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tiểu luận human resource management for the position of sales operation officer atvietnam dairy products joint stock company vinamilk

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Description of Human Resource Management for the position of Sales Operation Officer:...63.. In which case, the position of Sales Operation Officer is one of thecrucial positions to help

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Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company – Vinamilk

Thuc NhiNgoc HanHong NhungTu NaDieu AnhPhuong Dieu

Da Nang, May 3 2023

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1 Overall introduction of the company 4

2 Description of Human Resource Management for the position of Sales Operation Officer: 6

3 Job analysis and design: 7

3.1 Main responsibilities performed by a sales operation officer: 7

3.2 Some necessary requirements of sales operation officer: 7

4 Recruitment activities for the position of Sales operation officer: 8

4.1 Recruitment channels: 8

4.2 Recruitment sources : 9

4.3 Vinamilk recruitment programs: 10

4.4 Recruitment form: 11

5 Evaluation of human resource use and salary policy: 12

5.1 Training activity and workflow layout: 12

5.2 Salary, bonus, compensation and some welfare policies for sales operation officer: 14

5.3 Group comments on salaries and bonuses policies in regard to the suitability of the position'srequirements and the general level of the labor market: 17

5.4 Some things to consider when determining the sales operation officer's salary and compensation: 17

7.5 Content of recruitment process: 22

8 Work performance assessment for a position of sales operation officer: 24

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As the economy is growing, the demand of consumers is alsoincreasing Therefore, in order to meet customers needs, bring satisfactionto customers and maintain a stable position in the market, enterprises mustalways develop and perfect all aspects In particular, human resourcemanagement is an area that businesses must always pay special attention tobecause it plays a decisive role in the success of the business A successfulfirm is one that has a high-quality staff team that is prepared to take on newresponsibilities and fulfill job requirements, a good management team withhigh expertise and is aware of the employee's strengths and shortcomingsto properly assign labor That's what businesses always aim for In order foremployees to be prepared to perform to the best of their abilities and createa competitive advantage for the company, businesses must also havereasonable salary and bonus policies, fair compensation, adequateremuneration and insurance regimes to attract and retain workers.

Vinamilk is renowned as a large enterprise that has been operating inVietnam for a long time It also partially demonstrates that Vinamilk has agroup of skilled and knowledgeable human resources that have helped thecompany establish a foothold in the Vietnamese market and the modernglobe In which case, the position of Sales Operation Officer is one of thecrucial positions to help communicate and promote products to consumers.So, what strategies has Vinamilk utilized to effectively manage thiscompany's workforce? The following will be the research paper of group Con the topic "Human resource management for the position of SalesOperation Officer at Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company -Vinamilk".

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Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company, also known as Vinamilk, wasfounded on August 20, 1976 After 46 years of operation, Vinamilk has grown to bethe top business in Vietnam for processing and supplying milk and dairy products It isalso "Vietnam's most valuable food brand" and “The 6th largest dairy brand in theworld" according to Brand Finance - the leading brand valuation company in the UK.[ CITATION VIN22 \l 1033 ]

Figure 1.Vinamilk Company Logo

Vinamilk currently holds the top spot in the dairy market in Vietnam,accounting for more than 54.5% of the market share for liquid milk, 40.6% of themarket share for powdered milk, 33.9% of the market share for drinking yogurt, 84.5%of the market share for milk sour cream, and 79.7% of the market share for condensedmilk nationwide In addition to a strong domestic distribution network of more than240,000 traditional channels, 7,800 modern channels and more than 500 stores underthe "Vietnamese Milk Dream" system covering 63 provinces and cities, Vinamilkproducts are exported to more than 40 nations worldwide, including Southeast Asia,the Middle East, Africa, and other nations After more than 46 years of introduction toconsumers, Vinamilk has constructed 13 production plants, 2 logistics, 13 internationalstandard dairy farms To meet consumer demands, solidify its position, and build itsbrand, Vinamilk has consistently placed a premium on technological innovationinvestments, production scale expansion, and product quality improvement.

With the mission "to deliver the valuable nutrition to the community with ourrespect, love and responsibility for human life and society", Vinamilk continuouslystrives to preserve its status in the minds of consumers as the "national dairy brand”

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Therefore, Vinamilk has defined its vision as "To become a world grade brandin the food and beverage industry, where people put all their trust in nutrient and healthproducts.".

Through 46 years of constant innovation and development, Vinamilk brand hasbecome familiar to both domestic and international consumers Vinamilk is stillincreasingly asserting its position as "the leading nutrition corporation in Vietnam"with the motto of continuous improvement and creativity to realize future goals,Vinamilk will develop and supply to the market nutritional products with higherquality and richer to serve the diverse needs of customers.


With over 10,000 employees in more than 35 units across the country, Vinamilkalways implements efficient human resource policies and an advanced and employee-centered management model "The success that Vinamilk has after 45 years ofestablishment has a great contribution from the workforce," said Ms Bui Thi Huong,Executive Director of Administration, Human Resources, and External Relations atVinamilk Because of this, Vinamilk has employed the most cutting-edge and humanehuman resource practices to encourage employees to commit to and grow within thefirm Therefore, for sales operation officer, the company always has the appropriatemanagement policies, specifically as follows:

- Operating and managing the administrative and personnel activities of the salesoperation officer staff.

- Set up and specify plans and strategies to develop human resources in thisdepartment.

- Work closely with the sales operation officer team to comprehend the humanresource situation and promptly review, support and handle this.

- Develop internal regulations and guidelines for management and humanresources.

- Always provide for supervision and recurrent inspection of the sales operationofficer's administrative and human resource policies' implementation.

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- Provide guidance and advice to sales operation officers on matters pertaining totheir rights and obligations.

[CITATION VIN \l 1033 ]


3.1 Main responsibilities performed by a sales operation officer:

As a sales operation officer at Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company Vinamilk, the officer will undertake the following tasks:

-Supervising and assisting with the process' implementation of the productconsumption planning, updating and synthesizing the targets from the in-charge Sales Regions/Channels.

Support the in-charge Channels'/Regions' equipment investment plans.Participating in the implementation, compliance, reminder and instruction of operating procedures, ISO documentation related to sales activities of the in-charge Sales Regions/Channels.

Assist in budget planning, cost monitoring and budget tracking of the in-chargeSales Regions/Channels.

Summarize the evaluation table’s results and achievements of the in-chargeSales Regions/Channels.

Additionally, a sales operation officer also performs a variety of other tasks,such as coordinating with other departments to quickly resolve problems related tobusiness operations and other issues, or carrying out other related duties as directed bysuperiors.

a) Education and major :

University graduate, preferably majoring in Economics such as: BusinessAdministration, Auditing, Finance and Accounting, Foreign Trade

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c) Specialized knowledge and skills:

- Good specialized knowledge in finance and accounting.

- Good analytical and data processing skills.

- Ability to develop good cooperative relationships with partners.

- Some basic skills at a good level: communication, persuasion, presentation,negotiation, problem solving…

d) Other requirements:- Proficiency in office computers.

- Ability to work under high pressure.

Social networks: with the widespread use of social networks today, it isconsidered as a potentially promising recruitment channel Vinamilk has usedthe popular social networking site LinkedIn as a reliable, simple, and practicalcandidate access channel to find applicants for the vacancy in the company

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Figure 2.Vinamilk posted job vacancy recruitment on LinkedIn

Websites: In addition to publishing job recruitment on Vinamilk officialwebsite, the company also takes advantage of recruitment websites to discovera large number of candidates Some job-hunting websites Vinamilk has usedinclude: vn.indeed.com; vietnamworks.com; careerbuilder.com,

Figure 3 Recruitment news of Vinamilk on its official website and recruitmentwebsite vietnamworks.com

Vinamilk recruits sales operation officer for the company through 2 mainrecruitment sources:

- Internal recruitment source

- External recruitment source

a) Internal recruitment source:

The recruitment method is primarily through the introduction from officials andemployees at Vinamilk to discover qualified and capable candidates who areappropriate for the vacancy.

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b) External recruitment channel:

Vinamilk concentrates on and primarily uses the outside human resources to fillthe company's sales operation officer positions.

Future human resources who are students attending universities across thenation are of particular importance to Vinamilk In order to reach this target group,Vinamilk has employed a variety of recruitment strategies and initiatives Annually, thecompany organizes recruitment programs at top universities nationwide Recruitmentactivities taking place inside university campuses partly help students confidentlypresent their abilities in front of recruiters.

In addition, the firm also offers the “Vinamilk Management Trainee Program2020” and the “Annual Internship Program” to provide students with the opportunityto learn about the working environment as well as the conditions for development atVinamilk.

4.3.1. Vinamilk management trainee program 2020:

Vinamilk management trainee program 2020 is where young people with talentsand leadership potentials look for and gain opportunities to grow and become thefuture business managers.

During the 18-month training and developing period for a trainee, Vinamilk willlay out a clear schedule with many difficulties Trainees stand a chance to gainexperience in a professional, dynamic and practical working environment Thecandidates not only experience real-world working conditions but they also have achance to take part in many significant company projects.

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Figure 4 Management trainee program 2020 of Vinamilk

4.3.2. Recruitment program at universities:

Annually, Vinanmilk organizes recruitment programs at top universities acrossthe country This is an opportunity for students to apply and have more informationabout Vinamilk in order to define their career path On university campuses,recruitment activities take place that helps students be confident to demonstrate theirabilities and skills in front of the recruiter.

Vinamilk aims to assist students in landing their dream jobs and gaining thechance to advance in one of the leading businesses in Vietnam by offering full supportwithin its ability.

4.3.3. Internship program:

The Internship Program in Vinamilk creates opportunities for students to gainpractical experience Because it is difficult for students to choose the suitable jobsbased on their competencies and skills as well as their career aspirations, Vinamilkprovides them with the annual Internship Program in order to assist students indefining the initial steps in their career path.

Students will get a chance to work in a professional environment with talentedcoworkers as well as approach essential information, sharpen their abilities anddetermine their career objectives This program is an opportunity for Vinamilk toapproach and connect with enthusiastic and potential applicants.

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In recent years, Vinamilk has sponsored many scholarships and createdinternship opportunities for outstanding students to complete their education Manytalents who successfully participated in the Internship Program have been selected towork permanently for Vinamilk.

a) Job application:Job application includes:

- Cover letter & CV (attach picture)

- Bachelor's degree and other related qualifications

- Candidates’ applications will be screened and selected based on the matchbetween the recruitment requirements and the candidate's qualificationsshown on the application.

A test of logical thinking aims to assess the candidate's logical thinking ability andacumen The logical thinking test consists of two parts:

Part 1: Language proficiency test: Read passages and answer the questions.Part 2: Common IQ test.

The candidate will undergo a 30-40-minute strength-based assessment test The systemwill return the results of the top 5 strengths and candidates will utilize this informationto create essays in both English and Vietnamese.

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c) Interview:

Direct personality assessment interview: Candidates will be asked to respond to 18questions covering topics including beliefs, life's purpose, moral principles, goals,expectations, etc…

Presentation and second in-person interview: This is the round to present the results ofthe strength-based assessment test The candidates need to compare, explain, andprovide their own judgment regarding the differences in the outcomes of the two trialsat the same time as they are asked to repeat their responses to the prior 18-questiontest.

[ CITATION NHA21 \l 1033 ]


Training program to support career development and goal-achieving for salesoperation officers: The company always facilitates employees in this position to takepart in training programs to advance their knowledge (specialized knowledge; policies,codes of conduct, corporate culture, ) and other job requirements, as well as theirskills and self-awareness that enable them to cope with any challenges and come upwith innovative solutions to deal with these difficulties in the most effective manner.

Several new job opportunities: As its commitment to continuous development,Vinamilk fosters favorable conditions that encourages employees in this position to tryout new roles and jobs.

Culture inspires work and creativity: "Creativity is a vital factor!" at Vinamilk.Therefore, the firm constantly strives hard to create environments that allow eachemployee to express their creativity and realize their full potential, thereby making adifference.

Vinamilk always upholds the principle of treating employees with respect andequality, regardless of their gender, location, or religion No matter their position orlevel, everyone is provided with training opportunities and conditions to demonstratetheir values and contribute to the organization's success.

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Human resource training and development process:

- Compulsory regulation-compliant training course: food hygiene and safety, fireprevention, and labor safety.

- Responsive training course: courses designed to help employees take charge oftheir roles as sales operation officers.

- Advanced training course: courses prepare individuals for this job positions inthe company's human resources plan as well as in the employee's careerdevelopment plan.

Organize learning sessions and experience sharing sessions among officials andemployees to assist everyone in learning and absorbing new ideas at work.

Training program: 18 months The task and the demands of the task will vary ateach stage Therefore, the amount of work required also varies Employees will also besplit up into groups to participate in corporate-level projects set out by the StrategicPlanning department, which typically run between 2-3 months.

Besides, the following restrictions still apply to employee training activities inthis position:

- New employees are trained at a dairy plant and then reassigned to otherfactories

- Although the training process explicitly states the determination of units' annualtraining needs, the reality is hazy and formal, failing to identify and clarify thetraining needs of the employees Since there are no measures for carrying outthe training program, its effectiveness cannot be assessed.

- There are no standards for training quality

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- The training information creates no uniformity and is methodical.

Vinamilk always keeps the salary of each staff absolutely confidential for thepurpose of avoiding the problem of employees frequently comparing theirsalaries throughout the company

Vinamilk adopts the same monthly payment calculation method:

Salary received = (Basic salary + Allowance) / 26 x Number of working days

Additionally, personnel will be informed of the date of the monthly salarypayment and there is a difference between the office department and theproduction department.

Employees working in sales operation officer positions typically earn a basicsalary of between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 VND per month.

5.2.2. Bonus:

Employees will have numerous opportunities to obtain additional benefits in thisposition, including performance bonuses, quarterly and yearly emulation bonuses,working allowances, phone calls, meal allowance, etc According to Vinamilk'semployee compensation policy, this sales department's minimum annual income mustalways exceed 10 million Dong.

All employees of the company enjoy remuneration according to the Company’sRegulations on salary and bonus: 10% of profit after tax is deducted to the Bonus andWelfare Fund to reward employees based on performance evaluation.

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- Business performance of the company

5.2.4. Compensation and some welfare policies:

Over the years, Vinamilk has consistently valued, maintained, and improved thefactor "Health and Mentality" for employees in the company; as a result, not only theposition of sales operation officer but also all employees have access to a variety ofwelfare and compensation plans, including:

- Employee Health Insurance Program.

- Vinamilk constructs facilities to support and service the needs of employees'learning and working environments.

- In order to care for employees' health, create welcoming environments, boostproductivity and help employees regain energy, Vinamilk also includes a varietyof recreational amenities, including a swimming pool, yoga room, football field,entertainment area, and creative space…

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2024, 14:22


