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this report will analyze analyze vietjet air digital marketing strategy evaluate its digital applications and make recommendations

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The analysis will analyze the company''''s overview, including the company''''s history and the productsand services it owns; analysis of Vietjet Air''''s competitor Bamboo Airways by SWOT model;

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Group 4

MKT 3 1 8 M


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Table Of Conten

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The subject of analysis of the report is Vietjet Aviation Joint Stock Company The analysis will analyze the company's overview, including the company's history and the productsand services it owns; analysis of Vietjet Air's competitor Bamboo Airways by SWOT model; Analysis of the company's target customers

The analysis will focus mainly on analyzing distribution channels, Marketing activities on social networking platforms based on Fanpage Karma and Ad Library, and Marketing activities on search engines through the distribution table Analysis on Similar Web and SEMRUSH Suggestions will then be given to the company on improving communication channels and marketing activities on social networking platforms and search engines.

Finally, there will be a Reference List of reference sources according to Harvard format standards.

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Tran Hoang Anh

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OVERVIEWAbout company

Vietjet Air was established from 3 mainshareholders: T & C Group, Sovico Holdingsand HD Bank.

Licensed in November 2007

December 20, 2007, the company wasofficially awarded a business license

November 2009, officially opened

2023, Vietjet was honored in the top 50strong brands in Vietnam voted by VietnamEconomy magazine.

Airline tickets, travel product packages

Signed luggage LuggageFood Service

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Entertainment service Special service,

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Distributed widely throughout the country.Capture a significant market share.Strong local brand.New, diverse aircraft, high operating time, low fuel

consumption and costsavings The fleet ismodern, numerous andthriving.

The staff is young, always enthusiastic and very professional.

As the first private airline in Vietnam

The fleet includes modern wide- body aircraft such as A321neo, A320neo and Embraer

Good service quality, highlyappreciated for crewservice, in- flight meals, andentertainment Ticketprices are flexible,.

Poor productivity

management Overcrowded, flights are often delayed.Experience in the customer service industry is quite limited Management experience is still not much.

As a young airline, it lacks operational experience and has limited management personnel The fleet size and route network are still small compared to

Service policy is not stableand changes frequently

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at first.

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Strong international growth The government has many support policies for aviation businesses.The development of science and technology is

increasingly modern and highly applicable in the customer service industry.Cross-line partnerships and joint ventures are on the rise.

Vietnam's aviation market is growing rapidly and travel demand is increasing.Expand more domestic and international routes.Invest in technology andimprove customer service Cooperate with major airlines to expand flight routes.Building an effective brand and marketing strategy.

Competition with other

airlinesmajorFierce competition from The growth rate of theairlines such as Vietnam

Airlines,domestic economy is slower,Vietjet,

Airport congestion.Rising fuel prices greatly affect

Customer demands areoperating costs.increasingly high and

customer Laws and regulations areTHREATbehavior is changing.increasingly strict.

Fuel prices to operateImpact of COVID epidemic andmachines tend to increase.economic recession.

Natural conditions such as

rain,staffRecruiting qualified aviation storms, etc due to climate(pilots, flight attendants, etc.)

change affect flight quality Vietnam faces many

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flights.due to limited trainingcapabilities.

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VietJet's motto is to create aircraft opportunities at lower

costs for domestic people and Vietnamese tourists.

Gender: Vietjet Air customers are mainly male, accounting for 51.18%.

Age: The average age of Vietjet Air customers is 25-34 years old Income: The average income of Vietjet Air customers is 10-20 million VND/month.

Place of residence: Vietjet Air customers mainly live in big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang,

Level of internet usage: Vietjet Air customers use the internet regularly, especially social networks such as

Facebook, Instagram, Ticket booking habits: Vietjet Air

customers often book flight tickets online on Vietjet Air's website or application

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Owned media is created by businesses and isthe official channels of the business Helpsbuild good relationships with customers,ability to control content, low risk and long-term benefits.

Currently, Vietjet owns 5 Owned mediachannels, including 1 official website and 4social media channels: Facebook, Instagramand Youtube.

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Vietjet Air customers usually spend about 15 minutes a day searching for information about flights, ticket prices, promotions,

Vietjetair receives the majority of customer traffic via social networks from

Facebook, accounting for about 85%, with 5.5M followers on its page.

Similarweb, the number of

customers accessing the business's website and social channelsis mainly mobile

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Channel Analysis (P-O-E)

Marketing Research

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Currently, Vietjetowns 5 Owned mediachannels, including 1official website and 4

social mediachannels: Facebook,

Instagram andYoutube.

Owned media isowned media,

created bybusinesses and is

the officialchannels of thebusiness Helps

build goodrelationships withcustomers, abilityto control content,low risk and long-

term benefits.

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Paid media is a paid media channel to promote products and services It brings unique experiences but is expensive However, Paid media can convey

information instantly and have the ability to control content.

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the children, nurturing the dreams of the younggeneration."

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VietJet brings Tet joy to ethnic people

With the desire to help poor people have a full and warm traditional Tet, Vietjet donated 500 gifts to households, including 150 gifts and warm clothes for preschool students, primary school andteachers at Ban Kha school, Sin Cheng commune.In addition, the program also organized medical examination, treatment, and medicine

distribution for 500 people with the support of doctors and nurses from the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Hospital (Hanoi).

The Tet of Kindness Program is an activity in a series of volunteer activities organized by Vietjet over the years to spread the spirit of good living and beautiful living of Vietjet employees to the

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Earned media

Earned media is a viral media channel, the voice and sharing of users about the brand The advantage is that it creates high prestige and trust for the business, and a largereach, but on the contrary, Earned media has the

disadvantage that it is difficult to control.

On the airline's official Facebook channel, Vietjet created ahashtag that many users responded to, shared widely andattracted a large number of people interested in thebrand.

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Digital Marketing Application

Marketing Research

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Posts per day

With theperformance

index,Facebookaccounts for arelatively lowrate of 3.0% Itproves thatVietjet is notdoing a goodjob in bringing

a goodexperience tothis platform

Topp thechart with2.4 millionfans Whencompared tothe averagenumber offollowers of

otherairlines,Vietjet has a

fairly highand goodnumber offollowers.

Facebook'sfollower growth

slightly to

-0.076% Thereason maycome from

ineffectivestrategies,reduced travel

demand orcompetition from

other airlines.

Facebook postinteraction

rate is 0.049%.

Maybe thequality of the

images andcontent is not

attractiveenough, or the

advertising isnot right for

the rightcustomerbase.

2.3 is Vietjet Air's post index on the Facebook platform, the highest among the 3 platforms Looking at the statistics, it can be seen that Vietjet Air isfocusing the most on distributing content

via the Facebookplatform but it has

not really broughtabout certaineffectiveness.

Ranked 1stwith aperformance

index of 25%,

quite good foran Instagramchannel builtmainly in theform of images

and reels Itcan be seenthat Vietjet Airis also focusingon developing

this channelquite a lot.

19k followerson Instagramplatform.This is not a

very largenumber but

is stillconsidered

okaycompared to

o n channelof aVietnamese

Instagramchannel'sfollowergrowth rate is

1.9% Thisnumber isquite good,proving thatVietjet Air is onthe right track,reaching the

right targetcustomers.

interaction rate onInstagram is a good

indicator.Vietjet Air is doing well

in building a series ofquality content,attractive and eye-

catching images,suitable for thoseusing the Instagram


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Vietjet Air's post index on Instagram This is a pretty good index,

clearlyreflectingFacebook,is apotential

thatVietjet Air


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Posts per day

Tik Tok

Ranked 3rdin theperformanc

e indexranking.

4.0% is afairly lowindex thatVietjet Air is

focusing onthiscommunication channel Itcan be seenthat TikTok is

a potentialcommunicati

on channelbut Vietjet Airhas not used

it muchrecently.

893k followersis quite a highnumber onthe TikTokplatform

today.Proving thatVietjet Air ison the righttrack inapproaching

andcommunicating its imageto the public

1.2% is a prettygood growthrate index, far

average Thereason may be

due to thestrongdevelopment of

TikTok, givingVietjet manyorganicfollowers.Or maybebecause Vietjet

has applied asuccessfulmarketingstrategy andhas viral clips, it

has attracted asteady increasein followersevery month.

0.050% is therate of usersre- engagingthroughvideos onTikTok This isa low number,compared tothe number offollowers andgrowth index.It may bebecause usersfeel the videocontent isinappropriate

or notattractiveenough tomake themdiscuss the

0.4 is the post index on TikTok.

This numberis quite low

if Vietjetreally wants

to promoteandincreaserecognition

on thisplatform.

0.025% is ameasure ofuserengagement

with a poston TikTok.This indexclearlyreflects that

content isnot reallyattractiveenough toretainviewers.

Overall, itshows thatVietjet does not

have any pageperformance

indicators,which shows

that Vietjetdoes not focus

on the socialnetworkingplatform

136N is aquite large

number,showing that

Vietjet Air'sYouTubechannel has

attracted alarge number

of viewers.However,compared toother airlines

this number isstill quite

0% is anumber that

shows thatVietjet Air'sYouTubechannel hashad no growthin the numberof followers

recently.This provesthat Youtubeis not the

media channelVietjet Air wantsto focus on

developing.The interactionrate with videosposted toYouTube every

month stillincreases by

0.0040%.This is not a veryhigh number butis still okaycompared to an

undevelopedVietjet media

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Vietjet'sYoutubechannelhas a smallnumber of

the postsnot fixed.

Thenumber of

posts isvery small,

someweeks 1-2

posts,someweeksa week.

number of interactions per impression of each video on Youtube andis a stable level.Compared to

0% growthand poorperformance

this is stillcounted as a

steadynumber ofinteractions

becauseVietjet Airbuilds itsimagethrough other


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There are 5 main types: link, photo, reel, status and video However, it can be seen that photo is the main type used by Vietjet Air with 18 articles accounting for 80%, followed by video and ranked last is reel, status and link.

Top post

Posts with the highest engagement performance:

+ All have specific and clear topics, related to the needs that customers are looking for.

+ Beautifully designed photo, outstanding message+ There is a call to action at the end of the article+ Sufficient text length (40~60 words)

Posts with the worst engagement:

+ General content, notification of flight delay, lost luggage+ There are usually no accompanying images or images that do not attract the viewer's eyes

+ Text is usually long > 70 words

In terms of post engagement, images are the most engaging and postedcontent format Videos, links, status, and others rank behind with relatively low engagement.

Hashtag Top hashtags were #vietjet used 22 times and #enjoyflying 19 times Vietjet Air is doing a great job of synchronously using hashtags in all posts, helping to increase brand awareness on media channels.

Time In terms of time, fanpage posts are mainly on weekdays such as 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and less gradually posted on Tuesdays and weekends.

Frequency Vietjet Air's posting frequency of the week is 2.3% This is a pretty good number, steadily with the general ground of other airlines.

Best time to


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can be said that in these 2 time frames on weekdays from 2nd to 6th(except 3rd and weekdays), Vietjet Air earns quite high interaction

with consumers.

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Top post

Posts with the highest engagement performance:+ All are real people, clear, eye-catching+ True, close, useful content to users

+ Attach appropriate hashtags, post at times when many people interact

Posts with the lowest engagement performance:+ The content is almost all advertising about travel tickets, incentives of Vietjet Air

+ The image does not attract the viewer's eye+ Post at a time frame with few people interacting

Time In terms of timing, Instagram posts are generally fairly even and stable However, on the 5th day will post mainly and evenly divided into days from 3rd to Sunday except 2nd.

Frequency1.6 is the posting frequency on Instagram This is a fairly stable number, proving that Vietjet Air is increasingly focusing on the

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Best time to

post p.m daily, with an average of 15.5 engagements per hour 2nd andThe golden time to post on Instagram is between 10:00 and 12:003rd are the days with the least interactions: 13.8 interactions/hour.

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In September 2023, Vietjet conducted 14 advertisements

+ Vietjet mainly advertises on Facebook, Instagram, messengerand audience network Advertising mainly focuses on sellingairline tickets and finding potential customers.

Advertisements repeated 3 times

=> The advertising content focuses on introducing cheap airticket promotions for flights from Da Nang, Phu Quoc toHong Kong for only 410,000 VND Vietjet repeat thisadvertisement to reach more potential customers, increasebrand awareness and motivate customers to buy tickets.

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1/09/2023 - 30/9/2023

In September 2023, Vietjet conducted 14 advertisements

Advertisements repeated twice

India is a potential tourism market, but there are still many Vietnameseusers who do not know about VietJet Air's flights to India VietJet Aircontinuously promotes destinations in India to reach many users andincrease brand awareness In addition, VietJet Air can also rerun ads toencourage flight bookings and sell trips to India All articles about Indiandestinations are aimed at different audiences, including PotentialCustomers interested in summer travel and Customers interested in travelingto India.

Characteristics of VietJet's advertisements

+ The purpose of the VietJet Air advertising campaign is to raise brand awareness, attract new customers and encourageticket purchases.

+ The main target audience is individual travelers, targeting young travelers and those interested in summer trips to foreign destinations and frequent flyers.

+ Vietjet air has a large advertising budget so it still maintains the campaign even though the effectiveness maynot be high Therefore, VietJet Air maintains a large advertising campaign to maintain its competitive position even though the effectiveness may not be high.

+ Most advertising content focuses on introducing ticket promotions and preferential policies for customers Images and videos in advertising articles mainly introduce promotional programs, accompanied by short, easy-

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2024, 15:38


