The physical layerguarantees the transmission of data on the physical medium; the protocol layer mainly stipulates the communication logic, and uniform standards for packing and unpackin
Trang 1111Equation Chapter 1 Section 1 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC
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Topic: Design I2C controller core
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Trang 2Hà Nội, năm 2023
Trang 3MỤC LỤC
I.1 Tên đầu mục cấp 1 4
I.1.1 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 4
I.1.2 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 4
I.2 Tên đầu mục cấp 1 4
I.2.1 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 4
I.2.2 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 4
I.2.3 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 4
II.1 Tên đầu mục cấp 1 5
II.1.1 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 5
II.1.2 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 5
II.2 Tên đầu mục cấp 1 5
II.2.1 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 5
II.2.2 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 5
II.2.3 Tên đầu mục cấp 2 5
Trang 4Data communication protocol, also known as data
communication control protocol, aims to ensure the efficiency andreliability of communication between two parties in a data communication network The data communication protocol makes
a series of conventions for data format, data transmission order and rate, confirmation or rejection, error detection,
retransmission control and interrogation This report mainly introduces the Inter-Integrated Circuit (hereinafter referred to as I2C) bus communication protocol, data transmission serial SDA (hereinafter referred to as SDA) and serial SCL (hereinafter referred to as SCL)
Trang 5I Introduction to I2C
I2C protocol was introduced by Phillips, which requires only two lines for communication with two or more chips and can control a network of device chips with just a two general purpose I/O pins
In embedded development, communication protocols can be divided into physical layer and protocol layer The physical layerguarantees the transmission of data on the physical medium; the protocol layer mainly stipulates the communication logic, and uniform standards for packing and unpacking the data transmitted by both parties
I2C protocol can also be used for communication between multiple circuit boards in equipments with or without using a shielded cable depending on the distance and speed of data transfer
I.1 Physical layer
I2C is a two wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides effective data communication between two devices I2C bus supports many devices and each device is recognized by its unique address
I2C communication requires only two bidirectional buses, SDA and SCL SDA is used to transmit data, and SCL is used to synchronize data transmission and reception
Multiple I2C communication devices can be connected to the
Trang 6upper 4 bits are fixed The device type is specified by the manufacturer The lower 3 bits are the device pin custom address The host is a logic module with a central processing unit CPU that initializes the data transfer of the bus and generates a clock signal that allows transmission The host useseach device's independent address to access other devices, and any addressed device is called a slave The I2C
communication bus supports data transfer between one host and multiple slaves, i.e ‘one-to-many’
Both SDA and SCL require a pull-up resistor When the bus is idle, both lines are high level Any device connected to the bus outputs low level will pull the bus signal low
I.2 Protocol layer
The protocol layer specifies the data validity of the communication, start and stop signals, responses, data read and write sequences, address broadcasts, and so on
I.2.1 Data validity
When the bus performs data transmission, each bit of datahas a corresponding clock pulse (or synchronous control), that
is, each bit of data is serially transmitted bit by bit on the SDA
in cooperation with SCL While SCL is high, the data on SDA must remain stable, i.e there must be no level changes The high and low states on SDA are allowed to change only while SCL is low As shown in Figure below, to transmit the first bit of data, the SDA level must be changed while SCL is still low.Then SCL is high, the slave receives the first bit of data SDA can change according to the transmission data value when SCL goes low when SCL is high again, SDA can't change level, slavereceives second bit data, and so on, until reaches stop signal
I.2.2 Start and stop signals
Trang 7The I2C bus is said to be idle when both SCL and SDA are
at logic 1 level When the master (controller) wishes to transmitdata to a slave, it begins by issuing a start sequence on the I2Cbus, which is a high to low transition on the SDA line while the SCL line is high
The bus is considered to be busy after the START
condition After the START condition, slave address is sent by the master The slave device whose address matches the address that is being sent out by the master will respond with
an acknowledgement bit on the SDA line by pulling the SDA linelow Data is transferred in sequences of 8 bits The bits are placed on the SDA line starting with the MSB (Most Significant Bit) For every 8 bits transferred, the slave device receiving the data sends back an acknowledge bit, so there are actually 9 SCL clock pulses to transfer each 8 bit byte of data
If the receiving device sends back a low ACK bit, then it has received the data and is ready to accept another byte If it sends back a high then it is indicating it cannot accept any further data and the master should terminate the transfer by sending a STOP sequence The SDA line is driven low while SCL line is high This signals the end of the transaction with the slave device
Trang 8I.2.3 I2C read and write process
a) Write data flow
The standard process for writing data is:
(1) The host first initiates the START signal; then sends the I2C address code (7bit) and write operation 0 (1bit), waiting for the slave to respond to the ACK This process is called address broadcast
(2) The slave sends an ACK;
(3) The host sends the register address (8bit), that is, the data
is written to the slave, waiting for the slave to respond to the ACK;
(4) The slave sends an ACK;
(5) The host sends data (8 bits), that is, the data to be written into the register, waiting for the slave to respond to the ACK;(6) The slave sends an ACK;
(7) Steps 5 and 6 can be repeated multiple times, that is, sequentially writing a plurality of registers starting from the register address indicated in step 3
(8) The host sends a stop signal
b) Read the data flow
The standard process for reading the data is :
(1) The host first initiates a START signal; then sends an I2C address code (7bit) and a write operation 0 (1bit), waiting for
Trang 9the slave to respond to the ACK;
(2) The slave sends an ACK;
(3) The host sends the register address (8bit), that is, the data
to be read is stored in the slave position, waiting for the slave
to respond to the ACK;
(4) The slave sends an ACK;
(5) The host initiates the START signal again; sends the I2C address code (7bit) and read operation 1 (1bit), prepares to read the data, and waits for the slave to respond to the ACK;(6) The slave sends an ACK;
(7) At this time, the slave transmits data from the previously received address, and the host receives (8 bits);
(8) The host sends a NACK;
(9) Steps 7 and 8 may be repeated many times, and the slave sequentially issues a number of sets of data starting from the register address indicated by step 3 Note that each time the host receives 1 Byte of data, it must send an ACK to the slave
so that the slave can continue to send data, except for the last
1 Byte (10) The host sends a stop signal
Trang 10II Design Module
II.1 System modeling
The Prescale Register (address = 0x00 and 0x01) is used toprescale the scl clock line based on the master clock Since thedesign is driven by a (5 x scl frequency) internally, the prescaleregister is programmed according to the equation [master clockfrequency / (5 x (sclk frequency)) - 1] The content of this registercan only be modified when the core is not enabled
Only two bits of the Control Register (address = 0x01) are usedfor this design The MSB of this register is the most critical onebecause it enables or disables the entire I2 C core The core will notrespond to any command unless this bit is set
The Transmit Register and the Receive Register share the sameaddress (address = 0x30) depending on the direction of datatransfer The data to be transmitted via I2 C will be stored in theTransmit Register, while the byte received via I2 C is available in theReceive register
The Status Register and the Command Register share the sameaddress (address = 0x04) The Status Register allows the monitoring
of the I2 C operations, while the Command Register stores the nextcommand for the next I2 C operation Unlike the rest of the
Trang 11registers, the bits in the Command Register are clearedautomatically after each operation Therefore this register has to bewritten for each start, write, read, or stop of the I2 C operation Table
3 provides a detailed description of each bit in the internal registers
Input/output signals
Trang 12External connections
Registers list
Control register
Trang 13Transmit register
Receive register
Command register
Status register
Trang 16There are the following states:
1 State 0 = IDLE (reset =1, initiate =1) Else when reset =0 and initiate =0 then the following states appear
2 State 1 = START CONDITION - SDA is pulled from high to low whenSCL is still high
3 State 2= SLAVE ADDRESS – Normal mode so, 7-bit slave address
is sent
4 State 3= READ/WRITE BIT- Write is 0 and Read is 1
5 State 4 = ACK/NACK BIT- SDA line is low if acknowledged and SDA line is high if NACK (not acknowledged)
6 State 5 = DATA- 8-bit data is sent or received at once
7 State 6 = ACK_1 BIT – After receiving the data ACK bit sent i.e SDA line is pulled low NACK bit means SDA line is high
8 State 7 = STOP CONDITION- Master will terminate the
communication by pulling the SDA line from low to high when SCL line is still high
Trang 17Byte Command Controller Module:
The microcontroller issues commands and data through the WISHBONE interface in byte format The information is fed into the Byte Command Controller module and is translated into I2 C sequences required for a byte transfer This module includes a state machine to handle normal I2 C transfer sequences The module thenbreaks up a single command into multiple clock cycles for the Bit Command Controller to work on bit-level I2 C operations This module also contains a shift register which is used for both READ and WRITE cycles During a READ cycle, the input to the shift register comes from the sda line After eight scl cycles, the shifted-indata is copied into the Receive Register During a WRITE cycle, the input to the shift register comes from the WISHBONE data bus The data in the shift register is shifted out to the sda line during WRITE
Bit Command Controller Module
Trang 18This module directly controls the I2 C bus, scl and sda lines, by generating the correct sequences for START, STOP, Repeated START, READ, and WRITE commands Each bit operation is divided into five (5 x scl frequency) clock cycles (idle, A, B, C, and D), except for the START command that has six clock cycles This ensures that the logical relationship between the scl and sda lines meets the I2 C requirement for these critical commands The internal clock running
at 5 x scl frequency is used for the registers in this module
Trang 19I2C Master core with interface
The first one would be the I2C_bit_control module with above inputs and
Register declarations
Trang 20Generate bus status controllers
Trang 21Detect start and stop condition
Trang 22Generate busy signal
Generate arbitration lost signal
Finally: generate statemachine
I2C_Byte_control module
Trang 23 i2c_master_top.v to gathered all the module
Trang 272 Create interfacing with Wishbone and Phillips I2C
The Wishbone master module has:
Trang 28II.2 Verify design
Trang 30Conclusion
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