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En05 phương pháp luận nghiên cứu khoa học bai kiem tra 6

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Câu 1: Nêu các nội dung chính của một Đề cương nghiên cứu khoa học (4 điểm). Câu 2: Lấy ví dụ 01 đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học cụ thể, đúng chuyên ngành Ngôn ngữ Anh để xây dựng một Đề cương nghiên cứu khoa học với đầy đủ các nội dung trên. (6 điểm).

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Student’s fullname: Date of bith:

BÀI LÀMTask 1:

A scientific research proposal is a document that outlines the main content andsteps of the research The scientific research proposal is developed forsubmission to funding agencies and organizations for approval, as a basis forworking with colleagues The outline should include the following points:


Selection of scientific topics must come from the selection of scientificfacts/problems A scientific problem, also called a research problem or researchquestion, is a question posed when the researcher is faced with a conflictbetween the limitation of existing scientific knowledge and the requirement todevelop that knowledge at a higher level Discovering a scientific problem is avery important step on the way to cognitive development Researching ascientific problem should start with the discovery of a scientific problem.

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Therefore, in order to select a topic, the research problem should be presented inthe form of a questionable sentence.

- Does the topic have scientific significance?

- Does the topic have practical significance?

- Is the topic urgent to study?

- Are you qualified to do the project?

- Is the topic relevant to your interests?

- Is the topic relevant to the subject being trained?

To name a topic, it is important to note that the title of the topic must be veryconcise, with one meaning, not two or more meanings Two disadvantages toavoid when naming topics:

Firstly: The topic title should not be set with phrases with high uncertaintyabout information Eg: thinking about , trying to learn about …

Secondly, limit the abuse of phrases indicating the purpose Eg: in order toimprove the quality , contribute to

The reason for choosing the main topic is to present the purpose of the research,the researcher must answer the question "why is the topic considered?" Whenexplaining the reason, the researcher needs to clarify three things:

- Analyzing briefly the research history and prove, propose the researchnot to repeat the results that have been published by previous studies.

- Clarifying the level of research of previous colleagues to clearly showwhat the subject will inherit from colleagues.

- Explaining the reasons for the author's choice in terms of theory,practice, urgency and research capacity

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- Clarifying the level of research of previous colleagues to clearly showwhat the topic will inherit from colleagues

- Clarifying what areas are still vacant, and prove that the researchproposal does not repeat the results that previous colleagues have published.

4.Aim and Objectives of the study

Research objectives answer the question: What is researched?

Research objectives present the intended work in the form of an objective tree,based on the target tree to determine specific research tasks.

There are two types of research scopes:

- Limited scope of research content

- Limited scope of time, the course of events to consider.

- Methods of finding and proving arguments

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- Method of arranging arguments to prove scientific arguments.


In order to prove a scientific argument, there must be arguments Evidence isevidence to confirm that the author's hypothesis is correct Selection ofarguments and methods of information collection are grouped according to:

- Documentary research methods

The main reason for this limitation may be that of Vietnamese studentsordinary learn English in certain courses and for a while Moreover, students donot have many opportunities to deliver frequently with native English speakers,so sometimes there still exist cases where the student has not yet determined therequired degree of language behavior in English To find solutions to thesequestions to provide a solution to the situation above, in the process of learning

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and teaching skills and other language skills in the classroom such as listening,speaking, reading and writing, the teacher should point out how to use questionsin different contexts Comparing the question in both English and Vietnamesefrom a rich source of material about the means of expressing the question in apolite way in social interaction is a necessity, especially it helps Vietnamesestudents learn English and foreign students learn Vietnamese have a guidelinein communication skills, so that there is a good cooperation, dynamic and politecooperation.

The thesis provides the general look into definition and characteristics ofEnglish and Vietnamese questions as well as the usage of English andVietnamese questions Based on the analysis, factors causing common mistakesof Vietnamese learners in learning questions and some recommendation forbetter studying English are also going to be shown.

3 History of study

- Nguyen Dang Suu (2002) carried out a study of English questions in thecontrast with Vietnamese ones In detail, the author figured out the features ofquestions in both English and Vietnamese to have a clear understanding aboutways to form a question and their equivalent meaning in the two languages.Then, the author studied and compared the pragmatic – semantic structure tofind out the similarities and differences between questions in English andVietnamese language He also conducted surveys to investigate theunderstanding of Vietnamese students of questions in the two languages, thencame to some conclusions about the students’ mistakes and suggested solutionsin language teaching Questions in some books are used as illustrated examplesand as the source to display the mistakes in question translation in English –Vietnamese.

- Le Dong (1996) carried out a study on the view of semantics andpragmatics When comparing questions in Vietnamese and English, the authorpoints out the similarities and differences of the typical academic nature of the

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selection of questions from literary works when quoting sources and illustration.

- Vo Dai Quang (2000) conducted a study to compare and contrast ―truequestions‖ on the fields of semantics and pragmatics in English and Vietnamese.In the study, the author used both English and Vietnamese as source and targetlanguage in order to find out the similarities and differences of semantic andpragmatic features of English and Vietnamese questions He also dealt with thecontrast of different types of true questions as well as pragmatic means which isoften seen in those questions kinds

- Cao Xuan Hao (1991) in the study of questions in ―Tiếng Việt - Sơthảo ngữ pháp chức năng‖, divided questions into two categories: legalquestions and unqualified questions In his opinion, the meaning of a genuinequestion can be determined by the meaning of the correspondence between thequestion and the answer Meanwhile, the unqualified question is also mentionedwhen discussing the other verbal values of the question in Vietnamese.

- Nguyen Duc Dan (1998) has summarized the research work of foreignauthors related to the study of "universal" pragmatics He further explains thethree types of linguistic behaviors and the categorization of speech behaviors ofJ Searle (1982) He also mentioned works related to the principle of courtesyand the same viewpoints with R Lakoff (1973, 1989), G Leech (1983), W.Edmondson (1981), A Kasher (1986), when discussing politeness as a motto ofconversation.

4 Aim and Objectives of the study

The research aims at finding out the use of English and Vietnamesequestions Furthermore, questions in the bilingual novel will be selected to findout mistakes in learning and suggest proper solutions The research results willhelp Vietnamese learners learning English questions from English in aneffective way.

To achieve the aims mentioned above, following objectives are put forward:

- To describe the syntactic and pragmatic features of English questions

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and Vietnamese equivalents.

- To establish the usage of English and Vietnamese questions with respectto syntactic and pragmatic features

- To Suggest some recommendations for learning English questions.

5 Sample of the study

Syntactic and pragmatic features of English questions with reference toVietnamese.

6 Scope of the study

The scope of this study is an investigation into English questions andVietnamese equivalents especially in the syntactic and pragmatic features.Therefore, the study is cover in all type of questions The scope of datainvestigation is extracted texts in the work: ―Godfather ‖ by Mario Puzo and itsVietnamese version ―Bố già ‖ translated by Ngoc Thu Lang The analysis willdemonstrate how English questions and Vietnamese questions are being usedand also find out form and meaning of questions between the two books.

- Review of theoretical framework

+ Syntactic features of English questions WH-question

Yes – No question

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+ Pragmatic features of English and Vietnamese question

Ngày đăng: 14/06/2024, 08:47
