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báo cáo môn học thiết kế số sử dụng vhdl project design i2c controller core

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Nội dung

WISHBONE interfacewb_rst_i 1 Input Synchronous reset, active higharst_i 1 Input Asynchronous resetwb_adr_i 3 Input Lower address bitswb_dat_i 8 Input Data towards the corewb_dat_o 8 Outp

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Báo cáo môn học

Thiết kế số sử dụng VHDLGVHD: TS Võ Lê Cường

Nhóm thực hiện: Nhóm 8Đỗ Nhật Hoàng – 20193219Nguyễn Việt Anh – 20193203Nguyễn Tuấn Hải – 20193215

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I2C is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus that provides a simple and efficient methodof data exchange between devices It is most suitable for applications requiring occasional communication over a short distance between many devices The I2C standard is a true multi-master bus including collision detection and arbitration that prevents data corruption if two or more masters attempt to control the bus simultaneously.

The interface defines 3 transmission speeds:- Normal: 100Kbps

- Fast: 400Kbps- High speed: 3.5Mbps

Only 100Kbps and 400Kbps modes are supported directly For High speed special IOsare needed If these IOs are available and used, then High speed is also supported.

· Supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing mode· Static synchronous design

· Only 100Kbps and 400Kbps modes are supported directly· Fully synthesizable

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WISHBONE interface

wb_rst_i 1 Input Synchronous reset, active higharst_i 1 Input Asynchronous resetwb_adr_i 3 Input Lower address bitswb_dat_i 8 Input Data towards the corewb_dat_o 8 Output Data from the corewb_we_i 1 Input Write enable inputwb_stb_i 1 Input Strobe signal/Core select inputwb_cyc_i 1 Input Valid bus cycle inputwb_ack_o 1 Output Bus cycle acknowledge output

wb_inta_o 1 Output Interrupt signal output

I2C interface

scl_pad_i 1 Input Serial Clock line input

scl_pad_o 1 Output Serial Clock line output

scl_pad_oe 1 Output Serial Clock line output enable

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sda_pad_i 1 Input Serial Data line inputsda_pad_o 1 Output Serial Data line outputsda_pad_oe 1 Output Serial Data line output enable

5 Module design.

The I2C core is built around four primary blocks; the Clock Generator, the Byte Command Controller, theBit Command Controller and the DataIO Shift Register.

All other blocks are used for interfacing or for storing temporary values.

• Top-level module (i2c_master_top.v)

-> In addition to connecting all the functional blocks together, this module generates byte-wide data, acknowledgement, and interrupt for the WISHBONE interface

Internal Registers

-> A 2-bit by 8-bit register space

-> Below is the Internal Register List in module

PRERlo 0x00 8 RW Clock Prescale register lo-bytePRERhi 0x01 8 RW Clock Prescale register hi-byte


clock generator

Command RegisterStatus Register

Byte Command Controller

Bit Command ControllerWISHBONE

Transmit RegisterReceive Register

DataIOShift Register

Fig 5.1 Internal structure I2C Master Core

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CTR 0x02 8 RW Control registerTXR 0x03 8 W Transmit registerRXR 0x03 8 R Receive registerCR 0x04 8 W Command registerSR 0x04 8 R Status register

Prescale Register

This register is used to prescale the SCL clock line Due to the structure of the I C interface, the core uses 2a 5*SCL clock internally The prescale register must be programmed to this 5*SCL frequency (minus 1) Change the value of the prescale register only when the ‘EN’ bit is cleared.

Example: wb_clk_i = 32MHz, desired SCL = 100KHz

Reset value: 0xFFFF

Control register

Bit #AccessDescription

7 RW EN, I C core enable bit.2When set to ‘1’, the core is enabled.When set to ‘0’, the core is disabled.6 RW IEN, I C core interrupt enable bit.2

When set to ‘1’, interrupt is enabled.When set to ‘0’, interrupt is disabled.

Reset Value: 0x00

The core responds to new commands only when the ‘EN’ bit is set Pending commands are finished Clearthe ‘EN’ bit only when no transfer is in progress, i.e after a STOP command, or when the command register has the STO bit set When halted during a transfer, the core can hang the I C bus.2

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Transmit register

Bit #AccessDescription

7:1 W Next byte to transmit via I2C

0 W In case of a data transfer this bit represent the data’s LSB.In case of a slave address transfer this bit represents the RW bit.‘1’ = reading from slave

‘0’ = writing to slaveReset value: 0x00

Receive register

Bit #AccessDescription

7:0 R Last byte received via I2CReset value: 0x00

Command register

Bit #AccessDescription

7 W STA, generate (repeated) start condition6 W STO, generate stop condition5 W RD, read from slave4 W WR, write to slave

3 W ACK, when a receiver, sent ACK (ACK = ‘0’) or NACK (ACK = ‘1’)

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Status register

Bit #AccessDescription

7 R RxACK, Received acknowledge from slave.

This flag represents acknowledge from the addressed slave.‘1’ = No acknowledge received

‘0’ = Acknowledge received

‘1’ after START signal detected‘0’ after STOP signal detected

This bit is set when the core lost arbitration Arbitration is lost when:a STOP signal is detected, but non requested

The master drives SDA high, but SDA is low.See bus-arbitration section for more information.

1 R TIP, Transfer in progress.‘1’ when transferring data‘0’ when transfer complete

0 R IF, Interrupt Flag This bit is set when an interrupt is pending, which will cause a processor interrupt request if the IEN bit is set.

The Interrupt Flag is set when:

one byte transfer has been completedarbitration is lost

Reset Value: 0x00

All reserved bits are read as zeros To ensure forward compatibility, they should be written as zeros.

Byte Command Controller Module (i2c_master_byte_ctrl.v)

- This module directly controls the I2C bus, scl and sda lines, by generating the correct sequences for START, STOP, repeated START, READ, and WRITE commands.

- Each bit operation is divided into five clock cycles (states) (idle, A, B, C, and D), except for the START command that has six clock cycles This ensures that the logical relationship between the scl and sda lines meets the I2C requirement for these critical commands The internal clock running at 5 x scl frequency is used for the registers in this module.

- The microcontroller issues commands and data through the WISHBONE interface in byte format.The information is fed into the Byte Command Controller module and is translated into I2C sequences required for a byte transfer.

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- This module includes a state machine, as shown below, to handle normal I2C sequences The module then breaks up a single command into multiple clock cycles for the Bit Command Controller to work on bitlevel I2C operations.

- This module also contains a shift register which is used for both READ and WRITE cycle.- During a READ cycle, the input to the shift register comes from the sda line After eight scl

cycles, the shifted-in data is copied into the Receive Register During a WRITE cycle, the input tothe shift register comes from the WISHBONE data bus The data in the shift register is shifted outto the sda line during WRITE.

- Table of the Pin descriptions of module:

Name Input/Output Descriptionclk Input Master clockrst Input Synchronous active high resetnReset Input Asynchronous active low reset

ena Input Core enable signalclk_cnt Input Clock prescale value

start Input Control inputstop Input Control inputread Input Control inputwrite Input Control inputack_in Input Control input

din Input Control input (data in [7:0])scl_i Input I2c signal clock line inputsda_i Input I2c data line inputcmd_ack Output Command acknowledge

ack_out Output Acknowledge outputi2c_busy Output I2c bus busy

i2c_al Output I2c arbitration lostdout Output Data outscl_o Output I2c signal clock line outputscl_oen Output I2c clock line output enable

sda_o Output I2c data line outputsda_oen Output I2c data line output enable- The internal register and wire used to connect to other module of module:

Name Type Descriptioncore_cmd Register Core command (bit controller)core_txd Register Core transfer data (bit controller)core_rxd Register Core receive data (bit controller)

sr Register 8 bit shift registershift Register Signal for shift register

ld Register Signal for shift registerdcnt Register Data countc_state Register State

core_ack Wire Core acknowledge (bit controller)go Wire Signal for state machinecnt_done Wire Signal for state machine, count done

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I2C Byte Command control State Machine:

Idle state

Read / Write bit set ?

STARTbit set ?

YesSTART signal state

START generat

ed ?

Readbit set ?

YesREAD state

ByteRead ?

ACK bitRead Written


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I2C Byte command control FSM

I2C Byte command control ASM

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Bit Command Controller Module (i2c_master_bit_ctrl.v)

-This module directly controls the I2C bus, scl and sda lines, by generating the correct sequences for START, STOP, repeated START, READ, and WRITE commands.

-Each bit operation is divided into five clock cycles (states) (idle, A, B, C, and D), except for the START command that has six clock cycles This ensures that the logical relationship between the scl and sda lines meets the I2C requirement for these critical commands The internal clock running at 5 x scl frequency is used for the registers in this module.

I2C Bit Command Illustration:

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Figure: Bit command controller illustration

Figure: Bit command controller I2C of a temperature sensor.

Figure: Bit command controller simulation on Proteus.

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Pin description of this module:

clk Input System clockrst Input Synchronous active high resetnReset Input Asynchronous active low reset

ena Input Core enable signalclk_cnt Input Clock prescale value

cmd Input Command from byte controllercmd_ack Output Command completes

acknowledgebusy Output I2c bus busyal Output I2c bus busy

dout Output Data outscl_i Input I2c clock line inputscl_o Output I2c clock line outputscl_oen Output I2c clock line output enable

(active low)sda_i Input I2c data line inputsda_o Output I2c data line outputsda_o Output I2c data line output enable

(active low)

Inertial Register of this module:

cSDA Capture SCLcSDA Capture SDA

fSCL Filtered and synchronized SCL inputsfSDA Filtered and synchronized SDA inputsdSCL Delayed version of sSCLdSDA Delayed version of sSDAdscl_oen Delayed scl_oen

sda_chk Check SDA outputclk_en Clock generation signalsslave_wait Slave inserts wait states

cnt Clock divider counterfilter_cnt Clock divider for filter

FSM for I2C bit command control:

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ASM for I2C bit command control:

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III, Design I2C Master Core with interface.1 Master Registers:

2 Byte Command Controller:

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3 Bit Command Controller:

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4 Master Wishbone Top Module:

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IV Verify the design:1 Testbench:

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V, Conclusions.

Through this project, we have learnt the operation of I2C master core, how to implement the interface of I2C master core with Wishbone bus, Phillips I2C bus and its applications in real life This information would be a huge package for our career.

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2024, 17:25


