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Application of information technology in teaching

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It isstructured into three divisions: Communication industry division: telephone network, cable network,satellite network, mobile network, and broadcasting network. Computer industry d

lOMoARcPSD|39270902 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHIỆP HÀ NỘI KHOA: - \ BÁO CÁO TL, BTL, ĐA/DA THUỘC HỌC PHẦN: IT6011.14 ( Nhập môn về kỹ thuật ) APPLICATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING GVHD: Hà Mạnh Đào Sinh viên:Nguyễn Trường Tùng (2022604236) Phạm Thành Đông (2022600318) Nguyễn Quốc Phú (2022603590) Lớp: CNTTTA01 Khóa: 17 Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I.1 Basis of it application theory in teaching I.1.1 Some introductions and IT in teaching 1 I.1.2 Application of IT in teaching 3 I.1.3 Ability to apply information technology in teaching 3 I.1.4 Notes when using IT in teaching 5 I.2 Assess the current situation of using it in teaching at your unit I.2.1 General situation 7 II.1 Purpose, role and application model of it in teaching II.2 Application of it in university teaching II.2.1 Preparation of core conditions for information technology-integrated teaching be successful 10 a Human factor 11 b Material factor 11 II.2.2 Lecture design 12 II.2.3 Applying IT in assessment teaching 14 II.2.4 Apply IT to create positive in teaching .14 II.3 Some notes when applying it in teaching a Choosing software tools for classroom .14 b Some common mistakes in applying IT in teaching 15 III Conclusions 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 2 I.1 Basis of IT application theory in teaching I.1.1 Some introductions and IT in teaching Today, IT is being applied widely and effectively in various fields of human activity, creating significant changes in society, including schools To apply IT to the teaching process, one must first have a preliminary understanding of IT Technology is generally understood as the application of science to the practical activities of people in social life In the face of globalization and the formation of a "network" economy, this has led to an inseparable relationship between computers and telecommunications networks, creating a new concept of IT and communication technology (ICT) This new technology industry is developing at a high rate and encompasses the totality of the means of data processing, storage, transmission, and reflection of information products It is structured into three divisions:  Communication industry division: telephone network, cable network, satellite network, mobile network, and broadcasting network  Computer industry department: computers, electronic equipment, hardware technology (which mainly creates media and tools to directly serve the communication industry), software industry (which aims to improve, expand, and develop the efficiency of hardware technology, electronic computers, and other services such as e-commerce and email)  Information content industry: including data, images, and activities of society in all aspects such as culture, sports, art, science and technology, education, training, entertainment, and more In general, it is a vast repository of human material The above three divisions are linked together to form an immense potential They form a multipurpose network of technical equipment, which constitutes the backbone of national and global information infrastructure Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 3 I.1.2 Application of IT in teaching The essence of the process of applying IT in teaching is to use the means to amplify and expand audiovisual capabilities and to enable machines to communicate and process information These tools are seen as new intellectual labor tools, including computers, videos, overhead projectors, LCD projectors, digital cameras, and basic software such as virtual experiment construction, simulation experiments, CD-ROMs, and especially the internet Among these tools, computers act as a coordination center, handling all forms of expression and communication of information When combined with specific software, computers become support tools with many great functions, such as creating, storing, organizing, modifying, and quickly and easily displaying vast amounts of information Therefore, computers are considered indispensable teaching tools in modern society I.1.3 Ability to apply information technology in teaching In recent years, information technology has been considered one of the fastest-growing sciences This is because it serves and brings remarkable effects to most professions in society However, in Vietnam, the great potential that information technology can bring to education has not been adequately exploited Considering the educational process, with the variety and abundance of teaching software, information technology can completely help the teaching process for the following reasons: Firstly, the application of information technology in teaching will make computers an effective support tool for the teaching process, namely: • The ability to represent information: Computers can provide information in the form of text, graphs, images, and sounds This integration of the computer allows for an expanded ability to represent information, improving the visualization of teaching materials • The ability to solve in a unified block the processes of information exchange and control in teaching: From the perspective of cybernetics, the teaching process is a process that controls the cognitive activity of students With a Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 4 program appropriately designed, computers can control students' cognitive activities by providing information, receiving reverse information, processing information, and providing necessary solutions to help students' cognitive activities achieve high results • Repeatability in teaching: Unlike teachers, computers can store certain information, provide it to students, and repeat it to the point of achieving the necessary pedagogical purpose On this basis, the development of each individual student in the teaching process becomes a reality, facilitating individualization in the teaching process • Ability to model objects: This is the greatest ability of computers They can model objects, build quite different options, compare them, and thereby create the optimal plan Indeed, there are many problems and phenomena that cannot be transmitted by conventional models, such as processes occurring in nuclear reactors, phenomena that take place in the cylinders of the internal combustion engine, rotating magnetic fields in three-phase asynchronous engines, the movement of electrons around the nucleus, etc whereas computers can simulate them • Ability to store and exploit information: With today's large external memory, computers can store vast amounts of data This allows the establishment of data banks Computers can also connect to each other to form local networks or connect to the global information network, the Internet These are the premises that make it easy for teachers and students to share and exploit information and process it effectively Secondly, the application of information technology in teaching can support many different forms of teaching, such as face-to-face teaching, distance learning, online training labs, web-based training, e-learning, etc., meeting the increasing learning needs of different sectors of society Thirdly, the application of information technology in teaching leads to the assignment of computers to perform some functions of teachers at different stages of the teaching process As a result, it is possible to build teaching Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 5 programs that replace some of the teacher's work This way of teaching has shown many pedagogical advantages, such as encouraging the independent work of students, ensuring reverse connections, and differentiating the learning process I.1.4 Notes when using IT in teaching The outstanding advantages of teaching methods using information technology compared to traditional teaching methods are:  The multimedia environment combines video images, cameras with audio, text, charts presented via computer in a pre-defined scenario for maximum efficiency through a multisensory learning process  Advanced graphics techniques can simulate many processes and phenomena in nature and society in humans that cannot or should not occur in school conditions  Knowledge technology follows human intelligence, performing highly intellectual work of skilled professionals in different fields  Huge and diverse data banks are connected to each other and to users over computer networks including the Internet can be exploited to create extremely favorable and sometimes indispensable conditions for students to learn in activity and by self-discipline, active and creative activities, carried out independently or in exchange  Experiments and materials are provided in many channels: images, text channels, vivid sounds that make students easy to see, receptive and by reasoning, students can make predictions about new properties and laws This is a great use of information and communication technology in the process of changing teaching methods  It can be affirmed that the information and communication technology environment will certainly have a positive impact on the intellectual development of learners, and this gives rise to new learning theories Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 6 However, there are also challenges:  According to some experts, the application of information and communication technology into the field of education and training has initially been applied achieved positive results However, what has been achieved is still very modest  Difficulties, entanglements, and challenges are still ahead because of problems arising from practice For example, although electronic computers bring many advantages to teaching, they may not fully support teachers in their lectures It may only be really effective for some lectures and not the entire program due to many reasons  Teachers still need to combine knowledge circuits with chalkboard chalk and traditional teaching methods to train students' skills  Knowledge and skills in information technology in some teachers are still limited, not enough to be passionate and creative, even avoided  The old teaching method is still a difficult way to change, and the authority and imposition cannot be erased for some time to come  Human-machine interactive teaching, group teaching, teaching creative thinking methods to students, as well as teaching students how to know, how to do, how to live together and how to assert themselves are still new to teachers and require teachers to harmoniously combine teaching methods while promoting the advantages of this teaching method and limiting the disadvantages of traditional teaching methods o The use of information technology to innovate teaching methods has not been well studied, leading to its application in the wrong place, at the wrong time, sometimes overusing it o The evaluation of a lesson with the application of information technology is still awkward Policies and management mechanisms are still inadequate, not creating synchronization in implementation o Facilities and equipment for the innovation of teaching methods by projector means are lacking and not synchronous and not yet manual, so it has not been Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 7 widely and effectively deployed o The connection and use of the Internet has not been thoroughly, and in-depth, and infrequent use is due to lack of funding or transmission speed o The training, fostering, and self-fostering of teachers have only stopped at eliminating computer blindness, so teachers do not have enough knowledge, take a lot of time and effort to use information technology in the classroom effectively I.2 Assess the current situation of using IT in teaching at your unit I.2.1 General situation ASS, Dr Tran Duc Quy, the Rector of Hanoi University of Industry, has stated that digital transformation is an inevitable trend in the context of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) Over the past years, the Party and State have provided strong guidelines and policies on digital transformation for education and training In fact, digital transformation presents an opportunity for universities and colleges in Vietnam and around the world to develop faster, more transparently, and more effectively With the COVID-19 pandemic stalling all socio-economic activities and preventing students from attending school, digital transformation has become increasingly essential It has been deployed in education and training, alongside the use of technologies from Industry 4.0, to facilitate teaching, learning, and training management, bringing positive values to schools Rector Tran Duc Quy has affirmed that Hanoi University of Industry is taking strong and swift steps towards achieving digital transformation in education To use information technology in teaching effectively, it is first necessary to master the general theories of IT usage II.1 Purpose, role and application model of IT in teaching The purpose of utilizing information technology in higher education is to enhance the quality of learning for students, by creating a highly interactive educational environment that goes beyond traditional "reading and copying" methods Students are encouraged and facilitated to actively seek knowledge, Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 8 streamline the process of self-study and self-training Thus, information technology serves as a tool for active teaching that supports teaching content and methods However, neither depending nor relying too much on information technology will cause the opposite effect To achieve high efficiency in teaching, the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) model is used The TPACK model builds on Shulman's (1986, 1987) description of PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge), which describes how teachers' technological understanding in education and PCK interact with each other to form an effective technology- based teaching method It visualizes important elements of the process of applying information technology in teaching and learning activities The model gives an overview of the 3 basic forms of knowledge that a teacher needs to apply technology to their teaching: technical knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and professional content knowledge (CK), as well as the relationship and interaction between them Professional Content Knowledge (CK) Professional content knowledge is practical knowledge of issues learned or taught Teachers must know and understand the subjects in which they teach, including: the main knowledge of the lesson, concepts, theories, and procedures in a given field, the knowledge of stereotypes, the interpretation of the organization, the connection of ideas, and knowledge of Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 9 the rules, evidence, and proof Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) Pedagogical knowledge (PK) is in-depth knowledge of the processes, habits, or methods of teaching, learning, and ways to achieve educational purposes, values, and overall goals This is the general form of knowledge that engages in all the learning problems of the student, the management of classrooms, lessons, implementation of development plans, and assessment of students It includes knowledge of techniques or methods used in the classroom, the nature of the object, objectives, and strategies to assess the student's understanding A teacher with solid pedagogical knowledge will understand how to build knowledge and acquire skills, develop positive habits and inclinations towards learning Pedagogical knowledge requires an understanding of cognition, social theory, learning development, and their application to students in their classrooms Technology Knowledge (TK) Technological knowledge is the knowledge of standard technologies such as books, chalkboards, and blackboards, as well as more advanced techniques such as the internet and video techniques Using digital technology, necessary knowledge includes knowledge of operating systems, computer hardware, as well as the ability to use standard toolkits of software such as word processing, spreadsheets, browsers, emails, etc TK includes knowledge of how to install and remove peripherals, place and remove software programs, and create and store documents In the TPACK model, Technology Knowledge (TK) can be combined with Content Knowledge (CK) to form Technological Content Knowledge (TCK), and Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) to form Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) At the heart of the TPACK framework is the complex interaction between three main forms of knowledge: technological knowledge (TK), pedagogy (PK), and professional content (CK) The model has shown Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 10 that the most effective way to apply IT in teaching is to combine all three types of knowledge: content, technology, methods A teacher capable of combining all three basic forms of knowledge will achieve a different and better mastery of the knowledge of a subject expert (chemist), a technologist (computer scientist), and a methodological expert (experiential educator) II.2 Application of IT in university teaching On the basis of understanding the role, purpose and application model of information technology in teaching in general as well as in university teaching in particular, we have set out orientations on how to use information technology in teaching as follows: II.2.1 Preparation of core conditions for information technology-integrated teaching be successful The core conditions here consist of two elements: the human factor and the device factor a Human factor: To achieve high efficiency in teaching according to the TPACK model, teachers must possess professional knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and information technology knowledge Therefore, teachers must actively cultivate all three types of knowledge It is essential to identify suitable teaching subjects, objectives, and methods for students, and then select the appropriate information technology tools in line with the teaching content and methods As such, teachers must stay updated on various software tools, applications, as well as their advantages and disadvantages to make the most appropriate choice b Material factors: To achieve success in integrating information technology into teaching, facilities and equipment need to be equipped synchronously, including computers, televisions, projectors, and computer-equipped laboratories with Internet connections This will enable the deployment and expansion of electronic lectures and lessons with new information technology Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 11 integration In addition to the necessary equipment for the application of information technology in teaching, technological factors are also extremely important in the success of the teaching session The software that supports teaching and learning is increasingly being developed both in quantity and quality Along with computers, this condition enables the integration of technology into teaching to be convenient, regular, and achieve higher results Teaching support software helps teachers have lively and attractive lessons, assists students in understanding lessons faster, and visualizing objects and knowledge As a result, students not only acquire knowledge but also develop other skills such as analyzing, processing, and evaluating information and developing communication skills It is necessary to choose and prioritize the use of sections of software that support free or open-source teaching to ensure copyright regulations and the ability to develop open-source software Furthermore, it is essential to actively exploit human knowledge through the internet The Internet helps people "master" humanity's "huge" treasure trove of knowledge Therefore, the internet is an indispensable tool for learners to actively seek and master necessary knowledge during the learning process Besides fully exploiting the benefits brought by the internet in the process of integrating technology into teaching, it is necessary to pay attention to its downsides to prevent and resolve issues that arise, ensuring the highest efficiency in teaching and learning II.2.2 Lecture design: After carefully preparing in all three knowledge areas, teachers proceed to design lectures according to the following steps: Step 1: Identify needs and goals In this step, it is necessary to define the objectives of each lesson The goal of a lesson consists of what learners need to know or be able to do after the end of the lesson The first thing to note that affects the determination of goals in each lecture is the learner's ability to acquire knowledge Therefore, when determining the objectives in each lecture, it is necessary to identify the central requirements in each lesson and Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 12 the amount of knowledge that learners need to occupy Step 2: Gather Resources need to be related to the topic of the lesson The necessary resources for the topic of each lesson can be obtained from textbooks, reference books, movies, and most importantly, from experts or people with deep knowledge in each related field Material resources used for the design of lectures include text, pictures, sound, animation, and movies Step 3: Research the Content Building lessons must be done by someone who has a deep understanding of the content that needs to be presented Designers can study lecture content by working with professionals, reading books and instructional materials, and putting themselves in the shoes of a student In short, it is impossible to build effective lessons without mastering the content of the lesson Step 4: Generate Ideas Use brainstorming to generate creative ideas By being fair, designers with the help of many others in the team can get a lot of different ideas to choose from and evaluate the quality and feasibility of the ideas Step 5: Design the Lesson Based on the selected ideas, demonstrate the lecture with appropriate pedagogical strategies Step 6: Lesson Progress Flowchart Progress charts are important because computer-aided lecture guides are often interactive and demonstrate alignment in the lecture The progress chart includes information about when the computer provides the material, what happens when the learner makes a mistake, and when the lesson ends The level of detail of the progress chart varies according to the method applied when designing For simple methods (tutorials, exercises, tests), simple charts should be used that describe the scope and progress of the lesson Step 7: Show the Content of the Lessons This step focuses on the design and construction of the lessons Usually, such content is expressed under educational activities through specific actions and activities of learners Practice shows us that the quality of a lecture depends largely on the individual mode of expressing the content into activities Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 13 Step 8: Demonstrate the Lesson into a Program Step 9: Develop Supporting Materials There are usually four types of supporting materials: student manuals, instructor manuals, technical manuals, and supplementary instructional materials Teachers and learners have different needs, so the material for each subject is also different Technical documentation is necessary for the "installation" of complex lectures or the need for complex equipment Additional instructional resources include study sheets, charts, exams, photos, and essays Step 10: Review and Edit II.2.3 Applying IT in assessment testing A question system and test bank, including both essay and multiple- choice questions, should be developed Question mixing software should be applied to create rich and non-duplicate exam questions Interactive websites should be designed, allowing students to answer questions from the bank to check their level of test preparation and understanding of the subject matter Assessment standards should be developed, which can be followed by a curve to increase student competitiveness II.2.4 Apply IT to create positive interactions between GV-SV and SV-SV Use paid and free online services to create course websites For instance, Workspaces can be used to develop open classes online In this platform, teachers can provide materials, assign tasks and projects for students to follow It is also a place where students can exchange information, ask questions and form study groups to discuss topics II.3 Some notes when applying IT in teaching a Choosing software tools for the classroom The use of software tools should be based on some of principles: Associated with the lesson content Fit the form Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 14 In accordance with the lesson plan Right purpose, right time, right place Use software tools must be suitable for the student audience For instance, when teaching chemistry as an experimental subject, teachers can use experimental videos to visualize the chemical properties of substances For abstract knowledge like atomic composition and the shape of orbitals, simulation software can be used For project exercises and teamwork, web 2.0 tools promote optimal interaction between learners, content, and teachers However, regardless of whether modern or traditional methods are used, it is essential not to overdo them The teacher remains the most important medium in teaching, and they must know how to connect their communication capabilities in terms of content and methods to bring the optimal effect The success of the lesson ultimately depends on the teacher The application of modern teaching tools is necessary, but they should not be used at all costs when the conditions are not fully ready It is important to understand that software tools are only a means of helping to convey the content They cannot determine the entire quality of teaching, but only support the expression of content, enhance attention, improve the ability to remember, and increase the level of receptivity of the attendees b Some common mistakes in applying IT in teaching: If the device is not suitable for the lesson's goal or is overused, it can easily distract students and scatter their thoughts, leading to limited abstract thinking capacity The use of visual aids can also cause excessive time abuse and dilute the lesson's focus if the teacher has not yet controlled the classroom When using devices to teach lessons, teachers need to manage and organize their teaching appropriately to mobilize all students to participate in learning Sometimes, the same modern teaching medium can hinder the effectiveness of the active teaching method if teachers are not fully aware of its effects and do not know how to use it smoothly For example, students often Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 15 make mistakes such as showing too many images in a lesson or writing too many words on each slide, which causes them not to have enough time to look and record information while the teacher moves to a new slide The golden rule of PowerPoint application is to avoid writing sentences that are too long and include too many words When performing, it is necessary to insert diagrams and images to effectively communicate the content III Conclusions In the words of education researcher Leach, IT should be seen as "a particularly important aspect of 21st-century teaching culture, supporting new transformative development models that enable the expansion of the nature and learning outcomes of teachers, no matter where that learning takes place" (Leach, 2005) The application of information technology in teaching is necessary due to its great benefits for both teachers and learners However, to apply it successfully, it is necessary to carefully prepare both human and material factors, especially the smooth integration of three types of knowledge: content, methods, and technology The selection of software tools should be reasonable and suitable for the content, methods, and objectives of teaching In conclusion, the use of technology in teaching is becoming increasingly common and necessary in today's world However, it is important to approach its implementation with caution and consideration of the lesson goals, content, and audience Overuse or misuse of technology can lead to distraction and limited learning outcomes Proper management and organization of teaching using devices are essential to engage all students and avoid diluting the focus of the lesson Additionally, teachers must be knowledgeable about the effects of the technology they use and know how to use it effectively, including selecting appropriate software tools Ultimately, the success of a lesson depends on the teacher, and technology should be seen as a tool to support and enhance the learning experience, rather than the sole determinant of its quality Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|39270902 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Pham Minh Hac (2003), "The problem of PPDH innovation in universities and colleges", TCGD, (No 55) [2] Nguyen Minh Hien (2001), "Major solutions for educational development University", Journal of Education (no 16) [3] Tran Huu Luyen (2002), "Grassroots purposes and solutions for PPDH innovation at universities and colleges", Journal of Education, (No 38) [4] Le Duc Ngoc (2003), "Some inadequacies of Vietnamese higher education today and 5 solutions to overcome", Journal of Education, No 67 [5] Nguyen Thi Thuy Hong (2009), " Innovating teaching methods: should not be blame the mechanism", Education Newspaper and the online age Downloaded by SAU DO (saudinh3@gmail.com)

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2024, 16:02


