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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: Research on the Translation of IT Job description from English into Vietnamese by Business English Senior Students of National Economics University

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Hanoi, 2023

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Supervisor: Dr Dinh Thi Kim Chung

Hanoi, 2023

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Nguyen Thi Linh Chỉ - 11190852 - Business English 61C

During my time studying and doing research at the National Economics University as well as when I was doing my graduation thesis, outside of my own efforts, I

received the attention and help of many unions, individuals, and teachers inside and outside the school.

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my

supervisor, Ms Dinh Thi Kim Chung - Lecturer at the Faculty of Foreign

Languages This graduation paper would not have been finished without her excellent advice and active support over the previous few months Her insights and expertise in translation studies and research methodology were extremely helpful

to me as I conducted the research.

I would like to express my gratefulness to my family and friends for their unwavering support over the process of this research I would not have been able to complete this research without their mental support I want to send my special thanks to those who have always been by my side and given me strength to

complete this final graduation thesis.

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Figure 3.1: Perception of BE students about the Job description 19 Figure 3.2: Perception of BE students about the role of Job description 20

Figure 3.3: BE students’ assessment of their ability to translate IT Job C€SCTIDẨIOTN ng nọ nà 21 Figure 3.4: BE students’ opinion about aspect they find difficult when translating

Figure 3.5: BE students’ frequency of encountering difficulties in lexical aspect when translating IT Job desCTIDfIOTI <5 5 322113311 ESEEEsseesrreeeeree 23

Figure 3.6: BE students’ evaluating of difficulty level of lexical aspect in

translation of IT Job description 5 <5 2 E993 8311 13111 91119 vn rey 24 Figure 3.7: Main Reasons leading to difficulties for BE students when translating IT Job description Ả 26 Figure 3.8: Methods that BE students use to translate Job description in the IT 0901/5120 - - 27

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Nguyen Thi Linh Chỉ - 11190852 - Business English 61C 1.1 Rationale of the Study - G22 112111121119 v.v H1 HH ket 6 1.2 Scope of the Study 0.0 ccc ỚÊỪ 7 1.3 Aims of the 0 -4 7 1.4 Methods applied in the Study 0 cece eeeeceseeseceseeceeeceseeeeeeceseeeeeeeseeeses 8 1.5 Research QU€S{IOTS c1 HH HH HH ng 9 1.6 Report Structure 2G SH HH HH HH ket 9

2.1 Overview Of Translation eccecceseesesseceseceececesseeesececeseesseeeaeeeeeteesaeeess 10 2.1.1 Definition of Translation 0.0.0 cee eeesesseesecesecssecseeeeesaeesnecseesseeeneenaes 10 2.1.2 Procedure in TTransÏafIOTI - - s2 s 1133 9v ve, 11 2.3 Overview of Terminology - - 5 5 kg nh g nnưy 14 2.3.1 Definition of Terminology -c- s + + **x*vkH g ney 14 2.3.2 Characteristics of terminology - - c + v**v n ng rey 14 2.4 Overview of Job đ€SCTIPIOH 5 5 + 1n HT HH ngư 16 2.4.1 Definition of Job esCTIPfIOT - c1 331 + 1v kieeskreeeeree 16 2.4.2 Effectiveness of Job description in Hiring «+ +-s«++<<<>++ 16 2.4.3 How to develop a Job deSCTIDIOTI - 5 S55 * 3+ *ssvveeeerseeeres 16

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“ho anh Ảd 18


3.1 Perception of BE students about the Job description . 19

3.2 Perception of BE students about the role of Job description 20

3.3 BE students’ assessment of their ability to translate IT Job description 21

3.4 BE students’ opinion about aspect they find difficult when translating /T Job CLOSCTUPUION Ă Q0 TH HH kh 22 3.5 BE students’ frequency of encountering difficulties in lexical aspect when translating IT Job deSCHiption SG SH HH TH nếp 23 3.6 BE students’ evaluating of difficulty level of lexical aspect in translation of TT Job AeSCip tion ccceccccessccesccessecessceenecessecececsaeeessecececeseeseaeeeaeseeeseeessaeeeeeees 24 3.7 Main Reasons leading to difficulties for BE students when translating IT Job J2Y91a]3110, RE RÁAddỒỐC Ỷ 25

3.8 Methods that BE students use to translate Job description in the IT industry ›- iiiẳẳảaậ 27

Ea hố 28

CHAPTER IV: RECOMMENDA TIONS Go nnHY gym 29 4.1 Recommendations for obtaining thorough knowledge in the field of the Job description in the IT IndUSETV - .- <6 + E1 111211 33 911991 9 1 2 ng gưkt 29 4.2 Recommendations for overcoming difficulties in lexical aspect when translating the Job description in the IT industry ‹++-«<<+<s<>+<+ 30 CS am 32

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSTONN o5 55-5 5< SH 000608968966 33

5.1 Summary Of findings - . 5< 1939911191 1 vn ng ngệt 33 5.2 Limitation of the StUdy - c1 v1 ng HH nề 34 5.3 Suggestions for further studies - 5c 1+3 rệt 34 REFERENCEYS G5 GĂ Ọ cỌ cọ Ọ GỌ cH 000000600100009 8096 35 APPENDIX Í 05 G5 TH c0 0000 090009:00960040801080 37 APPENDIX 2 o Go 0c cọ cọ cọ TH 0 0000009060906 000109080 41

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This chapter illustrates the introduction of the paper, including: Rationale of the study, scope of the study, aims of the study, research questions, methods applied in the study, and report structure.

1.1 Rationale of the study

As a result of the open-door policy and the renovation process, we have seen significant changes and progress in various fields such as the economy, politics, science, and technology in Vietnam Many countries around the world

have technology relations with us According to VnEconomy statistics for 2022, there are currently approximately 1,400 enterprises in Vietnam with products destined for the global market With the rapid expansion, leading to a large recruitment demand in the industry of up to 12,000 people in the first quarter of

2023 (equivalent to - 15,000 positions), according to data of Hanoi Employment Service Center, with a focus on positions requiring high finding the best specialists has become increasingly difficult Because of the increased demand for

information technology (IT) personnel, companies have begun to hire IT recruiters,

who are in charge of jobs involving the search and hiring of IT personnel for businesses To successfully attract and retain talent, technology companies require a variety of factors, one of which is mutual understanding Because the opportunity cost of hiring qualified candidates in this industry is so high, translating the IT Job description is critical However, translating from English to Vietnamese or vice versa 1s complicated due to the differences between the two languages, as each has its own vocabulary and grammatical structure Scientific language is characterized by a specific lexical system.

Translating the JT Job description in general, and terminology in particular, are not easy tasks, especially when new terms are constantly being coined to keep up with technological advancement The two language systems have linguistic

differences, with the most noticeable difficulty being how to deal with non-equivalence technology terms.Aside from purely technical terms, semi-technical terms like hypothesis, experiment, analysis, and description are used across disciplines Neologisms are constantly emerging and infiltrating the scientific language Based on an analysis of terms in Job description translated from English into Vietnamese, the author discovered a number of common translation strategies

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and procedures used to process terms that are not equivalent in most technology Job description in general and the Job description at JackfruIT Recruitment in particular The study data comes from Job description on the JackfruIT Recruiment website JackfruIT Recruiment is a staffing agency They specialize in IT and assist

their clients in hiring top tech specialists in Vietnam and Asia.

Therefore, the topic: “Research on the Translation of IT Job description

from English into Vietnamese by Business English Senior Students of National

Economics University” was chosen as the research content Based on the study, some suggestions are given that can be of some use to senior Business English (BE) students’ who are aiming to be an IT Recruiter and soon will possibly be responsible for translating English in technology and translating documents in

this field.

1.2 Scope of the Study

Since the topic of this study 1s the Translation of IT Job description, it was limited to senior BE students Students who are just starting their career path and are having a hard time accessing translation in the IT area, so they are the most matched people for this study.

Because technological terminology is so vast, the author is unable to conduct a study on it The study primarily focuses on the English-Vietnamese translation of technology terms in JackfruIT Recruitment company IT Job description In this section, the classification, grammatical structures, and English-Vietnamese translation of economic terms are the most important aspects of the investigation.

1.3 Aims of the Study

- Reviewing theoretical issues concerning the translation of non-equivalence terminology, gathering English terms in the Job description, and studying their main characteristics and compositions.

- Discovering the translation strategies and procedures used in the translation of technological terms.

- Providing some suggestions for translating technology terms to achieve an

accurate, unambiguous translation based on the study's results

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1.4 Methods applied in the Study

To achieve the study's objectives, the researcher decided to collect data using a method of questionnaires The application of this method will aid in the

development of in-depth findings and discussions.

Because the curriculum of BE students does not have a course related to information technology, they have little exposure to translations of documents in this industry In order to help BE students better visualize the terms in IT job descriptions, the researcher has prepared a translation catalog consisting of 5 translations of Job description in the IT industry The portfolio was completed through the researcher's collection process in March 2023 Specifically, 30 final-year BE students were divided into 6 groups, each group was asked to translate each piece of Job description /T Job description vary from English to Vietnamese The selected Job description passages were considered to be representative sections containing five to seven terms in a passage of approximately 140 words that were difficult for participants to translate The study collected translated /T Job description to conduct comparative analysis to find out the real problems they

encountered when translating this type of Job description The translation catalog

plays a central role in providing practical examples for in-depth discussions and

1.4.2 Questionnaire

The researcher conducted an online questionnaire survey of 30 final-year BE students at NEU The questionnaire was administered anonymously to protect respondents’ privacy and to obtain the most reliable answers on the study's topic.

In March 2023, the survey was conducted online Participations were asked to complete an online feedback form created by Google The survey's goal is to

collect quantitative data, which will be presented statistically to provide an

accurate overview There are 10 questions in total, divided into three categories: multiple choice questions, scale questions, and open-ended questions The following clarifies the specific purpose of these questions:

- The first three questions are designed to determine the attitudes of BE students towards the definition, role of the Job description and the translation of Job description in the IT industry.

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- The following three questions will ask BE students to choose difficult problems when they translate and evaluate the difficulty of those problems when

translating Job description for IT.

- The seventh through eighth questions are designed to investigate BE students’ perceptions of the underlying reasons for difficulty in translating /T Job description and explore the supporting tools they use for translation it, and

investigate what they would do to improve their translation skills in this area.

- The final two questions are open-ended, asking respondents if they know of any other effective sources or translation techniques.

2 What are the reasons behind the difficulties BE students face when translating IT Job description?

3 What are efficient methods for BE students to overcome the difficulties they encounter when translating IT Job description?

1.6 Report structure

This study consists of 5 chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction - Including the Rationale of the study, scope of the study,

research questions, methods applied in the study ,and report structure.

Chapter 2: Literature review - Including the basic background theory of translation, and the English - Vietnamese translation of technology terms.

Chapter 3: Data analysis and findings - Analyzing the collected datas, interpretation of research results and discussions.

Chapter 4: Recommendation - Giving the solution for the difficulties while translating IT Job description.

Chapter 5: Conclusion - Concluding the study, the limitations and giving suggestions for further study.

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2.1 Overview of Translation

2.1.1 Definition of Translation

The process of changing something written or spoken into another language, according to Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, is known as translation To produce a good translation, accuracy is the most important aspect of the translation

Linguists provide numerous definitions of translation, ranging from the most basic to the most complex as their scope expands Because each decision will be based on a separate criteria file The author has chosen some appropriate

definitions within the scope of this research.

Translation, according to Newmark (1988, p.5), is the act of reading the original text from beginning to end with the goal of understanding and eventually

rewriting it in the target language The tendency is to switch as much as possible

from the Source Language (SL) to the Target Language (TL) He compared

translation to such love, implying that translation, despite having many emotions or arguments, is difficult to understand.

Catford (1965, p 20) defines translation as "the replacement of a text in one language (SL) with an equivalent text in another language" (TL).

Translation, according to Roger T Bell, is the replacement of a text's

representation in one language with the representation of an equivalent text in a second language As a result, translation is a broad term for the removal of reflections and ideas from SL to TL According to Roger T Bell, there can be

equivalence to varying degrees of complete or partial equivalence between texts in other languages The level of equivalence is determined by the level of presentation, such as context, vocabulary, grammar, semantics, and so on, as well

as the rank (word to word, phrase to phrase, sentence to sentence).

Nevertheless, due to the heterogeneity of languages, which can clearly be seen as languages belonging to different branches, such as English and Vietnamese, this classification is deemed inappropriate They are distinct from code, form, rules, and so on Switching from one language to another is a change of form, according to this definition However, the lack of synonyms between


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languages or the target language's redundancy causes some issues when changing the form.

The goal of translation is to create equivalence between the source and target languages by taking into account the communicative context as well as the identity of the structure, structure, vocabulary, and grammar To achieve this equivalence, the translator must use TL vocabulary and grammatical structure to match the cultural context as well as the communication context in order to convey the same content.

It is clear from the preceding definitions that, while given by different linguists in different contexts and criteria, they all emphasize the importance of finding equivalent words original words by using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures As a result, the above definitions are regarded as the study's foundation From there, we can gain a better understanding of translation, which is the appropriate transition from SL to TL that the target community

2.1.2 Procedure in Translation

When translating text, translators should indeed go through several steps Eugene A Nida and Taber (in Bassnett and McGuire, 1991) created a model of the

translation process that depicts the stages involved:


Translator’s mission in this phase is to analyze the source text: its language,

meaning (both textual and contextual meaning), linguistic aspects and other aspects relating to the text.

Transfer stage

According to Larson (1988, p 524), accurately conveying meaning in the translation method is essential because conveying is the process of going from


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analysis of semantic structure to the original manuscript of the translation As a result, the translator must begin translating the original text's content and message

into a draft or blueprint of the target text during this phase Restructuring stage

The translator must restructure the draft of the ongoing translation into a product during the restructuring phase The translator must check the grammar and context of the target text, analyze and check its content to ensure that it is correct, and restructure the target text to make it easier to read for the target reader Thus according Nida and Taber (in Luthfy, 2005: 13), restructuring in delivered material is restructuring to ensure that the final messages are fully acceptable in the recipient's language.

In conclusion, the translation process is used to describe a translator's thought process when they translate something From this, it is shown that the translator directly rewrites the text from the source language into the target language.

2.2 Translation techniques

The study seeks to study two translation principles: semantic component

recombination and functional equivalence, which aids in looking through terms out of context and determining whether the translation units in translating IT terms are morphemes, words, or phrases These term translation principles and Vinay and Darbelnet's (1977) translation procedures serve as the foundation for the development of six procedures for translating terms: direct borrowing, calque or loan translation, literal translation, transposition, modulation, and adaptation.

2.2.1 Direct borrowing

Direct borrowing and indirect borrowing are the two types of borrowing Direct borrowing includes words borrowed in the sponsor's language, whereas indirect borrowing includes words borrowed in the donor's language According

to Fromkin (2000, P 512), native words are words that can be etymologically traced back to the language's earliest period Some English IT terms, such as avatar

and outlook express, have made their way into Vietnamese IT terminology Despite the fact that direct borrowing is becoming more common in terms of terminology, Ohly (1987) suggests that it should only be used as a last resort As a result, rather than being retained in the target language, terms like "e-mail" will be translated as "thu điện tử”.


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2.2.2 Calque

Calque is also known as loan translation, through translation Calque is a special kind of borrowing: the entire syntactic unit is borrowed and then its individual components are literally translated Vinay and Darbelnet divide translation into two categories:

e Lexical borrowing: respecting the syntactic structure of the original/source language, and introducing a new method of wording.

e Structural borrowing: introduces a new structure in the target/translated

2.2.3 Literal translation

Literal translation is a method of translating word-for-word that involves

replacing the original language's syntactic structure, usually sentences or clauses,

with the same or nearly identical syntax Except for changes required by the grammar of the translated language, such as harmonies and ending inflections, the translator is not required to make any changes This is especially true when the source term consists of Latin lexical components arranged in the same order as the Vietnamese term's lexical components.

2.2.4 Transposition

Transposition is the replacement of one word class with another without

changing the message's meaning In translation, there are two types of transitions: I mandatory and (ii) optional.

Mode transitions occur between words other than verbs and nouns Vinay and Darbelnet provide a list of at least ten different kinds of words conversions 2.2.5 Modulation

Modulation describes an alteration in the message as a result of a shift in perspective: seeing something from a different perspective This method is appropriate when translating verbatim or transliterating a sentence that is grammatically correct but the translation language is not natural Free/involuntary metamorphosis can be distinguished from fixed/compulsory metamorphosis in metamorphosis.

In IT English, the adjective "online" includes the preposition "on" and the

noun "line" is defined as "connecting to a computer or the Internet" The term


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"ecosystem" refers to a group of people who work in the construction industry (i.e.

in a straight line) “Online” Similarly, the adjective "offline" includes the

preposition "off," and the noun "line" is defined as "not connected." from a computer system or the Internet.

2.2.6 Adaptation

This is a last option when a circumstance in the source culture does not exist in the translated culture, thus there must be a cultural equivalent of the original text in the translated culture As a result, the escape translation method can be described as a type of equivalence known as situational equivalence.

The term "algorithm" is taken from the name of the mathematician

Al-Khawarimiz, hence its literal translation is "algorithm" “thuật toan/giai thuat" based on its definition: "a collection of exact rules or instructions for addressing a

2.3 Overview of Terminology

2.3.1 Definition of Terminology

Linguists have previously defined terminology in a variety of ways According to Vietnamese linguists who have approached Nguyen Van Tu's (1960: 176) definition, "a term is a word or word combination used in science, technology, politics, art and it has its own meaning, denotes the exact concepts and names of

the aforementioned scientific fields." "Term" is a professional word used in a scientific field, a profession, or any technological field, according to Do Huu Chau (1998) According to Nguyen Thien Giap (1981), "terms are a special lexical part of a language." It is made up of fixed words and groups of words that are the exact names of concepts and subjects belonging to various human specialized fields.

The definitions of the terms listed above were provided at various times and in various contexts, but they all share some characteristics "Special linguistic units

in specialized fields or branches of human knowledge," they are Furthermore, terminology is a very important vocabulary in all languages can observe the

advancement of science and technology in that society 2.3.2 Characteristics of terminology

A terminology is a distinct unit in a language's lexical system with its own

characteristics Many linguists believe that a term must have the following


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characteristics: accuracy, systematicity, internationality, ethnography, feasibility, and universality. Accurateness

The first aspect of terminology is correctness; it must express a scientific concept or definition in a specific way, so accuracy is also required to avoid mistaking one concept for another Furthermore, each term on a typical professional scale refers to a single concept in that system According to Luu Van Lang (1977), "every linguistic signal carries a specific linguistic signal in a specific context." "Concept words are well known for their different meanings in different technologies," according to Newmark (1998).

As a result, when developing terminology in a specific field, it is necessary to consider the phenomenon of homonyms or synonyms, which is common in linguistics, as well as the one-to-one equivalence between a concept and a term.

During the translation process. Systematism

The second criterion of a scientific term is systematic Terms have their own

place in the conceptual system because they are a part of language When a term is placed in a system, it must have a meaning in relation to other terms When a

term is separated from its system, its meaning becomes ambiguous Although linguists disagree about the term's characteristics, it is a combination of content and form of expression It is not possible to separate a concept from the system in order to create a term, but it does determine its place in the system. Internationalism

It is obvious that terms are special words that express common scientific concepts, and as countries cooperate and develop, terms become internationalized Globalization has aided in the popularization of each language, contributing

significantly to the rapid development of international science As a result of this process, a number of internationalized terms, namely IT, exist in various languages As a result, Vietnamese terminology is not an exception; it has

distinctive characteristics such as nationalism and popularity. Nationalism

A term is a specialized unit of language used in a specific profession; it is

part of the national language As a result, terms in Vietnamese will convey


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Vietnamese cultural identity and characteristics, from vocabulary to grammatical Popularity

This feature of the term can show people the advancement of science and technology Terminology is important in the advancement of science, so it must be simple for everyone to understand when writing, listening, reading, and speaking These are critical principles in the development and survival of scientific and technological terms.

2.4 Overview of Job description

2.4.1 Definition of Job description

A Job description is a document that describes the jobs and tasks that an employee or a hired person needs to perform in a given time In addition, the Job description also provides information about the conditions and requirements of the company that the candidate needs Information about salary, bonus and benefits, etc is also included in the Job description to attract candidates.

2.4.2 Effectiveness of Job description in Hiring

A Job description is useful for career paths, training activities, and creating

legal criteria for compliance The Job description offers employees with a clear

and succinct resource to utilize as a guide when performing the duties of the job.

Similarly, managers can utilize Job description to ensure that employees are following job requirements.

2.4.3 How to develop a Job description

Step 1: Gathering job information.

The first step in creating a standard Job description is gathering the relevant information about the employment position This will supply the writer with accurate information about the needs as well as the necessary criteria for doing the assignment To guarantee that the Job description is appropriate for the organization and competitive in the Human Resource (HR) market, information must be acquired from both internal and external sources Listed below are some widely accepted information collection methods used by businesses:

e Use questionnaires/surveys to quickly and efficiently collect large amounts of information.


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Observing the actual process and operations of workers while they are performing work

Utilize readily available information from the internet to rapidly and efficiently collect data.

Step 2: Describe the context in which the job will be performed.

The next step in developing a Job description is to define the job context, which contains the following elements:

Positioned in the organizational structure, reporting relationships define accountability to superiors.

Supervisory relationship: Determines who will monitor the employee's work process based on their position in the organizational structure.

Relationships with others: Relationships between departments that support one another.

Working conditions: It is critical to pay attention to environmental factors that pose a risk or disrupt the working process, such as an excessively high/low temperature, a noisy/vibrated working environment, and so on.

Step 3: Identify the scope of the work.

Job content covers functional activities that employees must complete in order to attain employment objectives There are three degrees of job content, from general to detailed:

Level 1 (Overarching) - Refers to general functions/tasks

Level 2 (Specific)-Explain activities in detail, what employees must perform while implementing a job function or creating a specific product/service.

Level 3 (Specific) - Detailed steps must be implemented to complete the task.

Step 4: Determine the requirements for the job

One of the most significant tasks in designing a Job description is determining

the requirements for the individual doing the job Employee needs include the following aspects:

Professional knowledge and understanding are required for task performance.


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e The ability to complete a specific task (manipulative, doable through training)

e Competence is defined as the ability to perform non-manipulative tasks such as intelligence, physical strength, psychological capacity, thinking ability, and so on.

e Other requirements include: Some legal prerequisites (degrees, certificates), character prerequisites (work spirit, work ethic), or readiness prerequisites (starting date)

Step 5: Determine who has authority over the job.

The final step in writing a Job description is defining the authority of the person doing the job As previously stated, these are the legitimate rights of employees.

2.5 Summary

This chapter examines the theoretical foundations of translation,

terminology, and HR management literature First, despite the fact that different

authors have discussed translation theory in various studies, there is still agreement among them Second, terminology takes on characteristics such as precision,

systematicity, cosmopolitanism, and ethnicity This chapter also includes a

glossary of terms associated with the Human Resources industry Finally, the researcher provides a summary of the job description so that the reader can

comprehend the research material.


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The researcher used two types of data collection methods to obtain the most

reliable database for the research paper: a questionnaire and a portfolio All

analyses were carried out using a mix of quantitative data from the questionnaire survey and specific evidence from the translation portfolio.

3.1 Perception of BE students about the Job description.

Perception of BE students about the Job description

Figure 3.1: Perception of BE students about the Job description

The pie chart depicts the percentage of BE students who understand what a Job description is According to the survey results, 90% of respondents chose the

correct definition of a Job description Surprisingly, three BE students got the wrong answer, which corresponded to 10% of its definition The two options presented in the question differ slightly in that the first option is a general concept

of the recruitment process, as in the sentence where the element is presented as "the process of finding, selecting, and hiring." The definition of "an employment contract" is the other option As a result, these two students mixed up the two definitions This demonstrates that there is still a subset of BE students who do not fully grasp the concept of the Job description Overall, it is clear that most BE students have a basic understanding of the Job description This conclusion is reasonable when BE students have been enrolled in a HR management course based on the faculty's curriculum, thereby giving students the opportunity to access

the background knowledge in this field.


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3.2 Perception of BE students about the role of Job description.

Perception of BE students about the role of Job description

Figure 3.2: Perception of BE students about the role of Job description

The next result of the questionnaire survey is an assessment of the role of Job description by BE students To begin, it is clear that a sizable proportion of respondents (53.33%) value the role of Job description Furthermore, 30% of participants rated the role of the contract as very important While a smaller percentage of the students who participated in the survey (16.67%) chose that the contract plays only a neutral role in recruitment Furthermore, none of the BE students polled believed that contracts were either unimportant or very

unimportant in the international sale of goods According to these figures,

three-quarters of respondents value the role of the Job description Based on the data presented above, it is clear that the students who took part in the survey all agree that Job description plays an important role in conducting recruitment activities.

Along with the BE department's teaching knowledge, students have the

opportunity to gain access to foundational knowledge in the field As a result, it

can be concluded that the BE students who participated in the survey have a general understanding of Job description.


Ngày đăng: 08/04/2024, 21:01


