13 CHAPTER 3 IDE problems, debugging procedures, and coding standards…...14LO3 Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE .... Programming is one of the subjects to master the knowl
Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title Unit: Programming
Submission date 14/8/2022 Date received (1st
Trang 3Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:
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Trang 4First of all, I would like to express a special and enormous thanks to my family for theirinvaluable encouragement, enthusiasm, and support Without all of this, I couldn't haveachieved it Second, I would like to sincerely thank teacher NGUYEN HOANG ANH VU forenthusiastically supporting me to achieve my academic results and thanking him for hissupport in the exercises as well as the knowledge that he taught and taught solve whole-heartedly.Besides, I would also like to thank my friends at BTEC FPT International Collegefor allowing me to exchange knowledge and help me understand the issues in this course.Finally, I would also like to thank the authors, brothers, sisters and friends who have pro-
Trang 5I certify that this assignment is my work, based on my study and that I have acknowledgedall material and sources used in its preparation, whether they be books, articles, reports,lecture notes, and any other kind of document, electronic or personal communication Ialso certify that this assignment has not previously been submitted for assessment in anyother unit, except where specific permission has been granted from all unit coordinatorsinvolved, or at any other time in this unit, and that I have not copied in part or whole orotherwise stealing ideas the work of other persons.
LO2 Explain the characteristics of procedural, object-oriented and event driven programming, conduct an analysis of a suitable Integrated Development Environment (IDE)… 1
2.1Give explanations of what procedural, object-oriented and event-driven paradigms are;their characteristics and the relationship between them (P2)… 1
2.1.1Procedure-Oriented Programming(POP) 1
2.1.2Event-driven programming 2
2.1.3Object-oriented programming (OOP)… 5
2.1.4 Characteristics of the programming models… 6
2.1.5What is the difference between procedural programming (POP) and object-oriented programming (OOP)… 9
2.2Analyze the common features that a developer has access to in an IDE(M2)… 10
2.2.1 IDE definition 10
2.2.2Basic features of common IDE… 10
2.2.3Benefits of IDE for programmers… 13
CHAPTER 3 IDE problems, debugging procedures, and coding standards… 14
LO3 Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE 14
LO4 Determine the debugging process and explain the importance of a coding standard 14 3.1Write a program that implements an algorithm using an IDE(P3) 14
Trang 7an IDE(D3)… 30
4.1Explain the debugging process and explain the debugging facilities available in the IDE(P4)… 31
4.2Evaluate how the debugging process can be used to help develop more secure, robust applications(M4)… 38
Critically evaluate why a coding standard is necessary in a team as well as for the individ- ual(D4)… 41
5.1 Outline the coding standard you have used in your code(P5)… 42
Table 2-1 Compare POP and OPP 9
Table 3-1: Some coding standard… 36
Figure 2-1 Example for Procedural programming 2
Figure2-2 CODE 4
Figure 2-3 Result… 5
Figure 2-4 Object Oriented Programming (OOP)… 5
Figure 2-5 algorithm results… 6
Figure2-6 Abstraction 8
Figure 2-7 Encapsulation 8
Figure 2-8 Inheritance 8
Figure 2-9 Polymorphism 8
Figure 2-10 Example about text editor in Visual studio… 11
Figure2-11 This is a debugger in Visual studio 11
Figure2-12 Debugging in Visual studio… 12
Figure2-13 Debugging in Visual studio… 12
Figure 2-14 Several languages are supported in Visual Studio… 13
Figure 3-1 Main interface 15
Figure 3-2 Create new project… 16
Figure 3-3 Main Form 17
Figure 3-4 Adding elements to form 18
Figure 3-5: Element properties… 22
Figure 3-6 Example of IDE project… 22
Figure 3-7 results… 23
Figure 3-8 Create a new project or open project… 24
Trang 9Figure 3-11: Set the name of the new project and select a framework 26
Figure 3-12: Introduce workspace in Visual studio… 27
Figure 3-13 count the factorials from 1 to n 27
Figure 3-14 Result… 28
Figure 3-15: Create a new item in Visual studio 28
Figure3-16: Create a new class… 29
Figure3-17 Workspace of class in Visual Studio… 29
Figure3-18 Set breakpoint in Visual studio… 30
Figure3-19 How to follow the program 30
Figure3-20 Some IDEs 31
Figure3-21 Result… 32
Figure3-22 Result… 36
Figure3-23 Program has error… 39
Figure3-24 IDE debugger find error 39
Figure3-25 The program is out of error 40
Figure3-26 For example 41
Figure 3-27 The program has a line of code with the wrong keyword 41
Figure 3-28 Symbolic of Coding standards… 46
Figure 3-29 Form Design 47
Figure 3-30 Code Form 48
Figure 3-31 Finish form 49
Figure 3-32 Test 49
Trang 10Programming is one of the subjects to master the knowledge base, understandingprogramming models such as procedural programming, object-oriented programming, andevent-oriented programming, the structure of a program, data, basic data, at the sametime to introduce to students the knowledge of IDE, the functions of the IDE and somestandard rules, rules of naming in code At the same time, it helps students gainknowledge to build basic applications
This report includes the following:
CHAPTER 2 PROBLEMS RELATED TO PROGRAMMING METHODS AND IDE.LO2 Explain the characteristics of procedural, object-oriented and event driven
programming, conduct an analysis of a suitable Integrated Development Environment (IDE) CHAPTER 3 IDE problems, debugging procedures, and coding standards.LO3 Implement basic algorithms in code using an IDE
Trang 112.1.1Procedure-Oriented Programming(POP):
POP is a way to establish information Procedural programming is the main focus for completing tasks sequentially supporting the concept of procedure calling Procedures (regular form or subroutine) simply contain a series of steps
Calculations be done Save control of the program's organizational flow If the program is extensible, it is structured in a number of small units called functions, which share data system-wide
This purpose is to simplify the structure of the program.
For example: Create a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a
number The first is to create the main function:
Trang 12Figure 2-1 Example for Procedural programming.
Click the button on the screen
Press the key on the keyboard
Receive sensor output signal
Receive messages from other programs or threads
Trang 13Button" to click the result and delete the result Data A when entering them shouldenter a non-zero number if entering 0 it will say "Or enter another 0"
Trang 44Application" it will get an error as shown above.
To fix that error, I will Declare the library "using System.Windows.Forms;" as shown below
Trang 45robust applications(M4)
Debugging is the process of finding out the error or the cause of the error (where thebug is) to have a direction to fix the error (fix the bug) Debugging is not only to removeerrors from the program, but more importantly, to help the programmer betterunderstand the execution of the program A programmer without the ability to debugeffectively is like being blind
It is normal for any programmer to have an error in thousands of lines of code Theprogram may not run according to the programmer's intention, or run the wrongfunction it is prescribed, causing the program to be rated shoddy So when there is anerror, the programmer must debug to fix the error to help the program run well
IDE debugger:
IDEs allow programmers to write code to develop applications In addition, it alsointegrates a lot of different software development tools such as: code search support, compiler and interpreter creation, code organization and sorting
In addition, the IDE helps to optimize the coding process It provides a suitable interface for code generation and helps to automate the programming steps In simpler terms, an IDE is an environment that integrates the functions of many processes together It allows users to use popular programming languages such
as Java, Python, etc Besides, the IDE environment also supports programmers
to install plugins to make the coding process simpler
What makes IDEs superior is the ability to chain pre-assigned groups of code from one or more people Users simply build hierarchies and systems together incodes The IDE also comes with both an intuitive debugger and checker, which greatly saves time re-testing the program
Software is difficult to install and consumes memory space of the computer
Sometimes the IDE can't find the error and fix it
Trang 46and debugging IDE debugging found error
Trang 47Figure3-25 The program is out of error.
When you review the program, you will realize that there was an error
if you have a big program this will be a lot of time and hard
Manual debugging is used by a few people and programmers very rarely
is out of error.
Trang 48the individual(D4).
Coding conventions: A coding convention is a set of guidelines for a
language-engineering language that recommends setting styles, practices, and methods for eachaspect of programs written in that language These conventions typically include file organization, margining, comments, declarations, statements, spaces, naming conventions, set implementations, setup rules, setup rules, methods best in
architecture, etc This is a guide to quality structural software Software developers should follow guidelines to help improve the readability of their source code and make
it easier to maintain Coding conventions are applicable only to human maintainers andpeer reviewers of a project software Conventions can be formalized in a well-documented rule that the entire team or company follows, or can be as informal as information that lowers an individual's code Coding conventions are not enforced by the compiler
Trang 49The risk of project failure is minimized
Many times it happens that IT projects fail due to problems while developing software Implementing code quality standards reduces many problems and the risk of project failure
Minimum complexity
If a code is complex, then the chances of it being error-prone are higher Coding standards make it possible to develop less complex software programs and thus reduce errors
Easy to maintain
If programming standards in software engineering are followed, the code will be consistent and easily maintainable This is because anyone can understand it and can modify it at any time
The benefit of coding standard for a team or personal:
Implementing code quality standards reduces many problems and the risk of project failure If a piece of code is complex, the chances of it being error-prone are higher Coding standards make it possible to develop less complex software
Trang 50the same way, it would be easier for everyone to predict and be more organizedRead more codes Declare variables in the usual place, in the usual order,
declared in the same and usual way
For example, my current employer has a very specific standard for how digital
identities should be declared We have to capitalizeLikeThis I hate it Terrible
But everyone does it the same way, allOfTheTime It becomes completely 100% predictable And that's better
5.1 Outline the coding standard you have used in your code(P5).
Avoid using multiple variables as a whole to avoid influence use only when necessary
• I will put captions for each section
• We need names that are memorable and meaningful
Some notes in naming:
• Do not reuse the same names or change only a few characters such as capital letters In many cases it will lead to confusion
• Do not set up two namespaces with the same name, but only change it with uppercase letters,
so there are more numbers
• Don't build a method with the same parameters and only different cases
• Abbreviations should not be used in IDs or parameter names
• When naming abbreviations, you can use Pascal case or Camel case for naming
Naming rules:
Common capitalization styles:
Pascal Case: The first letter of the identifier and the first letter of each subsequent word must be capitalized For names of three or more characters, use Pascal Case.
Camel Case: The first letter in the identifier is a lowercase letter and the first letter of the following hyphen must be capitalized.
All characters in the identifier must be capitalized Use this rule for identifiers with 2 characters or less
Named Assembly and DLL: Use a name to collectively describe the internal functions of the
Trang 51Use Pascal syntax to name the namespace.
Use the prefix of company and organization names to limit the conflict
of namespaces with the same name
For example:
Name the class, struct, and interface:
Use nouns or noun phrases to name classes, struct Use Pascal's case.Name the interface an adjective phrase, or you can use a noun or a noun phrase
Do not use the prefix "C" for class names
Should end the name of the inheriting class with the name of the base class.Use the "I" prefix for the interface name
For example: Name the class
Name the interface:
Name the method, property, and field of a type:
Name the method:
Use verb or verb phrase for method names
Name properties
Use nouns, noun phrases or adjectives
Trang 52Use Pascal case to name the field.
Use nouns, noun phrases or adjectives
Do not use prefixes for field names
it makes the source code easier to learn, easier to understand it makes the source code easier to learn, easier to understand
Every substatement inside a block must be indented
The opening braces must be in a straight column with the closing brace
we need to avoid confusing using verbose encodings, length of functions we shouldkeep to a minimum and easy to understand
For example: Solve equations of degree 1:
Trang 53Figure3-28 For example.
Some naming ways for objects in “winform”:
Trang 54LinkLabel llbl
Table 3-1: Some coding standard
For example: I design a program that calculates quadratic equations, by using wiform.
I designed the Form as follows:
Figure 3-29 Form Design
Trang 55Figure 3-30 Code Form.
Trang 56Figure 3-31 Finish form.