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Dịch Đại cương en42

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ĐÁP ÁN TRẮC NGHIỆM DỊCH ĐẠI CƯƠNG EN42_THI TRẮC NGHIỆM Ghi chú (Đ) là đáp án đúng Có bản dịch tiếng việt ở cuối tài liệu Q1. Translation is the expression in another language (target language) of what has been expressed in one language (………………………), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalencies. a. Another language b. First language c. source language (Đ) d. Second language

Trang 1


Có bản dịch tiếng việt ở cuối tài liệu

Translation is the expression in another language (target language) of what has been expressed in one language (………), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalencies.

a Another languageb First languagec source language (Đ)d Second language

meaning is also referred to as conceptual, cognitive or propositional meaning, but the sense is the same.

a Indirectb Directc denotative (Đ)d Literal

“business is business” could be translated ………… as Công việc là công việc, không chen tình cảm vào đây được.

a Freeb Freeingc Freedomd Freely (Đ)

“How” refers to whether the text is written in a formal or …………way which is influenced by the content of theoriginal text, by the situation of context

a Niceb Positivec Goodd Informal (Đ)

……… in the English sentence is usually a noun phrase, pronouns, proper names, to-infinitives, gerunds, or clauses

a The adverbb The predicatec The claused The subject (Đ)

Trang 2

……….should be aware of the concepts muli-words convey and the rules how to make and write compound words in English.

a Teachersb Workersc Translators (Đ)d Doctors

Q7. Câu 7

………….is based on the meaning of the text which aims to produce the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by using idioms and colloquialism where there do not exist in the original.a Faithful translation

b Communicative translationc Idiomatic translation (Đ)d Semantic translation

Q10. Câu 10

………to whom the translated text is addressed are native or non-native users of the target language.a The interpreters

b The translatorsc The readers (Đ)d The reporters

Trang 3

c Was saidd Were said

A sentence is a group of words conveying a complete idea which normally contain a subject and a verb predicate………

a In good formsb in “finite” forms (Đ)c In various formsd In negative forms

A text could be translated into anything, ranging from one sentence to usually one third of the ………length, depending on specific situations.

a original (Đ)b Originc Originated Origination

Trang 4

Adaptation translation aims to create an equivalence of ………….… applicable to a different situation than that of the source language.

a The same methodb the same value (Đ)c The same thingd The same way.

He or she reformulates the translation according to the grammar rules, ……… , cultural norms in the targetlanguage.

a word usingb word usec word to used word usage (Đ)

As for noun phrases (NP), the noun (common noun: love, proper noun: Mai, and pronoun: you) is ………of the phrase.

a Armb Handc Head (Đ)d Leg

As for noun phrases (NP), the noun (common noun: love, proper noun: Mai, and pronoun: you) is ………of the phrase.

a Head (Đ)

Trang 5

b Legc Handd Arm

As indicated by the word “free”, free translation (sometimes dynamic translation) focuses more …… ……… than form in the target language

a On structuresb On wordsc on content (Đ)d On meanings

At the beginning of the 1970s, the focus shifted from the word or phrase ………… the text as a unit of translation.

a To (Đ)b Forc Atd With

Certain strategies ……… those differences; for example, certain expressions or key terms in their to-be need to be selected.

text-a Dealingb To dealc Dealing withd to deal with (Đ)

Trang 6

Coordinating conjunctions are only in mid-position whereas ………conjunctions can be in initial or mid-position in the sentence.

a Subordinating (Đ)b subordinatec Subordinatived Subordination

Different strategies or different methods of translation produce ……… kinds of translation.a Different (Đ)

b Differencec Differd differently

During preparations for simultaneous ………… , the interpreters’ booth, if not fixed, should be positioned so that the interpreters can see the speakers

a Interpretedb Interpretec Interpretingd Interpretation (Đ)

English prepositions are usually single words in, at, on ; …………, there are some prepositions that look like a phrase, phrasal prepositions: because of, in spite of

a Further moreb More overc Additionallyd However (Đ)

English vocabulary mostly consists in single words, but ……… of multiword vocabulary is not small.a The number

b the amount (Đ)c The figured The fact

Trang 7

c are crucial (Đ)d is crucial

Faced by a text in a language, as student translators, you should analyze the text by asking and ……… several questions.

a Answering (Đ)b Tobe answeredc To be answeringd Answered

Figurative meaning is based on or makes use of figures of …… such as metaphor (an implied comparison between two things with the same characteristic.

a Speech (Đ)b speakc Listeningd Writing

For simultaneous interpretation, microphones, earphones and a booth are necessary ……….a Domestic tools

b Machinesc Electrical devicesd technical equipment (Đ)

Gist translation can be used in language learning situations (using the same language) ………at a written testa to consider a written text

b to write a written text

c to summarize a written text (Đ)d to correct a written text

Q39. Câu 38

He or she reformulates the translation according to the grammar rules, ……… , cultural norms in the targetlanguage.

Trang 8

b word usingc word to used word use

Q40. Câu 39

Idiomatic translation can be applied to the English sentence that describes the degree of the sameness of the two girls’ appearance “ They look ………… the same” (Chúng giống nhau như hai giọt nước).

a Exactingb Exactly (Đ)c Exactnessd Exact

Q41. Câu 40

If any key words are ……… , the text will need to be checked carefully for consistency in the change made.

a Changingb Changed (Đ)c Changed To change

If any key words are changed, the text will need to be checked carefully for consistency in the change……….

a Is makingb Being madec made (Đ)d Making

In ……… the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor/target language.

a Transliterationb Translatingc translated

Trang 9

Q46. Câu 45

In English, the ……… phrase can be used after a verb, an adjective, or a noun and depend on them.a preposition

b prepositionsc Prepositional (Đ)d prepositionally

Q48. Câu 47

In English-Vietnamese translation of the predicate verb, the meanings of time and aspect can ………to such words as đã, sẽ, sắp, đang

a Correspond (Đ)b Go

c Suitabled Respond

Q50. Câu 49

In the history of translation development there have been a great number of terms: literal, free, literary, literary, borrowing, equivalence, figurative, so on ……….

non-a And so far

Trang 10

c and so forth (Đ)d And so long

Q51. Câu 50

In the other theory of translation, the predominant purpose is……… , but rather moves in its new dress with the same ease as in its native rendering.

a To do the translation as quickly as possible

b to produce a result that does not read like a translation at all (Đ)c To convey the meaning of the whole text

d To replace the new text with its direct meanings

Q52. Câu 51

In this situation the translator’s task is recreate some form of language ……… the same meaning.a.to convey (Đ)

b.To changec.To correctd.To follow

Q53. Câu 52

In word formation, morphemes which occur at the front of a word are called ……….a prefixes (Đ)

b Inflectionalc Suffixesd root.

It can be said that language cannot exist without words Word ……….is the reflection of human perception of the world.

a Combinationb formimgc Changing

Trang 11

Q57. Câu 56

It is also very useful for the translator ………and analyze the original text before translating it into the target language.

a.Understandingb.Undertoodc.to understandingd.to understand (Đ)

Q59. Câu 58

Mastery of the source language is a ……….for the translator, since this mastery is the key to his/her readings and interpretations of the text to be translated.

a Couldb Canc Must (Đ)d May

Q60. Câu 59

Polysemes can be compared with homonyms, which are words with several ………meaningsa Popular

b Commonc Unrelated (Đ)d Direct

Q61. Câu 60

Practically, whether

………is termed as ‘Translation Theory’ or ‘Translation Studies’ it culminates with the theory on proper principles of translation.

Trang 12

b The usefulness of translationc The interest in translationd The practice of translation

Q62. Câu 61

Remember that all of our verbalizing must be done in the target language now We must ……… between alternatives and produce a text that is sequentially complete.a Choosing

b Choose (Đ)c

Q65. Câu 64

Since figurative language is not intended to be interpreted in a literal sense, in ……… figurative language, translators should make use of comparison between different things

a Translateb translationc Translatedd Translating (Đ)

Q66. Câu 65

Since the mid-1970s the name ‘Translation Studies’ has been adopted to indicate that the ………….is not just a minor branch of comparative literary study, nor yet a specific area of linguistics, but a vastly complex field a Way of translating

b Field of translationc study of translation (Đ)d Method of translation

Trang 13

Q67. Câu 66

Syntactical forms which ………… used to express grammatical meanings of the verb in English sentences are obligatory,

a are (Đ)b Has beenc beend Is

Q68. Câu 67

The of words in Vietnamese does not seem to be so distinctive: word classes do not have their typical forms, their forms never change in the sentence.

a classb Classes

c Classification (Đ)d Classify

The ……….in the English sentence usually stands right after the subject, giving information about the subject.

a.Verb formb.Verb patternsc.Verb phrased.verb predicate (Đ)

Trang 14

c Whend Which (Đ)

The first step in the analysis of words is to determine whether the word is referring primarily to a thing concept,……… event concept, an attribute concept, or a relation concept.

a an (Đ)b Zeroc thed A

The forms are ……… to as the surface structure of a language.a Referred (Đ)

b referc Referenced Referring

The instructor can then hope to measure the students’ linguistic competence by ………

a Asking some questions

b Encouraging them to work morec Practising more and more

d means of the target language products.(Đ)

The language of translation is ……… from the translated text, reflecting the translator's interpretations, the translator's strategies and the translator's abilities.

a Haveb Takec Get

Trang 15

The linguistic approaches basically ……… translating as a code-switching operation.a Seeing

b Saw (Đ)c seend Sees

The meaning of words are translated almost as ……… as those in the target language without paying attention to the situation or context

a Closingb closec Closenessd closely (Đ)

The number of words and the sentence length may vary, depending on the ………of the translator when he/she adds explanations or comments to make clear the meaning of the original.

a Complementb Object

c Subjectivity (Đ)d Subject

The predominant purpose of theories of translation is ……… of every word and phrase in the original.a To do a good job

b To do a lot of translating

c To get as many meanings as possible

d to express as exactly as possible the full force and meaning (Đ)

The presentation here is conducted in a systematic manner with ……… restricted interactivity and closeness and much faster than consecutive interpretation.

a Somewhichb Somewhat (Đ)

Trang 16

The sentence is structurally made up of a group of words which has subject and ……… as indispensible elements; the complement, object and adverbial are optional:

a verb patternsb Verb formc Verb phrased verb predicate (Đ)

The source language, as has been seen earlier, is not only the very central and initial point for the ……….ofthe translation process but also is the background for all translation processes.

a Startingb startedc To startd Start (Đ)

The source text is the text which has been chosen for translation The translator cannot, without a good reason, change any………

a Topic of the text

b part of the source text (Đ)c Meaning of the textd Element of the text

The source-language content, form, style, function, etc must be preserved, or at least that the translation must seek …… …them as far as possible.

a preservationb to preserve (Đ)c Preservingd Preserve

Trang 17

The stage of editing the translated text which ……… the form of a careful last-minute checking and correcting of possible mistakes or other inaccuracies is implemented in most cases of translation.

a Takenb Tookc takes (Đ)d Taking

The target language is the language into which ………from another language is translated.a A document

b A paperc a text (Đ)d A report

The three elements of source language, source text, and translator, theoretically and ……….……… precede the translated text.

a Practicalb Practisec practiced Practically (Đ)

The translated text is the actual definite material, …………has been produced by conveying the meaning of a source text in terms of another language and culture.

a When

Trang 18

c Whered Which (Đ)

The translator begins drafting the translation piece by piece, section ………by using the lexis and structures

a by section (Đ)b By stepc By sentenced By phrase

The translator discovers the meaning behind the forms in the source language and does his best to produce the same meaning ……….

……….a in the source language

b Out of the source textc in the target language (Đ)d Outside the source text

The translator has to think over his/her translation to suit a reader according to the reader’s social norms in the target language, so the language of translation is …………

a Commonb Privatec Personald social (Đ)

The translator is the initial knower of two languages, or more, who ……… the ability to move between twolanguages.

a Hadb Has (Đ)c have

Trang 19

The translator should examine his reasons for choosing the text and the potential for its use by the ……….audience.

a Received languageb Receiving languagec Receptor language (Đ)d Receiver language

The translator should remember ……… the zero article with plural count nouns in English to mean generally

a to use (Đ)b Usec Usingd Usage

The translator tries to come as close as possible to the meaning conveyed by the words, by means of word order change or word choice so that the true meaning is……….

a Usedb Checkedc conveyed (Đ)d done

The translator, like the linguist who ………… all human languages to be on an equal footing, is among the first candidate to be liberated from the dominance of one language/culture

Trang 20

b tookc takingd takes (Đ)

The translator's judgments, strategies and manipulations ………all potentially exist in the translator's interpretation of the source text and the formulation of the translated text which is governed by the target language.

a Do (Đ)b Doesc Doned Did

There are a variety of cultural elements to take into ……… when starting a translation.

a Consideredb consideration (Đ)c Consider d Considering

there is a skewing between the semantic classification ……… the grammatical classification Some words are made up of more than one concept.

a butb And (Đ)c nord Or

There is any place where information has been added, omitted, or subtracteda Substract

b subtractingc subtracted (Đ)

Trang 21

There is some unusuality or ……… in the target language.a Nature

b Unnaturalness (Đ)c Natural

Things are defined as all animate beings and all inanimate entities Events include all actions, processes, ……… experiences.

a And (Đ)b Norc Sod For

This means that the translator has, ……….the pressure of deadlines, more time than the interpreter (especially the simultaneous interpreter) to process the source text thoroughly

a Despite (Đ)b thoughc In spited although

Trang 22

to translate means “……… a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addresses in target circumstances".

a to produce (Đ)b To correctc To getd To arrange

Today, roughly speaking, three ……….of interpreting are practiced: liaison, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.

a stepsb sensesc Forms (Đ)d Speeds

Translating may be defined as the process of ………signs or representations into other signs or representations.

a transformerb Transformedc Transformationd Transforming (Đ)

Translation is rendering a written text into another language in a way that the ……… intended the text.a Secretary

b Musicianc Author (Đ)d Worker

Translation is the ……… of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language.

a Replacement (Đ)b Replacedc Replacingd Replaceable

Trang 23

b Only the best meanings of the textsc semantic and stylistic equivalencies (Đ)

d The simplest form of the language in communication

Translation should ensure that the ………meaning of the two will be approximately similar.a surface (Đ)

b differentc indirectd abstract

a Causesb Reasonsc Resultsd Principles (Đ)

Trang 24

Translation theory includes principles for translating figurative language, dealing with lexical mismatches, rhetorical questions, inclusion of cohesion markers, and ………

a A lot of work to do

b Other fields to complete the process.

c many other topics crucial to good translation (Đ)d To give translator a chance

Translation, by dictionary definition, consists of changing from one state or form to another, to turn into ………or another’s language.

a His ownb Their ownc one’s own (Đ)d Her own

Translator need revise the draft on the basis of the feedback received from those people who may have suggestedmany………., changes, additions or omissions with the translator.

a Rewordings (Đ)b Rewritec Rewordedd Rewriting

Translators have to make sure that they ……….a text well in the original languagea understand (Đ)

b Understandingc To understandd Understood

Translators should define both subject and verb predicate at ……… time if they want to translate a sentence.

a The bigb The goodc The niced the same (Đ)

Translators should define proper verbs of English to go with the subject, either ……….: be, get, become or action/dynamic verbs run, work to follow the subject.

a Mono-transitive verbs

Trang 25

b linking/static verbs (Đ)c di-transitive verbsd Transitive verbs

Translators should rely on the context to select the right word; in ………about which word to be used, they could consult a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms or any thesaurus for help.

a field of doubtb way of doubtc case of doubt (Đ)d example of doubt

Translators should use procedures of transposition to render from the Source Language texts ……… as to suit the Target Language grammar rules.

a in such a wayb in such ways (Đ)c in several waysd in many ways

What is generally understood as translation involves the ……… of a source language text into the target text.

a playingb tellingc rendering (Đ)d talking

What the interpreter is unable to grasp in his first and only confrontation with the text is ……….forever.a disappeared

b losec Losingd Lost (Đ)

when meeting for the first time, ……… when introduced to a guest, English people often say: How do you do? as a greeting

a Especially (Đ)b Specializationc speciald specially

Trang 26

whereas the interpreter is faced with a unique, orally delivered text, the translator has ………of "flicking back" through the permanently available written text.

a the possibility (Đ)b The difficultyc The pleasured The happiness

Translation has become popular in language learning and daily life So far, there have been ………definitions of translation.

a 20b many (Đ)c 18d 17

Trang 27

b Interpreting the talksc interpret them directly (Đ)d Translate all the things

……….is the interpreter of the source text, and the producer of the final interpretation which determines the meaning(s) which readers of the translation will read.

a The reseacherb The teacherc The translator (Đ)d The writer

……… is characterized by keeping the main idea/gist of a text, omitting all of its supporting details and subsidiary arguments.

a Literal translationb Gist translation (Đ)c Free translation

However, grammatical words in general and articles and prepositions in ……… might cause headache totranslators.

a deedb Timec particular (Đ)d fact

When analyzing the text for translation ……… the first time, the translator needs to find answers to thesequestions:

a for (Đ)b Underc withd in

Trang 28

The translators should read the text several times, then if possible read other materials that may help in understanding the culture or language of the ………

a Languageb source text (Đ)c Paragraphd Passage

The translator also has to solve, ………., matters involving text adjustments in terms of additions, omissions and adaptations.

a Inside mindb Within mindc in mind (Đ)d At mind

The translator should try ……… in the text those differences (usually by underlining) both in linguistic and cultural aspects between the source and target language

a Foundb To foundc to find (Đ)d Finding

Trang 29

b source language c First languaged Second language

Translation has become popular in language learning and daily life So far, there have been ………definitions of translation.

a many b 17c 18d 20

Since the mid-1970s the name ‘Translation Studies’ has been adopted to indicate that the …….

………is not just a minor branch of comparative literary study, nor yet a specific area of linguistics, but a vastly complex field

a Way of translatingb study of translation c Method of translationd Field of translation

Trang 30

to translate means “……… a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addresses in target circumstances”.

a To arrangeb to produce c To get d To correct

There is some unusuality or ……… in the target language.a Nature

b Naturalc Unnaturalness d unnatural

The forms are ……… to as the surface structure of a language.a refer

b Referred c Referringd Reference

Translation is the ……… of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language.

a Replacedb Replacement c Replaceabled Replacing

The linguistic approaches basically saw translating as ………a An authentic way of expressing ideas.

b a code-switching operation

Trang 31

c A good way of communicationd A subject of study

Translation has become popular in language learning and daily life So far, there have been many ……… ……… of translation,

a definingb definitionc definitiond definitions

Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (Source Ianguage.) by ……… in another language (Target Language).

a equivalent clausesb equivalent words c equivalent material d equivalent sentences

Translation theory includes ……….for translating figurative language, dealing with lexical mismatches, rhetorical questions, inclusion of cohesion markers, and many other topics crucial to good translation.

a Principles b Reasonsc Resultsd Causes

Trang 32

It is the structural part of language which is actually seen in print or heard in ………a Spoke

b Spokenc Speech d Speaking

There are a variety of cultural elements to take into……… when starting a translation.a consideration

b Consider c Consideredd Considering

Translation is rendering a written text into another language in a way that the ……… intended the text.a Worker

b Author c Secretaryd Musician

Translation it must be conceived as an integral communicative……….a Performance

b Performedc performingd Performative

The choice of the right word in the receptor language to translate a word in the source-language text depends more ………than upon a fixed system of verbal consistency.

a At the context b on the context c About the source textd With the meaning of the text

Trang 33

In ……… the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor/target language.

a Transliterationb Translation c translatedd Translating

The source-language content, form, style, function, etc must be preserved, or at least that the translation must seek ………….them as far as possible.

a to preserve b Preservec Preservingd preservation

At the beginning of the 1970s, the focus shifted from the word or phrase ……the text as a unit of translation.a At

b Forc To d With

Trang 34

c The practice of translationd The usefulness of translation

The linguistic approaches basically ……… translating as a code-switching operation.a Seeing

b Seesc Saw d seen

Translation, by dictionary definition, consists of changing from one state or form to another, to turn into ………or another’s language.

a Her ownb His ownc Their ownd one’s own

Translating may be defined as the process of ………signs or representations into other signs or representations.

a Transformedb transformer c Transforming d Transformation

Translation theory includes principles for translating figurative language, dealing with lexical mismatches, rhetorical questions, inclusion of cohesion markers, and …

a To give translator a chance

b Other fields to complete the process.c A lot of work to do

d many other topics crucial to good translation

The structures of ……… will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely thatthe target language structure will be seriously distorted.

a sentenceb Clausec target

d the source language

Trang 35

A satisfactory translation is always possible, but a good translator is never satisfied ………it.a With Câu

b Aboutc Ofd for

The three elements of source language, source text, and translator, theoretically and ……… precede the translated text.

a Practicalb practicec Practically d Practise

The source language, as has been seen earlier, is not only the very central and initial point for the ……….ofthe translation process but also is the background for all translation processes.

a Startingb startedc To startd Start

This means that the translator has, ……….the pressure of deadlines, more time than the interpreter (especially the simultaneous interpreter) to process the source text thoroughly

a Despite

Trang 36

c althoughd though

…………sits next to or behind his “client” doing a great variety of activities under different names: “communityinterpreting”, “public service interpreting”, “hospital interpreting”, “mental health interpreting” and “social service interpreting”

a The interpreter b The editorc The translatord The analyste The operator

The elements of translation interact as elements achieving one function, in ……each element relates to one or more of the rest.

a Whatb Which c whod When

The producer of the final interpretation ……… determines the meaning(s) which readers of the translation will read.

a Whereb Which c Whend What

The presentation here is conducted in a systematic manner with ……… restricted interactivity and closeness andmuch faster than consecutive interpretation.

a Somewhenb Somewhichc Somewhat d somewhere

Trang 37

d The source text

During preparations for simultaneous……… , the interpreters’ booth, if not fixed, should be positioned so that the interpreters can see the speakers.

a Interpreteb Interpretedc Interpretingd Interpretation

Literal force is of course inevitably lost in these cases and the best that can be achieved is …… to the pragmatic function of the TL cultural reference or practice.

a by means of arrangementb by means of faithfulness c by means of correctiond by means of cleanness

The source text is the text which has been chosen for translation The translator cannot, without a good reason, change any………

Trang 38

b Meaning of the text Câu trả lời không đúngc part of the source text.

d Element of the text Câu trả lời không đúng

A Vietnamese-English translated text should follow the language rules……… social-cultural features of the English – not Vietnamese – language and vice versa.

a and b orc Sod but

For simultaneous interpretation, microphones, earphones and a booth are necessary ……….a Machines

b Electrical devicesc Domestic toolsd technical equipment

To have interpretation as precise as possible, they should make regular shorter breaks to enable the interpreters ……….the message in the same spirit.

a to relay b To justifyc To changed To reproduce

The translator, like the linguist who ………… all human languages to be on an equal footing, is among the first candidate to be liberated from the dominance of one language/culture

a tookb takenc takes d taking

Trang 39

The language of translation is perceived from the translated text, ………the translator’s interpretations, the translator’s strategies and the translator’s abilities.

a Understanding b Interactingc practisingd reflecting

The translator’s judgments, strategies and manipulations ………all potentially exist in the translator’s interpretation of the source text and the formulation of the translated text which is governed by the target language.

a Do b Didc Doesd Done

The translator has to think over his/her translation to suit a reader according to the reader’s social norms in the target language, so the language of translation is …

a Commonb socialc Privated Personal

Mastery of the source language is a ……….for the translator, since this mastery is the key to his/her readings and interpretations of the text to be translated.

a Couldb Canc Mayd Must

The readers to whom the ……… text is addressed are native or non-native users of the target language.

a Translateb Translated c translatingd translation

Today, roughly speaking, three ……….of interpreting are practiced: liaison, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.

Trang 40

b Speedsc Forms d steps

What the interpreter is unable to grasp in his first and only confrontation with the text is ……….forever.a Losing

b losec Lost d disappeared

whereas the interpreter is faced with a unique, orally delivered text, the translator has ………of “flicking back” through the permanently available written text.

a The difficultyb the possibility c The pleasured The happiness

The translator is supposed to be beyond the influences of the social and ………… environment of any of the two languages.

a Cultivateb Cultivationc Cultured Cultural

The target language is the language into which ………from another language is translated.a A paper

b A reportc a text d A document

The translated text is the actual definite material, …………has been produced by conveying the meaning of a source text in terms of another language and culture.

a Which b Wherec Whatd When

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2024, 15:29

