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En16 văn học anh mỹ bài 13

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Môn học nhằm cung cấp các khái niệm cơ bản về văn học, và các tác phẩm văn học Anh-Mỹ tiêu biểu. Với phương pháp trích giảng, sinh viên vận dụng các kiến thức về lịch sử xã hội Anh-Mỹ đã học vào việc phân tích và cảm nhận tác phẩm. Trong quá trình học sinh viên có cơ hội thể hiện sự hiểu biết của mình về các tác phẩm và tác giả bằng cách tham gia vào các vở kịch, thảo luận, viết bài luận phân tích.

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Full name: Date of birth:

Group: ………

I Answer the following questions: (50 points )

1 What new tendencies were noticeable in the cultural life of England of the 5thcentury and where did they come from?

In the 5th century, England underwent significant cultural transformationsdue to the influx of Anglo-Saxon settlers from Germany and Denmark The arrivalof the Anglo-Saxons brought with them their distinct cultural practices, language(Old English), and artistic traditions They had a strong oral tradition, whichencompassed the composition of epic poems like Beowulf and the preservation ofhistorical accounts through storytelling Additionally, the Anglo-Saxons introducedGermanic folklore and mythology, infusing the cultural landscape with mythicalfigures and tales While the dominant religious beliefs of the time were pagan, the5th century also witnessed the gradual spread of Christianity through the efforts ofChristian missionaries from Rome This process of Christianization would have aprofound impact on English culture in the subsequent centuries Overall, thecultural life of England in the 5th century was shaped by the amalgamation ofAnglo-Saxon customs and traditions with the existing Romano-British culture,laying the groundwork for the development of the English language and literature.

2 What can you say about the composition of the Canterbury Tales?

The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 14th century,is a literary work that consists of a collection of stories framed within a narrativestructure The tales are presented as a group of pilgrims traveling to the shrine ofThomas Becket in Canterbury, England Each pilgrim tells a story during thejourney, resulting in a varied assortment of tales that encompass different genresand perspectives The characters in the tales represent a wide range of socialclasses and professions, offering a vibrant portrayal of medieval English society.Chaucer employs satire and social commentary to critique the flaws and vices ofhis characters and the society they represent, providing a nuanced reflection of themoral and cultural climate of the time Although the work remains unfinished, withonly 24 completed tales out of the intended 120, The Canterbury Tales is hailed asa literary masterpiece Its narrative complexity, vivid characterizations, and

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exploration of various themes have solidified its place as a significant contributionto English literature and a source of inspiration for generations of writers.

3 What are the characters of the Canterbury Tales?

The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 14th century,presents a captivating array of characters These characters, known as pilgrims,embark on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury, England.Among the notable figures are the Knight, a noble and chivalrous warrior; the Wifeof Bath, a confident and experienced woman; the Miller, a boisterous andmischievous individual; and the Pardoner, a hypocritical clergyman Othermemorable pilgrims include the Nun (Prioress), known for her delicate mannersand sentimentality; the Summoner, a hot-tempered church officer; the Merchant, afashionable businessman facing financial difficulties; and the Franklin, a wealthylandowner with a penchant for indulgence These characters, among others,represent a diverse cross-section of medieval English society, allowing Chaucer toprovide insightful and satirical commentary on the social and moral fabric of thetime.

II Comments (50 points )

What are your comments on the contents and significance of the works “The Canterbury Tales”?

"The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer is a literary masterpiece withprofound significance It is a collection of stories framed within a narrativestructure, showcasing a diverse group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury Thework offers a remarkable depiction of medieval English society, exploring varioussocial classes, professions, and moral dilemmas

One of the notable aspects of "The Canterbury Tales" is its richcharacterization Chaucer's pilgrims represent a wide range of personalities, eachwith their unique traits and flaws Through these characters, Chaucer provides anuanced examination of human nature, highlighting both the virtues and vices thatexist within individuals and society as a whole The tales themselves cover a broadspectrum of genres, including romance, comedy, tragedy, and morality tales.Chaucer's skillful storytelling and vivid descriptions bring the narratives to life,captivating the reader and offering insights into the moral, social, and culturalfabric of the time "The Canterbury Tales" also serves as a social critique Chauceremploys satire and irony to expose the hypocrisies, corruption, and shortcomingsof various characters and institutions Through his portrayal of the clergy, thenobility, and the common people, Chaucer critiques the moral and ethical standardsprevalent in medieval society.

Furthermore, the work reflects the linguistic and literary innovations of itstime Chaucer wrote "The Canterbury Tales" in Middle English, a significantdeparture from the traditional use of Latin and French in literature This choicemade the work more accessible to a broader audience and contributed to the

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development of the English language as a literary medium The influence of "TheCanterbury Tales" on English literature cannot be overstated Chaucer's work set aprecedent for the use of vernacular language in literary works and inspired futuregenerations of writers It paved the way for the emergence of the English literarytradition and had a lasting impact on the development of storytelling,characterization, and narrative techniques.

In summary, "The Canterbury Tales" is a remarkable work that combinessocial commentary, diverse storytelling, and linguistic innovation Its enduringsignificance lies in its portrayal of medieval society, its exploration of humannature, and its contribution to the evolution of English literature.

Ngày đăng: 14/06/2024, 10:20

