factors.

Translation is a complex process that requires various skills and competencies.

Gentzler (2001) argues that translation is both an art and a science that involves

creativity, intuition, and sensitivity, as well as linguistic and cultural knowledge.Similarly, Holmes (1972) emphasizes that translation is an act of communicationthat involves several operations, including reading, comprehension, analysis, andrewriting.

In conclusion, translation is a multifaceted and intricate process that necessitatesconveying meaning, maintaining style and tone, and bridging the gap between

cultures It demands a deep comprehension of both the source and target languagesand cultures, along with the ability to navigate the complexities of cross-linguisticand cross-cultural communication As Gentzler (2001) states, “translation is abridge that connects cultures and nations," and it is crucial for enhancing mutualunderstanding and communication in our increasingly globalized world.

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2.1.2 Types of translation

There are various types of translation, with each type having its distinct merits and

limitations, and serving particular purposes As Venuti (1995) states that theselection of the appropriate translation type is determined by the target audience,intended purpose, and linguistic and cultural distinctions between the source andtarget languages.

One type is literary translation which involves translating creative works such aspoetry, novels, and plays, and requires not only linguistic proficiency but alsocultural sensitivity and creativity According to Lefevere (1992), "the translator isnot only a reader, but also a writer." As a result, the translator is required to conveythe author's ideas while maintaining the original text's style, tone, and meaning.For instance, when translating a poem, the translator must not only comprehend

the literal meaning of the words but also have a deep understanding of the poet'suse of metaphors, allusions, and wordplay.

Another translation type is technical translation, which involves translatingspecialized documents like scientific papers, manuals, and patents Technicaltranslation calls for a high degree of precision and accuracy (Gambier & vanDoorslaer, 2016) since even little mistakes can have enormous repercussions.

Technical translators need to have a solid understanding of the subject matter, be

fluent in specific terminology, and be able to convey complex ideas in anunderstandable manner For instance, translating a medical handbook calls forknowledge of both medical practices and terminology in addition to medicalterminology.

The next type of translation that focuses on translating scientific papers, reports,and articles is known as scientific translation This type of translation requiresspecialized knowledge of the field, as well as the ability to convey complexscientific concepts in a clear and concise manner As noted by Nida and Taber(1982), scientific translation requires not only linguistic proficiency but also a

familiarity with the research methodology and scientific terminology For instance,

the translation of a scientific article on climate change necessitates not onlyfamiliarity with the relevant terminology but also an up-to-date knowledge of the

latest developments in the field.

Legal translation is another type of translation that involves the translation of legaldocuments such as contracts, agreements, and court documents Legal translation


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is a complex process that involves not only linguistic proficiency but also an depth understanding of legal terminology and the legal system According toSanchez-Gijén (2007), legal translation requires not only linguistic proficiency butalso "a deep knowledge of the legal context in both the source and target cultures"

in-in which the legal document was written One example is the translation of a

contract between parties in different countries, which requires a legal translator toprecisely translate legal terms and concepts while also having an understanding ofboth countries’ legal systems and cultural practices.

Overall, the types of translation discussed above - literary, technical, scientific, andlegal- all require different levels of expertise, ranging from linguistic proficiencyto cultural sensitivity and subject matter expertise Translators play a crucial rolein overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers and fostering understanding amongpeople and communities around the world, whether it be by accuratelycommunicating complex scientific concepts, accurately translating technicaldocuments or legal contracts, or conveying the nuances of a poet's language.

2.1.3 Translation methods

Translation methods play a crucial role in conveying meaning from one languageto another Although there are various methods of translation, this study focuseson the most common and relevant methods as well as providing examples intranslating Vietnamese to English.

Literal translation, also referred to as word-for-word translation, involvestranslating words and phrases directly from the SL to the TL without consideringthe context or cultural nuances This method can be useful in some technicalcontexts, it often leads to awkward or incorrect translations in other contexts wherecultural and contextual factors must be considered For example, in Vietnamese,the phrase "di dau" literally means "go where" One more example is theVietnamese expression "được cái ăn, được cái mac" which literally translates to"get to eat, get to wear," in English, but a more appropriate translation would be"have food and clothing."

Faithful translation, on the other hand, focuses on conveying the meaning and toneof the original text while staying true to the cultural and linguistic context In the

words of Snell-Hornby (1988), faithful translation as a translation that "captures

the meaning and intent of the original in such a way that it is not only accurate but

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also true to the spirit of the original." This approach is commonly applied in literarytranslation and demands comprehensive comprehension of both languages andcultures A wrong example of faithful translation would be translating theVietnamese idiom "ăn com trước kéng" as "eat rice before fence", which is aliteral translation that does not convey the intended meaning A more accurate andfaithful translation would be "jumping the gun" or "acting hastily”.

Free translation, also known as dynamic equivalence, involves interpreting the

meaning of the original text and conveying it in a way that is natural and idiomaticin the TL In other words, free translation is a method that prioritizes conveying

the meaning and essence of the ST, rather than a strict adherence to the words andstructure of the original text This method is often used for marketing or advertisingtranslations where the tone and style of the TL are more important than a literaltranslation Susan Bassnett (2014) explains that free translation is a method thatdepends on the translator's creativity and imagination Nevertheless, to performfree translation effectively, the translator needs to possess a comprehensivecomprehension of the languages and cultures involved, along with the skill to makejudicious stylistic and artistic decisions while preserving the original sense Let's

consider an original Vietnamese text: "Tôi đang uống tra nhai." A

word-for-word translation would be: ''T am drinking jasmine tea."" while a free translationwould be: "I am enjoying a cup of refreshing jasmine tea." In this case, thetranslator uses the phrase "enjoying a cup of refreshing jasmine tea" instead of the

more literal "drinking jasmine tea" to convey a sense of relaxation and pleasure

associated with the act of drinking tea.

Next, semantic translation focuses on the meaning of individual words and phrases,rather than on the literal translation of individual words and aims to convey the

exact meaning of the SL in the TL Semantic translation is commonly employedin technical or legal documents where precision and accuracy are critical Itnecessitates a thorough comprehension of the cultural and linguistic context ofboth languages, as well as the capacity to recognize and convey the intended

meaning of the ST For example, the original sentence in Vietnamese is "C6 Aykhông phải là người Vietnamese, nhưng cô ấy đã học tiếng Việt rất giỏi",

which can be translated using different methods The word-for-word translationwould be ''She is not Vietnamese, but she has learned Vietnamese very well."However, this translation may not accurately convey the intended meaning of thesentence In this case, the semantic translation would be "Although she is not


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Vietnamese, she is proficient in speaking Vietnamese." This translationaccurately captures the intended meaning of the original sentence and highlightsthe person's ability to speak Vietnamese fluently, despite not being a native speaker.

One more method of translation is adaptation translation which involves makingsignificant changes to the original text to suit the cultural and linguistic context ofthe TL According to Baker (2018), adaptation includes extracting the essence ofa text and modifying it to be appropriate for a distinct audience or medium Thismethod is often used for media or entertainment translations where the target

audience may not be familiar with the cultural references or linguistic style of the

SL An example of adaptation translation from Vietnamese to English is thepopular Vietnamese song "Em Gai Mua" by singer Hương Tram In the originalVietnamese lyrics, the phrase "em gai mua" literally translates to "rain sister",which may not make sense to an English-speaking audience In the adapted Englishversion of the song, the phrase is translated to "my rainy girl", which not onlyconveys the same idea but also sounds more natural in English The adaptationpreserves the essence and emotion of the original song while also making it more

accessible to a wider audience.

In summary, the selection of a suitable translation method is contingent uponvarious factors such as the intended readership, context, and objectives of thetranslation For a successful translation, it is imperative that the translator possessa profound understanding of the source and target languages, cultures, andsituations, in addition to the ability to determine the most effective translationmethod for each task As Catford (1965) notes, "Translation is not a matter of

words only: it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture."


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errors can occur due to a multitude of factors such as linguistic and culturaldifferences between the source and target languages, the complexity of the subjectmatter being translated, the proficiency of the translator, and the nature of thetranslation task The types of translation errors may vary based on the perspectivesof different researchers and the specific context of the translation task The listprovided below is not exhaustive and there may be other types of errors that havebeen identified by different researchers However, the types mentioned are some

of the most common and widely recognized errors in translation. Grammatical errors

Grammatical errors are one of the most common types of errors that occur duringthe translation process These errors are related to the use of grammar, includingverb tense, subject-verb agreement, word order, and other aspects of sentencestructure "Grammatical errors are perhaps the most serious type of error that canoccur in translation, as they can fundamentally alter the meaning of the original

text." - In Harjit Singh's book "Translation: An Advanced Resource Book"published in 2010, he wrote that grammatical errors in translation can be highly

significant as they have the potential to fundamentally change the intendedmeaning of the original text According to Al-Shawi, M S., & Al-Saffar, A A.

(2013), errors in grammar during translation can lead to unclear or ambiguousmeaning, and in some cases, even total "breakdown of communication" betweenthe author of the original text and the reader.

One of the reasons that grammatical errors are so common in translation is thatdifferent languages often have different rules and conventions regarding grammar.

For example, the original Vietnamese sentence "Tôi di hoc đến năm mười sáutudi" translates to "I went to school until I was sixteen years old" in English.

However, if the translation is done directly, without considering the appropriateverb tense, it could result in the grammatically incorrect sentence "I go to schooluntil sixteen years old'' This type of error can cause confusion andmisinterpretation of the intended meaning of the original sentence In this case, theuse of the present tense verb "go" instead of the past tense verb "went" is the

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can fundamentally alter the intended meaning of the original text According tolanguage expert Richard Nordquist, “semantic errors are like icebergs", they may

appear insignificant at first glance, but they can have significant consequences Inparticular, these errors involve the meaning of words and phrases and can result

from a variety of factors, such as differences in cultural context or inadequateunderstanding of the SL.

A translator who does not fully understand the nuances of the SL might translate aword or phrase too literally, resulting in an inaccurate or confusing translation In

translation, semantic errors are quite common and can have a significant impact

on the meaning of the original text As an example, let's consider the following

sentence in Vietnamese: "Tôi đang ăn một qua đào và cảm thấy rất ngon." A

direct translation of this sentence to English would be: ''I am eating a peach andfeel very delicious."" However, this translation is not semantically accurate as ituses the adjective "delicious" to describe the speaker's feeling, instead of the tasteof the peach The correct translation should be: ''I am eating a peach and it tastesvery good." This error could arise due to a lack of understanding of the specificconnotations of the Vietnamese word "ngon", which can refer to both the taste offood and the speaker's feeling of enjoyment To avoid semantic errors, translatorsshould be skilled at interpreting the meaning of the text, rather than simplytranslating individual words or phrases. Lexical errors

Lexical errors in translation occur when the translator selects incorrect words orphrases in the TL, leading to inaccuracies or confusion in the translated text Theseerrors can arise from a variety of factors, such as homonyms, polysemous words,or inadequate knowledge of the TL's vocabulary One common lexical error intranslation is the mistranslation of words with multiple meanings, which can result

in a loss of critical information or unintended changes in the message As linguist

Nida, E.A (1964) once said, "Translating consists of reproducing in the receptorlanguage the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message." Anotherfrequent lexical error in translation is the reliance on overly literal translations thatdisregard the idiomatic or contextual significance of the ST This can result inclumsy or illogical expressions that do not accurately communicate the intendedmeaning Moreover, lexical errors may also arise from the translator's insufficientknowledge of specialized terms, technical language, or colloquialisms, leading to

confusion or misinterpretation of the original text.


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Lexical errors in translation can significantly impact the quality andcomprehensibility of the translated text Let's consider an original Vietnamese

phrase: "Dirng dé bung", which could be literally translated in English as "Don't

keep it in your belly." This is a lexical error because the literal translation doesnot accurately convey the intended meaning of the Vietnamese idiom, whichmeans "Don't take it to heart" or "Don't be offended." A more appropriatetranslation would be: "Don't take it personally." Stylistic errors

Stylistic errors in translation occur when the translator fails to convey the originalmeaning and intent of the text in a clear and concise manner, resulting in a lack ofcoherence and flow in the TL These errors can be caused by a variety of factorssuch as differences in cultural context, language structure, and idiomaticexpressions One common stylistic error in translation is the literal translation of

idiomatic expressions This can result in awkward and confusing sentences that do

not accurately convey the intended meaning As linguist William Tyndale once

famously said, "The translator should be able to translate idioms like playing on

an instrument." Another common stylistic error in translation is the overuse oftechnical terminology or jargon that may not be familiar to the target audience.This can create a barrier to understanding and lead to a lack of engagement with

the text In addition, stylistic errors can also arise from the failure to adapt the textto the target culture This includes using inappropriate or offensive language, aswell as failing to account for differences in cultural values and norms.

Stylistic errors in translation can have a significant impact on the quality andeffectiveness of the translated text Let's consider an original Vietnamese text:

"Hay tự tin va mạnh mẽ dé vượt qua khó khan." could be literally translated in

English: ''Be confident and strong to overcome difficulties." It is a stylistic errorbecause the use of the phrase "to overcome difficulties" is generic and does notconvey the true meaning of the Vietnamese ST One Improved version would be:

"Be bold and resilient in overcoming challenges." which captures the intendedmeaning of the original text more effectively and provides a clearer and morecoherent message for the English-speaking audience It is important for translatorsto be aware of these errors and take steps to ensure that the final product is clear,

coherent, and culturally appropriate.


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Cultural errors occur when the translation fails to accurately convey the cultural

references or idiomatic expressions present in the ST In the context of politicallanguage, these errors can be especially troublesome, as they may cause confusionor incorrect interpretations of the cultural nuances present Pym (2014)underscores the significance of cultural competence in translation, asserting that

inadequate cultural comprehension can lead to translations that are not justimprecise, but also culturally unsuitable or potentially offensive A studyconducted by Newmark (1988) discovered that cultural errors posed some of thegreatest challenges in the translation of political texts, emphasizing the importanceof addressing these concerns when assessing the effectiveness of translation tools.Consider the following example The Vietnamese idiom "cai kim trong boc laungày cũng lòi ra" is often used to depict a significant scandal being revealed Anonline translation tool may provide a literal translation, such as "the needle in thebag will eventually come out", failing to capture the intended meaning of ''thetruth will eventually come out" or ''secrets will eventually be exposed"' In thiscase, the cultural error lies in the mistranslation of a culturally specific expression,which may lead to confusion or misinterpretation for English-speaking readers.

2.2 Political terminology

2.2.1 Definition of political terminology

In general, the process of invention and development of the terminology hasoccurred for a lengthy period This process began when scientists discoveredprimitive definitions and were not widely accepted until the perception of thisnotion was broadened and made every day of progress Terminology refers to a setof technical terms and concepts that are specific to a particular field or subject.Theodore Savory considered terms as "symbols" that are used to communicate a

specific quantity of "encoded information" that can only be comprehended bythose who have the “appropriate key or code" (Savory 1967, 21) As HenrikGottlieb (2016) notes, "Terminology is the foundation for knowledge andcommunication in any field of human activity." It is an essential aspect of

communication and plays a crucial role in ensuring accuracy, consistency, and

clarity in various domains such as science, law, medicine, engineering, and politics.Moreover, terminology can also vary depending on the cultural and linguistic


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context As Ana M Rojo and Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano (2013) explain,terminology cannot be seen as "a neutral and transparent linguistic code", butrather as a way of speaking and writing that reflects the social and cultural setting

in which it is used Therefore, understanding the cultural and linguistic context is

essential for effective terminology management and accurate translation.

Considering political terminology, political terminology refers to the language,

jargon, and vocabulary used in political discourse, including terms that describepolitical institutions, ideologies, policies, and actions It encompasses a wide rangeof concepts and ideas that are fundamental to political science and politicalcommunication To say that political terminology is simply a list of words andphrases would be an oversimplification According to Savigny and Marsden(2017), it is more accurate to view political terminology as a reflection of thepolitical ideologies, interests, and power dynamics that influence politicaldiscourse In other words, the terminology used to describe political events andpolicies reveals the underlying values and beliefs that shape political behavior anddecision-making Furthermore, they point out that the meaning and importance ofpolitical terminology can change depending on the context and viewpoint of theuser, which makes it a constantly evolving and debatable aspect of political

In conclusion, political terminology is an essential aspect of political discourse andcommunication As such, an understanding of political terminology is crucial for

anyone seeking to comprehend and engage with political processes and debates,

as it provides insights into the underlying assumptions, values, and powerdynamics that shape political behavior and decision-making.


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2.2.2 The characteristics of political terminology

Political terminology is known for its precise and specific language, which enablesthe clear communication of complex political ideas and concepts According toRoskin and Cord (2018), it is important to be aware of the specific meanings ofpolitical terms as they may differ from ordinary language meanings They also

emphasize the importance of clarity in using political terms to avoidmisunderstandings This precision is essential in political communication, where

the stakes can be high and the potential for confusion or misinterpretation issignificant.

The second characteristic of political terminology is constantly evolving, reflectingchanges in political thought and practice over time Hixson and Roberts (2014)

highlight the temporal nature of political terminology, noting that terms that are

commonly used today may not have been in use in the past, while terms that wereonce popular may now be outdated or obsolete This evolution can be seen in thechanging use and interpretation of terms such as democracy, socialism, and

conservatism over time, reflecting shifts in political ideology and practice.

Thirdly, political terminology is a contested and debated aspect of political

discourse, reflecting the diverse perspectives and interests involved It can be the

subject of debate, with different groups and actors seeking to shape its meaning

and significance to align with their interests and ideologies Debates over politicalterminology can center on terms such as democracy, power, and representation,

which can have multiple meanings and interpretations depending on one's politicalviews and affiliations Also, this contestation can be observed in the disagreementsover the meanings and implications of key terms and concepts, such as democracy,rights, and citizenship The contested nature of political terminology highlights theimportance of careful and precise use of language in political communication, aswell as the need to critically examine the assumptions and values embedded in

political discourse.

Political terminology is also influenced by power dynamics, reflecting the interests

and ideologies of those who wield political influence and control As Kim andPoole (2005) note, "Political language can be used to influence public opinion,shape policy outcomes, and gain political advantage." This influence can be seenin the way that politicians and interest groups use terms such as terrorism,patriotism, and populism to advance their own political agendas and priorities.


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To conclude, the characteristics of political terminology reflect the unique andimportant role that language plays in shaping political discourse and decision-

making Whether it is the precision and specificity required for clear

communication, the constant evolution of terms over time, the contested nature ofpolitical language, or the influence of power dynamics, understanding politicalterminology is essential for anyone seeking to engage with and participate inpolitical processes.

2.2.3 The importance ofpolitical terminology

Political language plays a crucial role in political communication and discourse Itenables people to convey intricate ideas with accuracy and effectiveness whileoffering a structure to scrutinize political conduct and discussions Firstly, politicalterminology plays a critical role in shaping our understanding of politics and

government It serves as a shared language that enables people to communicateand engage in meaningful discourse about political events, institutions, andpolicies According to Roskin and Cord (2018), a clear understanding of politicalterminology is necessary to comprehend politics and convey ideas about itefficiently Without this shared vocabulary, it would be difficult for citizens toengage in productive discussions about political issues and to hold their leadersaccountable for their actions.

Secondly, political terminology is an important tool for analyzing politicaldiscourse and revealing the underlying assumptions and values that shape politicalbehavior Hill and Hughes (1998) argue that political terminology offers a structurefor comprehending the fundamental beliefs and presuppositions that directpolitical actions and choices By examining the language used by political actors,researchers can gain insights into their beliefs and goals, as well as the power

dynamics at play in political discourse.

Thirdly, political terminology is also essential for studying and teaching political

science Kim and Poole (2005) assert that political terminology is crucial in

political science because it allows scholars to express intricate ideas succinctly and

accurately Since political science deals with theoretical and intricate concepts, theuse of precise and concise terminology is essential By using precise and well-defined terms, political scientists can avoid ambiguity and ensure that theirarguments are clear and understandable to others in the field.


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Finally, political terminology is constantly evolving and contested, reflecting thechanging social and political landscape As Savigny and Marsden (2017) note that

political terminology can have different meanings and implications based on the

user's perspective and the context in which it is used Therefore, it is essential forresearchers and practitioners to remain attuned to these changes and to approachpolitical terminology with a critical and reflective mindset.

2.2.4 The difficulties ofpolitical terminology translation

Translating political terminology is a challenging task due to the complexity of

political concepts and the variations in political systems across different countries.As Hixson and Roberts (2014) explain, translating political terminology requiresmore than just finding equivalent words in the TL It also involves grasping thecultural and political context in which the term is used Political terms often havedifferent meanings and connotations in different languages, and translators mustcarefully consider the specific cultural and political contexts in which the term isbeing used.

Another challenge in translating political terminology is the rapid evolution and

change of political discourse According to Savigny and Marsden (2017), politicalterminology is a contested and ever-changing element of political discourse Asnew political ideas emerge, new terminology is created or existing terms are

redefined, making it difficult for translators to keep up with the latest developmentsin political discourse.

Furthermore, the translation of political terminology can be affected by politicalbiases or ideological preferences As Hill and Hughes (1998) argue, there is a need

for translators of political terminology to remain vigilant of the possible presenceof political bias or ideological preference in the ST As such, they must aim topreserve the impartiality and precision of the translated text Translators mustremain objective and neutral in their translation, avoiding any personal or politicalbiases that may affect the accuracy of the translation.

In general, the challenges encountered in translating political terminologyemphasize the significance of possessing cultural and linguistic expertise in thetranslation of political literature A comprehensive comprehension of political

terminology is essential for ensuring precise and efficient translation.


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2.3 Online translation tools

2.3.1 Definition and growth of online translation tools

Vilaró-Soler and Garcia-Riaza (2019) have provided a definition of onlinetranslation tools as computer programs that use “artificial intelligence andmachine learning algorithms" to automatically translate written text from onelanguage to another Similarly, according to Chen and Ong (2019), onlinetranslation tools are "web-based platforms" that employ "machine learning

algorithms" to enable users to “automatically translate text from one language to

another." Kocbek and Kosem (2019) also offer a definition of online translationtools as “computer programs" that facilitate the translation of text from onelanguage to another through "automated processes", without the need for "human

Online translation tools have become an essential part of modern communicationand are widely used in various fields, including business, education, and diplomacy.

These tools provide users with quick and convenient translations of text,

documents, and even websites in multiple languages The development of onlinetranslation tools has a long history, dating back to the early days of computing.

Machine translation (MT) has a long history, as researchers began working on"computer programs and algorithms for translating human language into machine

language", according to Venuti (2016) Initially, MT tools were based on based translation, where translations were generated by applying linguistic rules

rule-and algorithms to the ST Rule-based machine translation (RBMT)'s developmentcan be traced back to the 1960s when researchers began exploring the potential ofusing computers to translate natural languages During the early stages of RBMT,the translation process relied heavily on dictionaries and grammars, and the rules

were often hand-coded by linguists.

However, the limitations of rule-based translation quickly became apparent, andresearchers began exploring alternative approaches This led to the developmentof statistical machine translation (SMT) in the 1990s, which uses statistical modelsto analyze and translate large amounts of data As O'Brien and Balling (2011)explain, SMT systems acquire the ability to translate through the examination ofextensive "parallel text data", resulting in the production of translations that aremore natural and precise than those generated by "rule-based systems".


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The emergence of neural machine translation (NMT) in the early 2010s marked a

significant breakthrough in online translation tools NMT uses artificial neural

networks to analyze and learn from vast amounts of data, allowing for moreaccurate and natural-sounding translations As Koehn (2017) notes, NMT hasdemonstrated superior translation quality compared to "both rule-based andstatistical machine translation systems", particularly for intricate and subtle texts.In conclusion, the development of online translation tools has a rich history that

spans several decades, and has been driven by advances in computer science,

linguistics, and artificial intelligence The continuous progress of these tools,

especially with the introduction of neural machine translation, has significantlyenhanced their precision and functionality, rendering them a crucial instrument forcommunication and cooperation in the present interconnected world.

2.3.2 Disadvantages of online translation tools

Online translation tools have gained popularity over time, primarily because of

their convenience and ease of accessibility Despite their convenience, these toolsstill encounter several challenges and difficulties that impede their efficacy,particularly in terms of accuracy and cultural sensitivity Researchers have takenan interest in studying these limitations and challenges that online translation toolsface to better understand their shortcomings.

According to a study by researchers at the University of León, one of the mainchallenges of online translation tools is the lack of context They explain that"context is a critical element in the interpretation of meaning, and without it, thetranslation may be misleading or incorrect." (L6pez-Osornio, Garcia-Sanchez, &Rodríguez-González, 2019, p 281) This lack of context can lead to inaccuratetranslations and miscommunication, particularly in professional and academicsettings One example is when translating the Vietnamese sentence "Tôi đã ăn

cơm trưa rồi" which means "I have already had lunch." When using Google

Translate, the translation is 'I already ate lunch", which misses the word "have"and changes the tense of the sentence This can lead to misinterpretation andconfusion for the reader.

Another challenge of online translation tools is their inability to fully capture thenuances and cultural differences of language As Marácz, L (2013) argues,

machine translation lacks the ability to capture the cultural nuances and implicit


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knowledge that a human translator is able to provide, which results in an

approximation of the ST This can lead to translations that are not fully accurate or

appropriate for the intended audience For instance, the Vietnamese sentence

"Anh ấy đang tan tỉnh cô gái đó" is translated into "He is flirting with that

girl." The use of the English word "flirting" fails to convey the subtle differencein meaning between "tan tinh" and "flirting." "Tan tinh" in Vietnamese carries amore positive connotation and suggests sincere and respectful intentions towardsthe woman, while "flirting" can have both positive and negative connotations A

more accurate translation would be ''He is courting that girl'' This captures the

meaning of "tan tinh" in Vietnamese, which implies a sincere and respectful

attempt to pursue a romantic relationship with someone.

Furthermore, online translation tools may also struggle with idiomatic expressionsand colloquial language According to Vidal, E., and Garcia-Sanchez, F (2016),idiomatic expressions pose a challenge for machine translation tools as theirmeaning is often ambiguous and cannot be inferred solely from the definitions ofthe individual words This can lead to translations that are confusing or nonsensical.

For instance, when translating a Vietnamese idiom "c6 công mài sắt, có ngày nên

kim" to English using Google Translate, it gives the literal translation "has themerit of grinding iron, has a day to become a needle", which may not makesense to an English speaker who is not familiar with the Vietnamese proverb TheVietnamese idiom can be roughly translated to ' No pain, no gain" in English Itmeans that in order to achieve success, one must work hard and persevere through

difficult times.

Despite these challenges, online translation tools continue to improve and evolve.As technology advances and machine learning becomes more sophisticated, onlinetranslation tools may become even more accurate and effective in the future.

2.3.3 Some popular online translation tools

The translation tool market is vast, comprising a variety of online and offlineoptions However, this study narrows its focus to the four most popular onlinetranslation tools: Google Translate, Bing Microsoft Translator, Vikitranslator, andNice Translator, for some significant reasons Firstly, these tools enjoyconsiderable recognition and popularity on the internet, boasting a large user base.Moreover, each tool offers diverse features and capabilities, including text, web

page, and document translation, and integration with other software applications.


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Comparing these tools can highlight their respective strengths and weaknessesregarding translation accuracy, user-friendliness, and functionality By studyingthese tools, researchers can also gain a deeper understanding of the translation tool

industry, including its trends, innovations, and challenges faced by developers.Overall, this analysis can identify best practices in translation tool development

and highlight potential areas for improvement. Google Translate

Google Translate is one of the most well-known and widely used translation toolson the internet Developed by Google, it has been continuously evolving andimproving since its launch in 2006 The tool is available in over 100 languages andcan translate text, speech, images, and even handwriting It can be said that, withover 500 million users worldwide, Google Translate is a popular choice for peoplelooking to translate text quickly and easily Its user-friendly interface andintegration with other Google services, such as Chrome and Google Lens, make ita convenient tool for everyday use.

Google Translate stands out from other machine translation tools due to its

utilization of NMT In contrast to previous machine translation methods that

depended on predefined rules and dictionaries, NMT enables the tool to analyzeand learn language patterns, allowing for more precise and sophisticatedtranslations Another feature offered by Google Translate is the option for users topropose better translations, contributing to a collaborative and community-drivenapproach to translation While user-suggested translations’ accuracy may vary, itshould be emphasized that Google's translation team has the ultimate authority todetermine which translations are included in the tool Despite this, the community-driven approach has led to a more cooperative and comprehensive translation toolthat is both effective and engaging for users.

Despite its advanced features, Google Translate, like all other machine translationtools, has its limitations The complexity of the ST, idiomatic expressions, andcultural nuances can affect its accuracy, leading to incorrect translations Inaddition, the tool's translations may occasionally lack clarity and context, making

it unsuitable for more professional or academic applications Nonetheless, GoogleTranslate remains a useful tool for everyday translation needs Continuous

development and integration with other Google services guarantee its continuedrelevance and usefulness for the foreseeable future.


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Bing Microsoft Translator is a machine translation tool that was developed by

Microsoft and launched in 2007 It has become widely used and is among the mostrecognized translation tools in the world With support for over 70 languages, BingMicrosoft Translator offers a variety of features, including text, web page, anddocument translation It also supports real-time translation for Skype calls andMicrosoft Office integration.

One unique feature of Bing Microsoft Translator is its "Translator for MicrosoftEdge" extension This feature allows users to translate web pages without leavingthe page they are currently on It is a convenient tool for users who frequentlybrowse foreign language websites and want to translate content quickly withoutdisrupting their browsing experience Another notable feature of Bing MicrosoftTranslator is its ability to provide real-time translation for both text and speech.This feature makes it ideal for communication between people who speak different

languages Additionally, the tool offers a feature that allows users to translateentire documents, including Word, PowerPoint, and PDF files This makes it avaluable tool for professionals who work with documents in multiple languages.While Bing Microsoft Translator has several unique features, like all machinetranslation tools, it has its limitations Its translations may not always be nuancedand culturally sensitive enough for certain applications, such as legal or medicaltranslations Nonetheless, Bing Microsoft Translator remains a valuable tool foreveryday use, given its broad language support and convenient features. Vikitranslator

Vikitranslator, an online translation tool created by Viki, a streaming platform forAsian TV shows and movies, supports translation of more than 200 languages anddialects, making it one of the most comprehensive translation tools available Ithas gained popularity among language enthusiasts and translators due to its

development driven by the need to provide accurate translations for Viki's globalaudience.

The community-driven translation model of Vikitranslator is a distinctive featurethat sets it apart from other machine translation tools Vikitranslator's translations

are not produced solely by a machine algorithm, but rather by a community ofvolunteers who are passionate about language and culture This unique approachprovides several benefits, including greater accuracy and cultural sensitivity in


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translations Since the volunteers are often native speakers or have a deepunderstanding of the language and culture, they are able to provide more nuancedand context-specific translations that are not always possible with machinetranslation alone Another benefit of Vikitranslator s community-driven translationmodel is the ability for users to suggest and vote on translations This featureenables the community to collectively improve the accuracy of translations, whichcan be especially helpful for languages with complex grammar or idiomaticexpressions.

As with other machine translation tools, Vikitranslator also has its limitations Its

translations may lack context and clarity, making it less appropriate forprofessional and academic purposes Nonetheless, Vikitranslators community-

driven approach offers a unique and engaging translation experience. Nice Translator

Nice Translator is a web-based machine translation tool that supports translationof over 60 languages Developed by Nice App, it is a relatively new tool that hasgained popularity among users for its user-friendly interface and range of features.One of the most unique features of Nice Translator is its ability to translate entireweb pages with just one click, which is a convenient tool for those who frequentlyaccess foreign language websites It saves users time and effort, allowing them toquickly translate the entire page without having to manually translate each section.Additionally, Nice Translator offers a feature called "Speak Out," which allowsusers to listen to the translation in the TL, which is an excellent feature for those

looking to improve their language skills and pronunciation Another notable

feature of Nice Translator is its document translation feature Users can uploaddocuments in various formats, including Word, PDF, and Excel, and the tool willautomatically translate the content This feature is especially useful for businessesand professionals who work with documents in multiple languages Additionally,the tool offers a feature that enables users to save translations and access them later,making it a convenient tool for frequent use This feature is particularly useful forusers who regularly work with specific phrases or sentences.

Despite its useful features, its translations may lack nuance and cultural sensitivity,which makes it less suitable for professional and academic purposes Overall, NiceTranslator is an excellent tool for those who require quick translations and are nottoo concerned about accuracy or cultural sensitivity While it may not be the most


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accurate translation tool available, its user-friendly interface and range of featuresmake it a popular choice among casual users.

2.4 Previous related research

This section delves into existing research on the effectiveness of online translationtools, Vietnamese-English translation, and the translation of political terms topinpoint gaps and lay the groundwork for the current study.

Numerous studies have investigated the efficacy of well-known online translationtools, such as Google Translate and Microsoft Translator, in translating variouslanguages Nini et al (2018) discovered that as sentence complexity grew, theability of both translation tools to translate Vietnamese into English diminished.Nevertheless, for simpler sentences, both tools proved to be effective according to

their results (p 75) The study also exposed the difficulties both tools faced withidiomatic expressions and specialized terms, which are often used in politicalsettings.

Comparatively, Xu (2018) evaluated the performance of five online translationtools (Google Translate, Bing Translator, Youdao Translate, Baidu Translate, andSogou Translate) in translating Chinese-English legal terms The research

concluded that Google Translate and Bing Translator outperformed the other threetools "in terms of accuracy, consistency, and fluency" (Xu, 2018, p 199) However,

all five translation tools demonstrated relatively poor performance, possibly due tothe intricate nature of legal terminology As the study centered on Chinese-Englishlegal terms, its findings might not extend to other language pairs or areas, includingVietnamese-English political terms.

Shuttleworth and Cowie (2014) emphasized the challenges of translating politicaltexts, stating that “one major challenge is the translation of political terminology,which is often context-dependent and culturally specific" (p 181) Similarly, Le(2020) emphasized the significance of taking into account the context and intended

meaning of the ST while translating This is particularly relevant for political termsas Vietnamese and English may have differing connotations, as stated in the study(p 127).

Recent advances in machine learning, such as NMT and bilingual wordembeddings, have shown promise in improving the performance of machinetranslation systems for low-resource language pairs like Vietnamese-English


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(Nguyen et al., 2020) However, the lack of parallel data remains a significantchallenge for machine translation systems, as they rely on large amounts of high-quality data to learn to translate effectively.

While previous research has investigated the efficiency of online translation toolsand the translation of political terms in general, there is a noticeable lack ofresearch specifically focused on the translation of Vietnamese-English political

terms in Vietnamese newspapers using online translation tools The current studyaims to address this research gap by examining the efficiency of online translation

tools in accurately translating Vietnamese-English political terms in Vietnamesenewspapers This investigation will contribute to the ongoing discourse on the

efficacy of online translation tools in specific domain contexts and has the potentialto improve the quality of Vietnamese-English translations in the realm of political

2.5 Summary

The theoretical framework for this study is grounded in several key concepts and

fields of study, including the translation process, political terminology, and onlinetranslation tools Additionally, this research builds on prior investigations that haveexplored the performance of online translation tools across various contexts andlanguage pairs By integrating these foundational concepts and insights fromprevious studies, the researcher provides a coherent and logical framework for

analyzing the efficiency of online translation tools in translating political

terminology, specifically Vietnamese-English political terms found in Vietnamesenewspapers In this study, the researcher will assess the effectiveness of widelyused online translation tools in this specific context.


This chapter presents the findings and analysis of the study on the efficiency ofonline translation tools (Google Translate, Microsoft Bing Translator,

Vikitranslator, Nice Translator) in translating Vietnamese-English political terms

in Vietnamese newspapers The study aimed to answer 3 research questionsregarding common errors made by these tools, the degree of accuracy achieved,

and recommendations for their effective use The study collected 30 political

documents from 3 well-known Vietnamese newspapers (Government News,VietnamPlus News, People’s Army News) and utilized 4 online translation tools


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to translate each document from Vietnamese to English The data analysis involveda systematic approach to identify and classify errors, which were compared withthe standard translations published in the newspapers The analysis of data

followed a systematic approach to identify and categorize errors, which were thencompared against the standard translations published in the newspapers Resultswere presented using various visual aids to reveal any patterns or trends in theerrors The performance of the online tools was evaluated based on the frequencyand type of errors, and they were compared against each other to draw conclusive

As can be seen in Appendix 1, Table 3.1 is the foundation for the Findings andAnalysis section of the study, which is to present a comprehensive list of 157Vietnamese political terms alongside their accurate English translations Theseterms were collected by the researcher from 30 Vietnamese articles, and the tableis intended to serve as a reference point for evaluating the performance of onlinetranslation tools


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