THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY NGUYEN THI THU HIEN Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment report at EJC Joint Stock Company in Bac Giang Province B
Environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources induced by human activities have attracted steadily growing concerns in the last decades Such concerns made evident the necessity for the planning authorities to counton sound information about the possible environmental consequences of development actions One of the tools available to satisfy this need is represented by the procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) This procedure involves the systematic identification and evaluation of the impacts on the environment caused by a proposed project EIA is now applied worldwide Its potential role in attaining sustainable development objectives was explicitly recognized during the 1992 Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro (United Nations 1992)
Environmental Impact Assessment can be broadly defined as the systematic identification and evaluation of the potential impacts (effects) of proposed projects plans, programmes or legislative actions relative to the physical – chemical, biological, cultural and socio economic components of thetotal environment (Canter, 1996) EIA is a planning tool that is now generally accepted as an integral component of sound decision-making The objective of EIA is to foresee and address potential environmental problems/concerns at an early stage of project planning and design EIA systematically examines both beneficial and adverse consequences of the project and ensures that these effects are taken into account during project design
It helps to identify possible environmental effects of the proposed project,proposes measures to mitigate adverse effects and predicts whether there will be significant adverse environmental effects, even after the mitigation is implemented
EJC Joint Stock Company is a company founded in 2012, is a consultant specializing consulting in environmental procedures Doing intership here has given a lot of real experience in my major field of study The EIA report is one of the legal procedures that many businesses have assigned to EJC Joint Stock Company to consult and implement During intership time here, I have learnt EIA procedure and through that, i realized that EIA is a nessessary procedure but there are limmitation on implementing in EIA reports at EJC Joint Stock Company Therefore, I conducted the research " Preparation of EIA reports at EJC Joint Stock Company in Bac Giang Province".
Overview of Environmental impact assessment
Our understanding of the connections between human life and other elements of nature is limited However, we also have the power to destroy the natural systems that sustain us Our capacity for destruction is illustrated through the deterioration of the ozone layer, through the extinction of species, and through mass deforestation and desertification that has happened in the past few decades To realize that all of this has happened unknowingly and unintentionally, only adds to our capacity to destroy the Earth System In many parts of the world,economic development projects directed at improving levels of material comfort have had unintended detrimental effects on people and natural resources
Water, land, and air have been degraded to the point where they can no longer sustain existing levels of development and quality of life With in adequate environmental planning, human activities have resulted in the disruption of social and communal harmony, the loss of human livelihood and life, the introduction of new diseases, and the destruction of renewable resources These and other consequences can negate the positive benefits of economic development
This was realized by the people of United States (US), when such problems had first started affecting the quality of their life Consequently, the environmental concerns of the present day are often attributed to the environmental movement that had taken shape in US, in the early sixties Popular support apart, the success of the environmental movement in the US is reflected in the forests and wild areas it helped set aside as well as in the laws it got enacted Having protected large chunks of wilderness from the threat of ‘development’, the American environmental movement had then turned its attention to controlling the hazardous by-products of industrialization: air andwater pollution, and the production of toxic or radioactive wastes (Guha, 2000)
At this stage, the “Silent Spring ” book was published by Rachel Carson – a marine biologist,which took social awareness towards environmental issues to its next level Born in the wake of such elevated concern about environmental pollution, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency opened its doors in Washington, D.C., on December 2, 1970 Even before this, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 1969) of the United States of America was constituted and for the first time, EIA requiring environmental considerationin large-scale projects was enforced as legislation Since then, EIA has been one of the successful environmental policy innovations of the 20th century
The phrase Environmental Impact Assessment comes from Sec 102 (2)of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) – 1969, USA NEPA ushered in a new era of environmental awareness by requiring federal agencies to include environmental protection in all their plans and activities And it created the environmental impact statement for assessing the likely effects of projects that agencies intend to build, finance or permit NEPA also provided the interested and affected public with one of its most important tools – the right to bring a case to court
Until NEPA was enacted, it was very difficult to persuade the courts to hear cases involving environmental issues such as land-use changes Litigation during the 1960s and 1970s established that any adverse effect to even a non-economic value (viz aesthetic, conservational, recreational, etc.) could be taken to court Although the effectiveness of NEPA is often questioned, it is largely agreed that NEPA made a significant difference in environmental decision-making at the highest level
The influence of NEPA (1969), which had the concept of ‘EIA system’ asits bedrock, was extended beyond the US and provoked the introduction of EIA policy in many countries in Europe, Asia and elsewhere
In the more than two decades since the passage of NEPA, nations around the world, international lending agencies, and multilateral development organizations have initiated similar requirements for assessing and managing impacts upon the environment of the developing activities By the middle of the last decade, EIA had become a requirement in more than 100 countries (Canter 1996) In many European countries, it came into vogue with the introduction of the concept of sustainable development after the World Commission of Environment in 1987 In India, EIA came into existence around 1978-79 and was made mandatory only in 1994
Table 1 History and evolution of EIA
Evolution of Environmental Impact Assessment
Pre - 1970 • Projects review based on technical/ engineering and economic analysis
• Limited consideration given to environmental consequences
Early/Mid - 1970s • EIA introduced by NEPA in 1970 in US
• Basic principle: Guidelines, procedures including public participation requirement instituted
• Standard methodologies for impact analysis developed(e.g matrix, checklist and network)
• Several other countries adopt NEPA-based approach(e.g., Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
• Major public inquires (rather than court litigations) help shape the process's development
• More formalized guidance (e.g., CEQ guidelines)
• Other industrial and developing countries introduced formal EIA requirements and began to use the processinformally or experimentally
• Use of Environment assessment(EA) by developing countries
• Social Impact Assessment , risk analysis included in EA processes
• Greater emphasis on ecological modeling, prediction andevaluation methods
• Environmental inquiries in several countries encompass policy review aspects
• Coordination of EA with land use planning processes Mid 1980s to end of decade
• EC Directive on EIA establishes basic principles and procedural requirements for all member states
• Increasing efforts to address cumulative effects
• Development of follow-up mechanisms (e.g.,compliances and effects monitoring, auditing, impact management)
• Ecosystem and landscape level approaches applied (e.g.,to assess wet land losses)
• World Bank and other international lending and aid agencies establish EA requirements
• Increasing number of developing countries carry out Eas (e.g., in Asia)
1990s • Requirement to consider trans-boundary effects under Espoo
• EIA identified as implementing mechanism for UN conventions on climate change and biological diversity
• SEA systems established by increasing number of countries mediation incorporate into EA requirements (still limited)
• Sustainability principles and global issues receive increased attention (some EA guidance but still limited)
• Increasing use of GIS and other information technologies
• Application of EA to international development activities more wide spread
1990s(contd.) • Greater corporate use of EA, including screening investment and loan decisions and undertaking site and property assessment to establish liabilities
• Rapid growth in EA training, networking and cooperation activities
• Enactment of EA legislation by many developing countries
Evolution of EIA can thus be divided into four overlapping phases:
1) Introduction and early development (1970 -1975) – mandate and foundations of EIA established in the USA; then adopted by a fewother countries (e.g Australia, Canada, New Zealand); basic concept, procedure and methodology still apply
2) Increasing scope and sophistication (mid ’70s to early ’80s) – more advanced techniques (e.g risk assessment); guidance on process implementation (e.g screening and scoping); social impacts considered; public inquiries and reviews drive innovations inleading countries; take up of EIA still limited but includes developing countries (e.g China, Thailand and the Philippines)
3) Process strengthening and integration (early ‘80’s to early ’90s) –review of EIA practice and experience; scientific and institutional frameworks of EIA updated; coordination of EIA with other processes, (e.g project appraisal, land use planning); ecosystem-level changes and cumulative effects begin to be addressed; attention given to monitoring and other follow-up mechanisms
Many more countries adopt EIA; the European Community and theWorld Bank respectively establish supra-national and international lending requirements
4) Strategic and sustainability orientation (early ’90s to date) EIA aspects enshrined in international agreements; marked increase ininternational training, capacity building and networking activities; development of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of policies and plans; inclusion of sustainability concepts and criteriain EIA and SEA practice; EIA applied in all Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries and large number of developing and transitional countries
2.1.2 EIA and Some International Organizations
Once the concept of EIA and its importance in protecting the environment was realized, it soon became an essential requirement and was incorporated into the framework of several international organizations Some of these organizations were directly involved in funding developmental projects indeveloping countries Thus, with the advent of EIA, a direct policy based intervention in the developmental activities of the developing as well as developed countries could be made and official measures could be taken to stopor modify those projects which could lead to serious environmental problems; atthe local level or at the global level
International efforts are usually classified into the following four areas:
- Legally binding international documents such as international treaty and protocol
- Non-legally binding international documents such as resolutions, recommendations and declarations by international organizations
Spurred by several recommendations by international organizations, particularly the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) and the European Union (EU), EIA had been prevailed throughout the world in 1980s Apart from the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty (adopted in1982) many other international treaties and protocols with provisions relating to EIA were concluded in the 1990’s e.g Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Trans-boundary context (the Espoo Convention of 1991), Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991), Biodiversity Treaty (1992), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)
Following are some international organizations which first incorporated EIA as a mandatory requirement to carry out its activities:
1) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an international organization that has been helping governments tackle the economic, social and governance challenges of a globalizing economy The OECD “Declaration on Environmental Policy” (1974) was the first international document to incorporate EIA This declaration was the follow up activities after the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (1972) and it set the trend for environmental policy in OECD member countries Article 9 of the declaration stated that it was critical that environmental impact of significant public or private activities be assessed prior to implementation The oldest of recommendations and declarations concerning matters relating to EIA procedures was the OECD “Council Recommendation onAssessment of Projects which may have Significant Effects on the Environment”(1979)
In 1983, a special group “The Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Assessment and Development Assistance” was established under the Environment Committee to examine EIA procedures, methods and implementation mechanisms while maintaining close relations with the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) In 1985,
Overview of Environmental impact assessment in Viet Nam
2.2.1 Historical background of EIA in Viet Nam
In Vietnam, at the time of the EIA, we have no access to this field It was not until the early 1980s that Vietnamese scientists approached the EIA through scientific conferences and training courses The Government of Vietnam is aware of the environmental protection issue and the EIA, therefore, has created favorable conditions for agencies and individuals to approach these field In the early 1980s, a group of Viet Nam scientists headed by Prof Le Thac Can came to the East-West Center in Hawaii to study environmental laws and policies in general and EIA in particular
After 1990, the State started an environmental study program with economic code 02, including one topic directly researched on EIA by Professor Le Thac Can Within the framework of this subject, a number of EIA reports have been established, notably the EIA report of Bai Bang paperplant and EIA for Thach Nham irrigation project Although there are no environmental protection laws and EIA regulations, the government has requested some projects to have EIA reports, such as the Tri An hydropower project, Thanh Tuy Ha refinery
Promulgation of the Law on Environmental Protection has opened a turning point in environmental protection in general and EIA in particular The law was first passed by the National Assembly on December 27, 1993, and the President decided announment No 29L / CTN dated January 10, 1994 More than 10 years later, the revised Law on Environmental Protection was passed by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on January 29, 2005
In the Law on Environmental Protection, it is clearly shown that the projects are operating and the project wants to operate in Vietnam must make EIA report and submit to competent authorities for approval
After the law came into existence, many EIA reports have been appraised, helping decision makers have more resources to look at comprehensive development projects in Viet Nam
Along the law legislation, the State has has issued many legal documents in the form of decrees of the Government, circulars of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment As a result, up to now, EIA has become a popular work, within the legal framework of the State in which all projects are implemented
The content and process of EIA implementation in Vietnam has changed and developed from time to time The previous EIA implementation process in Vietnam is still simplistic and outdated in comparison with the global process, but has been adjusted The requirements and quality of EIA reports have also been significantly improved to response the socio-economic development objectives and environmental protection requirements
Summary of EIA implementation in Vietnam over time: a)Period 1993 to 2005
In the period since after the enactment of the environmental protection law (1993) until the adoption of the revised Environmental Protection Law (2005), the implementation of EIA in Viet Nam was slower comparing to the world:
- Investment report preparation stage (Pre-feasibility study): Only screening to see which projects must implement EIA Screening based on the regulations of the State is stipulated in the Circular No 490/1998 / TT-BKHCNMT dated April 29, 1998 of the Ministry of Science and Technology for Environment to guide and appraise the report on environmental impact assessment with investment projects;
- Investment project preparation stage (Feasibility study): Regulations on preliminary EIA implementation
- Technique design stage: Detailed EIA report preparation and submission for appraisal and approval
Comment : The implementation of the EIA report in our country during this period was slower than that of other countries in the world This has caused some difficulties and, affecting the results of EIA implementation, specifically as follows:
- Most of the projects have been completed and then make the EIA report to submit for appraisal Therefore, if the appraisal requires that the project be subject have to change or addition to the mitigation and design measures to suit the environmental protection requirements, some parts of the design must be redone This leads to delay time and money costs This makes the EIA report preparation and appraisal report become forms, because the construction has been designed, it is difficult to change
- Due to the lack of EIA reports at the time of approval of feasibility study reports and preparation of funds for the project, most of the projects could not be financed for detailed EIA reports as well as expecting funding for mitigation measures Therefore, these expenditures have to be supplemented later on, which will be very difficult and delayed, causing difficulties for EIA implementation b) From 2006 period to now
To overcome this problems, the Law on Environmental Protection in 2005 has adjusted to implement the EIA to suitable with the world's EIA:
- Planning phase and investment report: During this period, the State does not currently require compulsory environmental screening or preliminary EIA
However, the project owner must rely on the decentralization of the State (provisions in Decree No 29/2011 / ND-CP dated April , 18, 2011 of the Government on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, Impact Assessment environment, commitment to environmental protection) to "screen the project" to see which projects are required to make EIA report and to submit for appraisal or not If the project requires to make the EIA report ,it needs to preparation work such as preparation of EIA draft, preparation of staff for preparation of EIA report in the next phase
- Investment project preparation stage: If screening projects are projects which need to make the EIA, this stage must conduct detailed EIA for the project and submit for approval and approval
- After the EIA report is approved, the project owner must be done properly the commitments as giving in the EIA report, especially the implementation of measures to mitigate negative impacts during construction and management as well as the implementation of the environmental monitoring program of the project
2.2.2 EIA procedure in Viet Nam
The current EIA implementation in Vietnam has the following steps :
-Step 1: Screen : This is a step to know whether this projects need to implement EIA?
Screening is done with a list provided as an appendix of the EIA Decree No 29/2011/ND-CP The list contains thresholds based on project feature size/capacities against which EIA requirement is determined A preliminary EIA report is presented as part of the starting dossier for EIA licence application This preliminary EIA report alongside a feasibility study (or investment report) of the project act to inform the screening decision authority on the level of EIA required
There are 2 ways to screen based on type of projects and screening based on standards.
Screening by type of projects
Based on the management experience, the scale of the project, the state agency
Authorities (often at the Government level) promulgate type of projects must implement EIA at different levels
Definitions of EIA
Definitions of EIA abound They range from the oft-quoted and broad definition of Munn(1979), which refers to the need “to identify and predict the impact on the environment and on man’s health and well-being of legislative proposals, policies, programmes, projects and operational procedures, and to interpret and communicate information about the impacts”, to the narrow UK DoE (1989) operational definition: “The term ‘environmental assessment’ describes a technique and a process by which information about the environmental effects of a project is collected, both by the developer and from other sources, and taken into account by the planning authority in forming their judgements on whether the development should go ahead.” The UNEP (1997) has an altogether more succinct and pithy definition: “an assessment of the impact of a planned activity on the environment”.
List of EIA reports were implemented by EJC Joint Stock Company in 2015
There are increasing in number of EIA reports implemented by EJC Joint Stock Company from 2015 to 2016:
Table 3: EIA projects had implemented in 2015 by EJC Joint Stock Company
(Annual work report in 2016 in EJC Joint Stock Company)
Time to implement an EIA report
1 EIA of Xiwang Tran Thi Dung 30 days
2 EIA of CSL vina company
Do Thi Hoai Tran Dieu Linh
3 EIA of Titan company Tran Dieu Linh
4 EIA of Binh Xuyen packaging
Table 4: EIA projects had implemented in 2016 by EJC Joint Stock Company
(Annual work report in 2017 in EJC Joint Stock Company)
No Name of EIA projects Person performing EIA Time to implement an EIA report
1 EIA of Topla company Tran Thi Dung
2 EIA of Chemcos plant Tran Thi Dung
3 EIA of Smart Tech vina plant Tran Dieu Linh
4 EIA of Hung Vuong TMS land
Tran Dieu Linh Tran Thi Dung
5 EIA of AR Tech plant Tran Thi Dung
6 EIA of medical equipment Hoang Thi Mai
7 EIA of Jointset Vina plant Hoang Thi Mai
Main content of an EIA report
The contents of the EIA report are stipulated in the Law on Environmental Protection 2005, including the following contents:
-The origin of the project, the project owner, the competent authority approval judgments ; method of EIA;
- Evaluating technology, work items and project's activities have adverse impacts on the environment
-A general assessment of the current state of the environment and its surroundings, the sensitivity and bearing capacity of the environment
- Detailed assessment of possible environmental impacts when the project is implemented and environmental components, socio-economic factors affected by the project, risk forecasts for environmental incidents due to works cause
- Specific measures to minimize negative impacts on the environment, prevent and respond to environmental incidents
- Commiting implementation on environmental protection measures during the process of construction and operation of project
- Listing of works, management program, and monitoring of environmental issues during project implementation
- Estimating costs for the construction of environmental protection works
- Comments of local people where the project is implemented, disagree comments
- Indicators of data sources, data and assessment methods.
Structure of the EIA report
Currently, the structure of the EIA report are provided in Appendix 2.5 of Circular No 26/2011 / TT-BTNMT, including 6 chapters:
In this section, the EIA has to mention the origin of the project, the legal and technical bases of the EIA implementation, the methods applied during EIA implementation and organization to implement the EIA report
Chapter 1: A brief description of the project
Main contents of this chapter include:
+ Volume and scale of work items
+Technology used in project phases
+ Types of machinery and equipment used
+ Components and properties of inputs and outputs of work items
+ Organization management and implementation of the project
Chapter 2: Description of the existing baseline conditions
-Natural conditions in the project area (geographical, geological, meteorological and hydrographical conditions)
- Socio-economic conditions in the project area
-The impact assessment of the project on the natural and socio-economic environment is carried out in the stages of preparation, construction and operation
Potential impacts affect to the environment
-Comment on the level of detail, reliability of assessing
Chapter 4: Measures to mitigate adverse impacts, prevent and respond to environmental incidents
Proposed measures to mitigate negative impacts on natural and socio-economic corresponding to the negative impacts described in Chapter 3 and clearly explain the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility, effectiveness of measures
Chapter 5: Environmental monitoring and management program
Setting up an environmental management and monitoring program for the phases of the project
Summarizing the process of organizing community consultations including Commune People's Committee, Community representatives, people directly affected by the project and the agencies that approve the EIA reports and the feedback and commitment of the project owner
Conclusions should be made on issues such as: identifying and evaluating impacts, issues that are not yet predicted, and an overall assessment on level of scale of identified impacts , the feasibility of mitigation measure to minimize negative impacts, and negative impact can not be mitigated by exceeding the allowable capacity of the project owner and giving clearly reasons
- Making recommendations to relevant authorities to help solve problems that are exceed solvable of the project
- Commitment of the project owner on the implementation of environmental management program and environmental monitoring program as giving in chapter 5 (including standards and technical regulations of the environment for which the project is compulsory application ) Commitment to the community as giving in chapter 6 of the EIA report, compliance with the general environmental protection provisions relating to the phases of the project.
Steps to undertake the EIA report
There are 9 steps to undertake the EIA report :
Step 1: Collecting information and drawings
- Collecting and summarizing project's information
- Surveying and collecting data on natural, environmental, socio-economic, geographic, geo-meteorological and hydrological conditions in the project area
Step 2: Taking sampling on current status of environment for analyzing and organizing community consultation
- Monitoring the current state of the environment where the project is being implemented: air, wastewater, surface water, groundwater, soil
- Community consultation: Organizing consultations Commune People's Committee where implementing project
Step 3: Assessing negative impacts, proposed measures, synthesising report
- Identifying negative impacts of the project, level of impacts and how influence of project on natural, environmental, social and human resources around the project area
- Proposed mitigation measures, waste treatment plans, environmental management plans and environmental incident prevention in the construction and operation phase
- Establishment of environmental management and monitoring program for the project
- Establishing the EIA report of the project
Step 4: Sending customers to view the EIA report and unify on the EIA report content
Step 5: Printing and submiting EIA report to the competent authority
- Seting up a council for appraisal and protection EIA report in frond of the council
Step 7: Correction in the opinion of the council
Step 9: Getting approved decision by the competent authority.
An EIA is based on an interdisciplinary process intended to inform the public and decision makers of likely consequences of a proposed action in order to avoid or mitigate environmental degradation The proposed action is brought to the public for input and experts evaluate potential risks and provide an assessment to the public and decision makers A decision is then made about whether to move forward and what mitigating measures to adopt
EJC Joint Stock Company - this environmental consulting company is responsible for implementing EIA reports for businesses This company have assisted many enterprises in preparing EIA reports for 5 years since the day establishing There have been many EIA contracts implemented by EJC Joint Stock Company and have contributed significantly to the development of this company In fact, the company has a lot of branches in the North such as : branches in Bac Ninh, Vinh Phuc, Quang Ninh Therefore, EJC Joint Stock Company created many jobs with high salary for many people Especially, they created oppotunities for new graduate students those who studying majors related to environment
However, the quality of many EIA reports were written by EJC consultants is considered to be very low In fact, when finishing EIA reports and bringing EIA report to the appraisal, many reports are said to be of poor quality and need to be rewrited or revised and reasons as follow:
Public involvement is a fundamental principle of EIA The inclusion of the views of the affected and interested public helps to ensure the decision making process is equitable and fair and leads to more informed choice and better environmental outcomes
However, this has not actually done well Evidence for this is that many projects have been approved which allows the project to be deployed, but when implementing projects, there are many opinions from the community They claim that they have not been consulted or consulted, but their opinions are not included in the EIA report
- The assessment of negative impacts of projects is still superficial
EJC Joint Stcok Company, due to competition with the other consultants company has accepted the low cost of implementing the EIA report Therefore, they have ignored significant impacts or the EIA is no longer detailed because they does not want to spend more money to reseach and implement In addition, there is a connection between the project owner and the consultant will not be objectivity anymore In order to secure their rights they can still ignore significant negative impacts on the environment
- Measures to minimize negative impacts are still not appropriate
There are some unsuitable proposed measures to minimize negative impacts giving in the EIA report And the reason is because the EJC Joint Stock Company did not spend a lot of time to understand the natural environment condition of the project area
Those reasons why there are still projects need to be edited However, EJC Joint Stock Company should apply proposed solutions above to address their limitation to improve EIA reports quality.
Proposed sollutions
To make a good report, the EJC should pay more attention on each EIA report and should pay attention on the following steps :
- Public consultation’s opinion should be paid more attention
The local people has the right to access information, to discuss, and contribute ideas, to inspect and supervise activities that affect the environment - society of the project Individuals or groups in the affected community will want to know what is proposed; what the likely impacts are; and how their concerns will be understood and taken into account They will want assurances that their views will be carefully listened to and considered on their merits They will want proponents to address their concerns They will also have knowledge of the local environment and community that can be tapped and incorporated into baseline data So, EJC Joint Stock Company should improve the quality of community comments in the EIA report by consulting not only for local authorities but also with communities directly affected by project activities Listening to their concerns and feedback can be a valuable source of information that can improve project design and outcomes and help the project to identify and control negative impacts or risks
- EJC should not be for company benefits
EJC Joint Stock Comapny should be very clear and fair when receiving EIA contracts, because the impact of the some project brings the environment and the local people are very large Therefore, EJC Joint Stock Company shouldnot be for company benefits to get EIA reporting contracts at low cost
EJC Joint Stock Company should spend more time on each project and focus more on field servey to get an overview where took place project area to give suitable sollutions to address negative impacts.
Lesson learned
Three months doing internship in EJC Joint Stock Company , it was really a short time, but it brought real knowledge about my major of study It brought understand EIA is an important component of ensuring a healthy environment, is an understanding of the impact of human activities on the environment and the health and well-being of those who live in and depend on that environment EIAs are a system of analysing and reporting on the impact of certain types of activities to enable decision makers to decide what sort of activities should and shouldn’t take place and to determine what measures should be taken to mitigate and manage the impacts of the activity
Moreover, thanks to EJC Joint Stock Company, they were given oppotunities for intership students to gain real knowlegde and experiences in implementing EIA process and working as a staff to help them understand more difficulties and challenges and real work This helps them to become more confident and more mature and helps them orientate their future work.
More than three decades ago, EIA has gained popularity and spread world over Presently, it is the only environmental tool which legally ensures that any new project is launched / installed / setup in such a way that it causes least damage to the environment EIA has been successfully used in many developed countries during the past three decades
The EIA report is a very important procedure for enterprises and is an important legal and technical tool for considering and forecasting environmental impacts of projects This is a compulsory requirement to provide scientific arguments for the government, specialized management agencies and enterprises to consider in the investment decision and project approval process
Many EIA reports have been implemented by EJC Joint Stock Company However, there are still reports of poor quality and brought many consequences such as:
Affected communities are often not well informed about the project, or didnot consulted widely This leads consequence of this is that the environmental dispute between the investor and the local people is increasing Moreover, poor quality reports do not give all potential negative impacts of the project and have not yet taken appropriate measures This leads EJC Joint Stock Company to need more time to revise
Therefore, EJC Joint Stock Company should apply measures such as listening to local people's opinions This procedure, on the one hand, helps the EIA to collect information on local natural and social environment On the other hand, it helps to ensure that the decision making process is transparent, fair, equitable, cooperative and feasible Moreover, when receiving EIA project, EJC Joint Stock Company should focuse on field survey will help to get overall assessment on projects and then giving suitable measures for the projects
Moreover, thanks to EJC Joint Stock Company, they were given oppotunities for intership students to gain real knowlegde and experiences in implementing EIA process and working as a staff to help them understand more difficulties and challenges and real work This helps them to become more confident and more mature and helps them orientate their future work
Moreover, thanks to EJC Joint Stock Company, they were given oppotunities for intership students to gain real knowlegde and experiences to help them to become more confident and more mature and helps them orientate their future work
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