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Nội dung

quy trình thu mua nguyên vật liệu và báo giá sản phẩm tại công Ty Tam Long, cung cấp các dịch vụ thiết yếu như là gia công, chế tác

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1.3 Theoretical process of importing FCL shipment 8


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3.2 Limitation of Seawind company 41

3.4 Lessons Learned from the Internship Experienc 45


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C/O: Certificate of originVAT: Value added taxB/L: Bill of ladingD/O: Delivery oder

CIC:Container Imbalance Charge THC:Terminal Handling ChargeEIR: Equipment Interchange ReceiptA/N: Arrival notice

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TABLE 2.1: The freight forwarding process of imported FCLshipment at Seawind transport viet nam limited company


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Figure 1.1 the freight forwarding process of imported FCLshipment


Figure 2.1 Logo of Seawind Transport Viet Nam limited company 13

Figure 2.2: Organizational Structure 17

Figure 2.3 Logo of Kosei International co.,ltd 22

Figure 2.4 Logo of Dinh Vu Port 23

Figure 2.5 Logo of Minh Phat Technology And Trading CompanyLimited 23

Figure 2.6 Logo of Tuan Anh Investment jsc 24

Figure 2.8 Profits from delivery activities 25

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In line with the global trend of economic cooperation, with the strongdevelopment of the market economy and the deepening interdependence interms of economy and trade among nations, Vietnam has been continuouslystriving to promote industrialization and modernization, integrating itseconomy into the world Starting from a country with a backward industrialbase and various limitations, the only way to industrialize and modernize thecountry quickly is to quickly access modern and advanced aspects from foreigncountries Importation plays a crucial role in achieving this goal, and efficientfreight forwarding operations are essential for smooth import activities Whilethere are large and well-established freight forwarding companies withextensive operations and experienced staff, Seawind Transport VietnamLimited Company is a relatively new company that has been operating for justover 10 years Consequently, the company's scope of operations is limited.However, to overcome these limitations, the company has sought to learn fromthe experiences of more established companies to enhance its competitivecapabilities Recognizing the importance of freight forwarding activities andthe role of the company within the logistics system, I have decided to choosethe topic "The Freight Forwarding process of imported FCL shipment atSeawind Transport Viet Nam Limited Company" for my internship report inthe specialized field.

The following information will be presented in this internship report:

Chapter 1: Theoretical background of freight forwarding process of importedFCL shipment

Chapter 2: Introduction of Seawind Transport VietNam Limited CompanyChapter 3: Evaluation the freight forwarding process of imported FCLshipment at Seawind Transport VietNam Limited Company

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1.1 Theoretical background

1.1.1 Definition of freight forwarding

According to the FIATA: "Freight Forwarding" means services of any kind relatingto the carriage (performed by single mode or multimodal transport means),consolidation, storage, handling, packing or distribution of the goods as well asancillary and advisory services in connection therewith, including but not limited tocustoms and fiscal matters, declaring the goods for official purposes, procuringinsurance of the goods and collecting or procuring payment or documents relatingto the goods Freight forwarding services also include logistical services withmodern information and communication technology in connection with the carriage,handling or storage of the goods, and the factor total supply chain management.These services can be tailored to meet the flexible application of the servicesprovided.”

According to Vietnam Commercial law 1997 Article 163 – Freight forwardingservice is a commercial act whereby a person providing freight forwarding servicesreceives goods from the senders, organizes the transportation, storage, handling ofgoods, paperwork, and other related services to deliver the goods to the consigneeunder the consignment of the shipper, the carrier or another forwarding serviceprovider.

1.1.2 The function of freight forwarding

Freight Forwarding, also known as a Forwarder, is an essential service in thetransportation industry that helps companies optimize the process of transportinggoods A Freight Forwarder acts as an intermediary between transportation

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companies (such as shipping lines or airlines) and businesses that need to import orexport goods.

Specifically, a Freight Forwarder manages all aspects of the transportation process,from storing goods before shipment to ensuring the goods pass through customs.They do not physically transport the goods themselves but establish relationshipswith transportation companies to plan each step of the shipment on behalf of thecustomer Freight Forwarders work with transportation companies that utilizevarious modes of transportation, including ships, airplanes, trucks, and railways.The services provided by a Freight Forwarder include document preparation,selecting transportation providers, negotiating freight rates, consolidating cargo,managing inventory, and handling insurance claims when necessary The importantstages of the transportation process include Export Haulage, Main Transportation,Customs, and Import Haulage.

Freight Forwarders play a crucial role in simplifying the transportation process,reducing costs, and ensuring logistical efficiency They are often referred to as"architects of transportation" by the International Federation of Freight ForwardersAssociations (FIATA)(1).

1.1.3 Parties engaged in freight forwarding activities

- Buyer: The buyer named in the commercial contract

- Seller: The person who sells goods in a commercial contract

- Shipper: The person who sends the goods, signs a contract of carriage with thefreight forwarder

- Shipping line: travels goods from the place of delivery to the point of receipt inaccordance with the terms of the carriage contract.

- Forwarder: The person in charge of handling the shipment's import-relatedformalities and delivering it to the consignee.

- Consignee: The person who is entitled to receive the goods.

- Customs: The party examines and validates the shipment's customs clearance

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1.1.4 Definition of import

According to the 2005 Commercial Law, Article 2,3, the regulations on importation are defined as follows: "Importation of goods refers to the act of bringing goods intothe territory of Vietnam from foreign countries or from special areas considered as separate customs territories according to the provisions of the law."

Based on the economic and social conditions of each period and internationalagreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member, theGovernment specifies the list of prohibited goods for export, prohibited goods forimport, and the list of goods subject to export and import permits issued bycompetent state authorities, along with the procedures for granting such permits (2)However, according to a comprehensive and accurate definition, importation isunderstood as a type of business activity and trade relationship between buyers andsellers, but instead of being limited to domestic boundaries, importation operates onan international scale It is known as the process of exchanging and trading goodsbetween two or more countries, with the primary medium of exchange beingcurrency Importation is not simply individual trading between nations; it is asystem and a transaction process between two parties that leads to the negotiationand eventual execution of a contract for the purchase and sale of goods between thetwo parties.

1.1.5 Definition of FCL

FCL is a term used in sea freight to describe shipments that consist of a “fullcontainer load,” or a shipment that only has one consignee in a single container andis not being shared with other shippers Standard container sizes are 20’ and 40’containers; both sizes offer standard and high cube sizing.(3)

The full form of FCL is ‘Full Container Load’, it is a container that is for the use ofa single consignee In international shipping, an FCL means a single container thatis booked by the shipper exclusively for the transportation of their cargo only Theshipper doesn’t have to share the container with cargo booked by other shippers.This enhances security and simplifies ocean freight logistics management.

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1.2 Related documents

a, Sale contract

A sales contract is a legally binding document between a buyer and seller Thedocument includes the details of the exchange, the terms of sale, clear productor service descriptions and more A good sales contract should leave no doubtin either party’s mind about their rights and obligations during a transaction.(4)

Using a sales contract in business transactions offers several advantages Itpromotes transparency by clearly outlining the responsibilities andexpectations of both parties involved The contract serves as a legally bindingagreement, ensuring that all parties are obligated to fulfill their obligations Inessence, a sales contract provides protection for both buyers and sellers,preventing any deviation from the agreed-upon terms during a sale.

b, Bill of lading

Bill of lading (B/L) is an important document in the field of maritime transport.A bill of lading is often used to confirm the delivery of goods from the seller(exporter) to the buyer (importer) and serves as evidence of ownership orright to transport the goods.

c, Commercial invoice

Commercial Invoice is the basic document of the payment stage, is the seller'srequest to the buyer to pay the amount of goods stated on the invoice Unlike thebill of lading, the commercial invoice does not indicate the ownership of cargoesnot does it carry a title to the cargoes being sold In international trade, acommercial invoice should be clear and include all of the relevant information Thekinds of information that should be in a commercial invoice are:

- Number of units or items

- Country or territory of origin

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- Description of the items being sold

- Purpose and name of items

e, Certificate of origin

A certificate of origin (CO) is a document declaring in which country acommodity or good was manufactured The certificate of origin containsinformation regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export.For example, a good may be marked "Made in the USA" or "Made in China".Required by many treaty agreements for cross-border trade, the CO is animportant form because it can help determine whether certain goods areeligible for import, or whether goods are subject to duties.

f, Arrival notice

An arrival notice is a document or notification that informs the recipient(consignee) about the impending arrival of a shipment at its destination Itincludes details such as shipment information, expected arrival date and time,

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notice helps the consignee prepare for the arrival, make necessaryarrangements, and facilitates smooth coordination between the partiesinvolved.

g, Value Added Tax Invoice

VAT invoice is a document used in many countries to record transactionsinvolving the collection of VAT VAT is a consumption tax applied to a widerange of goods and services at various stages of production and distribution,and it is based on the value added within the supply chain.

h, Delivery order

Delivery Order is a document issued by a shipping line used to receive goodsreceived by the importer to present to the warehouse supervision agency (portof destination) before being able to withdraw goods from containers,warehouses or yards, In order to obtain the goods, the consignee is requiredto have this document.

i, Customs declaration

Customs Declaration is a document serving the process of importing orexporting goods across national borders The customs declaration containsdetailed information about the goods, their value, origin, and other relevantinformation, necessary for customs to inspect and impose duties on thosegoods.

k, Equipment interchange receipt

An Equipment Interchange Receipt (EIR) is a document that is issued by acarrier or its respective agent to the cargo owner, when a container is movedfrom one location to another These locations are often referred to asinterchange points and can be between vessels, depots, yards or terminals.

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1.3 Theoretical process of importing FCL shipment

Figure 1.1: the freight forwarding process of imported FCL shipment

Source: Material of Logistics services

Step 1: Determine the goods to be imported

In this step, you need to determine the category of goods you intend to import,whether they fall into a specific industry group, whether they are prohibited items,or if they require an import license Additionally, you should check if the goodsrequire compliance with standards or specialized inspections in the industry Thisstep involves identifying and specifying the goods that are planned to be imported.It includes determining the quantity, specifications, and any necessarydocumentation requirements for the goods.

Step 2: Receiving and checking the imformation set of documents

Determine the goods to be

Receiving and checking the imformation set of

Receiving Arrival notice from shipping line

Declaring Cargo manifest to receive

the imported FCL shipment

Customs declaration and

Submitting documents to shipping line and

receiving D/O

Bringing D/O to the C/Y and take the

Taking cargoes out

to of the container Accounting and saving documents

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The freight forwarder receives a set of documents from the forwarder agent.These documents include the commercial invoice, packing list, bill of lading (B/L), and any other required documentation The freight forwarder will thencheck all documents to ensure that everything is in order and there are noerrors or discrepancies.

Step 3: Receiving Arrival notice from shipping line

The shipping company will issue an A/N to the forwarder to notify the goods ofarrival The A/N provides important information such as the vessel name,arrival date, and container number This information helps the freightforwarder prepare for the arrival of the shipment.

Step 4: Declaring Cargo manifest to receive the imported FCL shipment

Declaring Cargo Manifest to receive the imported FCL shipment The freightforwarder declares the Cargo Manifest to the customs authorities to receive the FullContainer Load (FCL) shipment This involves providing detailed informationabout the imported goods, including their description, quantity, value, and countryof origin After that, the system will proceed to classify stream (Green stream,yellow stream and red stream)

Step 5: Customs declaration and clearance

The freight forwarder submits the necessary customs declaration documents to thecustoms authorities These documents typically include the commercial invoice,packing list, and any required permits or licenses The customs authorities reviewthe declaration, assess any applicable duties or taxes, and clear the goods for furtherprocessing.

Step 6: Submitting documents to shipping line and receiving D/O

The freight forwarder submits the bill of lading (B/L) and other relevant documentsto the shipping line In return, they receive a delivery order (D/O), which gives thempermission to take the container from the designated container yard (CY) In order

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to obtain a delivery order, the freight forwarder must prepare the followingcomplete set of documents and submit them to the shipping line:

- Copy of ID card or passport- Introduce letter

- Original bill of lading with company endorsement stamp- Payment of fees

Step 7: Bringing D/O to the C/Y and take the container

With the D/O in hand, the freight forwarder goes to the designated container yard(CY) and presents the document to the yard personnel They locate and retrieve theassigned container and make arrangements for its transport to the consignee'sdesired location At this time, businesses must pay attention to the following twoissues:

- Vehicles to bring goods back

- Warehouses and yards to preserve goods

*Note: Businesses must ensure the validity of the delivery order, otherwise thebusiness must work again with the shipping company to extend it.

Step 8: Taking cargoes out to of the container

In this step, the freight forwarder unloads the goods from the container at thedesignated location They ensure proper handling, storage, and may perform anynecessary inspections or quality checks to ensure the goods are in satisfactorycondition.

Step 9: Accounting and saving documents

The freight forwarder performs accounting procedures related to the shipment,ensuring that all costs and charges are properly recorded They also save andmaintain copies of all relevant documents for their records and for future reference,such as audits or inquiries.Storage period is at least 5 years.

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2.1 Company’s profile

Established in 2013, up to now, Seawind has been providing more than 100customers with professional Logistics services Seawind always upholds honestyand puts customers' interests first The company is also one of the few Forwardercompanies that has been granted a certificate of eligibility to operate as a CustomsClearance Agent by the General Department of Customs.

Seawind is headquartered in Hai Phong, the gateway to sea trade in northernVietnam The company focuses on main services: Customs Agent, Freightforwarding (sea, road, air), and other ancillary services.

Figure 2.1 Logo of Seawind Transport Viet Nam limited company

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Phone: 0904408466

Email: james@seawindtransport.comWebsite: https://seawindtransport.com/

As a Customs Broker in Hai Phong, Seawind aims to become the leadingCustoms Agent in Vietnam, to "Help enterprises understand Vietnamese lawsin the field of Import and Export in general and Customs clearance proceduresin particular" With a team of experienced staff, over the past 10 years, Seawindhas provided more than 100 customers with quality service with the trustalways put first.

To become a global forwarding company and a leader in the CustomsBrokerage field Additionally, Seawind aims to be a high-quality humanresource supply center in the logistics industry, assisting 1000 businesses inunderstanding and complying with Vietnamese laws and regulations in theimport-export sector.

To widely disseminate legal knowledge related to the logistics industry ingeneral and customs procedures in particular Seawind provides training to thestaff of 1000 import-export businesses on Customs Law and proceduresrelated to international and domestic cargo transportation.

Core Values:

According to CEO Vu Hai Thanh, "Honesty is a valuable quality that everySeawind employee must possess Other qualities are secondary and not asimportant." Seawind prioritizes building trust with customers and partners.

Development Direction:

Seawind aims to develop as a Customs Brokerage agency, leveraging theknowledge and experience of its staff and leadership to become a leading

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Customs Brokerage agency in the region Additionally, the company providestraining in logistics knowledge and practices to the staff of companiesoperating in the import-export field This contributes to building a newgeneration that understands and complies with Vietnamese laws, ultimatelyenhancing the value of the Vietnamese workforce in the logistics industry.

2.2 Company’s services

2.2.1 Sea freight services

With relationships established with numerous reputable and major shipping linessuch as NYK, SITC, Benline, One, Evergreen, APL, MSC, Yangming, along withan extensive network of agents worldwide, particularly in China, Seawind offerscustomers competitive and reasonable freight rates This ensures efficient and cost-effective transportation of goods from Vietnam to destinations worldwide and viceversa.

2.2.2 Air transport

With many years of experience in the air freight forwarding industry and as apartner of numerous domestic and international airlines, Seawind is fully capable ofmeeting all customer needs with various types of cargo: dangerous goods (DGcargo), perishable goods (vegetables, food), and more Seawind can handleshipments to and from major and minor international airports worldwide fromVietnam.

With flexible pricing based on weight ranging from 1-1000kg and a wide range ofservices from different airlines, Seawind will provide advice and propose solutionsto customers with various options and the most suitable cost-effective approach.

2.2.3 Transportation by road

Road transportation is one of the core services provided by Seawind The companyspecializes in serving customers from manufacturing, trading, import-exportindustries who require goods transportation via trucks or containers on the road.Seawind caters to the needs of manufacturers and import-export businesses, whetherit's delivering goods from ports to their own warehouses or vice versa As a

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reputable and responsible service provider, Seawind ensures it can meet therequirements of its partners and customers.

2.2.4.Customs services

Customs procedures play a crucial role in the import and export of goods It is also astage where unexpected issues can arise for businesses Therefore, the customsclearance team needs to possess knowledge, experience, and flexibility to efficientlyresolve any complications.

As a Customs Brokerage agency, SEAWIND offers high-quality customs clearanceservices in Hai Phong, covering everything from consultation to implementation,ensuring the smoothest and most convenient customs clearance process Theservices include:

Customs clearance for import-export goods:

-Receiving documents from customers and customs declaration (both full containerload and less than container load).

-Conducting cargo inspections when required by customs authorities.

-Particularly, SEAWIND handles customs clearance procedures for all types ofimport-export goods, including commercial goods, aid goods, project goods,exhibition goods, transit goods, temporary import-re-export goods, temporaryexport-re-import goods, and non-commercial goods.

Customer support:

-Obtaining carrier instructions, providing professional customs consultation.

-Handling import-export tax payments and customs security deposits as per customsregulations.

-Arranging cargo insurance for shipments.

-Assisting with customs gate and warehouse procedures to ensure quick cargoretrieval.

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-Handling specialized inspections and certifications related to specific goods, suchas vehicle registration, quarantine checks, fumigation, etc.

-Transporting goods to the consignee's warehouse.Free consultation for customers:

-Providing professional customs consultation.

-Advising on customs declaration, customs tariff, and related tax policies.-Offering HS code advice for goods and calculating taxes for shipments.-Advising on cargo insurance for shipments.

2.2.5 Warehouse service

According to customer requirements, Seawind Logistics provides storage andwarehousing services in the following forms: Ton/month, M2/month,Container/day, and full warehouse lease The company offers Customs BondedWarehouse Management services for commercial banks The main types ofwarehouses include customs bonded warehouses and regular warehouses suitablefor items such as household appliances, paper, and electronic equipment Manualcargo handling is performed based on the nature and type of goods, while forkliftsare used for loading and unloading based on the nature, type, and volume of goods.

2.2.6 Logistics training

Logistics is the optimization of the transportation of goods from production to theend consumer It involves planning, implementing, and controlling the flow ofgoods or related information, including raw materials and finished products, fromthe point of origin to the point of consumption The logistics industry requireshighly skilled professionals Logistics training provides students with in-depthknowledge of logistics, including logistics economics, transportation law, logisticsmanagement, supply chain management, and more Graduates with strong planning,coordination, calculation, and communication skills have numerous employmentopportunities.

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Seawind focuses on specialized and in-depth training in supply chain managementfor the logistics field Students learn extensively about end-to-end transportationfrom production to consumption using various modes of transportation such as road,rail, sea, and air The training focuses on optimizing transportation methods to savecosts and time in the supply of goods Students also learn international marketing,enabling them to plan, organize, and manage multimodal transportation services andengage in practical activities related to multimodal transportation and logistics Thisequips students with the ability to analyze cargo flows, determine customer needs,plan distribution centers, and manage distribution processes from centers tocustomers.

2.2.7 Logistics services

Seawind provides a range of services, including supplier search, contractnegotiation and signing, document preparation, insurance, inspection,classification analysis, packaging organization, storage, transportation vehiclerental, customs declaration, receiving goods from the origin, and deliveringgoods to the designated destination as per the client's instructions Thecompany's philosophy is to "maximize time and cost savings for customers,"enabling clients to gain a competitive advantage and focus their resources oncore business activities.

2.3 Organizational structure

As a specialized service company, Seawind Transport VietNam Limited Companymay not have a large workforce, but all members are closely interconnected Eachperson is assigned a clear and specific task, linking the work of each individual intoa collective effort for the entire company The activities of each member in thecompany are guided and supervised by the Director, with a streamlined and simpleorganizational structure that operates effectively.

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FIGURE 2.2: Organizational Structure

-Building a high-level Leadership Team: The CEO creates a strong andresponsive leadership team that meets the company's needs, leading andsupporting team members.

-Establishing Vision, Values, and Corporate Culture: The CEO develops thecompany's vision, values, and corporate culture.

-Building corporate values and culture: The CEO works on building the valuesand culture of the company.

-Monitoring company operations: The CEO monitors the company's activitiesto ensure the implementation of approved business plans and oversees theday-to-day operations of the company.

2.3.2 Accounting Department

The Accounting Department performs its functions in three main areas:

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-Financial management and accounting: This includes managing financialactivities, accounting tasks, and monitoring the utilization of capital, funds, andassets within the company.

-Guidance and supervision: The department provides guidance, checks, andurges the compliance with current financial and accounting regulations byrelevant units, departments, or individuals.

-Seeking and exploiting funding sources: The department searches for andutilizes funding sources to meet the investment, development, and businessproduction needs of the company.

The requirements for the position include a university degree in finance andaccounting, industry experience, attention to detail, and meticulousness.

2.3.3 Operation department

The responsibilities of the Operations Department vary depending on thespecific operations of each business or import-export establishment However,in general, the on-site Logistics staff is responsible for the following tasks:-Handling import and export documentation: The Logistics staff is responsiblefor receiving or delivering all types of documents related to import and exportfrom relevant departments Additionally, they are responsible for handlingprocedures related to taxation, customs declarations, and other necessarydocuments for import and export activities.

-Liaising with customers and suppliers: The Logistics staff regularlycommunicates with customers and transportation service providers tocomplete procedures for upcoming shipments, ensuring that the import-exportprocess is conducted quickly and efficiently.

-Coordinating shipment orders: The staff is responsible for coordinating the

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warehouses or containers to customers or designated areas as directed bysuperiors.

-Managing inventory changes: The Logistics staff oversees and monitors allactivities related to changes in the quantity of goods in the company'swarehouses.

-Interacting with relevant authorities: They liaise and work with agencies andentities involved in import-export activities, ensuring the rights and benefits ofthe company and customers, such as insurance agencies, inspection agencies,quarantine authorities, and fumigation services They also handle relevantprocedures.

-Reporting and documentation: The staff prepares daily and weekly reports,summarizes work processes, identifies issues, difficulties, and necessaryproposals, and submits them to higher authorities for review, approval, andadjustments for future operations.

The requirements for the position include proficiency in office computing, goodhealth, basic knowledge of customs procedures, handling orders, and freightprocedures Strong communication and problem-solving skills, timemanagement and organizing abilities, the ability to work independently and aspart of a team are also necessary.- Làm vi c t t theo nhóm.ệc tốt theo nhóm ốt theo nhóm.

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-Handle other documents and records such as House Bill, Telex Release (ifnecessary), container and warehouse rental contracts, etc.

-Monitor various fees such as DEM/DET fees, cleaning fees, container transportfees, etc.

-Prepare international payment documents in appropriate forms (L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, etc.).

-Classify and store documents in an organized and easily retrievable manner.-Arrange shipment schedules for upcoming customers.

-Monitor and control shipment and delivery schedules, resolve issues that ariseduring transportation, customs clearance, and other matters related totrucking and warehouse operations.

-Work with foreign agents on transportation, freight information, pricing, andother related issues.

-Coordinate with the accounting department and other relevant departmentsto ensure timely delivery of goods.

-Perform other tasks such as collecting invoices and documents, deliveringdocuments to customers, supervising container loading, etc.

Requirements: Graduation in logistics, international business, or related fields,proficient in office computing, good command of English, ability to understandand interpret documents, strong communication skills Basic knowledge ofcustoms procedures, order processing, and cargo handling Flexiblecommunication and problem-solving skills, attention to detail in work, abilityto work under pressure

.2.3.5 Sales logistics

Sales Logistics Staff are individuals who work in logistics companies or in thelogistics department of an organization They are responsible for seeking andpersuading customers to use logistics services, providing freight rates and

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related transportation costs, assisting in coordination, planning, and execution,and monitoring supply chain activities within an organization Specifically,their responsibilities include:

-Prospecting for customers through promoting and introducing the company'stransportation services.

-Regularly contacting and caring for customers, providing pricing support, andoffering service incentives to customers.

-Providing support to the logistics team to ensure that all outgoing andincoming shipments are not damaged or misrouted.

-Requesting customers to confirm orders and coordinating external orderswith shipping carriers or brokers.

-Working with carriers to coordinate return shipments and managingelectronic transportation files.

Requirements: College degree or higher, good communication skills,proficiency in office computing, dedication to work,…

2.3.6 Human resource department

The tasks of the human resources department typically involve personnelmanagement and employee care within an organization Here are some basicresponsibilities of the human resources department:

-Recruitment and selection of employees: The human resources departmentcarries out the recruitment process, posts job advertisements, receives andevaluates candidates, conducts interviews, and checks relevant documents.The goal is to find the most suitable candidates for the job requirements.

-Employee information management: The human resources departmentmaintains and updates information about employees, including personalrecords, employment contracts, salary and benefits information, and otherpersonnel management-related issues.

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-Labor relations management: The human resources department helpsmaintain a positive and harmonious work environment by addressing issuesrelated to labor relations, resolving labor disputes, and building a fair andtrustworthy environment for employees.

-Employee training and development: The human resources departmentdesigns and implements employee training and development programs toenhance the capabilities and skills of employees This may include vocationaltraining, soft skills training, mentoring programs, and personal developmentactivities.

-Performance management and employee evaluation: The human resourcesdepartment participates in the employee performance evaluation process,including goal setting, progress monitoring, performance assessment, andproviding feedback This helps ensure that employees operate effectively andcontribute to organizational goals.

2.5 The role and position of Seawind trans in the supply chain

Seawind Company plays a crucial role in the field of logistics With its ability toorganize and coordinate the transportation of goods, Seawind ensures efficientshipment from the point of origin to the destination They make transportationbookings, handle loading and unloading, and manage shipping by sea, air, road,or rail Additionally, the company plays a significant role in customsprocedures and related documentation They act as a link between customersand government authorities, ensuring compliance with legal regulations andhelping customers save

time and effort Moreover, Seawind often participates in supply chainmanagement, monitoring and controlling the flow of goods, schedulingtransportation, and managing warehouses They also provide consultingservices and logistics solutions, helping customers optimize transportationprocesses and reduce costs Furthermore, the company offers cargo insuranceservices to protect customers from risks during transportation With such

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diverse and specialized roles, Seawind is one of the few Forwarding companiescertified by the General Department of Customs to meet the requirements ofCustoms Brokerage and is a member of the Hai Phong Logistics Association.

2.6 Main Partner

Established in 2013, Seawind has been providing professional logistics servicesto over 100 customers to date Seawind places a strong emphasis on honestyand prioritizes the interests of its customers Here are some notable customersof the company:

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2024, 22:29
