Trang 1 Copyright by Fang Yin Trang 2 The Dissertation Committee for Fang Yin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Business Value of Information
Copyright by Fang Yin 2002 The Dissertation Committee for Fang Yin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy Committee: Andrew B Whinston, Supervisor Anitesh Barua, Co-Supervisor Eleanor Jordan Prabhudev Konana Li Gan Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy by Fang Yin, B.A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Texas at Austin August, 2002 UMI Number: 3108540 UMI Microform 3108540 Copyright 2004 by ProQuest Information and Learning Company All rights reserved This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest Information and Learning Company 300 North Zeeb Road PO Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 Dedication To my parents, Jinpei Yin and Rongdi Zhou Acknowledgements I am greatly indebted to my supervisors Dr Andrew B Whinston and Dr Anitesh Barua, who have taught and guided me during the past four years They inspired great ideas about my research and helped me finish the whole process I am also grateful to Dr Prabhudev Konana for his excellent advice and support My sincere thanks also go to Dr Eleanor Jordan, who has given me valuable advice for my graduate study, and Dr Li Gan, from whom I learned a lot about econometrics I could not have completed this work without the encouragement and support from my wife, whose love is the most valuable to me v Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy Publication No. _ Fang Yin, Ph.D The University of Texas at Austin, 2002 Supervisors: Andrew B Whinston & Anitesh Barua This dissertation consists of three essays that address the issue of the business value of Information Technology (IT) in the context of the Internet economy The first essay studies the productivity of IT in the context of pure Internet based companies or dot coms Various dot coms are divided into two groups: “digital” dot coms whose product and service can be distributed in digital form, and “physical” dot coms whose product needs to be physically shipped to customers Compared to digital dot coms, physical dot coms have lower extent of digitization due to the restriction of the physical nature of their product Therefore, it is hypothesized that IT capital contributes more to the performance of digital dot coms than to that of physical dot coms This hypothesis is supported vi by a production economics based analysis based on data from publicly traded dot coms The second essay studies the transformation of the traditional companies toward the Internet-enabled electronic business A holistic, process-oriented theoretical model is proposed to link IT applications and complementary factors to firm performance The model postulates that only when Internet-based IT applications are associated with synergistic changes in complementary aspects such as inter- and intra-organizational processes as well as customer and supplier readiness can a firm experience improvement in its performance The model is empirically validated with data from more than a thousand companies and reveals some interesting results The third essay applies the model developed in the second essay to study the difference in the adoption and pay-off of the Internet among firms of different sizes The small business literature has established that small firms are facing very different opportunities and barriers from those faced by large firms It is found that small firms are more likely to embrace the Internet on the customer side IT applications and processes while large firms are more likely to focus on supplier related IT applications and business processes vii Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii CHAPTER PRODUCTIVITY OF DOT COM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT 1.1 Introduction .1 1.2 Motivation and Prior Literature 1.3 Hypotheses Development 10 1.4 Production Function Based Modeling .14 1.5 Data and Measurement 18 1.5.1 Data collection .18 1.5.2 Measurement issues .21 Output 21 IT capital 22 Non-IT capital 23 Labor measures 23 1.6 Empirical Analysis and Results .25 1.6.1 Cobb-Douglas production function .26 1.6.2 Translog production function 28 1.6.3 Cobb-Douglas function using per employee input and output 29 1.6.4 Pooled Cobb-Douglas regression including a dummy variable 30 1.6.5 Test for endogeneity of inputs .30 1.7 Discussion of Results .31 1.7.1 Investing the marginal dollar .32 1.7.2 Business process digitization and production functions 33 viii Newman, R "The buyer-supplier relationship under just-in-time," Production and Inventory Management (29), 3rd Quarter 1988, pp 45-49 Nolan, R "Note on estimating the value of the IT asset," Harvard Business School Note #9-195-197, 1994 Nooteboom, B "Innovation and Diffusion in Small Firms - 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